HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-9, Page 5DISTRICT DQINC+S, O(Torrence 0 of tire Past Weele Throughout the Neighborhood he a,Coneiso Forte. Phrenologist Galbraith is in the township of Grey, bumping the heads of the School. children. Col. McKnight. of the 28th Battalion, has received official orders to go to London for brigade;°aurp on June 14th. Mr. At McCann, one of the pioneer residents of the township of Hibbert, moved with Iris Ninth,' to Dakota on Friday last, l Mr. C. Troyer, of Frills Green, hue an egg 1ai41 by a common duck, which measures tri I inches 'one way and 7 the otuer. I lied a bad cold on nay lungs for tivo years everything l: tried failed Inc till I get Ever- est's Cough Syrup and it cured me:—Mrs. D, A. leaser, Parkhill P. 0. The tramp who had Itis right arm cut off by a Grand Trunk train near Stratford on Saturday night is named, John 'Mulcahy, a Torouto tailor. " e Rev. F. F. Davis, late from Manitoba, has received and accepted a unanimous call fro the parish of Thorndale. He will take. charge there shortly. On Monday the council of Brussels assist- ed the township of Morris in sending the Halliday family—mother and two daughters —to the North-west by paying half the fare. Mr. Thos. Livingston, of the 2nd conces- sion of Flullett; is the possessor of a cow from which 17i lbs. of butter were made in one week. Ile asks who can beat it ? C. Flodgine, blacksmith, has purchased the residence and lot of Rey. F. J. Lynch, on Main -et., Lucian,.paying therefor the sum of $800. Mr. Robert Gillis, of Lueknow, has a hen shat is eighteen years of age. During all that time she has never "eluded." and lays away as regulanas any two year old.. At the Grand Orange Lodge meeting in Belleville this weak, Mr. E. A. L. White, of St. Marys, was presented with a handsome gold watch in recognition of past services to the order. The Laoau brass band has been reorganiz- ed, and is making satisfactory progress under the leadership of Mr. Chas. J. Teale, They held a picnic, last week at Atliinsons's grove, which proved to lee a pleasant affair, Henry Craig,• a boy who noted in a disor- derly manner around the L. H. & B. crossing near Clandeboye, and went to jail therefor, was let out Friday morning, the fine and costs amounting to $21.10 having been paid. The Centralia juvenile:base ball club went to Ciandebose on Saturday and played a game with the juvenile club of that village, which resulted iu favor of the Centralia club. The Clandeboye club is not satisfied and intend trying it again. The township of McGillivray have this week received ninety barrels of 'Portland cement for use in the large tile drains which are being -laid in various parts 6f the Town- ship. The cement was delivered at McGilli- vray village on Tuesday last. South Euron County Orange Lodge met in :Clinton, Tuesday. The hall wa6 draped in mourning in memory of the late John Dagg, County Master at the time ofhis death. The 12th at GGotterieh promises to be a big meet. Everert'e Liver Regulator worked wonders on m;;, icrl made me feel like a new man. —Levi H. Slipper. Forest P. 0. Bidddulph Council otter a reward of $25 for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who broke, or caused to be broken, the large concrete tile intended for use at the gully, concessions 2 and 3, on or about May 24th last. There is a suspicion. The other day so meoneentered the bed- room of Mrs. Swarts, at the Prince of Wales hotel, Clinton, and stole therefrom her new spring bonnet. As members of the house were in the vicinity of the room all the time, the theft was a pretty pool one. About -three o'clock Thursday afternoon Robt. o , a farmer living near Ethel, was driving to the station with a horse and buggy, and while near Milue's grist mill the horse became frightened and jumped to one side of the road, throwing Mr. Ross to the road and killing him instantly. Mr. L. Flaunagan, formerly of Limerick, but who has been in Dakota, returned to Khiva last week. When be returns he will take one of ourfair daughters with him as his bride, in the person of Miss Mary, daughter of Councillor Coughlin. Everybody congrat- ulates the popular and happy couple. Edward McCann, a farmer of Downie, was in Stratford, Monday night looking ,after his daughter, who hadrun away from home. At, the Police Court yesterday morningthe girl was remanded to jail pending an inves- tigation by medical men. She is thought to be of unsound mind. Middlesex County .(Donna—The June sessionof the County Council opened in the County Buildings Tuesday afternoon, all. the members being present except Reeve Ros- ser, of Ailsa Craig, who is confined to his bed by illness. Mr. Simeon McLeod, Reeve of West Williams, was elected Acting 'War- den, Warden Oleverdun; having absconded. The Chairman was instructed to interview the County Treasurer as to his intention of resigning, and report at once. In consequence of Dr. Williams resigning the Mayor's chair of Clinton on bis appoint- ment to the position of Police Magistrate for the comity of Huron, the nomination was held Monday to appoint a successor, and Joseph Whitehead, who for many years was reeve, of the then village, before his renioval to the. North-west, was elected by acclama- tion to again fill the Chief Magistrate's chair. ••- ASTERIA. Interepting Items.. A WONDERFUL ,011GAN. The largest organ, and one that plays a controlling part oh the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole eystcm becomes diseased, DR, CEIASIE'S LIVER CUBE is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed to cure, Recipe book and medicine $1, Sold by C. LUTZ, Central Drug Store, Exeter,' Over twenty registered letters were stolen I from the Montreal postefiice Monday, A FAIR PROPOSITION. There could bo no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of Ragyard's Yellow Oil, who haye long offered to refund every cent expended for that remedy if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial for rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and all painful com- plaints. The euro effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla are thorough and permanent. If there is a lurk- ing taint of scrofula about you, Ayer's Sar- saparilla will dislodge it, and expel it from your system. Emperor William caught a cold during his visit to Kiel last week, and is compelled to remain in his apartments,, There are iso serious symptoms. AN OBSTINATE CASE. "In the spring of '83 I was nearly dead, as. everybody around my neighborhood knows.. My trouble was caused by obetivate consti- pation. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cared me entirely." This statement is made by Walter Stinson, of Gorrie, Ont. A whisker dye must be convenient to use, easy to apply. impossible to rub off, elegant in appearance, and cheap in price. Buck- ingham's Dye for the whiskers unites in itself all these merits. Try it, The fifteenth annual meeting of the ()Min- ty of Hilton Sunday School Association will be held at Goderich on June 14th and 15th. The Difficulty Experienced. In taking Cod Liver Oil is entirely over- come In Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites. It is as palatable as intik, and the most valuable remedy that has ever been produced for the oure of Consump- tion, Scrofula Wasting Diseases. Do not fail to try it. Put up. in 50e. and $1 size. The wife of J. W. Bell, M. P., has reoeived a letter from him at the Toronto Asylum, which speaks of his recovery of health and probable early return to bis home. UNEQUALLED. P. B. McNamara, dry-goode merchant, Brookville, Ont., says—As au instant relief for cold in the bead and catarrh, Nasal Balm is unequalled. The effect is noticed as soon as it is used. Thome Kirkpatrick, of Cunningham's Corriere, Pittsburg township, was run over and killed on Saturday by a Grand Trunk train. A Profitable Life. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world ac, the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every pereontroubled with Liver Com- plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kidney or Uri- nary Troubles, to buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Recipe Boob $1. Sold by U. LUTZ, CENTRAL DRUG SToiva. Exeter, Ont. The maximum number of officers, non- commissioned officers and men to receive pay for drill is 20,255. Perilous who have suffered for years with Asthma will,find a quick relief and cure in the double treatment of Southern Asthma Cure. Au exhibition of souvenir mementos of ary Queen of Spots is to be given in En- gle 1 this summer. • QUICK BELIEF. ,1 One bottle of Elagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured me of a sore throat and legs of voice One trial relieved me when all other med- icihes failed." Says Miss J.. McLeod of Belfountain, Ont. Mine. Tussaud now exhibits Queen Victor- ia's first doll, fir.. t shoes and first.gloI,es and various °tiles mementos of theroyal nursery also apiece of her Majesty's wedding cake, HE SHOOK I'I "1 was subject to ague for twoor' three seasons, which nothing would eladicete until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, since which time, four years, 1 have had no return,of the disease:" ,W, 3. Jordan, Strange, Ont. ` ho Prince of Wales has laid tnore corner stones than any man in the world. CO NSYlhI1?tXON CitltED. An old physielan, rotireci from Inas ctie°,dtay. ing Befit placed in life Band's Dy an Mast Indian missionary thoformula of.a elan]?lo vegetable voinod'S` for tho speed,,, r,net permanent curd of Consumption, 7,{ipncliitie, Catarrh, Asthma Sind on throat and lnngtitl`Pticticne, slip ztposi- tive,and radical care for Norvousnobiubyand all Nervous Complaints, miter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thottNan118 of arises, hap felt it his duty to rurtico it known to his sufteriog fellows, Actuated by trig motive and a'desire to relieve human stilforiur;, send freoof charge, to all who desire Ir. figs reoipo, in Oorrnan,Z9;anen. Or 1,1ng11th, w:611 1111 cdir•oetrons for prop ring an using; i ont by mail by add ros1lug with stam'm,, naming' this tiapyer,SV.A Norris, 140.Yiowers13took ,1'24.ereiler THE BEST TAKEN. "I had dyspepsia for a long time. Was entirely cured by two bottles Burdock Blood Bitters. The best medicine for regulating. and invigorating the system 1badevertaken." F. P. Tanner, Neehing P. 0., Ont. Mr. Thomas Caldwell, a Dundas Nnrsnry man, died on Sunday. Blood poisoning through a wound from a rusty nail was the cause. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the e rs and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakuess, early decay, loss of Manhood, &e, I will seed a roceip a that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America, Send a self-ad- dressed epvelope to REv. TOSEPE T. limiter Station D. Bete TorkCit HEADACHE AND LOSS OF APPETITE. Mrs. JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylne, Druggist, Bothwell, says:—My experience of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will cure Bilionsnese. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Headache. I.believe it to be the best family medicine, and can strongly recommend it." The trial at Montreal of Ann Kteck, charged with the murder of her newly -born child, has resultecIin a verdict of conceal- ment of birth. Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and, surely develope into Catarrh when yon can be cured for 25 cents. A few applica- tions will euro incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chrome Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. C, Lutz, sole agent for Exeter JOYFUL NEWS. It is certainly glad tidings to the poor in- valid to be informed of a remedy that will give prompt and sure relief in case of pain- fnl suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard's Yellow Oil, adapted for external and internal use in all aches, - pains, lameness and sore ness, It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, croupand e11 inflammatory pains. AnviaE TO MoTELEBS.-Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufferingand crying with pain of Cuttine Teeth? If so solid at once and get a bottle of " ttrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for Children Teethi'ig. Its value is incalculable, It will relieve the poor llttle `:sufferer immediatdly, renend upon it, mothers : there, is no mistake' about it. It cures • Dysentery and Diairl'ma, regulates the Stomacn and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, soltons tris Gums,reduceslnilammtition, and gives tone and energy tothowhole system. "Mrs. Witislow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to thetaste and is the ;areeerilltion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the "United States, and is'forSale by al) druggists through- out theworlcd. Price twenty-five bents a bot- tle. Be sura arid ask for "fns. Wixariow's Sool iirNG Ssitur "and take no other kind. The lower Rhine spinners hove advanced the price of yarn produce from American cotton a penny a pound, el3AD STOiIACH, For all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, or E dneye, Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters are unsurpassed. They strengthen tiro whole niusoultr system, give a healthy complexion, bring back the ]leen edge of appetite, and arouse into healthy action the whole p'bysi• cal energy of the human frarriti. A Cairo despatch says a large 'reduction to the British. army of occupation is expected in a few Clays. rl' 1iarnSta?'vilrto Vdrtb r account of their inability to digest On gest ordi. nary food, Scott's Lmnlsion Can be digested s +n •tit and flesh when n al other tett givi, sttt, g C ° 1 food fails, See svhatfA.'E1.. Peck. Penn, Mod, College, Petitcodiac, says : have used and proscribed Scott's' . niiilsion of Cod Liver Oil, and find it an excellent prepays, Mon, agreeing well with the stoiurtob, and its continued use adding groatly to the strength and comfort of the patient." Pet up iii 0e, and $1 size: PIECES. White ` Victoria Lawn, bought 4�t - t a bargain wilt be sold cheap this week at 0 RANTON BROS. V F�f. BIG LOT Of G-ents' straw hats at job prices, to clear, from 25 cents up, this week at RANTON BROS. Value Wort, Looking At In Footings, Light Suitings and, Worsteds every day this week, at RANTON BROS. SPECIAL LINES In gents ties, nobby neckvc are shirts, colars, &c., all at lowest possible prices at RANTON BROS. ealtufailir CASH Means something this month at RANTON BROS, Strike while the iron is hot. COME JND S., BUTTER A,ND EGGS T�. KEN in EXCHANGE. Everest's ouo h Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it andbe convinced of its wonderful cure: tine properties. Price 25 cents. (TRADE MaRE.) TRY .EVEREST'S • LIVER .REGULATOR Por diseases of the Liver, Kidneys. &c., and Purifying of the Blood. Price 51. Six bot- tles for $5. Fo" Sale by ALL DxveernTs Manufactured only by G. M. EVEREST, CEEraraT FOREST, ONT. AGENTS WANTED.—We want One Hundred Good Alen at once to sel'f for the FONTHILL NURSERIES, (largest in Canada, over 465 acres.) Steady employment and no- lost time. Liberal commission or salary; best advantages,' splendid outfit fur- nished free. Any pushing man can succeed, Apply or terms to STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont TRUSSES` ! CHRISTIAN LAWYER, mannfao• turer of allkinds of Trusses ; Residence: liannie's Mills, Hay, where hewill attend to the wants of any who may require his services. Why pay from 515.00 to 525,00 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for $5.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses. 55.00 ; Single Trusses, 52.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P.O., Ont. DON'T The Great English. Prescription. A successful Medicine used over •�-: 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Sperntatorrhea., Nervous" iM Weakness, Emissions,. Impotency \7wc and all diseases caused by abuse. Ssuroias]. indiscretion, or over-exertion. [4ETER] ix packages Guaranteed to Oure when all others Fair, Ask your Druggist for. The Greet English Prescription, take no substitute. One 'package St. six S5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet: Address Eureka Chemleal Co., Detroit, 1111oh. Sold in Exeter by Dr. .T, W. Browning and L. Lutz. REMEMBER THIS —AND TAKE— WARNING S. C. IIMItSEY Will have a fine lot of goods, fresh and prime, for the 24 OF IVI .Y` ORANGES, LEMONS, HAMS, SIDE BEACON, BOLOGNAS AND ALL KINDS • OF FRT'IT IN SEASON S. C. Hersey, THE BOOL Published by the A. B. S. New York. OF WONDERS. OONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. l STARTLING REVELATIONS, , Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States, • Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should have s, copy of this work. IT•s 1SOST Tiln. THIN4 ; IT TELLS ALL, AND xs TOO 000i To DEwITHOUT. Sent oym ill, postage paid, on receipt of. price, 50e., of three books for $1., , p M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. JAMES PICKARD. At Toronto. Every Barrel. Guaranteed. This Ofl was used on all machinery during tl e• Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three Years. Bees that you get Peerless. Itis only made ki s a0 VEL nodwf rze & ^ Co.,. TQ oirrj O,,. FOR SALE 13. y JAS,; PICKARD. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! For Fresh and Reliable` (D. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to THE FAMILY GROCERY: ALLIN' S I" PRIZE TOMATO PLANTS T ONLY 10 CENTS PEI: BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectioner --a fresh supply. Y ppy PURE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR. Ice Cream Parlor_ The public are cordially invited to call and see the new parlors and test the cream. The most pleasant place in town. Everything possible done for the comfort of 'visitors. G. A. HYD! DMAN. Family Grocer. r Q,"C:6 m4 Sot G� 1� $ ` •b" �F. e o' fib$ t°. ' G 9, 2 . •r4o Off' ti vO c,9 t iy 6 eG .S, �z� +✓ X55 e 1 $ed ty o `O Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78 New Oxford' Street, late 588, Oxford Street, London. Purchasera should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 7,11E OLD EST68&TSRSI SPRING I 1 1887 11 SPRING OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on hemselveson their merits. LADIES call and. see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouucings, Ginghams, Muslius, Jerseys, Cheneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &c. The lades say our Prints and Maalins' are the prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every one to wash. We are showing over 200 Pieces of Embroidery, colored and white, from acts. per yard upwards. Our New Stook of BOYS' CLOTHING is having a . big run, and no. wonder, the prices are so low, the styles so nice, and they fie so good. In PEEN'S ORDERED GOODS we guarantee the Beet Value, Newest Style and Neatest Fit in town. Remember we carry the Largest Stock of BOOTS Si SHOES, and but tbeLatest Styles in ladies',children's and nothing Lt, es S y LOVELL'S !AKE III1HKE GAZETTER AND HISTORYOF Tm DOMINION OF CANADA, Goods Bought Right —AT THE— Montreal - General - Store, EVERY'TLME Fanson's .Block, EXETER, (Fergu.son.'s Old Stand) II. I HI, wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and suironuding country tbat he has again re- ceived (anti tail'. coming) it good cheap lot of Comprising over FiftySults of Ready-made p � 3 Clothing, and n variety of Pants, Dross Goods, Prints, Tweeds, Shirting's, Ladies' Feather -hone Corsets, a variety of Ladies' Hose, .Ladies and Childron's 13oots c1 Shoes,. Also Choice Faintly Groceries, TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 Any Amount. Syrups, Vinegars, Confectionery,. A few irate and Dominion Organs for sale at a great sacrifice, for cash, as. ;I ani going to give up this branch of :business. Goods encrificcd for cash during:' the mouth of April, beginning 011 Ftir dray. Good Dwelling I:iouse to lieut. 'REMEMBER THE ADDIIP SS, T. Dearinet 1'ansorI's Block. In Nine Volumes, Royal Seto. TO 1:E COMMENCED whenever a s„fheiont number of subscribers fs obtained to cover cost of nubliaation: Subscription to the Nine Volumes 575 00, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec $12.10, to New Brunswick onto Nova Scotia 511.50, to Manitoba or British -Columbia $0.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North westTerritorids 50.50. Eacli Province to have a Map. Please Send for Prospectus. J OEa lq T,O V IJL ti, M"artaoar anrl3?ubtis1ter Montreal 4th August,1880, augid&irS THE KEY TU HEALTH. Furniture & Undertakincr, 'Ynlooks allthe clogged avenues' of the Bowels, R idneys and /dyer, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, ell the impurities and foul humors of the socretiois; at the same time Correcting ,Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness,;Dye- pepsin., Headaches, Dizziness Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skins VTDropry's Dilnnesu of , ntn `islon Jaundice, .Salt ichor d, Erysipelas, Scrofula, I."luttorin g of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen oral Debility, all those and many other similar Complaints yield; to the happy influence of BUI/DOCH rr3L0 EI i!TJOES. 'da fIILUt fi ;CO.,, rroprlofern, Toronto. We world call the attention of the people of Exeter and surrounding country to th^' . fact that we, having purchased too stock end business of, WIIrriIAM DIIEW,' ere otferur special inducenct is fu ':l1t1 5ettsr Plain tutu Palley Tables, 5, S1tt s:ol[ 1rLattresSc:i .LotiooaSetts, Wood, iltl, y .ii(1Ll rtl tJirtDl: Cases, 'Writing .1} 51rti, Sittet(a1t4r Whatnots, Cradles, fi- f fL1t51txtS, Anct an Endless Variety in nedS, bureaus, Crtpboaritg 4 c. Oar Stock of ituulor is Large and Thoroeghly Seasoned, and, having mc had ettensi eeperience in the leading factories 'of the Dominion, we can guarantee Stylish and Sorvid able Furniture: Our tock of Undertaking Goode' is the Lai gest in the County, and Elo Lran h s o Stock r, tut Dui i t in Large et, will paid ` equal'arortln of London. SpErCral nttr v bo to this branch of the bu5uress, am/ everyone will find tie neon,p t and reliable busineee hien, 3 1 131i7PAIRING Ol'' Ar:,., rttN1)" pitOIIPI'LY ATTENDED TO. Remember the Stand, One _fJool-I\Tolth of 1)1olsorls 13ab1�� ROW -+, SD ANT) Ft E. -WS