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The Exeter Times, 1887-6-2, Page 8
IlvSCRA.NC13. Ter NEST ELLIO , . E7NT FOR ' i k iN ASct RAhC a (t0?ff• •,yi+ 1 ,2 l !pax ti 1S PAN? ? PRToronto t also for rho 1'11.(L>t l 1'litl; iNSURA IA,F+ 00141 A:01, o1 London, 'Bligtettd, the ROYAL CA,K I)IAN, of Montreal ar d, the leatI ?ISalElat'IIi,' le1101F ASSURANCE GOyi. 1 li :,of faondon, England, established 1827. Assots. over $0,000,000; claims and bonuses Paid, ever $10,000,401, LOCAL NLWS.---We stunt., be happy to re- 4eive at all times, front any part of flit; Qounty, diems of local news, such cis aro• c addeaa,ts,or: any interesting tilteirtenc what ever, front any of our subscribers Or rerc1- ers,enerall'y for the purpose of p blic- atton, TEX CENTS eel, line for first insurtioa, lad k OixltaCi leTSlier line or e e1i. subsequent in serttouwill hecharged fo no times appearing in this e olunxu, xeet ^1;hate.° 'fl , Hawker's. Deemed. Ata thoroughly re ptestaletiitive meeting of the nterehants of Huron County, held at Clinton oaa' ridlay last, a 1es0111I4Ol wast unanimously carried, to eircuht,te petitioeis y amoaigst the ratel2ayors of tltecoututy for siC,w natures, sand petitioes to be presented to County Council at dune sossiou. The eat- borliuteitt of petition is, that a license of $200 be placed upon all laawkei•s and peal- lers travelling throughout the county, The object lea good olio, #and it is thought that the desired. end will be gained. There should, be no hesitancy oil the part of ratepayer throughout the county, plaacieg their signatui es to the petition. Brevities. Brevities. Bannon Bros. change of adv, in another column. Read it. of Sea#arab, 11r, L. E. Maley and wife, were in own visiting Heeds on Sunday tast A number of new hooks ,lave been eddeil rOhnITIV tl C; 1aLibrary,. alaaaiia to the Mechanics' Institut Wotan GE'i!riSeu 1'he jnbnleealeeue of GRus Ow\ LIBRARY will be put out next r D 0 32 peace, with af•ook. It will hoes book f I> sa picturenearly every peg!), beery pin; toreto• appear is either origua1 er is being. apeciall rp x•e• rodueed for this ;issue, ansa there will bee great demised for it. It will r6 be for sale at all book storee, or can be had " by sending 10 Gents diroot to GRIP Ofti e, Termite,. Saturday evening Bawled young men 1 d OTHE OTHERS. We wish to call ospoalul attention frontthe farmers nod ethers, requiriaar tile, that -Mr. George Iwfoata, of riot 11, Oon. a tophon` Uiro ii - ton, PlO.,has on band itYhry large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES At the hollowing ,.'rices; 21 Ina l• a0 lies;; " .. 00 >} to 41 of: the village met and prompted Mr. 0.. ( Willis, wile has since taken his departure for Kansas City, with a valuable gold pin with dtanuand •setting. One and 1 u 11 ex mess- s i'es ' ed their regrajt at losing one who hat niways :been active ui promoting the enjoyment of the `lads end, lassies' of Ude town, Speeches M'et'e made and'kind wishes expressed that at surae future time they might see bis =fling and congenial oountenanc;e 'once: more, and wished him success. Dir. H. Bl.lboi, of C 1't informs us 'Newspaper er mon a `' ret t on ui aa' are not exempt from the thin this fs;the fourth, year that a certain trauble of this world.' A wilt teas issued 'robin has built her rest on his !remises. Delegates to the (leuor,al tlsten bly, pees- at Cisgoode Elall, 'orento,, lvlwtday, et tlie, instance of John Brown, journalist of Tot• onto, against Thomas and Daniel McGilli- cuddy,, proprietors of the Huron Signaf; claiming 10,000 for libel, The alleged libel, ons articles were written durint the Fadoral campaign, and charged lir. Grown, who was then assisting Mr. Porter, with being concerned in • the Pitnnix • Park murder. byteriani Church, 1Vi}mtppeg, June 9, 18S7, i V1'. J. Carlin for tickets at redacecl fare. THURSDAY, JUNE 20(1, 1887 Swill do well to call of h Mr. Jas. Howard has sold his saw Mill in. Hay township to a 1' Ii Biehards, of Strath- roy, under whose control itwillimmediately come. JUST Received a complete stook of Traces, 1 The County Council will meet for the June Our cotifereres will, doubtless, learn that Shoulder -braces, Supporters, etc., at the session, at Goderich on the 7th of June. .Lite MrBrown is net the scapegrace they sup- 0 up-C mitral Drug Store, 0, LUTZ, FRoPao1:roa. most important matter to coin up will be posed liim to he. the equalization of assesssiuents' The cases of L -+3d. Peine, Zurich, and W. 1lliss Wood has returned from the city Ho for the Sault t. sylarie, United ] na' ,cot. , Act vio- and is in charge o£ Dress and Mantle making pile, leaves Goderacli, 8 a. m„ Wednesday, Mitchell, Crediton enccardinsupposedtoijo oat ant, to at Renton, Bros., and the rush has nommen 1 June 8th, 1887 A 1 f 11 formation + LOCAL HAPPENING& cad. Without exception, the best and cheapest Lines in Boots and -Shoes war have as yet seen, ran now be had at C. Eacrett's. Child- ren's, Carriages, Express -wagons, also best leather fly -nets. Harness, . trunks and valises .constantly on hand. Give we a call` before purchasing. Butter and eggs taken in ' ried from the lower part of the village where exchange- for goods. Also a first • class) there is no water put on the streets, Rouse for sale. C. EAORETT: • The members of the l;xeter • quoit club 1 •1 1lttu of y goPd pia}* - pp y ',or ,u In have been heard and ecided upon, Friday to Capt. Gen. Kentp.. Largo hauls of fish are being made gong the shore of Lake Muret, near the Grand Bette,, and as 0 cattserluenco the price per. ib. of the tinny tribe has been lowered.. A High wind prevailed on Monday and tho dust flew up main-st m clouds, being ear - Stop it at once. What ? That oougb wbich I8 troubling you. (,'all at the old stand, Dr. Lutz's IZ)rug Store, and procure it 25 cent bottle of Hallamore's Expeetoraut. This preparation has been the papular cough mix- ture of Terouto for over 25 years. It Mean ably gives speedy and permanent relief from all colds, Boughs'and chest troubles. It is safe and pleasant, always sure the worst of coughs to quickly cure. Pure eParis Green, Hellibore and Insect Powder at Central Drug Store, C. LuTz, Prop. General servant wanted. Apply to Mrs. • (Dr.) Hyndman, Exeter. 0 'pure Hellebore and Insect Powder at E. Scarlett's Drug Store, Exeter. Briefs. • Vegetation is making rapid strides, sine the recent heavy showers.—The wise mer - practice regu ai y. ers attend daily, atii9 ere long we expect to have a club which cannot be beaten. The band desires us to return thankka to those who so kindly took part in the pro- gram, and also to those alto attended the concert:. In order to complete our fyle up to the present, we require the issue of April 21, 1887. Any person having this copy of the TIMES will oblige us by leaving it at the of•, five or sending by mail. Already our citizens seek recreation at the part*. The trees are coming along nice- ly, and the place would present a much cleaner appearance if the grass were kept ere ped off. His Excellency the, Governor-General has proclaimed Tuesday, 21st June, as a day of general thanksgiving and rejoicing to cele- brate the 50thanniversary of the accession of Hdr Majesty to the throne. • A thunder shower occurred Monday evg. ,chant advertises—and of course in Tan which continued for a couple of bouts, Thins.—Firecrackers are still in great de - mend by the small boys.—The fruit on many of the trees in this neighborhood has formed, and the prospects of a good yield are good.—'.Cliffs is the tine of the year when a man who keeps hens begins to be viewed with intense anxiety by his neigh- bors who have gardens.—Grain is being more rapidly marketed at present than for some weeks ; the price has advanced.—hr, Elliott, of Toronto, a former resident of Exeter, is visiting friends in town,—Dr. Rollins and Jas. Swenerton, delegates on the railway deputation, to Ottowa,,,llave re- turned home. Personal. Miss Ida J. Boon of Toronto, is the guest of Miss ,M. V. White for a few days.— s Reeve Rollins and Jas. Sw ai to rton dele- gates on the railway commission to Ottawa, have returned. By an interview the par- ticulars found elsewhere have been elicited • flooding the streets with water to the depth of tbree inches. The rain continued to des- cend during Tuesday. In one week, from the cream of milk fi om two cows belonging to Mr. Joseph Bowden, twenty-one pounds of butter were manufac- tured, an average of one and a half pounds per day. This is an exceptional showing. Several of our merchants: who oppose pro- tection- against the United States, are mov- ing to have the -pedlars' license increased to $200. The country is becoming more con- vinced that protection is the key to success. The teachers of West Huron will meet in Convention here on the 7th and 10th inst. .A grand Concert will be given in Drew's Hall, Thursdayevening, the 9th. A good programme is being provided. We trust our townspeople will patronize the sante. N. Dyer Hurdon has again exchanged: horses, and it is said. his, agent who made the deal, got the start of the gypsy, with leu ars oun e s whom the trade was made, to the extent of —Mr, James M. Ramsay, who has been an $30.«G Mollie The sporting fraternity were sorry to -the leave town employee in this office for some time past, see ray o ' aleft far Toronto, on Monday. fie has been On Saturday last, Mr. McRoberts, of Lil- a faithful workman, and we trust that, with can, shipped from Exeter two car loads of the aid of his gentlemanly manners, agree- prime cattle to the Old Country. Three able dispotion and first rate ability, be will steers purchased from ills. Henry Jones, of be shccessful in securing a lucrative situa- tion.—Mr. Usborne, weighed u,130 Ins. tan average of Chris. Willis left Monday morn- 1,700 lbs. In all they were a fine looking ing for Kansas City, Kansas. He was made droye. the recipient of a handsome diamond scarf The celebration committee, after straigh- pin by a number of his gentlemen friends on ening up accounts, paying prizes dc., placed the Saturday evening previous to his de a deposit of $30. in the bank This is a more pasture --S. R. Vail left on Monday for the ;favorable showing than was anticipated, as •aid country: -Glen Elliot left the 'other day the expenses this }ear were greater than s for the Sault.—F. H. HyndmanofGlasgow, those of any previous year. Scotland, arrived in Canada the other day, The 'long continuance of dry weather, and is visiting' ids uncle, Dr. Hyndmail, which was threateniug•serious damage to .here. the harvest prospects has been broken by several wholesome rain falls during the past Council Zrieetinu. week. - At present 'everything has a green The council met as a Court of Revision, appearance, and prospects of a good yield of everything are good. at the Market House, Exeter, 26th of May, The Rev- F. F. Davis, (brother of Mrs. 1887. All present Except the reeve, who (Rev) S. F. Robinson, of this place) late were duly sworn. The deputy -reeve was missionary at Verden' in the diocese of Ru chosen abairman. Mr. John McInnis as- rtslandpeached two eloquent and im- sessment was reduced $50 ; Alex, i cPhel' pressive serrn ons in Christ Church, Exeter, son's assessment reduced $100 ; Hez. Me- OIL Sunday last. The attendance at both intosh's reduced $50 ; Geo. Kemps ass't services was good. was sustainer?. One dog struck off Wilson N. Dyer Hurdon has completed his spring Swenerton's ass't ; and one bitch struck off harvest, and reports the crop good. The Ed. Bisset* ass't, and one dog ; and Thos. winter coat has been removed from Grey Bissett assessed for one dog instead o£, two. Mollie. ` Plasterers requiring hair for plan The following names were added to the'terin will do well to call on N. D. H. Roll :—Wm. Woods, instead of Quinn Bo. Large or small quantities sold reasonably, bier, and W. G. Collins, tenant to T. B. but car loads at a great reduction. Carling, for lots 45 and 46, Victoria -et. The Young Men's Conservative Club. George Eacrett assessed same at last year, held a meeting in the President's office on he being omitted by the assessor. The Friday evg., and appointed the first Wed - Court adjourned until Monday, the 6th of needay of each month as thetime for their, .Tune, at 8 o'clock p. m. The council met ,ageting.The evening. will be spent in immediately after the Court of Revision, lion amusements --debating, eading, and agreed to makefa tout of inspection ou sjnging, fro. 'will be in (Ver.Tuesday next at 4 o'clock, p. m. Council , A novel way of getting even with one's then adjourned until 'Monday, the 6th of,'debtors has just b en tried. A Winnipeg June, after the Court of Revision. photographer a dew days ago exhibited a M. EACRETT, Clerk. ease full of photos,.eaeh labelled with the lest. Neither defendants nor any of plain - titre witnesses put in an appearance, and the cases aeoordingly were adjourned, bet this time indefinitely. May we ask wlay it is that these persons cannot be brought to court ? It is heaping a pile of costs upon the couutry to adjourn eases with which a couple of magistrates, constables and other officers are connected, and who haveao come a considerable distance. There is bound to be e change of some kind very soon.' DISTRICT DOINGS. Oeuurranees of the Past Wee$Throughen the Neighborhood in a Concise Form,. Tho Huron County Council meet next week, and will again discuss the question of erecting a poor house, I EItmama believe that Everest's Cough Syrup safed the life of my wife. -Jas. A. Fisher, Camlaoliie P. 0. An expert well driller from Petrolia is going to try and bore through the earth that bas caved in at the bottom of Stapleton salt well, Clinton. -Mr. Thomas Young, of the 7th, concession of Hibbert, recently lost two valuable breed- ing mares while foaling. One was a young mare worth $200. Tho foals aro also hoth dead. Watson, of London, charged with child murder, was committed fortrial on Saturday afternoon and he will be tried at the Juu Sessions: He was admitted to bail in There are at present fifteen persons con- fined in the Porth County jail—one for pas- sing counterfeit coin: one for larceny, fie men and three women insane, and five pan pers. John Dnnn was arrested by County Con- stable Graham at Clandeboye yesterday on the oharge of stealing a $10 revolver from John Carey, of that place. He has bee remanded for trial. The members of the R. T. of T., of Exe- ter, St. Marys and Kirkton, prcpose boldin a union picnic in Mr. Alexander Kirk's grove Kirktou, on June 10th. A pleasant time 1. expected. Mr. J. C. Stevenson, of Clinton, has been appointed by the Ontario Government to the position of Inspector of Anatomy, for th town of Clinton and the townships of God- erich, Hallett. Tuckersmith and Stanley. There is some talk of Mrs. Ryckman, o Arkona, commencing an action for damage for false imprisonment against the partie who secured her arrest. She has just bee released. from Sarnia jail. MR. EvzRERT, Forest' Dear sir. Pleas send me three bottles of your Cough Syrup nothing. seems to cure me but that.—Mrs Westhoover, Goodtand P. 0., Mich. Over forty farmers delivered wood at th' Gray, Young et Spading Co's. salt works ii Blyth during the past season. The seve hig1fest were paid $5,075, or an average o 6725 each. The price paid' for the wood `wa $2.25 per cord for four feet beech and maple T. S. Ford, of Mitohell, hung his coat on peg in his stable. In his breast pocket wa his wallet, in which was $166 in cash, check for $100, and some other valuables During a short absence on the part of Mr Ford, a sneak thief carried off wallet an contents. One day last week as Mr. William 'White 10th con., Blansha rd, was working a youn team of hoses. they took fright and ran awa throwing Mr. White in front of the waggo cutting hl,e,, •hsad and otherwise braising,him Fortunately no bones were broken and he i now able to be around once more. The Ontario Gazette contains the followin appointments .—James Noble, of the town' Strathroy, in the County of Middlesex, to b Police Magistrate for the. County of Middle sex. Richard Watson Williams, of the tow of Clinton, in the County' of Huron, M. D lobe Police Magistrate in and for the Count of Huron. The quo warranto proceedings agi•ias1: M Dougherty, the mayor'of the town of Mi chell, were continued on Friday before Jud Armour. Evidence has beenetakenmbefo the County Judge, and upon this eviden three grounds are urged to void the eleetio (1) that Mr. Dougherty bas a contract wit the corporation, (2) that he promised round of beef to a woman voter, ani, (8) th he hired a vehicle for, use on polling da Judgement was reserved. GODERICn DISTRICT MEETING, -Tho ann0 meeting of the Goderich district of the Met odist church, was held in the Rattonbary •s a hhurch, Clinton, May. 19th and 20th. Re J. E. Howell, of Seafortb, chairman of t district, presided, Nearly all reports fro the circuits showed gratifying increase The membership and conneotionalfunds. The a was general rejoicing when it was annoueo that Victoria--st., Goderich, . and Hens south, had voluntarily ceased to' ask suppo. from the mission fund' and are ' heuoefor to be known as independent stationrs. Go erich district eext year will not draw out o ,, dollar from the mission fund, Rev, J. Fisher, of Holmesville was elected to the st i tioning committee band Rev. G. 11,' Turk a W. Gray to the conference sabbath echo name, the address and tljet amount owed the Alleged Cattle Stat Ing. roan of art. Since the exhibition the boys On day last week Mr. James Oke shipped have been paying up. Some threatened. a eonple carloads of export cattle from Exe- libel suits. ter. They were purchased. in" the Yid- A couple of Frenchmen teccompanied by nity, and 'sere delivered in Exeter by perforrning bear passed through town Tues - the farmers on the morning of :,11ip ght. day. The discordant singing of the Profos- While a gentleman of 'Hibbert toad ip sor and the antics of bruin caused consider - was was driving his drove to town he allowed able merriment among the young folk. 7:'h them to ass tetrottgh the river. This reach- man with the hat reports five cent piece ed Mr. Oke's ears, whereupon he accused scarce in Exeter—or at least as far as the the farmer of having watered his cattle just donations to the bear were concerned. prior to weighing them. The farmer denied July teachers' examinations, --Seconds be. the allegation, and stated that the beasts gin July 4th, at 9 a m. ; thirds, Tueeday, did not drink while passing through the July 12th, at 9' a. m., at high' schools and river. Mr. Oke, however, said he Was not collegiate institutes ; first class, 'Monday, paying five cents•pper pound for°water and July 14th, at 1 p. m. ; fihst,A. & 13. `Tues that lie would not take the cattle unless the day, J my 10th, at 9 a, m., at Nations farmer allowed them to be' weighed at 1 'schools. Candidates should have their ap o'clock p. 'irt., after the animals haying stood and come to their natural condition, After canisiderable'deliberation, the farmer threw off 200 lbs. By experience, farmres ought to be convinced that expert cattle buyers cannot be deceived." And ' in this case it turned out that -Ma Olde was not pre lferringa wrong charge against the yeoman, as inquiry into the twitter revealed the fact that the cattle had been allowed water at the river, If you are thinking ofggoing to Manitoba, it taking a trip to the )atlas, Call on Capt.' amp, mgt. N. 'W. T. Co. plications in the hands of the public school , committee. An obituary notice of. Rev, Jol ginspectors at mice, I `.Gurnee, of Auburn, who died during tl It is reported that there are hi circulation year, was read,' and a nutmeg° of. condolen at ireeent throughout Wostein (entailo a S ordered to be forwarded to Mrs. Turner. Tl I very lar e number of $I and $2 Dominion of only change in the circuit recommended, w Canada ails of the issues .A. and C. 'Tho authorities are attempting to keep the mat- ter quiet, whereby they hope to obtain some cluto the "shovers,"''The coitntcrfoit bills are evidently the work of experts, and are so cloyerly exoauted that it is almost that Zion and Sturdy's appointment whi have belonged to Holmesville, be attached Victoria -at., Goderich. After a most ploasa and harmonious session. the meeting . w brought to a chise Friday+ at 4 p. m, TI noxi annual district meeting will be held' impossible to tell them front the genuine i Goderich, and the financial district meati tines. There is howover, a slight flaw on the at Hensall. It was resolved to hold a S. bask which only experienced money hand'' Convention at HenM Il, With the customs 4025 car detect, vote of thank the meeting closed. a It 1!, TailoriAg 1,4 GaAs' Furoishin s House In commencing business bel;© T i x111 going to try.and give satis' t2 faction to all of my patrons by building °from a title,,and good foundation. seven inch tilo can be furnished if required. , The above are Of best quality. Croditon, Ap1i114, 1887, GEORGE h1OATZ, d e e n g u s n0,,:o:hkr e n f d° Of t_ fie re ee n ed 0.11 ih nd MARRIED. Foarsr.—Woolrr,• AL the residence of the e hiido's father, B7acefield, by ltev. Mr, I Simpson, on.the l'Jth ult., Mr. W. L, For- rest, of Stanley, toe Lena, youngest (laugh- ter of Mr. Javab Woolfs. 0 DIoi1C.-13ELLIokr, At the. residence of . the bride's mother, Drill Road, Tgokersniith, e c'n 1120 lath ult., ay Rev. J. McCoy, Mr. Robt, Mouk, of klullett, to Jane, eldest a daughter of the late Samuel Halliday, Esq. Munexr.--M,THRws.—At St. Columbian by the Rev, Fetber' Ryau, on 23rd May, Claris. topher Murphy, of'St. Mary's, to Miss Rose Mathews of McKillop.; -) . DIED. Froniou.--In Centralia, on the 80111'ult. Carpus Noble, youngest sou of Daniel and rn Florence French, aged 7 'years, 3 months 'R and 14 days, WEIR,—In Exeter,. on the 20t11 ;ult., Ann, relict of the late Thos,: Wefr, aged 66 yrs. Barnwell y UG 1Taving purchased Choice lot' of Goods ,much their Value, are fering them at 1_10 Vy PRIC Netiu'ress ALL COLORS, Brocaded and plainSilks c y -{dry- • 1 . t! S L I T NIG PLAIN AND FANCY Dress below nqw' Very I S. t I S r a - of- r • °t f I NEW LACES, • £osiery Gloves Parasols and Jz-15t Rc.eeivecl : The Latest Styles in Millinery, also a fine a ssortment of, Scotch and English Tweeds. - which are just to liait,d, FULL • LINES ,. 1 • of Felt and Straw hats Seed Corn, turnip seed Hun- n"avian and Mellet. sNATURE'S `',REMEbY- ''IlR;COUGHS COLE;S HOARSENESS1 &."LUNCy GOMPLAirVi. , A I 1 0 + '7'1. ((rr.1. tt • •C®. DOUBLE' TREATMENT SOUTHERN IN EACH PACKAGE ASTHMA CURE; INSTANT RELIEF FOR . ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS.' BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE SAMPLES, 25e.; REGULASI SIZE, $1.00 1' woonces FULFORD & CO., BROCKVILLE, ONT. I: Iet h la, e, WJadn +J the to - the -‘-4, a, NS TAN 'tar', r' + 'i a ' ereaECeere - 1.5'L'df a N. STANLEY'S g (I'Iebrated 6nuzihI 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO, 8 , —AN)— Al.edtacze CANADA, 0., ENGLAND. Jeweller, and Optician: tho above in Market:egoal, QUALITIES they, COMPORT they strengthen necessary They are there the Eye,; Change. Test 0era, earn° n i 18 IJEWIN STREET, LONDON, E. 1 y(y p\+r Watchmaker, y - 'iI -,3N7$ MIR the Ager cy for the saleof r. EXPTEIt. NoTSpectacles in the them 1I1 the 'JJXE P' B817117ING pnsissrsOnohhe eTGoRsEeAT. RasE and Their use will in actualityso Eye that it does not become change them for many years. 11 fore the (18EAPEST. n They Are t11e Best in the World, at They Never Tire • A^ucl Last Many Years Without The Sight tested by our Noiv as nsedby the 1eadidg Oenlists'throughout I, world; • ---THE- t. 7. C..........; DIAN le,I p C A ON DETROIT, ST. LOUIS, I I VICTORIA, 90.00 F C EARTH. BOUTD i tick el e• '' A91i2T re- RAILWAY. Tns GRRATEST CORPORATION. it Tap MOST DIRECT--- BEST EQUIPPED i. —AND 'le —BETWEEN -- MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, a' OTTAWA, EINGSTON, BOSTON; CHICAGO, 01 KANSAS CITY, &o. In ie a,00mt 1 `ZOO:c ce 1e, Excursion to VANCOUVER, ,a11_3,duel: SAN FRANCI,SC0, for to els good for Seven Months. et e ettrchasi t ir"tickets Cie 1Y 7`Before p g you in where, call on ag` S. V. J. CARLING,' . ,, ry C. P. R. CASLING'd y'LVtcL' r a au s dude. 1st,—Honesty in all my ealings. 2nd,—To give unexcell- cd. values In all lines that carry. take advantage f no one, but to give veryone value for their ollar. I am prepared to sell at ery Close Prices, • and am determined to give y customers the advantages high result from careful and ;judicious buying. • -MY STOCK 'OPweeds. a d Meths — ARF 'ALL OF THE LATZST PATTERN } —ANIS MY— Petits' Furnishings —ARE-- Second -To None in Town. my Call and Be Convinced. N. B. --Tweeds bought from me vill be cut Free of Charge, and erfect I1'[t quaranteea. lours Respectfully, WM, SOUTHCOTT. xeter, March 15th, 1887. OTE rr ! DON'T roRcxEUi order to accommodate our rapidly increasing lousiness we have had to Enlarge Our Premises, and now have room to show the q S T £S.$ ORTED S T O CIt Or ardware, r -Ware, Tin wi are Stoves, Eto — IST TOWN -1!:. If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Bight f you intend building, 0811 and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., Ir Was PAY You. f yon;want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right Spot when you call at BISSE 1 T B'ROS. f you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMERICAN on CANADIAN GOAL OIL, CISTERN on Wb1LL • PUMPS, (IRON), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at IN":S' BL —THE PLACE FOR— , r , CHEAPNESS VARIETY AND EXTENT, c„. ... , •w:... One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and, Cheapest Stocks cks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths Habit Cloths,All-Wool Jeersey Cloths French Dress Materials, in al the Neest. Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—All the Vers* Latest Novelties in. Fancy Black Dress Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goocls. is -r Colored l?lttshes in All Shades worn this season. Black, l i1ks. Dress and Mantle - GOODOSIMILT. ASSORTMENT NT AND EXT 13,A CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels; Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Skirtings, &c all bought before the advance in prices and will bo sold"at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to 1. y S - . Our Crcery. Do artmerit ` is Co a,plete. TRY. OUR 50cT. TEA. • O the money.,, in tho Villa o t r ` everyone that hair used it to be the beste It 1s acknowledged by y, , 0 p Sam le Parcele, Free. ' ALL PRODUCE T .ER E C' S AND BUT . .> 9 TAKEN 1IN EXCHANGE. t✓ .. 1 • A CALL „ SOLICITED. INC Mai Cy RL nSt h Exeter •