The Exeter Times, 1887-5-26, Page 5BO1iN.; Malice —In Exeter North, on; the 21st inst., the wife of Mr; John Mattice, of a eon. Mont.—In Exeter, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr, Robt, Muir, of a daughter. Lo. --1u Exeter, ou 20th inst., the wife of William Long of a son. MARRIED. Wunrz—Primp-At Dashwood, on the 17th inst.., by the Rev. J. W. Ortwolu' Mr, Fred 0. Wurtz, to Mise Rebaooa Freie, both of Dashwood, GALLxNGe8,—J01INe0N,--On Monday, May 23rd, Mr, Josiah Gallinger, of East 10, - send, to Miss Johnson, of St. Marys. KNIGwxr.—DREW.—At the residence of Wm. Drew Eeq., Exeter, on Wednesday May 25th., by the Rev. S. F. Robinson, Frank Knight G, T. R. to Charlotte Louise tighter of Edred Drew Esq. California, formerly of Exeter. DIED. MINERe.—At Elimville, on .the 22nd inst., Wm. Miners, sr., aged 65 years and 8 mos. TowL.- Iu Usborne, on the set inst., --- " Towi aged 21 years. S nlaz. l n Tuokeramith, May 24th, Mar. garet Smillie, agad 66 years, Fr3ANI{ LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY son Juan. Warm Jaye tell us of the ap- proaching Summer, and an article that tapes us to the woods and mountains has an at. tractive appearance. Mr. Charlea Bacon al- lures us all to follow him in his aketch. "Camp Life among the White Hills," in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for June. Miss Lily Higgin tella something about the "Jubilee of Queen Victoria." Mr. 0. ' � . Riggs, delving in the custom and warehouses writes a chapter which will be new and in. terestiug to many, "The Ooffle Trade of New York" which will give zest to a genuine Interesting items, A Parkhill paper says : '`The eounoil has 9t dpoided to Calla mass meeting of ratepayers today, (May 26th) to disouse the advisability of borrowing money to be uesed in fathering y if � Boys Boys, the interests of the town." And Exeter still lags behind in thia respect. "In the spring of 'ea I was nearly dead. as B RO i\ 1 V I N Ga S everybody around my neighborhood knows. My trouble was caused by obstinate ooneti- —FOR— 1pation. One bottle ofl3urdoek Blood Brs BALLS ! BALLS ! BALLS mired me entirely." Title statement ie madeitte!IA fall stock of all kinds of —GO TO— AN OBSTINATE CASE. CENTRAL DRUC STORE by Walter Stinson, of Corrie, Ont. ALSO A FINE LINE OF Canes, Children's Carriages, and Express Wagons. JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Mr. Geo. Moffat. (Conservative) brother of tbo late member, was Saturday elected to the House of Commons for Restigouobo by ac- piametion. Food for Consumptives. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Flypophoaphitee, la a marvelous food and medicine. It heals the irritation of the throat and lungs, and gives flesh and strength gnioker than any other remedy known. It is very palatable, having none of the disa= greeble taste of the of the crude oil. Put up in 50 o. and $1 size. It is aaidithe Prospects of at. Mary's obtain- ing connection with the U. P. R. aro very bright, A FAIR PROPOSITION. Therm could be no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of Hao refund everyllow For � argains Oil, who hgye long offered to refund every cent ekpended for that remedy if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial for rheumatiam, neuralgia, sore throat and all painful com- --GO TO-- plaintsThpeople of St, Mary's are clamoring for J !f !aT P (Eel 3 S T 0 RET electric light. KIRKTOINT ! Fishing 'Tackle Dou't Fail to Call at the Old Stand, The Dominion Laboratory, J. W. BROWNING, Prop. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, has such ooncentrat ed, curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and enrest blood purifier known. And yon will get a The Bulgarian Government has renounced the idea of raising a loan and will appeal to the cup of Mocha. "Percy Bysshe Shelley;" one patriotism of the people to raise 2d,000,- francs.00 of the moat marked literary figures of our Baldness may be avoided by the use of century, is sketched in hie whole career, as Hall's Hair Renewer, which prevents the fal- he has not hitherto been done in any maga- zine. Mr. Tyrrell carrys yon graphically through the poet's life and the pioture of the spots associated with hia memory give all the reads: can desire. Colonel Chaille Long, than whoui none butter able, tells of The Khedive's Expedition to Zanzibar and the Juba," "The Arohdtiohesa Ferdinand of Austria," is a charming sketch of a woman, ovely in face and obaracter, who won her • way into a royal family. "Marseilles," and its attractions fill a pleasant set of pages, and in the days when swimming is enjoyable we can read, if we cannot imitate "A Veritable Merman, Some Adventures' of Captain Paul Boyton." When the bell rings for dinner our readers may not stop to peruse Robert Wilson's article on "Hunger," but proceed to suppress the sensation. It may be road per- haps, after dinnerwith more comfort, and you may puzzle yourself to find oat just what hunger is. Tho articles are all well illustrat- ed, and the stories, six in number, are very clever and worth reading. The whole number is most attractive in matter and picturesque effect. ~WHY EMPLOY DOCTORS. Consult a doctor and in 9 oases out of 10 he pronounces your disease Liver Complaint, apd charges you $1 for a small bottle. Con - sunt Dr. Lutz and for $1 he will give you Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, gnarranteed to eure, and a valuable recipe book free. Sold by C. Lutz, Oeutral Drug Store. Exeter Ont. Robert Watson, of London, the alleged. child murderer. was again before . Squire Corniel, on Saturday afternoon. Wm. Mon. teith, John Ardiel, Drs. Smith and Waugh were .examined, but their evidence was sub- stan idly the same as that given at the in- que°s' - Watson was remanded for eight days..; By a vote on Monday the town ofiSeaforth granted a loan for ten years without interest, of $10,000 to Messrs. Broadfoot i@• Box, to enable the firm to extend the bor- ders of their manufactory. The vote sto od 203.29. ling out of thehair, and stimulates it to re- newed growth and luxuriance. It restores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and cures nearly every disease of the scalp. A boiler at the sawmill of Betts & Morri. sun, Gallipolis, Ohio, exploded on Mondoy, •wrecking the mill and injuring five mon, three fatally. UNEQUALLED. P. 13. McNamara, dry -goods merchant, Brookville, Ont., says—As an instant relief for cold in the head and catarrh; Nasal Balm is unequalled. The effect is noticed as soon as it is used. The first clause of the Crimes Bill was adopted Tuesday by a vote of 171 to 79. Notice was given of eighty amendments to the second clause, ASTONISHING SUCCESS. BETTER Than you SAMPLE Mr. J. J. Fisher, Benmiller, Huron Co., has a small brood mare that gave birth a few days ago to a molt that weighs 180 pounds measures around the head three feet and three inches, and ten inches across the rump. Ex -Deputy, United States Marslaal, Wm. Sioes was shot and killed on Monday in the court house at Edmonton, Ky. TUE BEST; TAKEN. "I had dyspepsia for a long time. Was entirely cured by two bottles Burdock Blood Bitters. The best medicine for regulating and invigoratingthesystem I badever taken." F. P. Tanner, Neebing P. 0., Ont. Geo. Osmond, the editor who was shot by a fanatic in Plaquette Mine parish, Louis- iana, died Tuesday. Good Value. Many sufferers buying. medicine have been disappointed, don't give up, buy a reliable article like Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, and with it you get a recipe beak alone worth the money. The Tortugese government has ordered. 40,003 repeating rifles fromthe army faotory at Steyr,, Austria. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and In fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of: ail Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one ease where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Sxlt•up can- not be too widely known. Ask your drug- gists about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United f tates and Canada manta of. an old McGillivray township b married couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle. The have been married at least 67 years, both are in good health, and Mr. Doyle is 9 years old, while his faithful he mate is 86 years of go. QUICK RELIEF. "One bottle of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured me of a sore throat and loss of voice One trial relieved me when all other med- icines failed." Says Miss J. McLeod of Belfountain, Ont. The License Commissioners for South Perth met on Tuesday and made out the municipal' distribution papers for the din tribation of the license fund now in the bank, amounting to over 2,000 $5,000. The muu- ioipalities may look for their money in a few days. A 0 A 1 .D. To all who are suffering from the e rs and indiscretions of youth,nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, del, I will send a r eceipe the t will cure you, )!REE OE CHARGES. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to Rnv. TosEPn T. htirA,r Station D. New York °it Dr. Edtne Felix Alfred Vulpian Dean of toe Faculty of the Academy of llfedioiue, Paris, is dead. HEADACHE AND LOSS OF APPETITE. TEA. for 50 CENTS pay 60a. for to peddler. PACKAGE FREE. Wo give 10 lbs. Fine Tea for $1.00. —LOTS OF -- Spring Goods and Millinery CHEAPER THAN EVER. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED. J. DOUPE & CO. Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful cura- tive properties. Price 25 cents. A WONDERFUL ORGAN. Mrs. JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylne, Druggist, Bothwell, says: --My experience of Dr. Caison'e Stomach Bitters is that it will cure Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Headache. I believe it to bo the best family medicine, and can strongly recommend it." James G. Blain will sail for Europe early next month on aonount of poor health. Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develope into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few applica- tions will mire incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Tr. per box dealers at 25c.y Sold b all p Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter JOYFUL NEWS. It is certainly glad tidings to the poor in- valid to -be informed of a remedy that will The largest organ, and one that plays a controlling part on the health of the body is I the liver.. if torpid or inactive the whole system becomes diseased, DR. CHASE'S LIVER CURIO is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, end is guaranteed to, cure. Recipe book and medicine $1. Sold by 0. LUfZ, Central Drug Store, Exeter. Seed wheat frauds are operating in the vicinity of Clinton. Ono farmer signed an :der which really bound him to take 30 bush of wheat at 68 a bushel, but through the air's intervention the note was cancelled. I3r SHOOK IT "1 was eubject ,to ague for two or three . (TRADE MiiltK.) Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on. hand. Winan's Condition Dowd ern the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. TO ADVERTISERS For a cheek for $20 we will )hint a ten -line advertisement in One Million issues of leading Amerioan Newspapers. Chis is at the rate of only one-fifth of a:den taline, for 1,000 Cireu- latioO1 The advertisement will be placed before One Million different newspaper pm - oilmen :—or FIve MILLION READERS. len lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of Adv. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO.P.B0 WELL & 00., 10 SPRUCE ET., NEW YORK, TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, &c., and Purifying of the Blood. Price: 51. Six bot - ties for $5. Fo" Sale by ALL Dnnoorsra Manufactured onlyb�y G. M. EVER E bT, CHantl-T FOREST, ONT. seasons, ~which nothing would medicate until give prompt and surd relief m mase of pain - I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, since which fu1 suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard's Yellow Oil, adapted for external and internal use in all aches, pains, lameness and sore- ness, It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, croup and all inflammatory pains. Five Government officials have been ban- ished from Turkey for treason. ADVICE TOMovUERB.-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufferingand . crying with pain of Cuttine Teeth? If so send at once anil get a bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's.Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will ndlieve the poor little sufferer immediately. ,eoend Upon it, mothers • there is no mistake regulates the S Colic ,so[tell the Gum s,reduceslnflanunntfan, ' and iWinslo w's Soothins tone and g Syruto p" for for ce whole hildren teethiug is pleasant to the taste and is the proseriptiol of one of the oldest and best ,cnralephysicians and nurses in the United i��iE*ltl��l'u, States, and is for sale by all rlt'uggist,, tht ough- .,� out the world. Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be Savo and ask for "Mae, Wstienow's 800TIIING SYnvr "and take no other kind, on'(?Jerguss Old Stand) li is reported that the Duchess of Camber - land is hopelessly imams. about it. It cures Dysentory tend Dnt,rbtoa totnach and Bowels, cures wind QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS!. At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on. all maobiuory during :tl e Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. 'See that you get Peerless. It is only nrucle b S A.MtT ;L B4OCaP t.5 cf'c CQ., TOB,QTiTQ, FOIti SALE 13Y JAS, PICKARD, The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands o1 cases. Oures Sperntatorrhea, Nervous !�1 Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. : [szeoars]pack indiscretion,enteed to Cure over-exertion.ell others Fa packages The Great Enelieh Fail. Ask your Druggist for Presort/Mon, take no substitute. One package 51. Six $5, by mail. Write 1orPagolf. Mich. Eureka Chemical Co., Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Lutz. YOUNG MEN Suffering from the effects of 1 early evil bab'ts, the result of ignorance or folly, who find themselves week, nervous, mud exhausted ; also MIDDLE AGED and Onn MENe who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and READ M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Disea"os of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad dress 0n receipt of two Sc. stamps. Adtldresi. M. V.LUBON,47 Wellington St. E. Toronto. Jan. 13th, 1887. 1—y. REMEiVIB\E.R THIS --AND TAKE— WARNING S. 0. I$RSi'' Will have a fine int of goods, fresh and prime, for the 24 OF M.A.' ORANGES, LEMONS, HAMS, SIDE BEACON, BOLOGNAS AND ALL KINDS OF TRtTIT IN SZ.�iS ON S. C. Hersey. THE BOOK Dexter's ConditionPowders, SOLD ONLY AT Searlett's Drug Store, Published by the A. B. S. ANTED Parties to engage n ,� i New York. V V the manufacture of my Patent Snow, Shop, Stable and Malt Shovels. Large and Increasing . Trade in the United States. Lib. eral inducements offered to right parties. HENRY C. COIN, Wallingford, Vermont, U.S. A, WORKING GLASSES ATTENTION. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with imployment at home the whole of the time, or for their snare moments. Business new,ltght and profitable. Persons or either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5.00 per even- ing.and aproportional sum by devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this maysend their address, and test the bnainess. we make thisoffer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of Writing. Full nartioulers and out. lit free. Address GEomen STINSON & Co;, Port- end, lblaiue. time four years, I hare had no return of the disease " W I. Jordan, St, anr;e, Ont, The Public School Board of Goderich ap- poilltod a trtrnnt officer a few days ago, and rage attendance tit the • , 1 sln�o then t.e average schools leas materially increased. Cotistatrttorr CURL 1). An old physician retired 11001 metetft e,h,Indian l ' drifthis handseyfillLi.. miesia,l t!.a,,o i simple vo mosble remed foe the formula of ari . nt cure of Oo �ise fine on, lltootl Mitis, nd ilCaterrh, AAthmtr and ll pion, 111IlI i, �' all throat. told lung ttiToctious, also a tics tie tl enr•eforNeryonsDebilityam, all rind radical after having torted i19 wonderful r lSCom slumps, a tho.lstin(ls of tt Vb powers iii nrati en see, has of P �s h)tsfcllithis dutytoulnlreit •':nrlobtt. n0so his stiffCiini,fellows. Acte atec111y:tt ati,cti.ve relieve human suffer', r, y,I scud fro:. of chtdrgo, to a tv )o osis 1 eerie an h'reneh or L'eglirih, with hili tion; niereiuq well with the stomach, and its BAD STOMACH. For all disorders of 1130 Stomach, Liver, er Tidueyii, Dr. Cerson's"Stomach Bitters are 191190rp1100011. They etre71f(fhen the whole muscular eystctn, givo a 1100111)) complexion, biting back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into heeltlfy action thewhole physi cal energy of the hunlali ft,itit Slight shocks of (11 thgnicl:e Worn felt at 1lalaga, Spain, To08111y. Vole Children Sta''vitlg to Ueatld 1" ()II arcoiurt of Ch, it :iil0lnlitl' to digest ortli. bar foot. Sofia's IL')t no i,rn can be digested Y • S�rei, ,th,+l.u,l tl��•uh when all Other sun p'fto ..t ,, feed fails. Sett what 1)r. A. H. Peel:, Penn. Mod. f)ollogo, ,Petifcddiac 9nys : ''i hove need' final proem ilea! Seoti'W' Emulsion of Cod and n desire DON'T MB :� MTAKZ Qoods 8sught Right —AT THE - 1'd ontreal - General - Store , EVERY TIE Fanson's Block, ,- D ABING wishes to inform the citizelis of 'Exeter and serroulidiiig country 1118 Ire has again re- eeived (and still coining) a good choaap lot of Off'TOi�DE.R,S- asiginginassmosiima CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. az;� op poi G�ti>c�^o ��,iy • Al ' eo yfi`" .° S 2'fid, oS��� 0 ° „off O �,e,, tide . ,�o1, .tea goo dos ao ice e; `d1 GoV',.�15 b:'�goc. o 0 5: _o `ab LC P' G �K.s Sed �� O' sr ori eti� e� 0 t.g �$¢5 s a�..,. �` p, ciao. i�9c'0�� tt`e•¢��'S9`a' O Oaf .wig a Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78,; New Oxford Street, late 533, Oxford Street, London. SW Purchasers should look to the Label. on the Bones an :Pots.: If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. RICH, RARE and RACY. STARTLING REVELATIONS, �. Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States. and Actor in Can- ada Ga x 'ver Sporting, mble Every P S. ads should have a copy of this work. IT's. JnsT TEE TIEING ; Ie TELLS ALL, AND IB TCO Goon To BE WITS100T.. Sent uy mail, postage pail, on receipt of pri, e, 50e., or three books for .$1. M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. LOVVELL'S 'PRE 0LDJ E S �! L�iBLBi l', IES X887 SPRING SPRING 1 OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their' merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trtnlmings, Lace Flouncings, Ginghams, Muslins, Jerseys, Oheneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &o. The ladies say our Prints and Muslins sae 'the prettiest ever shown !in Exeter. We guarantee every one to wadi. 'We ate showing over 200 .Pieces of Embroidery, colored sari .white,. from 8ots. per yard nptvnrd'+. Our. New Stook of BOY€$' CLOTHING is having a big, ruu, and no wonder, the prices are so low, the styles so bice, and they fit so good. ,we guarantee the Best Value, Newest. EK.I;i) GOODSi In MEN'S URI76 Style and,Neatest Fit in town. /ands and , BOOTSSHOES, t Stock of & r the La, c s 5 0d rwe carry em embo 06 R y andgents'. -e'e nothing but the Latest Styles in ladies', children's sg. JAMES PICK.ARD. GAZET' E ,ANDHLSTGRYFurnitureU n der tkl�l ' OP THB DOMINION OF CANADA, In Nine Vo1nu,nes, Royal 800. TA 111:; COMMF,NCd1) wneuever a saffleienf nnmberof subscribers is obtained to coven cost, ofnublicat.oa Subscription to the Nine Volumes $76'00, to the Province of Ontarin qi to Qoebec 51'1,50. to Now Brllueh'ldlr oe to Nova Seotilt $1150, 10 Manitoba cr British Columbia $0:50 to L since Edward Island or to North. weetTerritOrios 511,50. Bitch Province to haw a, Map, Please Send for ProsDOetua. JOtaN 1,OVI LG, Manager awl .1'Itb1ivh:ez Montreal 4t11 Augarat, IiS(i. atig8tl&v'3 Colnp isiI g ((00r Fifty ,$tuts of Ready-made 1 Clothing, Haid a variety of Pante, Dress' Goode, .f Prints, Tweeds, 511irtlug8, Ladies' I�'oatlier•botie Corsets. a variety of Ladies' 1 o9e, Ladies enol Ch1lllro(l'8 beets (L•% Shoe*. Also Ch(1)0) Forel ' 0roeeri •s. ' TEAS 1 TEAS C TEAS 5 Auy Amount. St'ru11s, Vieegere, Confectionery: A few 1s1.lii•11 rtud Domiiniott. Clrgaus for mile at a great 5aeritice fm, cried), as I. ,1111 going to give un this brati0LI s,f leleinesv, (.}mods g i. •^Ii of saclinr,ecl for cash d11i•fna the fnoot Apvil, bn0i0t11i0(1 00 Fell. ty, {rood Dwelling Dionne co Bent, letGetrol Eli. TILE ADDleESS, to Diver Oil, and find it 'SD cxeellent propel e. a ll I h t 1h r :colic, i g contiliuuci use adding greatly .+ Ilii•oetiensic;a'ilrtl>orit?fZnnrl ming. inlit,thts , Nreatl its the strength men v addt;v ... 0 'o eain�lODarning l rnin ieate:' and comfort of the pt110111, l ut up 111 50c,. and $1 size. rl Y T, Deariug, 3:i ausou's Block TI -IE KEY Tti HEALTH. Unlocks ail2ao cloggged.avenuee of the �oBowels,1».d ✓, ' ' ue17nand Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the systemall the impurities and foul humors of the secretions t at the dame Limo Corroe(iv:g ele:id9:t;p of the Stomach, cnriilg; Biliotlsneee, Pyre- eeepsia, Headswlirss, .Dizzi.n.osu, itoartbutn, Constipation, Dryiseee of the Pki t, Dropsy, Dilnneses of Viniouv Jatt idelia1.iRheum, Erysipelas r3crofitlas "guttering of the I1c.irt,Ile2irCt£YLt,>S, aria Oen. oral Debility t all those atsd many other airlvlar Oemplot.nta yield: to the happy 10110 "1900 of 1; 0C35E< BLOOD ..BEv rit`EB '. ! lt`1ltili9Tltlif i1 at is'toprteteri 9etohta Wo would c(tii the attention of the people of Exeter an'1 sfrrou(ldiu,g country to for fact 1110.1 1c1', having purchased the stock and business of 'WILLIAM DREW, are ofierin( special inducements in• f'tirier Setts, ilcts'ticy 'rabies, Klsilt:,athttlesso f . 13ed11oou ,gctth. Wood, CtThe 'erfortute l Chtt[rS, [look krises, Wllfiitg. Desks, Si[ehoar(r. VltatIOtE, Cradles, ttltstaids. Aud a tdless Variety Beds, l,ttteatty, CtipboarlS, &C. ' Seasoned., heal etensi1 MA Cho•'i 1 and, Navin Our 5tocic of Lurubef• i8 Large a tq tghly $i.asoi ad, g i. tv m0 factories of hos Doininfni' c e man �narauteo Stylish lisli and Sa esperi,luee iu the lt�a.dfng tar t v g y able urniture, F • had out ' license has no ' �roorls is tlte7ia' s in the Comity, Our Stool; tlf-iJnilc,rtalcfu,[ C 1((0 t u S+ equal northof d 1 s London, C, temisl attt.tS tion will be paid to this branch the basines, , and will Ana us prompt SOS reliable business inert. everyone arl.l til p t y IIAIRING OI ALL ZINLSCbOSPCT,V iC7r±i ED CO: l~;�olnRemember the Staucl, One Door North 111'olSon'S Bank. T) REAV