HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-19, Page 4i . efer THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1897, EDITORIAL NOIT$'. A return allowing the description and Local 3 The corner stone of the F.151,0410 okinreh, )•?arkhill,,will be laid ,111 Irma Everest's. Cough $yi°;,''+;ro.Jxoellent remedy and call heartily reeomwond it. ---P.: B. Rosenberry, L. D. S., Arkoma, P. 0. St. Marys is now assessed at $1,151.500, an increase of $8,000 over 1886, but the pop- ulatiou remains exaetly the same -3,400. Ten valuable Southdown sheep 'belonging, values of grain and animal products ex- s to G, E. Cresswell, of Tuekersmith, were ported from the Dominion from the tat worried to death by dogs recently. He re- oeived $185 for the animals. July 1886, to the let April, 1887, was II The (ilitohell Advocate says :-On Satur- brought down Tuesday, Under the head I day a valuable horse belonging to Mr. Heury of "animals and their produce," it shows James, toll in the harness while Crossing the that the produce of Canada exported was $18,851:135, goods not the produce of Canada, $785,954, making a total of $19,- "587',089,. The amoune for grain, the pro- duce of Canada, exported during the same time was $10,819,986, and for goods not Messrs, Coleman. Bros, of St Marys, and the radu0e of Canada $3 756, 731, a total Mrs, Mary Moore of Shakespeare, were each P , fined $20 and Costs last week, for selling of $14,576,767. liquor during prohibited hours. Fanners complain that the country is sof.. 1N the Railway Committee Tuesday faring for want of rain. The fall wheat ie CARET REPORTS, Ilar sen (0orreetedat5o'clock p.xu. Woduesdey,. Fal1Whes.i 080 to 83 Spring, Wneat.,. o O o 0 0 ,,splay Q 40 to 48 Oats .., Q 00 to 30 Glover Seed •. 4 50 to 500 Timothy : , ., 1 0 to 2 00 030to000 Corn -• 06840060 Eggs .., 0 10 to 4 ll Butter . ,,.. ,,, 13 to 0 13 Flou1•perbbl, ;; 00 to 5 55 nee u,poe the premises a first•olass now dwo1- Potatoes,per bua}del ,.. 1 e0 to 1 0o ling with 5Wo cellars and stone foundation a PROPERTY FOR SALE. ----On ai - r lu tt rat., near ti}C, Marl6ot, two-fifths of an acre of lapel, with a frame cottage eoutain ing six rooms, with hard and soft water; also a stable. For terms apply at this ofilee, Lector, April el, 1887. FARM FOR SALE,—The sub- scriber offers for sale iiia farm, being Lot 3, Couoessien 1, 11ay. (half mile north of lilxeter,) containing 100 acres, about 64 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation. There good bank barn, a u , A l s a ..- .,. b r ams berm. an o n sh pP C p rbaQ 40 tog 50 l; DrIec1A pplespr b „ 0 U4 to U 00 acid other necessary outbuildings. Also afirst. tteese per lb 0 00 to 0 00 class orchard. Terms. Easyy, For further par- nr o tioulare "4114Y , on the. remix s to (4 -itis) A, HOLL9N1),HayP.0 FARM FOR SALE. -,—The under, s0gnettoifers for sale his farm, being lot 14, eon. 6; township of ll8borne, two mites and a half front Exeter 100 acres, about 85 acres cleared and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush, in which there is acme very valuable oak and black ash rail timber ; the farm is ale° wall fenced and drained ; there are upon the premises. a first class brick dwelling house, with first class cellars two good barn ; two never failing springs anti oue first-class orchard. For particulars, apply on the premise s, to THOUAS eflUTTI, it -fl k1TETrr P, 0 ONT. T k v perib „ ,,, 0 08 to 08 p e Ducks pal pr .., 0 20 to 0 30 Chickens per pr ,,, .., 0 20 to 0 40 river south Of Huron street and same very liogs,diossedperloq , 5 50 be 6 70 near being drowned, Reef ... 4 00 to 0 00 Seaforth assessment: Total,, $579,950; Hidesrouhg ,,, G 50 bo G 60 population, 2,540;, there were duringthe dressed a 75 to 0 q0 Sheepskins each ,,. 0 75 to 1 GO last year 25 births and 10 deaths. These Calfskiva . Q 50 to 0 70 figuresshow an increase in almost every item Wool per lb ... , ... 0 16 to 0 17 over last yearHay per ton „..., 800 to 10 00 , Onionsuerbush ,,, , 0 50 09 0 75 Woodper cord .. ., , 2 50 to 3 00 RT: MARX& morning Mr. Porter's bill to incorporate the Goderich Junction & Canadian Paci- fic Railway Company was reported. The bill gives power to construct a railway from Winghain to Goderich, or to some point on a line of railway running into God - oriel. Power is also given to the com- pany to amalgamate with the Canadian Pacific. It is the intention of the pro- moters of the bill that the C. P. R. shall operate the line, this being one of the means by which the C. P. R. proposes to get access to Lake Huron. The intensely enthusiastic demonstra tions which have greeted Lord Lansdowne wherever he has lately appeared in Canada are not, as some might imagine, tributes either to His Excellency's personal graces or to the position he holds as the representative of royalty not coming on well. The roads have been as dry and dusty as in midsummer. Benjamin Boyd, of McGillivray, was wrest- ed by Constable Brooks, °barged by William Parley with stealing a horse ou May 10, fiewas remanded to May 24 by Squire Peters. We are credibly informed that, Masers. A. & 0 McCallum, of St. Marys, have exchang- ed their property in the West Ward for 40 acres of land in Blanshard4belonging to Mr. W. J. McIntyre, hotel keeper. Capt. W. H. Murobeson, Madon, Tenn., had fasted 50 days on Friday last. During that time, it is claimed, be has not taken a swallow of either food or drink. He sits up and talks freely. On Saturday last a young woman in the employ of Mr, Wm, Merriotti, near Moore's mill, St Marys, fell into an open cistern and narrowly escaped being drowned. She re- ceived some severe bruises and Was uncon- solous for a Rong time after the accident. A son of Mr. Kepple Dinsoy, of Goderfoh township, aged about 10 yeara, had his leg broken the other day. He was moving some limbs that had been cut out of the orchard, when one swung around, striking hint on in Canada. The people of this country oq'Friday afters resulting nea cow got a little son of care but little for such things, but they John Grant's, Ontario street (Stratford), up do love fair play, and their welcomes to against a shade tree, endeavoring to gore him. breaking his Dollar bone. Assistance arriving in time, the little lad's life was saved. The removal of the coal duty sour as an- thracite is concerned, will be good news to consumers in the west, and, as Sir Charles explained, will more than compensate for the temporary taxation involved in the new regu- lations respecting iron. Tara is to certify that I have known the most beneficial results to accompany the use of Everest's Cough Syrup so extensively manufactured and sold by him.—Rev. A. I. Synder, Wyoming, P. 0. Mrs. Simon Elliott, of Logan, brought her infant child into Dr. Hodge, of Mitchell, some days ago, to learn what its ailment was, but on lifting the shawl just at the gate of the doctor's residence, she was horrified to find that the infant had died in her arms on the road without a struggle of any kind. Friday afternoon Mr. Wm. Dunseith, Stratford, received two bad kioks from two different horses. His watch saved him in the first case, the crystal of which was bro- ken and the case badly smashed. The second kick produced a rupture, from which he will be laid up for a time. We are sorry to learn of the accident which happened to,Mrs. James Marshall,of the 3rd line, Blanshard. It appears that while she was going up a ladder in the barn the ladder slipped letting her fall, and severely hurting her back, but under careful treatment she is recovering. According to tha Clinton assessor, that town has a population of 2,800, being an in- crease of 45 over Last year. The real proper. ty is valued at $543,700 and the personal property at 332,900, and assessable income at $18,250. There are 89 dogs, and 882 children between the ages of five and 21. The inspection of meat in Berlin is a very important matter, Twelve veterinary sur- geons are employed to stamp it before slaugh- ter, and 40 microscopic samplers are contin- ually engaged examining the meat exposed for sale. Besides these 100 experts are em- ployed in various duties, 26 of whom are wo- Lord Lansdowne are the evidence that they believe him to be ill-treated as a man by Wm. O'Brien and other agitatoas who are attempting to set up in Ireland a government hostile to England. They do not believe that Lord Lansdowne has ill-treated his tenants, and they are de- termined to stand by the individual, while they care little or nothing for his title or office. PROBABLY the most important question which will cone before the Dominion House this session, will be that of the re- peal or maintenance of the Scott Act. A bill for repeal has been introduced by Mr. Cargill, and we may be sure that the mat- ter willnot be disposed of without a strong battle between the adherents of license and prohibition. In all that is practical it cannot well be denied that the Scott Act has worked almost to the expectations of its most ardent supporters. Wherever. adopted, however, illicit selling has been carried on with freedom, and not until very recently has any punishment been unposed. There will in all probability be a repeal vote in this county. And what are the temperance people to ex- pect ? To be placed at a disadvantage. Last election showed that the great_ ma- jority of them were partisans first and prohibitionists afterwards. The conse- quence will bo that their influence as a distinct factor will be greatly lessened. Irdoesnot appear probable that theRe- or 11 paiety will suffer any injustice in con- nection with the Queen's Co., N. B. elec- tion case, as Mr: Baird has announced his intention of resigning the seat to which the returning officer declared him elected. This is the proper course for Mr. Baird to pursue. He was acting quite within his legal rights when he in the first place objected to the counting of the ballots cast for Mr. King. He held that that gentleman was not legally a can- didate in consequence of 'his own negli- gence in not having followed the plain directions of the law with regard to the making of his deposit. His objections being sustained, the returning officer did what he, in the absence of any precedent, -considered to be his duty. $e returned Mr. Baird as elected on the ground that he was the only legal candidate. This did not deprive 1VIr.rKing'of any right to carry .his case before the courts of law, todecide quite cum which were qui stent p whether the returning -officer's decision was right or wrong.. But instead of doing this, he laid his complaint before the Renee of Commons, a body of men quite incompetent to decide a legal point. As to the filets we admit there was no dis- pute. The difficulty was solely as to the proper construction to be placed upon a statute: The courts, and not the parlia- ment, were the proper tribunal to decide that point, This teas the contention of the Conservatives in the House. The Reformers contended, on the eontrary, that the House should beeonverted into a court of law, notwithetandiing that a few years ago they declared Parliament to be incompetent to deal with election matters; for severe reasons, principle the Srincip le ones being that Perliafnent was not a judicial uthority, and that whether justice wore men. The "Star of Bethlehem," says the Mit- chell .4d ioovte, "was observed by many of our citizens during the week." Mitchell must have been a favorite point for the ob- servation of this wonderful star, se it was not visible to any other community in the uni- verse. Was it not 'Mars" to which the Mitchellites so wistfully gazed. cation:- -We ation:We invariably find Everest's Cough Syrup JonathanHbdgins,Liveryhiro Donaldson, Furnished by Messrs Carter, Son & Co. Fall Wheat 80 to 80 Spring Wheat ,76 80 Bar,ey , ............ . ....... 35 40 Oats 30 32 Clever Seed ....... .......... , .,... .,..4 25b0 500 TiPeas Y G0 2 61 Egs ... ....................................... .. 10 10 Butter 12 14 Potatoes per bush 50 75 Apples per bosh.- .............. 30 48 Wool peril:). ... 20 20 Hay porton 800 900 IXTANTED—A YOUNG LADY CLERK V of some experience, to conduct a fruit and confectionery business. Apply to (APT. GEO. KEMP. r 1C THE SHAREHOLDERS QF THE j Exeter Salt Works Co., please take Notice that the Annual Meeting of the Exe- ter Salt Works Co., will be held filer OF MAY, I887. T. B. CARLING, SRox. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Now when the budsbegin igj3A ji to show, \ 'T1s time for young and old to know T b That Fevers, Lassttudeand O ZL'• R The ills at Indigestioris o, call, W.-\"S.,',::with every trouble, ache A. 4WI 0.„;+° That follows In theSttious Will scatter like tiro thieves of night Before a draught of Seltzer bright. 'PATENTS for Sale. Illustrated descriptive oatalog'ies free. R. CHAMBERLIN, Toron- tr, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS. -Lowest rates for ad- yertisiug in 1000 good newspapers sent free. Address GEO. P. ROWELL' & 00., 10 Sp+Woe St., N.Y. T OST ON THE 14th INS1', BE - 1 tween'Molson's Bank and Centralia, a Small Satchel with papers (reoeipis etc) and a good auto of money in it. If the finder will kindly bring it andel' its oontents to an e, I will give a reward of 5.3.00. H. KIN S (AN, Dentist, Exeter, COURT OF REVISION. Notice is herepy given that a court for the Revision of the Assessmeub Roll of the Township of Hay will be held in the May 26th, 1887. At the hour of 10 o'clock, a.m. for the hearing of complaints and rectifying all errors in con- nection with the Assessment Roll of said Town- ship. Any person having business at said Court will.govein themselves. accordingly. . SAI1'L FOSTER, Clerk. Hay,May 10,1887. Town all, Zurich, Thursday, Homes Wante THE OFFIOERS OF HER Majesty's Imperial Government, who are in Canada to purchase Cavalry Horses, will visit Exeter, Tuesday June 7th, Hawksbaw's Hotel, and purchase horses fitted for R=DSSTCd- P •RPOS7"sS, Not less than 15 hands 2 inches nor over 16 hands high; not lessthan 4, nor over 7 years of age, soundin all respects ; of bay, brown, chestnut. or black color. For suitable norses goodprices will be paid: For full information and further particulars apply to JOHN HENDRIE Hamilton. Election Expenses. I hereby certify that the following is a cor- rect copy of the st•ttement of the Election ex- penses of Timothy Coughlin, a candidate to represent the North Riding of Middlesex in the House of Commons, delivered to me for publi- ' 64 00 50 00 the best family medicine. Geo. Dona , Mr. Sweeny, Livery hire...... ............... . 32 00 Goderich, May 12. -By-laws to grant $65.- l Mr. Hawkshaw, ” Forest P. O. Thos. Donley, " " 82 00 ing 18 00 3 50 E khi11 Gazotto Print D. McArthur, V. S., 000 to establish water -works for domestic and Lar Enter ,se 10 00 manufacturing purposes and electric light and agricultural park were voted on today and carried by the following majorities :- Water -works, 283 ; electric light, 225 park, 246. With these improvements. and the ad- vent of the 0. P. R. this town will now be one of the most important on the Lakes, in a husinesgpoint of view, as well as a summer resort. Shortly after dark on. Friday evening as Mr. and Mrs. John Ardell and Mr. Monteith of London, were walking along: alone off the third and Adelaide street and between fourth concessions their' attention was at- tracted by the sound of some one using a spade. After listening a few moments the sounds ceased and directly afterward some' Parties in a buggy drove away from the spot whence the noise had proceeded. A search r fresh locate Sunday, revealed a in the n S dug y t e or hole,in which was a starch box con- taining taining the remains of a fine, healthy -look- ing male infant, which had apparently been smothered to death. Coroner Smith began an inquest on the body, but adjourned the inquiry. A gypsy named Robert Watson, with his sister,' wife and daughter, have been arrested and remanded as authors of the crime. Watson is' a brother of ex-Ald. Wat- son, who levanted from London some time ago. He bails from St. Marys. STOP IT. Contintlsl hawking and; spitting caused by Catarrh is permanently removed by Nasal TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS. Sealed tenders addressed to the Colntris- ioners of the C'auada Company will bo received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of'1'hnrsday, the 0th day of June next, for the enlargement 011)000 of the "Lake Burwell Drainage Works" in tho town' ship of itosauc'uet, The excavation is roughlycstimatetlatoboist 15,000 !cubic ye050, Pull information will be given and fornix of tender snppiXedeneppiieetion to the (1 0Dml)aO7 Engineer, My. R, it,Colon fir, at the Holwell House,Thcdford, on the 6th and 7011 of Julie next, 'nust10900 the 11a5nc ,. Parties tens Perin g done or not, its decision Menge, be reg arid• address of a responsible surety in the full 'V cJ been readied after rile neceS- amount of the contract. The lowest or any ten ea. as lta iiider not n0uessa'1 y accepted, •t` s of art. were first taken clue of, Ar,PIt1D WILSON, Co1nrtssroxln- iii 11,5 parry 17111 tIay,1837. ncsn n er ri Wm, Porte,' elegraph Ao't.......... ........... 11 20 Jr), afcIlhargy " " .................... 4 80 T. Coughlin, Personal Expenses ... ..... , ,. 75 00 $358 50 C. WALKER, Ailsa Craig May 17'87. 13eturning•Ofiicer, Notice to Cr daors — 31 The Creditors of John Jones. the elder, late o: the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron who died on or abontthe twenty third day of s? D.,1887, havingclaims against the lvi Mardi g y A. s are in pursuance of the A t said deceasedp c , 46 'Victoria, Chapter 9 of the statutes of the Pro- vince of Ontario, hereby notified and reyhired to aend on or before the thirteenth day of June, A. D., 1881, by post to the undersigned Ann Jones, of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Auron.'the Executrix of the doonased, their christian and surnames addresses anddescrip- f 11 rticufars of their claims,a tions the u a p t f' their accounts and the natureof st:etonten o the securities (if nny)beld by them and that immediately after the said 13th day of Juno, the assets of the said deoe:teed will be distrib- utod among the parties entitled thereto, hal inreard only to the claim sof which the sold Ex -eon -trig shall then have notice; and the said Executrix shall pot be liable for the said assets or anypart thereof to any person or persons of whose clams notice shall not have been. re- ceived. ARM FOR SALE.—The sub- scriber offers for sale his farm, being South Halt of Lot 13, Concession 2, Township of Hay, Containing 50 Acres, 45 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, being convenient to markets, schools and churches. Tilers is a good frame barn, goo stabling, and a hewed log house, good orchard and two never -failing wells, one at the house and the other at the barn. 'There are also 7 acres of fall wheat and 10 acres of mea- dow. For further partioulars apply on the premises to Rl0H;SRl) EACRETT, Proprietor, Rodgervtlle P, 0 AGENTS WANTED. -We want One Hundred Good hien at onoe to sell fur the FONTHILL NURSERIES, (largest in Canada, over 465 acres.) Steady employment and no lost time. Liberal commission or salary; best advantages; splendid outfit fur- nished free. Any pushing man can succeed. Apply for terms to STONE & WELLINGTON;, Toronto, Ont. DiSSJLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the business heretofore conducted under the name of Dumart &Hardy, tanners of Zurich. has been desolved this day by mutual consent, Mr. Hardy withdrawing, and Mr. Weseloh taking his place. Thebusinesewill be carried on by Messrs. Dumart & Weseloh, and all accounts due the la to firm must be pain to Mr. Duel art. 1 M, DUMART. 1J. HARDY. Zurich, May 50h, 1887 13 -in.) ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS to High Soboole. Goderich and Exeter. The next Entrance Examinations to High Schools will be held on JULY 4Ta, GTs & Era, beginning on MONDAY, JULY 4TH,1887, at 1:30 P.N. Those who wish to write at Goderich must send their names to H. I. STRANG, B. A., Goa RRloa,and those who desire to write at Exeter must send their names to the undersigned be- fore June 3rd, 1887. Candidates are iequired to bring Drawing Books No 4 or No. 5. JOHN E. TUM, Public School Inspector. Exeter, May 6th, 1887. flOUNTY OF HURON EXAMINA- ) TIONS, 1887. Second clans nonprofessional examination at the High Schools in the 0ounty onMoaday, 4th July, 9 a. m. Third class nonprofessional examination at the High Schools in the County on Tuesday, 12th July, 9 a. m. First class, grade C., Monday, nth July,1 p.m, First class, grades, A and 8, Tuesday, 19th July. 9 a.'m. Candidates who wish to,write at either Clin- ton or Beaforth,must notify D. M. MArd;oos, P. S. Inspector, Clinton Post Office, not later than the 2180 of May, st ting which of the schools they wish to write at, and those that wish to write at Goderich must notify JoxN E. Tenni. P. S., Exeter, at the same date. The notice must be accompanied by a fee of 89.00, or 54.0001 the. candidate applies for a and as well as a 2nd class examination. No name will be forwarded to the Department the fee accompanies it. Forms of application may be had from the secretary. The head masters of the High Schools will please send the applica- tions of their candidates to the County Inspec- tor of the division in which the High School is situated. First class candidates send their ap- plications to the Secretary Education Depart- ment, Toronto, PETER ADAMSON, Seo'y B. Errs. Goderich, April 26th, 1867. Salt, Salt, Salt The Exeter Salt Works Co'y OF EXETLi'R, OFFER SALT AT THE WELL, AT $2.25 PER TON. JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Anso CorrIxs or. EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of 'Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. ANN JONES. Dated at Exeter, 1lth May, 1887. Notice to Creditors The Creditors of Andrew Walker, Sato of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, wl' o died on or about the 14th day of June, A , D, 1886, having cinema against the said deceased are in pursuance 0f the Act 40 Victoria Chapter 0 of the Sda0u:ea of the Province of Ontario, hereby notified and requiredto send 00 or be- fore the Soventh Day of Julie, A. l), 1887, by post; to thr undersigned executors of the dm ceased, their christian anti surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the fell, particulars of the r cinions ,0 statement of their neeounbs and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and -that immediately after the said seventh ,Ray of,1008 the assets of the said de' danced, will bo distribtitod among the partiesr entitled thereto, having regard only to tbd cln.ilvs of whiol the said executors shall then hay() nntioe and the said executors sha;11 not bo liable for the said assets or any part there• of to any person or persons of whose claims notice 5111111' not have been reeeiycii JAhtr S WA I.1Uill, RICH. TIO1BINS)N, Centralia, 1", 0, Grand Ban dP. C1, Dated 14th Mayes. Yr, 1887. Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. /'GIVE ME A CALL 1 p1'1n! ImporEalons RECEIVED ! — AND— PLACED UPON 0DR SHELVES. A GRAND DISPLAY --0P-- Spring and -- Summer Goods. Latest Styles and Patterns. GIVE US A CALL. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER and EGGS 7 KCURREL Ei' ,RIC & L MARKET SQUARE, EXETER. DRESS GOODS! New Muslins, New Laces, NewParasols, arasols, New Corsets, n.. . d alluuclred OtherThings THE LADIES WANT ! The Greatest Value You H ave Seen. WE ARE BOUND TO MEE !EINE I New Hats, New Shirts 1 New Tweeds, New, New, New. —A; HOST OF— NEW GOODSv The Finest We Can Get, SOLD CHEAP EERY 'TIDE. We can't tell you a tenth about them. Come and See Us. You know they can't stop us, we will sell cheap. TR, AN -2'O1\1' 1318,0' S, THE PLACE TO GO THESE HARD TIMES. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! For Fresh and Reliable (D. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to TEE FAMILY GROCERY. ALLIN'S -PRIZE TOMATO a'LANli'S I ONLY 10 CENTS PER BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery --a fresh supply. PURE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR. • Ice 'Cream Parlor T The public are cordially invited to call and see- t .e now parlors and test the cream. The most pleasant pace in town. Everything possible done for the comfort of visitors. C. A. HYNDMAN, Family Grocer. Lots, Lots Lots. Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of TOR SALE. Exeter and vioinity, that he has opened out in the Corner Store North of Samwei & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties desiring Land or 500 Vill L For sale at Reasonable Prices. >ituation good; fronting good wide streets; also a number of HOUSES, &, FARMLAND • FOR SALE. GEC. MANSON Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Late Manager 0. Eaerett's Boot and Shoe Terms Establishment. l er7ns to suit purchaser. May 14th 84. I. CARLING,,. QUEEN VICTORIA'S Jubilee Year GOD AVEsOUR GRACIOUS paEEN. JUST RECEIVED ! New Toas, New Coffees, New Sugars, New Syrup, Rolled Oats, Granulated Cornmeal Graham Flour, Bucewheat Flour, Roller Flour, New Groceries, Oranges and Lemons, Candies in endless variety, Tobaccos and Cigars. I have taken great care in buying and :seg- 'ecting my stock. Give mo a gall and yon will find my goods cheaper than the cheapest, noteistent with first rate duality. Prepaid Uoi•tificates and Ocean Ratoe at Lowest Possible Prices. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS, CAPTAIN KEiVIP DREW'S BLOCK. 5'ou CAN LIVE, AT HOME AND MAKE MONEY, You can live at home, and make morn 1neney a,t work for us, than a anything else in this world Canitrtl not needed ; you afro started free Both aoxee; all ages, Anty ono can do the work, Large earnings s tro from first start. .C,oetly outfit sid terms Oreo Better not delay. (Meta you nothing to sortd me yo110 address and find out ; if you are wise' you will do no at. onoe, 17, IIALL8TT&Oo„Portinnd, plain ry EXETER. 500 T'TBS Butter - 47, f EXETER NOIiTH Our Stock is Well Assorted Fort THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED 1 GROCERIES f 1 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1. We can't be undersold in . Teas from 20c. to 75o. per 1b. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A. nicely assenrttedd stock of A R, D Y V ..A. 1 E. FORiKS, SCYTHES and CILASS all sizes (Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil 60a per Gals COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. A eke Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good eta of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered snits got up in Good Style. Our. Dress Goods are marked a ked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOE ONE DOLLAR. AHouse anti Lot alsort iarm for Sale, Apply - ppyto Jo id1,THE N MATHESON,. HAY F. O.