HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-12, Page 8' El-01lb RA la ll .Tal; xd 00113'1OB x Cour oil met May lull, 1,887, k'cess)Ilt all 'Alia lull, i$S7, the members. The reeve in tate shah. the members. of previous meeting read and ap. �T�xlst3,il, BRIM, stung service ab Paul's ehui'ole here on Wednesday; Bishop Baldwin officiated, end administered the rite to twenty-three persons; under the care of Rev, J, l:f, Bridgman, the church is in a flourishing condition, --Mr's, than- berlain, of " 'ainsville, and u)other-in-law of Mrs, Caldwell, is dead, —The poison fiend is abroad, and Blucher, the proper- ty of .Llev. Mr. Godfrey, has fallen ; it was a big Newfoundland dog and is much missed by the family. We only wish the mean despicable wretch could be found out and punished es he deserves, Blanshard. We regret to have this week to an- nounce the death of Mr. Wt, Paynter, of the Base Line, Blanshard, an event that took place at his late residence, on Friday last. Deceased was well and favorably knower thi'oghout the township, his large heartedness making him a gen- eral favorite. Early in the winter he was attacked with inflammation of the bowels but 'recovered sufficiently to be able to drive around. Taking a relapse, however, a short time ago, his weakened constitu- tion was unable to rally a second time. He was just in the prime of life, a con- scientious Conservative and a kind and obliging neighbor. Elimville. • -- BRIEFS. —Delegates were appointed by the H. S. A. A., to attend the Conven- tion at Clinton on Tuesday.—Farmers have finished seeding. --The fall wheat crop will be rather light.—Mr. \Vin. Miners, Sr., who has been sick some time is very ]u,v at time of writing.— Mr. A. Taylor, our old villager, paid the village a flying visit this week. --Mr. C. Weekes, who is at present living at Mr. Werry's, was struck in the ankle by a colt the other day which laid hint up for a while, no serious result is anticipated. --At the quarterly meeting held on Monday, Mr. T. Werry, Jr., and Mr. D. McInnis were elected representatives to the District Meeting. Adare. • Brims.—James O'Rielly, of Centralis,. has gone to Limerick where he is training with James Lane for a' race with Elgin Hodgins, champion runner of Middlesex. The stakes are going to be high and bet- ting is two to one on O'Rielly.—There was a pugilistic encounter in Centralia the other day. Spike carne out second best and some talk of them going to have it over again when his eye gets better.•— Miss M. A. Hodgins, who has been laid up for the past while with a very severe cold is rapidly recovering under skillful treatment.—One of our young men had an adventure a short time ago, which has been kept quiet until lately. He went to Ailsa Craig one day and tested the Scott Act, when he became what he thought unmanageable he started to act as if in Adare, when he was presented by consta- ble O'Rielly with a pair of steel bracelets, which had a very soothing effect on him. .fle then wanted to take it all hack and owing to the influence of a few friends and his promising to do better in the future he was let off. Zurich. ALMOST A SMAsit-Ur.--While Mr. Harry Doan, V. S., was driving around town Tues- day evening, his horse got a little unman• ageable just opposite 1). Steinbach's and got somewhat entangled in a tie -post. For- tunately nothing was broken, and Harry made a fresh start, and no doubt kept his eye on the look out for tie -posts afterwards. BRTEPs.--Mrs. and Mise Grabiel, of Walkerton, are the Guests of M. Zeller, Esq.—Miss Gussie Holland, of Exeter, spent a few clays last week with her cousin, Miss McConnell.—oto sports have had several fishing excursions this spring. We have heard of no big hauls yet, "suckers do not bite.—Warm weather has come again. The heat was almost unbearable Monday and Ttfesday, the thermometer reg. 76 ° iu the shade. Our citizens go for a stroll in the cool of the evening. It is a pity our side -walks are not in better repair, as in some places pedestrians are in clanger of breaking their necks. Would it not be a good idea for our town fathers to bestir themselves and see that our walks are put .7n better condition, St. Marys. TROLT Frain-G.—Although the water is yet high, many fish have been landed during the past few days, by our piscator- ial sportsmen. The fish are unusually fine in size, and firm in quality, and, those who know, predict a successful sea- son hereabout. CAMP,—The boys of the 28th Battalion are looking forward to their outing in camp at London, in June, and expect to be there at the date of the celebration of the Jubilee. Now is the time to recruit, and captains of the various companies will soon be at work filling up the gaps in their ranks. BRIEFS.—Mr.' S. Fraleigh, druggist, has commenced the erection of a $7,000 residence.—A. woman well-known in ,this section has buried two husbands within as many years, and has received about $2,000 from the G. T. Railway. Co., for insurance. Both men worked on the line between here and Sarnia.—Parties .buy- ing imported potatoes for seed should be careful and see that they have not been salted or otherwise injured so that they will not grow. .& word to the wise; etc. A Plnn.suretn.--It is pleasing to be able to Write of .tho business'" enterprise that now seems to pervade the whale of our beautifully situated town, ll'actoriee are exceedingly bus machine shops running full blast, carriage factories unable t supply the demand for the product of the same, merchants disposing of very large quantities of merchandise, houses being built on all sides, in a word everythin and e o b" v od —save he who is worried over cattle and geese— seemingly, as happy as can be m any place iri the Do- rttiriion of Canada. pl'oved. Ur. E4QX Wade epplioetion for tile. ou side of the road eppoeite his prepeely op the $ son, Moved by Mr, Bwiaon, see. by Air, Johnston that" air. Knox he paid the stTT) 0f $6, the V 11a a toeul culvert moss r ea d. G+, r - Carried the Dregs; react a petition to Government, sent by the Direetore of the Brantford, Waterloo, and Erie Railway for the signatures pi the Board, and praying the Goveruimnt to grant a ebarter to the old Coy., and also a bouus per mile. The peri. tioos were signed by the Board and the clerk ordered to forward there to Mr. Eakins, the secs, of the Coy, at Brantford. Iifuved by Mr. MoVanuell, sec. by Mr. Hudson, that the Court of Revisiou for the munioipaliby of Blaushard, for the year 1887, be held at the Council Hall, the °first Monday in Jttno, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. The clerk was ordered to 'insert the necessary advertise. rents. All persous having business at the said court are required to take nobioe and govern themselves accordingly, The follow- ing appropriations for travelling were made by the Board; .Fullerton town line $30 ; fourth con., $50 , Base Line, $100 ; ninth con., e50 ; tenth con., $30 ; M. R., $100 : St. Marys Road, $150 ; Stratford Road, 1$100 ; Fifteenth COD., $25, Mr. MoVaunell, moved, sec. by Mr. Dickenson, that William Cole be appointed pathmaster, beat No. 50, iu lieu of Mr. Fnlcher, and that David Payn- ter be appoiuted pound -keeper, in lieu of �Willirim Paynter, division No. 2. The reeve leaned orders for the following sums :—Ruth Riolric, $7; George Wilkiusou, $3; chareties, William Thompson, $10, culvert, con. 0, up- per side road ; Richard Wiles, S1, rep. cul- vert ; John Andet son, $90, salary as collec- tor, 1886 ; Thouras Hayes, $6 culvert. Board adjourned to rueet ou the first Mon- day in June, at the hour of ten o'clock a. In. War. Jotti.sroN, Clerk. Usborne Council. Conueil met ou Saturday, 7th inst. All the members present. Minutes of last meet- ing read and signed. Moved by W. Kydd, sec. by J. Bulls, that the railway petitions from the Board of T: tele, Brantford, be filed. —Carried. Moved by J. Halls, seconded by J. Shier, that the communication of Thomas Brimacombe be tiled, as this cuuncil is not legally responsible for the keep of any indi- gent. --Carried. Droved by W. Kydd, sec. by T. Cameron, that A. Hoclgert bo removed from btatute labor Division No. 4, N. E. Ward, and placed in S. L. D. No. 2 ; also that E. Hooper and W, Essery be transferred from No. 1, statute labor, Division S. W Ward to No. 2, that a Bylaw be drafted con- firming the same.—Carried. Moved by J. Halls, sec by W. Kydd, that the application of Thos. Russell in regard to the purchase of a piece of laud formerly appropriated for the use of the road on 4th and 5th cons., be laid over until further inquiry has been made concerning the same,—Carried. Moved by T. Cameron, see by J. Halls, that a special grant of $40 be made towards cutting down the hill on the aide road between Lots 25 and 26, con. 7.—Uarried. Moved by J. Shier, sec by J. Halls, that the Reeve, W. Kydd, and T. Cameron, be a committee to let con- tract of entting down hill and building bridge between Lots 25 and 26, con. 7.—Carried. Moved by J. Halls, sec by T. Cameron, that $150 be expended in each ward for grading. and gravelling.—Carried. Moved by T. Cameron sec by J. Shier, thatt the council request ilir. Quinton to keep up his fences at each end of the newly opened road between Lots 5 and 6, eon. 5, until notified to remove the same, as it is deemed advisable so to do for the safety of the travelling public.—Car- Hee. Moved by J. Halls. sec by W. Kydd, that the Assessment Roll be received.—Car- i ied. Moved by J. Shier, sec by T. Cameron, that Thomas Brimacombe receive $S toward the support of A. Carmichael.—Carried, Moved by W. Kydd, sec by J. Halls, that this council meet as a Court of Reviston, on Sat- urday, the 28th of slay iust , at 10 o'clock, a. m., end that the clerk be instructed to adver- tise the same according to law.—Carried, 'Moved by 3. Shier, sec by T. Cameron, that the following persons be appointed path - masters for the current year, and that a By- law be drafted confirming the same, viz : S W Ward—John Handford, Geo Weir, J Kerslake, Thad Jones, Jas Wescott, le Quin- ton, -L Hunter, J Hunter, jr., Thos Ballmau, David Mills, Wm Jacques. J Hawkins, Thos Andrew, John Johns, D Jones ; N W Ward T Herten, W White, 13 Dougall, J Frayne, W Oke, V Mitchell, J Blatchford, Geo Moir, Geo Armstrong, Jas Moir, Thos Uudmore, Chile Monteith, J Cameron, J Glenn, P Ryckmau, W Wood ; S E Ward—F Morley, S le Horn, W Cornish, J Delbridge, W Clarke, J Nagle, J Routley, T Bugg, M Routley, W. Dodd, T Tufts, A Dawson, W Hazlewood, R Copeland, John Mara; N lee Ward—R Coward, Jas Bell, H Borland, J Tucker, A Hunkin, Geo Kerslake, J Stewart, A Robertson, M Fletcher, R Gardiner, jr., H Francis, J Ballantyne, N Shier, W Giliillan, A Frayne —Carried. Moved by W. Kydd, sec by J Halls, that By-laws Nos. 2 and 3 for 1887, as now read, be passed.—Carried. Moved by J. Shier, sec by J. Hails, that T. Coates receive an order for $7.63, being in• terest on money borrowed 10 1886 for town- ship purposes.—J. Shier—T. Cameron, that Mrs. Johns receive $8 to assist in paying for instrument for crippled boy.—Carried. Orders were granted for the following ac- counts, viz :--M. Barnwell, 813 00 ; do $13.00 ; E. Stone, keeping T. Bennet, 816.- 20 ; W. Diehman, keep of W. Stark, $15.75 ; Mrs. Johns, to assist in paying for instru- ment for crippled boy, $8.00 ; T. Swale, cul- vert, $1.75 T. Coates, interest on money borrowed in 1886, $7.63 ; Thos. Brimacombe, to assist in support of A. Carmichael, $8.00 ; G. Deloe, rep- culvert and deepening creek, $5.00 ; do, hauling lumber and rep. bridge, 65.00 ; E. Hewitt, rep. bridge, $15.00. On motion the oouncil adjourned, to meet as a Court of Revision, on the 25th inete at 10 o'clock a. in, G. W. Honoree, Clerk. The Scott Act. Mr. McCarthy, in introducing his bill to amend the Canada Temperance Act, explain. ed that the object of the bill was to simplify proceedings when a petition was present for repeal of the Act. As the law now stands, forms applicable to the introduction of the Scott Act were used for repeal, the necessary changes being made. Aeoording to the form of brelots need the voter was required to re- cord his vote "for or aaainet the petition," and confusion had arisen, voters being in doubt as to how to vote for or against repeal. He also proposed to repeal the clause cora- piffling a wife to testify against her husband, and vice versa, and to aubetitnte for 11 a clause making husband and wife allowable, but not Compellable, witneeees. The bill also gave pormieeion to brewers to sell' with- in their own enunties. The law at present' prohibited this, While it allowed a than to buy° beer and cider outside a Seott Act county and bring it in, This s, erred to hod absurd. There Were also some ansen&tnents $bleb' bad already been before Parliament regard, ing the sale of liquor by druggists. :;1 rQrt Prpsbytor;'y, law 'tresla'tai'y tlf' ilroxi tiler ittt Gorr nog Cliltl 011, lfletasatil, `.ora "'�ttasday, l Seth itlst..,.Rss' lVi'ir, Bet.',,,cf Seafo>tlb,meter Amor.,, The fo1lo»'tn fire tllo ltonls:.of business, of publio importanae t- •A Call Le an presented:ftct ta Cu ' s la blanion, to the Row, A, Stewart, o Clinton. Rav, Mt. Coldsulith, Jttessrs, :''oolau, ,Smillie and,Ames, of kfarnilton, wore present in the ;interest; of Erskine church, and a large deputation in the in merest of }'Villin Pu'esbyterian Churoh, Clinton, After hearing those,depubetians pleats for and against the removal of Mr, Stewart, Mr. Stewart exposed his own feelings in the :Tatter and ;left himself entirely in bho hands of the Presbytery, After long and earnest discussion it was agreed that he should retain in Clinton. A call from Bayfield Road and Berne was also laid before the Presbytery, but as there was not sufficient unaniniiby in the congregation an the matter, it was agreed that their moderator, Mr. McCoy, of Eg- Inonclville, should proceed with another call, Dr. John McLeod, a minister.' of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, who was present in the Presbytery, asked to be received as a minister of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada. The Pres- bytery agreed to ask leave of the General Assembly; which meets in Winnipeg next month, to receive him. 1/r. J. McCTill- vray and Mr. Orr, recent graduates of Knox College, Toronto, appeared before the Presbytery for license. After the usual examinations and reading of ser- mons, the Presbytery licensed the gentle- men to preach the gospel. Rev. Mr. Mc Donald was appointees commissioner to the General Assembly in room of Dr. tire, resigned, Mr. Turnbull, of Grand Bence, and Carnohan, of Seaforth, elders, were also appointed in rooni of two others, re- signed. The Presbytery adjourned, to meet. in Knox Church, Goderich, on the second Tuesday in July, at 11 o'clock, A. in. The hungry denizens of St. Marys get bead gat 4 cents per loaf. I FIND Everest's Cough Syrup an excellent remedy and can heartily recommend it.—P. B. Rosenberry, L. D. S., Arkona, P. 0. The Beavers, of Seaforth, cross sticks with the Hnrous, of Goderich, at Seaforth on May 24, Bishop Baldwin confirmed 29 candidates in St. George's Church, Goderieb, on Sun- day last. We invariably find Evereet's Cough Syrup the best family medicine.—Geo. Donaldsou, Forest P. 0. The amount of the fines levied for Scott Act violations in the north riding of Oxford for the month of March was 8300, and for the month of April $800, making $1,100 in in two months. Of these lines two were for second offences. A couuty cricket association has been formed, which inelndes the Seaforth, Brus- sels, Wingham, Clinton and Exeter clubs. lir. E. E. Wade, of Brassels, is President, F. Holmestead, of Seaforth, Vice -President, and W. Jackson, of Clintou, Sec.-Treas. Tors is to certify that 1 have known the most beneficial results to accompany the use of Everest's Congh Syrup so extensively manufactured and sold by hire.—Rev. A. I. Synder, Wyoming, P. 0. During the quarter ending April 30, in Fee e c Feed Middlesex there Pave been46 comic- done ele a v' . tion,, Andel• the Scutt Act and 3 dismissals the flues amonuting to a total of $2,300. Iu specter Williams also reports that there wore 18 cases in March and 31 in April. The heaviest penalty imposed was $5O and costs. Renton Bros. say we can't stop then, they will sell cheap. Read change of adv. The minutes of the Christ Church vestry meeting were received too late for this issue, will appear next week. The Grip Publishing Company, of Tor- onto, have commenced the publication of a new monthly periodical, entitled Grip's Mit Library. The first number is made up of Good Things from Grip." being comic pic- tures and comic readings selected from the pages of Grip. It is printed on the finest calendered paper, ages the price of ten cents is a credit to the publishers, and will no doubt meet with a very large sale. The second number will be entitled, "Jubilee Jollities," to be issued June 1st, and a very large edition is being prepared in anticipa- tion of an enormous sale. DREW' S�q.6,�t HALL TO O d�9T e Seating Capacity, 700. —APPLY TO— CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, — HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1384. Is an Assoc,ation of business and profesesion- a men, having for its object the COLLEC- TION OP DEBTS ; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furuiahing them with lists of parties whn do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to beeome moor 'ors, by remitting $7,00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Int., will roc Ave by re- turn mail fun or -woman, certificate andmem- berslrip, &e, Send for testimonials, J'. BIDWELL MILLS & 00., Managers, Hamilton. WARNING.—Alllearties are warned against having anything to do with R. Faulkner,hailing from St. Marys, ho having been discharged, Sight T� Blindnc N. STANLEY'S dibrnxed en 1MOh gipettath5 79 BAY Sysiaar, TonONTO, CANAbA, --AND— �•. 1.8 JEWitI STREET, LONDON, E. 0,, ENGLAND 41 IICI�S Watehmnkor,Jeweller, n ellev4 ou, liaa'the Ager oy,for the sale of +be above in BXRT15R, No Speetaolss in the Market equal them in the Era P • IOSCIWING Quetrrxns they possess; or the GREAT EAsa and Couron'r they confer on the wer, • Their use will inctuality so atrongtben the Eye that it does not become eecessary to. change them for teeny years. They are there• fore the j BriAPTBtT. They Are the eat in the World, - They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many !ears Without Change. Tho Sight tested by our Now Toot Card, tame at needby the leading Oe,itliete thr5lighout the world. I sea A Mfr I 'We wish to ()all es oozelt e°tio 11from the farinera awl othora reairesuu tile, that Mr, tmoats, inOreille o».O acnad Avery leee e4 tyor TILE OF ALL SIZiS At the Following Prices ; 2a moll, Tile, 8 per Af. u 5 ,. .., 20 0 If rs. 00 " Sexen ialoh mile .carr bo furnished if required, Tlie above arre.at bo t g04lity, Croditou, April 14, 3887. CTiCItGil MOAIL. . L4T711.43„ OJ s''.S Spectacles 80 Eye -glasses Dr. Browns' .. leas the Sole Agency In Exeter, for the above lenses, They are the only Dues recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the ago. They hava a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other louses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they arein the market. B. Lauranoe's Spec- tacles and Lye -glasses are marked B,L„ with- out which none are genuine,—and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. D,) not be deceived by any goods stamped Pebble -glass --or by any siiuil- iarity iu name,—DR. B110 WHIN(,, SOLE AGENT Folz Exnmrili, ' �tw "t is 1 ;k ;'r<(0411 How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a now edition of DR. CUL- VP.RW1ILL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cute of SPERMATOBnonA or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminary Losses, IaI- POTENOY, Mental and Pysioal Incapacity, Im- peduments to Marriage, etc. ; also, CoNSnarP- TION,.ErienasYaud FITS, induced by self-in- dulgeuce,orsexual extravagance, fie, The celebrated author, in this admirable et - say, clearly demonstrates from the thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming cense. queuces of self-abuse may be radically cured; poietin; out a mock) of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his eonct.itiou may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately and radically, 1 This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every marl in the land. Sent under seal.inaplain envelope, to any address,post•pafcd, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps, Address, 7HE CLILVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 411Ann St., Now York, N. Y. P.O. Box, 450 SAMWELL az PICKARD ARE OPENING A Large and Flue Assortment —ob'— Sprier aad Summer IG-OOJJS T --INCLUDING— Prints, Scotch and Canadian Ginghams, Shirtings, Darned Nets, Ancy Embroidery, Black and Colored Silks and Merveleux, Gloves, Hosiery, &C., AZZ ARE SN•VXTED 1 All goods will be offered at the Lowest Possible Prices. ELIXIR s,rt ',NA'TURE'S." REMEDY: FOR Cou Hs GOLYlS,HOARSENEss THFOAT &. LUNGS, CQMPLAINTS tNSTANT,;R�i,IFI t POSIT VE Cil^RE Q3 OUTHERN 15 ACLE TPAKAENT `O cep IN EACH PACKAGE ASTHMA CURE INSTANT RELIEF FOR ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL. ON RECEIPT OF PRICE SAMPLES, 25c.; REGULAR SIZE, $1.00 ADDRESS FULFORD &. CO., BROCKVILLE, ONT, TRUSSES! CIIRISTIAN LAWYER, manufac- turer of a".11 kinds of Trusses; Residence: Ronnie's Mills, Hayewnore he will attend totho wants of any who may require his services, Wtiy pay from 415.00 to 42500 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for 45,00, and which ie as rood if not better and warranted to til with comfort a Remember, Double Trusses. 45.00 ; Single Trusses, $2.50. All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER Zurich P, O., Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TnE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTii. TEM MOST Dzur--- —EcND I3EaT EQUIPPED EOLITH ---BnTwmEN— MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA,,KINGSTON, DETROIT', BOSTON, CHICAGO,$ r. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &a. Excursion to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA; and SAN FRANCISCO, for $90,00, tick ets goofs for Seven Months. atr'lefore purchasing your tickets else where, call oh W. J. CARLING,; C, P'. R. AGENT C.i/0.1 O'S STORE, EXETER. 1iftring & Qenis' In commencing business here I ROT going to try and give satjs, faction. to all of my patron s b) building from a true and good foundation, 1st.--'Ronesty in. all my dealings. 2nd,—To give unexcell- ed values in all lines that I carry. 3rd. --To take advantage of n,o one, but to give everyone value for their dollar. I am prepared to sell at Very Close Prices, and ant determined to give my customers the advantages which result from careful and judicious buying. —MY STOCK OF— Tweets and M F— Taesan't t10 AIL ALL OF TUE LATEST PATTERN ! —AND MY— G-ents' Furnishings --ARE-- Second To None in Town. Only Call and Be Convinced. N. 73.—Tweeds bought from ;toe will be crit Free of' Charge, and Perfect Colt cluar.•anteca. Yours Respectfully, WM, SOUTHC•OTT. Exeter, March 15th, 1887. rAwg5 House NOTE IT 1 ]JON'T FORGETIITI In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Our Premises, and now have room to show the Ar BEST ASSO,PaTEeD STOGIE OF Hardware, Tinware, Stoves,, Etc —: IN TOWN :- -—((oo)) If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOOKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, LAVETROUGHING, ETC., IT WILL PAT You. If you want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right Spot when you call at BISSETT BROS.. If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS FORKS, 1\IACHINE, AMERICAN OR CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (num), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at 8issma'r _®iz.®s_ CARLINCS :..LOCK —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT, ZS.* 0040:Ho$ One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in al the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—A11 the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress and Ma a Silks, II Q SJX E GOOD ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, dcc,, all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prioes, come to u I. CARLINTG'e. Our Grocery p iso. art.erst is Complete. TRY OtJR fiOoT. TEA. t has need it to be the i It is aoknowf3dged by everyone the as s host in the Village far the money. Sample Parcele, Free, EGGS, AND ALL . BUTTER, PRODUCE TARSI IN' EXCHAttd•E. =A. CALM SOLICITI . M. CARLING, 111 aMn St, Exeter.