HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-19, Page 7HEALTH 41, empty. Is st not generelly known, gr at
leaet observed, that iodine and its stilts ere
to be admiuistered on ae empty stomecla, as
Gall -Stones the presence of istarch and acids, modifying
The bile aids in promoting the peristatlie or decomposing the preparations of iodine,
or worm.like motions of the intestiues, and would reduce or prevent their effect. The
the digestibility et Mt, It flows Ociustantly acids intended to affect the gastric juices ere
from the liver, where it is secreted, into the to be taken before a meal, in order to pro
duodenerns-the first portion of the ietes- yoke an ample secretion of the gastric: glands.
tines, about six itichee long, -and also ieto If alkalies are to modify the gastric Juices,
the gall bladder, to be poured out as wanted they must be given during the meal ; but if
upon the halfaligested feed in its ?wane their Absorption into the blood is desired,
from the etomach. A large pert of tn e bile they ought to be ingested on an. empty stom-
is re absorbed front the inteetioes luta the AAA, in order not to hinder the procees of
system, chymification by weakening the oxide. Me
About seven.eights of it is water, Of the Mlle salts; especially corrosive sublimate,
rest, some fivegievenths are salts of differed likewise tannic acid, elcohol, and other
kinds, one-fifth mucus and pigment, or drugs, modify or destroy the digestive
coloring matter, one fourteenth fate; and power of pepsine, and are hence to be ad -
about one part in fifty-four is what is celled ministered solely before meals. Small
cholesterin°, and iss eupposed to be the waste quantities of alcohol, as contained in the or -
of net , tissue. dinary and medical wines, do not injurious -
lrei animist as this choleeterine la in ly affect pepsiee like the liquors rich in al.
quant y,-lesa than three parts in one cohol. Iron,phosphates, cod-liyer-oil, and
5h011ifEA d of the bile, -it forma the greater similar medicines may be taken during meal -
pant a IT1Ofit gall -stones. Mixing with the thne.
pigment, or coloring matter, it hardens
around casts thrown from the finer duets of
the liver.
They are formed in the liver, where some
remain, enlarge, and give rise to abscesses.
Others are carried into the gall bladder,
where they may grow by constant accretion.
,' They may occur either singly, or in small ,
or large numbers in the bladder. When
they are numerous, they vary in aize, from
ehe fraction of a grain to ten or twelve
grains; most of them however, are of near:
ly uniform size, between two or three grains.
The solitary galbstone is supposed to be
one that has been left after the smaller ones
have been expelled. Continuing to enlarge,
it may fully block up the passage, and came
the gall bladder to be greatly cliatended with
mucus. Such cases require the surgeon'e
knife and the operation is a sure one and
exceedingly safe.
Sometimes the stone, causing inflammation
a,nd suppuration, works its own way .out,
either through the side, or into the intes-
tines or into the cavity of the abdomen.
In the last case it is fatal. o
It is generally the smaller ,stones which
cause the intense pain of biliary colic. The
duct becomes acutely inflamed by the pas-
sage of the first, and then by others follow-
ing through the inflamed passage in rapid
succession. Powerful opiates are necessary
during their passage. i
It s believed that certana waters prevent
their formation. Of this, aowever, there is
no satisfactory proof.
Common Balt.
The power of the soda used in cooking to
relieve the pain of burns is now extensively
known. Its usefulness is enhanced by its
being so common as to be usually witbin
reach. Somewhat akin to this is the effi-
a,cy of table -salt in certain forms of inflam-
mation. It iis a remedy that finds a place
in nearly all countries and households.
But the very fact that these articles are
so fe, neiliar in domestic use makes it difficult
to reg sm eais powerful remedies. It
would b tquite otherwise if they were rare,
and could be obtained only of the druggist.
It may not be amiss, therefore, to refer to
what is marvellous in their chemical com-
The base, or fundamental element, in
each is the same, -a most wonderful metal,
which burns with an intense flame when
heated. to a temperature twenty-two de-
grees less than that of boiling water. This
metal is sodium. Combine it in the proper
proportion with carbonic acid, -the gas
thrown off from burning coal, -and. "soda,"
or, more nrnperly, bicarbonate of soda, is
produc let it combine with chlorine,
which fo. eat, in chemical unien with lime,
one of our most powerful disinfectants, and
we have the familiar salt of our tables.
It should be impressed on the minds cf
our readers that there is the highest medi-
cal authority for the statement that there is
nothingbetter than common salt for a
iany or-
dinary nflammation of the throat, mouth,
or nasal passages. Dissolve a dessert spoon-
ful in a coffee cup, and gargle the solution,
or snuff it up the nose until it comes out in-
to the back -mouth. Repeats two or three
times a day until cured.
Dr. Thackery, of Philadelphia, has found
that salt is effective in the most violent at-
tacks of orpeipelas, and, moreover, leaves
no unsightly scars behind. He uses a satur-
ated solution -that is as strong as it can
be made, -and simply keeps the parts cov-
ered with a cloth wet with it. At the same
time he cools the system with a dose of Ep-
som salts, mixed with lemon juice, and
orders a light farinaceous diet.
As erysipelas is so sudden in its attacks,
and so speedy in its action, those located at
a. distance from doctors would do well to
make a tpocial note a thie.
With .regard to the channels through
Which the contagions organisms are spread
a few words will suffice to state what is
known on this point, which is intimately
connected with the subject of disinfection.
Air and water are the chief media for the
propagation of infectious disease. In the
ease of scarlet fever, which has been taken
as the type, the scales detached from the
skin and similar tisanes from the throat
contain the germs of the disease, and these
find their way into the atmosphere and are
received into the lunge. They attach them-
selves also to articles of clothing and fur-
niture, and are thus:often carried to long dis
tames. In the cases of cholera and typhoid
fever, the discharges from the Patient find
their way into water, which thus becomes
channel by which the diseases are pro-
p, ted. Food, too, may become similarily
con iiiinated. Milk, fer instance' has been
often known to conyey the poisons of ty-
phoid fever, of ecarlet fever, and of diph-
theria. En the case of the first, the contarnin,
alien has been probably due to adulterating
milk with foul water containing the disease
germs, but it may have arisen in some cases
from the typhoid emanations having been
absorded by the milk. The poisons of seard
let fever and diphtheria were propably trar s-
mitted to the milk from the skins and,
throata of persons employed in the dairy,
and recently convalescent or scarcely recov.,
eted from attacks of these diseases. The
germs of certain other infectious diseases'
find their way into the system through
abraded eerfacee of the body.
What is the Proper Time to Take Medi -
The question whether a presenbed me -
eine should be taken before or after a nseal
is often put to the physicia,n, and occasicei- '
all re tires seine special consideration.
The medicinee which act a,e local irritants, ,
sueh a's the zelts of copper, iron, zite,
and arsenic, in large doses, are to be taken'
after a meal when the stomach is full, while
Bolan doses of medicines acting on the gas -
trio, terminations of the vagues. ought to be
taken before it meal. In some IA95011.008 ,IVO
haoe 50 consider chemical ehanges. Oxide
and nitrate of silver, if intended to act local-
ly on the gastric mucous membrane, must
likewise be administered when the stornech
Little Brother Bill.
BY 1088 L. liENEY.
"Please buy ,sorne cress, a ;nanny just ;
You'll like em if you will,
Then I can buy an orange, sir,
For little brother Bill.
"You see we're all alone, now, sir,
For father's gone away,
And mother ahs' e in Heaven, sir, -
Least eo the folks all my.
Andleill, he seems so tired like now,
Res lips so hot and dry,
And i( you'd see 'em hands of hie,
'Twould make you ahnost cry.
" And when I left this morninsir,
He looked so tired and white,
I vowed I'd got an orange sir,
If for it ryi to light.
"They cost a big five cents, you see
I'd like to get him two; .
Tve never made a cent to -day,
I don't know what ru do.
It knocks me all to pieces, sir,
To see him lyin' there,
His eyes, like mother's, big and bright
But, oh I so damp his hair.
'Its time I'd been to see him now,
I'm sure he'll feel real bad.
For when / left this mornin"deed
A out was all be had.
"i gathered these this mornin', sir,
They're nice and fresh you ane;
I covered them with thie wet moss,
And stood beneath this tree.
"You'll take them all? Oh, thank you, sir
How Billy's eyes will shine,
Them oranges will be more to him,
Than any big gold mine.
"Como home with me? yes, if you Wee,
There ain't much though, to see,
A broken chair and little bed
It just holds Bill and me.
"We use the chair as table, and
The bed is good enough;
For standire.round like this, you know,
, It makes a fellow tough.
"Just wait a moment, I'll be back,
They sell the oranges there;
My I won't they be a jolly treat
To spread on Billy's ohair.
'Yes; this is where we live sir, wait,
I guess ru go ahead;
Ive always got to lift Bill up,
And let him sit in bed.
" Ile's gone asleep, I know he's tired.
Here Bill I wake up arid see,
'fraid he's pretty sound this time
Bill1 Billit's time for tea I"
The stranger moved the lad aside.
And o'er wee Billy bent;
He folded down the wasted hands,
And smoothed the curls unkempt.
Then turned to his companion small,
Whil'et tears stood in his eyes-
" Wee Bill will never wake my lad
He's gone above the skies."
The boy gazed at the sileht form
Hls eyes with anguisb wild,
Then with a great heartrending cry,
Sank down beside the child.
The stranger tookhim to his home,
And o'er him watched with care;
But all in vain, his heart still ached,
Wee Billy was not there
And now they're lying side by side
Within the churchyard gates;
And one there is who pauses there,
And muses as he waits.
And fancies as he silent stands
That he can hear him still:
"Please buy I then I can get an orange
For little brother Bill."
Away from the busy turmoil of life
Dwelt a couple infirm and old,
Their cheeks were farrowed with many a ears,
Their forms were bent, and gray their hair,
For sorrow had etamped its impress there,
But their hearts wive far from cold.
In that hidden nook a maiden fair,
Gifted with beauty rioh and rare,
And used to trouble, toil, and rare,
Was thine ale people's stay.
A foundling on their doorstep left,
Of parents; friends, and all bereft,
A pretty babe scarce sfx months okl,
ieft there to perish in the cold
One bleak December's day.
These good old people found the ehild,
And raised her as thoir own,
And well does she repay their care,
For with a love beyond compare,
This lovely creature, young and fair,
Makes gay their humble home.
Sweet Neste is a winsome maid,
And counts her labors well repaid
By one endearing glance or word
From grandma, by the fire.
Oh happy, happy is the cot
Where content is the inmates' lot,
Happy the home where love and joy
Lacks mixture with the base alioss-
Though humble Is the cottage roof,
Blithe Nesta is a living !woof
That claims of love ne'er tire.
Oh, may sweet Nesta always be
As winsome and as good
As she is now, and then she may
Pus on her way without dismay,
From early morn till evening gray,
Nor fear the bad or rude.
"The Man That Ett yer Paither I"
An excellent brass laequer consists of eight
mimes shellac, two ounces sandarac, tWO
ounces annotto, quarter-ounee dragon's -
bleed resin, one gallon spirits of wine. The
article to be lacquered ,shonld be heated
alightly, and the lacquer Applied by stone
it soft camel -hair brush.
An ingshioue proeese fpr giving it silver
Surface to iron has reoeutly boon devised in
A.ustria. The iron is first covered with
moreery, and silver is deposited upon its
surface electrolytioally. The iron is then
heated to about 300' C., and the mercury
evaporates, leaving the layer of silver on the
eurftese of the iron.
Organ -pipes are made of equal parte by
weight of tin and led, which melts at three
hundred and aeventy degrees rolled in eheets.
The wilder is made of one and a half part
tin, one part lead by weight, which melts at
three hundred and thirty-four degrees. Sol-
der vvith a copper bit and resin. Some care
must be used and a little practice to accom-
plish the soldering smoothly, so as not to
melt the pipe. If the solder ehould be found
not tractable enough, add half a part bis-
The Sivt.,A;lest Gtrl SehoOl. I fibrous Alsturio
" sho'D the "weetest girl in relinc'IP "' 00o gox*Motal for setiMal beerier in inaohiner
th d d e 8troet fro. meet. Ask your hardware dealer foe it. Ar...ONEO W.
thusiastically exclaimed one yeung miss to Guaranteed cepper mixed, amis. es every require -
another, ey passe own
SPOONER, Patentee and Menufooturer, Port flope.
other. " Edith so kind and gentle end
unselfish, every oite likes her. And she brie • a Decorated Wok.
lovely golden hair and pretty eyee. Isn't it ' wnngs I dawkilsatite site.
Persons who are bubject to asthma. should.
be extremely careful in their diet. As a
rule, bulky foods should be avoided, and
not much 'lipid taken. Toast should be
eaten rather than bread, and all raw or un-
derdone vegetables and meats must be re-
fused. Stramonium in the form of cigars
ettes afferds relief. Vegetable stimulants,
such as pepper, capsicum, and mustard, fa
cilitate digestion, and are teerefore helps in
asthma, but alcohol should be avoided, or
taken only on an emergency. Of all aloe -
hello stimulants whiskey -and -water or
brandy -and -water would be most suitable.
A great point is to keep the bod.y, and es-
pecially the feet, always warm.
Take ten fibres of the filling in any silk,
and if on breaking they show a feathery,
dry, and lack -lustre condition, discolortring
the fingers in handling, you may at once be
sure of the presence of dye and artificial
weighting. Or take a small portion of the
fibres between the thumb and forefinger,
and roll them over and over very, gently,
and you will soon detee't !the guff, mineral,
soap and other anarsedie0s of the one, and
the absence on'them In the other. A simple
but effeertive test of purity is to burn a small
quantitai ef the fibres. .Pure silk will in-
stantly crisp, leaving only a pure charcoal ;
heavily dyed silk will smoulder, leaving a
yellow, greasy ash. If, on the oontrary, you
cannot break the ten stramis, and they are
of,a, natural lustre and brilliancy, and fail
to diecolour the fingers at the point of con-
tact, you may be well assured that you have
a pure silk that is honest in its make and
durable in its wear.
a pity her complexion is so bad ; it spoils .ii Wia 1 41
tail, at the Orme.
. . o es e an e
e -
headaehee "! The girls skipped aleing, but West, Toronto. NAZONAL DIANUI ACeUR co,
it happened 'Edith's mother had ticarcl what tc rn
be dene for thoee headaches and the rough, ShorthigecV?Py:srsieti duVotrklineniner i!olidays, iu
University and Shorthand Institute, Public 1.0.:rary
her gentlf.3 daughter, She recalled what she
SNOW 1,111107
The Snow Drift Baking Powder Co., llranttord, 901
laer looks. And then She has such dreadful DILATED GOLD MEDAL TENT MANDFACTO 1, 'JO KI St.
r ,
they said. It set her thinking. What could Tres MI $ and Students, Attention'
muddy eomplexion, that was such a trial to el -e- Wr'ite for Wpartiolats U
had reed of Dr, Piercees Golden MediOa 181.
Xi"Idingi Toronto.
covery, and on the spur of the moment she CHARLES 11. 13ROOKS, Manager,
slipped into a drug store and bought a amp.,
ply, Edith. took it faithfully, with the re -
suit that it cleared her disordered blood, re-
lieved the headaches, made her e n so t, St. Catharines. Ont.
fair and rosy: titid now she is not only the
beautiful. BEtaEueRwLeelkY; sOetveSeTnElatilltSreliiiii
ae who commits a wrong will himself in- S40, $60, and ees ; ateturn Tickete, Ss% ea% arid 81Q0 ,
arn6d. Liverpool.
sweetest girl in 0211001," but the most
Rams or reason:a-Saloon, Illoatreal to Liverpool,
evitably see the " writing on the wall," -according to Steamer and eceommodation. inter-
ediate and Steerage at lowest rates For further
though the world may not couet him guilty. m
particolara an to secure Berth, apply to 0. E.
General Manager, 1 Custom House
uOintmobuskouedrebtyheboroaard othrastigIneaci; s to health, • Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dig.
ferent Towns and Pities.
Weeom avails not, waveriess ie wealth
The cloud =seals th sun ;
lint do not di tpair with llie there
rtiluSateins aent411)%svinUeogees'alErenadelyrrhep'reesRetr.
To month those a Les of thine.
With Ideroe'e rAvarite Preseriptioa at hand on the rell ef this Ire-titution. To thorough, prate
Rad Been There.
" Vhill you haf aometings in my line to-
day ?" he blandly queried, as the young man
stopped in front of the clothing store.
No, I guess not."
"No goats nor pants ?"
"1 sell you a two dollar hat for twelve
shil ling. '
"I've got hats enough. I'm just weitin.g
for a car."
"Say I let me show you sometings. Look
at dot linen duster. He vhas oudt of a new
lot Shust come in dis morning. I sell
"Oh, no you don't 1 I know all about
linen dusters I" •
"1 sellyou dot duster for two dollar."
"Not any! I bought one two or three
years ago, and I got my eye-teeth cut."
"My frendt, now vhas dose eye teeth
cut ?"
"Why the thing wasn't good for anything
except to travel in, and I never travelled a
rod all that year !"
The minister of a rural parish belts; once
sent for to a shepherd's house to christen
a wean," a big fat cock was killed for the
christening tea. Like most herds' children,
those in the house in question 'were allowed
to run about half wild, and glowered with
holy ...ear from belaincl doors and chests at
the man of prayer, Who was observed to eat
meet of the cock himself. The youngsters,
doubtlese, made many sage reflections on
his verse -lots appetite, but took good care
to keep out of his roach. A month or two
after wheii the minister was visiting in the
parish, he came back to the shepherd's co
again an& as he tcated hirnself lit an arm.
chair by the fire, a hen and chickens
marched in, having the run of the home as
usual. The children seemed terrified, but
at last moiled in between the poultry and
the mitister, and cried, Glee wa'--gae
'we I" Then they " whusht " the heti and
chielsens out of the hotise, exclaiming as they
seampered over the doorstep, " Whish -
Whish Rin, rin ! That's the man that et
yor faithor I"
I The Italian Government denies the recent
ly rep9rted defeat of Italian troop e by th
Abyassniana gassourah.
You life's full °muse may run, heal instruetion, and the efficiency and success of
More truth than poetry in these lima as mem,
ter1118r O'Cri mailed free.
Its graduates, this College owes its pularit • Cir.
Po S
thousands of ladies all over the land now M. geoCORMICK Principal,
bloeming with health, testify to the great
curative powers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite WAS MACHINES 2 kinds
Prescription, adapted by much research and Wring -
era 10 kinds; Mangles, 3 kinds, ChurnaCarpet Sweep -
careful study to the bappy relief of all those
grA1,111itaots Choppers, Trucks, and other oundries.
weakenessee and ailments peculiar to fe- IliDlIBTEllth WORM co., Ramuton Canada.
males. All druggists. Send for article wanted. I lustrated Catalogue.
When we have learned to avoid wasting --HE LONDON GUARANTEE
the other, we begin to appreciate its true
C-h-oo ! C -h -o -o ! C -h -o -o ! ! !
time on the one hand and " crowding" it on
llaalltiflll Jalliffrifffi Birthder Card want
to any baby whose mother will send na the
names of two or more other babies, end their
parente' addreireee Also a Ilandeolne 1)15
mond Dye flateple Card to the mother and
much valuable information,
Wells, Ricbardsoa At Co., Montreal.
Bicycles I
Second.fland Machines
New Catalogue Ready let April
All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' Lead*
Slug,s and Metal Furniture. Send tor priCee,
Allan Line Royal gall SteamahiPs,
Sailing during vrinter from Portland every. Thureday
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in that.
met from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling
at I4ondonderry to land mails and passengers frit
Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via, Hall.
fax and St. John's, N. F. to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer month% l'he steamers of the Glas
gow Hall during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and ; and durbleaum.
mar between. Glasgow and Montreal weekly ,01segow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
IJP f rtni htl
For freight, passage, or other nfomation apply to
A. Soltunaoher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard 0o.,
Halifax ; Shea, & Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wra. Thomp.
son es Co., St. John, N.B.; Allen it Co., Chicago
Love At Alden, New York; Souther, Toronto'
Aliens, Rae 00, Quebee ; Wm. Brookie, Philadel
phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston. Montreal
Capital, a260,000. Dominion Government Deposit,
400,000. llead Office : 72 King St, East, Toronto.
Gentlemen of Influence wanted in unrepresented
• i . T. ,
Don't sneeze, sneeze, hawk, hawk, spit, Resident Secretary for the Donainion.
blow, and disgust everybody with your of- NTARIO CANOE COMPANY
fensive breath. If you hasve aortd, watery
l'eterboro', Out.
discharees from the nose and eyes, throat
disease, causing. choking sensations, cough,
ringing noises in head, splitting headache
and other symptoms of nasal catarrh, res
member that the manufacturers of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith,
8500 reward for a oaire of caarrh which they
cannot cure, The Remedy is sold by drug-
gists at only 50 cents.
The telephone operator has a perpetual
holler -day.
Catarrh, Catarrhal luearness and
Hay Fever.
Sufferers ereenot generally aware that these diseases
and eustachian tubes. Mioroscor research, bowever, a r AUGERS, bore 20 feet
are contagioua, or that they are due to the presence
of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose 11003111=111{1111
A perfectly -balanced character is seldom
found. Each virtue seems to have its off-
setting foible. Amiability is apt to be alli-
ed with weakness; a -vigorous pushing char-
aoter is often impulsive, harsh, and unjust.
A reflective mind is plow to act; a prompt
mind is often wrong. So through all the
elementary characters. All the qualities
that go to make up a perfect moral nature
rarely appear in one person. The physical
and intellectual do not always evenly bal-
ance. There are those possessed of stronger
moral than mental nature. They constitute
the spasmodic impulsive element in society.
There are others whose intellects so abso-
lutely.control their moral nature that no-
thing is admitted that capnot be reasoned
out satisfactorily. There are persons whose
strong animal natures dominate all else;
both mind and spirit are subservient. To
regulate all these parts so as to attain a fair
degree of equality is the right step toward
securing what may be called balance in
=Send lc. Stamp for catalogue.
ilWilliams Roofer
Manufacturer and deeler in
Tarred. Felt, Roofing Building Pa. MAN1JFACTURE ONLY
pers. Carpet and Deafening Felt. READY
IltMlFING, Etc. 4 Adelaide St. E., TORONTo.
has proved this to be a fact, en the result is that a r h ur Al Drills -Hand Horse
e o . so Rock or
gteam Power. Send for Catalogue.
shnple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, i
entente' deafness and hay fever are cured in rom
one to three simple applicatione made at borne. A laldlaw Manufacturing Co.
pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free HAMILTON, ONT.
on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 Ring
Street West Toronto Canada •
Cornelius Vanderbilt's four sons are the
editors, proprietors, printers and publishers
of a lively amateur paper called the Comet.
Who are Weak, Nervous and exhausted ; who feel
themselves losing strength; who are pale, delicate and
sickly in appearance, suffering' from the many com-
plaints peculiar to women -send for axtd read
M. V. LUBON'S Treatise in sou aux on the Dig.
eases of Women. Dialled sealed and secure from
observation on receipt of 6o. in starops, ITMEALED
MEE. Address, V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St
Met. Toronto, Ont. •
It is only married men who want but lit-
tle ear below.
People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once
be relieved by using Dr. ()arson's Stomach Bittern,
the old and tned remedy. Ask your Druggist,
The mathematician's favorite season is
the Summer. The milkman's is the Spring.
EMIG MEN suffering from the effects ot early
evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find
themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also MID.
DIA15.2.0lID and OLD MEN who are broken down from the
effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced We
feel the consequences of youthful exoess, send for and
READ 31.7. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two So. stamps. Address M. V. LIMON, 47 Welling-
ton St. But Toronto Ont
Steel when hardened, decreases in speci-
fic gravity, contracts in length, and increases
in diameter.
opium, morphine chloral., tobacco, and
hatdred habits. The medicine may be given
in tea or coffee without the knowledge of
the person taking it if so desired. Send lle.
in stamps for book and testimonials from
those who have been cured. Address M.
V. Debora 47 Wellington St East, Toronto,
Ont. Cut this out for future reference.
When writing mention this paper.
A rasa who does business on a large scale
-a coal dealer.
Whenever your Stomach or Bowebi get out of or,
der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion -
and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr,
Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best family medicine.
All Druggists, 50 cents.
That is good advice which Bishop Flower,
in the New England Southern Xethodist
A Welmatched, Pair. . Conference, yesterday gave to his young
There are times when the ablest liar has pastors: "You ought to be married. Never
to hang up his fiddle and look with awe have a relatiot that you would be ashamed
upon the horny -handed ganger, who owe- to tell your wife of. So conduct yonrselves
atonally tells a little one that wakes the that any man in your parish will be glad to
echoes and causes Ananias te turn in his have you call whether he is at home or not."
grave and groan. An exchange has the fol- No better sermon was ever compressed into
lowing, which speaks for itself: such limited specie.
"Speaking of heavy rains," remarked one "1 hear that your husband is very ill,"
farmer to another recently, "reminds me of said Mrs. Philpot. Yeg, poor fellow," re -
I i I lit a barrel out lied. Mrs ShoOper he leads such. a seal -
all aper
MEW Ne162•110111115111
Samples on applioation. TORONTO,ONT
I have a pealtIVO remedy for 11, above diose; by its mg
thousands °karma of the worst glad ant of long etandIng
have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith In Its
efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES PREZ, together
with vattresu TREATISE on this disease to Amy
sufferer. Glve express and P. 0. addreu.
Branch Office, 37 Tonga $t., Toronto
one vve had as spr rag. p •
airy Salt
BW Importations --Higgins' Eureka, Washing-
ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks.
A180 Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices.
Wholesale Proeision Merchants, Toronto.
Artistic Designs, combined with
Unequalled Durability
and Finish.
IEE.A.3114CILM'ON" OZTTUS..1:1.10
'Wheal say cure I do not mean merely to step them fora
time end then have them return again. I mean a radical
mire. I have made the disease ofFITS,EPILEPSY /OPAL&
ISO SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my rowel,
to CUT° the worst cases. Because others have (Mimi!. tut
reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once far*
treatise auto Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give
Mcprt$8 and 0,00 051,,. It cost. you nothing for • trial.
mid I cure you. Addrese 00. 11. G. ROOT,
Branch Ong, 37 Tonic St., Toronto.
The Perry Cart
Manufaohirers of the highest grades of
Steel Knives, Spoons, Forks, Etc.,
ilnabridgett Dictionary,
os,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, a
of 25,000 Titles, and a
of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons,
et every
Contains s000 more Words end nearly 2000 more
Illustrations than any other A merle= Dictionary.
G.& C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass.
in the Yard,, bung up, and it WES filled svith mentary life. that his health is shatt,ered."
rain water through the bung in just ten Papa: "Well, girls, Lent is over and
'minutes by the watch." now what have you done for the good of the L D SAWYER
" That's nothing," said farmer No. 2. «i h h d h f 9" B
.c urc unng e season o penance. ess
Eeads out The ram went through the bung- hasn't done ninab of anything ; -but isaheas_
At barrel in my yard, bung up, with both (with a, sudden attack of bravery: "Molly
hole so fast that it couldn't run out, arid er-I've promised to marry the neve rector,'
overflowed at the bung.
ate farmers saluted each other and drove
A Dog that Talked Just Like a Man.
We know an old lake captain who is an
inveterate reader of the serial papers. He or Femitadieus, twrihaoilt noirospn oar INlinAe,00tseAlracryndeo,rT000rmotnintos..
becomes deeply interested in a story, and , 81°P•
A. P. 332.
vainisarseThieseheiros-, seaaeir -, -,
'Ulu County in Canada. Addrese
FERRIS et ED., 87 Churoli St., Toronto.
.45,..103iskileer*i4 AII0OANVASSIIIIS VSIIIItedXale
the day When each fresh itstalltnent reaches QTA-Almotnic---And all imPedituents of BP000lb
hire is one of joy. At one time he was 'as' r°mbYed for. life' Cure 0.16"11teeti. Sttimmtilr'
ing Specialist, 26 Clarence St, Toronte.
wrapped. up in a lurid tale entitled " The
Doge of Venice." The lad aeetion of the 1 A Nem` itiavriest; sUARPENER-
very farmer will buy it. AGENTS WANTED.
ment of the cliinrix thresv the peter downCLEMENT St CO 'I'ORON'TO.
and exclaimed ; " Well, that deg' is the
dash dashdest dog I ever reed '1 about
Dashed if lie didn't talk and hot 'just like a
Will shaes' the knife Without taking it ont;
story came, he finialied it,"and in the excite- I g
Tender Corns.
Solt corns coi•ne" of all kinds removed.
without pain or sore spote by Putnam's
Painless Corn Extractor. Thousands testify
that, it is Certain, pairdess, end prompt. 1)o
a not be imposed upon by substitutes offered
for the gentiihe "Putnarn's" Extractor, Sures
safe, heartless.
e Doiniiiion Parliament will take a recess
of a week from the 18th to the 2,5th inst.
The Shafts are attached to body by the Perry Com-
pensating Springs. The result of the action of these
Springs is no horse -motion in the cart, and no cart
motion on the home.
Descriptive illustration on application. For sate
by all csrriage makers.
Sole Manufacturers for Canada.
The Trade only supplied.
& 00., Hamilton, Ont.
"Grain Saver" and Peerless"
Eli 3E" ALSC,..49k. CO ROL
“ratts" horse Powers, [or 2, 4, 0, S. 10 and
12 Horses,
l'read rowers', for 1, 2 and 3 Horses.
Eclipse Separators, for Tread .t Small Powers.
esna for Illustrated Catalogue.
OILONTO C111TTING, SICU0016-cientlemen
desirous of acquiring a thorough knoWledge of
garment cutting ehould apply at ones to S. Coattioair,
122 Yong° St, Toronto.10ms on application.
PA'rENTS UltOCURED in conadatite al, a. and
_ • all _foreign countries. Engineet% Pa.
Sent Attorneys, and experts in Pateot Cerise's. .EiltAb.'
liehed 1867. horuild C. ltidoul 416 C0.4 Toronto.
JUNE 10, 188.5. -Por two years my
wife's health was ren down. She Was
kreatiy Ovulated and too weak to do
anything -for herself she was given tip
by, live doctorst they all passed the ,
tinier% that She eOuld not live. She 1.
ernmenced using 1550 Jeg`sMedbfine in
December, 1884, end after faking slit
letlles she With so noneh improved that
be could look aftee her householti dense
J. It lternotes, Engineer, 0 le S., West
as. -
This Splendid Machine Oil! Nes never failed to trim the highest awards
wherever exhibited.
It Has No Equal, Farmers, Threshers an Es° No Other,
This 011 keeps the Machinery in firet rtt.te Working toelerthereby lessening the ehanoes of accidents and
breelidowne TO be heel of all first-class dealers, Beware of imitetions I
Try our (WO Fire Test Cylinder Oil. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and
lard Oils always in stock.