Clinton News-Record, 1978-02-16, Page 17Say ch C • • • ! the way What"s mare Caralian than It is the perfect saran. goes sceil with wry la disthe key to flavorful How is it made? The manufacturing process begins by adiing a bat:tedall whole milk, This results in curnerliag eager to lack gid_ The menage is stirred and heated inyau t33111 degreesC thiel a coagidamt, saicb as is Color is also often added and the •resulting cund is can im=aEl cubes, which are ,wed and heated Tbe curd hardens and is allovned to mat. 'The smooth matted curd Es cat into thin sem, salted anti pressed into blocks or rounds_ After removal from the pewee ttbe chede is waxed or packaged and ripened h Notice the label. It i3t- &Tates the strength Of flavor which deeends cm the lesiztli of time the cheese is been held to ripen or a ' cheddar is held for two to cheddar. aboutt krtto. months and ""Oki. at rim label also includes the net weiehn rear and address of the ianufactturrer, packer.. wholesale- er retailer and usually a l of ingrerbeets. The ,grade tae does rast have to be stated an t trackage_ Howeier. prac- tically is of Canada First Grade quality and is carefully sieentecl for retail use_ The of the famous cheddar vanes from cretem to deep As a awe, hewever, eased dos no/have eoloaing added. Cheddar will keep for sever -al Months inn the refree'ererattiriib yen take a flew simple steps to prevent doryitt Be sine to wrap it tightly ear- sty im a covered container_ Vie, comer the cat surface with p fes,. or Wr p m• pea into ,a tightly closed plaetic And rememter, cheese can be frozen_ Minply cat in blocks amt one imch ice* and wrap tir*itly plastic material and aluffiinnm foil_ It may. however. become quite ably air- thawing and is best in - has abut the rearitiecal ? Cheese contait� the most importerat imunitiee elegy eE the mid it is made from - calcium, inotein and riboflavin_ And one pent abo utt ' the pro - it is a oomple to pin because it is and width and can be aced to complement in- complete to - s of breads and cerealsiifeaten at the same meal_ Food eit at Agriculture Canada, yeat this "Cheese and Tivedlle S tt Far forager 'Kea ar_ waste fuer .A,grictlttur a Canada's publication entitled 'tare KRA Cheese ague Tilanalle Pie Cres lee ad sifted allnarpose flour lanl salt 1 ra3 dry mustard Itel rel (lee g) pined old cheddar cheese 58 nil butter. melted &ft tcgether flute.salt and dry fismeml. Acid cheese and melted batter_ Mxw press e'er over bottnin and sides oft f_ (23x3e) p- ml clewed canon bunwr MD nil cooked noodles <7,13 armor) ir121 hint 2 Dash peeper enl grated old chemo onionscheie Smile in lime munt - ttran Add itatoilles. smie tegether amil std over Sion add enere se��es and to beateneggs_ Pte- over noodles.. Bake M 413 eelninec az /03 C6 servir. Ca' chwilenr chaise is tfibe penikor sraaker,g swe& acec mean and is the kt K CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. • Ay. FEBRUARY it 19111---P,s P your eyes on potatoes llhe legato has se teach going forritt_ llthas fed arich and Win' alike around the world for Quer four centuries and because WY its pteasauL mad filatvor. coutulues, to be a mealtime favorite_ Its a food hargein and le eat stored and prepared_ And yet came ean also pity the pens- pewee. It is too often lithelled a ``fattening- food and hence is est .side icy the erattien's dieters_ The treasamierg behind tthi s is Eititt the fact stet pottaataes are Ming and ire seem to supply a sinful amount of calories. In fact. a ninieumo sized potato dies only Wig. calories and es fee rustritian. it puomides some a tiamirsr C. minerers and f The trick is to savor its flavor --au at hirer- and rot smother it with Eli& calorie toppings. slit,. for a tareat, replace that fano to scoop of sour cream with togrirt And aowr„ some pointers on how to hey and store pottarroes. Revery hr- r to buy tree graded potato_ This assures you that its has niet the standar set down by the Canadian Departtineat of tag rccceltterre_ The grades inciiide Canada Not. Dr Canada Not. D Large, Canada No_ 1 Small and Canada No_ 2_ The first three mentioned are all of top quality but mer in site_ -peek" for tht �YM as allow inside, for example,. plastic hags, paper le/a% with mesh windows or opaque on one side_ And beware of the greeri ,kmtato_ IItes been exposed to Cight too long REQ - storage and will hi teteir_ Cttt off all traces of green_ What shout storing` Potatoes demand a coo:L dark Huron Health unit des The Huron ey has named the week February 13 as FyL Week_ co-nectuneion The +tf this years themeis ricer the tEmetiom to Margzezite Falconer and Rath len" azia, bath putiEc health matrai week is gemmed tummies ', lintan eie chi their throuer their �ts..'> Faller Thet emotive behind Fernley Life Week to remind parents and en- courage accanate se -. , . in the Vie_ -"Ilre idea is that the parents are Ore prihne educators ed thy' cilail :- F d 'Weir* tor -ghee to promote a �eiMe. healthy attitude towards -.' Secuality, meted does not roman "sexy" bet is the treal ¢a and per- scaismm earn - as a =zee cc- female glOPPie and CENIMO eistmsIfizas wrr their and tts wean they 'a F effis soan as a ita2lel 1hs learmed hel bien conned err misled. an .s ",i aia eekgxEreitL- Iiirmam saw Eyerythirg is _ nele seensl crearneatian and eaten clwldnen gee the wiener, message learn the telisicon air Tri i"as „`e" labetre ellellyPtneA iF s ,,,ti .jy itsimptutaatt tie glee titea be melee deeisirm m' ba t1 be asp cif the can- - cE t Via« especiaffly w • eineusilbehreartuir Cerr whoa 1?t hwe tri thappiantlimateem..* t n3 minted that t men. Gilmer hese tie FEW' einewile&ee ebnien se melee as chile asks n but they cramg e►sewFrere and efataie tee information. The important thing,. she is tit parents he appreaceable and arc being, to aosw err any questions their ceieciren :OAT •efl.•Ca rides: ask-. For more biformation or guidance on Fernley Life Week, Hue= County Health tent c o. r a e I ors inay be located at the Clinton office. 452-3416 or- at thel Goderich &, n•gD_ Bore in a well veixtilgted. place.. Too much heat may cause sproaizig or sluivellftig and too mit . cold result in the development of a sweeter flavor_ If a cool storage room is available. a large Eng of potatoes may be kept for several months_ However. if forced to keep the potatoes at room tem- perature`; buy only small quantities at a time and use thence up as soon as le_ That won't be hard! Potatoes can be served in so many ways_ They can be boiled, baked. pant'`ired or deep -fat fried To erre a product which rates high in nutritive wake as well as flavor and ap- pearance, cook only until tender and serve as soon as passe Food consultants at Agriculture Canada give you a final reminder-donot put the potato cooking liquid down the drain_ Some vitamin C in the potato escapes into the liquid and should be recoved in soups or sauces_ If flavored with seasonings and bouillon, the liquid beeowes an excellent base for -souper" supper dishes! GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 9'/4 if Q 5 TEARS AI�lAL o 91A% MONTHLY (Minimum '5.000) John Wise General Insurance Guaranteed arrestments 5 Rattenhury St-. Phone i4 Canton. Ontt . des. t�2-7 65 Forces help Goderich Many Caraatdans are aware that the Canadian F be!,,n down -comm on a teee daily basis_ For e►mple. they help when a disaster st8-iikes., reverie snowbormd people and do mercy frights - But few are armoire that the Forces ptivale - Knights give to Arthritis The Ken of C.ohumbus in Aik Ontario have he4ted to raise 11, more than Sl ±,tllli ti kr the Arthritis society. In making this an- nouncement. Ontario President lama _ Macintosh pointed cat that in the six wears sine the Knights of Columbus officially adopted The Arthritis Society as their principal permanent chanty the funds that they have raised have risen from about S4.=SU.= in 1972 to an all-time high of330.500 in197e_ "It et - "It is this kind of vohintees- stupport, not only from organizations such as the Knights of Columbus. but from, individual volunteers as well. which wall win the battle to conquer arthritis". said Mr_ Macintosh_ The Knights/ of Columbus is an international fraler nal organization whose ob- Krjectives include unity, fraternity. charity and patriotism The K of C sup- port other activities such as the Pro Life Movement, and also sponsor a basketball free-throw competition_ Ontario State Deputy Thomas Keating, when in- formed that the K of C sup- port has now surpas the $1.000.061 mark said. We are proud to be able to assist an organization such as The Artth 'ell,►, and it, is my hope tthat Couu� in the Province be able to ac- ttively help the Society in Area :readers will- be pleesed to knew the Father Sen Eckert Council No_ Mee ed donated leen to the .ir itis y in the l977year_ Ovr wEl 01 course ct nt mire for this worthy cause in forthcoming years_ Funds raised are used far the Arthritis" Society's programs of and adti - Hensall By Bertha MacGregor The Dedman Weien's Institute. held a most suc- cessful e Euchre in the Legion Hall an Wed- nesday eek with mine tables plaeing. The President Mrs.. Joyce Pepper the Prize winners were as follows_ Mas_ Webster, Exeter; ladies "an; _ Alice Fer ; gent's high, Roberts - Exeter: gen't'sconsolation: Clarence Vollamd: Ione stands, Mrs.- Elizabeth Riley_ A draw Was made dealing the social tear: a box of groceries was won by Beetlia MacGregor and a -box of chocolates was won by Bill Fairbe9rru _ It was announced the Kippen East Womeat"s Institute are holding a Elaine Party inthe L Hall. Eeb telary23at0gp.e pehies zee amd the peeree wpm wink Ear these - pauties- As'k Ceampiem Raced� 9 - �i'.,7.,ny y N p - m w awarded s tt,sereely 5 mail grabens to the Smith Camana, a deal whale represented some =am - days cE wink far vier Bete Ban it was ctind2franal - draw -ban testslead to be cananeeteed m m shirt =tire and tee comparey needed test eget:met/ melee away_ C� am' asked the Ottawa lerireey eine Assccliales fur help. limey apprrcra the Departmea c Net/email Debtor:a, cameleer the derectur man lenance (DGLEMD, DGLEM tasked Land Emgimeering and Test EstablisinnemaB Ont._ to ' the necessary etpipmern and tci witimen delay_ The tests were wider 3 hours from the time the was remixed, an a c r ry bares. and the cataract ��, was .. Mar &Salta the cove j+ .poly"s vice-presiidentt. mark,in a cif appreciation to DND said, Illrehimat year help we would definitely bane faced heeeffs for many of can people_ Fertunately saw this w r rft WS wall ;;m Smile Why emit? Coll those for hist Pftic-Op 482-3565 02 482-3558 Genre aid: a syste= of making money taken limn the people toot like a gift when it's OPEllek iaa. & SAT - li a.m.-2•.m. 1111111Alt 11 einsa.-111.0144161 SAY f AT 12eakklight ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRYINTO THE Confidentiality of Health Records in Ontario B, Cider- n -Corr- _ dat,' fi$' 2IS" .day December, .c'? be I- c noci-ocIe Mr Justice Horace Krever d': as 3 pc "ntec pursuant to The Pubic iriouir<es Ac', '977, �- 1. reveu 'eg;s;,^'cr adr,,,inissterea by the Minister "-ec "t {'or exam -c., -,e, The Pubic Hoscita'is Act, Ti. -e Heim Disciplines Act. The 4e, + :e .,c* and T'^e'Mental Hedt Act any cher relevant s,,..,cc.-,-., - C other,' Ministers, and r Reg.; cr c n s Passed thereunder, to crc:', p r protection ,s giver t; tle-.gt.7s c' persons wino have receive u, r 5i4r, : -" ♦ -ece ve, heQ th se des to :.- ce ;•e the c ;iHcie`ntial cyf in'rrrrQ?acr rescect'-c.; the- cy Hececi ung at eg�saa`2cr: 2_ to rev,e .. 4"e 'ecee ct the ccrnintsA ative processes , r'ce* `'e .x9.e Acts; and 3. to report -t,�n to *re Mr- of Health vd+1 ar' . rbc "'er' :1 -ifs or net -'i y ar-er-.--er 3 tc ''e eo s cn ord the Recxu 0" -Cis : csse: NOTICE OF HEARING' Tie rst secs, c} e Cm-riseen eel be _onserect::r -^e_ pati offpbruory. 1978, at the beur ''?-CC circ r the forenoon, at the St,t~c �tu J 'ate', 955 Boy Street et WejesIe , crcr'c, Cn*ar,c, `cr the purpose of -tablisning procedures and granting status tc intereste✓ ci ct..o s cr organizations. Any- one 'nter tdr( tc DC7'' pate in the Commission's heanngs is ,.,''ed to attend and may make submissions at "'e ar c e noted time. The dotes, fres and o°oces of public hear- ings will be announced at a Doter time_ TheCommission is ask `ng for opinions, com- ments and infomoticn from ail interested in- dividuals and organizations. Anyone wishing to snake a written submission or deliver relevant information to the Commission may do so, addressing it to: ROYAL COMMISSION Of INQUIRY INTO THE CONFIDENTIALITY Of HEALTH RECORDS iN ONTARIO, 22nd Floor, 180 Dundas Street West, TORONTO, Ontario MSG 1Z8. Telephone- (4161965-4003 The Hon. Mr. Justice Horace Krever, Commissioner Harvey I Strosberg, Counsel to the Commission. 1 1