HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-26, Page 4relay ime;.. TBUI SDAY, Nk,AY 26th, 1887, --,.HOW THE CROPS 1.4001C,, General Effect of. Drought in Western On - tart°. t Following is a dtlturuary of the 1'0 1)00 Qf the Bureau of„Induetries for May,. The re- port is based on informatiou,furnished by 660 eorrespowleuts, tender date of the 13th lust t In general the fall wheat crop ie far from fulfilling the promise it gave of it good Drop wen the snow Dame on last fall. The win- ter was not so unfavorable to the crops es the preceding one, as the reports, iudioate that there was nQ snob general formation of ice sheets, and in only It few localities wits there any injury by either too heavy a cov, ering of snow or bare ground,,. In Bruce, Grey and Simcoe there was a limited amount of smothering by snow, chiefly by drifts along the fences and en the leeward side of over the from all e t ridges. Scattering g raorto p Prosiuoe mention patches killed out by the snow blowing off the higher ground. A mild spell about the middle of February caused some ice formation, but only to a limited ex tent. Simcoe, Brent, Perth and some of the St. Lawrence River oQunties were the worst sufferers from this otiose, The most injur- ious of all the agencies was the unfavorable weather of March and April. After the wheat had been left bare, there was a long period of dry days and frosty nights, and where the plants were not very, strong and healthy they succumbed. Injury from this source was suffered in all the counties, with• nut exception, and in a number of them it has left the crop in a poor condition, aver- aging one-half to three-fourths of what it promised in the fall. There has not been nearly so large an area plowed up as was last spring, however, and many of the reports speak hopefully of chances for improvement. The drouth has been severe in the western part of the Province. Winter rye is in fairly good condition ; but while the yield per sore promises to be at least equal to the average of former years, the total yield will be smaller in consequence of a reduced acreage under Drop. Clover has suffered in the Western Penin• sula from winter exposure and spring frosts, more especially in the counties along the shore of Lake Erie. In the Eastern counties Where, however, clover is not so generally grown, Very little damage is reported, saving to the old meadows. The unusually fine weather of the first part of May turned a seemingly late spring into a really forward season. Pastures look green, and vegetation generally is away ahead of expectations. An abundant show of fruit blossoms is reported, and notwithstandiug the destructive effects of an ice storm in February, and the girdling of valuable trees by mice, particularly in the East, the or- chards have on the whole come through the winter In good condition. The reports are generally of a hopeful character. In Western Ontario, plowing and seeding operations were commenced about the 15th of April, and owing to the excellent condition of the land an nnsually large area was sown during that month. In the extreme eastern counties snow lay on the ground so late that field work did not fairly begin before the let of May. Oats, peas, barley, and a fair extent of spring wheat have been sown, and at the date of the reports their general appearance was satisfactory, the drouth alone giving rise to a feeling of uneasiness. Though the long, severe winter and back- ward spring have affected the condition of live stock unfavorably in some oases the out- look for them is encouraging. Except where disease has prevented, horses have wintered well, while the prices obtainable, especially for light harness and saddle horses, have been more than ordinarily satisfactory. Cattle, though for the most part thrifty and free from disease, have gone out upon the grass in only muderately good condition. Sheep appear to have done well the lambing, season having been in most localities excep- tionally productiye. Pigs are fully np to the average in point of condition. Throughout the Province generally, the quantity of wheat held by farmers will barely suffice for home consumption, aid in the St. Lawrence and Ottawa valleys many have had to buy flour. In soma cases farmers have held wheat for prospective raise in price, but they are now selling. In the western coun- ties hay and oats are rather scarce, while along the St. Lawrence the supply is abun- dant. A small number of fat cattle are kept for shipment and local use, but the supply of store cattle is large. The supply of farm laborers appears to be fully equal to the demand. and the rate of wages for the working season is very nearly the same as last year. The following table gives the averages by county groups with, and without board, for 1886 and 1887, and the averages for the five years 1883.87 : Without With Board. Board. 1887. 1886. 1887. 1886. $ $ $ $ Lake Erie ....16 12 15 69 23 02 23 24 Lake Huron ..16 14 16 53 24 04 25 41 Georgian Bay.16 12 15 03 25 04 24 47 West Midland.16 20 16 42 23 61 24 44 Lake Outario.16 67 16 72 23 98 23 65 St. Lawrence & - Ottawa.. ..16 16 15 91 23 63 23 70 East Midland.16 47 15 78 25 19 24 18 Northern die- tricts 18 61 17 32 29 00 24 67 —.— 11887.16 36 24 01 1886 16 25 24 02 1885.16 45 24 75 1884.17 70 .... 26 78 %1883.19 28 . 27 05 LOSS $3,000,000. Tires in 1tllelsigan, A. apeolel front, Houghton, At oh,, says the fire at Latce Linden is .now under control, Conservative judges place the peotlniar lass at $1.500,000. f o Byes were lost. Forest tires are still burning in All directions, It is estimated that lossesiu the upper peninsula amount to $3,000,000, Lord Lansdowne, and tris English Tenants. From the. Guardian, Loudon, 4th May, '87. The following address has been presented to the Marquis of Lansdowne by 504 of the tenants of his Wiltshire estates .— To Uis Excellency the Merituis of Lans- downe, Governor-General of Canada : MAY IT PLEASE Youa Exemnallor,--we the undersigned,being the tenants cm your ur English estates, haviug seen in the papers and otherwise heerd that your E-oellenoy has had differences of a wide and serious na- ture with some of your. Irish tenants, and that some persons have intimated their in- tention of proceeding to Canada, in order, if possible, to stir up unpleasantness between you and the Canadian people, desire to ex- press our esteem, regard and unabated con- fidence iu your Excellency as a landlord. You bave with great personal sacrifice from the time you entered into yunr family estates met a3 iu a manlier which reflects honor ou yourself and credit to your advisers. You have eapeuded a large proportion of your rental On improvements ou your estates both in farmhouses, buildings drainage andcot- tages, and you have siuce the depression in agriculture, met us liberally in abatements and reductions of rent. You have also en- deavored in every way to better the condition of the laboring poor, and the fact that your estates possesa one of the largest and best systems of alotment iu the United Kingdom speaks for itself. Having always believed and understood that the kindness, courtesy, generosity and good feeling whioh has al- ready been shown to us was extended in an equal manner o your Irish tenants, we can- not but learn with surprise and regret that the latter should differ in so serious a degree with your Excellency, and we desire to ex- press our sympathy with you. We wish your Excellency and your fancily long life, happi- ness and prosperity, and express our hopes that the differences above alluded to may not long disturb the harmony that has till so re- cently1existed upon your estates. TilAAKRT REPORTS.. 5X5TEn. (Correlated,at5o'olochp,m, Wedueeday. PallWbe 6 t „ ,,, .,, 0 8A to_ 85 Spring ,Wneat .. et 40 to 0 fie iiarloy43 Oats 0 80 to 50. Glover Beed •• ,,. 4 50 Ga 5 0(t' 'l'imotby "• , 10 50 to 200 Peas 50to051 Eggs 010100th lingttei •„ 13 t2 0 13 Flourperbbl... 00 to 5 ee Potatoes,perbuehel.,, .,. 5010 75 Applos,perbag ,.. ••• AO to 050 PriedUpplespr b .,. , 0 04 to 0 00 c}eeee per lb. , 006 to 0 00 Turkey per lb .,, .,. 0 08 to 08 Ducks perpr 0 20 10 0 30 Chiekensper pr. ,.. , 0 20 to 0 40 il:ogs,dressedper100 „ 0,4 5 30 to 8 70 Reef ,., 4 00 to 5 00 tlidesrouhg. ... ... ... ... 5 60 to 5 80 dressed . , .. 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins each .. .,. .., 0 75 to 1 CO Calfskins .. ,,, .,. 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb .,. ,,, ... 0 16 to 0 17 Hay porton ,.. ... ... 500 to1000 Onionenerbueh „ .,, ... 0 80 to 0 75 Woodper cord ,•, .., 2 50 to 3 00 wears. Rrs. Furnished by Messrs: Carter, Son At Co. Fall Wheat 85 to 86 Spring Wheat ..... ...................... ., ,,78 86 !Rangy 35 40 Oats, ............................... 31 82. Clover Seed 4 50 500 Timothy ..................... .-.1 50 2 00 51 Peas.... .............. ........ .................. 11 11 Butter .. 11 13 But Potatoes per bush 65 00 Apples per bush 40 45 Wool per lb 20 22 Hay per ton 800 I0(>0 Satisfactory Progress. Among the evidences of Canadian pros- perity alluded to by Sir Charles Tupper in the course of his Budget Speech, the following comparisons are specially sig- nificant :- 1868 1886 Deposits, chartered banks.... ........... 32,808,1/4 3108,813,950 Dep'ets,savingsbauks 4,360,692 45,072,886 Discounts .................. 50,500,316 152.644,608 Imports 73,459,664 104,424,561 Exports 57,567.888 85251,814 Shipping employed12,982,825 19.989,232 Railway mileage 2,522 11,618 Life insurance 35,680,082 171,809,682 Fire insurance.,..,. 188,359,809 611,794.479 No one can read that statement with- out becoming well assured that the pro- gress made is safe and solid. The ad- vances in the commercial world, as indi cated above, are well supplemented by the great developement in that of agri- culture. We have not at hand reliable statistics showing the facts -as relating to other Provinces, but what is occurring in Ontario may be gathered from the fact, as stated in the Government report of 1885, that 21,775,299 acres were under occupa- tion, valued at $626,422,024, and that the value of the crops was equal to $115,724,- 923. This would give an annual outcome of nearly $19 per acre, on the average. If to this be added the value of the farm buildings ($86,000,000) ; of 558,809 horses ; of 1,976,480 cattle ; of 802,262 hogs ; of 1,755,605 sheep ; of 6,336,805 poultry, to say nothing of farm imple- ments and minor properties, it will be seen that the day of "blue raid" so long foretold by gloomy misanthropes is yet very far in the distance. The fact is that this country in a surprising manner. The line of public policy hit upon suits it ex- actly, and there is nothing to be gained, but much to be jeopardized, by agitating for different conditions and new combina- tions. The Pro- vince. AN EzoemtsNT AT INGERsoLL. Monday morning the Windsor police ,received dis- patch from Richard Smith, of Ingersoll, in- structing them to board the noon express on the Grand Trunk road, and take: his ruuawey daughter in custody. Last Saturday a Chi• sago real estate agent named James Sharon, pnt in an appearance at Ingersoll, and there. met !hiss Florence Smith, an attractive young girl of about sixteen years. He sue- ceeded in inducing her to elope with him to. Detroit, promising to marry her on their reaching American soil. When the pclice boarded :he train they `found the couple in the private room of the Pullman car with the door leaked, 'The door was forced and the pair were token to the Crawford. House, and the young woman held until the arrival of her parents. 'rifiss Smith was taken back home and her parents will allow Sharon to skip to Chiang°, t'r anywhere tense hE wishes except Ingersoll, hat a despe'eh'from Inger- soll says t.hrtt On being ssepaiated from his beloved Florence, Sharon's grief knew no bon utle, and he sworfl that he would not re - tin n e-tinn to the windy city withortt his Indy-love, Ile \rout back to Ingersoll, trade his way into the presence of Florence's parents, and begged the bawd Of their fair 'daughter in Marriage. The rx llanations that fdiowecl resulted in the young ofplefinding them, salves kneeling at tin' font of 81r. Smitht'who With outstretched holds and re yl •:ass }lturned face, thee', 10.9 uttered the: etrnvantiirrlitl 11 r t hrldren. ',['liry writ marries} Wedfleetlay r . Jambs .a Afternoon s x anti"Flofeeee-,fere 'h , that --arid the `,,hide of Ingersoll turned out tri ell(; evening sit 'Kin T, T. 11 station to see 1lmw InT: their departure for 1ho Werwr';. It twos a"'big Benet cele for Ingersoll. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' TANTED—A YOUNG LADY CLERK V V of some experience, to conduct a fruit and confectionery business. Apply to CAPT. GEO. HEMP. ► T10 THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE , Exeter Salt Works Co., please take Notice that the Annnal Meeting of the Exe- ter Salt Works Co., will be held 31er OF MAY, I887. T. B. CARLING, Soox. UNICIPAL NOTICE ,—Not.ioe is hereby given that a Court for the Re- vision of the Asses sment Roll for the Village of Exeter, will be held at the Market House, Exeter, on THURSDAY, the 26ra DAY OF MAY, 1887, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Any ghaving business at the said Court will govern themi es accordingly. MICHAEL EACRETT, Clerk. Exeter, May 4th, 1887. tif in Tarrant's Seltzer you behold Acertain cure for young and old; For Constipation will depart, And Indigestion quickly start; Sick Headache. too, will soon subside. When Tarrant's Seltzer has been tried. PATENTS for ,Sale, Illustrated descriptive oatalogees free. 13: CHAMBERLIN, Toron- to, Ont- TO ADVERTISLRS,—Lowest rates for ad- yertising in 1000 good newspapers sent free. Address GEO. 1'. ROWELL & CO., 10 Bpi uce St., N. Y. T OST ON THE 14th INS 1', BE- A tweeu Molson's Bank and Centralia, a Small Satchel with papers (receipts etc) and a good sum of money in it. If the finder will kindly bring it and all its coutouts to me, I will give a reward of S3.0C. H.BINSIIAN, Dentist, Exeter. COURT OF REVISION. Notice is berepy given that a court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township _ofHay willbe held in the Town May' 26th, Thursday, At the hour of 10 o'clock, a.m, for the hearing of complaints and reetil3ing all errors in con- nection with the Assessment Roll of said Town- ship. Any person having business at said Court will govern them selves accordingly. SAM'L FOSTER. Clerk. Hay,May 10,1887, TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS. )ROPERTY FOR SALE.—^ -Ont Mails-st„noar the Market, two-fifths 0- eit acre ofland, with u frame: cottagecontain tug six raome, with hard and soft water; also a stable For terms apply at this office, 1',xetor, April 21, 1837, Sealed tenders addressed to the Commis - loners of the Canada Company will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Thursday, the 9th day of June next, fox the enlargement of part of the "Lake Burwell Drdinfige Works” in the town- ship of ilosanquet. The excavation is roughly estimatedatabout 15,000 cubic yards. Full information will be given and forms of tender supplied ona ppli cation to the C omDeny Engineer, Mr. R, H, Colemar, at the Holwell House, Thedford, on the 6th and 7th of June next. Parties teniering must state the n ame full address .of a responsible surety in the ten amount of the contract. The lowest or any 1 der not necessarily accepted, ALFRED WILSON, C.ixatle ;TO enta- 17511 May,1887. WOOL WOOL WOOL! . 1 wanted at the Exeter Woolen I mills. Tothese wishing to manufacture th eir wool we would say that our prices are lower than ever this year, Manufacturing all wool blankefs reduced. trona $3.O0 to $2.50 per pair Spin ping and greasing reduced to 124 cents. We give special attention to roll and batt carding, also many tweeds, flannels, &s., and all the other branehee conuected with the, 'woolen business. To parties wiabing to exchange, we would say that wehave a very heavy stock of medium tweeds. made out of the Best Selected Lanadian wool also fine tweed, grey and check flannels, blanket,, yarn, sheetings, &c. We also make a special feature of Fancy Bed. prea,ets liavingirnported a loom from Sentland, et a considerable outlay, we will be enabled to suit our t ustdmera in some of the NEWEST PATTERNS and out of their own yarn. We have also a large stook of teem on hand for sale. Give us a call and inspect our stock be. fore goingelsewoere, it will E3 /3 VTv YO C7 avzoiN n3'3Z`. RigMBes Dissolution of Partner uer ship, ARAM FOR SALE,—Tkle sub- spriboroffers for sale hill farm,beingg Lot 8, Concession 1, Ray, (kali; mile tinrth of Exeter,) containing 100 neves about (14 agree. cleared and in good state of cultivation. There aro upo't the premises a firet•olesa new dwel•. ling with two cellars and stone foundation, al - o god bank barn, e, frame barn, an °non abed, good other neoesser .outbugldin s, Also a first n Y R 1 ea char arm ' .AB dredtl e � � ■ ■1.11.i� ings r_ ttculars apply on the premises to (4•-ifte.) A. HOLLAND ,Hay P. 0 DRESS GOODS ! New Musiins, New Laces, New Parasols New Corsets, Horses Wantd FARM FOR SALE.—The _ under- signed (lifers for sale his farm, being lot 14, con. 5, township of Usborno, two miles and a half from ureter 100 sores, about 85 acres cleared and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bash; in wniclr there is some very valuable oak and black ash rail timber ; be farmI t is also well forced ani drained ; there are upon the premises. a flrstolass brick dwelling house, with first class cellars two ad bar ; tLP o n on orfnilin's springs �' never 1. ,p 1 R"6 flrat•class orchard, For partioulars, tl: a premises, to THOMAS SHUTE [t—fl EXETER P.. THE LADIES W..ANT Have, Value YouS The Greatest ...sen,. W$+ ARE and Duo n i on OYONT. FARM FOR SALE,—The sub. _IL scriber offers for solo his farm, being South Half of Lot 23, Concession 2, Township of Hay, oontaiuing 50 Acres, 45 t.f wheel are cleared and in a good state St cultivation, being convenient to markets, aohools and churches. There iaa good frame hart., goon stabling, and a hewed log house, good orchard and two never -failing wells, one at the house and the other at the barn. There are also 7 acres of fall wheat and 10 acres of mea. dow. For further particulars apply on the premises to RICHARD EACRET'P, Proprietor, Roagervflle P. 0 GENTS WANTED.—We want One Hundred Good Men at once to sell for the FONTHILL NURSERIES, (largest in Canada, oyer 4G5 acres,) Steady employment and no lost time, Liberal covrmiasion or salary; best advantages ; splendid outfit fur- nished free. Any pushing man can Succeed. Apply foi' berms to STONE as WIILLTNGTON, Toronto, Out. rpHE OFFICERS OF HER Majesty's Inspe'ial Government, who are in ^an,tda to purchase Cavalry Horses, will visit Exeter, Tuesday, June 7th, Hawkahaw's Hotel, and purchase horses fitted for 3LIDInq a- P-CIR.POSMS, Not less than 15 hands 2 inches nor over 16 hands high ; not less than 4, nor over 7 years of age, SOMA in all respects ; of bay, brown, chestnut or black color. Por suitable horses good prices will be paid' For full information and further particulars apply to JOHN HENDRIE Hamilton, DUCTED AT Low RATES. DISSJLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the business heretnforo conducted uucler the name of Dumart & Hardy, tanners of Zurich, has been desolved this day by mutual consent, 1MIr. Hardy withdrawing, and Mr. Weseloh talciirg his place. The business will be carried on by Messrs. Dumtu't S Wesolob, and all accounts due the late firm must be matt to Mr. Duel a rt. jill. DUMART. 1J, HARDY. Zurich, May 5th, 1887 (3 -10,) t It0TIOE is hereby given that the partner•. ,hi' lately' Ekibtin4 between 3anatlrnn J. Pickard and Ezra Spicer, of the village of i',xo• Zero nderthe firm of Mewled, S:Spinor , Poultry Broorlore, was. disso1vod 00 the ;30'rn DAT of A'I'1trO,by Yrinttin,1 001188nt, fr,NSTIIAN J. PicuARn, Fi11tA Fx'roirr. F; W, t'5r,Sfxs, t Witnegq, ',1,13,bfr; •f J. Pickard will Cn nt intra the poultry lrusittos, and keen conetftntly 011 luted !(using the season, 8, 8, lInrnburg, G P Ham - .1) Brahma, W C1 Blank Perish eg"s ai': i,2per:totting, B011111 TO MA!! ;' • New Hats, New Shirts, New Tweeds, New, New, New. —A HOST OF— NEW GOODS ! The Finest We Can Get, SOLD CHEAP EVERY TIME. We can't tell you a tenth about them. Come and See Us. You know they can't stop us, we will sell cheap. IR. A N" T O 1TT 3831 0' S, THE PLACE TO GO THESE HARD TIMES. T�1N'TRANCE EXAMINATIONS to High Schools. Goderich and Exeter. The next Entrance Examinations to High Schools will be field on JULY 4501, 5Ta & 6101, beginning on MONDAY, JULY 4Tie,1857, at 1:30 P.nt. Those whowish to write at Goilerich must send their names to H. 1. STRANG,13. A„ Gon i3RICH, and those who desire to write at Exeter must send their names to the undersigued be- fore June 3rd, 1887. Candidates are ieauired to bring DrawingBooks No 4 or No. 5. JHN E. TUM, Public School Inspector. Exeter, May 618, 1887. Notice to Creditors The Creditors of Andrew Walker, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 14th day of June, A. D, 1886, having claims against the said deceased are in pursuance of the Act 46Vioturia Chapter 9 of the Statues of the Province of Ontario, hereby notified and regniredto send on on be- fore the Seventh Day of June, A. 0., 1887, by frost to the undersigned executors of the de- ceased, their christiau and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of the r claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and that immediately after the said seventh it,ry of June the assets of the said de• ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said executors shall then have notice and the said executors shall not be liable for the said as seta or any p.trt there- of to any person or persona of whose claims notice shall hot have been received JAMES WALKER, RICH.ROIiINSON, Centralia, P. O. Grand Bend P.O. Dated 14th May, A. D.1887. Salt Salts Salt The Exeter Salt Works Co'y U.11?' EXETER, OFFER SALT AT THE WELL, AT $2.25 PER TON. J'OIIN BR.A:7M, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. eA Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS' FURNISEED AND CON - Election Expenses. I hereby certify that the following is a cor• rect copy of the at tement of th+ Election ex- penses of Timothy Coughlin, a candidate to represent the North Riding of Middlesex in the House of Commons, delivered to me for publi- cation:— Jonathan gins, it Jonathan Red t is Liveryhire D. McArthur, V. S., " " Mr. Sweeny, Livery hire Thos. Donley,. " " .............. Mi. Hawkshaw, " Parkhill Gazette, Printing Liman Enterprise " .,,,....... Wm. Porte, Telegraph Ao't J. N. Mcllhargy " 1', Coughlin, Personal Eepenses C, WALKER, Craig May 17'87. Returniug•Odieer. 64 00 50 on 32 00 8200 3 50 18 00 10 00 31 20 4 80 $75T5-0 Notice to Creditors The Creditors of John Jones. the oder, late el the village ofBeeter,lethe CotrntyofHeron who Flied on or about the twenty.tbird day of Marsh, A, 1).,1887, having olefins ag,.inet the d d oast. (l 1.rp 1 pursuance aai DC lr nl nttirCe Ctf the AL's G Victoria, Chapter Dor the statutes of the Pro- vince of Ontario. hereby uotifled mutt iegnirecl to sono on or before tbo thirteenth day of June. A, D , 1887, by post to the undersigned Ann jot, tie, of the Village of Exeter, in the Oottety ofIInee .the Eteen trim of thedec'ased, their ebl•istin:rr and 8111111110 01, 51c1tesaes antld,,seeipl- tioua, the full particulars of their cl'tirfl', 'a ante lee irt of their accounts and the Sin tyre of tea seeurtees(18 air 'lheld by there tine aril fmmo,1iatel' after tits said 13th day of Jmse, the aeeetsof the 15,5(3 deceased will 1re distrib- etecl an1011911)0 pantie' entitled thereto, 115v flag regrurri ouly to the claims of whioh the sair1 Executrix snailthee hive natter and the Aida l;aeautrlx shall not be lielSle for the said assets or anyrrsrt ehoreof to any lsersnn ifs pors0110 of whose claims notice shall nothavo boon re- ceived. ANI, 10N110. Dated atlxotol•Ilth Sr ey, 1837. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS! For Fresh and Reliable (D. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to THE FAMILY GROCERY. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ALLII•T'S PRISE TONE. .TO PL.N'TS ONLY 10 CENTS PEP. BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery --a fresh suppl5f. PURE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR,. r— 'GIVE ME A CALL prin Ipta1ins RECEIVED! ° —AND-- PLACED AND—PLACED UPON OUR SHELVES. A GRAND DISPLAY Ice Cream Parlor Ik The public are cordiallyinvited to 1 'Q p call and see the new parlors and test the cream. The most pleasant place in town. Everything possible done for the comfort of visitors. Spring and-- Summer Goods. Latest Styles and Patterns. GIVE US A CALL, (S") HIGHEST PR101; PAID FOR r �31JT.�ER and EGGS G. A. HYNDMAN, Family Grocer. eo Lots, Lots, Lots, Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of fl P O'S. SALE. Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out Boot and Shoo Shop in the Lorner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where ho is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. QUEEN VICTORIA'S Jubilee Year GOD SAVE OUR GRACIOUS QUEEN. JUT RECEIVED ! 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES,IL FARMLAND FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, New Teas, New Coffees, New Sugars, New Syrup, Rolled Oats, Granulated Cornmeal Graham Flour, Bueewheat Flour, Roller Flour, Now Groceries, Oranges and Lemons, Candies in endleae variety, Tobaccos and Cigars. I have taken great care in buying and sel- ecting my stock. Give me a call and you will find my goods cheaper than the cheapest, consistent with first rate quality. Prepaid Certificates and Ocean Hates at Lowest Possible Prices. I(I7it1;Vr3Di e. 7731; Areme8e, CAPTAIN . KE MP, P 7 DREW'S BLOC:` YOU CAN LIVE AT 1iOut AND M +1 Al{tl • MONEY. You non livet house n a d an rn it a o mono mewl ' at work for ea, than ft I, enythfug else in this TRICK 0RECLEV IARKET C MARE EXETER. world bapit'tl hot needed ; Yon aro started fres Both hexon; alt ays, Any one oast t50 the vot'1t, .,ret' art 5h , Sr h r Y o eaten g iia from fl s„ t3 h' r t start. 7oyentih�tss�edrt, Cstsuiotere ono, ooreaas and rola: ot' ifvon �'viso yeti,vill do so at. 11 1 0' i' t t once, , 14 00 & o., or ]axle 1 ,iF aih EXETER. 500 TV BS WantedButter J. EXETER NORTH, Our Stock t ck is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED !' GRO'C+'IIlES i l 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be tindersold in Teas from 20e to 75c. per 1b. Boots & Shoes .All Styles) at Low Prices A. nicely assol•ted stock Of FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all Sires: (Cheap.) 130,t Machine Oil 60n per Gal. COAL OIL AS rsow AS THE LOWEST " A nice Tea, Sett of 44 Pieces, 82,75. A goon suit of reardy.evade elothiiig for $6 Ordered suitsg Y p of op 'in Good Style, Our D1'ess Goods>e1'e marked down t' the Lowest Notch. COTTON ):i [ LLA 20 Ys1,I1I5 S POE ONE A IIOiisr and I`�tt also a 1 aim for Sal r ',1 1 t o .. 1py JOFIN r1 ( 1Vltli.L�I;SON. 1' . TINY P. O.