HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-2, Page 4T Ug'sD ,X, UN111 AILWA'X' 1114TTEES, ;UITMAL NO. -TES, Tx Dominion Qoyerzilnent appears to piece ere reliance in a •protective, tariff than in ASlxllluerOi&1` t11}ian, rhe wt'its have been issued for the oleo. On. Thursday and Priday of last .week ao1 u tions 1zi 7at a id lYttst Al lgoma. Nomin- the HMIs° of Commons Railway { eggs mince met to consider Railway Charters, Ke IPIT RI ORRbt. msE�rlla, (gorrectedat0a'eleeltp m, Weduesd..hy, Veet111'gPa t084 to 85 Spring ,Wheat , „ 0 80 to 0 82. lf3,rley . 0 49 to 49 Oats . , 0 80.. to 80 OloverSeed •, 460to500 Timothy ''" „ 1 50 to 2 00 Peas „ 8$to0061 0 , 58 t u0 0lePo011 ••. 10 50 0 131 tare Aloe the premises a drst •etasa new dtvel allele (lay is June 23rd, and polling day Suttee DBOI'Ei TY 'T+'QR;', $AL1,- -Q atorir bhe lttnrkot, two fltblia of an 401'1‘61104111-6844 , with to trsou a ootbssse oontaru. ingeixrSlUtii,s.wt0014x #dandsoftwator, 8180.a stable F9 c t;raintr aplaly At. 151158 dice, Exeter..lnri121, 8887. ABU FOR S4.TzB,—'rl a subs seribor offers tor Sale "hie farm being Lot. 9, Cotteessdon 1, Hal'. (halt mile- north of ldsoter•,)eontaining 400 aeres, about 04 acres ;leered and in geed eta to ofeulbivation, There. Pjourparbbl , .., 95 to 5 65 ling with two collate and :stone toundatiant a " rSLa Deutations from tltis.seetion of the , j'1117 fith. Potetoea iierbustlel 76 to 80 good bank barn, a frame barn, au often elegies _ I Apploa,perbota •,. 40 to 0 50 and other eecessitry outbuitdium Akso aflxat- e0nntty Were plentiful in ('itta\va as t4 rill 8 8.110i T. @ I DrledA.pples pr b „ .•• 9:04 to 0 OU class o. -chars, 'TermsEasy. For furtOorpar-I 3 p t 0 0' 1 t s Line have air ail * this mar canaecluence. Dr. Rollins, peeve, and b night theAO t' song i across art u lucre lnl Geese ei+1U, .,, 0 00 a u bicnlars +eta a1y on the premises to. 0 09 to 08 (;i-,ltrs,) A. iiOLi zi-0,HayP.O,I Turkey per lb 111- Ducks per pr 0 20 to 0 90 Mr. ,7 Swetterton Fere the delegates grantsf the North-west th they did Chickens per pr .,, 0 20 to 0 40 or to all ilogs,dreasedper100 5 30 to 5 70 i ins• i i e RM U AL. Ts from Exeter.. Exeter's interest being in tete whole of 1886,. Beef •• ••, ... 4 00 to 0 00 si nedoffers for, sale his farm, being lot with that ca Zurich tail ay- FIt esi g, a 00 to a 00 a , , •• Leff from Exeter 100 agree, about 85 sores •'their efforts- Tuua recent rains, wliioll appear to have sh;nnsktns eco oleared and in first class state of cultivation, held these del8gtitea pooled Ili 0 50 to 0 70 the remainder bush in 'Nutt& there is some The interest centred in a charter for the bean general, have done the crops a great identified wi 1 f Z ' h ti B 'd ouh AO .. . 550to5 dressed•,• ••• .. j 076 to1GO Calfskiiis • • Wool por lb ... ... ... .., 0 16 too 17 Hayperton ••- ' 6 50 to 0 75 nro ... Woodper cord ., ... ,„ 2 50 to 50 14 can. 5; township of U shorne, two miles and very valuable oak and block ash rail timber ; "`, oodstoo - Rai1wa ' " to run deal of good. North-West despatches say 800 tot tete farm is also well fenced and drabre0 ; csNtagara t ? i p y ti nsuerbusn there are upon the premises. a first class brick from Niagara River through Hamilton, there etas been a heavy fall there, and 9 0o dwelling house, with first class; cellars two good barn; two never failing springs ani ono 'WorthLook-ingBrantford, Woodstock and St. Mays, to tht it was much needd. IECES- WIiite o�u ht t� �ict0�']a �J'a,©9'�l, bargain will be sold cheapthis Leek at RANTON BROS nza. LOT Ofgents' straw hats atjob rices Car. .. p , to clear, from 25 cents up, this week at RANTON $ROS t ST. maitre. 'furnishedbyMessrs: Carter, Son&Co. 50818 point on Lake Huron, Our repre' Fall WhOat 85 to 80 sentatives had a interview with Sir Hee- Sir John, is the wonder of the House of Spring \y1 eat ..... .............. 78 s0 B g- 40 tor Langevin, urging the importance of defining some terminal point on the lake. Tue Minister fully agreed with the pro- priety of the course. They also got a motion made in Committeg, to have Exe- ter named in the charter, but the pro- moter of the bill, Mr. Sutherland, .of Oxford, objected on account of not know- ing anything of the engineering Parliament. His brightness and activity, Otaitsey and ability to work, his keenness and force Clover Seed in debate, are the marvel of both sides,; l,°t11y He is in the House most of the time, early and late, during the sittings, and is as chip- per as he was twenty years ago. ONE of the wretched tenants and em- ployes of the .Elazelbrook, Pa., Coal mining Company says that he has worked difficulties of the route, and of "the there 25 years, and has been able to save absence from the' city of Mr. Iran- only $20. Another seetesthatno account Horne. The delegates also waited on Mr. ' is taken there of the murder of a "coin- Pope, the Minister of Railways, and laid mon." And our neighbors have been so before him the propriety of granting pub- busy advising England what to do about lic money to a line running through Exe- the Irish tenants that they have not had ter to Bayfield, and the impropriety of time, to remedy this state of affairs at granting public money to a line running home. through Seaforth, Clinton, &c., parallel -- LT is stated that the Canadian Pacific with the Grand Trunk lute. The Minis Railway Company have decided to expend ter fully endorsed the views of the depu- tation and gave a definite promise that between $1,000,000 and 2,000,000 oil the mountain sections of the line. All rock cut- tingsorder to seven iuu grant -were given to aid this road. The I their being filled with snow as easily as sur- weeks many corts in connection with al - C. P. R. had a charter last week for a i Me last winter, and the entire road through leged Scott Act violations have been opened in Exeter, the magistrates and officers at their desks, but no one present to examine. Each court opened costs money --the magis- trates get their pay, the constables theirs, and from where does the money come ? Out of the county treasury I understand. While loyal citizens wish to see our statute laws rigidly enforced, they cannot counten- ance such humbuging as has been in order in Exeter of late. It may be fine fun for some but eventually the amusement de- velops into a huge tax. I do not under- stand why the persons against whom the charge is mad® cannot be forced to appear, and also why witnesses selected by the pros- ecutor, as well, be compelled to attend these courts for examination. A charge is made against an individual, who, after several ad- journments, not having appeared, said case is abandoned, the costs of which, probably amounting to over one Hundred dollars, to be paid by whom ; or from what source do they come ? This latter is an important part and should be played in no deceiving way ; but as there appears to be a hitch somewhere the public in general would glad- ly accept some information touching the same. Having given your readers the true facts of the matter, I will wait with patience for the information asked. 81 92 460 600 1 25 2 00 50 51 Eggs.................... .............................. 11 11 Butter .. 11 19 Potatoes per bush 05 994 Apples per hush 40 22 Wool per lb Hay pee ton 800 10u0 COMMUNICATIONS. \\'e do not hold ourselves responsible for opiu • ions expressed by correspondents under this heading. Another Adjournment. To the Editor of the Times. As per adjournment at last trial the cases against L. H Peine, Zurich, and Wm. Mit- chell, Crediton, of alleged infraction of the Canada Temperance Act, were to have been ventilated on Friday last, before the usual magistrates ; but owing to the defendants and plaintiff's witnesses not having appear- ed, the examination was further adjourned indefinitely. It is, indeed, remarkable, and a positive injustice to the general public, such a view would be carried out, if any well be widened, in p that such a mode of procedure should be con• t ed During the past month or era filet lass orchard For nartioulars apply on• t1 e premises to THOMAS SHUTE } premises, EXETER P. o ONT. ) L In, ra4sa.ta.ngs, Light Suitings and ARM FOR SALE.—The sub. everydaythis week, at RANTON BROS., scriber offers for sal; his term, being South Half of Lot ,13, Concession 2, Township of flay, containing 50 Acres, 45 et which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, being convenient to markets, sehoolii and, churches, There is a good frame hart„ pool stabling, and a hewed log house, good orchard and two never -failing wells, one at the house and the other at the barn. There are also 7 acres of fall wheat and 10 sores of mea• dow. Par further partioulars apply on the 1trn1niSe9 t0 • RICHAI1D EAC11DTT, Proprietor, Rodgervine P. o l shirts, colarS, Vic., all at lowest possible prices at RANTON BROS.. SPECIAL LINES In gents ties, nobby neckw• are,, 1YANTED Parties to engage in the manufacture of my Patent Snow, Shop, Stable laud Malt Shovels. Large and Increasing Trade in the United States. Lib- eral inducements offered to right parties. HENRY C. COLE, Wallingford, Vermont, II. S. A, railway from 'Wing -ham to Goderich, also one for a road from Teeswater to Kincar- dine. The Niagara and Woodstock char- ter will also pass, and also the Guelph junction and Goderich charter, a line to run from Guelph to' Goderich, without naming any intervening points. All these roads will not be built. The C. P. R. will only build what will suit them- selves. From all that could be learned at Ottawa the mos .likely road will be the Niagara & Woodstock, to run through %St. Marys, Exeter, Zurich to Bayfield, starting at the Niagara river. Exeter wants still to be on the watch, so that its interests are fully appreciated and recog- nized in any road to be built. the Selkirks will be re -ballasted. Addition- al snowshecls will be built where experience shows them to be necessary and other mea- sures will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the serious blockades of last season. ONE of the;direct results of the recent changes in the tariff on iron is already seen in London. Members of one of the largest iron manufacturing firms in the United States had an interview with the Mayor of London last week -and made a proposition to start works there if given exemption from taxes and free water for ten years. The representative stated that they would not be able to operate in Canada at all if it were not for the tariff changes. —_ Now that O'Brien has taken his de- parture from a soil which his evil pre- sence polluted, it would be quite in order for his admirers to tell us in what way he has substantiated a single charge of cruelty against Lord Lansdowne. A careful perusal of O'Brien's speeches fails to re- peal anything but rabid • denunciation of Lansdowne because he refused to permit the organization now known as the "Plan of Campaign," formerly styled Fenianism, to run his estate to suit them. The German Government contemplates doubling the present customs clues on foreign grain. When the protective tariff was first introduced in 1879, the same year in which the Canadian tariff went into operation, the Government proposed 50pf. (or 6d.) per double centner as the duty on corn ; but the Reichstag doubled this figure, and again in 1885 it was raised from lm. to 3m. or tripled. But that did The postal revenue during the past nine mouths of the present fiscal year shows an increase of $115,000 over 'the corresponding period of the previous year. There is a steady increase in the income from this source. In 1885 the receipts exceeded those of 1884 by $63,000, and last year they were $65,000 in excess of the year preceding. Tam Postmaster -General, of Canada . will endeavor to make arrangements after the House prorogues for the establish- ment of a parcel post system -with the United States. He has also under con- sideration a proposition to extend the parcel post facilities to exchange with certain British colonies and foreign coun- tries through the medium of the British Government. THAT the Canadians do not endorse the Irish resolutions passed in Parliament, must be pretty plain by this time to O'Brien and others who professed to be so much encouraged by them. Canadians in Toronto and Kingston may have been somewhat more forcible than polite in showing Mr. O'Brien that his ideas of their feelings were erroneous,eous , but they didn't wish him to go away with any ingering doubt in his mind about how they felt. Most men would have taken ' the word of the 15,000 people who, at the Toronto mass meeting the Saturday previous to his visit, stated that they didn't sympathize with Mr. O'Brien, but that skeptical individual required to have Hale anti Yoe—voted with the Govern - the truth knocked into him with a per -h resultnot FAIRNESS. Exeter, June the 1st, 1887. Store -Keeper's Combination. To the Editor of the Times. J. SNELL, Merchan( Tailor, Has removed to premises one dour north of Browning's drug store, wbare there will be found a �����t®� BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN in EXCHANGE.. CASH Means something this month at RANTON BROS. Strike while the iron is hot. COMM SND SSE. Petitions are being circulated and signed principally by storekeepers to present to the County Councilof Huron, many of whom are interested storekeepers, praying that honorable body to impose a license fee of not less than $200 on all peddlers that carry round in their locomotive stores such arti- cles as said storekeeper's wish to vend or barter. In whose interest is all this done ? "The Farmer's." Now as a farmer I take this opportunity of publicly thanking Mr. Storekeeper. I had not known till the present time how I had been gulled and de- ceived, and unless for his timely interference I should always have remained in that hap- py state. Reasons for storekeepers actions :— est. To prevent a lot of scoundrels from running through the country and imposing not satisfy the agrarian party, and a fur- on imiocentand unsuspecting fanners. ther increase of the coni duty from 3m. 2nd. To prevent the farmer from becom- ing too lazy ; make him come to us and buy the same article at the same price. GIVE US .A. CALL. Parliamentary NOtes, 3rd. To prevent the ?miler getting the Y farmer's butter and eggs. These are for us — — and for no other, &c., &c. An analysis of Friday night's voting, Now I am not more opposed to the pedlar on the question of Disallowance, showed than I am to the storekeeper—both have a the strength of the Government on any- right to live—if however, the pedler must offthe storekeeper too. If be shut 1 s o keg er its h thing affecting the main features of itsoff, past policy. Every "bolter" voted with the pedler pay a license, why should not the Government, and of the members ab- the storekeeper also pay a license? sent seventeen were Conservatives incl ab - Usually the pedlar is not of the wealthy fourteen Liberals, Two North-west class, and why oppress the poor? Neither • Tories—Scarth and Dal and Chisholm is he of that wvicrings class, but ne is a man OL WOOL' WOOL! Y-- luno is endeavoring to make and in most � W� of British Columbia, voted with the Op- cases I •say an honest living. Now who is WOOL •position, while three Liberals—Skinner, he that shall dictate to me from whom I shall buy my goods'and from whom I shall ment, so in that respect the was �jj ®�� qqff�� changed. The actual majority for the ler, am I not free to choose ; if l choose to � UJ �N/Ds! OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &a. --ALSO— Scotch, English, Ir"ish, French and Canadian Goods. Q�i ouhp et* ;,;, S 1,., Wishes to ennounee to' the inhabitants of Exeter and vietnity,that he has opened out Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE •--AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICEES 1 A CALL WILL CONVINCE. A. 3. SNELL, Graauate of Cleveland Cutting School. in the Corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. JOHN SRA'WSP, 1 Spring !tatn: UNDERTAKER & RECEIVED! CABINET-MAKER, —AND— PLACED UPON OUR SEINES. A. GRAND DISPLAY --OF-- Spring and -- Summer Goods. Latest Styles and Patterns. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB BUTTER and EGGS. TRICK & CURRELLEY, MARKET SQUARE, EXETER. suasive brickbat. This is another proof of the old saw that actions speak louder than swords. "About the only Tory the proposed sus- pension of the Franchise Act will erieve is Mr. Baird, of tatreen's1 N. B. Mr. Baird is said to have stated recently that he would not resign Mr. "King's seat in Parliament until the lists were revised for this year, and lOtli avenue between 53rd and 54th streets, not then, presumably, unless they caned ing -I westward to about the middle of the 'Long i. I the R vrsln . not buy. If I choose to buy from the ped - Government was 49, but Mr. Tyrwhitt, buy from the sterelteeper, have the pediers wanted at the Exeter Woolen not having been present when the resolu- just cause to circulate petitions to have the , tion was read, his vote was struck off, t storekeepers shutoff? Let us have one law ' mills, leaving the official figures 48. II for all, The license now pair} by the ped- ler, _m _ is in my opinion all that should be Totliose wishing to rnauufacturo their wool asked of him. we would say that our prices are low t' Over. One Thousand Horses Perish. A Fennell. ever tb.is yeer, Hay, June let, 1887. Mlannfacturing all irool blankets reduced The belt line ear stables, extending from fa ons strlfiecl to his satrsfaction, n e e g hrocic New Yorlr, teak fire about 1.30 o .'b Torymajority, astmttered brrllallt 11x,. rnel,t liacket a a y J Y,� nes t}iborhorrd in dense the es the `.Posies tea trust. Without urs11 , morning. The ha. made a o cla0k, Frldtty a g , Y of Tory Govern- d i•� n }r t> instead a there would l t. ns t 1 r3' e �lotl d a ,con c ni s blaze first a 1 a e Part of the . • e large p and Commons rt itToryU os}tion, r1 the Hot1s c p Pp .Ebro eneralliarn�r .for all engines 0f Cotrim iris 1515 this hairs," sntolfe, g g Tru4 ghillie sample of the bosh dealt was seunded. The rflames leaped across b p, {silt's Street a,ncl 54th street, lOtli'tivetrue out • by the 'Reform press. .It is 11081 and set many frame houses and stables on absurd, and they know it, The Reform- fire, These were all destroyed. The police reserves freal all the adieini,g l'eeoinets ere have an equal chance with the (1on- were called mit, The stables, which were serra'tives to pub upon the 1ist the Dames of brick were entirely destroyed. Twenty- tthereafterSi 1 1 p 1 r Y l'Vt'l rt Will 1 the Ieader s chair. Mr. Blake's Health. to 3.00 to $2.50 per pair - - Spinning and,greasine ledu�ted to IV cents. o give special attention td roll and bait 8 To rents, Alay,20--The It-oral's0tt'awacot' carding, also many tweeds, flannoie, &W,, and lent it ball well-informed res one s v ] .^farmed on, oli- r e �toa with rhe. P , Y 1 x,11 tho other blauchos connected tical matters, learns on the best authority woolen burliness. ' n we that a few weeks more will see the adieu to To parties wishing to exchange, a the oliticel or at least Par:'liamentar. field . any that w511avo a very heav3 ctoekat-inediunl h P Y tweeds, mi0 0131 at the of ono of Canada' brightest lights. her, ,, Blake's physicians have given him itnpera- Best Selected ana,dian wool live orders to -retire from public life, He nils already informed his folfow0t•s that he also 11110 twoed grey MI cltoalr flanuols; . ire at the' endof , Will Yet1,the sessirllr earl Ulanttcto, yaru,r'h;etings, ICO. Wo also mako;a there is little doubt that Sir Paehatd Cart, sl,eeial,foature of RosewoodctC k Salt, Salt, Salt' The Exeter Salt Works Co'y OF EXETER, OFFER SALT AT THE WELL, AT $2,25 PER WO. )s OO How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL -f VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure of SPEnMATOnROEA or Seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminary Losses, Ix- PoTExcr, Mental and Pysical Incapacity, Im- pediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Co esunP- TsoN, EPILEPSY and FITS, induced by self-in- dulgeueo,or sexual extravagance, c&o. The celebrated author. in this admirable es- say, clearly demonstrates from the thirty years' auccessfulpractice, that the •alarming conse• quences of self-abuse may 'basically cured; pointing out amode of cure eonce simple, certain, and effectual, by means' of which every sufferer, no matter what his conditiounzay be, may cu'r'e himself cheaply, privately and raclieall e. t This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in. the ]and. Sent under seal.in aplain envelope; to any address.post-paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps, Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. P. O. Box, 450 Walnut as ets Lots, Lots, Lots. ALSO COERINS Or EVEllY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r. GIVE ME A CALL TRUSSES ! CHRISTIAN LAWYER, mann fao- `wJ furor of all kinds of Tresses • Residence: Bannie's Mills, Hay, wnero hewill attend to the wants of any who may require his services. Why pay from $15.00 to 525 00 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for 55.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted to At with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses, 85.00 ; Single Trusses, 52.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER Zurich P.O., Out. d - free out of; the thirteen lrtt1Ylred horses • In Zr. Blake has atella:mil a summer resin of ally legally qualified person_ they a got out before the smokep .. the.stahles were (knee at`i\Itu•l�a: [3ity, arise intends takingto sire. Call our oppoeitlon friends point to and flames drove the man from the Taco, theWhether r. Place' thorough rest after! session. �'C.Irethd i i ut st fire.r.,t; In the first few mrnutcs he had cttnrerl t,lre will take an active att or not 1n nelt Y P headway, the horses screamed terribly, but session's work is very problematical,. the dense islack smoke froth the hurtling_ ,„sees hey and straw soon did is i:'ork. The Piro OTA CAN' LZYI3 Al Hbuiii AND MAKE entailed 8 loss of $1,325,410(/'. MONEY. ISS YSIOIAN`d. fin injustice done to them by ehe.Eevising officers of any of the fidingshere:tbou#s? We tr0w not, ea eat. 1%Ve et home, and rnelco more trieney at Work 15015548, than at, u1,Ititing else its this • usu ll ' ar r sr: to ro rietat mech.- 1t lilts UOhn learned that II ..err, who Are e i ()NM p p v tirld`, list ltitilrt)t.neodod .vcu alio st,artml forcold 'in was guested at Lend it rind d'ftertluard extra li ,ro,rr. all a os, An orta Bait tl0 c,u1Cs. Nasal Balm is a sprdrlr0 • .. gy tl' Large earnings serefr Ste i18Ftstelt. . ., •. ., 'and "trrh'nu the alfrtr.tr fit Ytiurdt. ramie Mabel ihewarlt. 7, rtt, thr, head and catatikr, alis hncrug+fnrtl, a c di r, t>` , , will 'o 11100r troub{es we Clarke, of .Osdodd, itliols., has 1)8511 Meal:erg• Costly otfffit sed terms MPG. Editor not delay, ovidan0e tnaG it tr cat Costa you,n-oohing to 80(10 its Y0U15 adrirees 8110 Ask and court ii f,�ir triol of the discovery, ed from custody by til Tose; e0ftnl}' tttrtboti• .Ons out, ifyoa tura wise 1gou will. rltti sa a Wtaiis strict R11411 iut'estr alien Rt tiroir WOWS. ties, 0fice. lip Iiiaz,f,rYShr S, C;„ i ortlanti, Fancy' Zeci - meads Havingitnl,orted a 10nmfrom Scotland, at a considerable outlay, we will be enabled 50 suit our tuvtomars in Sono of the NEWEST PATTERNS QUEEN VICTORIA'S Jubilee Year GOB SAVE OUR GRACIOUS' QUEEN. or nen JUST S T R ECEI Y E ° FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets; also a number of HOUSES, &, FARM LANA FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, New Teas, New Coffees, Non Sugars, New Syrup, polled Oats, Granulated Cornmealr a ern our uglily ea Flour' •Utile P+lotir,-New Groceries, Oranges and Lemons,, C Canigaities in endless vaY, rlet Tobaccos and - Graham El , B h t end out OS thole own Vat•n.. WO have also al largo stook of item on hraiid for tale. s Give erS a dell and inspect our stock be• he foto going elsewv i ro, it will .Li. T.tl Ir 114 aatTERgi I have taken great care ill buying and sel- ecting,iny stock. Give 1110 a cal dud yeti will find my goods cheaper than the cheapest, consistent •with first lett° quality. Propsed teU :�tifcates and Ocoee Rates at cr Lowest Possible 1Pri:ees. nosreetnrii erns snowless, E IVI P CAPTAIN, DREW 'S S BLOCK. GF.+.NTth' , WAN'IED,,,—We want EXETER. 500 T'A'BS T Butter ed L J. athesozrs EXETER NORTH,. Our Stock is Well Assorted. "Sine 114irnc1i811 tined Alton et ond0 to sell 1115 the PON'nitt.tr NURSERIES,' (latgov5 in daa150 aver 465acres,); Steadyerirpio,ymont anciiso ttwto. • i..dheral 0081.1niSSIo1) or Saltary B.loci estadvantages t 15 510ndfd outlet ter- .11181r04.frdo'. Anypasting marl 6ar1 aueceetl. e.pp1y for teems to • STONIIS SG WIl titNt37.'ONri POR THE SSASON'S T11A17L. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES 1 ;! 16 lbs. sugar $1,00 ; 13 lbs, white sugar, $1 Teas can't be undersold in fiatn 20o to 75e. per lb. Roots 8& Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. rinicely assorted Stook of FO:IIRS, SCY.TTHES':.1$ ..and: GRASS all' sides (Cheap.) Bost Maelibse Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL .08 LOW AS Tilt LOWS+tIT. r A nice ':tea Sett bf 4d: Pieces, $`x,75, 1 ' A hood suit of ready-niacle clothing for$6. Ordered shits got up in Good Style. Our Dress Goods cite r iovketl flown to the Lowtst" Notch. . itILLA DO' .' CO1ON.. 20 YARDS.VOR ONE A'Ilouso anti T,obr'iilso a ;t+arfrf far Sale, Apply to �yN. ��yy��y{�y1 JI�AT,II' .1,1i7V JOHN, ,. . HAY Ps6. 'puronte, a se