Clinton News-Record, 1978-04-20, Page 7•
Londesboro: Annual awards and banquet held for men's bowling
by Dora Shobbrook
United church news
Welcoming on Sunday
morning were Lloyd Pipe and
Nelson McClure, and the
ushers were David Lear,
Edward Riley, Kevin and
Wayne Hulley. Choir anthem
was "my faith has found a
resting place" with Mrs.
Allen Shaddick choir leader
and Mrs. Glenn McGregor
Rev. McDonald's children's
story . was "vacuum", and
junior congregation teachers
were Mrs. Nick Whyte and
Christine Carter. The
message was "a community
of love."
The flowers were placed in
loving memory of brother Bill
Ross by Maimie Margaret
and Tom. Flowers were also
placed by Dale and Lynn
Bannerman in honour of their
marriage in our church on
April 15th.
Next Sunday a con-
firmation service and
reception at 8 p.m. when 10
persons will be received into
the church.
Berean Unit of UCW
The Berean Unit of UCW
meeting was held on
Tuesday, April 11 at 2 p.m.
President Hattie Wood
welcomed all, opened with
call to worship with
meditation taken from upper
room reading "conditions for
growth". The Study was
taken by Alice Buchanan and
Marg Anderson with a film
"The story operation frien-
dship". Marjorie Duizer ran
the projector, and Alice
thanked her.
The business was con-
ducted by president, and the
minutes of last meeting were
read by the secretary Dora
Shobbrook. A thank -you card
from Margaret Penfound.
Happy Birthday was sung for
Alice Buchanan and Isabel
The May 9th meeting at 8
p.m. will have the Aimwell
unit as guests, when Mrs.
Hodgert, Seaforth will show
pictures taken on their trip to
Japan. To clean brass for
May is Tri Duizer. All present
signed a get well card for
Mrs. Laura Sundercock, a
member in Clinton Hospital.
Roll call was answered by
11 members and one visitor.
Worship and program was
taken by Marg Anderson and
Alice Buchanan with Marg
reading "Hepaticus" and
scripture "God restoring
fertility to the land". also
reading Helen Kellars
reading Helen Keller's
resurrection. Hattie Wood
thanked them and closed the
meeting with prayer. Lunch
was served by Vi Burns and
Dora Shobbrook.
Shower for
Lynn Bowie
Village ladies held a shower
for Lynn Bowie, in the Sunday
School room on Tuesday April
11th at 7:3d p.m. Corsages
were pinned on the bride
elect, her n?other and Mrs.
Bannerman, the groom's
mother. A dessert lunch of
cake and ice cream was
served by Nancy Allen, Vi
Burns, Shirley Lyon, Norma
Glousher and Edna Reid.
The program, convened by
June Fothergill, saw a con-
test on anniversaries won by
Dora Shobbrook ; guessing
number of articles, won by
Barbara Glousher; girl with
most pencils in handful,
Karen Johnston;
Gifts werepresented by
Diana Lyon, Darlene Hulley,
Karen Johnston and Jennifer
Sottiaux. Lynn thanked
everyone for gifts and invited
them to come and see her
gifts at her mother's and to
the open reception to be held
in Seaforth Legion hall at 9
p.m. on Saturday, April 15.
W.I. annual
A life membership was
presented to Mrs. Myrtle
Fairservice at the Women's
Institute annual meeting and
banquet on Wednesday night
April 12. President Dora
Shobbrook gave a summary
of the past of the WI. The
branch was founded
February 13th, 1909 and was
disbanded in 1942 and carried
on as Red Cross society
during •the war years. It was
reorganized May 4th, 1950.
Myrtle Fairservice was
president from 1940-42, and in
1950 took up where she left off
as president. She was also
member of the Clinton WI in
1940s having held offices
there. They presented her
with a life membership
certificate and badge. Myrtle
thanked Londesboro Branch
'WI members for this honour
and for her corsage.
Catholic PTA plans event
A meeting of the executive
of the St. Joseph's Catholic
Parent Teachers Association
was held on Tuesday, April 4
at the home of president
Seamus Doherty. The
meeting began with a prayer
led by Father Hardy. The
minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted.
Graduation exercises for
grade 8 were discussed with
Judge Frank Carter as guest
speaker and slated for June
11. An idea for retreats for
grade 7 and 8 boys and girls
was discussed and will be
finalized at the next meeting.
It was also decided that the
C.P.TT.A. could aid the
school by forming a drop-off
point for used toys in good
condition that could be used
in kindergarten. Seamus
Doherty agreed that toys
could be' dropped off at his
1.0home at 11 Bond St., Clinton.
It was-�t'Qed that t°he,-
C.P.T.A. would sei-ije coffee
during Parent Teacher
What you think..
• from page 4
and open to public scrutiny.
In the end the government did
act - by laying charges
against those who did Canada
this favor by attempting to
abort the work of the RCMP.
(To wit, the ensuring charges
laid against the Toronto Sun,
et. al.) Mr. Cossitt of course
received parliamentary
It is rather unfortunate that
"these disturbing facts" were
"brought to the attention of
the Canadian people."
Thanks for "the truth" Mr.
Yes, a few political muck-
rakers are needed in the
opposition. No one can accuse
Morty Shulman of not having
the good of the Canadian
people at heart. But when
politicians resort to harming
that good in the interests of
petty politics, it is time that
those politicians find some
more self-gratiating line of
employment and leave the
political arena to those who
are willing to work for the
benefit of a united Canada,
whatever the political banner
they may fly.
Dirk van der Werf,
Interviews on April 5 and two
people were designated.
Lunch was served and the
meeting ended at 10:30.
WI Sunshine
president, Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook ; president, Mrs. Tom
Sister Banquet Duizer; first vice-president,
Marjorie Duizer was in- Mrs. Don Buchanan; second
stalled the new president, vice-president, Mrs .
when the Londesboro UCW Margaret Taylor; secretary -
catered to the Sunshine Sister treasurer, Mrs. Eric
Banquet for WI members on Anderson; assistant
Wednesday April 12. The secretary, Mrs. E.
tables were decorated in the Fothergill; public relations
WI colours by Marg officer, Mrs. Glen Carter;
An Jerson. After supper a sing district directot-, Mrs. Bert
song of old favorites led by Shobbrook; alternate district
Doreen Carter with director, Mrs. Lorne
Genevieve Allen at the Piano. Hunking; press reporter,
Roll call followed with the Mrs. E. Fothergill; pianists,
revealing of Sunshine Sister Mrs. Tom Allen, Mrs. Edwin
and paying dues. There were Wood; auditors, Mrs. Tom
39 present. Hattie Wood spoke Allen, Mrs. Mervyn Datema;
words of appreciation to Dora resolutions convenor, Mrs.
Shobbrook for her two years Lloyd Pipe; flowers and card
as president and presented convenor, Mrs. Airie Duizer;
her with a gift. The program card committee, Mrs. Jim
committee was thanked by Jamieson, Mrs. Les Reid;
Marjorie Duizer. Tweedsmuir curator, Mrs.
The March minutes and Reg Lawson; Tweedsmuir
financial statement were committee, Mrs. Tom Allen,
read by secretary -treasurer Mrs. Lorne Hunking, Mrs. E.
Marjorie Anderson. Fothergill; branch directors,
Correspondence included a Mrs. Norman Cartwright,
thank you from Don and Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Mrs.
Lorne Hunking.
Standing committees are
agriculture and Canadian
industry, Mrs. Watson Reid,
Mrs. Tony Middegaal;
citizenship and world affairs,
Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs.
Harry , Tebbutt; education
and cultural affairs, Mrs. Jim
Jamieson, Mrs. John
Pollard; family and con-
sumers affairs, Mrs. E.
Wood, Mrs. Dave Anderson.
Mrs. McNee thanked the
WI for her and her friend
Mrs. McWhinney's invitation
and spoke a few words. She
was ' presented with a gift.
New president Marjorie
Duizer announced her
committees: Social,
Margaret Anderson, Alice
Buchanan, Addie Hunking,
Marjorie Duizer; finance,
Florence Cartwright, Mar-
jorie Anderson and Margaret
Taylor. There will be a
dessert euchre on May 5th.
Kathy Reuger and Lloyd
Pipe; an invitation to Clinton
WI dessert euchre April 13th;
Summerhill dessert euchre
and bake sale April 26th at
1:30 p.m. Walton dessert
euchre April 26th evening;
spring tea at Huronview on
May 31st; summary day
"personalizing your pattern"
"April 18 in Clinton; 4-H
Achievement Day "focus on
living" in Blyth May 6; WI
district annual, May 29th at
Nile United Church.
The ladies decided to
donate $25. to new home for
Goderich area mentally
retarded. Pennies for
friendship were received, and
annual reports were given..
The secretary reported 11
meetings, membership 39,
average attendance 23, and
four members J with perfect
attendance, Dora Shobbrdok,
Margaret Taylor, Nona Pipe
and Florence Cartwright.
The auditors report was
given by Hattie Wood, Men's bowling banquet
standing committee reports The Londesboro men's
were given by Beth Knox, bowling league held their
Marjorie Duizer, Alice annual banquet and awards
Buchanan and. Margaret presentation on Thursday
Taylor; special committees, April 13th at the Londesboro
public relations, Doreen Community hall. Londesboro
Carter; and flowers, Tri Women's Institute catered to
Duizer. Tweedsmuir curator, a hot beef dinner with 53
Helen Lawson reported on a bowlers and two guests
historical meeting on April 20 present. Rev. McDonald
at 8 p.m. in Auburn, and the asked the blessing.
president's summary was Awards were presented to:
given by Dora Shobbrook, high average, Harry Lear,
and she thanked the WI for 222, trophy donated by Crown
her gift and their cooperation Lanes and presented by Don
in the past two years. Alice McWhinney; high single,
Buchanan reported for the Tom Duizer, 333 presented by
nominating committee. last year's winner, Doug
District president McNee of Snell; high triple, Jack Lee,
Dungannon installed the 825, presented by last year's
officers for 1978-79: past winner, Olen Carter, most
r NDv
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SAVER"V fr'r"
improved, Joe Hunking, plus
14, presented by last year's
winner Mery Durnin; first
place team regular season,
Gordon Shobbrook, Ron
Gross, Henry Wilts, Gordon
Radford, Murray Adams,
Harry Lear, presented by
Jack Lee captain of second
place team; second place,
Jack Armstrong, Ervin
Johnston, Bert Lyon, Brad
Kennedy, Jack Lee, Ken
Armstrong presented by Bill
Sottiaux, captain of third
place team; 3rd place,
Murray Lyon, Frank Szusz,
Willis Bromley, Bill Vincent,
Bill Sottiaux, Robert
Shaddick; high team's single
regular season, Gordon
Shobbrook, Bill Roy, Bob
Thompson, Murray Adams,
Harry Lear 1205; high team
triple regular season, Dave
Armstrong, Doug Snell,
, Howard Cartwright, Dave
Overboe, Bill Shaddick, Carl
Nesbitt 3268.
Special mugs were
presented to George Carter,
Jack Armstrong and Jack
Lee for regular attendance
since the league was formed,
and perfect attendance
glasses this year were
presented to Bill Sottiaux,
Harry Lear, Dave Arm-
strong, Willis Bromley, Joe
Hunking, Gerritt Wilts,
Dennis Penfound and Frank
Szusz. Clare Vincent thanked
the Institute ladies for the
lovely supper.
51 bowlers went bowling
after the banquet, and win-
ning bowlers banquet night
were: first, Joe Hunking and
George Carter winning two
mugs each; second Willis
Bromley and Bill Bromley, $2
each; third Tom Duizer and
Ian Hulley $1 each.
Londesboro III
Londesboro Quazy Quilters
met on Monday April 10 at the
hall, when babysitting and
some tips on babysitting were
The Explorers met on
Thursday April 13th in the
Sunday School rooms with 16
present. Margaret Wright
concluded the study Carib-
bean. The topic was "getting
along together". For crofts
they made invitations for
mother -daughter banquet to
be held May llth, also made
pencil holders. Games were
in charge of Lisa Duizer and
Angela Schneider with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley
and family, St. Thomas spent
the weekend of April 9th with
his mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Bruce. At the same
home on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Riley and
family, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Riley and family of
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Longman
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Burleigh, John and Joan of
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Norris, Pattie, Susan, Jill and
Robert, Mrs. Sam Norris,
Staffa, Jim Skinner and
Robert Heckman, Mitchell.
Mrs. John Balmer of
Edmonton, Alberta is
spending this week with her
aunt Mrs. Joe Shaddick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Radford,
London spent the weekend
with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Thompson. Ray is
recuperating from a frac-
tured leg.
Mrs. Ellis Thomas of
Ottawa attended the wedding
of his granddaughter Lynn
Bowie to Dale Bannerman on
Saturday and is spending this
week with his daughter Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Bowie. Also
attending the wedding were
cousins Mr and Mrs. David
Platter from Blue Mountain
Ontario. The Bowies would
like to say, thank you to Rev.
Attending the Clinton WI
dessert euchre on Thursday
were Nona Pipe, Hazel Reid,
Elsie Shaddick, Dora
Shobbrook, Margaret Taylor
and Myrtle Fairservice. The
final card party for WI season
will be held on Friday April
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