HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-26, Page 7JIEALT Bells of Watee Prinking, Sir Heuey Thompson,the great English teetotaler physicien, who refuseto trot any ene in illness who drinks alcohelie bey- eroges, says, eevertheless, that the only weter whieli is - perfectly ietfe to drink, no' less it has been !toiled and filtered, is oath - eel mineral witter, in the shape of a wsig• gling worm, invisible to the eye, even when held to the light, and Only to be detected by the nuoroscepe, a water drinker ,may have given more permanent lodging to a enalte than bVer the hospitable whale give to Jonah. Bet an animalcule will grow and thrive in the inside of the indiscriminate water drinker who has swallowed it until it feeds upon hie vitals and exhausts hislealtit and strength. The victim weeders why he or she feeis so mech discornfoet in the stem - mei, keep all aypetite for food or else grows eaveeous, feels nervous, depressed and in- capable of active duty. The unknow -xi and uususpeeted reptile stowaway, swallowed &Ate °reit-lentils before i a less of irn tire „In rheumatism, especially that of the ohronie kind, the cures are pimply inarvel, bus. In reference to one ease, Dr. Krouse, a physician of excellent standing said that 1)r. Fisher had done more to etre it in two days than he had been able to do in six mouths. I may Ins exeesed for sayinga few words in reward to my own rase hod been suf- fering item rherunatisni for years, and at the time of commencing treatment with De. Fisher was greatly debilitated with malaria. 1 had a bad eough and. physician% of high standing het() and in New stork found my limes badly diseased. with tuberculosis. fasted ten deys. I attended to my busiposs —a government desk — every day, end walked from two to five miles a day. This was in January. 1 am now ---April 7th—in better heelth than I have beta hi ten years. I have no rheumatism ; my cough is almost gone, and I believe that the trouble in my lunge is steadily decreasing, Another ReOipe for 11,11811MatiSM. He who gives the publie effectiml cure w , 0 g P for $c) COr11111011 lend, OriPPling a disease_ as weber, i the CE41160, el,ncl he who doubts the rheumatism uumerm s cases 00 record oi inan-' c'ition, i rueumatism is a 'mnefectorto Ids race. Our , s correspondent assares us that the following suspension of life, and apparent death awn formula, which was obtained from a distin- this cause alone must be theapable of weigh- guished physician of extensive practice has weigh- ineyidence. I have myself known a youn I been prescribed by him iiano less 'than, girl who died apperently and remained col twenty-four eases of aeltee rheumatism, end and lifeless until put in her coffin., when her in every intance effected a radios,' cure. mouth opened and a small snake, some few inches long, appeared, A French doctor, 1 Ferri et QuiniaBill:1,'8 drachms ; Pota,ssa, who had attended to the case, was, fortun- Iodide, 4 drachms; Vin Cobh Rad, li ately present, and drew the reptile out with ounces; Tr. Chnieifuga, 11 euncee; Tr. Hy. his fingers. ' After a brief interval, the ex- oscyarnia, li ounces; Flnid Ext. Stillingia hausted girl began to et-Ludt:ler, then opened comp, 1 ouooe. Ave enfliohmt witil fore her eyes and was thus rescued from being going to fill 8 C/1.111CO bottle. Dose, two tea buried alive, I heard the story not only spoonfuls in water three times a day. from her own lips, but from those of her I Should any of our readers using the above father aud mailer, and have not the slight. prescription, find it efficacious we should es t doubt of its truth. Ntunbers of similar very much like to be advised of it. oases are reported in medical journals, If the mere swallowing of indigestible food will almost deprive a dyspeptic of the use of his limbs and brain, how much more must a living reptile in the stomach para. lyze and suspend the functions of the hu. man body. Dr. R. 0. Fisher's Tasting Cure. Of the many innovations, new departures and reforms in medical science or curative practice, not any, since the introduction of iffemeopathy, is so marked as that known as the “Fasting Cure," discovered and now practiced with almost miraculously effective results by Dr. Richard C. Fisher, of Wash- ington, D. C. His method of treatment comes near to fulfilling the prophesy that in the enlightened future, medicine will be dis- pensed with, and nature be ailowed to make use of her own processes entirely to rid her- self of the ills to which, only when her be- nign laws are transgressed, ) flesh is heir." It was during the time when Dr, Fisher was walking the Larzaretto, in San Francis- co, that be began to seek after some means of getting the diseased human system into condition for the effective action of curative agents. After lengthened studY and close observation of hospital cases his conclusion was that the desired end could be attained only by getting a complete control of the digestive organs, and under that control eli- minating from the system the obstructions lying in tke,way of cure. Further study and experimenatOnvinced him that this result could be attained in no other way than by abstainance from food until the body was thoroughly oleansed of the gross and effete matters which clog liver and intestines and form the body of adipose deposit. To se- cure this result, however, such a lengthened 'fast would be required that the patient would be in danger of the fate of the un- lucky horse whose master attempted to train to live on au oat per diem. Therefore, some agent must be found by which to sus- tain vitality during the eliminating process • of the fast. •, This agent, the Doctor after a time happily discovered, and his patients by taking thra*.teaspoonfuls per diem of an almost tasteless; and, as he says, exceeding- ly simple liquid are sustained in such strength during fasts, of from ten to forty days, that they are enabled to attend to their daily avocations and. to walk from three to ten miles daily. Dr. Fisher's success in mastering chronic diseases of long standing, has been almost unparalleled, and he has made the happy dis- covery that the fast itself with the accom- panying steam baths and open-air exercise, upon which he insists, is usually sufficient, nature herself taking advantage of improved conditions and perfectingthe cure. If, as some think, to cure disease is to Where formerly the regiments o the "cast out devils," and. the souls most truly Prussian Guards had few or no officers, in prison are those confined in disordered other's army list shows a marked changein- most truly holy work is accomplished. then of aristocratic extraction, this bodies, then in counteracting abnormal con- , ditions and undoing the fetters of disease, a year asmuch as with the exception of the First Infantry Regiment, all the others now have Several persons with whom the writer has officers taken from the commonalty. The conversed affirm, and her own experience contrary is the case with regard to the cav- confirms the statement, that not only is the airy of the Guards, where among the officers body freed from detrimental conditions and the name of only one commoner appears. restored to health, but tone and vigor are In the ranks of the infantry of the line, the given to the mind, and the spiritual nature icommoner, in that of the cavalry the mist°, is clarified and uplifted. cratic element predominates. Among fifty- Af ter observing the fast and the subse- quent dietary rules imposed by the Doctor's nine generals there is not one commoner, that system, it is found that the appetites have rank having generally the predicate of nobil- returned to their norma • • Th ity attached to it; among 75 lieutenant - senses of smellm and taste become acute.. The generals, there are 8 commoners; of 117 . is f ti major -generals, 21 are commoners ; of 161 fine flavor of fruits an &nap enjoyed, highly -seasoned and rich viands colonels of infantry, 48, and of 66 colonels and spirituous liquors are distasteful and of cavalry only 3 are commoners. repulsive. Numerous eases could be cited where patients have been cured of the tobac- 1 co habit and of alcoholism, and One amusing and singular fact is on reeord of a lady who from her childhood had been addicted to biting her nails—even to •the quiok—who, during the period of a twenty-three days' fast, discovered that she had relinquished the bad practice, neither has she, since her recovery, resumed it. ' Among the many cures effected since the Doctor came to Washington, since Novem- ber , last, are three cases of cancer of the• , stoni and one of cancer of the tongue. The ) allowing recent cases of ti satment are giv n, as fair examples of the i i tette°. In a pronounted case of diabetes the patient has not only recovered from that distressing and dangerous malady, there being now absolutely no sugar in the urine, and all other sympfoms of the disease having digits- , peered, bu, the sight of one of her eyes, 1 Satan's Maroh. ET Al. e. Murrell for a tramp through the world so wide 1 ru listen to none; for none VII bide; But away 1 away ! while yet I may, Ere I find I've lost the light of day. rn jostle the weak as I pass along, And stiLl their ories with a eareless swig ; And stifle the thought& that in me rise When I hear the beggar's pitiful cries. I'll tread on the toes of the harmless tramp .As he pauses to count his earnings scant, And laugh a merry, jovial laugh, As I watch him fume at my heartless chaff. III bury the innocent man in crime; And mock at the skeleton hand of Time; And on forever on PII go, Vve thronged the regions of sin below. Nothing will hinder, none will I heed, Till rye filled the land with my poison seed, For under the banner of Satan bold I'll lay nay traps for thP poorand old. VII help myself to the widows' mite; And plunder the rich when they're out of sight, And leave behind my guilty load, Ere I join the throng on the sinner's road. I'll sink the ship as she rides the wave, And sing o'er the noble sailor's grave, And choke the prayer he fain would breathe, And smother his words before I leave. rn join the postman on his beat, And. turn his steps to a quiet street, And there 1,11 stifle his angry shout As I turn the letters Inside out. I'll scratch from some their tone of grace; And ebuff them each in a different ease; And some will wonder and many weep, .As the puzzles their anxious hopes will greet. When the days are dull and the wind is bleak, And my limbs from the mild are stiff and weak, VII drop a spark on a mansion fair And thaw my bones as I mount the stair. I'll tip from the track the hurrying train, And bind the brave as they try in vain To lift the motionless mass from the ground, And rescue the wounded scattered round. I'll join the gossiping women's band, And stir their schemes with a crafty hand, And rousing their tun* high as the lark, vanish away in the mist and dark. VII enter unseen the happy home, And drop on the shelf contentions bone, Then gleefully leave when I see they've found And are sweeping nty friendly gift around. rn robe myself as a traveller'. guide, And up through the rugged mountain side, With s frlendish laugh, and close behind I'll follow the traveller old and blind, And clasping his trustful hand in mine, With feverish strength which gives no sign. 111 guide bis helpless stumbling feet 17p through the paths untrod and steep, And swiftly adovvn the farther side I'll watch his feet unhindered slide. And only my laugh with its mocking ring, Too late shall a note of warning bring, rn draw from the trusting maiden's side A heart a ith its love long true and tried, And tow at her feet like a heap of dust I'll shatter the idols of faith and trust. And out from the world and its passing th-ong 1 must choose me subjects hale and strong; Those who will help me hand in hand To wave my flag over every land. And far and near to crown with shame, And hurl those down from the heights of fame Who have struggled long in the pitiless tide Of merciless fate and a great world's pride. Blue Blood in the Prussian Army. 5on wromrs or CATS, WlUan Tanner, of Eagle Gomm, Was aroused from sleep the other Bight by the loud mewing of hie eat, which had entered his sieePingd 00m, jumped on his bed and was clawing the clothing at a great rate. He dashed the animal to the floor and turned over for another nap, but at the same mo- , merit he noticed an odor of smoke and going into the hell discovered a vigoroue blaze in a back closet. He doesn't know how the fire started, hut he feels sure that it Wein t been for the cat he would have been cremated I alive. Tom is now in high favor in the home - hold and diees on the best at the table. I During the mild weather of a couple of weeks ago a Dubuque man let the fire in his furnace go out, but filled the furnace with kindling wood mid coal, tea that when the i next cohl snap came along he could stoat the fire without trouble. The enap appeared in due time, and he liehted the fire without /opening the door. A few minutes after- wards an unearthly howling was heard at , the register in the sitting -room, and the • household cat was pulled out, looking like a wreek of her former self; her hair singed off, whiskers gone and her body covered with bums. Tabby's preseet quarters are beneath 1 , the refrigerator. Soule six menthe ago Mr, L. Q. White, of Norfolk, Va., removed to Stanton. He brought his family by ateamer up James River to Richmond and thence by rail to Stenton, a total distance of 276 miles. Hia wife brought with hems handsome Maltese eat, whieh disappeared shortly after the ar- rival of the family in Stanton and could not be found., although search wM ee ade for it everywhere, Later an Mrs. White received a letter from her sister, who resides in Nor- folk, informing her that the eat had walked into her house a few days before. Mrs. White is very anxious to find out how the animal accomplished the journey. The oars which are favorites with Toronto girls at present are jet black, pure white and Maltese. One young lady whose father is a well-known manipulator of pork, keeps an enormous maltese inst. alled luxurions quarters at &mum -Ione, where the summer residence of the faanily is situated. Tabby always shows the greatest pleasure when she sees her mistress in summer, and duringthe entire season always walks with her night and morning like a dog. The cat is unusual- ly intelligent and has been trained to per- form many tricke, one of which is to mount a piano stool, bow to the company and pat out a tune on the key -board. Joseph Messenger, an Ontario farmer, has a cat which he always regarded as a ter- ror to rats and miee, but now he thinks dif- ferently. One day, some time ago, while out in the barn, he saw a big rat jump out from and on barrel, anon looking in beheld a colony of young rate snugly installed there. As the quickest means of getting rid of the • pests the farraer brought out his famous , mouser but to his great astonishment the animaltook the rats under her wing and be- gan to treat them as if they were her own offspring. After bringing in some of his friends to witness the curious spectacle Messenger slaughtered them without pity, whereat Grimalkin moaned dolefully. • which was entirely lost, has returned. Two minent oculists who examined the diseased organ, affirmed that the vitrous humor was Solidified and that no etre was possible. Persons desiring further authentication of this statement can secure, it by addressiig Fred. Fe Brown, Esq., No. 143 Worth Street, New York City. Miss Anne Held, a patient now under , treatment for catarrh of more than ten years ttan ing,r000vered th eense of smell on the fifth day of her fast, it 4haVitg been totally hist for seven years. Mite Held lested fifteen days, and is now livieg upon fruit arid breed for a few weeks while the cure is being perfected. Mr. D. A. Cronau, No. 67 Riggs Market, Washington, D. d., was afflicted for more than two years with a falling sicknet3a, Which seize(' him every day and many timess a day. He was cured by a ten dey's fast. The Doctor has on his list of cures throe C8.11014. Defining a Sleeper. ,LADIRS Who are Weak, Nervous and ex hatieted who feel thernselyee etrength who are pale, delicate end /11°IfiVn .APPoar4000, suffering from the many cone. 1A)e•str'. LtMgrri.:::t;,':purZTNV°2":1-Viex3,- eases of ',Yemen. 'Manse eealed and Retire from obeervation on receipt of 6o. in startme, cez884ED Flinn, Address, sg. v. ;Amos-, 4,7 Wellingtoe St, East. Ir0roott0, Of Mr, and Mrs. Grote, Sydney Smith said : "1 like thorn, like them ; 1 like Lim, he is so ladylike ; and I like her, she's such a gentleman" Yofilliee OXEN euffering from the effeete of early evil habits, the result of ignoranee and folly, who find themeelves weak, nervous and eehaested; also Min. pee.gme and Ow MAN who ere letOkon dOwit from the LifeelleoefoliltottnocresmoTtr-Novliti eel in adva(mdtier nd Hun M.V. Luben'e Tieatise 4Di eeelee5s 'otf3Ven. The book will he sent eealed to any addrees on receipt of two se. Stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling. ton St. Eaot Toronto Ont To render wax for artificial flowers, &c., phabbe in a cold temperature without alter- ing its whiteness, flux it with a email quan- tity of the oil of sweet -almonds. A Bloody Affray is often the result of "bad blood" in a family or community, but nwohere is bad blood more destructive of happiness and health than in the human system. When the life current is foul and sluggish with impurities, and is slowly distributing its poisons to every part of the body, the peril to health, and life even, is imminent. Early symp- toms are dull and drowsy feelings, severe headaches, coated tongue, poor appetite, in- digestion and general lassitude. Delay in treatment may entail the most serious con- sequences. Don't let disease get a strong hold on your oonstitution, but treat yourseV by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, and be restored to the blessings of health. All druggists. The Russian School of Medicine for Wo- men is about to he closed. A Woman's Sweet Will. She is prematurely deprived of her charms of face and form, and made unattractive by the wasting effects of ailments and. irregu- larities peculiar to her sex. To check this drain upon, not only her strength and health, but upon her amiable qualities as well, is her first duty. This is safely and speedily accomplished by a course of self - treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, a nervine and tonic of wonderful efficacy, and prepared especially for the alleviation of those suffering from " drag. ging-down" pains, sensations of nausea, and weakness incident to women —a boon to her sex. Druggists. Whenever your *neigh or Bowels get out ce or, der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepele, oe Indigeetioo. end their attendant evil% take at sone a 11000 Of pro (ltjanrnll'SKK?StlISPin, SthOentt.t.m. 13"1 11"11v raedi°111°. A. P. 333. 001) SIVE AGENTS WANTED l7 EVERY couraytn Canada, Address, iFiEltiltIS at co., 87 ohuron St , Toronto. 41.L.C*31S3..V.3016 min Cativasszes wanted,maie or Female, whole or spare time on salary or commis. emu. Induatrial Union 01 B.N, A., 45 Arcade, Toronto. TAMMERING—And all impediments of Speech, removed for life, Cure guaranteed Stammer. n2g specialist, 20 Clarence St, Toronto NEW mum( nowiai SHARPENER -- Win sharpen the knife without taking it out; Every farmer will buy it. AGENTS WANTED. CLEMENT et CO., TORONTO. IIE BOILED INSPECTION Sind .b1B111's ance Company 01 ()•.0•01•• Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. TORONTO. G. C. ROBB, Chief Engineer. A, Femme, Secey.Treas. DM. BEADLE NURSERY CO. A ENTS a APPLY TO WANTED st. Catharines, Ont. VELPIN Illualness College, Guelph, Ont., Ix Twelve States and Provinces already represent. ed on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, prao. Coal instruction, and the efficiency and success 01 Its graduates, this College owes its popularity Cir. ouiars, givine terms, etc., mailed free. M. MAGOORMICK Principal, BCAVED SINE STEAMSIIIPS, Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. RATES cwt./mewl :—saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 550, and 500; Return Tickets, 580, PO, and 5100 —according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter. mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further particulars and • to seetwe Berth, apply to IL E. General Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dit ferent Towne and Miele. CLOTHES WRINGERS, Washing Mmhines, 2 kinds. Churns, Carpet Sweep- er% Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. RAnuerox IN008TRIAL-1VMM 00., Hamilton Canada. Send for article wanted. I lustrated Catalogue. r OUONTO CETYPING SCIDOOL.—(lentlemen J. desirous of acquiring a thoroug,h knowledge of garment outting shoal APO), at onge to 5. ("0"IGAN, 722 Yonge St., Toronto. Terme on Appfieation, Allan Lino Royal SiCanishipa Sailing during winter firm Portland every Thuteel4 and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in eum naer from Quebec; every Saturday to SivorP901, at Londonderry to land MAUS and passengers foi Scotland And Ireland ; ale° 1 roxa Baltimore, via Hall. fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly Minng summer nionths. The steamers of the Glee gow lines sail during ydnter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia' and during,suni iner between Glasgow and Montreal weekly 0la6goe and Boston weekly, and Glaegoe and Pinladelphi, fortnightly For freight, passage, or other mormation apply ie. A. Schou antler & Co., Beltimore •, 8. Cunard & Co, Halifax ., She & Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wrn. Thom!) son & Co., 51. John, XX.; Allen & Co" Chicago Love 4 Alden, Nov, York; 11, Bourliex, Torontel Mons, Ras Ir& Co., Quebec; Wm, Brookie, Philadel phia ; xl. A Allen nortinnd Boston mentreel jjairy Salt, IFOR BUTTER, ETC. EW Importations —Higgins' Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands, In large or small sacks. Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices. JAMES PARK. & SON, . Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto. SPOONER'S COPPERINEdbrous i trnTilaino tion Box -metal for journal bearings in machinery— Guaranteed copper mixed. Supplies every require- ment. Ask your hardware dealer for it. ALONZO W. SPOONER, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port Hope. O OLDComPosiTIOX •, Natural Wood, and other Picture and GOLD, Antique Bronze, Room Mouldings, Frames, Etc. Paintings, En- gravings, Etchings, Attotypes, Artists' Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. MA.TTIIIEWS DUOS. et CO.. Toronto. • Decorated Win. ANN4nlingS Fli'lltiol.lieldlaTeStRee.. BRATBD GOLD MEDAL TENT MANUFACTORY, 70 King St West, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR'0 CO. NTARIO [CANOE COMPANY see,. Peterboro', Ont. t"4 ' I 'Pm 1/)1 iil I/ • zee VirSend So. Stamp for Catalogue. CANOES MANUFACTUR'S OF ALL KINDS OF GENTS. -Ladles or Gentlemen Wanted— To Canvass for our Subscription Books. Our standard and popular work, Dr, Withrow's "History of Canada"—abook which ought to be in every library' Our instructive, amusing and soul -touching temper - at ce book. "Platform Echoes," by J. B Gough. Our complete book of sermons, and autobiography of Sam P. Jones, with a short sketch of the life of Sam W. Small. and three of his special sormens. our beauti- ful b3ok of poetry and literature of all ages and au Sydney Smith described the future condi- lands, entitled, "Golden Thoughts on Mother, rrorne tion of Croker e 1‘disputing with the record- and Meaven." Our handsome Family Bibles, beautiful ing angel about the date of his sins." illustrations, full of useful and helpful matter for Bible study, besides pod clear type and paper. Our terms are liberal. Send for circulars. Jenks had a queer dream tho other night. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, TorontO, He thought he saw a prize•fighters ring, and in the middle of it stood a doughty lit- tle ch ampion who met and deliberately knocked over, one by one, a score or more of big, burly -looking fellows, as they ad- s aimed to the attack. Giants as they were in size, the valiant pigmy proved more than a match for them. It was all so funny that Jinks woke up la.ughing,. He accounts for the dream by the fact that he had just come Toronto. to the conclusion, after trying nearly. every • 1) big drastic. pill on the merket, that Pierce's m The fashion we have of saying steaer, and "cutter," and of using many similar tiay Purgative Pelt easily "knock out" and beat all the rest ellow 1 not so MEINCINts "On LUNGS, . ER 8, 000. 15 much from the poverty of our language as The financial market here is often in a very from our laziness. It is well ridiculed in e.ha.etie state. Money is quoted scarce and the following : tight, and when menet is tight the banks A sleeper is one who sleeps. A sleeper are very full, as might e exPeeted• that in whichthe sleeper sleeps. A sleeper Catarrh. Catarrhal liPearness and is that on which the sleeper which carries ay Fever. the sleeper while he sleeps runs. Sufferers are not generally aware that these (Himmel) Therefore while the sleeper sleeps in the are contagious, or that they are due to the presence sleeper, the 'sleeper carries the sleeper over of NVie idiftapajasitesian ii)n the e. linoinsfona.emrobsreattarec of however, nose the sleeper under thesleeper, untilthesleeper ;111:ais psuoes`ci ear Ate reenk is Ngrvs-71,, which carries the sleeper jumps off the sitnpie remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, sleeper ancl wakee the sleeper in the sleeper coatartrhaili dearnkest airtid lever :(le °Yee, ;ft Sol by striking the sleeper under the sleeper, name rlieIeeexpBiritsiene titiscanecwiletrmee ttlait is seat'free end there is no longer any sleeper sleeping on real of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 King "How's times ?" asked the Moon. "Oh, I the sleeper on the sleeper. Street est Toronto Canada , oleo She eats Her Art. manage to keep even." replied the Equinox ; Dilby—" Help youreelf to a few more of 4'how do you get on this eat?" "Oh, I'm the ' those mushrooms. Filtrip--" Thanks; hat how do r know they're not toad -stools I" Dilby—" Mesa you, if they were, cook would already have been as dead as a door- nail." Itesults Tell tame old Rounder ' sai the moon, and she wdnt on round.—(burdetto, People who are subject to bad breath, }mil coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, tan at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the old tind tried remedy. Asat year Druggist. A wise man has &fined medicine to be that art or science of amusing a sick man with frivolous speculations about his dig. order, and of temporising ingeniously till The proof of the pudding is the eating, nature ei and the proof of the extarorclinary ower A I Olt DItUNii.ENNESS5 over pain of Poison's NEB./LINE it in using it p CUBE therIs or cures bun. I cl 1 poison's i•sissesins nese isms possosm opium morphine, chloral, tobacco, and 50 wondeee in every cases of pain. It cannot kindre'd habits. The medicine may be given fail, for it le composed of powerful pain in tea or coffee withott the knowledge of suisang i-emol1tS tgos right to the hot. 1 the person taking it it so desired. Send 6c. tom, ancl pain isbanished at once, Nerviline in stampt for book and teetimonials from mires all kind of pain, internal and external, those who have been cured, Addrees M. Go to any drug store and get a 10 or 25 cent v. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. Vast, TOrolltet ; bottle, and be delighted by ite pee/nosey:so Ont. Cut ethi e out for future reference, in doing ite work, When writing mentioh this paper. .F.RORCENT Lae them, Tenant IP:Le:imps, W(10 Want II 1101110 asae, of their own. Alectraitles, wanting ble Pay, OW* italsts, wantin r de &eve Gs. it ILO' titess Aleut who want to strike a. baainea boom, Ambitious Men, who want a homz ids,art 11 iiln—eend postal cued with address to .L fl CiliCKINS, Kin.' Street WcSt, TOrOnte, Julia 19, 1885.—For two years my wife's health was run down. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to do anything for herself; she was given up by five doctors, they all passed the opinion that she could not live. She commenced using Dr. Jug's Medicine in December, 1884, and after taking sin betties she was so much improved that +he could look after her householdduties. J. M. Repines, Engineer, 0 P. R., West words in variety of senses, results THE; FAVORITE THERE L Mir BETTER roe Snow Drif tlskie.,g A'awder Co., Inaritto licycles END Arr oxo E FOR LIST 0 ti,weld. Hand Machines, FROM $I5 UPWARDS New Catalogue Ready let April A. T. LANE MONTREAL ABY'S B I RTH D AY. er A Beautiful Imported Birthday 0014 501111 to any baby whose mother will send, us Oa , 11cLuve of two or more other babies, awl their parenite. addreSseel Also a handsome Dia - Mood Dye SaMple Card to the mother mut te, Moen valemble infortnatiOn. nicilardsou & Co., Illontrfutl. 0 Si NIPTI 1 have a positive remedy for 01 o above di sease ; by It, toe thousands acmes .1 00, worst 0/114and along standing bavo been cured. Indeed, so ettrong is my faith in The eMcacy, that 1 will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on thie disease to any ;offerer. Give express and P. 0. &entrees. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Branch Office, 37 Tonge,St., Toronto THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. 1178"The Celebrated Han. cock Inspirator. M'Gresham's Automatic Ite starting Injector. affmerrisores Autometie Sight Feed. Lubricator. M"Engineers' & Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars, .11.43111;6 MORRISON, 75 & 77 Athlaide &AV, TORONTO. 1 ojE :1440 V ..‘0• When I say cure I do not menn merely to atop them for c lamented then have them utter again. I mean a radical oure. 1 havemade the disease of ITS,1050.EFSY0TPALIr TUG SICKNESS& Ilfe4oug study. 'warrant my remedy to care the worst cases. Bacon o others have failed le no reason for not now receiving a cure. Bond at once for e treatise and a Free Bottle ot my infallible remedy. Gin Boren and Post Office. lecos 5 you nothing for a trial. and I winner(' you. Address LIB. It. 11.1400T, Brand Mogi 37 Yong St, ToronteD MERIDEN BRITTANIIR MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST SILVEP-PLATED WARE. Artistic Designs, combined win Unequalled Durability and Finish. 3SCsatIVIIT-aT0.7.ST 01\71"...4.1:tIC are famoua for their style CARRIAGE TOP3 convenience, durability, and cheapness. Buy no other until you see them. Al! thio,aieeatt tiiig ar4rei g Al gi rtc. evrell„thToem. RONTO. The erry Cart TWO SIZES, SURREY AND PHAETON BODIES. The Shafts are attached to body by the Perry Oont- pensating Springs. The -result of the action of these Springs IS no horse -motion in the oart, and no cart motion on the horse. Descriptive illustration on application. For saie by all c..rriage makers. M CANADA CARRIAGE PARTS CO., TORONTO, Sole Manufacturers for Canada. 3 iThe Tradeonly supplied, ".1"..:,.13 • -14 •v* • -1 FARMERS AND THIllaCHERS Use:on your Machinery only the Well-known PeerlessOil NINE COLD MEDALS Lf1o1idyuoruibgsgonns faonucT. r1:7...ab@ciur PUZIESS Manufactered at QUEEKDITY OIL WORKS, by • SAMUEL ROGERS 8z CO., Toronto. The 'Wo Cook. THE MOST PERFECT WORKING STOVE YET INTRODIJ C 055 03 101114 4u t2 C) r0 +P 14 $:14 Ce te. ao LI ..1?: MADE IN:10 DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES. • FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADINC DEALERS., ur.tcrru Ban BY .:!4:767,Y75PROULIN 41 ETHE E, Dealers whot9"7.1 not yet 1 PI FrY're s9u9seo,ureEPLe oTt9oRnoco Niro. . Blind, Bleeding, and Itching. effectually cured by the Medical PIWItemedY. Timmiemds of suffer - ere can testify to the permanent relief front these in- ternal and external .rernedies, $1.00 per package. Asir yoiir ,druggisf for it, tie Will be sen t by mail, post. ago PfLid. ItJO±Z UIDDFIR & CO., . „ 107 R ng 1. Last Toronbo. 23.ADEIA111013T. E:,,TORONTO. Ail classeS of fine 'work. Mfrs. of Printers' Lee& Slugs and Metal Furniture, Send for prices, ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The Mutual Reserve Fund LIFE ASSOCIATION. The largeet and meet prospercete open Assessment Aseoeititien in the World--deeieee Active represeota, tives hi every Section of Canada ; libofldinducthient8, It hes full Oovernmeht Deposit, end wider bbs super, vision of Insuranee Department at Ottawa. 0Mrespondence solicited. Addteee, WEllarsel, General Manager, 65 king tiltietset Vtinto Itoironte. OU L;ST iTIOE In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the AsSocia, tion, This meeting (being the 15th since the Company was organized) took place on Tuesday,the 12th April, when the following gratifying increases were Announced : PREMIUM INCOME INCREASED FOR YEAR/ $91302 6,80949: INTEREST AND RENTS - ASSETS, $356,875. SURPLUS, 80,234. lilrer cated as Profits to Poliey $260 420 allorrolitg payable on and after May 1st. 11,ilt. MACDONALD Managing Directot SAL; EVE'RYWHp ,: ------_:„ --- "5" Pi.,-------- rk, _.tlyt cp,‘ • ..4- ' _ .,..., ' _-, 41 `..$W 12# -DE , • -,_:. • _ u . .. FARMERS AND THIllaCHERS Use:on your Machinery only the Well-known PeerlessOil NINE COLD MEDALS Lf1o1idyuoruibgsgonns faonucT. r1:7...ab@ciur PUZIESS Manufactered at QUEEKDITY OIL WORKS, by • SAMUEL ROGERS 8z CO., Toronto. The 'Wo Cook. THE MOST PERFECT WORKING STOVE YET INTRODIJ C 055 03 101114 4u t2 C) r0 +P 14 $:14 Ce te. ao LI ..1?: MADE IN:10 DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES. • FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADINC DEALERS., ur.tcrru Ban BY .:!4:767,Y75PROULIN 41 ETHE E, Dealers whot9"7.1 not yet 1 PI FrY're s9u9seo,ureEPLe oTt9oRnoco Niro. . Blind, Bleeding, and Itching. effectually cured by the Medical PIWItemedY. Timmiemds of suffer - ere can testify to the permanent relief front these in- ternal and external .rernedies, $1.00 per package. Asir yoiir ,druggisf for it, tie Will be sen t by mail, post. ago PfLid. ItJO±Z UIDDFIR & CO., . „ 107 R ng 1. Last Toronbo. 23.ADEIA111013T. E:,,TORONTO. Ail classeS of fine 'work. Mfrs. of Printers' Lee& Slugs and Metal Furniture, Send for prices, ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The Mutual Reserve Fund LIFE ASSOCIATION. The largeet and meet prospercete open Assessment Aseoeititien in the World--deeieee Active represeota, tives hi every Section of Canada ; libofldinducthient8, It hes full Oovernmeht Deposit, end wider bbs super, vision of Insuranee Department at Ottawa. 0Mrespondence solicited. Addteee, WEllarsel, General Manager, 65 king tiltietset Vtinto Itoironte. OU L;ST iTIOE In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the AsSocia, tion, This meeting (being the 15th since the Company was organized) took place on Tuesday,the 12th April, when the following gratifying increases were Announced : PREMIUM INCOME INCREASED FOR YEAR/ $91302 6,80949: INTEREST AND RENTS - ASSETS, $356,875. SURPLUS, 80,234. lilrer cated as Profits to Poliey $260 420 allorrolitg payable on and after May 1st. 11,ilt. MACDONALD Managing Directot