HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-12, Page 3ELOUSEHOLID, ;letting Table for a Plain dinner. A neat, well -set table, with its snowy linen, glittering silver and china, is one o£ the best appetizers one can have. When to tills ie added some touch of be uty i aarks a h e of lovely s c color,le us sa Pb a vase Yof Y flowers, ow rs, a freshly growing foliage plant, or the rainbow tiutings of modern Mass, the effect is magical, and the .spirits rise under the influence of anticipated good ()hoer in a Moet marvelous manner. By this I do not mean that wetly furnishing is necessary to promote auttoipations and feelings of good 4heer, but that neatness, and ordor, and the brightness of good color are requisites, and these may be had for a trifle more than the revet'se costs, and in the end at a lower Dost, taking all the good results into considera- tion. Firs "and foremost is needed a nice thick, doubt .faced canton flannel over which to spree the da mask table ()loth, which t should Id be of t e purest white for dinner. r. A cloth of small pattern will take a goodgloss in the ironing, and wear better than one of large pattern. The napkins should match the sloth, and be daintily washed and ironed, with a trifle of starching only. If there is to be any decoration a low bowl of ,flowers, orpotted a o d plant of fresh clean foliage, will be pretty stnding in standing a middle of thable, and where there is no waiter, it will be con- venient and tasteful to arrange a fruit de- sert on little fancy plates, one for eaoh member of the family and the guest or guests around the flowers, thus making a pretty center piece. The knives, forks, and spoons to be used should be laid at each place, the forks at the left, the spoons at the right, the knives across the top and the folded napkin with a square of bread enclosed .be- tween them. There will be the desert knife, fork and spoon, the dinner knife and fork, and the tablespoon, and at the corners of the table the necessary vegetable spoons ; also, at each plate a goblet and individual salts, or else small salt and pepper cruets, say three of. eaoh on the table in convenient places. The soup and the roast may be on the table at once, and the vegetables in cov- ered dishes on a two -shelved side table con- venient to the mistress's hand, to avoid an appearance of crowding. .After the soup is served it will not be very troublesome for a servant or some member of the family, a daughter or wife's sister, to remove the tureen and soup plates to the lower shelf of the side table, and to place the vegetables on the dinner table, and presently for the servant to remove these, and bring in the coffee or tea and the dessert, and to stand them ou the side table. If there is no servant sufficiently trained, this service can be quietly performed by one of the family without disturbing the comfort of the guests or the rest of the fam- ily, if some method is observed and affairs have been regulated for a quiet change. In such a case that member, whether daughter or sister-in-law, but not the lady of the house, will remove the vegetables, and the plates and dinner knives and forks to the side table, serve the dessert of pudding, or pie, or *atnot, and place the after dinner coffee cups, cream, sugar, and coffee on a tray before the mistress of the house, and the dessert will proceed and the dinner end pleasantly. Meanwhile, from beginning to end, provided everything necessary has been placed on the two tables, there have 'ti been only two occasions for rising from the table and no apparent disturbance of the order of the dinner. Praotioal Recipes. PRESSED EGGS.—Eight eggs, boiled hard, and while. hot chopped with salt and a lump of butter hedsize of a walnut. Press into a deep dish' serve cold. NICE BREAKFAST DISH.—To chopped, cold, boiled potatoes add a generous lump of but- " ter, and for a small family half a cup of thick cream ; put over the fire and mix and stir until very hot ; then serve. GINOER CAKES.—One cup each of sugar, molasses, sour cream and butter, two ergs, five cups flour, one tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful each of cloves and cinna- mon, one-half teaspoonful of nutmeg; many add raisins, one and one-half cups, seeded. WHITE CARE.—Two cups of sugar, one cup of butter, five eggs beaten very light, one cup sweet milk, three and one-half cups of flour, two tablespoonfuls of cream of tar- tar and one of soda. Flavor with bitter al- monds or vanilla. BEEF OMELETTE.—Chop the raw beef fine and put into the frying pan with a lump of butter ; stir until very brown, but not too well done ; then add several well -beaten eggs ; stir well and serve at once. If pre- ferred, it can brown on one side and be lapped over like an ordinary egg omelette. CHOCOLATE CAKE (WEDDING).—One half cupful of butter, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of sweet milk, two and one-half cup- fuls of prepared flour, the yelks of five eggs, and the whites of two. For icing between layers, whites of three eggs, thickened with powdered sugar and one-fourth of a cake of grated chocolate. Flavor with vanilla. CALVES' LIVER ,FRIED AS OYSTERS.—Cut the liver moderately thin and about the size of large oysters. Wash, put it into hot water slightly salted, and let it boil five or ten minutes. Then remove it from the ket- tle, let it drain and fry as oysters. Beat as many eggs as the liver will require. Dip in the egg, roll in powdered cracker and fry in hot lard or butter. PoTTED SHAD.—Cut the shad in small pieces, wash• and wipe dry, season each piece with salt and pepper. Put in a deep earthen dish with whole allspice and cloves on: oh layer, taking care to remove the bless ms from the cloves, as thea o , e darken the v'yiear. overthemwith �rr g v good cold eider/ vinegar. Cover tightly and.place in a moderate oven for three or four hours. DRY BREAD FRITTERS.—Two cups of dry, fine bread crumbs, two tablespoonfuls pre- pared flour, half a pint or rather less of milk, four ell -beaten eggs, half a cupful of su- gar, w t g s g P a tablespoonful of butter and a d few urants. Boil the milk and pour over the bread, dredge the currants with flour and mix all into a stiff batter. Drop into hot lard as doughnuts and send to table in powdered sugar. FLOUR PUDDING. --One quart of sweet milk ; wet and stir smoothly into a little of this cold milk siix tablespoonfuls of flour. When the remainder of the milk boils, stir in this wet flour, boil ten minutes more and set away to cool. When cold, add the well - beaten yolks of six eggs, then the whites, Which have been beaten to a foam that will, pile up ; now beat this into the gold laud. din until it all looks even and light. Bake another half-hour and serve hot, CITRON CAKE.—Three maps of sugar, one of butter, one of sweet milk, fotir pups of flour, one-half teaspoonful ofsoda and one of cream of tartar. Cut up one-half pound of citron fine and thin and the whites of ten eggs. Cream tho butter and sugar; sift the gout and add gradually, then the citron. Beat the eggs until stiff and add last ; sift the Create of tartar in the flour and dissolve thesoda in a little tepid water, Heat all thoroughly before stirring in the eggs. CREAM' Plrifks.-One cup of hot water, sue -half cup of butter, boil together, stirring in a cupful of dry flour while boiling,. When gold add three eggs not beaten. Dropb. tablespoonfuls on buttered tin and bake in a quick oven over twenty five minutes, being eareful not t 00 pen the oven door ore than is necessary. This makes fifteen puff's. Take care that they do not touch eaoh other. For filling, take a pint of cream, a cup of powdered sugar and whites of two eggs with flavoring of .any sort preferred. , When the puffs are cold, cut a round piece out of the bottom of each, scrape out the in- side; fill the cavity with whipped cream, fit back the piece taken from the bottom,. set on a disk and ice. Things a Housekeeper Should Nnow. That salt should be eaten with nuts to aid i dea tio u g That milk which stands too long makes bitter butter. That rusty fiat -irons should be rubbed over with beeswax and lard. That it rests you in sewing to change your position frequently. That a strong hot lemonade taken at bed time will break up a bad cold. That tough beef is made tender by laying a few minutes in vinegar water. That a little soda will relieve sick head- ache caused by indigestion. That a strong cup of coffee will remove the odor of onions from the breath. That well ventilated bed -rooms will pre- vent morning headaches and lassitude. That a oup of hot water drunk before. meals will prevent nausea and dyspepsia. That one in a faint should be laid on the fiat of his back ; then loosen his clothes and let him alone. That consumptive night sweats may be ar- rested by sponging the body nightly in salt water. That a fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by trequently sponging off with soda water. That to beat eggs quickly, add a pinch of salt. Salt cools, and cold eggs froth rapidly. That the hair may be kept from falling out after sickness by a frequent application to the scalp of sage tea. That you can take out spots from wash gcods by robing them with the yolk of egga before washing. That white spots upon varnished furniture will disappear if you hold a hot plate over them. Ninety Years Old. The Emperor William of Germany has completed the ninetieth year of his age. The occasion was celebrated with unusual rejoicing and festivity throughout his domin- ions. In Berlin the displays of military pageantry and of court gaieties were brilli- ant and various, while throughout Germany the people gave themselves up to a joyous holiday. The event is certainly a very rare one, if, indeed, it is not unexampled in the history of modern royalty. It is not easy to recall any sovereign of a large nation in modern times who has reached so patriarchal an age. There have been, it is true, many longer reigns than that of the Emperor William. At least three living European potentates have sat upon the throne longer than the Victoria of England has reigned nearly fifty years. Francis Joseph of Aus- tria has reigned thirty-nine, and William of Holland has worn the crown thirty-eight years. But the German Emperor has only been king of Prussia twenty-six years, and The deal' that yras Interesterj in a Drummer. " You know Jonty—Jonty, of Toronto ? `Yes, I know hila well,"' "''what fellow's got the most cheek and can tell the biggest lie in the business. He told me that be was met by a bear ones and incl that hegot awaywith' it. asked I a d e to see the elfin, but he said he gave it to a a mash he made in the next town ; lain ho offered to give me her address. She'd mov- ed. But he met this boar, and this hoar looked at hint. He knew in a Minute he was a drummer, the bear did, and he licked his chops, anticipatin' eatin' him clean up. Jonty had great resence of mid and opened his sample case and showed' he he Pthe hear his baking powder. The bear was interest. ed. Bears have a great deal of curiosity. He began examining it coolly, just as if he was going to eat a drummer, and he might as we11 e bI,' b nwi' tht' he samples. He Ple linked upallthe baking b powder d er and seemed to en- joy it. All that Jonty wanted then was time. So he skirmished around e o un d un tIl the ain b k g powder began to work, and the bear began to swell. Upon my word, Jonty told me that the bear swelled up until he floated away into the air, and Jonty tied a rope to him, fastened the other end to a tree, and killed him with lead at his leisure," "Did you ask where Jonty got the rope?" " What was the good ? I knew he was lyin'." The Ladies' Favorite. The newest fashion in ladies' hats will doubtless cause a flutter of pleasurable ex- citement among the fair sex. Ladies are al- ways susceptible to the changes of a fashion plate ; and the more startling the departure, the more earnest the gossip over the new mode. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for the ills which afflict fe- males and make their lives miserable, This sovereign panacea can be relied on in oases of displacements and all functional derange. ments. It builds up the poor, haggard and dragged -out vicitm, and gives her renewed hope and a fresh lease of life. It is the only medicine for woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by druggists, under a. positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Read printed guaran- tee on bottle wrapper. The Glasgow Chamber of Commerce has pronounced in favor of a fiscal change, and the Manchester Chamber has affirmed un- abated confidence in Free trade. The Cutest Little Things. " Cute 1" he echoed. " Well, I don't know as the adjective would have occurred to me in just that connection. But if you mean that they do their work thoroughly, yet make no fuss about it ; cause no pain or weakness ; and, in short, are everything that a pill ought to be, and nothing that it ought not, then I agree that Pierce's Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets are about the cutest little things going ! The Osservatore of Rome, a semi-official paper, rejoices over Prince Bismarck's de- cision to seek Papal assistance in his contest with the social revolutionists. Mild, soothing, and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. A fresh pro -Russian conspiracy has been discovered in Sofia, and several men who were formerly officers in the Bulgarian army have been arrested. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. Sufferers are not generally aware thab these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, ioatarrhal deafness and hay fever are oured in tom oneto three simple applioatlone made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent tree n receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 Ring has been at the head of the Empire sixteen ! oo years. The monarchs who have had the two longest reigns in modern times, Louis XIV' of France an d George III. of Eng- land, both died younger, however, than the German William. Louis reigned no loss than seventy-two I ( years (1643-1715), and yet died at seventy- seven. George reigned sixty years (1760- 1820), and died at the age of eighty-two. The present Emperor of Brazil, who is now just closing the fifty-sixth year of nis reign, is in the sixty-second year of his age. It is wonderful to think that in the yet sturdy old ruler of Germany a monarch is p still reigning who became an officer of the Prussian army eighty years ago; who took part in, and still well remembers, the battle ;fir of Waterloo (1815), and who has seen all the great events of this eventful nineteenth oen- 4 tory, now so near its close, pass in dramatic succession before his eyes. The Emperor William has always shown a high, haughty, despotic nature. Ile is perhaps the only remaining sovereign in Europe—except his grand -nephew, the Rue- t sian Czar --who devoutly believes that he b has a divine right to rule, and who clings to ( the old despotic ideas of kingship which pre- vailed in the Middle. Ages. I t Yet he has never been a capricious tyrant. a He has shown an ardent love of his people p and his country; has been ambitious to make Germany great, strong, and prosperous; and I has sincerely tried to be a kindly as well as strict ruler over his subjects. e Like almost all of his stalwart race, Wil - liana has always had a fondness for military affairs. The greater part of his life. indeed, o was spent in active service in the Prussian F army. He had a taste of war very early in life, in the Napoleonic campaigns; and has always been regarded since as one of the W best -trained soldiers in Europe. At the age of ninety, the wonderful physi- P cal powers which have suffered the wear I and tear of an unusual busy and laborious d life seem t s undiminished. aline undi shenf d. The veteran Emperor is still seen daily by his people, standing erect and soldierly at the window of his palace; and we often hear of his appearing, mounted on his white on horse, at the great military reviews which V are frequently held in the neighborhood of of his capital. More than one attempt has been made, by wild fanatics, on the Emperor's life.Yet there is no doubt that his intelligent and thoughtful subjects regard him, not only with the deepest reverence, but with the fondest affection, Alike in his person and in his character,. he presents a noble type of royalty, a re- presentative of the German nation of which it may well be proud; and when, as must, ere very long, happen, he passes away, he will be deeply mourned and regretted throughout the Fatherland. Street West Toronto Canada Papa : "Well, girls, Lent is over, and now what have you done for the good of the church during the season of penance?" Bess with a sudden attack of bravery: "Molly hasn't done much of anything ; but I—hm— er—I've promised to marry the new rector.' Heart Disease, The symptoms of which are "faint spells purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats•strong, ra- id and irregular. The second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, &c " Can be cared " in many of the at stages." Send 6c. in stamps for pamphlet and full particulars. Address M. V. LUBON, 7 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Canada, Congo advices say that the Stanley expedi- tion passed Boma, on the Congo River, on April 20th, and that all the members of the party were well. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated ongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once e relieved by using Dr. Gareon's Stomach Bitters, Ise old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggiet• " It's all very well," said the gravedigger, to advise ayoung man to begin at the bottom nd work up, but in my business it ain't raetieable." LADES Who are Weak, Nervous and exhausted; who feel themselyes losing strength ; who are pale, delicate and icitly in appearance, suffering from the many cotn- aints pecufla.i' to women—send for stud rend 1. VALUBON'S Treatise in BOOR FORM on the rag - eases of Women. Mailed sealed and secure from bservation on receipt of Oc. In stamps, UNSEALED -inc. Address, M. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St. East. Toronto, Ont. At least four hundred children are down ith the measles in the city of Madison, iris.and many adults are afflicted. The ublic schools have been closed. Whenever your Stomaoh Or Bowels get out ofor. er, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion- and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best All Druggists, 50 oents, family medicine. The Dominion Government will be asked May 7, to grant compensation to those olunteers who took part in the Fenian raids 1866 and 1870. VOii1VG MEN suffering from the effects' of early evil habits the resultc ott o ,ranee and folly, 1 who find d Y, themselves weak, nervous and exhare ted • also MID. DLs•Aosn and OLD MEN who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and &RAD M.V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Moa The book will be sent Sealed to any address on receipt of two So. etampe. Address M. V. Ltl'BON, 57 Welling- ton St. East Toronto Ont " I hear that your husband is very ill," said Mrs. Philpot. "Yes, poor fellow," re- plied Mrs. Shooper, it he leads such a sedi- mentary life that his health is shattered." TO Cure Pain. The means which may be readily and successfully employed to relieve pain are important and should he known by all. We give you the name of the beet remedy in the world for pain, and the information that a 10 dent sample bottle can be purchased at any drug store. Poison's NERVIIsata, the new and sure pop pain euro, will never, fail in time of need, Norviline is it sale ' and prompt eure of all kinds of pain, neuralgia, cramps, toothaehei headache. Sure always. Ten and 25 cent bottles at drug store, A. P. 331. Jella,Gkelliaeta wee AND CANVASSERS wanted,Male or Female, Whole or spare time, on salary or commie- sion. Industrial n Union of B.N;A 41 Arad o e, Toronto TAMMEIt INC—And all impedfntbtits of Speech, removed for life. Ouro guaranteed. Stammer, ing Specialist, 25 Clarence St., Toronto, ANEW \V E1 IE3iY MOWER SIrk11PEIVER— Will sharpen the knife without taking it out Every farmer will buy it. AGENTS WANTED, CLEMENT & CO., TORONTO., TOE BOILERINSPECTION and instrr. L aHCC Centime., of Carle lilt. Consulting Engineers and Selieitors of Patents. O, O. host, phial Engineer. IROA I inns: See - y Tram, (-y 00i► t,ll'E AGENTS IS WA?TIED IN i:V1 5 7f County in ()amide, Addreer,, FERIUS aC ('Q , Si Church St •, 'Toronto. r01W14,T0 Clf'l i'1tiG iiCllOUL.—Gent]ornon desirous of acquiring thorough knowledge of garment cuttlugshatild apply at once to fi. CottuicAN, 122 Yonge St,, Toronto. Terms on application, C 01 D9 N O uMP ulO8 jTW oio_ N G Iud1;Do, t Aon tti iu ceti �B n,aa ic dlootliMouldings, as. I�t ar,toa Etc. Panitlt6a .En. gi wIn6s,lauitMs, Aif tansa Artists', at rC.'Mirrors, ts. Wboleale d Retil. Trade at. alogue. ItIATTHIRWS lii5O,S. e5 C0.,ToroWin.. ' ,'i3abbitt'—Non• SPOONER S COPPERINE ftbroua - Aitti rt is tion Box -metal fon journal bearings in inachiuor,v— Guaranteed copper iniixed, guppliee every require- ment, Ask year hardware dealer for it. A,LONZO W. S('OONi.rt, Patonteo anti Manufacturer, Port hope. FIN Aitingles, three CFU kinds ; Clothes e u. kinds Washing Machines, 2 'rindsO, CarpWritet Swrseepetersn, Meat Choppers, Ti weirs, and other sundries, AinL oN H T 1N Ta[ AU a AL WORKS CO„ o Ham t iron C da, uSend for artt 1e wanted.1 !nitratedd Catalogue. Ar= V ANTEDA D.W. BEADLE NURSERY CO. ht. Cat➢tarirrOa, out.. UELIPn Busliness College, t uelph, Twelve states and Provinces alreadyrepreseut• e on the roll of this Institution, To thorough, prao. Meal instruction, end the efficiency and emcees et graduates, this College owes its popularity (ir• milers, giving terms, etc., mailed res, M. MAcCORMIOB Principal. Blip1OAVEli ZiNE 01i' STEA11ISnUPS, Sailing, weekly' between Montreal and LIverpool. RATES OF PASSAGE:—Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 550, and 500 ; Return Tickets, 580, 830, and $100 —according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter.. mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further partiofilars and to secure Berth, apply to 11. E. IIIIRRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the at ferent Towns and Cities. T� °OK AGENTS 'WANTED FOR "PLATFORM ECHOES," or Living Truths for Bead and Heart, by John B. Gough ; his last and crowning life work, brim full of thrilling interest, humor and pathos ; bright, pure, and good, full of laughter and tears. It sells at sight to all, To it is added the life and death of Mr. Gough, by Rev. L3 man Abbott. This is the best and fastest selling book of the day. Terms liberal. Write us for full information, circulars, eto. Address, WILLIAM BRIGGS, 78 and 80 King Street East, Toronto. J � D�JUG%a, MEDI 4NE. r 4n t 'AIM Eh dr 0004 Toronto. JDNe 10, 1885.—For two years my wife's health was run down.. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to do anything for herself; she was given up by five doctors, they all passedthe opinion that she could not live. She commenced using Dr. Jug's Medicine in December, 1884, and after taking six bottles she was so muoh improved that she could look after her householdduties. J. M. Rompers, Engineer, 0 P. R., West Bicycles �I END AT ONOE FOR LIST o i� Second•Hand Machines, FROM 1615 UPWARDS New Catalogue Ready let April A. T. LANE, MONTREAL. Awnin t� • Whaalehars.•Decorated Win - I dew Shades, aree. BRAYED Goin MEDAL TENT MANUFAOToar, 70 Ring St. West, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR'G CO. ®NTA RIO CANOE COMPANY Peterboro', Ont. vr71 • n-7uu 41;!;;94 Tim,:,, i 1.144 1/ • MANUFACTUR'S OF ALL KINDS OF ag'Send 80. Stamp for catalogue. CANOES airy Salt ;. FOR BUTTER, ETC. NEW Importations —Higgins' Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands. in large or small sacks. Also Rioe's Canadian Salt. Write for prices. JAMES PARK & SON, Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto. 23 ADELAIDE ST. E,. TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' Leash Slugs and Metal Furniture, Send for prices. TILE BANK OF TORONTO. Dividend. No 62 Notice is hereby given that a dividendof(4)fourper gent. for the current half year, being at the rate 01(8) eight per met. per annum, and a bonus of (2) two per cent. upon the paid up capital of the bank, has this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at the bank and its branches, on and after WEDNESDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE NEST The transfer hooks will be closed front the 17th to the 31s5 day of May—both days included. The Annual General meeting of Stockholders will be held at the banking house of the institution on Wednesday, the 15th day of June next. The chair to be taken at noon, 13y order of the Board. D. COULSON, Cashier. Bank of Toronto, April 27, 1887. SUU4PTIONI I have a positive remedy for te above dieeoee lbyte use thousands- of OMB of the wont k ud awl along standing have been cured. Indeed so 9 rang le my faith in its efficacy, that f will send TWO BOTTLES PREF, together. With a VALUABLE TREATISE on tide Weems to. say Suferer. Give express and P. 0. address. DR. T. A. SL00UM, Franck Office, 37 Tonge St., Toronto ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The I[utua1 Reserve Fund LIFE ASSOCIATION. The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association to the world—desires active representa• fives in every section of Canada • liberal indu0c)m en ta: It has full Government Deposit, and under the super- vision of Insurance Department at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited, Address, J. M.. WE2LL, General Manager, 68 King Street East, Toronto. BABY'S S E31RTFI DAlf A.11/11"Beautiful ted Birthda Card t tial In or 0 d so¢4 to any baby whose mother will send tie the names of two or more other babies, and their patents' addresses Also a handsome Die mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and, wens, Richatlah rdson di Co. Montreal. FREE FLOWERING' PLANTS. 13 for 81.00 Atm nese QOAtivr, and with every 0 " 50 Dollar order, an Amaryllis, a Ohrys. 3 25 f enthemum or Monthly hone, FREE. err Trait BEST ITRAweERar PLANTS, 25e. A DOZEN, r 1 guarantee Plants to planes', and to arrive In good order at any post office in the Dominion. Large plants by freight oe express. Send postal for descriptive list. J. P, COCKB URN FL ORTST; (Stempe taken). GRAVENnUasT, ONT. ILE THE FAVORITE 1 Blind, Illoediug, and Itching effectually, cured by the 'Medical I'ilelternedy. Thousands of suffer- ers ein testify tothe permanent next relief from these in- ternal and external remedies. $1.400 per package. Ask your druggist for it, or will be sent by mail, post. age paid. iiUOII A1iLl.hn ,e CO lef Ring St. Bast Toronto. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships. vl Sailing during winter from Portland every Thuredalta.l and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in euro rater from Quebec) every Saturday to Liverpool, oaillni O at Londonderry to land mails and passengers to; a Scotland and Ireland ; eisoffrom Baltimore, via Hall fax and St. Johne, N. F., to Liverpool fortnight') , A during Bummer months. The steamers of the Glee 1 gow lines, sail during winter to and from halifaa, 0 Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and duringg:sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgoe andfermBostoni 3 ht g weekly, and Glasgow and Philadeiphlt l • For freib b passage, or are f other n! a vuoua fo tri • g , p g ,a8. tion apply tt CARRIAGE TOPS r etretyl. A. Sehun;aoher '24J Co ,Baltimore S. Cunazd & Oo„ uonvoniance, durahiifiby IIsBuand cheapness, litax Shea &no o h Oo. St. Jt er until ah¢'s fid •tyou seethem.`s Wm. T cmY A� ,H h , p eon & Qo„ St. John, N.B.; Allen & ()o., Chioaga the loading Ca•rtage Builders sell them. Love & Alden, New York; II. Bourlier, Torontel Factory : 407 King fat. W., T ORONTO. Allan, Rae pc In Quebec); Wm Brookaa Philadel Tilbhlt !t N.a BETTER The Snow Drift Baking Powder Uo>x ilraobtpd, Oni phia; H. A. Allen' Portland Boston Montreal:' ONE CENT FAHD1111.t�a, who want to settle their fancily around J' them. Tenant Fanners, who want a horn@ of their own. Mechanics, wanting big pay. Cap. twists, wanting safe investments. Baldness Men, who want to strike a business boom. Ambitions Mer, wtio want 8 heats and start in Lilo -send postal card with address to .1, M n.1ICKiNS, 96 Bing Street West, Toronto. IOU'EFTS! Wheal say euro I do not mean merely to stop them for. time and then have .the n return a,ratn. I mean a radical cure. I have mode the di ease of70T8 EPILEPSY or.FALI. INC SICKNESS a Ilfe-long study, I warrant res remedy to cure the worst mum. Because others have failed 1.00 reason for net now rete vlsg a care. Sandaf onrnloe • hesnse sad a Free Bottio oirttiy lefanlble remedy.. Div. Express and Poet Office. It wets you nothing fora trial, 5042 will cure you. Address DR. H. e."BOOT, Branch Osco, 37 Tonle Ste, Toronto, The Perry Cart TWO SIZES, SURREY AND PHAETON BODIES, The Shafts are attached to body by the Perry Com- pensating Springs. The result of the action of these Springs is no horse -motion in the cart, and no cart motion on the horse. Descriptive illustration on application. For sale by all carriage makers. CANADA CARRIAGE PARTS CO., TORONTO, Solo Manufacturers for Canada. The Trade only supplied. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. dSTThe Celebrated Ron. cook Inspirator. Ur'Greeham'e Automatist Re•startin�• Injector. d8rDforrison a Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. rar,Engineers' & Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAME.% DIO1LYPSON, 76 1;77 Adelaide S5W.,. TORONTO. MERIDEN BRITTANNIA TTANHIA CO. MANUFACTURE ONLY RHESR SILVEP-PLATED WARE. Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAILMILTON ONT.B.RIO A PERMANENT BLACK POLISH ESPECIALLYADAPTED FOR IAD IES&CHILORENS FINESHOES. Lardine. This Splendid Machine Oil! Ilas never failed to trke the highest awards wherever exbibited. It Has No Equal, Farmers, Threshers and JTillmen Use No Other, This Oil keeps the Machinery in first rate working order. thereby lessening the chances of accidents and breakdowns To be had of all first-class dealers. Beware of imitations 1 Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder Oil. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Lard Oils always in stock. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF LARDINE. M'COLL BROS. & CO., - TORONTO. FAR `HERS 'AND THRESHERS Use;,on yilur Machinery only the Well-known PeerlessOil NINE COLD MEDALS have keen awarded 15 during the last four yeate. Try also our PEERLESS AXLE GREASE for your Waggons and Horse Powers. Manufactured at QUEEN:CITY OiL WORKS, by SAMUEL RIGGERS & CO., Toronto. OUR L NOTICE ST Ill this paper referred to the Amaral Meeting of the Associa- tion. This niieetiun (being the 15th since the Company was organized took place on Tuesday, the 12th April, when the following gratifying increases were Announced : PREMIUM INCOME INCREASED FOR YEAR, - $96,894. INTEREST AND RENTS, - - 13,029. ASSETS, $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234. $260,420hrderaoPds aayPbefiton tao dPae J, g, MACDONALD, Managing Director, NTARIO PUMP CO., (L'TD) Manufacturers of Wind M`111 Feed.: rin.ders, Raying Tools, lltOI and d WOOD FUJIPS. AND A PULL LINE 013 Railway, Town, Varna, and Orntnlentai Witter Stipply Material. Geared, Windmills, for driving Machinery, ?uniping Water, etc., from Ito 40 horse power. i Send for Descriptive Catalogue.