HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-04, Page 8PAGE 8 -- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 4,1978 Jeff Hearn, left, as "Sky Masterson, and Julie Snell as "Sarah Brown" the mission lady, practice for the upcoming presentation of "Guys and Dolls," which comes to Central Huron Secondary School next week. (Rhea Hamilton photo) central huron chronicle Sj� (PhiIip s.ee, editor J secondary school news Just ask Annie! Dear Annie: I have five friends with whom I hang around with all the time. On April 20, one came down with the flu. The second came down with it on April 27 and the third came down with the flu on April 29, The fourth caught it on April 30. The last friend came down with it yesterday. Anyway my question is this, do you think I should send them flowers or candy with the get well cards? Confused Dear Confused: Get them the flowers. They probably can't stomach candy yet. Dear Annie: I am crazy for this guy. Boy, is he built. But the trouble is that he always hangs around with this pimple faced four-eyed creep and this creep thinks I'm in love with him (the creep). This has been going on for quite some time now and I'm Opinion: cruelty common I have something to say to the student body at CHSS and that is: I am 16 years old atnd everyday in my school, on my bus and on my street I see cruelty. I don't understand why people (kids) get their kicks by tormenting, making fun or running someone down just because he or she is different, or even when they aren't so different. They don't ever stop to think how they're hurting the person inside. ' The people I feel sorriest for are the ones who are in- flicting the pain. They must have a low opinion of themselves to treat others that way, especially when the verbal cruelty turns into physical cruelty and the one, or ones, inflicting it could care less. It's the teasers' low opinion of themselves and their desperate need to appear "cool" and tough that makes themrbehave like jerks. The ones to whom this is addressed know who they are, I only hope they care enough to read it. Sign me, Tired of being: stepped on walked over and treated like dirt. getting desperate, so I've decided to write you. Sick of him, (the creep) Dear Sickie: Tell him to get lost. If that doesn't work, steal his Clearasil. Dear Annie: Last night on the way home a mad dog bit me, now I fear I may have rabies. What should I do? Rabid Dear Rabid: Stay away from me. Annie Slanders Comment: book burners' farce by Cathy Wooden I have never felt so ashamed for Huron County as I do now. If I did not live in Huron and feel so offended, I might find this latest farce laughable - almost un- believable. Yes folks, another book -burning crusade is underway to save Huron's youth from exposure to literary genius (started this time by the Catholic Women's League of St. Joseph's parish in Kingsbridge) . The Catholic Women's League has written over 200, count 'em, 200, letters to various organizations requesting support and they've managed to sucker in the good 'ol Huron County Council. Perhaps members saw the opportunity for being quoted or something. At any rate, the council has displayed classic narrow- mindedness and downright ignorance. The novels in question are: "The Diviners," by Margaret Laurence, winner of the Canadian Governor - General's Award for literature; "Catcher in the Rye", by J.D. Salinger; "Of Mice and Men," by John Steinbeck, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. Council members described these books as disgusting, pornographic and in bad taste. How can they say these things without getting red in the face? How can the works of winners of the highest literary awards be described like this? The council is trying to censor literary masterpieces which, in all probability, none of the members have read. Oh sure, they have looked at some words taken righout out of the context of the story but have they read the novels? I doubt it. I take this noble crusade as a personal insult. It shows that my elders have no faith in my ability to intelligently study literature and little trust in a teacher's ability to teach. In class the "dirty words" and "pornography" are only discussed in reference to the author's style - to his reason for putting them in his book. A Nobel Prize 1winner would hardly put a swear word in his novel for its shock value or to corrupt young minds. Let me tell you, the language used in these books would hardly corrupt this young mind. It isquite in- nocent when compared with the "lily-white" language and grammar used by residents of this county. To quote a friend of mine, "This is just like a little Peyton Place and you're all Big Brother is watching Seeing that my munchkins are on holidays, the news hasn't been coming in like usual. Some things have happened on the weekend however. ES was caught on Satur- day, skipping from car to car at the drive-in singing "God loves you" at the top of his lungs. By the way, how did you get into the movie, you're not 18? During "Guys and Dolls" practise, LM burst into the dressing room to retrieve her sweater only to find KM in the ' act (of dressing that is). Shocking, wasn't it? PS's position in the A€DOUGA-17L LAUNDRY TUB PUMP Compact and trouble free, with check valve built in. Quiet operation. Easy to install. 1200 G.P.H. Stainless steel shaft. L $76.9: PUMPS CLINTON HOME HARDWARE Albert Street. 482-7023 When, you're in Triangle Discount - You're in... 40 Laketown Band could be threatened by a three-year- old trombone player. P is comforted by the fact that young David Smith can't read music yet... Huron County hypocrites." (Editor's note: Cathy Wooden, who will be 19 in August is in year 5 and will enter journalism at Cen- tennial College in September. Cathy is a regular contributor to the school page.) r $TOP BOTH DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHOOL BUS NOTICE Ratepayers of The Town of Clinton are reminded that the second in- stalment of 1978 Taxes are due and payable by May 15, 1978. C. Proctor Clerk Town of Clinton C.B. V SALE Buy a Base...got a Mobile for 1'. For further details, see Bob or Jim at PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" IF YOU BURNED WOOD THIS WINTER, YOUR CHIMNEY NEEDS CLEANING THIS SPRING. DON'T WAIT FOR A CHIMNEY FIRE TO SPARK A CALL TO US. PHONE GODERICH 524-8055 WE USE THE PATENTED AUGUST WEST SYSTEM Wayne Colclougk of RR 1, Clinton will be giaduating on May 19 from the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technolr,gy. He has suc- cessfully completed the College's two-year program in agricultural production and management. (photo by Michael Martin) SHOP THESE WEEKLY SPECIALS AND SAVE! AMPHORA For those who are Staff and Volunteers of Supportive Service for the Elderly and homebounds... You are invited to attend a special WORKSHOP at HURON DAY CENTRES Huronviow - Hwy. No. 0 South Clinton WED., MAY 10 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKERS: HOLLY MacINDOE, Activity Director, McCormick Home; B. McCLENAGHAN, Home Economist, Huron Counfy; JOAN McLINDEN, Activation Consultant, Dept. of Health; RICHARD FLEMING, Alter- native Cure Projects, ,Cons- munity & Social Services: REV. C. SCOTT, Chaplain, London Psychiatric Hospital. REGISTRATION: 'S.0', IN- CLUDES LUNCH. APPLY RY MAY 0, RY PHONING THE DAY CE'NTO, 402.1043. PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE loo ml. PLUS 50 ml. FREE ONLY $ 1 .19 CLAIROL s Oz• ONLY 79 FI -NAL NET SOFT & DRY DEODORANT !nlroduclion. Immi;,rration is one of the most important influences in Canadian life. It always has been. Immigration affects us culturally. socially and economically. I)( )mestitally and internationally. lit (insure that immigration continues tit work for the good of (Pana da, our immigration law has undergone some sit<,rnifieant changes. And whether you're a fifth generation c'itize'n ()dust a visitor. you ought to know what new. Tie es. For the last tour years. incliriduals and organizations have made suggestions for change to Canada's immigration law and policy. Many of the responses received have become part of the new immigration law. designed to serve everyone's hest interests for years to come. For the first time. the basic purposes and principles of our immigration law are clearly stated in the law itself. All other provisions of the law. and the way they are carried out by immigrati 'n officers. now flee from these purposes and principles: tion -discrimination. Reunion of families. Humanitarian c ncem for refugees.And the promotion of Canada's emnt)mic, social and cultural goals. Just words you say:' Well read on. because the rest of the new law has been carefully written to make it possible for Canada to live 11j) to its w'or'd. xowitaffiects immigiantsand visitors. From now on. inlnliyrl 1ijlt. and those \'00t(4rs wilt) (tame to WI ►rk or study must nlaki' all inmiigr Ilt ion • arranghrilents bel') '4' they at-1'ive in ( Parlous. Nit one may change his ur her status while inside Canada. Canada has always alluwItI sI)ons(arshil) of the i mllbn'at 1 in u1 it wide r'an4_rt tat (Inst. relatives. ll ith 1h(' nt w family class, Canadian citizen-, ('a►1 n))\\ -pun, (r parents (lf any ;tire. Canada has alw'a\'- Ir 1 '1 t' refugees \\ ithin her 11O01er- ;ti'l't )rtllrl}r toil Convention u1 thl'United NalIt(ns. This 1)t'utt'l'tlun is ti,,w }.riven the I, tr't't' ,,f Canadian law'. In x(1(1)1inn. it n, \\ rt'fu1.''t4' class deflnt'- the when. 1:t,\\ and wilt) of accepting r('111>;1'e- fut. reset t 1e111e11t in Canada. civil i fights Of tht)-t' IIl\'t'1' e(1 In 1T11R11}Rahttn !''pri weeding'st')\'e trrei1t('r 1►tute(tlun ,r the nl'w i;l\\..1nd IIei)(lrtatiun will nu 1unster he the t'nly possible I)l'nalty."I'here ;rrl' n• )w' 14' drdstic alter-nat i\ fur rain 'r in fr;tt't it 01, (If immigrl'atinn law. lr111n11;ratityn \\'III not he easier. but it will he inure predict able. Immigrants an(1 \'i-itut'--hi)uld alxvays talk to their Canadian n I tt,\ •rn- ment \Pisa office h('1't)r(' t ht nl:tkt a mo\'e."I'hat way, they'll knu\c exact 1,\ ‘t'her'e they stand \\'hen they -1t1) t ,f f the i)lane. How it affects Canadians. Til'\\' ii-itllig-rai 1, in I:t'.\ ;t blueprint fur the flltllre..1 fle\il)i hlueprint that allow » ft )r l!1 \1)) Heil change. It - influence , )n tilt f;(hrit' (If Canadian 'u('i)ty will he-lil)tlt ;Jr.,: L:'t )\ernrlltents will `hart' many responsi- hilitt11i'-t'nll.f)Irmal agreements Il Irlllllll.n';1tlttrl planning and T11anag('- mt'Tlt will h)• m;ult• w'itli the 1'1'u\'in(es. 1':11('h year. after federal:l)ro\'incial (1i,ells-lull-, a target figure fur 1111!.rritti 11 \'tlllitllt' will be announced. The .number \Vill depend 111)4)i1 rlittiolliil, reglt )Tial, t'(t , ltlnl1(' iiilll �( (('Lal }rl )ass. 111111d -rants \\ill he encuurayred to settle ITL 1111 4'- \\'hen th('ir particular skills ;1)'e really needed. They will he (ils1out'- ;04rt41 1r'urll settling 1i1 places where ('1111(14) 140 nt 1- a J I' (1)lt'n1. (yen) rally "-1)eakinl:. ille~r<il 11111111 ��r'ant-will find the law tuugh('r than t'\'('r..1s \Pill t l,t t.e people who eX1►loit im111iirr';t,ir l he 41t•'.'. t;1'.1'. t tl (our -e, will continue llr'traditiun, t1 -irt )hgpr) )tel'ti))naJ:.rainst internal l''n111 t'rirllinals and terrorists. In the w ;tys and in,)r '. eur new• inlnlihrr lit iun la\\' can only mak(' Canada �tr'unt!)•r'...An)i:t h.•tter place 1,1 live. The The future .if imrni4rr'atiun in Canada t•.hilo1 !'t' controlled tlled h\' art ironclad -et Of r'1)lt•-. Canada.- ►1('w immijrl'atittn l:t\\ t t ;ll! ii: 11.11111tnity just ire. int That i' nal 1'4•-11',n1'lhi1ity and adal)t- 1! ills\ In :t w;ty that tluuther(ullntry i►n11111T;tt1t to law t'\ t'r' ha-. 1Vt 'iv pr) )11)1 t'1 0. And w'e incite yutl t it';Irn 11,' (re h\ asking- fur detailed 1):4i'l1(Lt '- 1(1 \'11r' 04'arhv Canada !itr'( lirEmployment and Immigration Canada Bud Cullen Minister Emploi et Immigration Canada Bud Cullen. Ministre ONLY 7 9 • ONLY 0 9 • MAIN CORNIM, CLINTON