HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-9, Page 1•
• oltOr B14.01'0040 Court, Notary Publie
flOuveptitee; csbe. Roney to (
011104I slalook,Exeter, .
Wristor, Solicitor, Gonvoye,ncer., Etc.,
Oilleegerewell's Week flail sold ofilee.)
' c.)•
444edVAciltelee,e4 ieeele 00 the eioth pasc,
UP,00bfer alsips two es,r loede Of
butter from liere tiSie 'Week, te MotStre'llaUrl
lialifax, The butter Ives plareliased frens
Merelsaute iit EXeter taild violnity• .
litTilpit desiruhle pt'operty on IYrilhi Stnet1 '
Exeter, belonging to the estate of the late
Wm. Weir, for eele cheap, •Apply to 1. r.
John Banton, E.;•seter.
Mr. Wlyi, 'Wilson, of }lay, offers his farm
for sale, it is an excellent farm end le con-
veniently siteeted• Reason for selliiig---
going north to proeines more laud, See adv,
ni:Ineyiniollititplyillebileadogli;44 eprutialidoyooNordis,118)ivi:gribltn:
ltave left for, tile Ola Coentry 0/1 a Visitino , '
•W1th GEC:, SA.111,11:11t8, l'inT•Sit, ONT, '
given the opportnnity by corrpspontling•
IVIrl amil Mrs. TheS, -Ifazolin, 'of Exeter's '
NIessrs.. letrip and SPaekluan, of Exeter,
The hist tlibig that Strangers note in eenl,
ItTeeittitith eittoiliVicyl aiisv $ttlrlea4goi4ixottoll.etalOiknanolh4t14
TIOAVENTS X032 Sale. illustrated eescriptive Aseete over $5,000,000 ; claims arid bonnsee Shute of DetiOit, is viSiting At 11r, 'I'lles, P
A• oatalognes free, It: oiasamssnassaess, Toron. 1),tid, over $10.000,000, Building, operations were impeded colt- Shute's, UShoille.
114xEr'rult• s 011-`• ' RE liV T() T.I1 LINE, LET (xi:1g CHIPS VALL WHERF THEY
Gracluato of the Bayed: College' of
Dental,surgpons of Ontario. Hay
ing furnished , Den tat Itoonis
•on XisallSS•Sla, !soon ,11.` ast of Central Hotel,
Exoter, Ont., whore cm procured te Perform
ell bran ea pi D eutalprofos Sion with 01180
' sk ', Charges,Itfoclerato r•'',Verrns, Cash.
„ •
SaMayell'e Bleck, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth Ivitliont pain
by giving Vitalized Air. Gold
Filings and all' other dental
work the best possible, Goes
o Zruicorc 013 'get Thursday in
M. D.,
• umooathissesidence Exeter
ti • P. , vacillate vie teriaunivers ity.oin CO
ttiltlweBidence,l)ott 'IliQIILItharBtOT F‘x e ter
FlYNDMAN, coroner for the
Coontv of Huron, 0,CaOel OPPOEth0 Mr.
t. Carling's store, Exeter.
TO. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S
o. ones, Main St .Exeter, Oh b. Residen
'ea tiouserecontly occupied by r. Atephinips,
Permanently located in No, 185
gooen's Avenue, Lonclou, a few doors
east of Post Office. Special attention given to
diseases of the Eye, bad sight, an ;1 the pres-
ervation of vision diseases of the Ear, im-
paired hearing, aild discharge's from the ear •
diseases of the Throat, chrome inflanimation
beiug ft frequent wise of deafness; diseases
oif the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of
iapai 'ed hearing.
EILBE.R, Licensed Alin-
. tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli-
tray:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate
:ates. Office -At Post-othee;Crediton, Ont.
TOFIN GILL, Auctioneer for tin;
ei Townships of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, aad satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Liar • So -ripens, Graduates of tho Ontario
Veterinar College, Toren
to, have . : ,,,, an office for
the treat ment 01 all
Domestic -'62C .'"1 Animals, on
Mainstreet _...,„„_,_, Exeter. Calls
from a dis __... --. 'res-''' --a.- tance prompt'y
attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,/to
always on hand:
...1 -UL tate forthe Huron &ErieLoan, ‘+'
n gs 8 e Lw rates of i nteresi Apply t o
Tobn Spackinan,Exeter.
perce, t.u.ccording toter= s . Private
Apply to
Augustm Solicitor, Exetol
per cent; $25,000 Private Funds.. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
1/rONEY TO LOAN. --Pers one
Wishing to borrow money will take no-
tice that I am now loaning County Funds at
6 per cent.
Treasurer's Office, Eioclerieb,)
September 27811, 1880.)
and Life Insurance Agent, and Isenor of Mar -
T • Ont., Conveyancer, Commissioner,Fire
riage Licenses. All business transacted strict-
ly confidential. A call solicited.. OfEce ; atthe
Post Office.
'Established in 18433.
This cam): any has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western Cm-
tario,andcontinues to insure against'. oss or
damage by Fire ,Buildings,Mercmandise,51an-
ufactori ,a nd all o th e r de cripti on of nsur-
able property. Intendina illthlT0111 havo the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
oash System.
During the past ten years this Company
has issued 57,006 Policies. covering property
bo the amount o 840,872,038 ; and paid in loss-
es alone s700,732,00 ,
Assets, S1/6,100.00, consisting of cash
itank, GovernmentDeposit, and the nuass-
, essed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J,
W WA:Dor:14M D. Preside.' 8, 0. TAX/JOB,
SOCrOtary. J. . Humane, Inspector. CHAS.
SNELL Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
1111/N11011i:1 nailWAY
The Itoyn,l Passenger and dreight
Iteute betweeti,Canatla and Great 13iitain and
direct route between the West and all points
on the Lower Sb. Lawrence ancl Baie des Cha•
leur, ISO,
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
P. B. Island Gape Breton,
" Bermuda,
and dramaica.
New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping
and Day Cars rtm on through Express trains.
Passongersfor Great' Britain or f he Conti-
nent IrY leaving Toronto at 8,30 a. in. Thin's,
ity will jets el/try/1rd steamer at Hali-
fax it, re. Stittirday.
Superior 13levator Warehouse and Doak se-
eorrimoda,tion at Halifax for shipin exit of graie
and general inerchrtudiso,
•Years of experience have proved. the INTEB,-
COLONIAL in connection With steamship
lines to and from. T4ondcin, Liverpool and
GlitssojtV to tfalifax, be the quiekest roight
oito between. Cadada and Great Britain.
Information as ' to raitstriger Freight
.atesean be Iced 031 application to ,
0/313RT B. lig
Western Freight& PitSSODgbi Agebit
ISessinilotiso Blocilc, York Sty Taranto
b. POTIlits/0131t,,
• Chief S eri t
kilway 0 to IsT,1-s, NOV 181885
14 Tarrant% Seltzer Yon. IN SURAN'OE. • /-lrev4ties. , rersonal.' .
vordelytip4t10,z,4, will ..JFIRti EST ELLIOT, AGENT 1?0I1 ' The Salvation sarmY here hatre new Wm. SteVoxie V.'S, end Jolts/ Grahams, deal.
A:°eanciallre 49v "unt Watch fer change of adv. next Week. ' Silent a few' da.Ye 'thle
k ellekscroneesenabosaiiien,,toe, wes st,11,41,,,,soyaNALejackiNoitAiDPia:sai,re,01;111-4sc1onnutdroentii,,IiSlieclitatntds,OWO yester aY•ass eeYS'•' ePut ,
r• hoitipsoxi, of,Hensallapreached are attending the county, eouticil ;which costs
' Hersey is ptsyieg oast) foa batter altd. Mr. and. Us's; A's Q, Bebier of Leodon
And egcfreStlen. Maki 4 TI -IE NVP"'.1.971tN ASS UBANGI:, 001kt st-tr f file ttlema ' 1 t tit's i rt I 1 f St M. rye, t ere
, When Tarrant's fileltser • '
eter6: PANY of Torolitnj• o peacENra e 5' gel 11 al 4 3'1'. 1 " linP9 est 1 1 7:1;4 ° tlf tri
basheen tried. SBITfSli 141.10 AS'SDBANCE 00A1,- in the Preebyterian church Suoday morn- vetted at Goderich, TeescleYIIULI .-Mrs. g
tc, Ont.
siderably last week, owing to the coutinuous t
A.DV7,ta'tW.TS—EitS------.-.1,owest rates for ad- COQ AL ISIMTS.-7Fra shall be happy to re' The village emsucil met on INIoatlay eV., Notwithatanding that we had an Arb z'
, , - j
, wet weather. • Illore Trees Wanted.
free, Address G130. P, 110 VtrELD 47 00., 10
yertising ill 1000 good newspapers seat J3Z.VC at all times, from any part of the but immediately adjourned there beiug no Day and that many trees were set out,
cldeats,or any interesting incident Ivitat That old pioueer of Stephen., Sant Ford, awl labor were devoted entirely to tree ."
• Count1/1 items of iocal news, sach. PC- important businese to transatt. feu° are aa many morn reqUired• Ltne r
ley porehaaeit their tielsot
PANY, of 1,onclon, England, established 1847. ing last,
reeoadsowda.liss4, txtetesrt6rannsgteill•entbafrorablY
• A strawberry and ice.creamfestivai under
he auspicet of the Ladle's Aid Society of
ames St. church will be given ou the let
uly on the grounds of Mr. D, Braund,
`urther particulars later.
Messrs, Thos. 'Beattie Co, of Londoe,
widen, who are aware Of the n'OCal reStiltS
advertieing in a live local and widely
irculated paper, have baserted an ads,. ut
00 Tatnes. It appears on the 4th page,
Mr. Lewis, of Londen, with other buyers
ere here Ou • Tuesday, and purchased
everal fine dramght and road horses,
Ltd that in Exeter, more borsee are per -
lased by foreign buyers than in any other
eel in western Ontario.
It/fossil:a Harden. and Leathern's trotting
are 'Maid of the Mist' is in fine eondition,
Id clan make most of them. take the dust,
tey are in a dilemma as to which would be
ore profitable --raising stock, or keepiog
pressly fur the track.
Ihe boat race, which, owing to the shower
rain on the evening of the 24th of May,
d not occur, will take place on Friday
ening, on Pickard's .pond, to commence at
o'clock. The raee is included la the 24th
May sports and will be free,
The monthly meeting of the Band of
ope, in eonnection with the James-st.
ethoilist clinrch here, will beheld on Toes -
y evening. next, in the 13asement of the
tech, We understand that the program
to be in advance of any given at previous
etnnes. A very instructive and interest-
time is antiaipated.
A. number of export cattle have been ship -
1 from Exeter, during the past few weeks
cl is repotted that at Monsreal there is
te a boom in the cattle expert trade, and
orters have been making such a scram -
after ship space that freights have risen.
are now five shillings sterling higher
u they were this time last year. The
ce of all steamships in port and to arrive
a couple of weeks, is secured, and still
1.0 is a demand for more.
he following is a list of the stations in
Exeter district of the London Confer -
f3 a.ccording to the first draft :-(Main
Exeter, W. S. Pascoe, D. D. ;
nes-st.,) James Graham ; Parkhill, A. G.
tis ; Elimville, Wm. Penhall and J. E
Ines • Centralia, E. Kershaw; Crediton,
IC'ennedy ; Birr, W. Quern:ea Bryans
11. W. Cretvs, B. A. ; Melrose, S. W.
(worthy; Sylvan, J. G. Falls ; Grand.
d, T. B. Coupland, J. Hussar.
'ednescia,y evg., June 1st, a quiet wed -
g took place at the residence of Mr. Jas.
l','airbairn, the occasion being the •onar-
e of Miss Lousia Cassady, and John
rews, of Goclerich. The ceremony was
ormed by Rev-. S. F. Robinson, Rector,
of Exeter, in the presence of a few elose
personal friends of the bride amd bride-
groom. After the service, the company sat
down to a wedding supper, and later on en-
gaged in vari3us amusements. The happy
couple left for Goderich, Thursday morning
where they will locate.
The West Huron Teachers' Institute will
be held in the Principal's room, at the
Public School, on Thursday and. Friday, 9th
anti 10th inst. commencing at 10 a. in, Cal
Thursday. iriends of education are cor-
dially invited to be present. Mr. Win.
Houston, M. A. Provincial :Parliamentary
Librarian, will act as Director. On. Thurs-
day evening there will be a concert aml
lecture in Drew's Opera House. The
teachers are sparing no pains to make the
entertainment a grand success. See bills.
iv111-1tRAT at CO. are prepared to fit
up Private Residences, Churches, and Pub-
lic Buildings with Brussels Carpets, Wool •
Carpets, 3 ply Carpets, Union Carpets,
• Sinoleinns and English Oil -cloths, from 1 yd
to S yds wide; 50 different patterns of new
Carpets, Damask Curtains Feather I3eds
and Pillows and every Other article of
Housefurnisitings, suitable for all classes of
people. When in the City call and inspect
our stock, price and quality of goods.
R. S. MURRAY & Co.,
124 Drindas, & 125 Carling St.,
Mr. John Spicer, who has been confined
to the house for more than a mouth with a
swollen arm, is getting better, and expects
to be areuticl again in a few Clays. About
six weeks aago a sliver by some means, pene-
trated one of his theinbs. It was extracted
and no niore notice was taken of it until a
few days afterward, whoa his hand began
to swell, followed by the arm swelling to
an enoemons size. Medical aid was at once
procured and the ailment was pronounced
blood -poisoning. The arm was treated and
tit.: baud lanced, and now the limb is de-
creasing to its proper size.
Mr. Geo. Sanders, who has recently
returned from Manitoba and the .West-
ern States, intends remaining in. Exe-
ter, permanently, having been appointed
sole agent fol. Canade, for the Elixir Vitte
Company, protiticers of the Magnetic Elixir
Mineral, in its unadelterated state from the
mines, is prepared to receive the names of
any who wish to act as ageuts. Good in-
ducements die" ed to active nion and women,
Mr, Senders, being an old resident of Exe-
ter, and having known hint for 3.'ears we
oan safely say that anybody cleating with
him may depend upon it they ehall he dealt
with in a straightforward menner. See
The meanima of "Jubilee." -.-All do not
kr (0 sr what Jubilee means. As regards Her
Majesty, 'the matter is simple eiiottgla
Q:loirhetoifSITitcutloeritIasa3er stiodteilatt iewthttrielte2oottslitlasel
jasaa, 1887, s'he will have reigned for fifty
years. Now the fiftieth year was a very
important, almost a Seered yeer, among the
Jews, 'Sloses had laid it down as at, divine •
command that after every fortymino years .•
the land. waS not to be sown or reaped,
debts which could tint be paid owing to '
povert,y were to' be 'cancelled, slaves were to
he sot free, and the land itres to•be reetbred
to its ovigthal boldest. •The fiftieth
W&18 te be halloWed and liberty ,• proclaimed
throughont the land to theitihabitants,1 The •
ivitettlnire‘lvtatbiletenaornonseeoftireazit,Ittleleolofgacietottliiatatrkr?set •
loy blast on ram'ellsorn eobels This
great hOlikty was never strietly held, and
fell at last bit o disuse. ' Drtt tho name re.••
• unlined, anti is commonly einployed to •de -
tween Moleon'e Bank and Centralia, a
Small Satchel Vibb 1)tpOl's (receipts etc) and a
good emu of money in it, lf the finder will
kindly bring it and all its conteuts to me, I will
give reward of $8.00.
H, B.IN's AN, Dentist, n xe ter,
TO manarr
Seating Capacity, 700.
Dissolution of Partner-
• ship.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partner-
ship lately Exn,ting between Jonathan J.
Pickard andEsva Spicer, of the village of Exe-
ter, under 1180 firm of Pickard &Spicer, Poultry
Breeders, was dissolved on the 80'rn DAY oD
APRIL, by nautizal con sent.
E ri,s. 81.80011.
F. W. eau/Abu:0_
Witness, I -
Mr -f. 3. Pickard continuo the
poultry busines, and keep constantly ou hand
duringthe season, S. S. Hamburg, G I, Ram
burg, D Brahma, W C Black Polish eggs a
$2 per setting,
Notice to Creditors
Th e Creditors of Andrew Walker, late nf the
Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron,
wile died on or about the 14th day of June, A .D,
1880, having claims against the said deceased
are in pursuance of the Act 46 Victoria Chapter
9 of the Statures of the Province of Ontario,
hereby notified and required -to send on or be-
• venth Day of June, A. O. 1887, by
post to the undersigned executors the de-
ceased, their christian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of
the r a statement of their accounts and
the nature oftho securities (0 any) held by
them and that immediately after the said
seventh O.ty of Jane the assets of the said de •
ceased win be, distributed among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which this said executors shall then
have motif:A andtlie• said. executors shall not
be liable for the said assets or any p.crt there-
of to any person or persons of whose claims
notiee dial' not have been receiyecl.
Centralia, P. 0. Grand 13end P. 0,
Dated 14th liday, A, D. 1887.
Notice to Creditors.
Thecreditors of John Jones, the elder, late of
the village of Exeter, m the county of Huron,
who died on or about the twenty-third day of
Maroh, A. D. 1887, having claims ' h
s lid deceased are in pursuance of th " '
ictoria, chapter 0,01 the statutes of the Pro-
vince of Outario,hereby notified and required
to send ou in before the thirteenth, day of June
A. on 1887, by post to the undersigned, Ann
Jones, Of the valage of Exetsr, in the county
of Huron, the F,xecnitrix of the deceased, their
christian and surnames, addresses ancl descrip,
tons, the lull particulara of their claims, a
statement of their aciountS and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them and that
immediately after the said 13811 day of Juno,
the assette of Ole said deceased will be distrib-
uted amengthe parties entitled thereto ,naving
regard only to the claims of whieh the said
Executrix shall then have notice, and the said
Executrix shall not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any person or
persons of whose claims notice shall not have
been received. ANN JONES.
Dated at Exeter, lith May,1887.
SEALED Tenders for floor ng and repairing
the School House, in (1.81. No, 1, Usborne, will
be received by the undersiglied until Jim: m 25asEr
1887. For further information apply to the
Teacher, at the Schaal,
(2-64 Exeterp. 0..
, —
We wish to call especial attention from the
farmers and others requii:Ing tie, that Mr.
George IVIoatz, of Lot 11, Con. 6, Stephen, Credi-
ton,P, O., has 00 hand a yery lance (men tity of
At the Following Pries:
TE. .„ $ 8 par M.
10 "
34 "
5 n
4 "
20 "'
es "
a ••• 50 "
Seven inch tile can be furnisii ed if required.
The above 0850f best quality,
Crecliton, April14, 1887. GEortGE MOATt
Bo et Heys, to
Canes, Chliciren's Carriao-es
and Express Wagons.
bnilw LOT OV
Fishino. Tackle
Dou1t Pot!
td At the qm Staod
The Dominion Laborltor
ever, from asty of our subscribers or read -
ere general?' for the purpose of Public-
TEN CENTS marlins for first insertion , 01111
P0018 a VINT$ per line tar eaeli subsequent' in
serf:ion will be charged :to notices ay !searing
in this olinnu
JUST Received a complete stock of Travis,
Shoulder -braces, Supporters, ctc., at the
Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ, PPOPRISTOR.
Miss Virood has returned from the 'city
and is in charge of Dress and Mantle making
at Renton Bros., and the rush has commen-
Without exception,the best and cheapest
Lines in Boots and Shoes Wit have as yet
seen, can now he had at C. EaCretts. Child-
ren's, Carriages, Express -wagons, also best
leather fly -nets. Harness, truelss and
valises constantly On hand: Give us a call
before purchasing. Butter and eggs taken in
exchange for goods. _Also a first class
House for sale. C. EAMZETT.
Stop it at once. What 2 That cough which
is troubling you. Call at the old stand, Dr.
Lutz's Drug Stors. and procure a 25 cent
bottle of Hailamore's Expectorant. This
preparation has been the popular cough mix-
ture of Taranto for over 25 years. It invaria
ably gives speedy and permanent relief from
all colds, coughs and chest troubles. It is.
safe and pleasant, always sure the work: of
coughs to quickly cure:
Pure Paris Green, Hellibore and Insect
Powder at Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ,
General servant wanted. Apply to Mrs.
(Dr.) Hyndmam, Exeter.
An Actual occurrence.
A lovely maiden lay asleep .
Upon a bed of roses ;
She had the sweetest rosy lips
And the handsomest of noses.
But she opened her be:aght,lalue eyes,
She gave a 017 of pain;
A calf had eaten nv her switch .
And she was bald again.
Sudden Death.
The many friends in Exeter and surround-
ing country, will be sorry to hear of the
death of Mrs. (Rev.) A. C. Cortice (nee Miss
,Tennie Butcher,) daughter of late Rev. J.
Butcher, of Peterhoro, formerly of Exeter,
which sad event occurred at Toronto on
Tuesday 31st ult. The deceased was in her
,usual health on Monday and was out in the
afternoon for a drive with her husband. In
the evening she Was taken suddenly ill aud
rapidly grow worse until she died. She
'was only 26 years of age, and•was a highly
cultivated young lady.
In Trouble.
Two young lads, Thos. Phair'and Frank
Howard of this place, went to London last
week seeking work.. Thursday night they
occupied the same room at an hotel there.
When Phair retired helhad $3.50 tied lip in
his handkerchief and when he woke up in
morning the money was missing: He at
once informed a police of the affair, and the
officer brought both boys face to face. How-
ard confessed that he had taken the money
and dropped it on the Street when he was
arrested. The money was found, and
Howard. was arraigned before the Police
Magistrate, who at once sentenced him to
ten -days in jail for the larceny of $3.50
from his associate.
The complimentat•y passes to newspaper-
men given by the managers of a coun-
ty fair in Michigan leads one to believe
that the press is more appreciated by Inc
easticulturalists of that State thau it is in J. ain•st c eh, Mr. John Renton, morning, rear of his (Mr. Christie's yard. The horse
ntario. Here is how the pass reads: 'This and Mr. Horace rollick, evening. was handed over in advance of the well
ticliet has probably been paid for a dozen The 21s1 of June, the date declared by being completed, and work went on smooth -
times over by th e paper to which it is issued. the Governor-Generel for the celebration of ly for a few days until a horde of gypsies
It will be honored in the bands of sal' &fan, the jubilee of Her Majesty, the Queen, is to visited the place, when Mr. Moore immecli.
woman or child, white or black, red or yel- be taken advantage of by numerous towns ately commenced negotiating with one of
. .
low, who favors the association by present.
. . the visitors for an exclunge cf animals.
After selecting his horse Mr. M. made a
proposal, feeling quite confident as he attest.
ecl to the bystanders, that he would "do
that gypsy up if he had Dever been done np
before." Considerable bartering was done,
end. finally Moare consented to give the
gypsy $1 difference between the two horses.
More took the horse home and the gypsy
went on his way. This ended the horse
deal for a few days. In the meantime,
Moore discovered that his new horse WAS
afflicted with a disease known as the poll.
vil, and came to the concusion that the
"doing up part" was loaded up thoother way
13y Some means the gypsy's horse got away
from. Win and strayed. back to Moore, and
WaS placed ie a secluded spot under lock
and key. The gypsy returned to totvn mat.
ttrally thinking that the horse 'tvotdd Totem
to its former owner, bet no trace could be
Can the red man be civilized? •t'ytut t 'or; ce pet into Constable Creech's
mune OE tne at:Willa. The ease to recover it
tive answer to this question seema to be hands, and aftet' a few hours setteching
given in an article entitled cr.M.etlakalitla," found the animal locked up in a stable. It
by Z. L. Whites which will be pahlished in was handed over to "he gypsy. 'Mr. Moore
the O'uly numher of The American Illagazine feelin'g tore about the way he hart been dc -
11, tribe of brutal savagos, the worst: Indult delved and tnownig t ttlithAS. LWOW-
0-0 the Pacific Coitat, has been transformed, ed the exallauge Wac next to neeteSs$ he
accordieg to this tweet:int, into an orderly, ' preferred to sell 11 to the gypsyfot $5. The
industrunts and thrifty community, '•' offer was accepted, It w111.• therefore be
A 'fleeting of the Band of II0pc in coo, Seeil that Mr. Moore loat npwards of $30 in
neeticm with the, MabOdiAt Sab,, Se single horse deal, And to add more to
bath School was held on Priday' &yelling his exe.ruciation some' Misohievotts person
last, and Wag largely attended, Although attaelierl to a telegraph pole , npoll which
the program was notas elaborate 85 is usual9 there was already tt 'sign representing his
IY the 000s, 37018 811 propoit seemed to enjoy Imainess,, the words "novae Dealers"
themselves immensely. Owing to De. Pas **/
000 being absent at Conference, the eoirtinn, 'The 041144 sat speeifications foe the new
ation of his leeture on "VIO honse that ,Ittel- Church of trigland edifiee are about ready
is in the village for the summer, Sem looks planting ott the old market sqoare, 110W 00
11,8 rugged 110*W as he did five years ago. known as the perk, while along our puldie -a
Mr. L. Hardy has been awarded the con-
tract for the erection of two bridges in the streets where a munber of dead trees are to '
be seen, nothin„,o• what even was done to re. _
tOnniship or jAwkersmith, to cost $000, plaee them, As it was the iutention of the '
Ho for the Sault St, Merle, Ontario, Sat- Reeve when proclaiming the clay for that :
urday, leaves Gude/10h, 8 2),, 01, „Tune 1 Ith, purpose that all y.iersons interested should
1887 Apply for all informal= to Capt. assist in beautifying eurvillage, the blame '
Geo. Kemp.
rests with those People in 'SVIIC" ne/gbboi'
The ladies of Main-st. Meth, church in. hood withered trees am to be seen; audit thy
tend giving a'strawberryfestival on Wechles" are not sufficiently concerned abort: the,
(IV, 22411 of June. Fuller particulars wi1l
be giveu in due time. prov*rig oftlui street in front of their OWIl
premises, it cannot be expected that red-
, The close seasou for bass will terminate
on Wednesday next of which fact anglers dents in other parts of the town. will be. m
When the people individually do not pay ex
are requested to take notice and govern the slightest attention to the trees planted
',theiriselVes accordingly.
' Dr. W. S. Pascoe, of Main-st. Methodist
claurch, has been elected president of the
London Conference by a very large majority
of votes on the first ballot.
Mr, Robt. Abraham, shoemaker,' well,
known to many of the citizens of Exeter,
has left Seaforth, where he has been work-
ing lately, for Bay City, Michigan.
, Mr. 8prngue Was tined $1 and costs the
other day for having several weeks previous
tied his horse across the sidewalk, on Huron
st., daring a short conversation with a cer-
tain Constable.
Mr. Geo. Sanders, who has laeen sojourn-
ing in Manitoba and the Southern States for
the past few years., returned home Thurs-
day. He is looking better than, he has
looked fory ears.
Mr. Geo, Bissett, who, some time ago
underwent the painful operation of having
one of his legs amputated, is„ we are pleas-
ed to notice, sufficiently strong to walk
about and ettend to business.
Nearly all the small places in the neigh-
borhood, such as Mitchell, St. Marys, Park-
hill and Seaforth, are talking eleetriei;
It has commenced.in talk and will probably
wind up in gas.
A goodly nuinber of young folks
of the village as:company the Royal
Templars of Temperance Society to Kirkton
to -morrow, where a grand union picnic iT
to beheld.
Again on Friday the magistrates, 1VIessrs.
Govenlock and Wanlass visited Exeter for
the garpose of hearing the cases of Mitchell
and Peine; but aspen -lie etppeared-the court
was adfoureed for one week.
We have received an interesting com-
munication from Mr Geo. Sanders denying
statements made by the Toronto Mail con -
along the highway, it then falls to' the lot of oaf,
our villag,e Fathers to see that the trees are `"
kept in proper shape ; and steps should be e,v
taken at once to have all dead trees uproot- s'x
ed and replaced with good thrifty saplings. of
The naked limbs and deathly appearance of ,
the trees, have a wretched appearance, and
if not noticed by the townspeople is earth- ,,
uted by strangers to neglectfel administra. u.,a
tion or lack. of taste on the part of our F'u
citizens. Let the authorities see to it at is
once ;that all dead or partially withered
treqs are hewn down, and in their places in'
have planted young maples ; and alsoWhere
trees have preyiqusly been destroyed.1 have ePne'
them replaced. •
, gut
ex -p
Death of Bev. Mr Diokson.
The Rev G. N. A. F. T. Dicksou, the a,nd
well-known Methodist clergyman, died in the
London at his residence Thurscley maiming s„
in the 62nd year of his age. He was born lor
at Templenew, near Ballyshannon, in the the
county of Donegal, Ireland, on the 21st of •T
October, 1825. 'He came th'ISt. John, New the
Brunswick, in the year 1 Sleris where
tered uPon his ministerial duties hi the year gas
he enc
studied for the 'Methodist ministry, and en- atm
1851. He was`ordaineci for special, purposes Ha;
the sarne year, and four years later was re- Ho/
ceived. into full connection at the first con- D.
ference held in Queen's Avenue 1VIethodist ton,
Church, London, (1855.) the same year mu
he married _Fanny, daughter of Rev. John Be,
Barker, of 13righton, England, by whom he es
had eight children, five of whom, swith his din
widow, survivehina -Druing his ministerial R.
labors he was stationed in Montreal, Ring- riato.
ston, Hamilton, Niagara, Oshawa, St. Johns, suil
St. Thomas, Sarnia, London Exeter and f
other places, in all of which his labors were
corning the exodus of settlers from Manito- highly appreciated and crowned with mark -
ba to Dakota. 111 28111 appear in next week's ed success. From 1887 to 1880 Mr. Dick -
A new Supply of hymn books have jtsst
been put in the James-st. S. S. which, to
son was stationed in London, where he made
many warm friends, who, with others, have
been most asstdious in attentions', and by
ge with the newly arranged basement, mdly acts have done all in their power to
and to the comfort of its large attendance
of scholars: • ial labors
alleviate his suffering: During his minister-
of the lungs so far prostrated him
in Exeter from 1880 to 885, hena-
adds very much to the interest of the school
The band give open air concerts upon the that he had to abandon his loved work, and
street two or three times a week. Why not
cause to have 4 stand erected inthe business
part of the place ? A suggestion was made
the other day that there be a halal -1y built
on town hall, which would answer the pur-
pose of a stand.
The village by-laws contain a clause to
'the effect that horses shall not be allowed
to roam the Streets: As a consequence of
101 infracticie of the aboye two horse.s belong-
ing, to Mark Clarke were taken care of for a
short time Sunday.
A horse belonging to Mr. Wm. Harding,
which pastures m Pickard's field, came in
contact with a barb Wire fence the other
day and cut its breast to such an extent
that the gash had to be stitched by a veter-
The contractor, Mr. A. Sheere, ispushing
rapidly forward' the erection of the brick
block of Messrs. Snell Bros and the I. 0. 0.
F. Society. The work is being well done;
the walls are very plumb, the bricks care-
fully laid and the finish good, indeed.
The Methodist palpits here Were occu-
pied by auiciliaries on Sunday last, in
the absence of the Pastors at conference.
In James-st. church, Mr.' Hartnett in the
morniug and Mr. Brawn in the e', -ening.
at the conference of 1586 was superannuated,
ancl with his family returned to London.
Mr. Dick:still WZ1,5 a maa of marked scholua
ly attainments, exemplary character, and in
his pastorial relations he was universally..
beloved. The funeral, Sunday, was very
largely attended, services being held first at
the late residence of the deceased minister
and afterward at Dundas street Centre,
Methodist church, where, short addresses
were maale by Rev, Dr: Rycisman, Rev, J.
H. Robinson and Rev. j. V. Smith. The
large choir of the church rendered appropri-
ate music. The remains were Mterred
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, the pall bearers
being Rev. Messrs. G. D. Sutherland, James
Graham, Edwin. Holmes, Thomas Cobb, R.
3. Treleaven and Wm. Godwin, The Offic-
ial Board of the church also attended the
funeral in a body.
A. complicated Case.
A ease in which speculation was rife oc-
curred in our town last week and caused
considerable excitemeet amongst the more
speculative of out citizens. Mr. E. Christie
appears gave Mr. John Moore a horse and
a stun of money in consideration of his
sinking a well and bricking the same in
mg it It is good for entrance and grand
stand. and the bearer, if driving, will be en-
titled to pass a team free. The as-
sociation reeognizes the fact that its splen -
11111 success is owing largely, if not wholly,
to the notices so freely' given it by the press,
B11(1. W13110 we cannot render an egnivalent in
Caill We retrtrn many thanks.
The Sophistic but esti eniely erudite ((E-
tc' • f tl 11
am villages ut tins chstriet, St. Marys, Sea -
forth, Stratford, London and other plaees,
having advertised demonstrations for that
Mr. Geo. Mansore the boot and shoe men,
has moved to his new premises, one door
south of the post-offiee. He has purchased
8, new and well selected stook of ready made
boots and shoes wliich he purpoees selling at
consistently low prices, As Mr. Alanson is
the only separate boat and shoe dealer in
town the people may look for good bargains
at his hands. Road advertisome t
o ic eged Conservative :journal of St.
Marys, takes umbrage at our statemonts of
26111 ult., concerning the. jubilee celebration The North Middlesex 13ase Ball League's
in the stone town, and vents his capacious games aee to commence toonorrow (jtme
noddle in a manner which displays his argu- "
'Oth). Twenty-four games are to be play-
ed in all each chib playing six games on
gree, "I -low an event postponed can be a
mentative (?) abilities to an nnlitnited de. their own ground. The league is composed
of Imolai,' Ailsa Craig, Arkona end Perkhill,
planation he ean give. Bat whv postpoile
'gigantie inlaid is a mystery,' is the only 08. and oach is very ,confident. a winning, no
the games after the countey folk to th sahoduie of gallieS has been arranged lot the
e entire season.
number of thousencls have assembled 7 We
are informed by Mr. Dottpe of Kirkton,
who was to have taken part in the sports,
wad who wasloresent,thettheweather tvas sof.
liciently element to proceed with the games;
brit as the committee 'imagined the e'ladies
wonld not &Hero and that the gate receipts
wradd be limited 0 vas deemed to postpone
the games, after having opened the jmogram
by a gergeons Piretnati's procession. •In
Elzeter, as hi other plates the celebration
was carried ont to the lett'er, and although
'the rain fell in torrents during the forenoon,
the afternoon Was as pleasant as could, be
'desired, the games going on uninterrupted.
Onr confarer$ of the St011e town ere await of
the wrong done the comitty people. and, in
order le mask the fraudulence the eom.
taittee ignore the facts' and retort btlt
sts e. thcehaT Bildt ' was missed. Ale. 8e)ii.00 occupied t
, , „ 0.0081 ,,31,,,,088t106,, ,10 operations niloixtoblitolt:rfirStiavi:Llst:iiitititi:.i,e8asetarYi of ttii
• , , , ,