HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-02-09, Page 13-.a By Jack Riddell, Huron MIT As you are aware, the Liberal Party has on a number of occasions ex- pressed concern about the viability of the small business sector of Ontario's economy. We published a policy paper on the subject, "New Directions for Small Business" in April of last year, and John Eakins, the ®Liberal MPP for Victoria- Haliburton, tabled a Private Member's Bill which proposed a Small Business Act. On January 4 of this year, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business sub- mitted its Annual Budget Presentation to the Gover- nment of Ontario, excerpts from which you will probably find very interesting, although it begins with a somewhat depressing forecast for the New Year - "1978 promises to be another -year of disappointments for Ontario's businesses, workers and consumers. Slow real growth, continuing in- flation and higher unem- ployment are some of the unpleasant prospects facing the province." The Presentation main- tains that Ontario's economic fortunes, always determined by international trade con- ditions,will be particularly vulnerable in the face of ambitious industrialization programs undertaken by Third World nations. Our national reliance on multi- national branch plants in- creases this vulnerability, because multi -nationals, in order to maintain production and employment levels in their home countries, can be expected to slash productions and employment in their Canadian branch plants. Subsequently,. the Federation, while recognizing that high unemployment represents a serious waste of resources and a cause of much personal hardship and tragedy, states "The temptation to cure unemployment through the time-honored means of • massive spending and equally . substantial general tax reductions is strong. However, the existence of unemployment must not be allowed to force us into policies which would have an adverse effect on the rate of inflation and our balance of payments position." The Federation recom- mends a reduction in the Ontario retail sales tax, as a means of encouraging greater consumer spending, generating employment and reducing the cost of living. It specifically recommends a temporary two percentage point reduction, from 7 percent to 5 percent. Also recommended by the Federation is an Employment Tax Credit Program, to provide a partial rebate to employers for additional wages incurred by increasing employment, and implementation of a system of Free Trade Zones. Such a • • system is already in effect in depressed regions in the U.S.A. Firms located in those areas are not required to pay import duties on components that will be used in export - oriented products. Other tax concessions are made to companies locating in these areas, and in addition the firms receive low-interest capital investment loans and subsidized serviced land. Implementation of such a system would encourage new industry to locate in depressed areas. The Federation strongly recommends the im- plementation of Small Business legislation to protect and assist in the development of small and medium sized enterprises, which are independently owned and operated and not dominant in their field. A U.S. Act similar to that proposed by John Eakins (which passed first and second reading in the Legislature) has been in effect in the States for more than a quarter of a century. Its results are, the Federation states, multi -fold, including: significant expenditure savings for the American people (numerous federally - funded studies have shown that the stronger position of small businesses in gover- nment services has helped to reduce the cost of govern- ment), a more balanced economy which is less vulnerable to shifts in economic currents, and exclusion of many foreign - controlled firms which would otherwise be participating in federally -awarded contracts. .As proposed, an Ontario Small Business Act would simultaneously be a strong stimulus for Canadian -owned small and medium-sized enterprises and a non-irritant in international trade, in the opinion of the Federation, because the U.S. could hardly object if we erected a self protective measure which duplicates one of their own. The Federation urges the Government to reintroduce the Small Btsirtess.Act at;the earliest possible opportunity, asserting that to delay is to leave Ontario uncomfortably vulnerable to the whims of international fortunes. Speaking of long-term problems, the Federation observes that Ontario - like the rest of Canada - is caught up in a series of fundamental changes in economic con- ditions, citing the change from an era of abundant, low- cost energy and its effects on our way of life, and the complications caused by Quebec's "push for in- depe'ndence". In the words of the Federation, "the future will be completely unlike the past. Therefore, it would seem only logical that the only feasible solutions to our modern problems must be equally modern and divorced from the old style approaches of the past." Selling Your House.... Are you selling a "Brand Name"? Most people are sold on the value of brand names. They're bombarded with hundreds of nationally known brand names every day on radio, TV, and in the newspapers. When you go to shop, don't you sometimes look for reliable brand names, equating a known brand with quality and value? Names mean something in real estate, too. No one Is likely to come into our office for the first time asking to see the "Smith house" -- but they'll be delighted when they recognize certain brand names on appliances, fixtures, and construction details when we take them to visit the Smith house. For service and reliability when selling your house, list with a well-known name in our community... c 1►� List Your Property with Bob Storey 482-7440 SALESMAN FOR K. REALTY INC. 14 ISAAC ST., CLINTON Clinton Mustang defenceman John Graham of Bayfield is helped off the ice by fellow players after he hurt his knee In last Wednesday's loss to Listowel. Graham is expected to play again this year. (News -Record photo) SCHNEIDERS BROKEN SLICES COOKED NAM REGULAR OR MAPLE FLAVOUR c SCHNEIDERS SLICED COOKED CORNED BEEF BOILING BAG NAM STEAK PKG $1.39 SIDE BACON $ .GROUND BEEF c CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1978,-.-PAGE13 McKinley's report from Ottawa By R.E. McKinley, M.P. The members of the House of Commons returned to Ottawa this past week in what many people are reporting will be the last session before an election. It is difficult for me to believe that Mr. Trudeau would call an election amid the trials and turmoils that are evident in Canaria at the present time. Certainly if he endeavoured to fight an election on his government's record during,the last few years he wold not have much ground on which to stand. An extension of The Bank Act passed second reading this week in the House of Commons. The Bank Act is supposed to come up for new amendments every ten years and this should have been done last year, but the government did not get around to it and they simply have asked for The Bank Act as was last reviewed 11 years ago to be extended until March 31st of 1979. I am sure we are all aware that there are significant changes necessary in The Bank Act to assist in the. financing of small business and agriculture to provide the type of stimulas needed to get things moving again in the country. On the order paper for this session for debate is Bill C 6 an act respecting Canadian ports. The minister of transport; Mr. Lang, says the introduction of Bill -C 6 in the House of Commons on October 24, 1977 has generated keen interest in the development of a new port system in Canada. The re -organization of the ports will form an integral part of the national tran- sportation policy, and will emphasize planning and consultation by local port management. The proposed act will, for the first time, unify Canada's port system under one piece of legislation. He also says that we have developed into a sophisticated trading nation whose port facilities have changed tremendously in the past two decades. For example, radical shifts in shipping patterns and enormous changes in ship- ping technology have all had to be accommodated over a short period of time and the people in port communities have begun to express a greater than ever interest in their port. We've made considerable changes and much progress in the past, and we're proud of it. Our people have worked with skill, enthusiasm and efficiency and- their efforts should ease the transition from the old way to the new. He 'says ' while the new policy will enable the ports system to meet the challenges of the future by allowing us to better coor- dinate port development, I think the most satisfying aspect of the policy is its emphasis on built-in autonomy for ports. He says we've produced a reasonable policy and one that I think is sound, practical and fair. However, many of our waterfront m unicipalities, especially in Ontario, have, asked that the act not be - passed until all municipalities who wish to, have the opportunity of presenting a submission to the minister or more im- portantly to the standing committee on transport where this bill will be sent for indepth study. There is much concern among the water- front municipalities that some of their jurisdiction will be usurped into the federal department under the minister of transport. I have made submission to ,the minister supporting the request of the waterfront municipalities to be allowed to present their case. Other controversy around here has to do with the an- nouncement of the Sun Life Assurance Companies move from Montreal to Toronto. It seems a little bit amusing if it were not such a serious matter. We have Mr. Chretien, the minister of finance and Mr. Trudeau the Turn to page 15 • There's more MORE QUALITY ate h r $ MORE SA VINGS • t{ 'FROM THE HIP GRADE 'A' BEEF AN ROUND ROAST OR RUMP ROAST S BONELESS • o L 1+ o FROM THE LOIN _T— H� exnoe �n�sEEf T-BONE, WING OR SIRLOIN STEAKS Ib. BURNS HOT OR SWEET TENDERIZED ITALIAN SAUSAGE_ _ Ib _98° CUBE STEAKS Ib. $1.89 ZEHRS SLICED -5 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS FRESH ENGLISH COOKED MEATS_ _ P K _ 44` SAUSAGE Ib. $1.39 MAPLE LEAF SMOKED FULLY COOKED SCHNEIDERS COTTAGE ROLL _ 61.69 BEEF BURGERS 2 Ib BOX $2.29 MAPLE LEAF COOKED PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED FROM THE HIP GRADE 'A' BEEF FULL CUT ROUND STEAK S BONE -IN Ib. BONELESS! INSIDE TOP ROUND STEAK 8 Ib FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM THREE 2 oz. PKGS. 1 Ib. PKG. _ 1 .58 1.68 ib 98` SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED. 9 A.M. TILL CLOSING TUES FEB 14 WE N. ZEHRS REG. 2/57' SHIRRIFF 7 FRUIT FLAVOURS JELLY POWDERS 5 3 oz.$ PKGS. FOR ONTARIO C.A. FANCY McINTOSH APPLES JUICY, SWEET8 V BAGb. 1 3 3b. BAG PRODUCE OF ONTARIO FRESH MUSHROOMS FLAVOURFUL ANO NUTRITIOUS lb. 98c PROD. OF U.S. CURLY CRISP SPINACH 10Oz. PKGS _2p.990 ONTARIO NO 1 MILD EKING ONIONS 2Ib. 290 PROD. OF MEX. NO: 1 GRADE CUCUMBERS i°596 PROD. OF MEX NO 1 GRADE SWEET GREEN PEPPERS Ib. 490 MAPLE LANE OR BEATRICE FRUIT BOTTOM YOGURT ._ 43 oz. CUPS ZEHRS SMOOTH AND TASTY PEANUT BUTTER 79 ZEHRS REG. 93' 1 Ib. JAR RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY GOLD SEAL PINK SALMON 7 75 oz 88c FACIAL TISSUES 4 SCOTTIES 200'g COLOURS 58 SCO ZEHRS TOMATO KETCHUP 32 oz _ _ 99c ZEHRS - 4 VARIETIES POTATO CHIPS 250 .69c 4 COLOUR CHOICES SCOTTOWELS CUTRITE REFILLS WAX PAPER _ 2 roll_$1.09 1 00 It 59c SCOTTY.WHITE. RAINBOW OR DECORATED SERVIETTES 180's $1. 09 MOUTHWASH -BONUS PACK LISTERINE 625 ml $1.59 SCHNEIDERS PROCESSED INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED ZEHRS REG. $1415 1 Ib. PKG. CHEESE SLICES 59 COTTONELLE , WHITE, PINK, YELLOW OR GREEN BATHROOM TISSUE 89 ZEHRS REG. $1.27 • 4 ROLL PKG. REG. 011 MINT TOOTHPASTE CREST150 ml. TUBE 949 ZEHRS-COOKESPAGHETIN TI TOMATO SAUCE 3:0,$1 14 oz PURE CORN OIL MAZOLA 32 Oz $1.69 CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP 2 l. _79c SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 120's 3.89 INSTANT FRIED -6 VARIETIES DAINTY, RICE 12 oz 53c DIETRICHS HOME MADE STYLE FRESH BREAD o= 289 c VALUPLUS SLICED WHITE BREAD 24 oz 35c BEEF, CHICKEN PORK OR STEAK SCHNEIDERS FEAT PIES 9 ZEHRS REG. 111, 8 or. PKG. REQUIREMENTS. KELLOGGS SNAP, CRACKLE, POP RICE KRISPIES ZEHRS REG. S1.13 89c 500 g. McCAIN FRENCH FRIES SUPER FRIES ,McCAINSFROZEN FROZEN 79, 2 Ib SUPREME PIZZA_ .2_62! _$2.39 ZEHRS CHEESE • MOZZARELLA_ Ib _x1.69 MARBLE OR HAVARTI ZEHRS CHEESE_ _ _ _$1.79 PARKAY - SOFT TUB MARGARINE 1 lb 79c NORDICA-2% COTTAGE CHEESE TU B 83c NEILSONSCi AM NOVELTY BU 1i'cALMOND WITTICHSFRESH COFFEE CAKE 12 PAx1.29 K LARGE 59c SIZE KENT FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE ZEHRS REG. 79' X12 1/2 oz TIN 5 WE WILL BE4)LEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: HWY. GODERICH-HURON N.8 NA OUR MANAGER IS: DALE McDONALD OPEN WED.-THUR.-FRI. EVENINGS IPA