HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-5-5, Page 4*eta. lines, THURsDA. , MAX 514, TO12,ONTG SHIt,T.E'�',AIaT' . Premier Mowat has made the greatest mistake of his career in allowing ;'iintaelf pby short- sighted be eraU:><ded okhclous and, . s1 hted partyMende into an indefensible 8 dot of nepotism, in the appointment of hie soil to the Toronto shrievaliity. This suicidal net stamps the Grit.prefessions of superior morality and unselfish regard to the public interest as the merest hypo- crisy, In bis old age Mr. Mowat has yielded to the temptation of providing for his family at the expense of the peo- ple, and treating the extensive public pat renege in his hands as personal plunder, The, system of snaking appointments to strengthen the party is bad enough,' but it is infinitely more defensible than the bestowal of lucrative offices on family con- nections. Not even the poor plea that party interests are advanced can he urged, as nothing that has occurred for years will weaken and discredit Griticisnt in general and the Mowat Government in particular as nosh as this shameful be- trayal of principle. Never again can the Grits venture to accuse the Dominion Ministers of putting their sons and nephews in snug positions without invit- ing the jeering retort, "Didn't Premier Mowat make his son sheriff of Toronto ? The emoluments of the office at a low .estimate will be $10,000 a year. Mr. .Mawat's salary as Premier is e5,000. 'What a satire upon the anomalies of our official system it is when the father, hold- ing the most responsible position in the Province after a lifetime of arduous toil, receives one-half the amount which he- is able to confer on his son by the use of the" ;official patronage !--Toronto News, Re form. EDITORIAL NOTES. -- IT is reported that Premier 31uwat will ,, , will ' h retire, ,._.d that Pardee .s Jl succeed him. s x Iwlx,,. MCDvi, uo (Tlnrr,n) made his maiden sputa -3h oeh in the House of Commons on t? dome Rule reso ut,ou>, He is a fluent %p>;r,ker, u'td po>-esses uilliztiited ertn'lirl.(nice 112 his oratorical power. Tisa recent appointment of his soli to the shrievalty of Toronto, by Premier Mowat, is - causing considerable excite- ment throughout the country. Our Re- forni friends go in for heavy office deals, not petty ones ifs they accuse the Con- servatives of grasping. SBOULD the Government grant the re- adjustment iu the tariff on iron asked for by the deputation which visited Ottawa the other day, an enormous development of the industry in Canada is said would follow. The investment of many million dollars of capital. would in all probability shortly follow. THE importation into Canada of Ameri- can butter. during 1S86 was 69,000 pounds, against 4,000 pounds in 1885. It is believ- ed that a good deal of this so-called butter is nothing less than oleomargarine and other unwholesome compounds injurious to health. A determined effort should be made to stop sueh importations. THE first division in the House of Com- mons took place Thursday last on a vote on the Queen's N. B. election case, which stood 109 to 77, or a government majority of 32. It is anticipated that the majority will be increased to 45 in a full house. It was said during the campaign that Sir John would have a majority for the government by provinces Mr. Blake laughed at the ex- pectations. It now transpires, however, that with the single exception of Prince Edward Island, the contentions of the Conservatives were absolutely correct. In the debate the opposition put forward alle. their strength, knowing what the moral effect of a bad de- feat on the first division in the new Parlia- ment meant, THE total population, including Whites and Metis, of Manitoba, in 1886, was 108,- 640. The district of Selkirk has a popu- lation of 34,356 ; Marquette has a popu- lation of 22,150 ; Prcvencher of 13,410, and Lisgar of 17,886. Winnipeg contains 20,238 souls. Tire only other city in the Province; :Brandon, has rt population ltlation of pr 2,348 The largest town is Portage la Prairie. with 2,028residents. Minneclosa her 549, Clnlerson 796, Selkirk 705, Sel- kirk Bast 310, Rapid City 258, Birtle 261, trail Olai tone 299:' The metropolis of ?tiTr,l.ir7i lean o population of 73, and the tct,,Slr ot i'''ii!+ 9 '.1,,,:,..,1 boa:-,ts �exaoIly 54 .;m I?1401,581YL atebion it at taut hein4lethet} to O gat the Cx,.verumeatt acklaodge the claims, of tie valunteera +vjto aervetl,du the Fenian, raid of 1866, and circular has been leaned to each batt.liie?a and trerpti. interested, in the Snatter, to 'send .'delegates to Ottawa; on the 7th of May, As there acre a geed imwy mon in this 8ectlpn who cefved in the voluuteere at that time, it lboped that oar military frieuda will Bee that tel the whale nuuaper et 23, eleven, o that a delegate from this neighborhood is o nearly cue halt' were tare Irish net#Duality, We have uge4 Eyerent'ti Cough Sprit!, in Aur fawilll nearly :two years, *ud it has given, oxoellent sattataetion. 4410T A., �+, j asses, PreB4li'': 0, An iU4igeut ,diel at the ,4 Q40tiolt'. fall isle'; other gay, Bo was.88 years of sage .and Hall iwas hit3 name. ole lead frionds in the vieiu' ityoi Ulinfou. ' en int@.resting txbbo in the report et vital. statistics ;for Ontario just iasried respecting the Centenarian" disc die4 i in 1885, allow, OTfQE.—,Lhe gorporlition of the:' Villa a oq�f fixetert 9ferd! f r so) (ieben, Area of op) teWa, for Tow 1l 1 ( '1 '9Ptt lIa 1. quittiiu¢) ,bX.. able ip,"doiesSei, il#torea9 ;;py.101:41;14,t,, OohoY will bR held for ealo,, foot ; wok Apply to d„ A It4a#If18, #1ovo• ROPE I(TX l 'O1 SALT On. Nraiu at , near the Market two fifths of an pore sof land, with a frame ool;tago contain:. etwtile Foxiertn6 p eri a p teototv4ter; aldq p pp y h a ffloe, u 5N I ' A' FIRST Tay war r Exeter n oil a#,1887 AGAIN I FARM' FOR SALE., ---The sub. ii a e o e tor solo hie fmiin beim; Lot If VOII, h present. There is a good reason why t 10 volunteers duri the Fenian raid ho 1d #.nt ng � tana u not be served as well as those who took part inthe Northwest trpubles and it only remains for their claims to be properly laid' before the Government to accomplish the desired end. The published returns to the returning offs - One of these had reached the extraordinary' age of 1,12. The next nenterous °leas aro the Scotch, of five iu number,: The traditions longevity of the African raoe is confirmed by the fact: that two pot of the three Amerieau centenarians on the list were colored, ME. D, ABBOTT, 21 Adelaide Street \Vest, Toronto, writes:-r'Fgr, a long time 1 have been troubled with a disordered Stomach, and at last I got so bad that I was compelled to quit work, and for days 1 could neither eat car for eat Huron in the late. Dominion cot• sleep, and the'. am in my head: was most tryt o• Dr mte a �.i t toa bottle t e. Lives a ind toed t o t ins ow the .ex expenses tho candidates n a eeoto hof PCarson's Stomtto1113ftters. Alter teeing three to have been as follutvs :—Eobert Porter, , doses, I was almost completely restored to ; M. 0. Cameron, $527.57. An old woman domed Mrs. MoAnob, of St. Marys, had a narrow escape from bei ig suffocated by coal gas the other night. The dampers had been closed. and the gas forced the micas from their places. She recovered during the afternoon., 'The residence of Mr. John Dobbs, Park- hill, was burned to the ground .the other morning. With the exception' of a few articles taken froth the lower story nothing whatever was saved and Mr. Dobbs is a heavy loser, all the bedding and the personal cloth- ing of the family being burned. The build- ing was insured for $200 and the contents for 8160, but this will not nearly cover the loss. The report of the post -master geueral states that 211 new post offices were opened in Canada last year. The total postal revenue was $2,468,747, and total expendi ture, $3,380,429, showing anet 'loss of nearly. a million dollars. Of the total post office revenue 51,393,600 was collected in Ontario. The deposits in post office savings banks in - mewed by 82,668,832 last year. Ass certain bride and groom were leaving the Wingham station on Wednesday the groomsman and first bridesmaid were walk- ing up and down the platform, when they were stopped by the conductor, who gave them a child's old shoe. It has since leaked out that the said conductor thongbt that this couple were the bride and groom, and he was giving them the general send-off. While this was going on the real newly -married couple were sitting quietly In the train. Mr. James Southerby, whose home is in Biddulph near Freewill Methodist church, of which Ile was an exemplary member, died after three doys' illness, in B:anshard, where he was residing temporarily having: rented g `, his farm. He died on the 17th and was in - 7 terred in the Zion cemetery,on the 1 th. 0 Free"vill church was crowded to its fullest extent Sunday afternoon, when his pastor, Rev, W. H. Gaue, referred to his death, Chicago, May 3.—A Tines special from Winnipeg, Man., says :-Son. Gilbert iUc- Itlicken, just returned from Ottawa, sass he learned there from Sir 7ohu Macdonald that Inc (Sir John) was to Inc raised to the Peerage ou the 21st of June. He will Inc given'i1 seat in the House c,f Lords, and will retire per- manently from Canadian politics. Sir Charles TAipper, Dominion Finance Mmistcr, is to succeed hint as leader of the Conserva- tive party. Tho statement is also made public that Sir John Rose, of London, form. orly a Canadian Minister, is also to be raised to the Peerage. The recent experiments with a gas com- posed of carbonic acid and sulphuretted hy- drogen administered according to Prof. Ber. geon's method through the veins, seem to afford those who are suffering from consum- tion much ground for hope. It has been - tried in about one ,haudred cases in Phila- delphia, and the results indicate that the treatment has the special property of dimin- ishing night sweats and improving the appe- tite. Ia Chicago the tests have also proved encouraging, the night sweats disappearing, the temperature falling, expectoration boiug reduced and the appetite improved. It seems elmoet eerteila that if a cure has not beau found the medical profession are on, the high- way to the discovery of a most valuable remedy against this worst of all scourges: of -civilized humanity. It gives great relief in the more advanced stages of oonsumptiou, and is supposed to be absolutely curative. 1'HE CATAPULT NvIsANaE.—The catapult "hands of small bo a is one of'the most s' '1111 'r'i.'•wtov. 1 Niy..1:1,11. in the y dangerous and destructive of instruments. ;AGENTS WANTED.=We want. Before it, the toy pistol, the miniature can'- nonand the numerous other didn't' know it One Hundred Good lien at Duce to sell was loaded have to take a back seat. B for the FOl'iTE:ILL NURSERIES, (largest in Canada over 465 acres.)Steadyemployment nt ,Y y 0 me y health, My appetite cause back ; the rack- ing headache was gone, and 1 never slept sounder iu my life." BO1IN. ©ouomee —In McGillivray, on. the 20th inst., the wife of D. Coughlin, of a son. TAyLoa.--du Exeter, on the 29th iust,, the wite of John W. Taylor, of a daughter. MARKET REFDRTS. (Corrected at5 o'cloolf pan. Wednesday. Fanwhsa 1 0 77 to 87 Spring Wheat... ,.. 0 70 to 0 78 fiarley 0 40 to 48 Oats .,. ,,. ... 028 to 30 Clover Seed .,. .., . 4 50 to 5 00 imotl?y 1.50 to 2 00 T P F D D C ORS 040to050 Corti _. O 53 Go 0 Oc gggr ••• 0 10 to-O,Io uuttee ... - ., • 14 to 054 lour peybbl, ... 00 to 5.55 1'otatoes,per bushol .•. .•• 35 to 0 50 Apples,perbag 40 to 0 50 riedApple.pr b ,,, ,., 0 et to 0 00 Geese per lb. ... ... 00610008 Turkey per lb 0 08 to 03 Ducks per pr ... 0 20 to 0.30 hickenaperpr 0 20 to 0 40 tiogs,dressedper100 " 5 30 to 5 70 Beef 400 to500 Hides rouhg, ... ..- . 5 50 to 5 50 600 to 600 075 to 1 CC 050 to 070 0 16 to 0 17 900 to lc 00 050 to 075 250 to 300 Sheepskinseaoh Oalfskins Wool per lb ,-. Hayperton Onionsuerbnsn' Woodoor cord ST'.` stAnys. Furnished by Messrs: Carter, Son & Co. Fall Wheat 78 to 53 , Spring Wheat aG S) p g ea ...... ... , Oats • y ......... .......... lu 50 3e :i Clover Seers .....,,.. ... 410 500 ........... .. y35 .- 00 Timothy .................. .... t Peas...... ...... . ..... .... .... ................. .. 50 10 Eggs................... 10 10 ,'n 141 gutter 1:l 60 50 15 ' 10 171 1 00 • 5'')� Potatoes per bush Apples pel' bush.,...... Wool perlb H ayperton British Grain Trade, London, May Q.—The Markt Lane.Fzprrs., iu its review of the British grain trade during the past week, says :—There has been a de- crease iu the deliyeries of uatiye wheat. The markets are scantily supplied. This fact has caused advances of from 6d to is, The sales of English wheat during ,he week were 53,- 453 qrs. at 32s 8d, against 51,453 at 310 4d during the corresponding period last year. Foreign wheat is stagnant. Values are tend- ing downward. Corn is steady. Linseed has declined 6d. Eight cargoes of wheat ar- rived ; two cargoes were sold, are were withdrawn and 'one remained. At to -day's market wheat was firmer. Values of both English and foreign were 6d higher. Flour, was firm. Corn: was 3d to 6d dearer. Oats • were in demnucl at ,dd to Od higher, Beane and peas were 6d lower, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE.—The council of Stephen will meet in the Town Hall. Crediton, on TH UReDAY, MAY 26, at 10 a. m., as a Court of Revision, and at 2 p, m., to let gravel contracts and other business. By order of the Council, C. PROUTY, Clerk, constant practice the manipulators of thew can as easily hit an object, however small as can the most expert rifleman, and as a consequence their use is attended with a great deal of danger. Nearly every small,. boy has one of these instruments in his pos- session at present time, and besides breaking of windows, and killing birds, pedestrians are not safe from the fixing missiles. Some• thing should be done to put a stop to their use; and that before someone loses an eye or. is otherwise injured. The - police should' ar- rest erery boy found in possession of a cata- pult, and parents should prohibit their chil- dren from owning or using them. A Goon STRIKE.—The people ot Essex Centre are rejoicing oyer theprospects of an endless supply of pure water for that town. The Johnson Bros. of that place (sons of Mr. James Johnson of Goderich township,) while in boring for a supply for their own use struck at 108 feet a flow that it is thought. indicates a subterranean pa'sago between lakes St. Clair and Erie. After passing through a hard pan formation the drill. struck a bed of fine gravel. A few feet below this was found a stra of course pebbles, like the smooth white pebbles to be lotted on the shore of any lake. After boring through' this an abundant supply of good water was strucic.The water, which is of excellent quality, rose ninety feet in ten rninntes Some clam shells which bad been bro lght up by the drill from the bottom. of the well were polished and clean as if. subjected to a recent scouring by the action of rolling water and sand, and the pebbles bad the same ap- penrancrs; The ! ,cal paper there gives evi- dence that the people of Essex Centre know the value' rt) a good water supply. 'Mt. \Vni 0',13,15»,, the rditer of Pati tett ',roars, olio ptop0,ses to deliver a tunics of r.µa0�5 u Canada on the subl, et of the f lies" in,', 17iix719tL4'Of Agrif7iilfut'C 4:. t 1. $ a0'.,"'--,0 r'virptidn3, sailfor App.iien slur.- ttr+l r is follows 1' -''Five ntemintri's self' t,;r. 1' 1 '11 � ilttor.,yiew he` said l e beii, yed r tla,+r Lr,rd Laitsrle+rrie me'f po.siuly propose Lls'c1•pool this week for Quebee1 carol?ng,. , ecrinpr,rrlire at the last 'rot men„, Mr. :;750 souls, chiefly English. haal:gd 'pro- 'O'13,ir•u,is confident of receiving fair play from; the .Caroti falls. He is acdotn )anied arfricultfristsallrl'iitan with ca ca --1” ) by portiony -- a one of the tenants evicted from the tai," This important piece of news fully'. Kathie One' land' Sailed from n• Ln , e f m Ruse out:the orecasts of several weeks .,ston for New York on the. steamer Umbria, bears f the immigration ,of The Mayor and the itfutiieipal :'Council of ago, to the effect that e I g this year. Would not be very large, but be composed of a very desirable class of per r9 P develop the agricul- tural soils Men who will leve .p g tural arld fnitteral r'esourees tit °fir satin- fitted' to be desirables' t are generally adrn Quaensttin knd vat "roux other bodies' present- eft 1e. O'Brien 'With addresses. 'A crowd of several; thousand"pereons gathered to'hid him farewell,.:acid he' teat dolled Upon fat a a' eeob, p In the 'curse of his remarYt, lie paid 'be ,Car, qq i .tile dull a 'rroval Of the, h diviUl him e Iris rig . P.t._. . tt that when t'141 'liber • bd peaplw< 8e fd _ ,.. amtni rantss, The oomti voluntarily, mitt ing Cnnadfaht lisard a trite account o! Lor6 g y Lansdowne s crudity to ,'tris tenants, they net Only � edonie dotunirro1s at ands, but 'would trot tolorato then; barna governed b3+ ?roamers acid ornployetai such a'. man. and no lost time, , Liberal commission or salary; best advantages ; splendid outfit fur- nished free. Any pushing man can succeed.' Apply for terms to STONE dr WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. 'TUNICIPAL', NOTalCE,—Notice is 1 hereby given that t7ourt for the Re- vision of the Asses sment-Roll for the Village of Exeter, will be held at the Market House. Exeter, on THURSDAY, the 261•s DAY OF MAY, 1887, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Any person having business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly, MICHA79L EACRETT,Clerk, Exeter, May 4th, 1887. OISSJLUTIOol OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is.hereby given that .the business heretofore conducted under the name of Duinart &Hardy. fanners of Zurich. has been desolved this day by mutual consent, Mr. Hardy withdrawing, and Mr. Wesoloh taking --- his _his plane. The business will be carried on by M D rt3 W l h 00(1'511 t DUMART. excelled. 1SARDY orb ffer o have failed to get Good, Stlish! and Serviceable 8, Cenoessioo 1, Hay, (batt na90 north of , Eaetcr,) ooutaintng 700 mores, about 04 acres Cil clearedandingoodstateofcultivation. There, Clothing, at Reasonable. Hard Tune 'aloes, try again, are upee the preinisea atirst•olase new dwe1- and this tune try ling with two cellars and atone foundatlon,,,a good ban barn, a frame tinrn. an :open shed, andotherneoesseryoutbulfdtnga. Also:afiret• �. class otrebard, Teta Easy. For further fi - r u y ar ., /�''*'\J oculars apply o1 the premises bo: " (4--ws,) A,. aoLLAND,13ayv.0 !TURN{ 1F O tt SALE,--Tlte utider- sig uedoffers for sale his Sarna being lot 14 con., 5, township of 'Osborne, two miles and a halffv ;l RK - FINE DRESS SUITS BUSINESS SUITS W RK � z cleared i da�tt Exeter clu0s. effete of 5eacres ING SUITS, &C., to Order in the Latest Styles au u at cultivation, the remainder bush- in which there is som very valuable oak and black aslr rail timber ; the farm is also well fenced and drained ; there are upon the promises, a ilrst class brick dwolling house, with first class cellars two good barn; two never failing springs and one first-class orchard. For particulars, apply on the promises, to THOMAS 6HUTI5 , (t -fl EXETER, P. 0 ONT.. .ARM FOR SALE. --The sub scrlbbr oilers for sale hie Yarm, being South Half of Lot 13, Concession 2, Township of Hay,eonteining 50 Acres, 45 of which are cleared and in a good state or oultiyation, being convenient to markers, schools and churches. There is go,id frame bar:, goo .1 stabling, and a hewed to house, good orchard and two never -failing wells, one at the house and the other lit the barn. There are also 7 mores of fail wheat and 10 acres of mea- dow. For further particulars apply on the premises to RIC El EACREPT, Proprietor, Rodgerville P.0 Notice to Creditors The Oraditors'rf h iid both E' ati tato of the Village of'Hensall,in the County oIlHuron, who died on or about the Eighteenth Day of De. camber, A.1)., 1886, having claims against the said deceased, are, iu pursuance of Act 46, Pie, torte Chapter 9, of the Statutes of the Province of Onttaa10, hereby n titled and required to send on or before the TENTH DAY OF MAY, 1887. by post, to the undersigned Benjamin V. Elliot, of the Village or Exeter, in the County of Huron, the Solicitor of John R• Evans, the administrator of the estate and effects of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames, Addresses and Descriptions, the full particulars Of their olgims, a st,Gement of their accounts and the nature of .tl•e securities (if any) held by them, and that immediately after the said -�� =aa n �•�� Teeth Day of May, the assets of the said de- ceased will bo distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having. regard only to (Inc 010110808 which the said administrator shall then have notice, and the said administrator • nut ut be ha fur liable , r i] n •a' �. said assets , s of any art thereto, ,• etc to aup.,-,:on=, lesson o P oY';vli0 e Y2s claims notice shall not have been V.reoe,ved. BENJAMIN V. l9Li.! O 1, +,-.5, � . +-, c:>r Dated at Exeter, 20th April, 1887. Correct Prices. SELECT PANTINGS, the Cream of the Trade, the Newest Oat, and Just What You Want. Pants to Order from $3.00 up to $10.00. New York and London Styles in FELT HATS. White Shirts, Collars, dies, Braces, &c,, &c., to suit. you all, at RANTON BROS. Don't run away with the idea that we are sleeping, not a bit of it. took at our MAN'T'LE SILKS BROCHES CORDS, RHADAMES, t c., &c,, and such an array of TRIMMINGS, ORNAMENTS, &e. You Should Just See T}3eI11, j.g Remember 2+ yards wiil put a pint) fashionable wrap, just what yon would like. BALL THE LADIES COME & SEE. No Trouble To Show at ANTON H 1- -3_7-0 ET WANT NOTICE c'14.t1 E1) TENDEPS, 101rl.0.1 "For ?mooted sa .Police 1'iovisious and Light 5n„plies,•” and addressed 10 the 'tolerable the Pieaident 0# (Inc Privy Council, Ottawa, will 1 e retieivod np to noon on Monday, laity 80th, 1887. Printed forms of tondor, containing full in- formation as to the articles and app.roxin+ato qu.,,utitles required, may be lead on application at any ot Mounted Police Posts in the North- west, or at the gtnce of tho undersigned. No touder will be received unless made on such printed forms. The lowest or any tender not necessarily as ceptod. [snob tender must be accompanied by an accepted Canadian bank cheque for an amount equal to ton per cent. of the total value o° the articles tendered for , which will be forfeited if the party decline co enter into a contract when called unou to do so, or.if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. No payment will Inc made to newspapers inserting this advert iseniont without authority having been first obtained. .FRED, WHITE, Cunptroller, N. W. M. Police Ottawa. March 201h 1887 Now when the lanais to show, 'Tis time for eosins and old to:know, That Fevers, Lassitude and The all at Ind(geeffona call, With every trouble, acho or pain, That follows lathe Bilious Will scatter like the thieves of night Before a draught ot 8eltaer.bright. JOIST' BR.8C'ZT UNDERTAKER CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. OCERIES -_–CALL ON ---- 11D T�— Ma -ell's Baking — y :Powder—the best in the lrlarket. Sugars as cheap as the cheapest. Coffees and Spices, No. 1, pure. Marmalade Oranges—just received. - Florida Oranges and Lemons, Prunes, Dates, Figs, &-c. Maple Syrups and Sugars already in. Biscuits and Confectionery—a fresh supply. Canned Goods of all kinds. Oysters --fresh and good --by bulk or dish, G. A. KYYNDMAN. N. B.—Petty's Sugar -cured Hams, Spiced Rolls, Break- fast Bacon and Lard. CLASH FOR EGGS. COO* a ***Lots, Lots, Lots. Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he bas opened out Et aid Shoe Shop in the corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where be is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager 0. Eacrett's Boot Establishment. May 14th 84. and Shoe QUEEN VICTORIA'S d Jubilee- Year DOD SAVE OUR GRACIOUS QUEEN, s FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I% CARLING, EATER. Messrs. umn. ese o ant e a accounts s l y Stock of Furniture is un- the lute firm must be paid to Mr. a000unt. ) M r5, o O TUBS Zurich, May 5th, 1887 (3 -in.) J 'GIVE ME A CALL Salt, Salt, Salt qring ,Salt Works X �. o:� Co� EXETER NOr, �,s�r Tx Butter Wanted The Exeter y r RECEIVE . 1(D F , X Now ,poi:., Now Coffees, New Sugars, New well -Assorted Syrup, Rolled Ont.}, Granulated Cornmeal Our Stook is Gramm n , uosw"lea, our, G OFFER SALT AT THE WELL, AT r' It 1+10 r 13 1 t 1'1 R ltcr FIR TOE SEASONS TRADE. (',i,nrlieu 1l1 ruches! rar:itity, Tobaccos and LOWPRICESSTILL r E o ,. �Tt1IN.CAIN1.r) (:}ROCERIF S 1 ! ---AND— frlurlr, Now firacoriva, Oranges and Lemons, $2.25 PER TON. p ii0F. d UPON CUR SHELVES?, ()igrtra. 10UNT ' OF .Ii'fI �:ON Iii AMII A- ~-_- DI �y 1 A G�.li1 N I) JL I S.PI AA.T.` coleg my ,.,:,,,,,it.. We can't Inc ttltdersold in 'Teas from Ar, second class nonjlrnfessio,,.,1 O',1,1niva•tino (;,ive ,ir, a ' e a - . to 75'. Per lb. !;r 1 1'wt o1, I cheaper itr,:n ma elate ei,t, , .,:.leod, ,i :''; •e it €r n .a + 1 oll.,r, �, ,:axo.,5 All S�Lles. at Rohr :�rlcos, first tcka, � ,� N 1. 8ti 1' havo tat, }' smyira^ • atnd 801 T 7 10 Ms sugar $1,00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 at the 1•Ii.gh Schools iu t'he,C'on.nty on 'Monday,' OI+'• Ittt ,7.u1y, 9 a. Dr 1'uira class nonprofessional examine on '1't1esrily, 12th JuJ3, 0.0. 10, Ft,'8t cl.aes lig and . rad.! 0, iiCuit:lay, Iltih Jul ,.r .rn, 8'irst class, )4eatl,t3, twee, `'rueaday, hub JUIy, 0 a. Cnurlidat00 who wish to write at or+ileo C14n- tc,n oi'Soaiol•tlr,must notify 1)._111, ALLtme0il,. S: [tt8pectol,:Clinton ,Post Office, not later than the 21st of May, st', ting whit', of the schools they wieh to write at, and those that Wish to write atGodorich must ',otif y Joa N' 1u, Trbt,L`P. S. Buster, at the same.. date. The made must bo acoomp.^.ivied by a fee of ti2,00, or44.00if the candidate anp!ies for a 3rd: as well as' a sod class eXarninatf tn. Ne ,ante twill: be forwards'd to'the Detstrtmbnt unless the fee , eoeorrifttisaes it. Forms of application may be heti from theteeretary. The heli roasting; Leif the I�Tigh'9oliedle �Wyrll pibase Mad ,the bp' p]iOd- tidne:of dielt oatttiidates to the bonety Iuopbc� tot of the divteioii id which the High ,'School 11 situated, Pli4t Mars earlditiatea pend their ap, iloatione a6 the Secretary R'duolttion Depart• meat xororito. PETEI1 AnAMdO t, t36c',pily 1181, r Ood6xloh1alarll 8t1i,.de67r, 1't-•tiy ;MARKET SQUARE,. EXETER. Gl•en at th0 High taclloyls ii, the County Lowest ;Posta ale Prices, f>i :,.: My r " l'iel;:dJ 1. 1tj1Cjtea and tt .lir.; y 111001;31 rtssortori stock of .. <.. '� hi:1' „ � .� A.. °1� -1 r 4 01'1;4, , 1 1 Y sizes, a rza puma TUB Anbunss 1i�Y Cri1tS and GLASS all sues, Summer Oo gg�.� ti,,l1 CAPTAIN {� (Cheap.) 13grt Machine Oil 60e or Gal. K( .. $$fi�ggP T°a, .IQiI T Latest Styles andPatterns, � �l) �,a<, o�L As LOW AS 1HE LOWEST. GIVE '0S A . ()ALL. —• YOU rt 1 * 'LINT, A.T Homo ANDMAKTI oil ,• L�teb* GvOtts �w� ma�k�d d�owh .fo DREW>S BLOCK. ter A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good licit of readymade clothing for $6. Ordered shits tit tt iii Good �t 1e. g P y 1IGHI1ST P1410111 PAID POE M01gE"Y� tho . Ldwest Nf►teh. - cv You oma five at home an4 rink. more mono LU T r�.r ) and C GSy , y COTTON -20 YARD nt,worTt,foru6, than. lit anything also fn this 15 �'01t ONE DOLLAR. 1 cborid . t7apitaln61 tIeetiecl; #6u are started t Clod. ,136th soled tt � . e, rill rt ea., o and eland t Dose eaa Loi , the viot'ii: Large caro g y .. , r also a mar for cele. _ intlg sure frUnt,t $ starI:- Aly o Cdsti outfit _.. And terms tree totter n .._ .. . // �/ y d of delay, .. /' V 11 E � �/, 14 / �l�V fX i fine your 1,,Ouiiilieee 04rif'eddrdbdarid S; yL�,Lt Et r1,/l ffnd�iit; 1f.you.,xo 'wise ',ouwill do-sd' ht l��N 1`yl�•'••Q�iDvNr node. 11 ID *8% & Co.,Vettlan11;_1Nriiii tjAY P. 0,