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what 1►e,tier way for ne lsste ds t� show off. their nes
surrounelings an4l newly -shared jov than with a Sunda
brunch for friends and relatives'?
Set limits
on luggage
Packing. for a honey-
moon trip is enough to
send the most level-head-
ed into absolute panic!
What to take, what not to
take ... ?
A good rule of thumb is,
when in doubt, leave it at
home. Chances are that
you and your new spouse
won't be doing half of the
venturing out that you
might expect, so two or
three basic outfits should
On the other hand, you
can't, spend all of your
•time locked away from
civilization (as romantic
as the idea may sound,
you'll soon discover that
those first weeks of to-
getherness can be strain-
ing at times) !
Make sure that you in-
clude one "dress up" outfit
for an evening of dinner
and dancing. Gear your
wardrobe to your destina-
tion, of course.
• But no matter where
you end up, take time to
pack with care so • that
you won't be bogged down
with unnecessary bags.
You want your husband
to carry you over the
threshold, not • waste all
his energy on luggage!
Modern bride breezes through bousework
with a little help from modern technology
Some things never
change ... and then, some
do. Time was that a bride-
to-be would receive a
crash -course from mother
and other well-intention-
ed relations filled with
all sorts of homemaking
Well, mothers and
daughters still share rem-
edies for household ills,
but nowadays it's not un-
usual for younger misses
to be keeping mom& up-
to-date on the newest
conveniences and devices
available for making
housekeeping easier:
For example, years ago
cooking grease was, one of
the biggest problems
homemakers faced in th_e
It seemed that no mat- •���
ter how much a person
'scrubbed and scoured a
pot, the grease would just
sit there. This led many
women into the practice
of keeping two sets of
cookware — one for reg-
ular cooking and baking
and a second set reserved
for frying.
Modern women know
this isn't necessary.
They've discovered that
grease is no longer a prob-
lem when they use Grease
relief® degreaser to help
clean up greasy messes.
Some degreaser sprayed
onto greasy pots, pans and
other surfaces cuts
through grease so that it
can 'practically be rinsed
Modern technology has
helped make homemaking
Don't be left at the gate — -
have your pasiports prepared
If you and your fiance
are planning a honey-
moon abroad, you will
need to do some extra
planning and pre -nuptial
appointment -making to
be sure that you don't
spend your first hours of
bliss trapped in a customs
office for insufficient docu-
You should apply for
your passports at least
two months before your
departure, in order to al-
low extra time_ for. proc-
Because the bride is not
legally a "Mrs." until the
wedding, you will more
than likely be traveling
with separate passports,
hers under her maiden
name, and you will need
to carry with you your
certified marriage ,license.
When you return from
your trip your passports
may be revised to show
your marital status. •
• To apply for a passport,
you need either a. birth
certificate, naturalization
certificate, or a former
passport. You will also
need another proof of
identification carrying
your photograph or des-
cription and signature (a
driver's license, for ex-
ample) .
The passport office re-
quires two additional pho-
tos . of you taken within
the last 6 mgnths, 2" by
3", on a plain light back-
ground (snapshots or pho-
tos taken in Goin -operated
photo booths will nor do
— best have professional
passport pictures made) .
Your passport willake
two- to three weeks to
process, and is good for
five years. Bon voyage!
easier than it ever was be-
fore, and we can all be
thankful. After all, with
today's smaller kitchens,
who has room to store two
sets 9 pots and pans!
i;et Customized Framing
You Name It...
We'll Frame It!
Wedding Pictures, Diplomas, Old -but -dear
Photographs, Certificates, anything that's
"frameable". Come see our selection...get ad-
ke Paid& fr$ta4k
Cherished traditions blend with
modern trends for today's bride
An extrernelythoughtful,
very useful gift to- give.
Butou better hurry...
' o - y s r
.,...- . Jackie may not
., y•
,, ,6; :: watt to receive
u&5 n , Genie*
., ,,„ v,i rj>'. as • agift
8x. . -� - y� moi, b &% •
... „...
_.,,,, , f,„-,
g4trypQr 'k /� h y 9
,,K, . , ,,,,
Singer's Genie Sewing Machine makes a great Wed-
ding gift because you give her a lot: zig-zag, stretch
and straight stitches; blind stitch for hemming, -
multi -stitch for mending; famous drop in bobbin, 3 •
needle positions plus many other features to make
sewing a breeze. Singer Genie* reasonably
But what's even nicer perhaps Is you also receive a priced at ;254.95
lot: a new shirt, a sharp new vest, or your buttons
resewn (if Brian asks properly).
So hurry down to Pratt's Singer Centre for a Genie. •
And start something great for both of them.
For a look and demonstrations of the
many Singer Sewing Machines, as well as
Vacuum Cleaners available - drop by our location -
Your complete S 1 NGER Centre
73 HAMILTON ST. ' ' GODERICH 524-8431