HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-04-13, Page 24PAGE 24--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1978 WEDNESDAY, April 19, David Newlands slide and talk, early potters and pot- teries of Ontario, Seaforth District High School, 11 p.m. Admission charged. -15 BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre RR 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 15 regular games of $15. 3 share - the -wealth, jackpot $200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over.-32tfar GARAGE SALE Saturday, Apr. 15, 1978, Brucefield United Church, 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. -14, 15 CARD PARTY — IOOF Hall, Brucefield, Friday, April 14, 1978 at 8:30 p.m. Admission 75c. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -15x THE ANNUAL MEETING of Huron -Middlesex Provincial Liberal Association will be held at Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter, Thursday, April 27, 1978. Speaker will be MR. SEAN CONWAY, M.P.P. for RENFREW NORTH. Dinner tickets $5.00 each. Reception 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Annual meeting to follow.. Tickets available from Municipal Chairman or Bernard Benn, RR 3, Lucan, 227-4941; Agnes Moore, RR 1, Ailsa Craig, 232-4551; Ian McAllister, RR 1, Zurich, 236- 4034; Howard Aitken, 37 Market St., Goderich, 524- 7901; Jim Hunter, 71 Kirk St., Clinton, 482-3738.-15ar TALENT NIGHT, May 5, 1978, 8:00 p.m., Huron Cen- tennial School, Brucefield. Entertainment for the whole family. Babysitting available with a special youngsters program. -15,16 THE CHANCELLORS are coming back Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m. at Wesley -Willis United Church. Adults $2.00; children under 12, $1.00. Family, $5.00.-15 CARD PARTY on Thursday, April 20, at the IOOF Hall, Princess St., Clinton, spon- sored by the Rebekahs and Oddfellows. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. -15,16 SPRING DANCE, Saturday, April 15, 1978, Sugar Bush Inn, Hwy. 21 south of Bayfield.-14,15ar CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday 8 p.m. First regular card $1.; restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week.-19tfar TUESDAY, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. Van Egmond Foun- dation open meetfhg, Seaforth Public School Library. Film shown. Admission free. -15 011111141111111111111111114104110101111 MORNING MARKET, Wesley -Willis UCW Bazaar, Sat. Nov. 4, 1978.-15 • • • LAST NIGHT THURS., APRIL 13th Ssumia ...TranwffPe Catch it E 1m*'sm 6 =1 �D1°1'-"L� Same language may be offensive R " %: Theatres Branch Ont. 411 CLINTON Kinsmen Canoe Race April 23, 1978. Registration 9 a.m. at Huron County Park, Auburn. Proceeds to go to Cystic Fibrosis. Everyone welcome. For further information call 482-9212 or 482-9133.-15,16 HURON County Family Planning project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Coun- selling and medical services provided. Counselling on billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each mon- th. -1 leow ar DESSERT EUCHRE and BAKE SALE in Summerhill Hall, Summerhill. April 26, 1978 at 1:30 p.m. Admission $1. Sponsored by The Sum- merhill Ladies Club. -11,15,16 TROUSSEAU TEA — Mrs. Douglas Morgan wishes to invite friends, neighbors and relatives to a Trousseau Tea on April 22, 2-4:30 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. in honor of her daughter's forthcoming marriage. 343 Victoria St., Clinton. -15 THE VANASTRA Resource Centre presents a plant show and sale at the Vanastra Christian Church on April 13, 1978 at 1:30 p.m. featuring Sandra Pitt from Sandra's Market Garden, Port Elgin. Admission 50c per person, children free. Proceeds for children summer programs. -15 BINGO every Saturday night at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth Ontario at 8:00 p.m. 12 regular games; 3 share -the - wealth; jackpot $150.00.-37tfar 'PARK GODERICk! APRIL 14th -20th TWO SHOWINGS: 7-9 SAT. & SUN MATINEE 2:16 LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH NEXT CLACTION OSE ENCOUNTERS OF 3RD KIND GARD-ENING COLUMNIST KEN SMITH, from London, will be sponsored by the Clinton Horticultural Society, Wednesday evening, April 26, Anglican Church Parish Hall, Rattenbury Street. Bring a friend and come for snack and coffee at 7:30 p.m. Door Prizes. -15,16 BOARD of Directors of Clinton Horticultural Society will meet Thursday evening, April 20, in the Clinton Town Hall at 8 p.m. sharp. -15 OIL PAINTING CLASSES are being organized at Arie's Studio and Art Gallery. Phone 524-6896 for details or come out to the studio on the 6th concession of Goderich Township, one mile north of Porter's Hill. -15 Coaches Murray Taylor, left and Ken Gibbings, right were in hand Sunday to present the players of the bantam team with special trophies at the minor hockey awards night. Receiving trophies were, David Sturgeon, most improved defenceman; brad Forbes, most improved forward; Brian Tomkins, player's award; Jeff Taylor, congeniality award. (News -Record photo) This week at the Legion by Rene Brochu Last Saturday, the Legion social crowd attendance improved with about 50 couples attending. Enter- tainment chairman comrade Harvey Hayter credits this improvement to the members who passed the word around and brought friends to the VARIETY NIGHT at St. Mary's School, 80 Bennett St., Goderich, April 14, 1978, 8:00 p.m. Proceeds to go to the Goderich and District Pro Life. Tickets available at the door. Adults $1.50, students 75c, children 50c.-15ar DESSERT Euchre and Bake Sale in Township Hall, Varna, Wednesday, April 19 at 1 p.m. Admission $1.00. Sponsored by the Varna United Church Women. -15 White Carnation, Holmesville; i Catering to weddings, banquets, meetings, private parties. Book your party anytime 524-4133 or banquet hall 482-9228 SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET from 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Children '2.SO Pre Schoolers '1." EVERYONE WELCOME Adults `S O° .24&_,JA _4& • 30 THE SQUARE Program PHONE 524-7811 subject AIRCONDITIONEDIO than$ • social. The music was supplied by the "Royalaires" who were pleasant to dance to as they varied the selections to suit all present. Comrade Harvey announced the draw winner as Lorne Garrow. Our next one is in May, so check your entertainment calendar or the chairman and set that date aside for another pleasant evening. Comrade Harvey would like to thank all who came and his committee and other helpers who made the evening such a success. Last Wednesday at noon, the OSSTF District 45 held their annual Spring meeting and dinner in the auditorium. Our Ladies Auxiliary augmented by the men did an especially excellent job of serving the teachers. Comrade Gladys Chambers was appreciative of the ex- cellent support she received from the ladies and men. Today is the wind-up of the men's euchre and our Ladies Auxiliary will again be busy providing the men's euchre players with another superb dinner. I'm sure it will be another successful venture. Chairman Graham Yeats and his euchre committee deserve a real hand of ap- plause for another successful year of euchre. "SPRING FROLIC" with "Lincoln Green" at the Vanastra Rec. Centre FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1978 9 P.M. -1 A.M. FREE BEEF BUFFET SUPPER '8.00 PER COUPLE G ' r�ES TR v CY BOX.189 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 LICENSED UNDER HE L.L.B.O. NEW HOURS VANASTRA PARK, CLINTON TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY -12 NOON -8 P.M. FRIDAY - 12 NOON -10 P.M. SATURDAY 4 P.M. -10 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON -8 P.M. NOW SERVING "Huron County's Largest Steak" 1. 16 OZ. T-BONE STEAK Char -Broiled to perfection - smothered in mushrooms, choice of potato and vegetable, complimentary Salad Bar. 2. RACK OF RIBS 16 oz. serving - done in our own special BBQ sauce. Choice of potato and vegetable, complimentary Salad Bar. 3. SEAFOOD PLATTER Scallops and shrimps, special Seafood Sauce. Choice of potato and vegetable, complimentary Salad Bar. 4. OUR FAMOUS HOT SMORGASBORD Served daily. 0. A,; iC'•� ONTARIO LICENSE NUMBER 1239997 ALL STAR TOURS VICTORIA WEEK=END TOURS * * * * May 19th to 22nd Wheeling, W.V. * Crystal Gayle Washington, D.C. Nashville, Tennessee Boston, Mass. and Plymouth TULIP TIME IN OTTAWA and UPPER CANADA VILLAGE 3 Days Departs May 13, 17, 21, and 25th NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE FAN FARE 5 Days Departs June 6th Please Note...Our Weekend Entertainment Schedule has been CANCELLED Until Further Notice JAMBOREE IN THE HILLS Wheeling, W.V. July 14th -16th Bill Anderson Roy Clark, Stella Parton Charlie Pride, Crystal Gayle Many More Accommodations closest to Ogle Bay Park For Banquets, Weddings, Parties, Seminars CALL 482-3644 The Canadian West California Canadian and U.S.A. East Coast Central Canada PIOrida Off Season yT 40( 4P1jjg1itton Gerry Ginn fir v,„ of Goderich Ginn, lo residents G.G. P p A11 re and fr+e�d invited to oh a ship ore in e ordof on night, in th pre L� AL ORD L�AAprjt31t1T S 22n g 1 a. Dancing p.m.- xLL ThursdayApril 20 th Colonel Sanders' Cross Canada 2 for 1 Sale. Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it "finger lickin' good" A Snak Pak contains 2 pieces of finger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken and golden brown French Fries. ,,,,,r� .✓' .Frl y , e o w k Buy one Snak Pak at the regular price get another one at no extra cost. Asa. 1/4e 11` Vit Di5 Col. tendons' R.d , n lie reChiekn. A CANADIAN COMPANY 94 Elgin Ave: Goderich, Ont. •