HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-12-22, Page 51 ~ — Nee ^ '-� •l3ridge 0 n «4 give The whole top of a semi trailer lay under the bridge on the Bayfield road last Friday morning, after a truck driver tried to squeeze a 13 -foot trailer under the 12 -foot, three-inch bridge. It was the second time this year a truck has been demolished by the CNR over- pass. (News -Record photo) CL!NTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1977—PAGE 5 Tow'n Taik: �OEristrnases � of While "one of the Christ- mases l remember" that l am about to relate may bring a 'tear to a few eyes, lbe\ieve it shows the real meaning of Christmas. As a child of nine.. Christ- mas was a very important time of the year (incidentally, it is still very irnportant to me and l still feel the child -like excitement about it). That particular year my father was very U| with cancer. A few days before Christmas my mother called me aside from my brother, being 1 yas the older, and said, ^8oney, we wo-n't be having a Chriytmus1 this year." My heart was hroken.No tree, no p'reuenm, no special dinner. The days wore sad, but just the night before Christmas, my uncle brought us a tree, It was the bottom of their tree. 1 remember thinking ''it doesn't look much like a Christmas tree, hut it's hetter than nothinA.^ Then, as l recoU, after putting a few decorations on it, it was off to hed with that hurt in my heart that THIS was our Christmas Bowov,r.someone oi^e/uud learned /four plight and the next morning when my brother and lurrivod in our big kitchen where the tree stood in the corner, we saw that Santa Claus had indeed visited our hoo`e!|. Under- neath our tree were toys a p|unty, and o`any8uodioofor our tub|c. Enough to make any child's eyes sparkle. and any mother's heart be glad. While we had been sleeping dnegoodfo\kuuythe8a|vudon Army were indeed ,carrying out Jesus' last and greatest commandment "that ye love one onothe,^ Is thisoot truly the real meaning of Christ- mas? — Unsigned hr|et'moe?--Dnu|Qned fff In our house as a child we had a cook stove in the kit- chen as many homes did. Near the cook stove was a line Almost sixty years ago, where we pinned up our there were three little sisters muty, scarves etc., when we at our houoo, and on came in from building snow Christmas morning as we [orte, snowmen or were looking' at our filled tobogganing, On Christmas stockings before the fireplace Eve wohung our stockings on '-ourauntcanneinu»tberoono the line (seven in the family) and told uswohad anew baby for Santa to fill. These wr^ brother. Wo went excitedly '`,p/"~"d "' the dawn of day into' the room where, our , bit the other gifts that had been placed under the Christmas tree in the livingroom had to wait until we. had eaten our bowl of oatmeal porridge. Prior to Christmas day, each of us was given 50c to go Chdet,npe shopping. No allowances those days. We did our chorca, regardless of a weekly allowance. Anyway, byn@chuyuopuuh`g�ufew penhioo or -a five cent pieco, we bought gifts for each other, our parents and grandparents. And such secrecy! Dad usually received a red and white polka dot work, handkerchief and mother a 10c bottle of perfume. —Wynne Homuth fff � � impresses �������.��� i���� ���^�� �r � ������ �� �� 3�D�������-� members by Rena Caldwell The Christmas meeting of the Kippcn Fst W.1., held at the home of, .Mrs. Charles Eyre was `one of ,the out- standing meetings of the your. Mrs. John Morgan, Exetet', Mrs, Russell. Ferguson, �Russell.onsuU had on display their *n'rk in ceramics. Mrs. .Morgan gave a com- iVprOensive acrounrt of their vvcrk, ycoininA, glazing, and firing and also had many useful tips for beginners in cnrarn|cu. Mrs, Campbell Eyre won the beautiful candle holder dunotodby Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Ferguson. The speakers wee introduced hyMrs. Vern Alderdice and were thanked by Mrs. Grace Drumrnond. gYho ,board meeting report was presented by Mrs. Robert Kinsman • and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Harold Parsons. The motto: "It's not the hours you put in that count, but. what you 'put into the hours," was given by .Mrs. Alex McGregor. Current events were given by Mrs. Dave T,iobnor. Inspiring poems and readings were given by Mrs. Grace- Drummond rucoDrummond and ,Mrs. Al Hoggarth, A musical' contest Was presented by Mrs. Vern Alderdice and Mrs. Grace Drummond, It was decided to a commence the euchre parties in the H'nsall Legion Hall in Janua-ry. Gifts were presented to Shirley Chalmers for com- pleting twelve 4-Bclubs. Also honoured were Carol McGregor and Linda Roberts, who finished six .clubs and the leaders Ruth Bean, Eileen McGregor, l3eatrice Stoll, Helen Roberts, Mary Connelly and Margaret Hoggarth. After the gift oxnhunge, a midnight supper was served by Mrs. Grace Dru,o,nond, Mrs. Grant MucLcun, Mrs. Robert Kinsman and the hostesses Mrs. Eyre. Mrs. Pepper and Mrs. Sinclair. Personals Mrs. J. D. Gibson and Mrs. D. Gihnon, Lucan visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L`MoUis. • Miss Jill McLellan has returned yroin a holiday in Huwoii ' Mr. and Mrs. ,Honk B|n' ne,ndyk have also returned from oHawaiian vacation. UCW meets The UCW of St. Andrew's Church, Kinnon met on December 13. Mrs. Keith Lovell gave the 'worship on tha{:hr|atmue|hcme. Mrs. Gerald Moffatt gave the topic Yromo film, strip on "Traditions o[Ch,istinue�' Several girls from the junior choir sang. Christmas curolo • and accompanied themselves on the ukulele. Joan B|nnuddyk played two piano instrumentals, . Hostesses Mrs..John 8ino|o|r, Joan, Binnendyk served lunch assisted hy Unit 2. The election of officers was as follows: past president, Mrs. David Cooper; president, Mrs. Emerson Kyle; recording eocrotary. Mrs. Robert Kinsman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. David Coope,; treasurer, Mrs. BertFaher: Social functions committee, Mrs. David Turner, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mrs. Torn Reid, Mrs.. Dear Santa Claus Dear Santa Claus How is Rudolph and Cupid and Comt. l am gaing to lev caryots cookies and milk. Baby -that -Away toy Santa baby curig Donny and Mre thack you. +Jeanette McAuliffe Dear Santa Claus, How's your reindeers. How's Mrs. Sants 'Claus. Christmas is nice. I'm in grade two. is it nice two. be nice. My teacher's name is Mrs. Dyck. I like a racing set.+Mark Van Loo Holiday joy is in the air, and we greet all our fine patrons with sincere best wishes for a wonderful season. Many thanks for your loyalty and trust. STEPHEN L. �ROWN - LORNE J. BROWN - FRED SHROPSHALL'mERC BROWN - CRAIG COX - LARRY McCLImCHEY'KEN JOHNSON - DOUG CARTWRIGHT'DOUGLAS WISE 'DARYL JOHNSTON ' ~ HOLIDAY HOURS:, ` CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY, DEC. 26 & 27 ROMOTORS �°�,��&�K���N ��� �w�, ��� ��� �� ��� ' ^ 8� ����k8�U� YOUR ��&U����LY��U�E�/ROLET���d��8 I�� ,��~���.. ' USED CARS and TRUCKS CLINTON, ONTARIOONTARIOU���� U�����u�����~4������ ~-'-' ' Norman Dickd°; Unit l - Mrs. Keith Lovell; Unit 2 - Mrs. Wm. Cone|u; com- munications c*ordinotor. Mrs. Norman D|ckert' . stewardship and finance, + Mrs. Harold Juneo; leadership and development, 'Mrs. John. Anderson; the church in society,.Mrs. Edison McLean; Christian development, Mrs. Hugh Hendrick; World Outreach, Mrs. W. L. MpUia, Mrs. Art McCallum; nomination convener, Mrs. Edison McLean; sunshine com- mittee, Mrs. om'miuoo.Mra. Lloyd Lostell. mother lay with her newborn son and our proud father was sitting beside her. The next Christmas Eve as we hung our stockings, we wondered if Santa Claus would repeot the wonderful gift but our parents said that "it wouldbe someone else's turn this year." — Mrs. Donald Collier (nee Helen &Yec&4uth), Komoka, Ontario. rm cs . . w �� � ����������������� for Deck the halls with boughs of holl+, fill' your homes with lots of oh ^. May this season he ‘varm and 'ollv. for our frio|id* on.(\lx\(rons dear.- • DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON . ~~- ~==` . . '' '~�' = ^°=~ = —`.^~ ---' ` ''' -- ^ thank.you for������ ��m m�� shopping at . �"mm�a�"�m °��=-~~` =_-=�',`~= _____ _ _' � °=-=' '. ^'"°��^. • �`~ar. ,-�����`�.��- Maple m. Miracle Baste. Butter Basted Young Turkeys Swift's ,x`v/b Butterball Turkeys |b. ����`� � �� � |b. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Swift °'^or'' Sugar Plum Semi Boneless Hams /^ 2~09 ^ Frozen Grad'^8•mlbs. Young Turkeys � 795 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Canadian Queen ,Or 14 Boneless Hamm � . sl 88 Maple Leaf wm Sweet Pickled Cottage YRoxo 1 �� lb. .=~~~ Schneiders `mpkn New Item Stuff ����o Turkey Stuffing == . Maple Leaf by the piece Polish Sausage .*1.29 Schneiders 6 oz pkg . Mac & Cheese or [ Chicken Loaf 55c Schneidersxmelbw. Bucket of Cooked Chicken^� ,��� ""=~=~= Schneiders 6 oz pkg Sliced Cooked Ham 1.29 ^29 Mary Miles. , lb. *g.. For Turkey Stuffing Sausage Meat ����n == Schneiders `mpkg'All Beef, Red Hots. Clutch Treet or , kkmle"° mno,v 89c Top Valu , lb. pw Skinless Wieners Maple,Leal 1 m*w. Hint of Maple or reg Sliced Side Bacon 1.49 ���� .-"= York 14 fl. oz, tin Fancy French Style Green or Wart Beans, Whole Green or Reg Walt 3xm� Beans o,Peas v n Maxwell House '/ lb. tin -Electric =~�w°,"� "�� ~°�~= onvCnneo ^� ���� =.== Top Valu / lb. pkg. Sliced Side Bacon Lady Scott • pkg of ,m Assorted Colours Facial Tissue 1.29 ~2~"«� 8�^�c == �-` . Frozen Utility Grade 8-16 lbs. Young Turkeys 74? Top v"Iu»om. Dinner Hams i.881b: Regular Returnable Bottle , Pepsi Cola *^^ 49c plus deposit Green Giant • Fancy • Cream Style, N|bletmCorn ^2ft. oz, tin 39c 110==5:1m Bluebird Brand 5-6 lbs. Smoked Picnic ShouldersAssorted Flavours Maxwell House Instant Coffee. m=^*' I.G.A. plus 20` per btle, sit 750 -- tle Soft Drinks 6 for '1.00 Aylmer - Choice Freestone Peach Halves Fruit Cockt$il or Peach Slices wx.oz. tin o.0No. , Florida . ��vppersk|.. "' ^Tangerines doz. size 176 $4.69 44c' Aylmer Fancy Tomato Juice 59c48 II. oz tin Top Yalu First Grade Creamery Butter 1 lb. print Clover Leaf Mandarin Oranges 10 11. oz. tin 2 for m1 ~00 Ocean Spray Cranapple or Cranberry Cocktail 89c California Red Emperor Grapes lb 49c v.S.No, , size 24 California Pascal R��c Celery "".== of 180 • Rainbow Serviettes 'Aylmer ^o oz. tins Tidbit. Crushed or Sliced Pineapple ,��,���u =^"= 5' Potted Poinsettas u°"mma»*wYum Yum Bick's Pickles 99c Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied Cranberries muoz. tin 49c 1.19 Loose PackClub House . Stuffed Manzanilla Olives ox.oz. jar ����m . =~° ASsorted Je)NPpwuenm ' . ooz. pkgs. 5 m, ..��== �� U� �� ���� =.=,= 1.09 Assorted Colours Bathroom Tissue -I 1�� " . " .w Kraft ^m jar Smooth Peanut Butter ��^=��= "��� Maple Leaf • 24 oz. glass or 28 oz. tin Num & Brandy or revul°� ���� Mincemeato.== Canada No, 1 Ontario Waxed Rutabagas Product of Japan Mandarine Oranges ^1 2C m"4.99 *"'pkg. m*,3.,oz. env. Orange Flavour Drink Crystals 99c McCain pkg. Brussel Sprouts 1.25 Kellogg's 'Special .425 pkg. �Cereal �.^� � .�= " Fresh Daily • 2%Milk xqt. bag 1.48 ^TupValu-Sliced White Bread - 24 oz.�� 351;' Small Grade Honey Maid raham crumbs or Graham Wafers 79c Frozen Cool Whip -�/��c == Gainsborough '» oz. *w 69cFrozen Tart Shells Assorted Varieties Candy Bars Johnson ..ooz. lin Eggs60% Peanuts Mixed Nuts 65 DOZEN pkg. Banana, Orange or FrozenPound Cakps 1.19 oz, tin from Concentrate Frozen Orange 59w FrIrm House • 24 oz, pkg. Frozen Apple Pie �X�" `mmMargarine ^ Blue Bonnet 3 lb pkg. Coloured 9 c =7c 1.99 Canadian ,ro"es'°edomDw° Cheese Slices 1 69• HOLIDAY STORE HOURS rhum,Dec. o.o.xno. m.vpm. m,Vxo.x.mo.m.v,.m. ym,Dec. m.o.xou.m,ov.m. CLOSED SUN. uMom,DEC. m Tues., Dec. 27: 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m . Wed., Dec. 28: 8:30 a.m.•6 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 29: x.00uJn.vpm p.m. KUEN.ZIGI'GACLINTON THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE A I . WE m «m� y � 3�G��O���� / '~^~^�^~~^'~�^��'^ PRICES ���CLOSING SATURDAY ���� ~= ALL MERCHANDISE U00% GUARANTEED Product Replaced or Money Refunded . ~ /