HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-11, Page 10RAGE 011,1 h" 0 ' N H ' !AY f 1. [VS The 1 and Chas a ?fed gart of Saturchla albug waft their- leaderme amaelean:d calrlity artsataratimN, ftat AtmurcUng to the yaun f'gik they dtrrtt catnik anything huh aEmncoxfing tma re' off the fiEnti ►. he said it was eel iy tw telll iff an aff the aresaaca1ldi_ Title milli he gunge tm aBnifitaas tT1 genre im T toianx m am Maw IID with save:mil ather Scnuts im the area. They w4i L nt at She Andirevvifs hitt Churratta at 9 alma SHARP arid orator to Gaadenintb where they wirlE haand as Etus SunanastMaI1J thr the tzripD tun Tatman i The hayswadi retantan tretiieehnich e� and 9) pine. the sarneevening Miff loam IIKEtrinti C'atirt}- pmree dill he l ana May 2ff,.. `"'' and Tit at Ptthr t Farms Eitra)%incitd Park mirth aft Gadiminft The Smuts ani ffl rfi with leave front the Tinted Chum& Serif pmt Fear g atter rennin htntnn'Sandivic affternitcan • , enjoy Should any parent of the hays wish to go along; they would he mace than, welcome, Unitl hut they are asked to contact Scouter John Siertsema as soon as possible. bake salea The @egualr meeting of Unit 1111lICW of St. Andrew's United Chuff cin was held Thursday aam at the hone• of Mrs. Viitiaa Mart ir. There were Z7 inenthers present. The devationaL period was led by Mrs. Hetty Burch assisted Ely Mrs:. Elva Metcalf and Mrs Gwen Pemberton.. The. theme- was "Practical ani the work of Father Abraham. in his school for Incliam children high up is the Elimalayas was described brigs. Mrs. Metcalf acct+ Mrse Pemhertutr react parts of p xrsonal lets they received faint Father Abraham. These letters pratrayed vividly the work done tat help the children wilt the war against poverty and igtnorance. A short business— meeting fafltiwe± wxitfr plans tieing discussed: for the Bake Sale to be held on Mrs. Ruth. Makens' lawn on Saturday, May 20. Plans were made for en- tertaining the young people for the award winning junior choir of Kingsway F , mhton Church. They will be is the Village the weekend of June 1R- and I1 and will sing at the Sunday morning ser- vice in SL Andrew's on June 11_ Mrs. Elva Cox, Mrs_ Nina gals, Mrs. t.illian Penhale and Mrs. Lulu Smith served refreshments with Mrs. Nina Haw pouring tea_ Mrs. Vivian Morton was thanked for her hospitality. Smile Anybody who thinks the best things in life are free just hasn't been caught yet The Bayfield Cubs and Scouts were all smiles last Saturday after they returned from a fishing derby with their leaders in the Bayfield arena. Everyone had a good time, whether they caught anything or not. (photo by Milvena Erickson) BAYFJELD bugle istavenafrid(s. Mh$. Maloney,ad Cliatlimenr and Btyrttl liiiirt�ctnt was lin Ian lam wt_ The wearer., im eallhigwoodi SII' as few choirs and mimed the tectakivorks theme where a w:aE6 tiEEiirg BILIML. They also weati tre 111201anxii tm see tete Smitre a ts£te Ism From them they mntnrect to 1r'ahein r ry and ttrared the Salt hauaes and risErfng im- chistries„amffintardieditheChii- cileetnann firr as tzrfg 1n Saute Ing iSQ aunt . 34/1auritaulim &lima Mbar returning tm the Vriikege am Friday, Nalitnew was the guest eller sow a '„ E+fiir_ ar Mrs. Ram Refer and3 granddaughter Kelly fan the Mr. Remand F_ Win, Varang)Eville acid Thursday and Fes. with his pare„ Mr. and Mars_ J1a:¢f's 1 _ Stamp:tom and brother Andrew a &Drs. V hifet Sim am business ttrrip Lal) Mics. Ellaiire Srrrh. London is at GU IIIA CaG Mr. and M+rs_ Norma= Talbot and Mr: and Sifts,. Doug Talbot imata red tO Agexr' gACIBT.. Quebec far a weekend wish with Mics. Normnan Talbotrs sister Miss EveOym Schein. Tfiey were acannananied by her Father, IDs. Ray Schell w ito tremaiiredi Ear a two month visit with his datrecter • Rem gnu off Taranto was gnestt preacher its the Eayfielkll Baptist Church gar the Sunday Semites, Mrs. amil Mus_ Alberts Craig viisited Sunday with Mr_ and Mrs,. Ross Iltc841chaell and fiEnrayeinell Cy_ Cangrandatirnis to Betty and Fran Burch an the aurrivraell cif their seventh f i1W1II.camra ane and lllOnald liturtth off Nova Scotia are Me ptrc of Andric„IEDorratct fur a otthoer for 7 • EreEmElf of the Canadian Cancer Ste,. Frank Burch w tom Harry Baker, Scorch,Betttty Beatfena iftva +i7 it . of lilbrothy Hovey, Wendy Penhale, Somnee • • d about the village Stephens, Marilyn Warner, and F I Yonmatpff for SO, wrIringly and successfully acting as canvassers for the Society -in RayfiefcL l -- and Bim_ BM brae entertained the members of the choir- of St_ Andrew's United Church on Thursday evening May 4+ at their home. About 40 grxests enjoyed an evening of fellowship and song.. Mrs_ Erma Fraser gtre•*f &F aver the tea table while delicious lunch was served. The e chair president, Jain Siertsema thanked the B+f fines for their generous hospitartty and expressed the hope that this won d become am arrrnmi'i Mr_ and Mrs. .1T_ Parsons (nee Nancy li£earcil of S . n ®i e - Mr_ and Mrs_ Ted Heard and family, ily, London; Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Elliott .and Mrs_ Ray Elliott and Mitchell visited Sunday with Mr. and.. Mrs_ Bill Parker. Mrs.. Lena Ervine spent several days this week with her fnInriTy, Mr_ and Mrs_ Robert Meyer,. Michelle and Marsha in Milverton. Mt-. and Mrs.. Oscar Si-aFtneukerr and Mr. Alva rt Gracile all of Milverton were guests Wednesday with. Mr. and Mrs.. Floyd Diemert and Wayne at the Albion Hotel_ Mr_ Renouf Johns, Mount Clements, Michigan is spencg several days at his home itn the VIM age. Mr. and Mrs Fred Schafheitlin, the former . Mary Robinson, of Oakville, spent ',Saturday in the V iT'hge at the family cottage and called on several friends and acquaintances. They also cabled at the Ericson home and reported that Fier brother Bill Robinson is still c sn ined in the University Wing of Toronto General Hospital where he has been since February. We all wisft Bill a speedy recovery and hope he will soon be able to be back in Bayfield_ Mrs. Jean Earl and Miss Elsie Koutes, 1? ondon were Sunday guests of the formers son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Erick Earl. Friends and neighbours are invited to a community Best Interest 9%% annual eft rep ends! array Trust Conesserdes. We are atria able to acreage far the higbesit. fi t rest befog offered on Guaran- teed catortffferlest. � - Gaiser-K nea le Insurance Agency Inc. M Esc St., Clinton; Ont. nano 44124 miscellaneous bridal shower for Jackie Koene which will be held in the St_ Andrew's United Church basement on Thursday evening, May 18 at 8:3a pm_ Mr_ and Mrs_ Don Haw, Cathy and Anne had as their Sunday dinner guests her aunt and uncle, Mr_ and Mrs. Mac Pallister of Dundalk and Miss Ivy Pallister of the Bluewater Centre, Goderich_ Attie Seaman Gary Brandon, Halifax, N.S. is on two weeks leave at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs_ FIs_ (Joel Brandon and sister Shirley_ The Brandons youngest son, Brian recently completed a course in Electrical Electronics Technology at Fanshawe College and is presently employed by Canadian Pittsburg Industries in Owen Sound_ Mrs- Robert Bennett and Jessica of Chesley visited Sunday and Monday with Mrs- Wiliam Bennett "while the ladies' husbands, Rev. Robert and Rev. William attended the 12gth session of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron in Landon_ Miss Sally Bennett, London was also at the home. of her parents for the weekend. Mrs. Janet Onalik and children Jimi and Nanasee, Frobisher Bay, are visiting for a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Couper and brother, Andrew. Mr_ and Mrs. Bob Gould, Josh and Jake returned to their home in Regina, Sask. after a two week holiday spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bev McClinchey and brother Randy. Mrs. Margaret Garrett had as her Sunday guests last week, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Handy of Seaforth prior to their leaving for a week visit with their son Thomas and family in Oshawa_ Sunday last Mrs. Garrett's 'son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Delford Altman of Orangeville were her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. McLeod spent Sunday in Marysville, Mich. with his siister Mrs. Elsie Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erickson visited friends in Port Huron, Mich. on Sunday. Anglican church news Holy Communion was celebrated by Rev. William M. Bennett in Trinity Anglican Church at both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services. Philip Du Boulay read the Epistle and assisted the Rector. Andrew Erickson acted as Server. Cindy Cluff, Dawn Merner and Jeanne Bennett taught the Sunday School and were assisted by Moira Couper. The members of the Sunday School were working on a banner to take to the Children's Festival at SL Pauls Cathedral in London on Sat., May 27. Morgan Smith and Harry Baker acted as sidesmen and as the Wardens of Trinity also presented a cheque to the Rector for his prayer of blessing. He in turn handed the cheque to the lay delegate, Philip Du Boulay as one of the delegates to Synod who will carry the cheque and present it at Synod for the Primate's World Relief Appeal. - Flowers in Trinity were given in memory of Colonel H.A. White of Upper Hart- field, Sussex, England who enjoyed worshipping in "that little Bayfield Church.' This weekend the 120th - session of Synod is being held in St. Pauls Cathedral in London and on July 9, 1857, Bishop John Strachan presided over the 1st Synod of the newly constituted Diocese of Huron. Rev. Benjamin Cronyn was elected first Bishop. e ACWsupports foster child Eighteen members were present at the ACW of Trinity Anglican Church meeting at "The Hut" home of Lucy Diehl. Margaret Larson read the epistle for Ascerision Day. President Pat VanPatter thanked Lucy for her hospitality and Lillian Higgins who was co -hostess. It was decided to send $90 to the foster child in New Delhi, India. Buelah Smith reported on Easter cards sent to the sick and shut-ins and everyone • signed a card to Bessie Hulls in University Hospital and Louise Reid in Victoria Hospital and also to Mrs. Stan Bryant who was celebrating a special birthday. The president announced the Spring Deanery meeting of the ACW would be held at the Anglican Church in Pine River on June 6. A request for eyeglasses was received. This is called "Operation Haiti," the poorest country in the nor- thern hemisphere with an average yearly income of $125. and is sponsored by the Diocese of Huron and sup- ported by the ACW's. Any discarded eyeglases would be most appreciated. The president along with Jeannne Bennett attended the ACW annual on April 27 in St. James West- minster, London and in her report Jeanne said that it was a very uplifting and inspiring meeting. Theme speaker Dean Irvine based his topic on "The Time is Now". Margaret Clift offered to convene the annual bake sale set for July 22 at 11 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Devotional period was presented by Edith Smith who read ex- cerpts from a book entitled "The Truth of God Incar- nate." Garden club opens season Meeting one of °Bayfield 1, 4-H Garden Club was held April 25 in the basement of St. Andrew's United Church with leaders Miss Karen Webster and Mrs. Lee Erb in charge. A fishy tale Although rainbow fishing season opened this past weekend and anglers were standing shoulder to shoulder along the Bayfield River, no reports of any fantastic catches reached this reporters ears, but a story reached our desk that we thought should be shared. It's entitled, "A Fishy Tale." "Once upon a time there was a brilliant sturgeon on the staff of the --,Community Health Fishility. In fact he was one of its flounders. Wiser than salmon, a fin fellow, he would never shrimp from his respon- sibilities. In short, he was happy and successful and always whistled a happy tuna. "Then one day, a patient --a mere whipped snapper-- told the sturgeon that his medical theories were full of abalone.' He trouted all over town telling people that the sturgeon's treatments had made him more eel than Turn to page 11 • We elected officers as follows: president, Cheryl Dunn; vice-president, Sheri Phoenix; secretary, Barb Campbell; press reporter, Patti Greer. We discussed the requirements for the Club. We are to grow a garden consisting of ten vegetables and four annual flowers. We also discussed the contents of a good garden and the benefit of having a good garden and what annual flowers are.— By Patti Greer. r-- crhe 1robe i r • r' Watch for the doors of'- The fThe Wardrobe to open May 20 Moen Street BAYFIELD, ONTARIO Mood. It's a whim of the moment or a strong conviction. It embraces sense of style, a love of beauty. The Raintree has it. In lovely pictures, and truly creative custom framin European artistry in fine Crystal and China. Exclusive designer wall coverings and related fabrics, with exciting variety. An outstanding collection of custom lamps and lighting fixtures. Mood. It's a certain feeling for luxury, for quality. Mood. Elusive, profusive-- a very personal matte a r, and we can help. "More than a decorating resource, The Raintree is an attitude." LIGHTING, WALLCOVERING, FINE ART & ACCENTS One Twenty Eight Albert, Clinton 482 3871 Lioness club weleaeests The May 1 meeting of the Bayfield Lioness Club opened with each Lioness introducing her guest oar: fuests to title group of ladii$,Tesent, 73 in all, before dinner was served. Speaker for the evening was Miss Sandra Coleman, who won the Legion Award for public speaking and also the regional finals. Sandra gave some interesting facts on the weather in 1977; its cause and effects. Being an "out -of -the -ordinary" subject for public speaking, Sandra's listeners were very attentive and appreciative. Monies have been donated to the Lions Youth exchange program sponsored by the Lions. Two girls will be sent to Texas this year for a two week period. The 'May meeting was held in the United Church and the June meeting will be held on June 5 with Mrs. Miller still catering. On May. 21, the annual pancake breakfast will be held by the Lions with the Lioness members assisting. Booster Buttons will be on sale there, so be sure to get one. June 24 is the day of the annual bake sale at the Old Homestead. Another quilt is being quilted at the Municipal building. Tickets are on sale from Lioness members, at Grahams General Store and at the Village Market. The draw for the quilt will take place at the Penny Sale during the Lions Frolic in July. The Executive meeting on May 15 at the home of Lioness Diane Boyes. The new executive are as follows; past president, Ilse Gemeinhardt; president Sue May; first vice-president, Carolyn Snell; second vice- president, Judy Huntley; treasurer Kathleen Siert- sema; recording secretary, Carol Penhale; correspon- ding secretary, Diane Boyes; directors, Alice Brandon, Joan Merner, Joyce Mcllwain; Lioness tamer, Margeret Gale. 9,000* Readers can't be wrong READ THE NEWS -RECORD *Based on 3.0 readers per copy WATCH for the GRAND OPENING at RICHARD ERB'S MEAT MARKET Highway No. 21 at Stanley Twp. Road 15 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Rates up to 9% % available CP013 J �1 � r ' fl C' 1 Ci f �' �► FINANCIAL AND MANAGMENT CONSULTANTS P.O.BOX 52 58 ELGIN AVE. EAST GODERICH 524-4211 R.I(. PECK APPLIANCES "In The Heart of Down Town Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of most makes • CB Radios and Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ont. Phone 482-7103 sartliff's suggest... From our Bakery freshly baked • "Mother's Day Cakes" "Mother's Day Dinner" Served Sunday, May 14 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • •0•'0: • A great selection, fresh from the Perth Cheese Co. PARTLIFFS Bakery - 64 4Resrauranr 41 LLIUT ST. CLINTON 431-9727 Jdfl •