HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-04, Page 3The maintenance and operation of audio visual equipment
is probably one of the most important aspects to understand'
in the use of media in the classroom. A number of Huron
elementary school teachers realized this as they intently
listened to Jim Jamieson of the Huron Board of Education
explain the workings of equipment used in the classroom.
The session was only one of several presented at the
teachers Professional Development Day in Brucefield last
Friday. (News -Record photo)
Police radio system.
• from page 1
foot and they (Clinton) had the proper
manpower, I wouldn't even bid for
Chief Pat King told
cInerney at the meeting that he had
eard it said that there would be a 40 per
cent higher cost than anticipated for the
system if the centre was located in
Goderich. McInerney said the costs
would be the same no matter where the
system was based, not including the
monthly telephone costs. He said the
installation of these telephone lines
wasn't that costly: He also said the
system would be equally effective if the
centre was located in either place.
"I suggest that you would be looking at
• • • •
a very similar cost," he concluded.
Seaforth mayor Betty Cardno said she
has an obligation to the ratepayers to
make an economical decision. She said
Clinton seemed like the "logical spot"
for the dispatch centre. She felt she had
not heard all the pros and cons of the
situation yet and couldn't make a
While the short term cost of starting
up the system would be the same in
either Goderich or Clinton, she said she
wasn't convinced that there wouldn't be
a long term savings cost by having the
centre located in Clinton. She was
mainly concerned with the cost or on-
going rental fee of telephone lines for
civilians to call into the dispatch centre.
"It's a politir'l decision, there's no
doubt about it," she said and added that
it was not just the politicians who were
involved in the dispute.
Lobb said he planned to get an
estimate from Bell Canada on how much
it will cost to rent lines connecting the
five communities with the com-
munications centre to see whether
Clinton or Goderich would be more
economical. He later said if the on-going
cost of the lines is the same for both
Clinton and Goderich, he doesn't care if
the centre is located in Goderich but if
there is a cost difference which will
mean a savings to all the municipalities
by having it in Clinton, he wants it there.
At press time, the estimate had not
been received from Bell Canada.
PD day no holiday for teachers
By Shelley McPhee
Professional development
(PD) day: for students it
means a free day from
classes; often , for many
parents it means another
wasted holiday for the
teachers and pupils, but, for
the teachers themselves, PD
stands for a day of learning
and discussion, which in turn
is passed on to the students in
their classroom work.
Such was the case when
over 350 school teachers from
Huron's public schools
gathered at Huron Centennial
School in Brucefield on
Friday, April 28 to study the
effective use of media in the
With the aid of guest
speakers and advisors from
other educational institutions
and the Ontario Educational
Communications Authority
(OECA) the teachers spent
the day in lectures and
workshops to improve and
further their knowledge of
audio and visual facilities in
the classroom.
The sessions involved:
audio production and
utilization, to develop better
listening skills in students;
film in the classroom, making
the best use of Huron's ex-
cellent film collection;
photography and pictures, to
develop the teachers' critical
eye and increase the impact
of pictures in the classroom:
portapak production, to
explore the use of television
production in the class;
bulletin boards and chalk-
boards, to enhance wall space
as the centre of learning
Other workshops included
the use of overhead
production, use of the large
selection of radio programs
from OECA, a media ap-
proach to literature and most
importantly, the main-
tenance and operation of
audio-visual equipment.
As well, OECA spent half of
the day presenting sessions of
their educational television
programing. In their
presentations, attempts were
made to demonstrate the
practical application of the
programs to meet the stan-
dards of the cirriculum.
Three sessions were held for
the various grade levels,
primary, junior and in-
For Huron teachers, media
and many audio visual
equipment pieces are a new
teaching device since the
Media Centre located at the
Board of Education offices in
Clinton was set up in 1973.
While record players,
overhead machines and film
projectors have been in use
for a number of years,
learning can now be
enhanced and made more
individualistic by the use of
private ;viewers and sound
Alice Andrews, librarian
and co-ordinator of the
resource centre attheClinton
Public School, explained that
audio visual and media
materials are, "being used a
good two-thirds to three-
quarters of the day."
Individual viewers are
extensively used at the
school. Here a pupil can use
one of the six machines to
study film strips that in-
dividually help him with
problem subjects, or give
extra work if he is ahead of
the class. Similarly the school
uses listening centres. With
this piece of equipment pupils
can plug earphones into a
central box, which in turn
broadcast's any audio signal.
Without disturbing the rest of
the class, pupils can listen to
cassettes, record players,
films and so forth.
"A picture is worth a
thousand words," Mrs.
Andrews pointed out.
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Reperesntsd by:
We are interested and want to learn more.
With this in mind, a class of
students, after listening to the
story "Charolette's Web" is a
series of cassettes, made a
film using their own art work.
Wrig their own script,
basedon Charolette's Web
and making their own ar-
tificial television set. the
children put together a series
of pictures and drawings for
their own production.
Angus McLellan, principal
at Hullett Central explained
that by using media facilities
in the classroom, "The in-
terest is increased and its
more realistic."
He went on further to say
that the media is brought in to
most lessons, at Hullett, from
record players to television.
Audio visual equipment has
also been used for special
projects by Hullett students.
A grade 2 class presented a
slide show about animals in
danger of extinction. From
their drawings of the animals
slides were taken, and put
together at the Media Centre
to produce a film strip.
Turn to page 13
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Couple mark diamond anniversary
On Wednesday May lst, 1918 inti.
.'Atherton Farm", the family home of
Mr. and Mrs_ Wm. H. Lobb, 011ie Ferne
Lobb was united in marriage to Lorne
Jervis, eldest son of Mr_ and Mrs.. Alfred
Jervis, Holmesville, in the presence of
immediate relatives and friends..
Luella Lobb was her sister's
bridesmaid, while Clarence Potter, a
cousin of the groom, was best than_
Pianist for the ceremony was 011ie's
sister, Joy Lobb, and musical selecttions
were rendered by Mr. and Mrs_ Cliff
Lobb; Frank Lobb; the Lobb quartet
(Bert, Frank, Fred, and Cliff); and
Luella Lobb_
Remembered by sister Joy. the day in
1918 was "quite chilly. with a few snow
flakes falling that forenoon."
April 30, 1978 was much the same kind
Board review....
• from page I
year over the same issue_
Henderson asked board chairman
John 'Elliott why the matter was dealt
with by the executive committee_ He
said he felt that if there were a lot of
letters sent to the board the matter
should have been dealt with by the
board_ He said he was not aware of the
number of letters received on the issue..
Elliott said the letters were sent to
individuals on the board and not to the
board itself_ He said the executive
committee dealt with the issue for public
relations, wanting to show good faith in
dealing with the requests of the op-
ponents of the books_
Cochrane said the board office had
received many letters on the issue that
had been forwarded to the executive
Henderson agreed not to ask the board
to vote on his motion to remove The
Diviners from the list of texts and the
board agreed• to allow the school
programs committee to deal with the
of day when friends and relatives once
again gathered to wish the couple' well -
this tinny on their 611th wedding an-
Donald Wayne Jervis,. only sora of the
wedding coupe, and his wiife. Dorothy.
greeted the guests while approximately
100 people signed the guest book at the
gathering beld at ,t,n a hone of a great-
reatnepheew, Did Lobb_
Greetings from Prime Minister
Trudeau were osa display along with
their floral wedding certificate and a
multitude of family photos_ The wedding
cake for the occasion was beautifully
decorated by a great-neice, Mas_ Ruth
Loveroff, and topped by the bride and
groom from ,use original wedding cake!!
Mrs_ Luella (Lobb) Cox. the
bridesmaid, was able to attend; also
Cliff and Mrs_ Joy (Lobb) Willlliaansa
Mrs.. Elsie Henderson and Mrs_ Vera
Wilson, also 'sisters of the bride, were
present along with Mrs_ Fannie Lobb, a
sister-in-law_ Mr. and Mrs_ William
Jervis and Mrs_ Wilfred Jervis, sister-in-
law were also there to wish 011ie and
Lorne well_ In fact, there was
representation from each of the ten
children of W. H_ Lobb and from y' e
three children of .;n a Alfred Jervis
family, which shows the high regard in
which the couple are held,
Sister Joy put it well inn a memorable
testimony she prepared for the a cassioa
- "we are here in recognition of the first
"diamond wedding anniversary" in our
Family, and to offer sincere
congratulations to this quiet. gentile
couple that have harmed no one - but
have lived a clean and modest life and
have steadfastly reached this goal' in
good spirits and reasonably good
It is noteworthy also to mention the
fact the first cousins of 011ie's_ Wilfred
and Zada Lobb of Michigan. celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary within
five days of Lorne and 011ie's_
Lorne and 011ie. spent most of their
married life farming on the 14 ta= Con -
grin of Goderiich Township_ Lame
also worked ffccr tem years In the bread
sectian et the Caazadnam Farces Air ase.
CIIn Alter- retirement., they named to
an apartment nm Chinon where they still
r de_
They have allw ay s been active an
church orgainnzatnons first an
Unna nesviilil'e and later at Wesley Willis.
arra Lance was an elder for 50 years
As sister Joy concluded um her tribute.
cffer only words of k nadnLess, ad--
aaniirat aa, and congrattuulations to this
..sixty year couple"' have set an
example to all who have been fortunate
enough to know thecae May God's
blessing go with y► cal. 011ie and Lorne
Music course....
fro= gag 1
¢anally brims. va t i a:aids and perctussio.n
"It depends as lth, you :alk. 'a hetht-t
rental is an added expense or not.' Mr
illlips added
Along with tthe ren:al fee Mr Pl+niltip-
toted that there seems ti:, be a Tack
interest amongst senior students rr
taking the course.
Last year_ n9 first G ear s:Ldents s4grtt ±
up for the course_ but Mr Pbcllnps:bink•
that the senior standees:s probably fey'
that anausiic interferes with :lrterr iter. Ue r
"Muu_sic is an extr.'1.7te4 - demanding
subject_ its almost :a e a °ab aubneQa art,
it takes ability :a,, pertforrrt " he ex-
plained_ contrary- :e:he ideas
The corse is (offered un four e.ear
Revels and counts as a cred_t Them s no,
year 5 program avaeEab�e
Mr_ Phillips errphaspc..nlly star'- ;ha:
the course has not beer: dnopped and;
attennpas will be made :o
enruAlllment and e:zntcinaae :be sr..al:
claw_ one senior and r arty
a.rnalgannate them into a e class
Stuck in the middle: last minute
by Shelley McPhee
I don't know why I'm taking time to
write this column I have so many
other things that need my immediate
Of course. I could have written this
on Thursday or Friday afternoon
when the news flow was a little slow,
but no I had to leave it until the last
moment, my rough copy written on
Tuesday night and typed in a flurry on
Wednesday morning_
It's not that I couldn't think of a
topic to base my column on. I have an
infinite list of subjects to choose from
and always more, but it's just that I
never get around to doing the things I
should or want to.
I happen to be one of those people
who are extremely ambitious and
determined but poorly organized and
easily bored- It's been a frustrating
way of life, not only for me. but my
friends who I'm always trying new
schemes on and my mother who has
often been faced with the aftermath of,
one of my great projects.
I suppose it's impulsive. but I get an
idea cr project into my head. go great
guns at it for anywhere up to the
maximum limit of a month and then
it's shoved away into a drawer or
under my bed_
My apartment is filled with my
little whims and half started projecas
that could keep me busy for years to
finish_ There's my set of expensive
photo albums'. and piles of negatives,
so much for my collection of
memories in pictures_ There's a
crewel work of a ballerina that's been
on the go now for two years. She sits
on my mantel. and would be quite
impressive I might say if she ever
gets a head_.
I've got a garbage bag full of
recipes and magazine clippings for
my ambitious cooking file. oh. well I
always liked peanut butter sand-
wiches better_ In another bag sits a
fortune of wool ready to be knit into a
lovely afghan but I can't seem to get
my needles working right_ Likewise
my newly acquired loom sits idle in a
corner waiting for ,the day when I
gather enough patience to sit down
and figure the darn thing out_
Along with guano_ pro.bab; . .rnc •
my longest iia epi
the guitar. th ,nn I p-_ r•�,,:art:._
plunk and pick away a: l;b
seem no get by, these : A0, - -1
can never remember a'u:hn' t -�
As if that -s. no: ten,.: igh. 1 : a,... ro"e
great idea that 1 s , ld -:arc _r : .
so I joined the gyro - -- e -M
Club_ The books are ct.n:rr" ._.
fine and quickly piling up i
even have time no read :trig
As for writing coour- - -
casionalls I :r' to gel ah --.c.: -
by writing a series �13f g- T : _ .•-- -
havenIf;+! 1
up wasting a not of my --
power. paper and Ink ,.
end up despera:eyv boyrInz .
thoughts at deadline :i. --:e
Just like every:hung else
started this Column and pu:
until now_ 11 a_m Wed,res•d
Hing. just about the :.:--e
arriving m Garda r:C l: •s .: ^ .^_::"
hand. ready to 24 ^.._.
of copy.
Will I ever learn
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