HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-26, Page 8vier I lrs„ fT7 . 1?AY� 11th 2�t' It L8 7, Mi Th vid'Oubbledlek filet With zl, se- rione accidentthe other day. .A couple of steers were fighting 11114 while trying to paint them he tripped a,ed, one of the steers fell on Win, breaking his log so severely that the bone penetrated out through the flesh. This accident will lay grim up for some twine. w (1co1rrraneos ur tlralk>s,stWeek Tlrre!tsliQrr the I elglalrordroorl, to a (lorroise Vertu, {lin Teesdite of last week the Ontario GOY erthtAA4t, sppoillted Mr. Tames Noble, of eltretnroy, Pollee Afagistoste of the County of Middlesex. with salary, On Monday Inst lir, coin Linton, of Hib- bert, sold, to Mr. J. .j. Vee, of Tiverton, ftl- teen head of cattle which weighed e,2,5591bs., and, at i oeuts per lb., realized $1,127.. Irivairx believe that Everest's, Clough seteP saved the We of my wife.--das. A. Fisher, Oarnlsoliie E. 0, Dasllwooa, hfr. Tlrouaas Toting, of the 7th Doneesaion On Tuesday of lust week marriage nup- tials were solemnized between I4r. Fred. Wertz and Rebecca Freid, by Rev, J. W. Ortwein, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Freid, in the presence of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. After hearty expressions of good wishes had been indulged in by all pre- sent and justice had been done to an am- ple repast, the gathering dispersed. They have the good wishes, May their sha- dows never grow less. Centralia. BRIE1s.—Crops are not doing very well en account of the dry weather, there seems to be a`blight ou the barley around here,—B. Quarry is able to be around again after bis illness.—Jas. Elliott, of Fairfield, has p.urohased the Lineard es- tate. We believe he is going to erect a handsome residence thereon.—Don't for- get the entertainment on Friday evg., 3rd of June. A grand time expected.—The bathing house is being re -fitted in the latest style. We hear suits have been or- dered for the same. --Tile sports turned out in a body for the metropolis taking theirnever-to-be-forgot en ones with them to celebrate the Queen's Birthday.. St. Marys. BBIE.rs,—Workmen are busily engag- ed putting a new roof on the Ontario House.—Quite a ripple of excitement was caused by a runaway ou our streets on Monday. No damage done.—Two stu- dents from Knox College occupied the pul pits of the Presbyterian churches on Sun- day last in the interest of foreign missions. —Quite a number of our local sports took in the Stratford races on Tuesday.—Mr. N. Dinsmore. who has been in Gilpin's drug store for some time, ]eft on Monday for California where he intends locating. —The Wellington street bridge has been condemned and preparations are being made to erect a new one. --Nos. 3 &e; 4 companies, 28th batallion, are busy pre- paring. for the annual encampment which occurs in June. Stephen. Last Sabbath morning Mr. John Gil- bert, of Corbett, noticed on going to his barn that the door was opened. On ex- aniinationhefounda large quantify ofloats were stolen. He traced tracks to the road where a team had stood, and follow- ed the wagon track north to Mr. Daniel Young's place. He laid complaint before W. S. Wilson, J. P.,.who issued a search warrant and sent county constables, R. L. and C. W..Wilson, to search the place. A quantity of peas and oats were found in the Ioft of the dwelling house. They arrested Daniel Young and a man that had been working for him by the name of George Roe. The magistrate said it was the first offence and would charge him $7 and costs, and return the oats to Mr. Gilbert, or, in default, 30 days in Goderich jail with hard labor. They settled the bill by giving good security for one week. Howick. a SInOCKI;G FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Mon- day evening last a dreadful accident hap- pened near the village of Gorrie, where- by a highly esteemed and well-to-do farm, er named Gilpin met with his death. He, with a couple of others, were riding on a waggon from one of his farms to another ; at one place one of the men jumped from the waggon, causing a board to fly up and start the horses, which ran away with Mr. Gilpin on the waggon doing his utmost to stole them. To keep Himself from falling Mr. Gilpin appears to have thrown his aria around the front axle, and as the horses were plunging along, .the tongue, which had come out of the neckyoke, caught in the ground, and threw the wheels over, pinning Gilpin between them and the ground. In this position he was dragged along for some distance before parties could reach the horses and stop them, when it was found that his head was almost ground ' to pieces. Life was extinct. He had been in business in St, - Marys before coining to this part of the country, was a member of the Baptist church and held in the highest respect. He leaves a wife and eight children—hav- ing been twice married—to mourn his mel- ancholy death. Mrs. Ryckm.an Released From Custody. Acting on instructions from the Attor- ney -General's office, Toronto, Mrs. Ryck- man, who has been under arrest for seve- ral weeks, charged with poisoning the late Hrs. Hendricks, was bought up on remand before the magistrates at Sarnia on Thursday, and discharged from cus- tedy. The result of the examination of the stomach and intestines of the deceas- ed settled beyond a doubt that death was not caused by poison. The calcereous for- mations found in the bladder were suffi- cient to account for the excruciating pains and other symptoms ofpoisoning that preceded the death of Mrs. Hen- dricks. Mrs. Rycktnan's innocence has, therefore, been clearly established. The Coroner's jury, which met at Ar- kona Friday, returned a verdict in aceor- dance With the facts presented by Dr. Ellis' analysis. The Rev. F. F. 'Davis, late missionar _, ;at Virden, in the diocese of Rupei'ts;Land, will preach (D. V.) in Christ church,iExeter, on Sunday next, lelay 25th (Whitsunday) at hath morning and evening services. Mr, Wm. Drew presentecl,the 1`ev, S. P. Robinson with a heautifell , carved olive wood walking stick, purchased by flim this- ing his recent Vent to California, An allt- t gator earved on the handle is very habitat f appearance. of libbers, recently lost two valuable breed. lug mares while foaling. One was a young mare dead, worth $200, The foals are also both lie. Harry Sipple, a,uative of Znrieh, for the last four years foreman of Jarvis' carnage worts in London, left for Tiisonburg on klouday, where he will take charge of one the largest works iu Western Outaio. Harry takes with nitu tbe gond wishes of his fellow eurplo)es acid a large number of friends in Loudon. A baseball club has been organized on the fourth line of Blanshard, with Ur. J, Epplett as captain and Mr. Amos Doupe, secretary - treasurer. The club couimenoed practice with a strong teitm and will be open to re, c ive challenges before many weeks elapse, 1 According to report, the fourth line boys are the ones to make the ball fly. Mn, EvEnERT,'Foresf. Dear sir,—Please send me three bottles of your Cough Syrup ; nothing seems to cure me but that.—Mrs. West hoover, Goodland P. 0., Mioh. It will be good news to the farmers to learn that there has not been such assariug pros- pects of a brisk demand for cheese for many years as there is at the present time. In- stead of being glutted as they were the early part of last year, the market report confirms this statement. It is to be hoped that the approaching season will be 0110 of the best that the farmers have ever Lad in the history of the cheese operations. Mr. Kepple Disney, of Goderich township, had a colt wind' has three hind legs. It has only the ordinal y four legs, but one of its front legs is actually a hind leg in its shape and formation of the joints, bending ,back- wards, as do the other hind legs, and compelling the soft to hop ou one leg when it attempts forward progression. Information was laid before the County Crown -Attorney, Mr. Idingtou, at Stratford, Friday, by Constable Davis, of Sebringyille, that an infant with its head cut off had been found in the mill pond at Sebringville. The child was not more 'than two or three weeks old, and could not have been in tbe water very long, as it was in a good state of preser- vation. Rev. A. E. Smith, of Varna, is the owner of a rather clever and intelligent pony. Whenever it wants a drink it will go to the pump and lift and lower the handle with its Dead, and when it has raised the water,' will catch it in its mouth as it comes from the spout. This is a trick, that, if learned by other horses, would save much labor to their owners. The grist mill at Woodham has been Leased for a lei m of years by John McNevin of Hensall. If this mill bas not been run properly, nor satisfactorily heretofore, the people in the vioinity may depend upon it, that it shall be in future. Mr, McNevin is an experienced miller, an honest man and a downright good fellow. He takes possession July let. On Tuesday afternoon, as an old woman named Crawford was trying to light a fire in her house at Bayfield, she, by some means, accidentally set it on fire. She ran to tell a neighbor, but the house was so dry that it was all in flames in a moment, and nothing could be done to save it or its contents. The old lady had about $100 in her bed that was also lost. Dr. Stanbury owned the property. Mr. A. Govenlock, of Winthrop, one of the J. P's who has sat on Scott Act trials in this neighborhood of late, was thrown from his buggy the other evening, csneed by the horse running away. He was returning home from Seaforth with a couple of hives of bees, and, something disturbing the little wax weavers, they left their homelend attacked Mr. G. and the horse, with the results above stated, Hon. S. D. Thompson. Minister of Justice, write : In my opinion the fines, penalties and forfeitures recovered under the Canada Temperance Act of 1878, and amendments thereto, belong, under the order -in -council of 15th November last, to the incorporated towns, if such fines, penalties and forfeitures were recovered and enforced within the town. A serious accident occurred the other day to James Bruce and his son John on their farm, 4th line of Peel' township. The son was driving the horses, attached to a com- bined seeder and cultivator, when they be- came reckless and began to kick. The fa- ther was near and caught the horses by the bridles, when they became frightened and ran over both father and son with the ma- chine, leaving them both lying on the ground fearfully torn and bruised. , I usrs used Everest's Cough Syrup in my family for two years, and always found it an excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, &o.—J L. Pettypiece, Forest. What might have been a very serious accident happened on Queen street, St. Mary's, on Tuesday last, to an eight year old daughter of Mr. H. F. Thompson, of Carling. ford. The,little Orlon company with two others, was passing along the street when a drove of cattle were being driven up. One of the animals rushed from the herd and dashed towards the child, and before she could get out the way the animal caught her in its horns and pitched her a couple of feet in the air. A large, dark complexioned, farmer looking man, with full sized whiskers and moustache called at the banking office of Cameron and Campbell at Lucknow on Friday afternoon and offered for discount a batch of about a dozen notes purporting to bo signed by Ash- field farmers, Mr. Cameron, to whom the notes wererofferecl, had doubts ae to the gen- uineness of the signatures, and openly ex, pressed such doubt, whereupon the stranger evinced great nervousness and alarm, hur- riedly gathered up the;notee and left the offi- ce, A few minutes afterwards he drove rapidly out of kith, and has been teen since, It was undoubtedly a barefaced attempt to pass forged notes. Tile grand jury at the Perth assizes in dealing with the indictment in the ease of the Qaee'fi vs E`alioek—the Listowel oonepirady case—found a true bill, but *lien the matter came before his Lordship there Was an timet. peeted hitch in the proceedings, The oro n prosebutores difficulty in framang alt itidiot- ment was made apparent by eft, Osler, Q. C., *ho took exception to the indiotutent, and Said the statute on which it was founded bad no existence. His Lordship expressed the vie* that the law was intended to, cover stiohh•a case as this, but admitted at the same linethat bis mind Was by no ` merino • free rain doubt. The ease therefore stands ad- °Minod till next assizes. I)edegates to the,txetierltd Aescmbly, Pros -A ketotic Olrureb,, lti emipeg, June J, le$7, ,t:i WC , Wal a wella 0 p l cl e toe ..11 11 .. J, Clueing al,, gal for g tickets at reduced fine, Oat Tuesday ekerin e a Member o yeast}e. people left for Bethesda tela meeting arid convert, but being 041404 in a heavy there dor shower, they were obliged to return gild oven Ye their streaming garments, and make another start. It would be well for the fishermen to re. member that bass should slot be caught be- fore the lath of June, It :is said that several faaherrneeeneve been catching; them bet it is probably more through Ignorance than intention. The fishing craze still continnes; Almost every morning at the river's edge eau be seen people of all ego melding au endevor to Gatch a stifUcient slumber of the finny tribe upon which to breakfast. The girls say : •`If it wasn't that we haye` to hook our bait, there's lots of fun in it." Mr. John DIcllfurtury, of the llth Donees- Bion of MoO-illivray, died last Thursday even- ing at the advauoed age of 78 years. He had been a rose -loot of this seotion for about 40 yrs sad his remains were followed to their last restiug plane at Mart's (dill cemetery last Saturday by a large number of sorrow- ing friends and relatives, Mr, Wm. Hooper, of Alma, Michigan, formerly of Exeter, was in town on Tues- day. Mr Hooper left for home yesterday, taking with him several fine looking young fillies as well as a handsome pair of draught horses which he purchased from Mr. Thos. Bissett, of Exeter, paying a good price for them. One more of our young men has fore- sworn the vows of celibacy and joined the ranks of the Benediets. Frank Knight, of the G. T. R. was, on Wednesday evening last., "linked for life" with Miss Charlotte Louisa Drew. Frank was 'one of the boys' and we are sorry to lose him from the ranks, but other and more fascinating duties will now claim his attention, Bliss Drew is a very estimable young lady, daughter of Mr. Edred Drew, of California. We tender our hearty congratulations to Frank and his bride and sincerely hope that their troubles in the future will be few. In the rceent law examinations held at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Mr. R. 11. Collins, of this village, passed most successfully as a barrister and solicitor. Mr. C. passed first among forty-two candidates in the ex- amination for solicitors and second in the pass examination out of forty candidates for barrister and in the honor barristers' exam- ination passed first, being only four marks from winning the gold medal. Mr. Collins has commenced the practice of his profes- sion in the office lately occupied by Mr. M. McFadden, here, and we trust the same good fortune and the same success may at- tend him therein as has in the past attended him in his examinations. Mr. Collins' card will be found in another column. We have received a copy of a Theological Union Lecture delivered by Rev. Jas. gra- ham, on "The Bible, the Mightest Factor in Yuman Progress." The lecture has been issued in pamphlet form, and is a masterly piece of logic. No reference has been made to the so-called "theistic evolu- tio" but many hard facts are stated and valuable hints are given which would be worthy of the careful study of evolutionists. The theory of "what has been will be" or "History repeats itself" is shattered beyond all hope of resurrection. He deduces a `'New Genesis" founded on the theory of scientific evolution which would be well worth comparison with the Genesis of Moses. The book may be read with profit by many. Any person desiring a copy can obtain the same by applying to Rev. Jas. Graham, • Exeter. Price 10 cents. A PERSON Unable to sleet. in bed, unable to world, nn • able to take ordinary exercise from the ef- fects of Asthma until using Southern As- thma Cure. A sample package relisves, three packages permanently oures. J. SNELL, Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drug store, where there will be found A Well Anew& d St ill OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. —ALSO— Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Male ti on the SHORTEST NOTICE --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRIORS ! A CALL" WILL CONVINCE. A. J. SNELL, Graauate et Cleveland Cutting School. Sight LBlindness N. STANLEY'S eIetrattd an ti h * tda ez 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO, CANADA, 18 JEwIN STREET, LONDON, E. C. ENGLAND. .�t+ I♦r1I��rS Watchmaker, Jeweller, ..L31ia�ialSl and Optician. Rae the Ager cy for the sale of the above in Bxs3TL'R. o Sneotattles in the Mariiet equal them in the Emit P eneeRviNaa QuALITiils they possess, or the CREAT tAsE and Colxsoar they confer on the wearer.; Their us0will in actuality so strengthen the OIL? e that .18 does not hucome neoeesary to. change them for many years, they are there fore the CELAPEsT. They Are the Best 3n the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The eight tested by our Now Teat Csrd,sathe) as uSedbythe loading Oculists throughout the' werIce We n1ish to call etpevi,it attention from the farmers and other's requiring tile, tile, fig Gleol<•ge Mitts', 2,ot 11, t,.ett.5, Stentient gredi teu,1,.0„leas en hand 1t very large cluantityof TILE of ALL SIZES l At the Polloyipg kricoe : Si. inoh. Tile, Sr 8, noM. 4 1(i l” 5 " .. 20 " 0I. ^ 208 s( Seven iuoll tile can be furnished Urequired. The above are of best quality, Crediton, Apr11 X4,1887, GEORGE MOATZ. 3. LATTR,NCZ°, ' Spectacles 8 Ye -glasses Dr. Drowning has the Sole Ageney !n Exeter, for the above louses. They are the oulyouesrecommended by the President and Vioe-President's of the Medical Associations 01 Canada, and alt the le:tdiug ocutlets of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give, Beware of imitations, as they are in the market, B, Lauretuoo's $pea. tacles and Eye.glasses are niarkecl B.L„ with- out which none are genuine,—and pebbles aro stamped Pebbles. Ao not be deceived by any goads stamped Pebble glass—or by any simil- iarity in name,—DR, BItO WNINb, SOLE A&I ST Iron Ex ETEIE A.1' - How Last, How Restored. Just publish• cl, a DPW edition of DR. CUL- VERWELL'S ORDF,BRATEID ESSAY on the radical cure of. SPERnXATOOROEA Or Seminal weakness, In,oluntary seminary Losses, Inr- PoTENcs, Mental and Pysicnl Incapacity, Im= pediments to Marriage, etc.; also, CoEstniP- TION, EPILEPSY and Frrs, induced by self -in - diligence, or sexual extravagance, ,Oe. The celebrated author, iu this admirable es- say, clearly demonstrates from the thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming eons°. queuees of self-abuse may be radically cured; poiatingout a mode of euro at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and rwdicalip, ice-- This lee`ture should be in the bards of every youth and every ma n in the land. Sent under seal,in et plain envelope, to any addre ss, yes t. paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps. Address. 7 H CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. P.O. Box, 450 S a J J el &Fennd Having purchased a Choice lot of Dress - Goods much below their Value, are now of- fering them at Very LOW PRICriS. dam Dress Goods ALL COLORS, Brocaded and pl ain Sil ks MUSLIMS PLAIN AND FANCY NEW LACES, Hosiery Gloves and Parasols Just Received The Latest Styles in Millinery, also a fine assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds. which are just to hand. FULL LINES of Felt and Straw hats Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- garian and Mellet. ELIXIR 'NATURE'S .:REM:EpY FOR COUGHS,C0LID S,HOARSENESS` THROAT `'& LUNG COMPLAINTS, INSTANT='RELIEF POSIi1VE CUR'E 11311111111101. SOUTHERNDOUBLE TREATMENT IN EACH PACRAOE ASTHMA CURE INSTANT RELIEF FOR ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS IBY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE SAMPLES, 25c.; REGULAR SIZE, $1.00 ADDRESS FULFORD & CO., BROCKVILLE, ONT. TRUSSES ! CHRISTIAN LAWYER. mannfac• turer of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence: Rennie's Mills, Ray,where hewill attend Loth° wants of any who Inay require his services, Why pay from 815:00 to $25 00 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for 85.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses, 85.00 ; Single Trusses, 82.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER Zurich 1.0„ Ont. CANADIAN 1511 c FIC RAILWAY. Til L GREATEST CORPORATION' ON EARTH: T8E MOST Barium --- -AND BEST EQUIPPED ROUTE. —I1ETWIIEN-' MONTREAL, QUEBEC . TORONTO, OTTAWA, KI'NGSTO'N, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &r,. zoo= r zoom i on. to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Excursion R , and SAN FRANCISCO, for $90,00, tick FRANCISCO, ets'good for Seven Months. , bw`Before purehasing your tickets else where, call on V. J. CARLING C. le, R. ACitNT fj'AitltlivOIS SIO tilt', lit Istitt. OW /11111'111�� ueo In commencing business bene' Z' am going to try ,and. give satis- faction to all of my patrons by building froth a true and good foundation, est.—I3onc-,sty in all my dealings. 2nd, -To give unexcell- ed. values nexcell-ed.`values in all lines that T carry. 3rd. --To take advantage of no one, but to give everyone value for their dollar. - I am prepared to sell at Very ' Close Prices, and am determined to give my customers the advantages which result from careful and judicious buying. —MY STOCK OF -- Tweeds and Clots AIM ALL OF TRE LATEST PATTERN ! —AND MY— Gents' Furnishings --AR Second To ,None in Town. Only Call and Be Convinced. N. E. --Tweeds bought from 111e will be cut Free of Charge, and Perfect 1'It Guaranteed.. lours Respectfully, WM. SOUTNCOTT. Exeter, March 15t1.1, 1887. 'ureishings Rtt:c NOTE Pf ! DON'T FORGET IT ! In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing lousiness we have had to Enlarge Our Premises, and now have room to show the BEST ABBOIR.TED STIOCIM OF Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, -Etc —:IN TOWNr :- ---((so)) If yon want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., Ir WILL PAY You. If you want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right Spot when you call at BISSETT BROS. If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMERICAN OR CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (InoN), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at P I S S ,i.d •ice 1 s �•./ s. CARLINC'S BLOCK —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT. 0 ,toy. rs> SS 0 One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in al the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Material and Mourning (;roods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. , "- Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. mlosxmltilr Goo]) ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA. CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels. Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, &c•, all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE - PRICES. If I you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to I, CARLITG'S. G'ta ro �roce�r Department iso Complete. lete: TRY OUR 500Ti TEA: It i^ • a s asknowladged by everyone that has need it to betl?e best in the 'Crril age i >` the money. Sample Parcels,: Free. BUTTER EGGS AND PEODT'JGE TAKEN''' t ExOH,IWE• tom' 'A GALL �t��N� Main.St,, Exeter ��► � �