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Clinton News-Record, 1978-04-06, Page 20
tr. PAGE 31-amirceir NEWS -RECORD,. TW.EVM)Ale„, APRIL Ift. EE ...am*, emit% -....11111111111• 4.1Ik a Big Re sults! aft Vag yalista, el mum al tall.. Grpeull6=8 iittlitalTbsCankles SZto . Ikea litagrit VIM .6¢ 111 edi CLASSIFICATIONS a. amides Our saile lilasses IL AA-0es Vas nem Amides manaked S. Com Was Bair sale ifs. 1/%11S 7_ Meg seltale tine sine S. Medi eggitte mama 91 aeniumanineiliefinn trusift Th. Woman vo mut na. Moo= and &amnia 11P_. warned S3L Mansell] (keenenal) 14L Ihnuannineritleeansadi IS. tendon& 33tL Can& • Slanaigimis Andien Saks aL Session awahliair 1131 IlWeifire So ciewiimvs ZIL 'haat matzoh 7iL amsomad 2E. Lost and knoll • 34fiandlkolovins 14L eggweetomaift gine asaw 'N.. MIAs YB_ Deuifk Ergmtmaert& %ftamiutpes, al *antis - A11IEN110N1 FARMERS - - &Of *.sale 83- Crum= awn& C_ iMansetii Iliviedlovi. Lunn sensitizes _ ff.. tfan mean DEADUNITE nitssirnedi Ariis 112 Nom - Tinesiaky -Treat neratiree- Astides for sale 1- Articles for sale N -1Zzik Unitk- 3teharans. CEDAR STIED? MAT SEM. weeksi1&ascadhdile sTefrag Hrtante515-ZEIEL-114! mTar3 snmannen- del5weuNs z atilsm Blia±ant8 abes) Czniefts Mitrroam 3TLweas)) fur earftr •Dime deEnetry_ Cadets mnw etiregated far lheew nroesr- cocketeas cakw-da. ffor sto5rg deTrzery_ CO] MtErarilew Farmrs and Elattdbzuw .1T fr'l Mait1C_ --MMAER SWDZIIECMG POOLS - mrprrtry•T vtu.LELule pail aramanffiecttmer annst Ofisyszp cal tnarnd ttecwfl acedeas_ Rattly werramted„ cronlaete uath pint= =our_ Tiber_ ffemrh,„ walker mord amt dedk_ Smested atott31 grfime EM511. gire_sa _speinW off MY!) III2ar Fne %2/2//f Tir.ttrn ainIC net= famenclre am:Tim-VT:HIP CAI tgil free 11-51DD-M33-1944L-117Lb4 GARDEN SZEEDS GALORE. mius_ BeTnnia Scats, greipunot GlIzYwFTrr, kauth fferttuMeet.. Special' sails amd himtincilmaraill sauppbes_ Ekiiker FaalT1103 and Gorden Gettre, 22 Isaac St_ Cat_ Open dankly 5846 pam_-Ettlear c.JETViir Ihriziliutrsha rad Cortland an ciad SLD a tagne0 plus crintainer_ AIso ffreslh aaggaile cider at Art BeErs Frudt Fartm_ Mame M&SIIK_ AV43ITh IITEE DRIENIG RUSE any9 you= biz get iche cried top mow_ We thew a moargnete nue off standard amd sgeed tar3c5es saock pars ;parts arid amtesszafies. Cioattazt Doris EitchRega&rs. • Ornmcio Street, Cantu& Pthate 4E21-$9411_ Actffizred Deaaller Seitine_ Rzletgb arad NCroo &Mims. -/Zaar HANDWER 4:131KOCIrEER Mt? utin amEled batik dazEite sin& errenera comntimn mrdster see Tim vzt aEild efiTrEraue- also flatentftcaL, Eike mew.; piing carm;)za.Z4I r2.. heavy green cm= mver left treatfzrzemg.. New_ Ronne 4110- 73191.-4ll REG RURAL 11LAIIIIIMML ax cantkrn, ban- cfner_ Ftrmie 402- 21.1131_--134 ONE NATTIONAL CASE 1REGMSTER. SSW grand corthEtinn. Fhcre 4152-affial-114larr FIE -A MARKET May_ Nca. 4I soutit elfarom, atarratthan. 4,, price smik,e [rev minceriTti, a=id havauear this wieekeircL-rAI • SPEED SUPERCYCLE BKCYCLE, Eike new, vitt& stand anr winter rrhErm. Slone Mt- ccraffR FLED EGNDE courEnnatfitm stereo AM -FM itaLlna, bneeik amt ahfra TIV" simeen - boat am remora pfteeir ((Garrard cfatigert wahmit Oadirret, Ele new_ Pfhtme 41KILADER. 'AMC B AND NEW OMER= CH33-41N SAWS_ 53011EaL Steve Oictdoza- lEagrai# anent. Sayrneht diTr,M31111.-1144..TSAR ONE USED GencErco baby &rrailw_ Mamie 410-SIIIBL-D4 Aompuoca-rouns rzr see sIL IF53zofe--TAMA,-E4US EILEZIREC FIIREPILACE Guano_ Migitaai UIffID az Eaczer EBectric brrozon_ Plume 4480- 7ThErt_-1142tat TEE MDEKKO,'"4.11TE TREASURY OF RECIPES, Mt pages. spare- cwifre-bacmcil and gfiastit tab in- dexed_ Noui tDy craill aft ss.aD xcf, civainnE: Ism NEEKriewarE STREASURY_ P_ CD. Eicatnrn .effnraolaEn. Mama_ Rem, 2.431.---E31.7P CDASITMG cEnbciketIN. (itgt IThoutc_ masa)T7barter_ More 2L7 - SLuxtrikk.-E4LE$ ORGAN SPEETAIL - tarto mnaznalls, peq5mils.cn ringer itmenmory cilacrds. MLR ff:r ore year-. meranD Irmandies free Dscomis kr ffear-l'F _ Retmla] can ere aggrEed guaRtaise_ IIeormfmg is easy acrid E=m_ 'Ira& HEen7y aft PaD3Z7er Itmsor Wir-CINSIL -T27 Mobile Homes T1EREE bedraccr arctrEe Ec=ir. 2 yewsdkt °mated am caffgm recL 'Phone 4:30-1113fil, -12-D4 hebed 1 Astides for rent CHOICE lm t5, ere Side_ ready far freezer_ et:went:mein irrspctedffaramers- prates _ F Falconer_ Mane ea- STYR -341.,115iviR E A WHEELER !r•EAllJENt Es, fan" EINIRE to do yom ask'," arm;ae_ir±& cff the cud saytn. g ore cnam-s tz=ili is ano&er- rmarriNs ttreasare_ NOW go to accur bersernentt acadi =tin eta etcse annuartteel Enemas cif lantaks. esbes, breaks. toys_ knack knacks, ett. acrid 132.1, SEUL. TRADE anit9 BUY at our ffaimniiler W EELD4- DEALleir DAYS OF MN, cm SatIntelay April D5 z die FLEA 24AREET2 mr_les Sena ell Cl Oy a Few tahDes Bet batik Frans mow_ Pstre of Sle the Ferman who briregs thre =tea etearis_ hfrommagifuto 410-7/17/2_-114 APPLES. varxeamd Spies. Ilea Reds. serf reasons...Nile amytE=le. Reets MiildSetcars flaffi243 Lane. 11 mottlatast cf litaySell&-414417 ELECTRIC Ewer homer game: berm heti_ Mete 410 -1125S_ --141z • 1$127 CAVALCADE bran* cautr:per. nsi et_ an censveniientesex- cellent ceiRtinet. Phone SZ41-4151181 a:berg pin. -4d GETjfl PRINESSIINCIPL caimidftiOgnmais ISAIT-11111=F Mtn MU CUR FIMLSIMG-tfle =Vile asseth-ase =net (Meanies meathse that pan - mars =mat ROWS eft water and ritainin stuff= - armors nee rifts din. gpme zed restarts tis Ste cane stext *tee IfieN are iimanullanft lammed an - testes your ones OtExili ant ERIESW CIEMIN10211032 gag Hose& Ormildisip Castro 482544 1 Y • Artichs for rent SZ NG POOLS TO RENT - VIM tease mod irtstatI ft= Ihzureivuthers fAri*Dny sire maiming= submarine poc,,% with petal& Choke aff szees. mmeteg, 4t -E2 %mins zr` co a one. tam a three year rental WIN cods= tiO CWT.. Try before yam bite CID tan free B -8316 -MS - MAL -Maar PLYWOOD forms, eges =liter glower trowel etc. For= ties stacked_ Farr frifrarematiczn cal2 MU_ CcirriaeneoL Zumisch MIS -C6 after 41 aam_ aiteekstae:s_ Anytime isteekeinds. -Meer ...goWL-14%2 1 Artides for rent FORAINsilt RENTALS - Dress EV G fart We flaw tisecomupbete Service ara ('ober Men's Wear, Main SL, Can= tForznertv Pickett amid etircp- be:UN Lr )-1-ttEn Articles wanted KURrOUSFTY KORNER will taw ci=arrgtm, csaplete *s•Tam3F.I.inart, zrat.. cc s-ritt#- pieces of tar - =mare_ Best price paid or %LEI sell by e=ction.. Do toot 110.s tiara& Qs, ii7 Mani Sttret„ Sealarth. *ore M --133E -tEsta 111011.16 aLe. i• • • • 14,4 Athdes wanted IKE ARE ZIOAW bawninE itniS or pars hos of ficmiture and plimmir.F.g. If you I:lave articles to sell primat or by auction contact Rathwell's Auction Service. Phone -4K1-3i2O ar 527 - MEL -32tin WANTED: Old brick ImiirrinEs for demolition and •=goli.wp, e purposes. Camara os Lumley. 11S5 Morpity Road_ Sarnia_ --Mtfar glachirz belk. rx-4--zs cower. WM buy tor cash or sell by ,FinCtiOrt Mike Cortamings, Auctioneer _ Phone zr.,-7-.4,81€4._ CTR1 S BRO-12MEE UNIFORM size 12 in suasortably D3od 1:1311- alitiOrt- Phone -1M-717-41 daytime DT 4M-731Satter 5:Mip_m_-14t1 WAL.1*ITED TO BUY roll top desk. BallS,wmrre 535-2.4411-14AR • e =.77."'•,;;:',,* 5331,-ItiMaa 7_ Rh4a1mgUteirnsik 72.[Sx%iltetUttedvse mmommmommOMMMOMMONMIll & For sale 41 ROM' been palergrad con- daican. Phone after 5:.3:0 port- 52-- 714E.--412-165 12 ET_ rariarramtlizcal Eliavater_ -dizkaattar uc2:2a barrows__ Pk/me 515-SNAL.-EZt_tt CERTIEFITED TREFOIL:- Len Nto 1L. WM per lb.: Empire_ Nb- perIbOterrraer fc; per- cent germ. M.15 ger Ek.- Seated inm 51)If.begs FOB Wri=tpeg_ lArfices satbjject ten chare wittitirt auttrire_ 3.21agts GthS. FISEEER BRANCH.. MLAN_ Nrist- Ei-_--TI,All..14L-VAR (zum.warlial cff wind P...-tdt earth Hertel Berky, srP"-t-h fxx- Ptiozne4MLMIL.--E-11E5 NIF ARBflCEIThE ETTABLE POSITIER far litarbk. and ozntrail Seed gra±ta cinders =paw taizela_ Famrma ESardnaczre. EeztEzb aiidS mud arargbete lame Eitirra RAKER'S Ft AND GARDEN CENTRE Ur SL CE=0.. c dada- S aim_ S LEL. gieurtter Eke treat_ CALSA Sgarser 3I borera_ PbTre- Re sail Livestock Sales ..EVERTIBURSRILT RI I:31P PAL. AM waymessaff Lisesiocit IIIVINE TOUR CONSM111111130S tibreammem 1111211271ZE (Mimeo Illfterw111111Mar 92111.111Arresatiam ami za•Coszikeemes PIONEER SEED CORN ' VAINIERES AVIUMMILE Mb pee) UM MAL 111 RATS We USD RJR. ICI RATS *WPM TERM& 12 SATS 313'511 (SC) Vie KU. el SATS Ake atbarmariselas - JACK MAYHEW MR 3 - MORON 1111011E41112.113% Taw espresissitaesa bar Gesissida T --l4 sad am Areas. 'Slaty forvoor casSounters of AW- L fischer - passaa feel brae to oda um. For sale USED TRACTORS- CL.Zeti 1:010,It Clalktiratiar, SMIVAirNaVaaer, 711,74.1, for tractors fin= 10 n) 1.477 h 1r, New and used tiErters-- raew p/Tri zizfed parsb in=le)elr'S... Open dauly May to Sir hy_ Pr1 -,71r4 Service Ia- pogalar rrnires of mowers_ liztetints VeTT1F7r,f, Bemananier_ Pitag -"214-7M----1425 =-1) MEN rt,PF-RF Cataa ita14,X1 -- -rrJrtrTp(ahaS.. 1:2110:2e 45:2S1_ Lem Arettamobazdt---14.15 EVETEA141 CELADI SAWS arrive in C,,,Tr..1Ergsellriong chain saw ISCT St-Ae,F.s Cazaal Proffeal tranodels Lon $314_55 and up_ Robert G Den Saws_ RR 1. Clinton. Outerne. Iiirestodi Ft SALE: 11=ebtled !Ramp - shire boars stuaNe age, ROP tested alSo York X Elsamp boors_ Rob Roibin RR4 Walton_ • 345-M17.-14-16 FO gezretrred York boars, Tr -411 barEt fat from _46 to Pr=me M-43/74-,airzyne_---14 BRED GILTS. wedumnbaaaely Yc X Landrame, bred to zneat zwipe omstant szipoty rarge E .rFsipelas and Leptospiros,is vaccinated _ 1.=Vanden flenvel W4- 4258.-13-17 L Fano services' SEEIPPING CATTLE to TOFOOrtD irzziom Ss eVery Monday_ 4DwrIrph*I PirMeley_ Phone 2EL 54311 -5-13 Rwdetais on Corn&Been plans call P.A. Emir u GiumaGs ST, CLINITOINI 4122-11135? ktAkeepe \In 131-131111 HOEGY FARM SUPPLY LTD. INKNISULGEN 34549411 AMR ROUES - 311420 Barn Washings. Disinfisoing and Spraying with "Carbolan setatterams end dbikollects us It wilorims.us wear usaintrulans ales CAITUESIFRATIM for • Ilona iltrbleatenhd s. Cass, trucks for sale -TS 'SUBURBAN SIERRA GRAMDE., piNaer steerim,power brakes, standard transmission_ 40/150 miles, Tear camp tiaras - rack_ Phone 4F2 - 911M._ -44,15 75 CAMARO 350 V -S automatic. power steerirg, new tires, best offer_ Phone ether IBM pan. -14-1f) BM FORD COMM ATMITTIniir. PETWEr Steeria. s is SEELMO- Pircine Iga NOVA 2 door, 35B VS_ with rally package. -Phnne ISES INTEMNATION-1.1 TRUCE 01., VA, 5 speed transtniin. GVW _ M. Mr box_ Simi twist with rack. with or without satety check_ Phune4152-371K3--14 eamined6r See use today Stir toll your New & Used Car sand Tor& Needs. MMTLYR", 263‘1011111,1WINNER j 14 DJDLD,Y Fienassmarrui. iwarrest ilklisertiSt. tfcet Et;„,‘ ERIE :Stritlettney alurnirunu Zbedissannaon large gut With ;2e1:10E11115 voirikstinp_ firiUrrtor tlecor ,aearIV.4nsion AIPPer Thirties_ MIELLINE7133111 ,SIFASEET itezmittly Isenunteltiad zsal Tnentud, This zws bails, 3 liestnann 1rne laas mint "to oiler_ Pr iteed =e - 4D SThiriz;;RtitiamE 11.7 Storey ateninuorn.gretterttor Imam couple_ SOW amble, aslcirm S23.AIRL -3/AMES .1301REOT 4:nizeti Ztiotiroolo auartinie; electric beat RED 33RICK Unite with 'tally madam ioziton25- U:hmus. 1 lz2 luatiE wet =loin_ Di laE ..L13TA1ID/11: -13stlarrio Struo/ 341xedrorim Esutietl aan Dffiam,-in-Voe-••taxinse irtiNOT business mertion. 340:91:01. YIELD: L1 q. -11. 3 - bedroom , Nen? prated ;twist ver 4113, HIJRDN •wit-ittit : TDP: 2-3rednaam brim& bungatovv. lovely T4tillEMEENIT 131- starter larute. S371300. ViSIC ID s DM V1/11.3 CATALDZIIE WITH int - TIMM 1FF •TittiaDST PROPERTHES_ Mi311 jzifts Maranney. ,Dfftue 44/12-37416 +lame 4E113652 REALESTATE LIMITED 1IDYMAN Bsimmuinv - 3 bethinnurrenovatetiand-regairtur wur Iierstmeil Tmithing /decor. Walking &stance le luval. ICEUXIC SY 'THE IFIREPLAIME in this lovely 3 Indrawn ivoine. 212 'baths with Matter •en suite. qkrrinal /lining area_ Eareitert, luunticon_ VALIJE PLUS - '2 loeitnnum gruund *our .thapiez. large 4rit- lien4ninity vicann /with i1 Seff‘curitairied - teem= malt Amir. Serpai-Ate 'heating warms_ Vii,A•tiltiAlti ELEGANCE - anti 'family living in this slaw:ism 34 tettraurnEiritik In Mature trees ,entraai 1_ Muse lo !NEWlawn cusrms - iambs= buisjpflove %DT the UAW CCM- StitilES aan ~Mks St_ Waite Assam INEW SEIRIZEETATIRED - with IsitszTtraing spare4ta *rice yaw can aliand S34.310 AMP - View 3 beano= litarnesavaCellusiiarTriare Philurmeilian SPACIOUS 4. SEIRTGITT - 113:1SV ;irked 34 Mavens= inanity flume . Centrality locale& EBEADTIFUL CEDAR WINE - nsultnithed covefling aintice lIn surrattiled by =Mum trees_ OWN the Wad VOW *WWI u.DE:63, 4tt 525,11110 - %bur critnigut, Quid .ca thertrounn agsaltneetts. Mtn ,ranlIge *Wen egynnundvilie.. 389MB_ - ihrmad Mantic vanonsiun Misaitarsitilly liscsrartdasttimarptotSti. 3:10eer 1:rre Wt. -itourMlbathasernieurne 4:3 Atanagrna.. Eszttras littlante tlininv "tom, rent "mum, marpoil_ eikeely 4cl:swanned anti maringeted_ - mins Zifsbk. lor *kis aaessemal Slime nada was mumps anti thedrumn .442 tier s_ W9:9111) - •illessrztlapisx._221tese!no laustiess ant Minton_ 39SI3_ -SareesUnlilultettannh= 1Flour Issimen Intl& 'tisane tin anutistiun_ Winderz adrivelmedwousidludiur qrstatry myr Z561ODO_ - -nagtannsidl want) ,Win ,4clasa rtS 131G1 RX121111155._ 4,4411 7352zently Itesnevateti_ aced *smitten artn thusly Ingheiszty . S.129=0, - Obtrwes giant) abating= ,plit4tevellarnettlbunse Ayears3ohi_rAtuderzaurznIzzilidiugs sel Alp lur Inueses, - asaimegsinallhlutek twine nal aalyth_ ttilony attras Mande is amity -mum linuplatm • sun nienic, -net "mom, nicatne -vidg-id- ttMlunaNiteetilit2Z395 jtitni Zir4t Aumaier ititerfADDZI55 fi 111331 t MenEiessesteZini.. Monitor ..../wavuern=Aturry ,asti mheei linvasa. ;,9 mom Illsouse aamoZsion 4111.11 UVWUW atreeslavogicaaino - '3110.mirmailaffiri "damn -,a0mairisteaastaamertm awretimazso, lizaiatassmsEnw -auran_ zap mviRet =11.0%. Qui fltt. tom qaternerris TIASY '113WiteBIP =srviunn slied.z4,-arees !tone Itrueiee, *Nana. tann!P 111"41 35ODERIZI•FTOWINEidiliP artimisaranzur :31211zceli 113WIESSRPP ,atrw naawrAy -disarm S4 lug& acaii Itsillsiitztrtsatistelastm .3231T -*1 --COWNISHFP "liSt .arte nlesi •uti alinsh =Cu 'am= mnause , sErem.zttravenuial 35 413:51ZES Waver Rxwerry mom 4kaver 4 M1Lf113§1 X.-12MIDIN +lujnunayA ZE}suthipzellin BelEOZSERIM 1111D-ree =cop'oteran =rat* slaww7earrl • 'The 7tosvm zff Manton .ft =Oitoritim Sise ainkaidetsiMiii MI-eidikaA;Ablwrinnaakt Rtortz:AMast%Alloilt "Mr =:untavadauresSurooy.:=reiseEbost walioa3iFfoloarakt4orrOlorivisi_ ,"Tialoolloritavolldiatg4ott. %artharrimearaantionznaly4wea*NsiedtaStreiserVinstulAssics affaxa. Saalad =Aims .arMi dsearcespessitby litheMisaiesaaliikseamaiSt" zparn-zon p117L • CC:C.Rrawirstuatiaz41111. Millosoni:Minsurdia. ..1.;KTIM5 MILINTIM iW iiCZLIMDTiZIFFTMANIMMS21 alS162133403RliaiMMi4lEPION3 aMiRRY irAfarf WEND S7;c136; lattiovorn. 1 %law rlacone, wOod .:undltion 3aurVisedunumainnninummittedannannpre grotty- SISMOD370 - intinnum. 1 limn- Int* latme. woad nmundition . lettruum arinyinaidedlonnte.41ustelloldwattnunn 33NrAtheidnatornlanneeilmittcmiclitiuniNunii AtimednarrniiiethumeAnmeatit ARWiertSi. sLe Mame Ait =nth thause =midtr.weeuedtty linnitscw a. math:3 Inatue 4:432OdrOOCTI aisminormnited Image athInettnItionnitenwn AREA MinerinaliTitielgirrOZ t'Itirie."1QEM AVEaraerOltdd 3 leOill3PRITI *mime, 31r2 acmes. 49. aim:Nate 4ganufge anent EBnorelleld 3 %edam= istome. 17 acres, 11thurz. =reek. mew Jinn dgetbOTID abed12111,171.111111O1111MO 43611 I drfeitErSO 3 tbeenNUM *wee 4evapaskicormiNion4nAtarwattra Mondriontilinmerin*Idzwililiuminittenuetten 3taindronntsridetigenzeognIlbuithige Sawcres view -Senihnith.vosteiveliameteAlunmtaister. 39,4199DAID alarms. 2 =Wes Ininn Senitelh„ZIonntrinitelonniee. %lent 'tired Mt arms, 44 'mites inum Itheanirrt*Y -reguntatii tm= Intik Monne inUESTANENT Ff.1.15E5,-; Atills "pig rawaftLesprienrettailAtelik. Earelleditiate IV alms, rredilettidailvweN FrAiimmesiike Starnmillftatn3areffinMinftravilisapt. CLargire Ridtcon Main Streditift =Wen Allio EOM,/ SVisperirrtelsmear %Mei% FRUOVIS Searles. 12001a. tissra. MOW loan dadassrs MS0 Qtal5S. 31Sitasisl laatss. norms. M Alesits. Ifter ceedisro WE -MET 724areres.010,Eikriraideertimerytteelogs.12t rinwles tram EMOUNKLW limAZZE ....i.........4EttledreerasirnertyatnemsAmgyeiel,ClailbOitsses. North aff Oriirrith