HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-2, Page 5News Notes, ©e;kalosea3 Ia., May 26... -.John Fall and wife, of Jefferson township, this eouaty, were murdered last night. The assassin used an axe, and after the bloody deed bad been committed set fire to the home. Mr. Fall was burned almost beyond recognition, but his wife was found about 30 feet from the house w' h e it trho� head >, crushed uho ,, r ar n, Tho Oaz;lour-Hanlon race Monday on the Calumet course, weB won by, Gaudaur,'who ' poet of3ice building from, the Government,i beat Haulan four lengths. The official tithe Interesting Items, A FAIR PROPOSITION, There coukl be no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of liagyard'e Yellow Oil, who have long offered to refund every cent expended for that remedy if it bile to givesatisfaction on fair trial for rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and all painful nom Tho city of Hamilton is o lea t se the old thewas 19:30.n Tae race was rowed almost front Ieiected. and George Hosmer rowed a single scull I AN o13STINATE `ASE. driving rat,, Wallace Bose G was jug, L. Q., Monday ariernoou. Homer took evorybody arqund my neighborhood' knows,. the lead, but Ross passed him and held the My trouble was caused by obstinate eousti lead to the owl winning by two feet in" wbat ashen. One bottle of 13erdook BIood Bitters three mile race for $1,500, race near Flush- "In the spring of '83 I w nearly dead, as w aunounoed as 14:05. ' The crisis in the great strike of the build- ` trades will probably be reached this cured me entirely." This statement is made by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie, Ont. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highiy,eoncentrat- ed extract of Sarsaparilla and other blood we k. For four weeks strike has followed strike, terminating iu a lookout, affecting to Pattasium'and Iron. ifying eomIts control uve4 sorofudido f a greater or lees extent almost every trade in -lows diseases is unequalled by any other need - the city of Chioag r Chicago. Fully 17 000 men are idle. kine. • Glasgo', May 2.8;--A terrible explosion It ie exneeted that the 0. P, R. telegraph a,. village in Lanarkshire, eight miles from "'l'ee weeks, this city, Two hundred and twenty miners Backaohe, stitches iu the side, inflation in the pi , an Ii is feared all own s, are eymp ons o occurred in the Ulclston opal pit at Blautire, hires will be strung to Stratford in about are entombedh it d and soreness of theb l t f have perished The shaft is blocked 'th a disordered ,,tato of the digestive and assire , e ex ay:, lle Yot --GO TO - a) rj 7 BR QWNINC xAiDROC STORE BALLS ! BALLS! BALLS! ALSO A FINE LINE OF Canes, Children's Carriages,. and Express Wagons. JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF FishingTacJ.ie Don't Fail to Call at the Old Stand, The Dominion, Laboratory, J. W. BROWNING, Prop. lesion debris caused bythe1 vvt dative organa, which can be corrected by the �— Indian Troubles. Winnipeg, Man., May 28 --Another Indian' outbreak now appears certain, this time between the Canadian Bloods aud the American Gros Ventres. Some time ago the Gross Ventres crossed the hue, killed sever- al Bloods and tan off 100' el their bbraes. 'Thursday the Bloods retaliated by going into the Groa,Ventres country and attacking the American Indians. Several of the latter were killed and 60 horses captured by the Canadians. Both tribes have donned their war paint, and a battle involving all the Indians on each side of the line is more than probable. A 'area detachment of mounted police is on its way to the scene of the trouble and will try to effect a settle- ment, A GLORIOUS AMBT TION I -- Said the Scythian ambassadors to Alexan- der, "11 your person were as vast as yonram- bition the world not contain you." We have now a conqueror whose ambition is as bound- less as Alexander's..The old world was too narrow a sphere for his exercise. We refer to Thomas Holloway, whose desire to bene - nee of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. As dinner pills, and aids to digestion,they have no equal. They cure constipation. The chief aottractions in the Stratford Park on Sunday last were a base ball match. and the Salvation Army. The Difficulty Experienced. In taking taking Cod Liver Oil is .entirely over- come in Sentt's Emnlsinn of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophoephites. It is as palatable' as milk, and the most valuable remedy that has ever been produced for the cure of Consump-; not at tion, Serofttle Wasting Diseases. Do fail to try it. Put up in 50o. and Si'size. Howell won the bievole ohampionehip Wolverhamptnn Monday. UNEQUALLED. P. B. McNamara, dry -goods merchant, Brookville, Ont., days -As an instant relief for cold in the head and catarrh, Nasal T3alin s unegnalled. The effect is noticed as soon as it i8 used. Monday was Deooratiou Day. and was ob- served throughout the United States: in the usual manner. A Profitable Life. Few men have accomplished the same mount of work and good in this world as the elebrated Dr. Chane. Over 500,000 of his orbs have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Com- laint, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kidney or Uri- ary Troubles, to buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's. iver Onre, it will cure you. Medicine and eeipe Boos $1. sola by O. LUTZ, Carman RVG ~STORE, Exeter, Ont. A skiff containing three coalminers oapsia- ed in the river at Monhongahela. Pe., Tues- day. The men were drowned. THE BEST; TAKEN. "I had dyspepsia for a long time. Was entirely cured by two bottles Burdock Blood Bittors. The best medicine for regulating. and invigorating thesystem I bad ever taken." F. P. Tanner. Neebing P. 0.,' Ont. Mrs. John Doig, sr., of Tnekersmith, had the misfortune to fall off a sofa and break her arm. A OAR D. To allwboare suffering from, the e rs and a fit mankind, mlaated by the oouutlese, -cures his medicines have accomplished, is now ao- p tively engaged in revolationizing the treat- n went of disease, Conquests aud subjugation L are its objects -the conquest and subjugation R of the various' maladies that afflict the hu- D man race. The trophies of his skill are to be foun4 in. every region of the earth. It has hereto been the universal complaint against even the most popular medicines, that they `fere mere pallatives, relieving pain temporarily, perhaps, but never reach- ing the "materics,norbi" or element disease in the blood. Rolloways's pills, on the con- trary, act specifically upon the primary cause of the malady in the fluids of the body, and from which they Boring. In external di- sease the ointment is used' as an auxiliary to the Pills, aud its sanitary effects are scarce- ly less wonderful. We make these assertions -bold as they may see on solid grounds. We have war- in rant for., hem in the statement of standard e medic todiea's, in the published aoknow- r ledement'of thousands of grateful eonvales- a cents, and last, but not least, so far as our si dr St T discretions of youth, nervous *weakness, arty decay, loss of Manhood, Svc, I will send a eceipe thst will,cureyou, FREE OF CHARGE, his great remedy was discovered by a mis- onary in South America. Send a self-ad- essed envelope to BET, TOSEPa T. I/mar tation.D.New Yorl;Oit The tanners are still pressing Sir Charles ur.per for a re.arrangementof the duties on ether. They have arranged for an inter • ew with him on this subject. HEADACHE AND LOSS OF APPETITE own convictions are concerned, in our own personal experience and observation. To the man whose profound research and practical skill iu medical science have re- sulted in the production of such unequalled le curatives, aud whose business energy and en- vi terpriae have diffused them through every inhabited region between the Egaator and the Poles, the homage of the world is due.- The ue;The Sunday Dispatch. Dr Mrs. JOHN 11IYLNE, wife of John Mylne, nggist, Bothwell, says: -My experience of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will onre Biliousness. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Headache. I -believe it to bathe best family divine, and can strongly recommend it." An incendiary fire in St. Petersburg, Ens- , destroyed sixty villas, entailing a loss of oral million roubles: Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly d eureiy develope into Catarrh when you be cured for 25 cents. A few applies- nswill cure incipient Catarrh. One to o boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh Id by all dealers at 25e. per box. Try Chases Catarrh Cure -take no other -it cure you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter A smash up on the Houston and Texas way Thursday caused thedeath of the gineer and fireman. JOYFUL NEWS. tis certainly glad tidings to the poor in- d- to be informed of a remedy that will e promptand sure relief 10 oone of pain - suffering. Stich a remedy is Hagyard's ow Oil, adapted for external and internal in all aches, pains, lameness and sore- s. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore oat, croup and all inflammatory pains. rince Bismarck will, it is announced, be vented by, the muscular rheumatism from oh he is suffering from going toFredoriciis e as usual. VICE TO MOTEnns Aro yon disturbed at ht and broken of your rest by a sick child Bring and crying with pain of Cutting th? It to send at once and got a bottle of VV'iuslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children thing. Its value is ;incalculable, It ;will ve the pour llttle suderer immediately.' end upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake it t, It cures Dyteutery'andDiarrleea, laces the Stomach find 13owets, cures Wind 0, softens the &hms,reriueesTnflameletion, • ENJOY' LIFE. What a truly beautiful world we live in 1 Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and (eenus, and thousands of means of en- joyment. We ecu desire no better when in perfect health ; but bow often do the ma- jority of people feel like giving it up die - heartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Green's August Flower, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct oaueed of seventy-five per cent. of such maladies as Biliousness, Inds• gestion, Sick headache, Costiveness, Nervoas. Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpita- tion of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. It Is rumored that Jos. Whitehead, Esq. ex -M. P., will likely snowed D. Williams as Mayor of Clinton. ' QUIOICBELIEF. "One bottle of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured me of a sore throat and loss of voice One trial relieved me when all other med- ieiues failed." Says Miss J. • McLeod el Belfountain, Ont. The Moutreal Protestant School Board in- tend opening a fine new school in the west end of the city in commemoration of. the Qn ''s Jubilee. A. WONDERFUL ORGAN. Th largest organ, and one that plays a controlling pant on the health of the body is the livor. 11 torpid or' inactive the whole system becomes diseased. DR. CHASE'S LIVPII CURB is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and medicine $1. Sold by C. LUTZ, Cent'•al Drug Store. Exeter. Nine thonaaud three hundred aud seventy- four boxes of shoes° wore exported from Monti end last week, as compared with 4,957 the previous week, rind 9,232 the same week last year, HE SHOOK IT °'I was subject to ague for two or three seasons, which nothing world moiliest° until 3 tried Burdock Blood Bitters, since which time, four years, 1 bavo bad no return of the disease." W J. Jordan; Strange, Ont. Borth: Snaith; a little Hamilton girl, saved an infant from beingrun over by a market c wagon, but was herself knocked down and badly bruised. CONSUMPTION CUXttDl): An old physician, toured Froin piactice, haw- in5 had placed in his bands by an last Indian missionary the f0rmtlle Of a 811119Ie vegetable remedy for tho speedy land permanent care of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, AAsthmaand nil throat and Lung affections, nllo a posi- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility esus all Nervous Com Taints, aftor having tested its wonderful carat vo powers iu thousands of casos,liavfait itliisduty tounrlcoit ]:vewntc aissuffcrinl;(01)0108. Actnateclby thisnr.ottve nd a desire to relieVo human sulferirit;,t send free of charge, to all who desire t thi.b recipe, in (lernls,rr,Itreneh Or I nglish, w.th sills directions for prepor•ing and using. Sent ba mail iryaddtosiingwith stamp, naming this iPaper, W.,0 Nosas,140Piwtr:s .lock,ltcehester N me. Sid sev an can do tw to So Dr wil rail en 1 fall giv fnl Yell use nee thr P pre whr rah An nig stiff Toe Mrs Tee Julie .eo abot repo Coli stns grvee tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"`for 'cI'ldren teething is pleasant to the taste and is Llie proscription of ono or the oldest and best reinale physicians andnurses in rho United States, and is for satlo by ell dr u„ ni is through- out the world. Price twenty -faun cents a hot - Mo. 13o Sure and ask for "Meth W1txsr,oiv's SOOTHING PYIITIP 'and take no other kind. The children of August i':fortoll, of .Law- rence, Kansas, set fire to the hose T'hnrs- rlav, and the baby, one year old, was burned to death BAD STOMACFI, For all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Or Kidneys, Or. Carson's Stomach Bitters are unsurpassed, They strengthen the whole muscular system, give a healthy complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouso into healthy action the whole pllysi cal energy of the human frame. It is now estimfted that 200 lives were lost by the burning of the Opera Comique, Paris. For children Starving. to Death, On account of their inability to digest mall - nary food, Scott's b 0(1111im1 can be digestedested aha give stren.th and flesh when other food fails, ,Seca what. Dr. A. li, Peck:. Penin. Doll. College, Petitcodiac, says : "I have used and proscrilx'ti Scott's Emulsions of Cod 'Liver Oil, and find 11 1111 oxeelic'nt prepafa- tioti, agreeing twill with the stomach, and its cohtintled use adding greatly to the strength and eomf`ort of tbo patient." 1'nt up in 0031. and $l. sin. For Barqains rr GU ICIRKTCUN Ants yon will get a BETTER TEA for 50 CENTS Than you pay 60o. for to peddler. SAMPLE PACKKAGrE FREE. Wo give 10 lbs. Fine Tea for 61.00. -LOTS OF -- Spring Goods and Millinery CHEAPER THAN EVER. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED. J. DOUPE & CO Everest's Cough Syrup„ CANNOT ANNOT B)J BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its .wonderful cara- tive properties, Price 25 cents, (TRADE MARE.) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys. &c., and Purifying of the Blood. Price 41. Six bot- tles for $5. For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS' ?Jarufactured only by G. M.]]VEREST,CEannx v FOREST, ON 'WORM POWDEL1b. Are pleasant to t:las. Contain their own Purgative. Is a F • fe, o- ,recd et octant Ellig+oYer of worms, in tlhildreuar/duster WORKING CLASSES` ATTENTION, We are nolV prepared to furnish all classes with imployment at home the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new,light and profitable. Persons or either sox easily earn from 50 cents to $5.00 per even- ing, and a proportional slue by devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn. nearly as muds as men. That all who see this may send their address, and test the bnsinose, we make this offer. To such as are notwell satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of Writing. Pull particulars and out- fit free. Aiclress GnonGa STINSON R Go., Port - find, Maine. DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE Goods Bought Right —AT 111E— Montreal - GeneralStore, - S�a� er EVE RY TI.rvxla 1 Fanson's Block, EXETER, (Ferguson.'S4Old Stand) rlp.�.. .L. wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that bo has again re- ceived (and still coming) a, good chem, lot or ; `E(iFC pin 67,1N t Comprising over Fifty Suite, of Ilia -lily -made Clothing, and it variety of Pants, Dross (roods, Prints, heels€, Shirtiugs, Ladies' Feather -bone Corsets, a variety iety of Ladies' Hose, LndieS 011,1 Chililios 's boots & Shoes. Also Choice Family Groceries. EAS 1 TEAS l TEAS 1 Any Amount. Syrups, V1111 pars, Confectionery. A few .I Cirri snit Dominion Organs for sale at 1t groat sacrifice for oasis, as .I am going to give up this brands of business, Goods snorifieod fell 05311) during the month of April, beginning on Fair day. (food Dwelling Houst to tient. llTau t11D :ti13t)itrSS, `1,. Dearing, Fallso,za's .Bloclf. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Wivan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recipe°' .r- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. TO ADVERTISERS • At Toronto. Every Barrel Guarantecd. This 011 wasused on nil machinery durii3g t} e Exhibition, It has been awarded NINE GOLD bff,'DALS during the last three years. .'Seo that you get Peerless. It is only mads b S a11rtTZII. t:t 00., ToRQzrziow FOR SALE 13Y JAS. PICKARD. For a check for $20 wewill print a ten -line advertisement in Ono Million issues of leading American Newspapers, is is at the rate of only one-fifth of a oenba line, for 1,000 Circu- lation 1 Tito advertisetrent will be placed before One Million different newspaper pul- chasers:—or Frv,h lifILLioN READERS Ten' lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of Adv. and check, or send 80 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO.P.BC/ wiLL & 00„ 10 S hurt ST.,1NEW )toiII. The Great English Prescription. A. successful Medicine used over , 30years in thousands of cases Cures t � CViSperntatorrhea Nervous .F'✓► c^ Weakness, Emissions. Impotency \. and all diseases caused by abuse. rraEFoael indiscretion, or over-exertion.LEVER] flit paelrages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English Prescription, take no substitute. One package 81. Six $5, by mail. Write forPamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Etch. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and O. Lutz, YOUNG MEN Suifeting from the effects of earlyeviibabas, the result of ignorance or folly, who And themselves weals, nervous, and exhausted ; also MrnnLs AGED and OLD MnN, wlao are broken down -from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful exoess, send for and hunt, M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseares of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two .90. stamps. Address M. V.LUBON,47 Wellington St. E. Toronto, Jan.iSth, 1887. 1_y. REMEMBER THIS -AND TAKE— WARNING - s. C. 3RS Will have a fine int of goods, fresh and prime, for the 24 OF M. :Y.' ORANGES, LEMONS, HAMS, SIDE BEACON, BOLOGNAS AND ALL KINDS of PPM= IN mamas. ON 8. C. llersey. THE LOOK Published by the A. B. S. nuilinamennumea New York. OF WONDERS. CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. t STARTLING REVELATIONS,: Over 1,000,000, Sold lathe United States. Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should. have A copy of this work. I+rs JUST THE THING 1 rT TELLS ALL, AND IS '100 dew) TO ]31,7 wITHoUT. Sent oy mail, postage pard, on receipt of pri, e, 50c,, or three books for 11. \I. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. LOVELL'S GAZETTER AND HISTORY OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, In None 'Volumes, Royal 8v0. TO 131; 00)IM1,1NCRD whenever a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to corer abs* of nublicat.on Subscription to the Nine Volumes $75 00, to the 1?rryiu0o of Ontario 01 to Qinebee 212,50, to New Bruuswiek or to tOOVI1 1coti1, :211.50,10 iifitnitOl,a Or British Columbia i10.50to Vance 1,ldwrttd -Island or to Norti • west Torritorias ;1'11.50, Each Province to slave a iarh1p, Please Send for Prospectus; J0o '(1 OVr,L(,, Af0i ag5r 31(11_1 1'tr,bl'a tar Montreal 4tliAugiist.:1800 au�BcT&v8. DS! SEEDS! SEEDS! or Fresh and Reliable (D. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to E FAMILY GROCERY. ALEN'S VRIZ TONCATO PINALTTSF ONLY 10 CENTS PEli BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectioner --a fresh supply.' � pPlY.' PURE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR. Ice Cream Parlor T Theubli. p care cordially invited to call and see the new parlors and test the cream. The most leasantla p ce, in town. Everything possible done for the comfort of visitors. O. Aar HYNDMAN, Family Grocer.k esrer t x.0.4 G,�, �ctia� fi$r Vfib �(�y o � zc.4%03.. - $o a� Y' s cs Otoo ..vP 4 r •tis .oi+ �,tyQ dot a� wo �y G��;c; �i59 •`qes • of b Vfib �G�i y�4 *'fie 4 �ti�O� ° �, t���2 iti�e �® �e� �5 oc, to tine Sit `t' X10. i¢o 9'Se fig° sly tae ot�"V�5 04$ ezi *,40v. +ifr e� ob 1 3'aotiDyee° VI 89) 4P . •/1 t 4 4�G'� ° e�4;eA'4 .`l„C�i �3,'Y y¢''' Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 533, Oxford Street, London, &' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, TIM DLO EJ J SITJD SPRING 1887 SPRING OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &o. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Primmings, Lace Flouncings, Giughams, Musline, Jerseys, Cbeneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &o. The ladies say our Prints and Musline are the prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every one t0 wash. We are showing over 200 Pieces of Embroidery, colored and whit from acts. per yard upwards, e' Our New Stook of BOYS' CLOTHING is having a big run, and no wonder, the prices ars so low, the styles so nioo,and they fib so good. In MEN'S ORDERED GOODS wegthe Style and. Neatest Fit in'towu. guaranteeBest Value, Newest Remember we carry the Largest 650011 of BOOTS & SHOES and nothing but the Latest Styles in lathes', children's rind gents'. ' JAMES PICKARD. Furniture & Undertaking, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUfTEF#ING JAUNDICE OF THE Hunt,. ERYSIPELAS, Sr ACiDi7Y OF SALT RHEUM THE STOMACH N, DRYNESS HEARTBURN, '' ' � HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN And ev'ez'Jt species of disease arising. fon? disordered.7�ZT�' �R-. '- L S17Z)N.E'Y 151�T�t011?rrI�IC�I�tT, BO t COr✓'LS Oil BLOOD. � T. MILBUR Ct O,, I'ropriietoh'rortfiU, Wo would call tho attention of the people of ter and gnrronu l ug country •fact that we, having purebased he stock and burines of WILLIAM DREW, a10 offcrin• tpeatai inducements in Parlor lett-,, Plain and Faris Table Cy `D n1cs,0,,1)1X'>,r and Bedroom Setts, Wool, Guile et Porefor lt0(i. ,1 (I l{IZC alai IALlrS, [IoOI�i;.. 'Writing- Desks sideboards, �tas b� I, 6 • VI <tt>rhots 9 x(11 L S ci And an Endless Variety itt !30 1s Bureaus, tiliStluXi+dst; r C�Xl1a, (%ilj)�Oal(l5, Ale. Our Stook of Lumber is Large and Thoroughly g a y Season'1 experience ill t to s can; having had Servii z lir, leatdirig factories of Me Dominion, vv able Furniture, e Can guarantee Stylish and Sorvu Our Stock of Undertaking tttalnu Goods the "„ , n Largest lir t , - , b the County, Ana , equal north of London, yi tl out Hearse 1108 no Special attention will bo asci to I' everyone will fine pthis branch of the business, tints Y 1 tts prompt and reliable business runts. BiJPAMING OF AIL ENDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, Remember til 1G Stand, One Door North of Mal o n, s73 alil ROW-1 ? i- A N.D Rig2,1t