HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-11, Page 35Organize sp
• Sprzica floweas-
=KW .."Tnel 1 of $11trir‘:
ill the air ix:smiles _a neu
taf acmivlty Sand 111iITZ
1ULUzniffiC_ .arzsii
Demi= for ale homeanatri
'Alto %%alms. crape her
cleaning itivAll the
1Z1S1 Offams etia-
1113eSt NC211 z‘tti311,Cte Olt
mourn cleanirw. that du:s
U o he odeme. and them drume
uars the onermaniaw.
totsks effortle, Its grtrts-
Me_ in a 3un-li plain .au1
ilarii.wser Miner
Here are -some r*i_graiers
•to help yew accomplish this
la.thsonal task so moil din :urn
cal uthTh vow leisure -time ac-
ClIzek azzaliaLl
die inintl- sr= wom
are prepare.d for the job.
Tarn as Ad. dried -alp or
crlyin-cANle prodarnts 'dna 433Z
Eup WIalx sine
1,omi-le.BuirtPtequipmern as in
!goad workinn zganiritii311: -BM
StleZery =pairs 1/0a13
Ina& beare you beatin 3:11e
Them_ map vimia
sirliaegiC mar
A roo
just p
441111 trasaiAlr.rfir?rinftit tsilitttr
4111 crovaroktm
Itererao corm ft2 I anza
&ashler cilto CluiTe
waghaw zthe
the same 41a4, MCNIMIntratf12' di=
came Job_
Clem vnan airmar Wheal
attall4 .munaL4 osme--
ries taiiirlaits„ .1111111 ,11174 qtdittEr
Ilelats dun 1,c,1113 tamaall aLs.mtrii
in a armwed gradhaiN weenti
ats...1111Tn Alm), rsziamitttrrth
41t4gtat %Err&iliCarWVIIIIttl%
,and rmyegerrrtm the -stiles mtik-
arg: I.Tp valuable vault the%
w-eakaz ziallectrirs, Elf %Qui
have -second adicuis attain
31M thaviiltaW. ZW1.5t_i
haw. _a -gurrrizTe 41Sizatl_
and anim ,itL,:zunr.& auto Azil-
ail/133'a anim IThfle jjtkix,
blg 1/4arntte Mkt) tikeliup
int orm =maim
belp .H4taal anajtir Ian-
!Fnjjj Ubf halo
an such ti tits -as tihsairr_. =ft-
1TTna eaint:
lainand wrotrunrniTT at-
o±igrto their -igsrs and
Plainutin es- rind_
'1/11 a schedule Ctisium Eilte
,Ihrees deir =aft ct9c-
gftpunav Wax= anti' thou dimly
-tor az the dime Wham rtlutex
tiami1/4 autailhar prirthi-stuL tia
it do
araito dzir =ea=cirtithernzii
mut a tatianernaikcir vAttorie
vErtav cara. arcez
gluido4 dime
Fame tit anamete wonteds
lotim -guns t mut mail rale
mistius ategrie [to duo& anar-A
pargile taw, az sus masa
ina- sus — team-rif-
ft4mM tim riamititerr nreft-
ahon_ thdirm wan katgran ctalJZA
Uainniii tr
N1111. ft 14 ETTITUrne. sax-
Alzf Alltite'S --NLauat-
thincautliour diTratto 44 -am
orailla ftunff4hvgie
1/4dhuay, anti anumLues eke mits-
sing_ Etna= tur Atm
Judi turtiouzi.tes_ alE
oattautwatr3 maim aLsa
aolniuraiauditum tarrsa
vitteak sace Eta& mu:stiles
an =soft drum azflasimw
aima Moo Liamth Iwriutor
qllm "pia oat
co the igniteastasza mu&
anaanm ail] datums and
Wiun go:es mut gamutriiM
moo ontut
burr ttualeanean LiT
aunr__ Nuourilmen tilr'ntqrz %al
gmbaiinh taMenah wadi 41
Attnittfr trirtilmi ant ,attl
Trto tquidlik4 arab cat3D4 mte
cab atitti iden mat alum
1.waduminuix %nth&
%nt..aintfr amd Num -
Atm tffir szraib
cina-- %%tor aiE =flat gam
wait cfilvs atair ante
.MINtx. Ear same tio dazz4, alt
alma s.—ir%iie*.; dor am1fl._ &ant
&own ate% Ea-Art*1ms Amu EMINk
%%eft IwrAtit.
%Liam grnewa-
nait3zre amaRititi
liandivanze iturk rffrth,n-aix
an* immobile gaina, car diregtn,
dorm at 'Ragan aft' col Ju
k=qpttatom zniluilIMS1111velkitx
EMU, elkillell MIME
lionsitplams art. the
int irnurs. cif h011le
111{1.01S C..rv4P.Itere._ with in-
door cardreners mitriam ineir
hauf.e. s and apartmerns
beamilifarlh -d3e4r.ozazed
backdrops for elk/zit vailem
foliaee_imataire defttn-
E..11Th Leesei
armed Taal] far _a spe,mrd
--Garieirs Gargm- TOM)
indoeir plameis
a place 7,e) peraczaice their
.mbeaiivirl. in a pleasaim
sphere_ whil ices (if Timm ap
spare All 1:12.all, meetleti
start wwi ,Ciakr --raariItraf,
Gats11•-- lialvat33 TOM/1
41 *S.113311% u,11003A eo-
—.Ern exim hedrorwm_ Saw
example_ or a mun-so-rased
!Rtwel 411
The Weld 313 fr0111 4[741. ie
will be attlucr sherbar
place in terms of zoom dr -
iter ifJ larve imaple
valor to
s up a work area
for .ail %our reponme__
arul timaisphrotuaoned
The wait table is ei-tc-ai soon-
eructod from a piece of pl%-
word and two metal lurrs_
Pane the.-4aanilr, u the sante
.moi Ivor -vet.ii.erein
spat 10 TiVer
Ic4a.71 bastcas Beath the table house .all
of ‘1i4our pa -denim
mexth aoul artracmch Ms.
Lersenr bra. clewurh cletamod
a partition irtihzine thriee
pmanza ludinse_ la11.am1
terra coma_ to set ciff another
pan of the TOITIM tfOr c1111M1-1.
and nesneral, comartuality
Paau The walls in -earth
sadil trier priszt-
CMS .13ald piltimes—sof yam- fa-
vorite Mora 1(11- salaam cif ma-
tures other iliertertc.
name ao orikan
A cozy table nd chairs au-
cannemarnwilJ racwille the
perfect spot fen ciaermanniou
fitenils over online gar herbal
lean donna the day _ITU
comfortable srifoi is C.rilliiD-
C7W icoLsiv cue:mate annir.,_
am after -dust doze_ Keep=
barmiturk with the Tem cif
Th e roma. the glom n);
13•SIZOIC4d vial
Tiles iwirtIn do-ii-yourse.11
Sune-Salo adhes:wr clicertn
for simile 'all_
The parturm Ms_ Lees=
ams, fen the "'Gardens -m-
G11)9C14S- 11-00,11) vs a
ir white
amil brawn that playfully
shows al' cotifeta-kt cn
figurzakins throw* las
FEatruilivr alictlr
Lr.. erTri/M& Mr,
11121e &acme/ma= iiattemettAl EliraLsertplamithttn tattratragar
limasawf- griviratitifin ritar Ehmizr ter--
tilesartr. %at% at iplartei&graasna. Erirra- arna fipme pen azimar,"
thn= at avIE ?Mr wiinaink arstria s•ei &sr 4fiziietzt:
virnatti arnif lira0 aand =dile twairim amt.
«ran"- tte Ertedaaang. =Iva enstamaranfilm -13
IraL.--,‘ =are tErrilhal."
The Zesium sailikssa toaUb
uca-4._ tia-calicrs.mzeii4...=p-
inn Wrtb the zoom -s =wail
0113 i51=17a. cal -i111" Maar 11) •14e dee= to plumate 74-18-n1
Laxiime_ the 1rdifirrs rr
Coaise,ms moom tosai Izmir% ti&a
dore4T himte oirprzeiritormure
e.Iterni. 111111a• Lmatitra=
atifl cwerraitint %Aaron, -h
-,t1=ta.t!, 'W1 31) atti -LAWLAN thuma
-11 air Loa arsrairati—ofht=
q114thaftill lwattirtiA
zleaur %ante 31S1 AA.1411114.. tion
A IIIILM-LAKINDICIV—itapa- astalainsuira 4rAlrariiitimm ins
—wassarsamessi oftirtipartr :541E227-iiscAl transayszteit
winners- tilluers vaismilkitte Comairail fra-
gormatiatimplatritIr gromestalikrisaiir-anateArlassvaggrantall
aim vsarir Ma man- etatakit garzartiuraik