HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-02-02, Page 19• SMS hold annual meting in Seaforth The annual meeting of Huron Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held at First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth last Wednesday. President Mrs. Elmer Rivers of Seaforth was in charge and welcomed all the delegates and visitors. She opened with Robbie Burns poem, A Man's a Man For All That, followed by prayer. Hensall lajlies were in charge of the devotional' period with Mrs. Harvey Hyde reading the scripture lesson and the theme of her meditation was, We Have a Purpose in Life. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall of Exeter closed with prayer. Mrs. Mel Rennie of Seaforth was pianist. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. James McDonald of Seaforth. It was announced that the Hamilton -London Snyodical will be held this year at Leamington. Mrs. Robert McAllister and Mrs. Clayton Edwards will be the delegates. The spring rally will be held in Hensall on May 10 with a missionary on furlough to speak if possible. The secretary for adult groups, Mrs. Clayton Edwards of Goderich gave a detailed account of all the groups in Huron Presbyterial and stressed that postal codes be included with the ad- dresses of officers. Youth and C.G.I.T. reports were given by Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock of Auburn; associate members reports by Mrs. Harvey Hyde of Hensall; Friendship and Service reports by Mrs. you need is love" worth watching by Shelly McPhee If you have an interest in music: country or jazz, opera or rock, a show that will probably catch your interest is "All You Need Is Love." The series which is being shown on TV Ontario, Thursdays at 9 pm will at- tempt to tell the story of popular music in a giant 17 part series of one hour each. Through film clips, live interviews and performances "All You Need Is Love" will explain the various styles of music, their origins and in- fluence over the years. In the first part of the series,' shown last Thursday evening in introduction of the upcoming programs was made. Ragtime, jazz, blues, vaudeville, tin pan alley, the Musical, Swing, Rhythm and blues, rock, glitter rock and new directions in music all made brief appearances in the first episode, of the things to come. Such performers as BingCrosby, Woodie Guthrie, Billy Holiday, The Rolling Stones, Glen Campbell, Aretha F ranklin, Bo Did- dley, Joan Baez, Judy Garland, Dizzy Gillespie and Richard Rodgers appeared through performances and interviews as a taste of what famous •musical names will appear in the series over the next four months. The program includes over 300 musicians, songwriters and directors that make up the popular music phenomenon. Whether you have a limited taste in music, enjoy. a variety of types, or don't know much about the subject, "All Ydiu Really Need Is Love" will likely capture your attention and inform you more about your favourite musicians and teach you about old, new; well-known and unknown people in the music world. "All You Need Is Love" is all you want in music. Charles Kalbfleisch of Varna; literature reports by Mrs. Rochus Faber of Kip - pen; Supply reports by Miss Jean Scott, life membership report by Mrs. Joe Dunbar of Belgrave; Historian reports by Miss Belle . Sam- pbell of Seaforth and children's groups -Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hensall. The treasurer, Mrs. G.G. MacEwan of Goderich gave the financial statement stating that Huron Presbyterial had over sub- scribed financially to their allocation and she congratulated all Societies on their generous givings for Missions. Then she gave out the estimates for each Society for the coming year. The offering was received by Mrs. Edith McMillan and Mrs. Mary Coleman of Seaforth and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Rivers. Mrs. Gordon Kaitting of Goderich, took charge of the election of officers and Mrs. Gordon Henderson of Goderich was appointed secretary. Mrs. Kaitting also installed the officers for 1978 for the Huron Presbyterial. They are as follows: president -Mrs. Elmer Rivers, Seaforth; vice -president -Mrs. Robert McAllister, R.R.2, Auburn; secretary -Mrs. James McDonald, Seaforth; treasurer -Mrs. G.G. MacEwan, Goderich; young women's and CGIT-Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Auburn; adult groups secretary -Mrs. Clayton Edwards, Goderich; COC and children's groups - Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hensall; literature -Mrs. Fred Salter, Goderich; supply - Miss Jean Scott, Seaforth; life membership -Mrs. Joe Dunbar, Belgrave; associate secretary -Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hensall; and historian -Miss Belle Campbell, Seaforth. Following the closing hymn, Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun, and the benediction, a social time was enjoyed with members of the Seaforth Auxiliary serving lunch. ,:,c.%v i'✓-/.y'ry�ityis�r %Y'� _N'` :� Clinton firemen returned to the warmth of their garage last Thursday afternoon after fighting a losing battle in a blaze that completely destroyed a hog farrowing operation on the Don Taylor farm. Firemen had to fight high winds and buck heavy drifts to get to the scene. (News -Record photo) our. mistake It appears that the editor mixed up two Doug C.'s under a picture of the 100F draw in last week's paper. The picture was taken by Doug Canelon, not Doug "'Cartwright, as reported. The News -Record wishes to apologize to the two Doug C.'s for this mix-up. Sunday Special ROAST TURKEY with savoury, dressing, gravy and cranberry sauce, creamy mashed potatoes or french fries, buttered corn. The above includes soup or lulce, salad, tea or coffee. Dessert: Pie of your choice. ALL FOR $3.90 DCibfis Custard Cup 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. 4 AT VANASTRA ROAD 482-9896 ipommor CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY -2, 1978--PAGR 19 There were snowmobiles galore at all the checkpoints on the Snowarama last Sunday to raise money for crippled children. Many of the 340 entrants stopped in at the checkpoint at Ray Potter's to get warmed up and have a free coffee. (News -Record photo) Voicings from Vanastra On Friday, January 27, 20 teens braved the storm to attend the second meeting fo the Teen Club. A special thank you to Diane Durnin and the rec. centre for the use of the gym for an hour of active fun which everyone enjoyed. Everyone came back to the Resource Centre and electiozzs_were held. The following were elected: president, Steve Sager; vice- president, Sharon Goulding; treasurer, Diane McCarthy; secretary, Lisa McCarthy. Come on Teens, we have an active group here. Our next meeting is this Friday, February 3 at the Church at 7 p.m. At nine, there is free skating at .the arena for the Club. Resource Centre On Saturday, January 28, the first story hour took place at the Resource Centre. Ginny Floyd was in charge and 15 youngsters were present. Stories, songs and drawings were enjoyed. This activity takes place every Saturday from 1-2 p.m. for children 3-8. Mrs. EDna Jeffrey will take the story hour this week. Last Monday, January 30, the second. meeting of time weight and exercise club was held. A name was chosen, The Vanastra' Calorie Counters, which will be used in future advertisements. An additional hour of exercise has been arranged for every Wednesday mor- ning at the Resource Centre from 10-11 a.m. Mothers are welcome to come and bring their children, everyone will take a turn baby-sitting, so come on out, lets get in shape for spring. Attention Kids ages 8-11. We haven't forgotten you. We have a program in the planning stages for you, so hope is not lost. We will let you know as soon as it is organized'. Due to the inclement weather, the Resource Centre had to cancel the Thursday morning meeting last week. We have re -scheduled this program for this week. Mr, A. Andrews, MSW from the Huron Centre for the Children and Youth will speak on child rearing and the importance of the family. We hope to. do a series 'of meetings on this topic. Come join us from 10-12 noon. Baby- sitting will be provided. The following Thursday, Varna news Mrs. Belle Reid and Mrs. Beulah Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse of London from Sunday to Tuesday of.last week. Residents of the com- munity were very sorry to hear of Don and Lorraine Taylor's loss of their barn and all of their sows and piglets on Thursday. Rev. Murdock Morrison was installed as an honorary elder on the official board of Varna United ,Church on Sunday. Smile A doctor who takes his own advice has a very skeptical man for a patient. White Carnation, Holmesville; catering to wedding, banquets, meetings, private parties.,Book your party anytime. For the Winter Saturday Niaht Dance schedule phone 524-6368 or the banquet hall 482- 9228 February 9, there will be no open meeting as the staff and Board come together for their monthly meeting. Church News The Worship Service was led by Pastor Boersma with the choir singing "If You Know the Lord." The theme of the service was the Forgiveness of Sins. The Choir also sang at Huronview Sunday night. This was their first outside performance. We hope they get many more. Bible Study was held at the Burgess's and a lively discussion and a good time was had by everyone there. Boys and girls, remember arts and crafts on. Tuesday evenings. The church will be open at 7:30 p.m. BUYING? SELLING? Let everyone, know in The News -Record 482-3443 GENERAL MEETING for Seaforth & District Saddle Club SUNDAY, FEB. 5, '78 1:30 P.M. at the SEAFORTH LIBRARY LOWER HALL Guest Speaker: Dr. Stanly Alkemade New Members Welcome! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 482-9125 527-1059 523-4275 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8th. NTI-INFLATION 44. CKET A special offer from the. Colonel to fight inflation feeds 5 to eopie. -74 114/114iS Kent11.10 ucky Fried Ki 04 Elgin Ave. Godorich, Ont. Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it finger lickin'good. Brucefield personal notes by Mrs. H. F. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rod- vald of Toronto (nee Gaye Elliott) are the proud parents of a baby girl. This will be a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs, M. Rodvald of Crosby, North Dakota and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott of Lon- don. Mrs. Edna Paterson, Mrs. Pearl Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. A. Cribbon left on Wednesday for a vacation in Florida. Unfortunately they were delayed in London and were unable to leave by bus until Sunday. The annual meeting of the Brucefield United Church will be held on Sunday, February 5 following a pot luck lunch. ©®®®EMEM®®E2212E212®120®E02EJ®1MECI GIUGMER®®M®®EM®®G+�Q PANCAKE BREAKFAST at ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH James St. - Clinton Sponsored by Catholic Youth Organization g SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Everyone Welcome Adults: '1.50 .d Children: '1.00 Ei®E2E2E2E2E2E2E'e[212E MEZE2E2F2EZE MEME ME2E2E2E202113E2IME MME2GIE2E2 12 noon THE LAST REMAKE (PLUS) OF BEAU JESTE NOTE SHOW TIMES FRI. & SAT. STARTS 7 P.M. SUN.. MON. STARTS 8 P.M. e'.pvj eq,„ !PARK WE NOW CAN ACCOMMODATE SEVERAL WHEELCHAIRS Please make arrangements the night before 30 THE SQUARE Program GODERICH AIRCONDITIONE D • :041,000110••••••••• ��HURON COUNTY'S 4:)/, FINEST ENTERTAINMENT AND DINING CENTRE FULLY LICENSED UNDER THE L L.B O. OPEN: 7 DAYS WEEK 12 NOON •8PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING 'TIL 1 A.AA''. • OUR WEEKEND t4TR?Aith%i'E 11 RETURNS- • • • This Weekend, In our Lounge Friday & Saturday, Feb. 3 & 4 "Shannon '1 COMING: February 10 8 11 , "Amaranth", February 17 818 "Southern Comfort" February,24 & 25 "Cavaliers" The Sandpiper inn...for the finest in SMORGASBORD DINING NO RESERVATION REQUIRED Served Nightly Remember our NOON LUNCHEON BUFFET MONDAY•SATURDAY,11:30 A.M..2:00 P.M. .-` rpr.6 te''4' .10