HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-18, Page 13rs. Charles Fuller, Mrs. Jim Keys and Mrs. Ken Murch were the recipients of leader- ship awards for their five year involvement in 4-H clubs. The ladies received their awards at Achievement Day held in Clinton on Saturday. (News -Record photo) News from the Middleton area by Audrey Middleton and Lois Wise Church News Morning prayer was held in St. James Anglican Church on Sunday with Rev. William Bennett in charge. Mabel Middleton read the lesson and Kay Wise and Don Middleton ceived the offering. Lay delegate, John Deeves gave a report from the 119th Synod held in London recently. The board of management held a short meeting after the service to take care of some business matters. They also set a date for a board meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the church hall. Personals The people of this area extend their heartfelt sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dale on the loss of their newborn son and to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Dale on the loss of their grandson. Congratulations to Carol Chowen and Larry Mitchell on their marriage and best wishes for their future and happiness in Clinton. Mother's Day was celebrated by many families who attended the White Carnation as guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Orr for the first Mother's Day banquet. Appreciation and thanks are extended to the Orrs for their generous hospitality and may their venture be a success. Our good friend and correspondent, Blanche Deeves was suddenly smitten with ill health and has been hospitalized since Wed- nesday, May 10 in Clinton Public Hospital. Her health is improving and best wishes for a steady and sure recovery are extended to her. Guys and Dolls During' the past few weeks several local people were involved directly and in- directly with the Clinton District Young Players and their production of the broadway musical, Guys and Dolls. The show was performed at CHSS last week. Actors froth this locale were Bev Semple and Paul Hartman, with assistant director, Cathy Wooden of Bayfield. On set design and construction were Dianne and Joan Shilbe with Helen Hartman on the wardrobe committee. Audrey Mid- dleton was in charge of the properties and hostess for the show included Lorie Alexander, Judi Torrance, Elaine and Vicki Merner. Othersof the community willingly loaned properties, including Jean Perdue and Blanche Deeves and those of you who went to see the play were very necessary and appreciated. Several adults from the Clinton area helped to put their "shoulder to the wheel" to allow' the high school students a night to produce their broadway musical Constance news by Mary Merner Court Constantine L1842 held their meeting on Thursday evening May 11. Business discussed was: initiation to be held May 24 at Benmiller and the birthday - party to be held this year at Benmiller June 5 at 7 p.m. The chicken Barbecue is to be held on June 8 and tickets are now available from members. A Fall Dance is being planned Oct. 21 in the Seaforth Legion with the Music Makers providing the music. The ladies have been asked to cater to the Beef Barbecue AllAugust 2 in Seaforth. A few the members attended the open house at the Bluewat&r Centre May 7 in Goderich.Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven, Sharon, Kenny, Michael Andy, Kathy; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brindley and Ricky of Hollyrood and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders, Jennifer and Jeffery of RR4 Brussels visited on Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes. Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos and family also visited on Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bos of Mit- chell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey Sited on Mother's Day with mother Mrs. Elizabeth Storeys and with Mrs. Elmer Dale of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mitchell, Jennifer and Robert of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dempsey James and Christina of Pickering spent the past weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Paul and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Storey of Clinton visited on Sunday afternoon with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey. Mrs. J. Merner of Kit- chener, Mr. Peter DeiChert of Zurich visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz- cator, 8111, Debbie and Michael visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott, Dwayne and Craig of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and Michelle of Gananoque and Debbie Woods and Cam Patterson of London spent a weekend recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. We would like to welcome to the community Larry, Linda and Michelle Dillon from Seaforth to the Ken' Preszcator farm and we wish Ken and Velma well in Seaforth. They have moved into the Fillon home. The Foresters Spring Dance was held oh Friday evening May 5 in the Blyth Community arena with Shannon providing the music. Mr. and Mrs. George Counter, Richard, Kassandra and Vicky visited over the weekend recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bun McConnell and Cheryl of Strathroy. Pays to advertise Howard Datars, the chairman of the Huron Plowman's Association committee for the 1978 International Plowing Match is doing a little extra in ad- vertising the special event being held in Huron this year. His car licence plate reads IPM 078. The International Plowing match is being held from September 26 to 30 on the farm of Jim Armstrong, a short distance east of Wingham. 9,000* Readers can't be wrong READ THE NEWS -RECORD *Based on 3.0 readers Per copy despite lost school time during the strike. It was a good and well worth the ef- fort. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1978 -PAGE 13 Hullett Council discusses Auburn subdivision Nick Hill discussed a proposed subdivision in Auburn with Hullett Town- ship council May 1. Two chief points were the amount of money required in lieu of land and the condition of the roads. He pointed out that the road standards evidently had been lowered and also that $2,500. seemed a more appropriate amount in lieu of land. This is to be further discussed with Mr. Hill at the next council meeting. Mrs. Good was present to request a severance instead of a closed drain throughout their property. The clerk is to contact engineer Henry Uderstadt to see what arrangements could be made. Robert Langdon was present to inquire about building lots and Ian Deslauriers brought the township a flood plan map and explained its value to council. At the Court of Revision there was an appeal from D. McGregor, D. Nott and G. Shouldice. Izehrs fine markets... of fine foods The assessment to Don McGregor was dropped by 20 percent and Don Nott by 10 percent on the Taylor Drainage Works. This to be assessed on a per acre basis to all the land owners about Lot 7, Con. 11, Carried. Hullett accepted the fill line mapping from MVCA and agreed to registering the plan with the province. The application for tile drain loan of Larry Johnston was accepted on Lot 3 Maitland Block. Severance applications of W. Whyte, W1/2 lot 3, Con. 4 Wm. Gerrits, Lot 17 and 18, Con. 17, Goderich Township, and Carl Nesbitt, Lot 25, Con. 11, Hullett Township were approved with the recom- mendation that there be a written agreement on line fences. Hullett endorsed the resolution of the 70 Kilometer zone as proposed by MTC on Highway 8 east of Clinton. Refunds were approved to Charles Brandon for barn and Robert Trick for house. SCHNEIDERS - 3 VARIETIES MINI SIZZLERS 1 Ib. PKG. 1.49 SCHNEIDERS SLICED COOKED CORNED BEEF THREE 2 oz. PKGS 9.19 SCHNEIDERS COOKED REGULAR OR MAPLE BROKEN HAM SLICES PKC $1 .09 SCHNEIDERS - 6 VARIETIES SANDWICH MEAT ROLLS59c SNOPSYS-PREPARED COLE SLAW OR POTATO SALAD 24 oz. TUB_ 98c FRESH BAKED GOODS WESTONS HAMBURG OR WIENER ROLLS WESTONS DELICIOUS PKGS. OF 4 CINNAMON SCONES R 1 FROZEN FOOD AISLE FROZEN CONCENTRATED PINK OR REGULAR VALUPLUS LEMONADE 12 1/2 oz TINS 0 R DREAMSICLES, FROSTSICLES OR ORANGE JUICE STICKS NEILSONS NOVELTIES 12 PACK FROZEN BEEF, PORK, CHICKEN OR STEAK SCHNEIDERS MEAT PIES PKG. c 4 Ib. REGULAR OR CRINKLE $111 RIR McCAINS SUPERFRIES ■ i FROZEN HONEY GLAZED CHOC. OR CINNAMON RAISIN McCAINS DONUTS °°o.. IN THE DAIRY CASE FINEST QUALITY C SCHNEIDERS SOFT F 1 Ib. TUBS � MARGARINE ASSORTED FLAVOURS BEATRICE FRUIT BOTTOM YOGURT BRICK. FARAERS OR COLBY 0 6oz 3.$' R 1 SCHNEIDERS CHEESE SCHNEIDERS MOZZARELLA CHEESE, FRICO IMPORTED BABY GOUDA CHEESE ASHLEY SOFT RIPENED CHEESE PRESIDENT CAMEMBERT SCHNEIDERS PU E VEGETA 12 oz.$1 1149 12oz$1.59 =$1.79 4 /2 oz 99c 8l ,CRISPY LAKE SHORTENING _ fi 59c SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT 9 A.M. WED. - TILL CLOSING -TUESDAY, MAY 23rd Council decided to have the clerk proceed with whatever steps are necessary to have a liquor vote on the ballot for the next election. Council approved the issuance of building permits to: Jim Carter, silo roof; Gary Hack, corn storage; Murray Shepherd, barn, Joseph Hulzibos, siding on house, Don Nott, shed; Glen Nott, barn; Herman Ramaker, silo; Gordon Dale, barn; Robert Wallace, mobile home; T. Taylor, house; John Sergrun, pig barn and liquid manure storage; Don Pulle, garage; Dave Overboe, addition to house; Reg. Lawson, house; Art Airdrie, addition to house; L. Cald- well, porch, Larry Treanor, two barns, silo and manute tank; T.B. Allen, addition to mill; Subject to township by- law and Huron County Health Unit where applicable, also building inspector J. Segren, M. Sheppard and L. Treanor are to have a certificate of compliance. Hullett adopted the Property Standards by-laws as drafted by the Ministry of Housing to qualify for par- ticipation in the OHRP Program and instructed the clerk to apply for the 1978 funds available to the Township under the OHRP program. New residents welcomed at Huronview Four members of the South Skinner and Jerry Vollins Huron Christian Women's provided the Old Tyme Club, Mrs. Pearl Erratt, Mrs. music, with vocal solos by Britton, Mrs. Reynolds and Morgan Dalton. The Clinton Mrs. Hoggarth, led the Christian Reform volunteers Sunday evening song service assisted with the activities. in the Chapel at Huronview. The ,Clinton Kinette Club Mrs. Elsie Henderson ac- entertained their adopted companied at the organ. grandmother§ on Tuesday Four new residents were evening at' a smorgasbord welcomed to Huronview at dinnner in the Clinton Public Monday's program. They are School. Thirty-one residents Mrs. Allan, Mrs. McAarter travelling by van and five and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Car- Kinette cars were able to nochan. Marie Flynn, Lorne attend the event. The gran - Lawson, Norman Speir, Cecil dmothers were presented zehrs 8 FLAVOUR CHOICES ZEHRS REG. $1.28 2 LITRE DELUXE ICE CREAM with lovely corsages when they arrived. Following the dinner, the Ontario Street United Church Junior Choir, directed by Mrs. George Turner and accompanied by Doris McKinley, sang several numbers. Becky 1 itkinley entertained with a dance number. Mrs. Jennie McGratton, who will be celebrating her 99th birthday this year, thanked the Kinettes for the lovely dinner and program on behalf of the grandmothers SCHNEIDERS FROZEN PURE BEEF STEAKETTES c 1,Ib. PKG. BURNS CENTRE PORTION FULLY COOIZED SMOKED RAM 1.69.. SCHNEIDERS SLICED -MILD CURED SIDE BACON ENDS $1581i,b6 ■ P. BURNS FULLY COOKED - SKINLESS SNORED HAM S■ I A WHOLE OR BUTT• OR SHANK PORTION lb. SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR RED HOTS 8Ic 1 lb. PKG. FRESH! FROM ONTARIO POULTRY CHICKEN LEGS c PART BACK. ATTACHED lb. SMOKEDKEHAM S1EAKS $1 39 FRESHDCHICKEN BREASTS `_Ib 1.29 FRESH NOT FROZEN PART BACK ATTACHED CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS Ib. $1.48 FRE H Ib. S CHICKEN THIGHS 1.28 DOWN THE GROCERY AISLE 4 TANGY VARIET HEINZ BAR -B -Q SAUCE 6 FRUIT FLAVOURS 16 oz 69c KOOL-AID HANDY CANS BEEFARONI OR SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS CHEF BOY -AR -DEE REGULAR OR DIP STYLE 660g. 1.59 HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS CHOC.. GINGER. OATMEAL OR SUGAR N' SPICE McBCLOVERLEIGAF SNAPS PINK SALMON HEINZ 30 oz 99 c 225 g 89C 2 Ib. BAG $1.39 PREPARED MUSTARD_ LOOSE PACK MANZANILLA CLUB HOUSE OLIVES - ESSO B.B.Q. LIGHTER FLUID WHITE OR DECORATED 15.5 oz 9.79 16 oz. 219c 99c SCOTT FAMILY NAPKINS HOUSE b GARDEN SPRAY RAID BUG KILLER CONVENIENTAEROCOL OFF INSECT REPELLENT PERSONAL SIZE IVORY BAR SOAP GENTLE 80, 93c 32 oz 69c 180's 9.09 12 2 oz. $2.39 JJOHNOHNSSONSONS BABY SHAMPOO_ BABY POWDER BABY YOURSEL JOHNSONS BABY OIL_ JOHNSONS POWDER -REGULAR OR HERBAL SHOWER TO SHOWER MORVAL HARD SHELL.30 LITRE CAPACITY PICNIC COOLER GREEN 4.7 oz. 959 4 BAR BUNDLE79C _ 450 ml $2.49 397 g $1.69 250 m1 9.89 227 g. 61.89 EA. $6.99 SUREFIRE LONG LASTING CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10 Ib. 99` ZEHRS CHOICE O $1 WHOLE POTATOES 19 oz. ■! w GREAT ONA PICNIC 6 VARIETIES BICKS RELISHES 12 oz. 9 FOR SUGAR FROSTED CLREAL POST ALPHA -BITS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST NO RAINCHECKS PLEASE ALL SIZES - WASHABLE zehrs 5094 POLYESTER T -SH I RTS 450 q. 99° Ee99` 5 REGULAR COLOURS ROYALE TOWELS 2 ROLL 99 c FRESH PRODUCE PROD. OF U.S. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE RISP, COOL NERD LETTUCE 5 PROD. OF U.S. N0 1 TENDER YOUNG CARROTS 89c PROD. OF TEXAS LARGE N0. 1 GRADE SPANISH ONIONS Ib 29c CANADA N0. 1 GRADE SMALL ONIONS ENGLISH HOTHOUSE PROD. OF U.S. FULL OF VITAMIN C ORANGES SIZE 138's DOZ. 1.19 6Ib: BAG 49 89 ci c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. ZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL SAVINGS ZEHRS SALFANCYAD DRESSING 32 0Z_99c ZEHRS TOMATO JUICE oz 55c TOMO. 59c APPLE JUICE 48 oz. ZEHRS 7 /4 MAC & CHEESE DINNERS oz 3°89c R ZEHRS FANCY CORN OR PEAS 12 or 14 oz TINS 3 R $1 ZEHRS RASPBERRY OR 24 oz STRAWBERRY JAM EICTIN 99r' ZEHRS FRESH ROAST BEAN COFFEE 1Ib_ 3.39 ZEHRS BIG BLUE GARBAGE BAGS 20's 1.49 ZEHRS PROCESSED REGULAR OR INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CHEESE SLICES1GOZ PKG' _• 1 49 VALUPLUS ENRICHED SLICED WHITE BREAD- 24Oz. 3,° 98c rr WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: 4 L'on:* GODERICH-HURON B • OUR MANAGER IS: DALE McDONALD OPEN WED.-THUR.-FRI. EVENINGS 11 }