HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-12, Page 4T lORSAAY, MAY 1%th, aeseso� s. see .esee.. easeesseessessesses ...,. 'liH1+` LA.NIDSt)OW1'1E B1+4E1?Tl(1N. 4gati111 t Reciprocity. A aneeting of the C]antldien Manafeeturere' .Aaeoeation viae held at Toronto the other dy, A4 forty b p t i Almet or mew ere were resell '['he t0119witlg xeeelutio1 on recit,roeity was passed unauiluously �-"Whereas the queatioo of commercial union or wares- trietell ireeipeot;ity between the United States .'ewe' Notes, Portland, Ora., May 7,-- #ta total, uute:ber of persons known to have perialled le the 887. mine disaster et Nanainlo is i89, of whom 82 were Cbiuese, and 107 whitest, More than half of the white Melt leave fatuities. Mr. A. Carrier, defeated Liberal oandidete in the Federal election, at agape, P. Q., bee given, to Canada, s been brought )ronneentl left for that place to contest the election of 'l;ho hearty welcome that vvas. X11 � and d , lli gll 1 y the Goveralolo morel and the Mlu'ollic u- into notice, and whereas the Central Far- Mr, Jouoas, 1 Toes -)raters' Iustitute,.at.a recent meeting, passed The Canadian Paoifle Railway:, which has ees• Qi Landsdowne sal Torenirc ol. a resollltioal binding that body to we the hitherto transcontinental Wee. on `,l'hrll's= day offered to join with the other roade and day night week, does 1lotauger well forlldr. O'Brien's mission to this country. `1'he. truth of that matter is, public opinion in Canada is entirely in the direction of let- ting the landlords in Ireland alld their their tenants settle their oven business in their way. What have our people to do with any clial)utes of that kind that may come up, either on the part o Lord Lansdowne or of anybody else Dominion Goyerutneut to obtain a reoipro- city treaty at the earliest possible moment and whereas it is .considered that unrestrain- ed reciprocity in nianufaotered goods would be a serious blow at the ootu eroialintegrity of the 1) aluiuion, liuti would resulb disastrous- ly to the mtusufaotnring and farming iudus- tries, and to our financial and coiumeroial ietereets, therefore resolved, that this meet- ing of Canadian manufacturer', is unanimous- ler opposed to any treaty between this country and the United States, which would admit American manufactures into Canada ao u- of the xo 1 g u andthat b We have quite enough to do to attend to fres # d 3 , hi copy q b tion 4e torwarded to the Dominion Govern- our own business without poking, our hent with the request that =manufacturing noses into that of others. interests be olosely guarded iu any negotia- tions which may take place between the two esso. _-. ......-_. see countries.°, THE QUEEN'S COUNTY CASE. Petitions sent by the Knights of Leber to Parliawout for an act proytding that it aliall The o )ositiou ill the Dominion House be a criminal offence, punishable by ins - endeavored prhsonznent, for an employer to p endeavored to make a mole hill assume the importance of it mountain when they brought the Queen's. County N. B., election case be. fore Parliament. There were two candi- dates in this constituency at the general election last February, Messrs. Baird and Ring, respectively Conselvetiveand Reform, Mr. King received a small majority of votes, but Mr. Baird was declared elected on the ground that he was the only candidate, Mr. King's election deposit having been made in a manner contrary to the statute -a fact which tho returning -officer held destroyed his claim to be a candidate as effectually as if he had made no deposit. Most reason- able men will concede that the returning officer adopted the only safe course. The law lays down certain modes of procedure with regard to the receiving of election ce- nosite. These the returning officer is ex- pected to follow. The law is directory, not optional. Re is required to observe these directions in their integrity. He is not the judge of what he shall obey and what he shall disobey. This then was the position in which the returning officer of Queen's county found himself : one man had made his deposit as the law directs, the other had not : one was therefore a legal candidate, the other was not --what could he do but decline to count the votes cast for the man who was not a legal candidate ? Ile had no other way out of the difficulty. The point to he settled is lin important one. Is each returning officer to be allowed to conduct his election according to his own ideas, or shall there he uniform rules and regulations for the guielance of all? If there 1)e injustice it rests with the law which the returning officer followed, not with the man who administered the law as he `found it. But it appears to us that the man who al- lowed his deposit to he made in such a clumsy way that itcould not legally be regarded asa deposit, is himself to blame more than any- one else. The old axiom "Ignorantia legis nonAexcusat," should certainly apply with peculiar force to a g ntleman who has intel- ligence enough to commend him io the ma- jority of the people of his county of a pros- pective law -maker. But there was no oc- casion for bringing the question before Par- liament. The election courts were created for the purpose of settling all election mat- ters, and this difficulty, which is a strictly legal one, would undoubtedly have been settled in the usual way had not the oppo- sition believed it afforded an opportunity of forcing the Government to appear as the defenders of tyranny and outrage upon the rights of the people. But the scheme failed. EDITORIAL NOTES. Silt Joire MACDONALD stated in Parlia- ment in reply to Mr. Somerville that no part of his expenses for the celebrated "Jamaica car" stumping trip were charge ed to the country. _T become a member of the Association, provide ed it is allowed freight end paeseuger differ. entials. The offer will probably be aooepted. E. 0. Oliver, of Beardsley, 111 , jumped from a west -bound train au the 3urliugton Road at Iowa Peiut, and was drowned in Missouri River. Eie was frightened by two coufldenee men who were working birn. Ile ran to the platform, dragging with him his 10 near -old buy. The eonduotor grabbed the boy in time to save him. Mr, Oliver was temporarily insane. The reports of experts on the Canacliau produots shown at the Oolouial 'exhibition are generally satisfactory. Ontario cheese is spoken highly of ; butter, ou the other hand, is not well thought of ; fruit, espeoially apples, conies iu for praise, as does also honey ; the wheat of tautens, is generally of a superior quahty, though somewhat lacking in strength, but the tobacco is declared to be insist upon off colour and coarse in flavour. any agreement with au employe other than 11 A sort of mixed up runaway, with several interesting incidents' nod narrow escapes, oc- curred on Queen street, St Marys, the other day. A farmer named Brown had almost finished unloading hay in the Oxford Roue) yard, and was gathering up the hay which hadfallen off the wagon, when tbe horsesstart- ed oil. The man was thrown down and a wheel passed over his head. When the team got through the entry on to Queen Street theyran into the buggy of Mr. John Hearn,of Downie, and theu clashed for the door of Mr. F. J, Chapple's bock store, where they were caught. Men, horses, buggy, wagon, wall paper, toys, &e., made one heterogeneous mase. for the rendering of an equivalent for wages and for the prohibition of the importation of foreige artisans under contract, ander pen- alty of $2,000, were disoussed and referred to the Exeoueive Committee with instructive to petition the Government against the legis- lation demanded. The Dominion Estimates. The estimates were laid on the table on Monday, by Sir Charles Tupper. The follow- ing are the figures for 1887.8 : -• Public Debt (including sinking fund) ..,• .•..... ...........................$11,57.2,078 61 Charges rf management.- ......... 177,535 72 Civil government r.. . r.. ..r .,. 1,265,681 66 Administration of justice... r.. ... 686,970 00 Police ... ... ... ... . •. ... ... ... 16,500 00 PenitenLaries 333,097 97 Legislation 901,590 50 Arts, agriculture and statistics ... 297,783 33 lmmigra ion ... ,., .., ... 229,525 00 uarantine ... 77,960 00 Pension and superannuation .,. 214,971 84 Militia 1,293,500 00 Railways and canals (income) .. 160,613 67 Public works (income) ... ... 1,590,125 10 54 ail subsides ... -., Ocean and river service L.glithouse and coast service ezarineieutirihosinsitaltitustions&o ... Mp, Steamboat iuspeotion ... 25, Fisheries 2r20,E5O 00 .. 576,100 00 01,250 00 ..- 02,000 00 399,500 00 Superintendence of insurance ... 8,300 (8 Subsides ... ... ... 4,169,341 04 tienlog cal survey ... .. 55.000 00 Indians ....• ... 974,032 50 North-west Mounted Police ... 763,4211 00 Miscellaueeus ... 160.557 20 Customs ... .., ., 837,665 Excise... ,,. ... 838.485 Cutting timber ... .,. 59,300 Weights and measures and gas 87.500 Inspeotinn of Ftaples ... ... 2,500 Adulteration of food r.. _. 21,500 Dlinor revenues ... ... 4,000 Railways and canals ... ... 3,438,261 Public Works ... .. 175,600 Post Ofeco ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,048,670 Dominion lauds ... ... ... ... .. 778,505 Total consolidated fund..... ..... $31,011,855 18 The not increase is $828,206. Among the ine,eases are $439,885 for sinking fund, $102,375 for legislation, $82,333 for experi- mental farms,$204,725 for subsidies,$102,107 for miscellaneous, $235,837 for railways and canals, and $95,864 for post offices. The chief decreases are $476,494 for public works, $50,403 for immigration, $23,500 for fisheries, and $28,140 for mail subsides, as well as a numbeh of smaller sums. Local Brevities. Measles are prevalent in Si Marys. A gen'leman in West Williams has a goose which laid en egg measuring llj;x8a, and weighing 10} ounces. According to the returns of the assessor, the population of Mitchell has decreased. The remains of the late Milner Harrison, of St. Marys, were interred on Thursday last. The funeral was a large one. The majority of the cheese factories in the adjoining townships have commenced oper. ations for the season. Sir. R. Cartwrigbt's expenses in the South Oxford election amounted to $823.96. is oppoueut's expenses were $209,56, or nea one.fourth less. Behind the bar of a Woodstock hotel there is a threatening array of pistols and The present season is witnessing a very guns, bearing the inserlption "Medicine for large increase in the emigration from Great Britain. For the four months ending with �Pril the total was 118,248, against 82,757 idr the corresponding period last year. Canada received 11,720 of the number. Of the April emigration Canada got 7,312, as compared with 3,963 for .April, 1886. Tem last issue of Geo. P. Rowell's "Newspaper Directory" shows that the number of newspapers published in the United States and Canada at present is 15,429, an increase of alai. in one year. The inhabitants of this continent ought to be well sepplied with news, as these figures mean one newspaper to about lumber room to meet the demand. every 350 persons in North America. The English church people at Parkhill ap- pear to be unfortunate in retaining a minis - The second straight division since the ter for any Length of time, The present in meeting of the Parliament occurred Thera- cumbent, the Rev. 1i, Campbell. retires an day night, on a resolution brought up by the Julyvacannexttthe, thereby d timrendering the pastorate thire in as many years. Opposition against the appointment of a Mr,. Hess, of Zurich, who has made several Deputy Speaker, and,resulted in a majority /town clocks for places in `Ontario, was in for the Government of 43. The main points Muton on Wednesday, and examined the of interest in the voting was the fact the8 every Nationalist voted with the (ioveri4- ment except Mr. Citron. It may be ex- plained; however, that Messrs. .Amyot and (4igeelt were absent. 'Messrs. Bergeron, Dupont, Coulture, Coursol, Desjardin, frozen off. The animal was a valuable one, Dnchesnay, (luibattlt and others voted vvith and for this reason was not at once killed by the (4overrnmetnt. 1'ir. Blake arose after- bis owner, Mr. A D. Morris is now at work wards to suggest an adjournment, anci diel mnaking a cork leg.10 ',alta the p'ace of the g4 l ani sing limb. Mr, Morrie says the contra it so petulantly that dee found it expo/limit vance willbe a• success when completed, afterwards to apologise to SriJohn. Some of the farmers in Blanchard are Weide of fortning a society for the exports. tion of fat cattle without troubling those then Mr John Bell, M. P, for Addington, has who aro oontineally shipping 'settle and been pineal in the. Torontolnsene Asvliirn. losing money, The farmel% of Blet>ehard The 1.nglish Government has dcclinecd to want nothing lint iv fair price for their stock. take part officially its the French exhibition, Those meh without they have the wealth of but will give every possible faciiity to Britieb a Venderbtlt, will eventually come to the exhibitors. Among those Most pro,niimetly mentioned as secce0For to Lieut.-Goscrner Dewduey, of the North-west, ie that of Mr. 0. R. Machin" tesla. ex-M,P. for Ottawa. At ., publie,beatiavn be immersion et New Scott Act informers." The old Catholic churcb at Limerick is to be removed to make room for a splendid brick edifice which is to ba built this season, The i,teeple has been torn down and the old building will be ready to move in a few days. John Peteikin, a printer, of Parkhill, died last week, While serving as a vohtuteor in the North-west rebellion, he contracted a severe cold, which' eventually developed into eonsnmption. He was 21 years of age. The Parkhill Pips Company is in a sad state of disorganization at present. Tbere has been no meeting for many months, and the engines have not been taken our for fully a year. The Parkhill High School is crowded to its utmost capacity, every seat beim occupied, and some old desks which were disoarcled as useless have had to be resuscitated from the 1)RO1ERTY FOR SALE, --On Main-st., near the lvlarkot two -P.104 ,0 1 st' of land, wi It t rain t• cOi l its ie 1 ul L 1 e. o� a hail a p a t ing six roome, WitIi bard eine soft water; also a stable. 1'nr ter apl)lyat thie o;t7}ee, Lxet:er, Apri121, x887,. BORN. HooPEa•-ln Alma, Mich., on the 5th inst., the wife of F.:7. Hooper, of a son. MARRIED. FARM FOR SALE. --The allb- soriber oilers for cele his farm, being Lot 8, Couoe$sion 1, Bay. (licit mile north of Bxetor,) containing 100 acres, about 64 sores elesred end ingood state oicultivation. TOsro are Awe the premises A first•etass now dwol- ling with two oellars and stone fotindatiozz, a good bank barn, lt. frame bern. an open ailed, end other noeossery outbutldiigs, Also surest:, class orchard, Terms Ilasy, For further par- ticulars apply on the premises to (4.e.ea) A. HOLLAND , Way li, 0 COLLINs-BosTnnoN.- At the residence of the bride's father, Rodgerville, on the 9th inst., by Rev. S. F. Robinson, Mr. R. H. Collins, of Exeter, to Miss Jessie, third daughter of Mr. James Bouthron. ROWS-HALLIDAY.-In Clinton, on the 10118 inst., at the residence of the bride's father Mr. Robt. Rowe; of Exeter, to .hiss Elizabeth, only daughter of Thos. and Anu Halliday, of Clinton. DIED. FANSON,-In Tuckersniith, on the 6th inst., Flora Gibson, beloved wife of Mr. Robt. Fansou, aged el years. rilARK FOR SALE. --The under- signed offers for Rale his Tenn, being lot 14,000. "a, towus1lp of Usborn°, two nines and a half from Exeter 100 mires, about 85 acres cleared tied in drat glass state of cultivation, the remeittdor bush in wtitah there is some, very valuable oak and Mock ash rail timber; the term is also well fenced and drat"eu there are upon the premises. a first cines brielt ilwetligg hoes', with aro class ceilers two stood barn; 1 w : never falling springs and one first-elass oreh, r or eart'0 s )t ou t d, I` l ilial apply 1101)1•endeet, to THOMAS b}iUTf6�I y (1-11 N xeann 71, 0 ONT. 1 J. M FOR SALE. --The suh- L-' scriber offers for sale his farm, being South Half of Lot te, Conoesslou 2, Township of Hay, containing 50 Acres, 40 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, beiug oonvenieut to markets, schools and oburches, 'There in a good frame bars„ pool stabling, and a hewed log house, good orchard and two never -failing wells, one at the house and the other at the barn. There are also '7 acres of fall wheat and 10 acres of mea- dow. Foe further particulars apply on the premises to RICHARD EACRETT, Proprietor, Rodgervillc P. 0 GENTS WANTED. -We want One Hundred Geed Alen at once to sell for the FONTHILL NURSERIES, (largest in Canada, oyer 465 acres,) Steady employment and no lost time. • Liberal commission or salary; best advantages; splendid outfit fur- nished free. Any pushing man call succeed. Apply for terms to STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Out. DISSJLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP .W DRESS GOODS! New MudittS, -,w LaoeS New asols :New onsets Notioe is hereby given that the business herotnfore conducted under the name of Dumart &Hardy. tanners of Zurich. has been desolved this day by mutual consent, Mr. Hardy withdrawing, and Ms. Wesoloh telling his place. The business will be carried on by Messrs. Dumart & Wesoloh, and all accounts due the late firm must be pain to Mr. Duel art. 1DI. DUDIART. J. HARDY. 'auricle May 5th, 1887 (3 -in.] j`IOUNTY OF HURON EN.AMINA- ' .J TIONS,1887. Second class nonprofessional examination at the High Schools iu the County on Monday, 4th July, 0 a, n,. 'Third class nouprofessioual examination at the High Schools in the County on Tuesday, 12th July, 0 a. m. first class, grade C., Mouday,llth July, 1 p an. First class, grades, A and B, Tuesday, 10th July, 0 a. n,. Candidates who wish to write at either Clin- ton re: Feaforth,must notify D. M. Mtri.ocit, P. S. Iuspeotor, Clinton Post (Moe, not later than the 21st of May, st ting whic1, of the o .WA= schools they wish to write ,.t, and those that MARKET REPORTS. wish to write at Goderich must',otify son E. renal. P. S., Exeter, at the same date. The E3:ETER. , notie.e must bo accompanied by a fee of 62.00, or 54.00 if the ca.uaidate applies for a 3rd as well as a 2ucl class examination. No Dame will be forwarded to the Deportment unless the fee accompanies it. Forms of application may be 0 28 to S0 i had from the secretary. The heal masters of 4 50 to 5 00 the high Schools will please send the applica- tions of their candidates to the County Inspec- tor of the division in which the High School is situated. First class candidates send their ap- plications to the Secretary Education Depart- ment, Toronto. PETER ADAMSON, Secy R. Eixrs. • [9-t.] And a Hundred Other Things (Corrected at5o'clock p•m. Wednesday. rallWnaa, 0 78 to 80 Spring Wacat.,. ,.. ... 0 70 to 0 78 li,,.riov ... ... ... 0 40 to 48 Oats Clover Seel Timothy Peas Corn Eggs Batter Flourp ei'b b l .... .•. Potatoes,per bushel ... Apples,per bag DriedApplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr Elogs,dressedper 100 Beef Flideerouhg, ... dressed . 3beopakins each Calfskin s Wool per lb stay porton r)nionsnerbush Woodper cord Market House tower, with a view to having tt clock put in ; be estimates that one suit- able for Clinton would cost in the neighbor- hood 01 10300. The Essex Centre ;Abend. says :---Two years ago a thoroughbred Jet say bull, belong. ing to Mr. John MoBeth, lost a leg, leaving it ST: MARYS. Furnished by Messrs: Carter, Son & co. 150 to 200 050 to 050 0 58 to 0 60 0 10 to o 1C 14 to 074 00to555 75 to 0 75 40 to 050 004 to 000 006 to 006 0 08 to 08 020 to 030 020 to 040 5.16 to570 400 to 500 550 to 550 600 to 600 0 75 to 1 CC 050 to 070 036 to 017 800 to 10 00 050 to 075 250 to 3 oo Fall Wheat 80 to Spring Wheat..........................r75 Ganey 35 Oats .. 3C Clover Seed....... .......... ......... .......... 4 50 Timothy ...1 25 Peas... .............................................. 50 utter Potatoes per bush Apples per bush... Wool perib Hay per t on 12 50 30 45 20 20 800 000 80 80 32 5 00 2 00 51 10 14 75 British Grain Trade. O oderich, April 26th, 1887. Now when the buds begin to show, 'Tis time for young and old tp know That Feveos, Lassitadeand The all at Indigestion call, With every trouble, ache or pain, That follows in the1iilious train, Mil scatter like the thieves of night Before a draught of Seltzer bright. TT LE LAMES 1 ANZ' The Greatest Value You Have Seen B9n�D TO MA! T�S HU ;1 New Hats, New Shirts, New Tweeds, New, New, New. -A HOST OF - Salt, Salt, Salt The Exeter Salt Works Co'y OF &t1X.LTG,R, OFFER SALT AT THE WELL, AT 02.25 PER TON. off"® ' BRAWN, London, May 9. -The Mark Lane Express UNDERTAKER tela to its revie a of the British grain trade during the past week, says: -Values of English wheat are against buyers. In the provincial mar - Wal'. During the past week seyeeafalsolverancee from the county jail have been quietly and lawfully effected. 'Tnesday last the three Blyth betel keepore who have peen inoareer- atecl'fo• ten days for contemet,were liberated; Ortvaite, on Sunday morning, fifty people fell 81)5 Thursday the Halliday family (a mother alto the river through the breaking of the end two daughters) who have jest completed wharf tailing;, and seven cbildien were a Pis months tern) for vag f nty,r sh•�ok the drowned. dust of the 73astt a off their feet. They par- PetitA f be sere filed at Osgoode hall, Mon- pose returning to Bruaaels. berg are now 1u . a 9 fvnitoma o !'• u day, a(fainet the retinal etMr. Cartiili, it,ast jail ulna persons all told,stat CABINET -MAZER kets there is scarcely any on offer and an ad- vance of 6d to is is asked. The sales of En- glisli wheat during the week were 60.492 qrs. at 32s 25, against 65,930 qrs during the cor- respondiug period last year. Trade in foreign wheat is steady and rather against buyers. Corn is in short supply and values are stif- fening. Two cargoes of wheat arrived ; one cargo was sold at once and 'one withdrawn. At to -day's market wheat was quiet and prices were unchanged. Flour was firmer, at an advance of 3d to 6d. on the week. Corn was scareeand 65 dearer. Oats 3d to 6d dears r. Nemo ; ltfr.&faltot•y, Est alerthnmberlend, l and Ili. Mean,:E1astl lgif1. M80ceeas.peti- 84 years of age for vagrancy, and one man I 1' M omb and East t hrthutnberlaitd, charged with attempting to cut his throat: Sano; ono aged weman for vagrancy, ono man NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UNICIPAL NOTICE.--Nnt.ioe is hereby given that a Court for the re- visio', of the Assessment 'Roll of the Township of Tlsborne, will be held at the Town Hall, Elimville, on SATURDAY, the 28th DAY OF MAY. 1287, at lU o'clock in the forenoon, Any persons haying business atthe said court Will 1 govern themselves accordingly. G. W. t3OLMAN, Clerk. i7sberne, May 12t1i,1887. 11NTRANCE EXAMINATIONS to High Schools. Gocloriol) and Exeter. The next Entrance Examinations to High Schools will be held on JULY 4711, 5'rvr & 6'rn, beginni ug on MONDAY, MIN 4711,1887, at 1:30 Val. Those who wish to write at Goderich must send their names to EL, 1. STRANG, 13. A., !"ron naxcE, and those who desire to wr,to at easter nnist genet their names to the undersigned be- fore Juno 3rd,1887, Candidates 0170 iecrairo(l to bring Drawing Books No 4 or No. 5. JOHN A. i'lree Public School Inapeetor. Exeter, May 601,1887. . 0TIC1'.-Tile council of Stephen .L will meet fn the Town Hall, Crediton, on sale )A.•1t DMAT 26, 0110 a. m., as a Genii of Revision, and at 2 p. in, to let gravel contracts ai1c1 other 3,usioesn. Tay aider of the Oouneil. C. PetOt!ry, Clerk, TOTICE -The oornorntion of the J Village of h:Xoter, offers for sale dobon- N tures of the town, (for Town Hall building) pay - a110 in 20 years, intorost fly„ ',tor cont. They will be held for sale, fol ,a couple of weeks Apply to 3. A,ItfLLINS,Reeve. UNICIPACi NOTICi .-lgotiee its Jai.given thato hereby a Court. fat the ll Y g vision of tate Asses smont Roll for the Village of i•eeeter, 4111 he hold at the Market Nouse. Exeter, on 'tHURS1)AY, the 28r)t DAY OF MAY, 1887, at lO o'cloelr in the forenoon, An lreeeott having business at the Said Court will svern tilolnseives adeorclingly MICHAEL EA:ditET'.p;Clerk. Exeter, Ivey 4t11, 1887, ODS The Finest We Can Get, SOLD CHEAP EVERY TIME. We can't tell you a tenth about them. Come and See Us. You know they can't stop us, we will sell cheap. ..L..�., ' ° INT 13 .R, 0 S, THE PLACE TO GO THESE HARD TIMES. Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SEE S ! SEEDS! SEEDS! For Fresh and Reliable (D. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to THE ILY G C _ Y. AMBLIN'S PItIZZI TOMATO PLANTS Y ONLY 10 CENTS PER BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery --a fresh supply PURE MAPLE SIRUP AND SUGAR. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always ou hand. A FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ►'GIVE ME A CALL prim 111,'10111011S RECEIVED -AND --- PLACED UPON OUR SHELVES. A. GRAND DISPLAY •---_0101-__ Ice Cream Parlor The public are cordially invited to call and see the new parlors and test the cream. The most pleasant place in town. Everything possible dobe for the comfort of visitors. G. A. HYNDMAN, Family Grocer. Spring and -- Summer Goods8 Latest Styles and Patterns. GIVE tlS A CALL. I1LGFLEST PRICE PAID 1011 TTEEE and �3U E1GGS= TRICK, OUI'RELLEYr , yr 1.S IVId�R�(E QU AREy EXETER. Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out Boot and Shoe Ship in the Uorner,store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o; ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Bacrott's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. QUEEN VICTORIA'S Jus.ilee ar GOD SAVE OUR GRAOIOUS QUEEN. JUST RECEIVED ! New Teas, New Coffees, New Sugars, New Syrup, Rolled Oats, Granulated Cornmeal Graham Floor, 13ucitwheat Flour, Ro11er Flour, New Groceries, Oranges and Lemons, Candies in endless variety, Tobaccos and Cigars. I have taken great care i11 buying and sets eating lay stuck. Give me a 08.11 0115 you will find my goods cheaper than the cheapest, consistent with first rate nuellty. Prepaid Certificates and Ocean Rates at Lowest Passible Priests. REMlsirnsR elm ADDRESS, CAPTAIN KEMP DREW'S BLOCK. YOU CAN LI'V7{,, AT HOME ANDSAKE MONEY, You efts) live at home, and melte mere mangy at work far un, than nt itnyt)ing else in this world', Capital not heeded ; you use started free Both sones; ail Agee. Any ono can do the sorlr- Largo earnings sdre from first start. Cosily outfit and terms free , Batter not delay. dusts you nothing to send till your itticireee and find out ; if yotnare wise ynu Will 0(1 so at duce. E. lilALLtTT &Co.,1'ettland, utai.n Lots, Lots, Lots. FOR S L . 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets; also a number of HOUSES, & rAMILAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER. Via®© TtT Butter Waiited t Ac •9i,,.L. E'CvrJpTi" 115 EXETER NOPLT.H, Our Stock is Well Assorted Pell THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL hIAINTAINED GROOEt1LS I I 16 lbs. sugar .$L00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 'We can't be uticlersolcl in Teas from 20c. to 75o. per lb. .Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of A.RD Nir A - TE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheap.) Beet Mechine Oil 6018 per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWIIST. t A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, 075. A good suit of ready-um,de clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch, COTTON --20 YARDS For. ONE DOLLAill sO A house and Let, also latm foe i ,. Sale. a Apply to JOHN . N MATHESON`, HAY 1?�. 0.