HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-5, Page 5X.pi,1Polv'ANTlitu cE11, EN,ifaX LIFE, What a truly, beautiful tfrerld; we, liye In l 1 Nature ghreu us grandeurrountaine,'glene e and 4o400.0045t and thausandOf � ;mean s fi- Af joyment. We eon desire no hatter when in, sot heSith • but how often do the` ma, Ettexes ltu Items, Law;legog Clarke laborer", Was sti;fink by a train, qt rite, Qin; e, I depot Kit Ringssw by Monday, And killed. no on Yuur'Zlllard. oo'G allow a cold in they, head to; eleerly and eorel: develope into catarrh when you, Dan be *tired for 2G Dents. A few applia4T•. QIXEB „JITY OIL 0 earl r, . - l` it u dls.= [ M lnpity of P�Dp.@ f@el -litre ga, og P , � tions tvill'egre' inoittte,it O4tarrh• ; 0na to ' 11-tr ��� � � v 13eartangd discouraged and wort. out with t'v4 bto;©e,witl ei}Ke prtijpary catarrh, Ona disease, whin there is no 00easmrr ' 4 I to Elva boxes vri ogre Uhrouio fiataKrli, .]z0'R- -->' fleeting, as every sufferer can e48i e4tisfq°tora proefi that d}reeft'3-Atcgelst Dr, Chestis Qatarrl.Cero—rale no other—it .bAL.14 , $Ar�Ls I A'� liS' •l 4'" le. from disea. se, aR t will curd you, C, Luz. sole aitent for J9xeter ALSO A FINE tll+ie OV' 11 t a tent. of such. maladies as JBilionenese,. Iadi• tv gestion, $ick headache, Costaroeness, Nervous- eceee bottle of Lia ard's Pectoral Balsam ,prostration, 17izzinoes of the Plead, :1alprta- gY tie's of the. geode and other distressing pored are °I a 8°r° throat and loss of Delos, eymptams. T,bree doses of Arfettst Flower One ;Pint relieved rue when all other mid- t wonderful effect sample ioines lama., tS'ays Mise J. McLeod ofp y $cid b all dealers: at 25o, per bo ,, ry v .• when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Comte 4 n The number of patents issued last Montle pi Pee the direct oauace of seventy-five per as 223, the Cilild •etl s Carriages revenue derived belug $7,164, ' atlas, 1 QUICK RELIEF. will es over 1 s wan er }3elfouutuix;, Ont. bottles, 10 cents. Try it. \via EMPLOY DOCTORS. t' Thi ` to eortify that I have used laver, Consult a (Motor and !u 9 cases oat of 10 oat's L ret Regulator, and finely t the hoot I he pronounces you your for eaa smaller Complaint, ever us d,—P, B. RosHnbeiir , L, D. S., salt Dr, Lutz and for 51 he will give you Dr. Arkona, "Ont. Chase's Liver Cure, guitrrauteedl to cure, and a valuable recipe book free. Sold by 0. Lutz„ Puhlioations Received, FRANK LESLI&e'S POPULAR 11'IoNTBLY Port Mex. Few give a monteut's thought to the immense amount expended in the rolling stook which uuakea travel so easy and Dom. fortable. Every car costa more than an average house, and the amount represented by every train of oars represents a fortune on which many would be glad to retire, A. Railway Train, and What it Costs,"is very pleasantly discussed by A. Y. Abbot, in Frank Leslie's Poptaar Monthly .for May, and whoso reads it will aequire much uuex. peeted information "A Colony of Latter Day Saints on Gape Cod,'' will astonish many whonever dreamed of Mormonism s° for April amounted to lt3il, o, against $31 near Plymouth Rook. Dr. Felkin explains 22� fully the condition of Iletin Pasha, and 170 for the corresponding period last year. the project for his relief, tri save him from (;roost Value. the fate of Gordon. 'A Visit to Trinidad," Many sufferers buying medicine have, been by Florins Malcolm, takes the reader to as I disappointed, dont give ftp, buy a reliable out-of•the-way island, with its wonderful article tike Dr. Chaab`a Liver Cure, and with Pitch LOW; F191ijs rr Ulson, one of the it you get a re(iilx 1t9t1 ;.lone vy(trtli the brightest fend blest capable `@$ite` . ^Ft=iusio, money. tells the life story of \'Vaguer, the sheat corn. CeutralDrug Stoi'e, Exeter Ont. ,y, W. a;1ZUdit'Nt1vIG Prop. A WONDERFUL ORGAN. The largest organ, and one that plays a Baraains controlling part on the health of the body is the liver, If torpid °r inactive the whole � swarm; becomes diseased. PR. UHASE'S LCVEBCURf1is made specially for Liver 999 and Kidney diseases, dud is guaranteed to and Express Wagons. ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF PI.T.i:R,E DRUGS P&Tli�N'I' MEDICINES, SPONGES, C'13A�10IS, ETC. Don't Fejt to Call al the Old Stand,. The Dominion Laboratory, i TO -- cure. Recipe boar and medicine 31, Sold ` —� O 1'U—^ Exeter. STORE, $E sFIOOIi IT E by C. LU C Z, 4 g o v Contra! Drug Store, "I was subject to ague for two or three seasons, which nothing would eiadioate until 1 tried Burdock Blood Bitters, since which time, four years, i have had no return of the And yon will get a disease." W. J. Jordan, Strange, Out. The Customs duties collected at Winnipeg BETTER TEA for 50 CENTS 1 LIRKTON? A full stock of all kinds of Dye -Stuns and package AN OBSTINATE CASE. poser. "What our Modern Book Chew uln the spring of '83 I was nearly dead, as Frani," traces the history of the'Book, from everybody around my neighborhood knows. the time when pre•onespation. man made his M trouble was caused by obstinate uonsti- rude records on the bones of animals. "Two at bion. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters Rooky Mountain Nobles;" tells of the Black. w. E. cured ins entirely." This statement is made tail Deer and the lllountniu Sharp, by Walter Stinson, of Gorric Ont.McCa n treats of "Artificial Memory and Rev. Ali. Tudor, of Medicine Hat, will bo the History of Mnemonics," N• '`i t, installed as rector of All Sainte Church, Sant u chats pleasantly of 5nvac's Reek." Bi„ ." ,"`y11eipeg, on Sunday tie t. Guns" enables us all tea know what it costs Food for 6 uei tllfliY$Dt O° Gc. in these days to manufacture such cannon as s,ottitres, is a rardi naive Scott's Lluulsiou of C,ud Liver tiff. tl,.:l are now required, and Trow long and diil•Icnit i li luhied unit the process has become. The illustrations iclho. p It lends the ,retro it t of the are all attractive and the stories by writers iuepthroat and lungs, mid gives flesh met 1,lo migth of unquestioned power' 1 uicl,n';lien ie.*.ie.*.utl..t remedy 'z:tu;;.i. 11 PRINCIPLE IN TOE L1sri WITH PPE- I is v't,r} luilatabl, hosier. leer, i JUDICE. I grist ble taste 111 ti7e r the r.tu.:. + ...1. ,:c up --- { ' it ., t 1 ::1.(t-: A great statesman of tike last generation i'l.e:a gild i+ „are, ;heti deolarcld that "the vvxrs of notions were at 4 that of the pro, i t , r Ii r..r fellow an end aur that the Futuro conflicts of the thin ;ott'nye long ,-fl.,,-:11,1 rotund evert - cent, r would fill the page of lu.sto • were cent mope Elect foe that remedy if it fails ty to be the'2vAq/s of prirtciol I" the truth of give satisfaction OD. fair trial for iliit mute to this prophecy is being gradually developed neuralgia, sore throat and all painful cum - the war of principle wags *WI ltusee n. vigor, plaints. I Among the foremost enrnpe.ttt rs in thi vast A. 0 A a1, To an who aro suircelug Until the s rs and t indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, 1 early decay, loss of 'Manhood. &c, I will solid a 1 receipe ;lint cviilcure you, FP lI 0 CIIAItG.E. This goat remedy was, discovered by a mis- sfonary in Sbuth America. Send a self -ad - Than you pay 60e. for to peddler. SAMPLE PACKAGE FREE. We give 10 lha. Fine Tea for 31.00. g Goods And Millinery CHEAPER THAN EVER. Sprig arena StaildS I,� famous but simpleuremedies, ,xICP111 and an Ointment, he may truly be seal to have suc- cessfully combated with Prejudice and Dis- ease ; the latter is of course the ever impend- ingfoe in all climes, but ibo forme,'. more especially in our favored laud, tate inevitable dressed envelope to Rey, r°arra T. 3Nar+N opponent of all innovation an invention ; ? from Iiollorsay's first "ekan;y in the lists, Station ri.ItiI rk it TAKEN. the med ieeleirofes fou have been in array r,I had dvapepsia for a long tune. Was aga they been in ; how tacitly, however, have entire] cured by two bottles Burdock Blood they boon induced'to succamb, and own that Bitters. 'rhe best medicine fur regulating unity of purpose evinced by this great man, and inv!l;oratiugthe system ibatiever taken. " and the auffietency of the two remedies, have satisfactorily proved the fallacy of the hypo. IF. p Tanner, Neebing P. 0., Out thesis that drives maladies and varied fea- A protea; has been entered against the tures of disease require as many distinct and election of Mr. Watson for Marquette, on the different remedies. Again—Profession Fre- ground of corrupt ,practices. judice has been avowedly ' overthrown from, Children Starving to Death. the glaring confession concurred in by all On account of their ivability to digest food, that these remedial agents have accomplish • will find a most marvelous food and remedy ed what the combined learning and talent of in Soott's Emulsion. Very palatable and' the faculty could never attain.—=Universal easily digested. Dr. S. \V. Cohen, of Waco, Dissemination. Is Would lbto aur l en iii latethe oroprtiontedifferenneetween the Idfantilewasting.Itnotmy rsoreswest number of applicants for medical aid aid in el tissuoe, but gives strength and increases common parlance) ata public dispensary, the appetite." and the incalculable mtilitude that are the JOYFUL NEWS. daily applicable oo theirl needginwln remedies It ie the' various valid to be informed tidings a remedy hat will phasesior in- s aofaskgive prompt and sure relief 111 case of pain - the d diseases. We wools simply the reader (conceiving it possible that lie fol sutiDring., Snell a remeclyr is Hagyard's could accomplish the feat) to take a 'flying Yellow Oil, adapted for external and internal visit to rseIndia, ndia dependencies. witnessed t io un nese. It cures rheumatisin,lameness neuralgiiia, ,ore - sore first traversedpIndia Dental popularity s Holloway's populated throat, IC TO�oxsEss.—Areyoutordystrbod at ns. Ointment in that vast and densely populated Diel; and broken of your rust by a side child region, let him bend. hid Southern course, eu l'e ins and crying wit11 vain of Guttin+ and crossing the equator, step soddenly into Teeth? If so s?+nd at once and get ti bottle of Children the peace enshrined possessions of udigger's s'ra©a, "M sb u STts'c Snot i giSyrtip" for will if he would ask what is the gold8 tuli6ve the pour little sufferer immediately. remedy for internal and external diseases,:_.mend upon it, mothers ; thorn is no mistake there, lie would meet with the response, about it. It euros Dysentery and Dieerboea, ow8`S's.PILLS AND OINTMENT; let 11102 r gulatest a Stomach. and :Bowels, owels our 8 Wind ta0m and gives tons and'euergy to the wh Y. tithe a still more extended stride, and, tench- y f0,• children ing on his dight New Zealand and the ori- 1118, Winelow's Sootlxin" Syrup" proscing is ea ono of tee oldest and best numerable islands of the Pacific Ocean, step teething is pleasant to the taste and 1s e finally en the flourishing' soil of British Ieni leI,hvsiciaesand nurses in Ilio'United North America, he Drill still find tlleso meta- Stites, aa& is for solo by all druggists thtongh- bot- tle, Tae sure and ask for Mae, tt5 ,i ho'- cines the are adopted specifics for disease out tbo world, Prise twenty-five cents ,t bo with the Savage and the Settler.tis. 1343 5 SYRUP"and take no other kind. WW1 principle of dissimulation can be BAD STOMACH.worthily compared with this mighty orgaiti-T zatiom instituted and consummated by Thos. ,Holloway we say, none! let it thou advance For all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, or congnerimg and to conquer 1 its foe, diaeaso ; Kichadya„})r. Carson's Stomach Bitters are and its Min and object the alleviation of unsurpassed. They strengthen the whole human sufferinir. - JoTasistotte News, bringnbackor �thentkgiro t noedge healthy appetite, and Ata meeting at Moutreal, en Monday, of accuse into healthy aetioii the whole physi- eoane of 1860 1870, a deputation Mfrs ap- v Government to pre - 0 oft thelite d to a ,0 sent their petition. H1IIADAC1aFI AND LOSS OF A''PPETITIe, Mrs, JOHN MINE, wifell experience Jelnnof Ur, Carsoie s Stom• ach nil fi es, lies, Dyes, constantly on hand. Wigan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter 0. L�UTI. BUTTER & EGOS WANTED. L. 0 0 LI PPE & CO. 1 Jlt. Toronto, Every Barrel Oiiaranteed• This oil Wee need on .ell maoliinery during tt Nahlhitioni. t hag been aryar4Ad BINE OOLD l\fJ DA,LS during the "last three years. ;' "`Slee that yen get P@edeas, It only made h TO ADVERTISERSI For a cheek for iee0 we will print a ten -line advertisement in One Million issues of leading Amerman Newspapers, This is at the rate of only one-8tth of a ceul,a line, for 1,000 Circu- lation 1 The advertisement will be placed before One Million different newspaper pas -- chasers :—or FIVE AlILL10N BalADERS, Ten lines will accomodate about 75 words. arl- dressevith copy of Adv.and check, or send 30 cents for Boo 30 SYR'OCE 6T.,NEw Ya1i8, q , Etnnt ", R h_'h Syrup ..` +1;ri.aTiliN. it u 1 b,, a nr ;d ur its wonderful euro• tiro i.; W'a 05111:+, (Tl'.ADP. MARIt.) of 150 pages. aiEo, P. ROwELL �c co, The *rent ng1ilsb Preseriptioe:r A successful edicine used over - t�O years in thousands of caeca. Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous Weakness, Eynte8iORS, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. f[ee oREi indiscretion, or over-exertion. Arrs:RJ Six packages Guaranteed to Cure heardnR�h Fail. Ask your Druggist for' Pre.ertptlon, take no substitute. One package esa Eur Pia Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Lutz. �+, c s, 00r : TC)BiON t!kQ, FOR $A.T.1 W JAS, PWI�AI D. TRY EVEREST'S LIVER , REGULATOR For (ise/u8514 of the Liver, Kidneys. &e„ and Purifying of the B1n°+i. Price 51. Six bot- tles for 85 Po Salo by ALL DIt0G0ISTS 5iarufactvredon1vby • G. M; b1Vlulvl,ST, CHsnt''T )io2EST. ONT. f 1 L frame. real ono! gy a the ulnen For Children stowing to moll', On acuoun't of their inability to "li<,aht rdi- tt' 1 rl alcd W011,1E pO IDEIS.6. trez— D exte 's Condition Powder:, SOLD ONLY AT Scarlett', Drug Stores 'VOW, 0 M17N Suffering from the effects of o oawoo finovil d themselves wealsthe result £ nervous, and rance or folly, exhausted i EilSO MIDDLE AGED and OLp Mash, who are brolcen down from tlra effects of abuse or over -work, end in advanced life fool the consequences of youthful excess, send for and loam) 71 P. Lubon•s Treatise eu Diseases . of Men. Thebook will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two 30. stamps. Address 11.1. Y. LUBON, •17 Wellingkin St, E. ,T }onto. Jan.131h, 1•'3.47 Are pleasant to t, kr.Cont^.ire their owe Purgative. Is a end eatictUM (eNtioyer or see:':: 1:, (t:iiidren or Adults WORKING CLASSES ATTENTION. Wo are nowpeeparod to furnish all' classes vvithimilloymontat home the whole of the time, or for their. spare moments. Business new,light and profitable. Persons or either sex easily earn from; 50 cents to 25.00 per even- ing:and aproportional 'sura by devoting all their tithe to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much ars men. That all who ,see this may send their address, and test the business, we melte this off:r. To such as are not well satisfied no winl send one dollarte pay for the 'trouble of Writing. Full particulars and out- fit frog• Marais 0310130E STINSON & Co., Port- , and, Marine. airy 0 9 T LiEB A Elm GAZETTERR DEMM Furniture Undertakine 05' THE BARGAINS —FOR TIRE— NEXT IR — NEXT 30 DAYS. S. C. c. IIERSEY'S THE BOoi (Published by the 37: i�' A. B. S. Nets York, OF WOTTDEES' CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE' and RACY. STARTLING REVELATIONS, b cp v;,0,° ;1%.(P i.e.:0 .97 0,,z.6‘ ozpv, `0\e' °� ` `F' "�Vy9 °- tier;• `yeb c ,N0 o zeer • -sec' ase°'re- .11y• � ' 9 >vo foo tiw• r Manufactured only by Thomas 1lolloway, 73, New Oafol,l Street, late 538, Oxford Street, London. ear Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Over 1,000,000, Sold in the 'United States. Every Sporting, Gambles' and f this tor nin an- ede should have a copy Prs , DST THE TRI14G ; IT TELLS .ILL„ AND IS TOO GOOD TO DR 'WITHOUT. Sent by rrraet, postage paid, on receipt of price, 50e., or three books for 21. M. 3. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. LOVELL'S '88E ALF BMW= SPRING 11887 11 SPRING OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends,' outshine rivals, win• victories, and sell themselves on their merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Draw.CToods, Trimmings, Lace Flouncinga, Ginghatns, Muslins, Jerseys, Cheneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &o. The ladies say our Prints and Muslins are the prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every one to trash, We ate showing over p?,QQ Pieces of Embroidery, colored and white, from 3ots. per yard upwards, Our New Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING is having a big run, and no wonder, the prices are so low, the styles eo nice, and they fit so good. Neweat IuNIENi3 ORDERED GOODS we guarantee the Best Value, Style and Neatest Fit in town. we Darr the Largest Stock of BOOTS & SHOES, and Remember Y , ' dreg , s and gents'. a. Styles in ladies', children's t l g theL Latest S nothing buty JAM +lS PICKARD. C4, boas, BAugrt Right ---AT 'rHiilE— '„4 orlltrea1 General - Store iii A+ iLZi' '>L t il.liiid 1 1 DOMINION OF CANADA, In Nims Volumes, .Royal 8bo. 110 BE QOal;4lr,NCN D wlxenever a sufficient J. number of subsoribers is obtained to cover cost of uublication Subscription to the1Nin in 3 Volumes 75 00,10 the Province of Ou to QuobeuSi;12.50, to Now Brunswick or to Nova I Scotia 51150, to Manitoba or British Columbia •rtn- 'to N O 59.50, to 1.' duce T dws.rd island o1 westTorritories „0.50. Each Provinett to have d, Ia.ap. Please Seng for. Prospectus. eery footle. SE.o e ,uttti u,u at , 1 l t i Block tfamaUe'r and .Z+rtlitish,8+' 5 1Jrnpgost, Bothwell, says.Snit f +, St tach }Jitters as that :ot wilt end prnsc"ibOl rlrott fin 1, 1 a , 'a � �} Indinrsti, n a Lives' 011, and lindil n ;,,,t1,11. euro itebe,asf cos,Dyspepsia, ve 11+ poi n, tion, agi Poing 've=il Ult.! 11ra1 tr n" B.oadadre, E b0ltevu it to bo the beat ; , i fly - 1-'' i , „ I medicine, and can strongly recelnineml rt. r.oplint �ri use atiiii:urr, (ft, et y t + i1i' n,a it a, + v The wife of il'lt. John Calt, son of ;lir Aeeet. ,int comfort of thea i, the iC, ”' 1 eta rid, it! , +Pts. { fw 14i '1. a . .'f ander Gait, call a, la+ly rub01, feapenl" d 1n :; 31 til. ,Ii'• ' .• urldenIw \lortdey1101iitig. t q t, nit t, died a .( " I d',tiD 'r "111 xotwN I,ovr,ra), food fails. art uuhtli iO1' Woo', n. r l j r ^ ()f a,1 R1R•r�3 ono give � Montreal, 4111 A.iguat 1bR1, College, e, rebut ll 1, S, 1 a h, l :n.• ,load-- Mod. Colttigc 1'&11tuod r ;1. T' a 1. -d t (j'''t �` `)'l•' 3-? ayasn.r, t..5.,'!;, .S".a��:fiatr?•,?_k-,ti;,. 1'...,..; , a . i i ' .. , C iP.l i ib 1. i. 1. r. `. Begu- '. .... 1?1 / L �. :ii[. •C., ,� rd Winnipeg, ,, sin's Liver Begu t a Jrvul, t ' 'tt'ui frr,ili n:�ic"r ' ,aut'ri f.tinl still to,.itir;.r, . 'a. ries?.tile'! We would C:r]1 ii,u nttet.ti.,it +if thn l,,,rf.h of .:+r•+P•r WWII elle bottle f in illd >ltysic,au, n i l t, ,•, i ,i :l ustt i i ueiglii _.)t l tri iiitls , nd tri his heeds aiy nvi 1•.1ct 1r,P , ,.,,, .,,f.ir sift n r, 1 t„• { fact that we, Ll?r',ug ptxrullnand fuer star ,coif bn. itle,. f later and gained 10 7 i , •1 S fur 1 i> 1 or a. :Ample- ri b' g b ttti'rlel,.l. O thnlurrnultt r ' 'tits :.!,Sit r' `b0'; n ., a lhtts t3Clohfft,” A n y 1 „•slri.tlntut a.r t� of P *. t •it l w,eedv'rur S 4 f t 0 ..-..I ryas irelucutl t, ] J< oiifn ;�inwq sa'Vs the Toronto . i'et rung y ei tri Advertising Agent for. iVLt. t'V, 1,, (. g -, et8:„� ntm84ntr111r 'comedy for T r....”. '(,t 1' •i o•i,r. ., a • • r.. Asthma . run lr. t n.ttion, ltrouc,b tr , :,sit risivl ".E vC.6 l 1iCY ;full Catlett i sit and lu. 0 ullnctfnria,'1211 it I,oai.• } ! :. ;, a, :11tlrao 1 1 t variety of Pant , ".Mess and . •; fz,r :M.:livens , + arr;hRtt; 'fire," i 4 £ Heal chi r ,•tt r ala mGut ^� .'veru atitt Erottbl,rsoi be 'i e Y t try N'naat 3uhn fo Once 11i,iug it dite.nJly Pie in the head: C s .,liana, find left waRhed Oht the clogged BLCIb head as clear a, a belle my tie itis are tbo best Oaf cart "' Z� Rartirr Avec s Oast tfleeitids of tile. 'bti eroployild to correct ir,tetx i rh Gentle, yet tl o, bt ✓i , efoutnell hind 5.0‘5,1,,, n they 0tlt'e constipation, slier. ifi the' tuition, y , orgltns, and ;Plata tlie,appetlle acid digestive q etreouthen the system. t The'oenstantly tired cut: feeling, so r fled' d rs the result of imobve 1, t t s ti f fl i girl . ° he a ng t tight parties, 1 8at1(rh, '1 eettr'~.litft ofie. icgl .. d g p ,,,.' ;notes ti g T irdu i., t ,ad W Dia pBlock, 11 l f)L c zt s �crNlY'If �' �eB;p1TI'�' �ittisi� I {s'. .ii -•i m ;. " 4,"!:f,d ta' „„� 51)00 al itldrl11'1De11111 ln.. .,1`lot' S(rttt4 Plain and IY'aitt;y'f'i11t11'S„ :iplitogs 1111(1 13t0ttressot ]�f1 a . ,z .. j, ...i Cane 'fir r ,1 r` f ed. Chairs, 1 ook Cages, '.(fl'OOIY11!ir:>r,ii:�e �11,t1(1,,4",,rtil( a� f. r, f.tr `L�, S,, 9, liE . Cradles, +s, ,ll, titixdS,. Wrtitlu#I• looks, wi(lef>'ozrrl:, 'is4i'JYrrut,llr)ty, d.,rrarlit,s, ;3111 a 'Vn.riet itl Beds, ItlittrettitS, clipboards, iste, Met all Lludle s Y 11HP)',,tl . riitltt, i!t,nott'"y" t 111,t.\.11( D1b1,CV, are °lees',• 1'Ls ' Prints, J-'lr ei(,i. , i31 i.. �. , ' ' .,�' 1. J,1. :>^r ,,•.� .•a ..,�",-,-. Goods, Pii t , 4••', '" •Sots rt verie.t i of 1,adlcs' L CURT= OR RELIEVE Feather -bone G°t.. 1 WI1.1., _ i Rose,; Ladies trust Children's 13oclts �V Shoee. taluvUSNf SS, i11ZZINtSSi A1so,Chorce nmilp Groceries. D110f'SY lyf:f� lA tivn s,m -LII Nervous Complaints, after having teet1c1 tta i woritiueful Curative ',swore in thousands Gf cines, has fell it Isis duty to Ino Ice it l m �ito hiseafforinpfollovs, Aotaatedbyt,.n wve and a desire to relieve human sut1err b, send free of charge, to all who desire t, this ool rc 111 Ger1ilitn,Froncli or 511381ieh, w.th fir13 r i , <Yirootionstor props riiigi.nd using., gent y .'i. est sad etrom a, mooing this Mail e. ))�� :. ti�iset r sr O1,aCY8,r3lOCiC„Itt , pa ' ot• W. A f�osftsvi9p i' til r, TEAS Antall/It. r , '1011 i l�. DAgt Any A J.I.,AS1 ',PEAS Y 'Syrtiips,'Vtuogar's, Confeotiottory. A, Eery Kett1 Intl ljbutitliein 011111013 for 8610 at a great snt0itiee tor 0;1811, tts 1' tin going to. gilt up 0318 br1ntb' of business, Goode snerll'ieed for cash • during the month of ANTED , 1 b Pitrilie'a tG t,itgitKP Iti r April, cool on I'atr ay, t ,, it hnid n . 0>tpertence ,, d bitallt :' Ayor s the fhatlitf'ltnturo'.ilf ttty a d • fi°or1 tSuvelltig oitse �o e blbod,. conatus ¢iif¢eble., y leod, itiertiases the tiilolf, Stab 1 11111 1 the 11,. ls. i,nrg9 "tn st1Ye •1 a in thb t areaparilia enriche , s.. lnnser.s appetite, a ° i at t `► f(tlY and fled sotttefi rub• rtfutit'kliltl3tait 1111111 M)tMt7F5k3', term thUH ilivigbr'aiod, [edit) do a re i j tallfrigfort'<,• tbrrataet, t!.;11. Ar Y' t eUer(fyl DYS S NG Ef� FLUtT INDIGESTION) JAUNDICE, yAUNDIcf:of rllt HEART, ITY OF ERYSIPELAS, ACED BY IPELA SALT RHEUM,THE STOMACH, ( HEa TBURN,DRYNESS fiEAD Y OF THE SKIN, And wittily od. fes bf tiJri dr,torderedL.ithdRisBAtSCBIb.aNrwiCsYfrJS S2Y.A674 1OiV LSR �.+ BLOOD. 1. 3JI17U1`i & COS, l'rolir'TORdlt'C, Om' tiocl, of PRLn.i Largo slid 1 tit.tl Seasoned, and, having liaai extensive i factories cif the Dominion, ,>ve can guarantee Stylish and.Serviom� experience iu thE. Predrug c, .., E`nrnitu 0. ablea Ir I3earIe hal no •.and I ” ntierta,l.ruit Goods to the. Lnri.oat in the Count's, , Our Steak tf U . bAnd t;r,ot'El df Lnndtin, '+p!'+sral atlent,r n will,. o paid to this 1,rdlt,oh et tit¢ business, d eget; etliik°y+ine will fifirl tie prompt and ,¢1liwtile basintwas teen. REpA11i1NG OF ALti EINES P1i0'i1'.pElt ATTENDED t1k, Stand, �Zfr � c� Uti� Door �T'br.tll of 1rr�'olson s ;.�etlif�I'YI�E;I:- bile `tau ,