Clinton News-Record, 1978-01-05, Page 8PAGE 8--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. 1978 Through the other weeklies Last week the Kincardine News reported that Kin- cardine Township had offered the town council $20,000 to pay for recreation in Kin - ca aline. The amount of money was to be divided equally to help pay for the community centre and for recreation. The township's stipulation was that they wouldn't be charged with an additional surcharge. However, this week the News reported that the town council has turned down the township's $20,000 offer. The council has given the town- ship until January 5 to come back with a satisfactory proposal to the town. The town had originally asked the township for $16,115 to help pay for the recreation costs alone. The Wingham Advance - Times reported that a 73 - year -old Brussels woman was killed instantly last Thursday when she was struck by a car while walking to her home in, Brussels from her son's place. Mrs. Roy Cousins was walking along Turnberry Street and stepped onto the road because the sidewalk was not plowed when she was hit from behind by' a car driven by Trevor Moon, 31, Londesboro. He had been charged with impaired driving as a result of the accident. Later it was discovered by: the Wingham OPP that Moon had been involved in an ac- cident only minutes,before when he struck soe posts. and knocked out the right headlight on his car. The Listowel Banner reported that negotiations are taking place between the Police Commission and the Listowel Police Association. Chairman David Kilberg of the commission noted that the private telephones of all Listowel's police officers have been paid for by the force since before 1950. However, Chairman Kilberg' noted that he could find no authorization for this move in any of the police commission meetings. He said that he had checked over the minutes of the past 17 years, but could not find where the motion of telephone payment was approved. The bill for the officers' phones this year came to $466.53. Police Chief William Sachs noted that the paying for ' phones were in effect when he joined the force in 1950. He said that because the police force was small they had the ability to call in off-duty men at a time of emergency. -He noted that if the off-duty men were to be called in then their telephones should be paid for. It was decided that the. phone bill be` paid for this year but Chief Sachs was instructed not to;pay it in the future. The item, could become a part of the contract negotiations and this was agreed upon by the com- mission. Perth County Council has been asked to allow a budget of $1,600 to promote travel and tourism in the area. The St. Marys Journal Argus reported that a representative from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association and one from the ministry of industry and tourism attended the council meeting to explain their latest advertising campaign. It was explained to the council that a new tourist guide is being produced, with the cost.. and distribution being set at $80,050 and about $30,000 of that will come from the advertising revenue in the guide. Some 100,000 copies will be printed to advertise tourist points throughout the area: Perth County and Stratford have been asked to share the $3,500 cost for that area and if the town of St. Maz'ys offered $300 the shares of - Stratford and Perth would be' greatly redutced. The Lucknow Sentinel reported that Nelson Hill is ""Ille"New Lucknow District Co- operative manager. He replaces Lloyd Crawford, who has now become UCO's. Elmwood Area manager. Hill has been involved with the Co-op for the past 20 years which includes being branch supervisor at the U`1J0 Shelburne branch for the past four years, He has also managed UCO branches in Turn to page 9 TART THE NEW RIGHT... ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1978. OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:00 A.M.-9:30 P.M. SUNCOAST MALL - GODERICH WINNER OF AQP LANCIA BRAVO ROMAN HOLIDAY MRS. S. LACIS LONDON, ONTARIO We pick the best. So you can, too! Did you know that A&P is not just a butcher shop with its hundreds of cuts of fresh beef, ONE! pork, Iamb, veal and poultry... AQP ss a Pork Shop! Pork Loin Quarters Cut Into 1111111111% RK CHOPSb 10 CHOPS IN A PACKAGE -- 2 Rib Chops 2 Loin End Chops — 6 Centre Cut Chops CENTRE CUT SLICED 8 Pork Loin Chops 161.7 A&P Side Bacon COUNTRY STYLE ' • TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, BONELESS ROIISVAC PAS " Ib 1.48 Cottage Spare Ribs A&P is a ComplefeP Meat Sho ! 0 1 -Ib Vac Pac CANADA PACKERS, RANCH STYLE BEEF & PORK „ L48 1e 1.19 Bologna evthePiece1b68a Burns usages ALL Wieners 85a C BluefishSTOFillets SlicedBeefLiver lb 5851 Chicken Cutlettes Real Value! 16 8$1. 1egg� 88511 1 poRK LOIN ROASTs Tenderloin Rib Portion Portion 3 TO 31/2 -LB CUT 18 lb 28 Action Priced Robin PUDDINGou rs CAKE MIXES 8.7 -OZ PKG. Reg Price 69/ Real Value! A&P — Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 -FL -OZ A TIN Reg Price 1.89 Action Priced A8P — Assorted or CHOC. CHIP COOKIES TIE BAG Assorted Colours Reg Price 1.23 Action Priced Reg price 2.99 SCOT - TOWELS Powdered CHEER DETERGENT 11 Varieties CUPASOUP MIX 9,6 PKG OF 2 ROLLS 5 -LB BOX 29 PKG OF 4 ENVS JANE PARKER, SLICED, CRACKED WHEAT, WHOLE 1?JHEAT ACTION PRICEDI Brown Bread J 60% OR 100% 24.OZ LOAF COTTONEIIBATHROOM TISSUE ACTION PRICEDI ACTION PRICEDI S(OiiIFS aO^ OFFA(IAL iISSUEss ACTION PRICEDI 100 ml TUBE REGULAR SANITARY NAPKINS "Aim" Tooth aste 88, Confidets pFAMILY ACTION PRICED! REFILLS T Scott Napkins PkgoI1801.9 CUtrlte max Piper ACTION PRICEDI pkg of d8 2.99 ACTION PRICEDI 100 -ft roll65� Action Priced SPAGHETTI, READY -CUT MACARONI, SPAGHETTINI R.gPdl87/ PRIMO PASHAS 2 -LB PKG REGULAR (NEWBORN PKG. OF 30 1.99) PKG. OF 48 11 VARIETIES 6.5 -OZ TINbab Scott Dia el s 2.29 Pam er Cat Food 4fo99 -A&P BRAND ACTION PRICED!y p •/ 9? -- ACTION PRICEDI 3G Cabbage, MincRtesecelli ZB-ffrgGee eo� /1.00 Pablum Biscuits Florida —White —Size 48's Florida -- White — Size 48's SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT FOR 9 9 JANE PARKER ACTION PRICEDI 19.OZ CAKE Spanish BarCake 79? IMPERIAL Soft Margarirlel-btub79? PLAIN, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, TEACH 32 -OZ CTN , Borden's Yogurt 1.09 PETER PAN 28 -OZ JAR Pean.it Butter 1.59 CONVERTED ACTION PRIC4DI 3.1.11 PKG Uncle Ben's Rice 199 STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY, WITH PECTIN 44-FUOZ JAR AyimerJams 99? . .,MARTIN'S -- 4 FLAVOURS Fruit Drinks 48.f.oz t339? TAAnn Page 'Ketchup 89? Texas — New Crop No. 1 Grade CAB GE ONTARIO -PACKED FRESH DAILY No. 1 GRADE Carrots 3 -Ib bag 59? FLORIDA -PACKED IREH DAILY -- No. 1 GRADE �a•LB l' Tomatoes vtt�� eadt49gi ONTARIO -- YELLOW COOKING --a No. 1 GRADE SMALL Onions 10-lbbag 99? ONTARIO -- FANCY GRADE –•- "RED DELICIO Apples 3 -Ib bag 9? FRASERVALE, FROZ�1 • '� 24"Z PKG Turbot Fish 'N ciiips 1.39 WITH PORK, IN TOMATO SAUCE OR MPLASSES ACTION PRICEDI 14-FLOZ TIN Heinz Beans 2for79? WITH MEATBALLS ACTION PRICEDI 15> .FL.OZ TIN Heinz Spaghetti 2ior89? HEINZ ACTION PRICEDI 134L00Z TIN Tomato Paste 59? • ISLAND QUEEN SOLID LIGHT 79? TUNA7OZTIN EVAPORATED 16 OZ TIN Carnation Milk -2 for 79? PEAK-FREAN CHIP RING - NICE - DIGESTIVE SHORTCAKE 14-15 cm. bag LIBBY'S COOKIES Zoodies 144.. tin 2 for 89? • .7y'