HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-5, Page 811e ,reter THUUSD4, NAY CAlt, 3.8$7. LTSberne, Tfwirwiges of the two pupils in each, of the advanced °1euf S. S. No, 6, LIS - e hurtle, who obtained the highest muubet • h elf perfect lessons for the mouth of April, are as follows i-oret Chess.- 1st, 1de • --,43333‘0111333t,. som3s3,33013139r333r0333iraturistwrariets33.3mrs!sta~r3r60331,,r313 ShiPka. A NATIVE 017 RODGERVILLE FARmERss OTrR,s •NAEllifethe-Mte Harty Peleliu), to Mi Sarah KePhee, daughter of Mr. Ge,bri MnPbeh, Shinkae on TtiesdaY, the 20th of April, at the IL O. church, Limerick, Rev. lather Gehan. After the wedding pleasant time was apentattlee residence of the bride's father, whore the men), hours flew by in tripping the fantastic: toe. Mr, ' Urs, Pentad will wake their home at rUiairn,hlich, , where he is an oper- ator, Stephen Council, CLaucli met at Crecliten, May 2nd, 1887. Ali the teembere present. Minutes ot last regular mid spotlit meetings read and signed. Resolved that about 20 rode of ditobing be done along 1.0th oou, road, at 25ots. per rod Moved by 13•, Either and D. French that the itesessinent roll be accepted. Reeolved that Court of Revision be held ou Thursday, May 25til. as 10 a. in., Alia that at 2 p. Ill, gravel contraots be let for hauling gravel on °fedi- ton aud other roads. Let ail interested par- ties iu Court of Revision attend, The fol- lowing ordure were granted :-S. Broken, shire, culvert, Exeter S. R., 62 • W. Hill, rep cnivett 2ud con., 61 ; M. O'Brien, S B drain, ; G Kellermau, gravel, 615 ; U. Chlistie, assessor. ; 0. Christie, rep culvert, ; M. Cronin, ditobiug on 20th con., 62. el Ar•Vtistop nod Wife f0ive a 141.e of Turbo, tootle, •}hTn ,we 1101.10 0411. top 1,tboet40 fV0111 010 -A 0 , a 611 golise IN' TROURL I I I I by ▪ :KYala 211d. Wesley Harvey ,krit Glass --1st, Albert Hodgson, 2ncl, Alioe Jory. 4S11, MUD.. 1st, (.1.11.08, Russell, 2nd, 0. Harris. Tuntu.-ist, Eva Olee, 2nd, lia Westcott. 2N0 Chasseehlst, Amelia Duane, Snd, Violet &mall, OnSetnrr H. Tot, Teaoher. Towaship, SAil AND EATP.1, Actunator. -While Mr. Jos. Cludinore and Mr, Wm. Garrey were 8OAVing in the woods ou Friday, 290, the gale, which was blowing et the time, blew down a dry hemlock tree, which fell on Mr. G. wounding him in a fearful man- ner, Mr. Cadmore ran for assistance and the wounded man was carried to his house. 111edical aid was called, but all iu vain, the unfortunate men died.before the doctor's arrival. Mr. C. had a narrow escepe, as the hat was knocked off his head and the saw between the two men was broken into pieces. Mr. (arvey was an honest, induetrioue man and the news of his sudden departure from this world has cast a gloom over the entire noighbur- hood. This is the uld story which is often, repeated. Mr. G. had labored hard to hew out an honest living and just when comfort and ease appeared within his grasp he was snatched unexpectedly away. Mrs. Garvey has the sympathy uf the sur- rounding country m her sad bereevement. Stephen. - • - The following is a eorreet re iort of the pupils of S. S. No. 3 for the month of April. The report is based on good conduct and general proficiency during the month :- FOURTH, Sexton -Nora Bagshaw, 564 • Charlie Sanders, 487, Former, Jutlion- Arabella Morish, 692 ; Wm. Morish, 664 ; Henry Penhale, 576 ; Mary Sanders. 511 ; Hiram Shapton, 451 ; John Sanders, 327. 1h:rum CLASS--Illinnie Sweet, 740 ; Emly Jory, 7:34 ; Ella :Manton, 717 ; Minnie Morrison, 714 ; Clare Sanders, 675 ; Ed - intuit' Shapton. 649 ; 14Men Dearing, 633 ; Lucy Jory, 604 ; Earnest Dunsford, 537 ; Jane MorisK 524. SECOND CLASS- -Wesley Dearing, 796 ; Emma Panders, 654 ; Kate Dearing, 649; Addie Dunsford, 609 ; Frank Sanders, 595 ; Ida Sweet, 582. Walter Dearing, 496 ; Ruth Dunsford, 363 ; Wm. Hedden, 360 : James Bagshaw, 285 ; Alex. Box, 212. Geo. Harness, 163 ; Thos. Red- den, 146. FIRST, SENIOR -Thos. Sanders, 538 ; Jas. Sanders, 443 ; Ethel Sweet, 394 ; Viet. Bagshaw, 326 ; Emma Penhale, 277; Edgar Harness, 269. Enter, JUNIOR -Win. Sweet, 583; Eddie Sanders, 534 ; Samuel Sanders, 492; Charlotte Dearing, 479 ; H. Derring, 477 ; Wesley Eestle, 447. Maud Harness, 335 ; Eleanor Stanlake, 821 ; Geo. Redden., 227. The average attendance for the month was 56. SAM. J. LATTA, Teacher. Zurich. Biddulph The council wet pursuant tn adjourn- ment, in the Vote t Ramo Claudeboye, April 30th, 1837, The Reeve fuel all the members present. By.lew No. 8, of 1887, revising road seetions for statute labor, was duly pass- ed. By.I tw No 4, of 1887, separating Lot lb, and Pt Ei of Lot 21, Com 10, from Pt S. N... 4, and attaching the same to No. 7, was pa sea. lly•law No. 5, appointing road - mestere, was passed. The Court of Revision was appointed to bo held iu Olandeboye, ou May Nth. The tollowing accounts were or - derail to be paid ; Division N. 2, acoouuts to am't o: 539.81 ; Div. No. 3, 35.25 ; Div. No. 4, 23,75: oe C. S. 11. Div. No. 5, 63.50. The ttesessth war paid 25 for extras in con - motion with the aasesenieut of clogs. Tho auditors received 64 additional for making out Geverinueut retnrue. and clerk in Be P. 11, gravel rand, 24 50. The council adjourn - el to meet at the Temperance Hall, Granton, on Menclay. Jane 1311i 1887, at 10 n. w. Rambler. BRIEFS. -A son of Mr. John Atkinson, of the 4th concession of Biddulph, is very low with typhoid fever. -Mrs. H. Baker, of Stephen, and her daughter Henrietta, intend leaving for the Old Land on the 17th of this month, for the benefit of the young lady's health. We wish them a happy voyage and a safe return. -Owing to the extremely cold weather through- out the month of April, things presented a very dull aspect, feed became very scarce, and, as a: consequence, some people were compelled to lift their Cattle out of a very sad condition, but the warm sun and beautiful rains of May fill the farmer with delight and. joy. -A few evenings age some miscreants came along and tied Mr. Wm. Routcliff's gate to the post with barb -wire, putting it around twenty times, so that Mr. Routcliffe was necessitated to use the file for some time before an entrance could be affected. Those who are in the habit of perpetrat- ing those little peccadilloes should cease from doing them in the future, and re. nember the grand old rule, ''Do unto them as you would have them do to nal." H.URRA,11 Bose• -24 tif May will soon be here, and we 1001,1 hare sole ehending money to -buy fire crackers with.. The . , pound law came into force May 1st and ill pigs, cews, geese and other 'rennin' are not allowed on the streets for a while, soteep your eyes opened and make 25c. every chance you get. Harare.- This week we had, the plea- ., eure of meetino an old time friend in the &tii of Mr. °Auburn, who has just grad- , iot with honors aud received his dip - M. D. from the Medical College, Montreal. Our friend has put le four t years of hard study, and we wish him p every success wherever he hangs out his t , shingle. -Miss J. Bluffer, of Perth, was s visiting her sister in town last week. ee, Messrs. Dumart & Hardy, tanners, 'have dissolved partnership, Mr. Hardy .withdrawing. The firm is now known as ti Dumart & Weseloh. As Mr. Weseloh is a a good business man,. he in Co. with Mr. w Durnarte experienced person, we pre- ft diet for them an increased trade. The b new firm have widened their borders, and h will manufacture kinds of leather in large quantitiee. The Zurich leather is in tl ' threons. tr ELT. • • • The funeral of Mr. K tereli e.t1 through town on Tuescley. from ear!..,ihrtli to the IL. C. ehureh, the corpse 1-)eitlg interre1 in. the cemetery ad ioining. Otkli 1pfl ni,..ntiv rood a ahnth, ”1. teeee Lefere his death. ion. a 1g emItlett end ete.4:,re ettack 'fi'31;44.- 1;,,4, hint 'hew ' 13 • •1.1i, roarel ZuteetT ee. The lightniug rod pedlars are reported to have a new ttice, which they are practisine. npou uususpecting farmers. They stilt; they ttee FOOD ont by insuranue companies to test the reds now in use, as the losses from protectors are bettomine, very frequent. This method is described in the following : An. electric battery is produced, the farmer coupled into the nandlee. his lightening rod being in circuit, and the current not being nrned on he feels no shock. Then they reduce a sample of a lightning• rod which hey can famish the fernier, and to how hint how perfect it is. the electricity is hanged to their rod, and the machine beiug eavily charged this time, the farmer gets a hock that is almost a knenk-down argument. f course the bait is swallowed, and the vie - m signs a contract, end in a day or two long comes the second division ef the gang, ho put tap the rods. About this time. the temer receives another and harder shock by ting presented by a bill largely in excess of is expectation. No use kicking, for his on'ract, signed by his evin hand, stares bine the face, and he can do nothing but make ie best of a bad bargain. Dashwood. nutiws. leteners in our vicinity re busily enfo.ged in seoding. •--Business a 'little 41111er. itt rhe debating • tetttty ilt;•.; et -11)o. '1 it ith . Wili„10.1-1. S,,,*t(11.11iCr next. 1 '1•,'`'” ;•'•,,•*,1" 111, t..bt:tttt: t boy, otherwiee. no wit as tho Cite 9i3, o',' lets removed. ; (From a Detroit paper) About four years ego there came to Detroit front Terouto, Citeada, 1?r. Robert Hislop, his wife, Isabella Jeep, and their little deugh, ter Agnes, then aped silt years, 'Tice clout settled down to praetice erolesaum, an established an office iu the vieheity of Gran Rivereivenue. In the neighborhood. elf a year ago the go sip in the; lootnity had it that all was no roseate between the phyaiedom ea. his wif &Wide; of a scandalous nature were passe ' formers teed ethers, renturieg tile, that Mr,' flemge Meats, of Let 11, t4e41.5.0t04014,1-1,redl- teno,e,o,,,has Qu h tint 1 yery larett qua at4ty et TILE OF Ala: SIZES ! 41 the Poliowing Prices or I inolh psr le 4 4 14 d 5 " e s - t Seven inch tile can be feraismel if required, The; above are of best quelitee 0. Credito, April 14, leen GEC IterE MOATZ, :go 480 from. tongue to loogue regarding their mar. tal relations, It seems that the trouble h tween them grew out of Mrs. /Iislop's sea Quay of her husband's relations with oe rain vvomeu. Whether the jealousy wt founded int good reasous or pot, it caused great deal of trouble between them. Shortly af ter settling in Detroit Mr, Hislo turned. his attention to the diseases of women hie was acquiring a thriving praeties when 0.0nainenaugbusiness bele I am going to try and give satis_ file t101.1 all of my patrons by building from a true and good foundation. 18t lone9ty in all nly dealings. 232d,—To give unexcell 8 1.4?fit'' carry. ed values in all lin.es that a 3rd. --To take advantag of no one, but to give' everyone value for their 11 11 all at onee his wife accused him of havin other than professioual Imaioess with the throags of pretty married women who kept storming his office week in and week out. . A year ago ehe could etaud it no longer and went to her father's house in Logan, Perth nounty, Ontario. Shortly after her departure ner husband went to Holland, Mich, where he endeavored to build up new prac- tice. But it seems his turbulent relations with hie wife became known iu that town and he returned to this inky. He met his wife again, but for some reason they could not agree to live together. Thet was last fall. Mrs. Hifi 101) went beck ti Canada the second titne. Silo had only been gone a few days when her industrious husband filed a bill for divorce in the superior °cwt. It was dis missed when Itie wife threatened to file a cross bill. He was somewhat startled Tuesday night when a patrolmau armed with warrant for arrest called on him. The document was sworn out by his wife, who °barged him with non•support. hie was takeu to headqnarters where he was released ou his own reoogni- zauce. The following day he was arraigned, and pleaded not guilty, to appear and answer the charge when called upon. The doctor es once nulled to the law offi- op of Moore it Moore, and a new petition for divorce was soon drawn up It was filed iu the Wayne circuit court Friday morning. The main charge preferred is extreme cruelty. According to the document they were married at Guelph, Onh, April 5. 1875. The defendant's maiden name was Mehogan. Hislop was then a schoolteacher, but after- wards took to the study of medicine that he might soon become a millionaire. In 1883 he came to Detroit, whore a year ago he claims his wife became extremely cruel to him. He charges that ou one occagion after they had separated, she threw a vial of ana- bolic acid in his face, causing him great pain fors long time afterwards. Her in ist erne! treatment, he says, was her interfering with his practice among diseased women. Ile charges that many of Ws lady patients were grossly insutled by her while in his office and that he finally abandoned his practioe on this account. He says that when be went to Holland she had their difficuldes circulated in that place. fle also says that she charged him with grabbling and aeseciating with lewd women. Mrs. Hislop says :-I have been treated in a disgraceful manner by my husband. Ho never wanted to support me but now I want tosee what I can do. There te excellent foun- dations for my jeulonsy. I cannot say that there was anything criminal between them., Ou one oceiteiou I was attacked by my hus- band. who threw me down and sprained my %boulder. I have not recovered from it yet. He:stiiil he thongh t a.great deal of me,when I put- up a little money I had to nelp him study medicine ; but lately when I reminded hina that .1 had sapported him at that time, he said that was all right but I was not accom- plished enough for him now. Since. our re- lations have become so unhappy, I have occu- pied a separate apartment, rooming -with my littledaughter. Ho wuuld come into this room in the morning and say : 'that, ,you alive let ? Then my •prayers have not been' answered.' would not care,' continued Mrs. Hislop 'for matters have gone so far. they pan never be straightened ; but it near- ly breaks ray heart when I think of lay little Everest's Cough Syrup and Liver Regula- tor give universal:satisfaction in thilt vicinity. -R. White, Crediton P. 0. DREW'S HALL TO MENT. Seating Capacity, 700. -APPLY TO- ' CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. E. 1140741.111\TOZ'S Spectacles 4%, Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the sole Agenoy In Exeter, for the above lenses. 11111eY arg, the only ones reeutarneuded by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leaditig oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for grying that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they are in the market, B. Laurance's Spec. tholes ana igye-glaeses are marked 13.1i., with- out wbich none are genuitie,--and pebbles ere stamped Pebbles. Do not be deoeiyed by any goods stamped Pebble-glass—or by any Kinn, laxity in name,—DR. BRO WNIN So La A0103T• reit IllinTnit, • ) 4 >N1.. "411 4.••• 4)0 Row Last liow ilestored. Just published, a rimy edition of DR. OUL- VERWET.•L'S ICBRAT OD ESSAY on the radical cute of prertawroarionA or Senile:el Weakness ..oluntary somintwy hones, In. roust:ex, Mental and Oysical incapacity, Int - Pediments to marriage, oto.; also, CONSMIX.- TION, Ben:neer and Pers. inducati by sell -i cluls,ence,or sexual e•ttrn,Vagance, The ocean ated au thor, in this ateno.ne.bie as- say, clearly deinonstretee from the thirty years' successful practice, that the alarniing cense (ponces of 8011C:time may be radically cured. pointing out a mode or care at onee sienna, certain, and effectual , by moans of which even,. sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. u.." This leeture should be in the hiteds of every youth and every mite in the hold. Sent under seal. in a plain envelope, to any address,pest•paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps. 01.ddress. THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41.1Ann St., New York, N. Y. P. 0. Box. 450 S WELL az PICKARD ARE OPENING A Large and Fine Assortment —0E--. Spring and Summer 0-00Ds -INCLUDING- Prints, Scotd1 and Cana(lian Ginghahis, Shillings, Darned Nets, Fancy Embroidery,, Black and Colored Silks and lierveleux, Gloves, Hosiery, &C., &c. -A- N "V" T 3D 1 All goods will be offered tit the Lowest Possible Prices. A POSITIVE OURF. ron GivEs Immediatg Ned PROTECTIVE AND-- :,;t7 COW Nelidg. , COLLECTIlle ASSOCIaTION 41 HAY FiNF,P4 It HE MERCHANTS' 17016 dollar, I am prepared to sell at Very Close Prices, and arn determined to give my customers the advantages which result from careful and judicious buying. —MY STOCK Tweed: and Meths Ann ALL OF TILE LATEST PATTERN —AND MY—. Gents' Furnishings ----A R Second To None in Town. Only Call and Be Convinced. N. B. -Tweeds bought from me will be cut Free .of Charge, and Perfect Pit iquaranteed. Yours Respectfully, WM. SOUTHCOTT. Exeter, March 15th, 1887. NOTE IT ! DON'T FORGET IT In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Oi v Premises, and now have room to show the STOO Hardware, Tinware, Stovj, Etc IN T 0 AV INT — If you want a STOKE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prieos Right If you. intend building, Call and Get Oar Prices for NAILS, MOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, , OILS, LEADeE AVETROUGHING, ETC, IT Per If you want TINWARE, COPPERViTARE, or Anything in That Lino, you Strike the Right • Spot when you call at • B I S S, E T B R 0 S If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMERICAN on CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (inos), you trill strike Rock 13ottom Prices at 2E3 IssMr1"1" P,0 s. —THE PLACE FOR— OP CANADA. wksy To vtq:. • OHEAPIvkss VARIETY AND EXTENT, 13 EA D eiFFICE, .._ HAMILTON. ONT. :Nat a Snug, Powder or Irritating Limed. ;Pr: AY • • • e'er, ‘ le.relll:r) 1881. f,40.,,,,, in,01.,;,, z.,,4. 1,„_ . ,4 /rm., .1 1.4114-14 li; to:, 1 le;,.4tiel. to 9144;1. . -;•,-, .,,, A.,,,,.....itiuit of hrs- iness and prOrOARS'i011- r1 1 7,1 i • '' 1•.1,. ‘.1-• i1 1 '1i - 111 ''11 t 11' il: !,, teen, 1144'. 10 fttrtts obit -et -the CleitIt'•10, . ' • . I tr " le, 't • • I ti t'• Tit • T.111.?: Or 1 11.113'rt,', • trod. to t)reveiit its moaners ot ,,4 ;,,i^...: r' '1: ,..'fi,,,•:`-.... 1;111 11i1,1g,, fli: 1, ' , , , , r• . tr,,i , 1,0i.iiil,' I, 1 aclav he tarni.iiiiig tittm i',.... 4. ie: 160:1/ ,1:1 ' are I/1'11111:04.: r',.","'I, , 1 i .. , . 1 4' .1), , .1 ilA :1 ,:..1 ./:.;I:''': ‘I'htt .1) Wit' pl4r. Art11'01141.11t14. SD cis. nne$1.01). It not obtainebn) at your drt•-s. gists, sent prepaid en receipt o.;' price, Jie;.ret--e FULFORD ef, 1:. 1I.C.f1011111110 ..,olicet, wishing • lie o ,nip-f,st, 33c,,11. ,1"."" I o Alt • NM cg. ,r1 ,f) • - 1'7.11 e.44:1 -t,4144.4 L.; 1,..-41444 e ,114- ,44 , • 4, I 111,'11 Vino tO 011)! 1.411(' r.,shitehei!t f ' • T 1 • '•' t 1 -; • .• 7 1 P„A.i „t?.. Stor..‘i ill .1..' "-• . . t i' , 11 2 ' 1,• ..", ' ;, 11: ,1 V... tl,..11":11.4..a '1:: "',...• ' 4. ' • 1 i . ' '' 1 ' ! ti;;1,;!11.':1"ili‘Int''.1:71:;t''''''.1;11111'iik'.'1; ''''';'141j :1'1'1: /14.-flen1ten'sr4.1':141;' I'll111*; ''Il.,'''';'1:: '''''1411:'::`I'i71 1:1:''''11:-'''''''1.1:!.'; '41., '1 , , t 1.41 14; r; 1 ., 4 t ;Ott... All. Vt'i4441 ,li Vit,. '1 ;1/11,,, 8,‘ tot, it I". t - • .,'•i :;t•t i,,I.t, i ;I ,I '1 , , r, Pfl)'C'T`I.T :'/.11 Le; A Cr'. 9911191,4; of ee r ;4.4 1 Ytt, I VI !nit, ityi 01 • .. , . • , , ••''11'1' '4'1:` 37'n'll L' 0. 110.10 1,111(:i 1 , 1411 ,,1 • .`1 , ••••• '; • .114' .'1I44€4 -11 1 0,101''' o 1 , ;',•• , 1 Pi , 11:NLy,:o tit; 'Aritic12 14 as' ••"1 "1 '1' \ 7;,„1,„1.1„ Let ;e4;.; eseeehi,,e, t;,, 1.% 111 17nnthi,Tnit'llit)v tn 111 Vol, to ;1 11'1'4 :Minh; r 441 III]. 1.af 4, 3.411. in 0 jolly time residence of Me. ,Ino. 3 Jito3itot0. Line, 00 the 000asion of Lit daughter, Barbara's, marriage, to Mr. .101.0 Brenneman, of Hamburg. Every- bAy tweepteu tbeir invitation with the etApeefation of having a good, time, and we 3101Ki• say (as WO were there) that nobody ,Mr„ Oesch is noted for Ing girls a proper matrimonial 'send hdY and hie good reputation is 8E11 pre- Aerved; The bride received a large num- 7)er of presents in the shape of butter dishe4, cream and tnilk jugs, pitchers, too numerous to Mention, which showed that "Barbry" was yery ueloreepeoted among her Mends. We tak e great pleasure in extending our hearty congratulationa to "Rarbry" and hot "flabby" and mit Y their trip through this world end an it began, vitt-Plenty of friends, lots to eat, (hut, but riot least) abundance to drink, • TAMARAC ELIXIR le tot advertised, te care eonsumption, but' it has made seme temarkable eaten el per - ;imam, be In the first eteges of that tbeeese. 1,14-41 •4 11 % ,1411. 111111 -a 1'1:: 1, ;if . It 1 14 1 41 :13.. . . Fete lutin,n4etean ;••t, ho lard 31i4c1ittrged. Truttses 3,t•.",• ,••' ',": '•• •-- ..:.1.t••!. 111 - - k t • Piti•It'•• • i,t Ni•t,•tb••, 171.111 fhie .•1.; trt lee r. monm 14 the bieefethonglii he'et (.ttl; E'',) (tootle. ,,t..t-,4•!1. th le ve the fa; orito *-10f, ',011,1,111 11(' YI)1111,4 4prickly coneonted to tied which they ethened to enjoy. They then sang fl farewell and departed, feeling that they had street a very enjoyable time. The young lacly, no doubt, will be missed (especially by ono) as she was a very soci able young person. --Since Freddy has the boot and shoo business to himself, it bas brought the public under the impres- sion that Fred. is like old King Solomon, when he says : "It is nob good kr man to he alone,".- Norsworthy, or mare commonly knows as John Wesley, pays the town a flying visit about everye -two weeks.- Mr, D. 11/100allutn, hae„,not been able to work for a considerable length of time, has again resumed work as teamster for Mr. Cook. -1Vliko feels a little down -hearted, but it is hoped he will soon rally. --J. Vit. still takes trip occasionally out east. --Pope still takes It walk up to the farm to see his dear one. - Mill dust is hard on the eyes, so Harry says. -Mr. Isaac Bean has purchased the farm of Mr, klartleib, one and, quarter miles west of the village, Mr: Bean takes possession nekt 1st of October. N. STANL&Y'S Olttebrated entlligh *Math 70 STREET, TORONTO, CANADA, 18 jewite Seviener, tomen, lg. C., ENor...on. T1 HI XS , watchmrtkor, Jeweller, , and Opticiati. gas the eget cy for the sale Of the above til EX.WTHE. Seeete ties in the entrent °era' mein 111 the Een esentrzett, Quenelles they possess, or the Ohne T E acct 001111,011T they confer on the wettre,r. Their MO will in note al I ty to h tree gth n the Eye that it does net become beeeneiry to chrinete them for Ma ay years, They ttre there. fore the OnrarlosT, They Are the Set in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our xew Test ard, sante at used by the leading Dentists throughout the world, CAREIVers grout', lgx0rEa. AN I ACI G00.1) Assomm.EINT !AND. rfaTIC.A. • ciiI-EIAr. BAILNNAY. I Mantle Clothe. grand Deng°, Flannels, Illcultets, Factory and White Coltotie, .s',, all bought before the acliemee in Prices and will be eold TUE GROA1131311 C00 rititVrtoN EA,1013. 'Erti0 Mosi; D1TtreT- -.--AND BEST l'ketipegn flours If you vant Correct Goods at Correct Prices', C01110 to - reerwente-' • LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. MONT REA :44 QUEBEC, TORONTO, CT -PAW 44,. WINGSTON, DETROIT, 30STON, ORICAGO, ST: LOUIS, KANSAS OITV`dr.e. mocr/t moo/4,72 : Exe'J„.sion to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, end lOAN FRANCISCO, for $00.00, tick eh good for floven Months. trBefore purchasing your tieketa else. where, call on W. 3, CAALIN'G, 0-.ARLITN,TG'S. Our, Orocerr Department 4.s Com,plee. TRY OTTR 50GT. TEA. It is aultnowisdged by everyone that bas used it to bo the best the Village tor' the money. Sample Pateels, Few). ' BUTTER, EGGS, AND AlL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. A CALL SOLICII'Val 1. CARLING, MainiSt. Exete