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The Exeter Times, 1887-5-19, Page 8
.peter tl,irmieq T'HU1$ DAY, :MAY 19th, 1$87. On the Queen's Jubilee. Ming out ye bells, send forth your deep -toned voice, And "you, ye thousands, one and all rejoice ; Wave banners high ; ye guns your thunders boom ; Xe dory rockets the dant night illume. From every corner of this glorious land Let smile meet smile, and hand grasp firmly hand ; Let pleasure have full swing upon this day, And you, ye sun khe4 forth your brightest ray. For ou this day full fifty years ago, In dear old England was a regal show— A royal maiden in majestic way did wend— The ancient throne of Britain to ascend, Midst shouts from thousands, rending morn- ing air, 14Lidst cannon's boom and silver trumpets blare, Right well and truly ever since that time (Aided by statesmanship and Power Divine) Etas eheher people governed, and itis good. that [we In fitting manner celebrate her jubilee. Let every hamlet then a flag unfurl E'en in the wood where smoke from shanties curl ; Let lumbermenleave:axe and chain, and wend Their way to pleasurebaunts this clay"to spend; Let young and old and rich and poor give gent To joyous feeling ; and with best intent Scatter with lavish hand the blessings God Nath sent. Let" farmers leave their plows, close every store ; High in the air let flames from bonfires soar. Ye toilers of the sea leave net and stout built boat, Waving at masthead let our proud flag float; Then from the broad Atlantic to Pacific slope bray one and all in peaceful manners nope, Which shall their loyalty most show and let all say, And shout "God save the Queen," in heart- felt. eartfelt wad'. Rejoice l rejoice that God has spared our Queen For fifty years to reign, and that those years have been Blest with rare progress ; and may He, who rules above, Shower blessings, on the head of her we love; And grant her many years to rule and. sway A prosperous, happy people willing to obey ; Then when the reaper—death knocks at her door May she a Drown of glory wear for evermore. N. DYER HIIRDON. Exeter, May 12th, 1887. Crediton, Bnllilts,--.We ; r0 pleased to learn that Mi, S, I3rowu, of the firm of Brown, Vuertli & Co., of this place, iu,agaiu eon-. valescent.--Mrs- Winer, of this plaoe,' died very suddenly on the, 9th inst. She appeared to be in good health in the morn- ing but the death -call came before the clay ended.—The debate, 'announced for lest Friday evening brought forth a great many bearers, The decision was given in favor of "Free Trade " of which Mr. B ROUND THE COUNTRY. Ey Our Own Correspondents, St. Marys. Menzel was captain.—The subjeotfor di5- eussion at the next ineeting of the, Young Liberals is "Resolved that the steam en- gine is a greater power to man lean the printing press," Clandeboye. 3nlxhs.--Last Saturday afternoon David Cobbledick met with a very painful accident by having his leg broken just above the ankle, as wellas other severe bruises. He had sold some stockers and while en- deavoring,to remove them from the yard, one of the stockers cane in contact with one of his cows. He strove to separate them, but only to suffer the aboxe results. Mr. Cobbledick has his own share of%rouble, as one of his men, Mr. Thos. Bastard, has. been seriously ill during the past two s weeks and is at present much worse. Both patients are under the care of Dr. Brown- ing.—Mr. R. Davy, our pastor of the M. Chnrc:h, filled Mr. Phillipa pulpit en Gran- ton circuit, Sunday, May 8th, and Mr. George Stanley filled two of his appoint- ments, Nursery and Clandeboye, preaching very eloquent sermons, BRIErs.—Mr. W. J. McIntyre, of Mc- Intyre's Corners, St. Marys, the other day sold a twenty months old colt, sired by "Young Revenge," to Mr. McIntosh, of this place, for $100. The colt is a good one, as is all the stock produced by this famous horse. Seaforth. Seaforth, Ont., May 17.--Tuesclay morning the boiler in Mr. Trott's eooper- age exploded, completely wrecking the engine house and throwing the main part of the boiler 15 or 20 feet from its foun- dation, scattering bricks and splinters for several hundred feet around, several of which went through the ,vin'dows of the neighboring houses. No one was hurt. Damage abort $400. Hensall. The old saying "The course of truelove never runs smooth" has been beautifully illustrated in this vicinity in more ways than one, lately. A short time ago a couple of girls, living at one of our first- class hotels, in this place, were taken to task by the landlady for epending too much time with their "loved ones," whereupon they became very indignant and decided to change their place of abode. Accordingly, in the "dead of night" they .raised the window of their bedroom, dropped out their Saratogas, and, whispering the names of their dear ones just loud enough to be heard in Heaven, threw themselves out into the darkness. As might be expected they were somewhat skakeu up, but their courage never failed them. They started on foot for Exeter, at which place they arrived about three o'clock, feeling in good trim for breakfast. Rambler. BRlnss.—Mr. Thos. Murray, of Cen- tralia, has been laid up with the inflam- matory rheumatism for the past three weeks.. He is getting somewhat better now.—Mr. Thos. Essery has put a board fence on the front cif his farm, greatly im- proving the appearance of it. Well done for Thomas.—Mr. John Handford, of Devon, who took possession of the Hux- table farm some time ago; has somewhat improved the same by putting a brick cel- lar to his house, ho is also doing a great deal of draining. Surely the talk about the C. P. R. is doing the fanners good.— Mrs. Ford has again gone to her summer resort, the log cabin on the corner of Mr. Thos. Rautclife's farm. --The fishing sport is very prominent just now, even the ladies are engaging in the enterprise one lady positively attested that she ha been remarkably successful in lessening the finny tribe. She ought to start,ou on a more elevated enterprise than fish -catcher. .A. fisher -of -men she ough to be. Probably she nlay catch one. New York, May 17 .—United States( rAB1IfIERS 80 ^^ HE11SReolprooty With Canada. Senator Sherman, an ex Secretary of the \Ve wish to 0411 ospeolat attention froin the fa nnors others raquir'ia�p tile, that Mr, Tleasun°, ]las winch ,n letter en the OoorgeMon and c'th of 11 0.on. S. Stephen, Oredi- q t' f t bt tl U'td h d l tt f States and Canada. In his letter Mn, i . nes zoite reczprocz y e ween ie nz e' ton, P 0 ,has on uu sa very ar e quad r yo Sherman says; -"No cjueetion; of nnore II1LE OF ALL SIZES 1 importance in our f Oreign relations is now At the Following Prices presented than this. 1t is certainly an el aloha Tile, ar88 pe, ,Ar,1 object of desire to reinove all existing a 14 controversies, and to encourage business 5 .•, ... 20 '! and commercial intercourse between the e 1 se von Well tile can be furnisned it required. neo rte of both countries. As to the 6 particular measure propoaecl by Mr. The abode are of best quality. Butterworth, or indeed as to the extent Crgditou, April 14, 1887. GEORGbl MOATZ: which reciprocity should ge and the articled that should be admitted free of duty in the respective countries, I do not feel justified in nem expressing an opinion, for these must, be subject of negotiations, between and legislation 'by the two coun- tries, I can only say that the general object sought seems to be one of the highest importance, creditable alike to both countries, and which will receive nay careful and friendly consideration during the corningsummer. It would be dis- orediteble in the highest degree for two countries having so many interests in common and natural, ties of friendship and ,amity to have any irritation or contro- versy about their tralle and intercourse with each other." b0 " s t a t The Rycknian Poisoning Case. Dr. Ellis, of Toronto, has sent his re- port on the analysis of the contents of the stomach of the late Mrs. Hendricks, of Thedford, to the Attorney -General. An account of the inquest on the remains of Mrs. Hendricks and the arrest of Mrs. Ryckman, of Thedford, was published in these columns several weeks ago. The deceased having died under suspicious circumstances at the prisoner's house. Mrs. Ryckman was arrested on a charge of poisoning her and lodged in the jail at Sarnia, pending the result of the inquest. No reply from the Virginia State author- ities has been received lay* the Attorney - General in reference to his communica- tion about the extradition of Mrs. Ryck- man to that place in connection with the death of Laura Ryckman, a daughter-in- law of the prisoner,' who died. suddenly in Virginia while visiting there with her hus- band and his mother some months ago. If the Virginia authorities, before the prisoner is discharged on the Hendricks charge, intimate to the Attorney -General their desire to extradite her, she will be detained in custody. Woodham. 24x11 or MAv.—The good people of Woodham and vleiuity intend .celebrating the Queen's Jubilee, by the holding of their anniversary dinner and entertain- ment, in .Mr. A. Sawyer's Grove. Din- ner will be served at one o'clock in the grove providing weather is, favorable ; if not in' the church. Addrsses may be expected from Revs. Messrs. A. M. Philips, B. D. of St. Marys; W. H. Gane, Elimville ; Hall'' and Hale, Kirkton. Woodhare choir will enliven the proceed- ings of the day. On the Sunday previous sermons will be preached in the church by Rev. W. H. Gane, of Elimville. Tick ` ets 25cts children not of the school 15cts. All go ; a good time is assureS.. Logan. FIG.IHT WITH A BEAR. -On Wednesday of last week, as Miss Jane Kenny,` eieter• of the ;.postmaster at Kenny, was passing through the bush, she encountered a bear, which, on perceiving her, iminediately took to a tree. Feeling a little frightened, Miss Kenny went after her brother John. He got his gun and dog and chased bruin down the tree, and then a desperate fight ensued between the hear and dog. But John suc- reeded in treeing bruin again, and then went .after a neighboring sportsman. On their return they both commenced blazing away sit the animal at a terrific rate. John want- ed, to hit him in the ear, so as not to cut the skin, but did not succeed. The other sportsman bad a little more lack, as he hit bruin under the tial. After some timebruin began to got hungry, Caine down the tree and was met by .Miss Kenny with a club;' who, after a few blows, succeeded in killiit him, The bear weighed 'between 350 an 400 lbs., and Miss Kenny feels very proud, and deservedly so, et her success in killing the animal. Her club did better execution than the weapons used by her brother and hie neighbor. The O'Brien Meeting at Toronto. • Toronto, May 17—Excitement over the visit of Wm. O'Brien reached .a crisis this af- ternoon, when a'large mass meeting was held' in the open air in Queen's Park. Fifteen housand is a fair estimate of the number of people present before the close or the meet - ng. There is no, doubt had it not been for the good humor of the crowd generally a se- rious riot would have occurred. is it was, there were several hand to hand encounters, and in two'or three instances clubs were used with telling effect. There was solid gronp of O'Brien's friends in front of the platform, and close to them about 300 or 400 students and volunteers. These two gangs kept shout- ing each for their own side, jostling, sway- ing from side to side, and diversifying this by occasionolly pummelling each "other. On two occasions the police, about two hundred of whom were present, had to charge this portion of the crowd to preserve order. The anti Leaguers were there to drown the voices of the speakers, and they succeeded admir- ably, it being, impossible to catch anything but disjointed sentences even by those "'on the platform and within a couple of yards of the speakers. A. number of women in the crowdwere badly crushed, but held their ground. A. J. SNELL, Merchant 'Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Brownings drugstore, where there will be found A We seated Stook OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITING &o. ---ALSO----- t Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE --AND' AT -- L 0 W TLOW PRICES A CALL WILL CONVINCE. At. J. FNELL, Graduate of Cleveland Cutting School. NOTICE.—The c"unoit of Stephen will meet in the Town Hall, Crediton, on TH CiTtnDAY, MAY 20, at 10 a. m„ as a Court of Revision, and at 2 p. m„ to let gravel contracts and other busmen. By order of the Council, C. PROUTY, Clerk, ��a``I,T, UNIOIPAL NOTICE.—Notice is IV.L hereby given that a Court for the Re- vision of the Asses smelt Roll for the Village of Exeter. will be held at the Market House, Exeter, on THURSDAY, the 28rx DAY OF MAY, 1887, at '0 o'clock in the forenoon, Any person having business at the said Court will govern themseives accordingly. MICHAEL EACRETT, Clerk. Exeter, Maydth, 1887. When O'Brien came forward the excite- ment became immense. An attempt was made by the Irish to drown the lasses and groans of the anti -Leaguers. end a scene of wild disorder occurred which beggared de- scription. At time the vociferous cheers of O'Brien's friends predominated', and tak- ing advantage of the hill, Mr. O'Brien threw in his first words. The scene which followed his introductory remarks was one of great confusion. Frstntic cheers. and deep groans resounded through the air, and might be heard almost tot miles distant. As O'Brien continued he web met with groans and Oheera and great uproar. A few minutes afterwards n medley of popular songs was started in dif- ferent parts of the crowd, making a discor- dant neige, and completely drowning the voice of the speaker. Another break in the proceedings took place by a nnmber of peo- ple in the centre of the crowd malting their way through the people and leaving the scene. Thronghont his speech ecareely a moment tweed without O'Bri n being inter- rupted with hooting, singing, fightiug, groan- ing, hisses and general eisorder, the interrup- tion lasting at times for several minutes. He dosed after 'having endeavored to speak amidst ceaseless interruption for three-quar- tere of ari hour,' ewe— The Clinton New Era says:—Quite a num- ber of farmers in this section have plowed up their fall wheat, Borne ae much art twenty acres. Still patches may be semi that are Iooking fairly well. It is impossible, at pre. emit to anticipate what sort Of a prop it will be, thong/11 most people do not look kr half what*go calculated upon last fall, 3. Li3173 , , `CP'S Spectacles &Eye-glasses Y Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses, They are the only on On recommended by the President awl Vico-President't of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oouliets of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give, Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's Spec,. tacles and Eye -glasses -are marked B.L., with- out which none: are geNan e,'--andpebides are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any Bonds stamped Pebble-glass—or by any siniU., rarity in name,—DR. BRO MUM', Some AGENT FOR EXETER, M.. UNIOIPAL NOTICE.--Nntioe is hereby given that a Court for the re- vision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne, will be held at the Town Ball, Elimville, on SATURDAY, the 28th DAY OF MAY, 1887, at 10 o'clock .in the forenoon. Any persons having 'business at the said court will govern themselves accordingly, G.W. HOLMAN, Clerk. Usborne, May 12th,1887. DREW'S HALL TO RENT. Seating Capacity, 700. —APPLY TO— CAPTAIN G -EO. KEMP. How Lost, Ilow Restored. Just published, a new edition of DR. O'UL- VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical ou".e of. SPERHIATOBROEA. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminary Losses, InI- roTExoY, Mental and Pysical Incapacity, Ln - pediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Comma, TION, EPILEPSY and FITS, Induced by self -in- dulgeuce, or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, in this admirable es- say, clearly demonstrates from the thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming corse. quenoes of self-abuse may be radically cured;. poiutiva-•ant a mode of cure at once simple, certain, a11d e±Teciu,t.,;•kyineans of which every suffradically,erer, no matter;tvh ',Nis condition may be, may cure ximsoif cheapip.privately and I ' Thisleoture should be in the hands of every youth and every marlin Roland.. Sent under soal,in a. plain envelope, to any addresa,post-padd, ou receipt of four cents o_ two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., NewYork, N. Y. P. O. Box, 450 Bailwell & P cka d Having purchased a Choice lot of Dress - Goods much below their Value, are now of- fering them at Very LOW PRIGS. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND --- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, ONT. ZSeetati sen 1884. Is an Association of business and profeassion- a men, having for its object the COLLEC- TION 08' DEBTS ; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furnishing them with lista of parties who do not pay. Merchants, and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become mem lora, byremftting $7.00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will .reoAve by re- turn mail full particulars, certificate and mem- bership, &o, Send for testimonials. J.,BIDWELL MILLS ., Managers,& Ha00milton. WARNING.-AlliOartios are warned against haying anything to do with R. Faulkner,hailing from St. Marys, he having been discharged, aJ 411 lgae vi.� B_Inat ecc New dress Goads CYI Tailoring � Geels' FuraisEia In commencing business here 1 acct going to try and give satis- faction. to all of my patl;oxls by building, from a true and good foundation, 1st.—Honesty in all my dealings. 2nd.—To give unexcell- ed values in all lines that I carry. 3rd... --To take advantage of no one, but to give everyone value for their dollar. . I am prepared to sell at Very Close Prices, and am determined to give my customers the advantages which result from careful and judicious buying. —MY STOCK OF-- Tweeds F-- Teeds ant Moths ARE ALL OF TkiE LATEST PATTERN —AND MY— Gents' Furnishings --ARE-- Second To None in Town. Only Call and Be Convinced. N. I3.—Tweeds bought from me will be cut Free of Charge, and PerfectpIt Guaranteed: Yours Respectfully, ALL COLORS, Brocaded and plainSilks, MUSLIN S PLAIN AND FANCY —NEW LACES, Hosiery Gloves and Parasols Just Received : The Latest Styles in Millinery, alsoa fine assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds. which are just to hand. FULL LINES of Felt and Straw hats Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- garian and Mellet. N. STANLEY'S xe �Zt5h �� brn#ed n ectad 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO, CANADA, —AND— 18 JicwiN STnazT, LONDON, E. C., ENGLAND. � ty �11CSc Watchmaker•, Jeweller, .' .11 141 and Optician. Raa the Ager:ey ler the sale of the above in EXETER. No Spectacles in the. Market eual them in the Eta P lea limo gndairIEC they possess, or the GnaAT VASE and Conn'ofT they confer entire wearer, �- Theis' use will in actuality So strengthen the Eye that it does not become noco nary to change them for many, years. They are there- fore the UnlArEST, They Aro the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eyei And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our NeW Test Cerd,samo al +ctedby the leading Oculists throughout the world: SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. It Cures CATARRH, Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. STOPS Droppings from Nasal passages in. EASY TO USE. to the throat and excessive expectoration caused by Catarrh. Sent pre -paid on receipt of price, Sec. and ^e1. Address FM..FOi D et.CO,, Brockville, Ont. TRUE . WM. SOUTHCOTT. Exeter, March 13tH, 1887. NOTE IT I DON'T FORGET IT 1 In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Oar Premises, and now have room to show the BEST SA.S 07.TZD TOM CHRISTIAN LAWYER, manufac- turer of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence: Bannie's Mills, Bay,wnere hewill attend to the wants of any who may require' his services, Why pay from $15.00 to $25 00 for the same ar- ticle 'which he can furnish you for $5.00, and which is as good if not butter and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses 55.00; Single Trusses,: 52.50. All cow- municatione addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, P. O., Ont. THE— CANADIAN P RAILWAY. THE GREATEST CORPORATION 01.1 EARTH. TEE MOST DIIEOT— ---.AND BnsT E4Iun'rnD ROUTE. —BETWEEN— MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &e. OF Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc IN TOWN ---((00)) If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., IT WILL PAY You. If you want TINWARE, OOPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Bight Spot when.you call at, BISSETT BROS. If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL,SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMERIOAN on CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL (mos), i PUMPS, IRON ,you will strike hock Bottom Prices at 3B1Ri0S.e, L,00aic I reoox VANCOUVER, IA, cursidn to ,VAN , VIC T�Et , Ex and SAN FRANCISCO, for $90.00, tick eta good for Seven Months. Ae7'Befote purchasing your tickets else where, call on W. J. CARLINt ,, C, P. ti.AeaN'r CARLINd'S STORE, EXETER, CARUNCS BLOCK —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT, l!� tit rss coo)** I. 111) One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exetcr. Melon Glottis, Habit Cloths, All.Wool Jeersey Cloths French Dress Materials, in } the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—All the Very Latest Noveltiesin Fancy 11ick oes s Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. Colored Plusher in All Shadeswore this season, Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. GOOD 130 S xET-."Y' ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels, Blsnkete, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, &c., all bought before the advance in prices' and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to N ' .- .. I. C;:).ARLI S G - is Coxa let -' Our Croce �©part: ,exit � �. TRY OUR SOox. TEA. it le be the best in the Village to the money. It is aclenowlad ed by everyone thathas used g y y Sample Parcels, Free. BUTTER, EGGS, AND ALL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. rSA CALL SOLICITED. CA RLI G Main -St., Exeter