HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-12-15, Page 4PAGE 4—CLINTON NEWg-RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1977 Whatwethink IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII1111111III1ih111111111111IIIIIII!IIt1111111111111111111111IiflhI1111111I1 A dangerous cutback ' The announcement last week that Huron County's child abuse program will have to be sharply curtailed is deeply disturbing. Reason' for the cutback lies in the new limitations which have been placed on availability of provincial government funds. Obviously the government's in- tention 'to bring provincial spending down to reasonable limits is something most sensible people can applaud; but at times the priorities seem to be forgotten. Surely, if there is enough money to provide healthy grants for new arenas there should be enough to look after the needs of abused children. The fact that provincial lottery money, must be spent on cultural and recreational programs seems less than important. Perhaps the legislation should be amended to allow for in- stances such as this. Every time government feels the need.for frugality it seems that it is the social services which suffer first. But, of course such things as family counselling and child abuse programs don't win too many votes at election time, whereas new arenas and smooth.... highways are right there in" public view. Child abuse is a social evil which we should loog since have corrected. It is a crime far more widespread than most people realize, and one which should shock every citizen into demand for action. Doctors often treat the helpless little victims of adult cruelty or adult insanity. Most doctors hate to become in- formers, so the responsibility lies -with the social service agencies to discover and take action in every possible case. Without adequate funds and staff they cannot fulfill that responsibility. - from the Wingham Advance -Times. Don't leave it to chance As soon as they put away the elf costumes, and park the fairyland floats after the Christmas parades, the big stores begin to plan for next year's parade. The countdown to the next Christmas begins that soon. We all have an appointment with Christmas and our personal countdown is under way. No other event in the year gets as much advance planning . .and effort. Like the parade planners, for some a year or more in advance is hardly enough. Each of us has a list of things to, do, a schedule to meet, presents to buy, tree to get baking to do, invitations and cards to send out. We have learned to leave little to chance when it comes to Christmas Yet there is one thing that is often Left to chance • the renewal of the Spirit of Christmas within us, says the United Church. Actually, some feel that the renewal of the Christmas Spirit ought to be unplanned, a spontaneous thing, catching us unawares. Sometimes it happens that way. In the words, the pageantry, 'the colour, the message of Christmas touches the deep roots within us and warms our spirits. In- spired by the message of the Christ Child, we learn to care about others, we catcha vision of a peaceful world, a world where love reigns and people count. This vision renews us and enriches us. In the long run, these are the things that make Christmas im- portant. The trees, the presents, the food, all that is just extra. A young woman, by chance, found herself at a special Christmas service. She left with a smile on her face and a tear in her eye. Until that moment, in spite of her preparations for Christ- mas, she hadn't felt the Christmas .Spirit. Attending the service was a blessed accident. It's a shame to plan everything and leave the renewal of the Spirit to chance. Each of us can plan to take time to get in touch with the real Christmas Spirit., Christmas is not about things, . or even, about what happened long ago. It is about something that can happen to each of us today. Don't leave Christmas to chance. Sugar and Spice/By Bill Smi ey The boys are here! We got an early Christmas present at our place . this year. My daughter, who is training to be a teacher, was heading into a hairy week of practice teaching real kids in a real school. My wife, in a sudden burst of compassion and stupidity, volunteered to take The Boys for a week. At time of writing, we've had them for three days. And nights. It hasn't seemed an hour more than three years. My old lady has aged a decade, hasn't spoken a civil word to me for 48 hours, and is threatening to move into a hotel and leave me stuck with.the pair. This morning, in' a desperate effort to obtain a little peace, she got up at six o'clock and went downstairs to make a 'cup of tea and read for a few minutes, in blissful solitude. She'd just settled in a chair when she heard this horrible, familiar sound: the thump! thump! of tiny feet descending the stairs. It was No. 2 son, armed with a big grin, a loaded diaper and a hearty appetite for breakfast. Her groan awoke me, all the way upstairs, where'I was trying to snatch 40 winks after sleeping, or attempting to, with No. 1 son. He sleeps crossways, upside down, or kitty-corner, and kicks the clothes off both of us every five minutes. It's not that they are bad boys. It's just that there are two of them. Either, by himself, is a delight to have for a visit. But when they're together, it's like a one armed man trying to cope with a cage of monkeys. We brought two large boxes of their favorite toys and teddy bears and puppets'. They can litter two floors of the house with these in two minutes;'then ignore them while you pick them all up. It''s more fun getting into Gran's in- numerable cupboards and drawers and nooks and crannies, and dragging out everything that is not nailed down or cemented over. On my desk, as I write, are: one baby's bottle, one large strainer from the kitchen, one fire- iron, and our only flashlight, carefully taken, apart. On the floor behind me is my chess set, 80 spools of Gran's thread, mainly unwound, and the baby's potty chair, completely virgin. I am away behind with my mail, and I haven't read a paper since The Boys arrived. Trouble is, it takes one of us to police them, while the other is frantically trying to get somethin-g essential done, like ironing a shirt or cooking some grub: It isn't that they fight a lot. They fight all the time. The older one is very intelligent and very curious. He'll find something like the short step ladder, climb it, and see how hard he can jump on the floor. The younger one tries to emulate him, gets in the way, gets a kick in the face from big brother, squeals in mingled rage and pain, bites his brother on the calf, and they're into it. Last night, after dinner, they wanted their mitts on. One of us wearily struggled them on, anything for peace, and the two immediately started boxing. For real. The little guy would absorb a punch on the ear, go down laughing, struggle up, rush his brother, and overwhelm him with a flurry of punches. He's two years younger, but just as strong and twice as pugnacious. This sort of thing is hell for a mild, middle-aged couple who believe that little children should be kind and sweet and generous with each other. I was almost drowned the other night when I tried to give them both a bath at the same time. I ,used to bath them singly when they were tiny, and it was a lovely ex- perience, being so gentle and careful that the little heads didn't get a bump, or the eyes get soap in them. Now it's a cross between catching a greasy pig and being an octopus with six tentacles missing. They wrestle at one end of the tub and do belly -flops. They have splashing matches in which both get soap in their eyes and yell fiercely. It ends only when one or other slips on the soap and cracks his noggin on the tub. It isn't as though we aren't used to children. We had two of our own, and while they were trying at times, they'd get a slap on the bum if they tried to be as boisterous as The Boys. But this is the new generation which thinks that a kid's whole being is warped and stunted if he gets an occasional belt on the backside. They think the little 'guy should be allowed to go bare bottom a couple of hours a day, so he won't feel repressed by his diaper, or something. So he promptly stands in the middle of Gran's newly -cleaned rug, gets a faraway look in his away look in his eye, and pees a golden stream. Put him on his pot, of course, and he just grins. And this crowd is not taught any respect for 'property, They are used to banging around in rented quarters, and their parents haven't anything ,worth breaking anyway, so they are given free rein to that vandal that is hidden in all of us. Thank the dear goodness I have to go to work every day and have eight hours of comparative peace. But I'm worried about Gran. Another couple of lamps knocked over, another box of oatmeal sprinkled into the downstairs john, and she's off to the bug -house. 7 "Ah, the sounds of Christmas ... the ringing of cash registers!" Odds 'n' ends - by Elaine Townshend Being your own boss Some people think it would be great to work at home and be your own boss. You'd have no one breathing down your neck or watching your every move, no one telling you to hurry up or bawling you out for a mistake. You could work at your own pace, and if you slacked off for awhile, no one would ever know but you. I found out as a teenager that being your own boss is 'not always what it's cracked up to be. I studied by correspondence for two years. English was usually the first lesson completed each week, because I enjoyed it; Math came last because I. detested it. The instructor, a faceless person whom I knew only by initials, was hundreds of miles away - too far away to push me. If I wanted to learn anything from the course, I had to push myself. I did learn a few things such as, what a dangling participle is, what happened to Romeo and Juliet, what an obtuse angle is and how to spell vinegar in French. How long I stored these facts in my memory bank and what use I put them to are different matters. Now I am working at home on my own again, and it is not always easy. For example, I can think of a dozen things I'd rather do right.now than write this column. I could leave it until tomorrow morning, but that would mean cutting the .mailing deadline rather close. I find it more difficult to write when 'T know I'm running out of time than when I have a few hours to spare. If something came up at the last minute and I missed this week's deadline, what would happen? The editor might too. easily find something else with which to fill this space, and worst of all, I wouldn't get paid. Of course, working at home has its benefits. I have privacy and peace and quiet when I want it. If I wnt to take a day off 'during the week, I can make up for it at night or on the weekend. If I don't feel like working in the morning, I can work later at night. But regardless of when I do it, the same amount of work has to be ac - complished'in a certain length of time. I don't have anyone to answer the phone, the doorbell or other in- terruptions that occur. Furthermore, I can't blame the boss for a mistake, call her dirty names for making me ,work late, make jokes about her, or give her dirty looks behind her back. I've tried using a morror, but it doesn't make me feel any better. One thing that irks me a little is the attitude of a few people. They seem to assume that, unless a person goes town office or a store every day, he or she is not working. They are probably the same people who think housewives do nothing but watch soap operas all day and farmers take coffee breaks every hour. A coffee break every hour would land yours truly and a lot of other folks in the poorhouse within two weeks. I adhere to the same theory for wat- ching soap operas as I do for smoking: If I never start, I'll never have to kick the habit. • From our early files . • • • • • • 5 YEARS AVO December 14, 1972 if you get a brown envelope in the mail from the Town of Clinton in the next couple of days, don't throw it out. It's very valuable. It contains the Town of Clin- ton's Planning Act and map as the town fathers and the Planning Board have drawn it up. The Town has submitted the plan to the Ontario Municipal Board, but before they can get approval for it, it is necessary for the people of Clinton to voice any objections to it, in writing. If there are enough objections, then the OMB will set up a hearing next year in Clinton. The Huron County Federation of Agriculture agreed Thursday night to support the Huron County Crop Improvement Association in disputing weather forecasts. ' A letter was read from the Crop Improvement Association which claimed that farmers had suf- fered crop losses this year because of the inaccuracy of weather forecasts from the Mount Forest weather station via local radio station. The complaint said that forecasts often said that farmers could expect 24 to 36 hours of good harvesting weather before a weather front would move on while stations in the Detroit area were saying it would be only"six to nine hours before rain could be expected. Many farmers went ahead ' with operations such as bean pulling only to find that the 'Detroit forecasts were un- fortunately more accurate than the ones from Mount Forest. The letter claimed that many beans were lost because of this. The women of the Wesley - Willis Church soothed the sick at Clinton Public Hospital last Tuesday night as they toured the hospital wards singing Christmas carols. This is the seventh year in a row that the ladies have sung to the patients. Each member carried a candle and one patient remarked that he was glad to see someone outside the hospital taking interest in sick patients. There is no truth to the rumor that the Town is planning a big party and are building a giant tank to hold all the liquor they will be serving. Actually, it's a new 65,000 gallon settling tank at Clinton's new sewage treatment plant, Work is proceeding on schedule for the $270,000 project. 10 YEARS AGO December 14, 1907 Clinton store -keepers say they are plagued with shoplifters - they blame children from 8 to 18 years old - and that it is a wor- sening year-round problem. Paul Greer, manager of Stedman's Variety Department Store, probably hardest hit. by shoplifters complains, "It's a real problem, Last Saturday we caught -three kids shoplifting. But how many more we didn't cat- ch?" They'll steal anything they can get their hands on," Police Chief Russell Thompson says he is aware, of the problem and that it is difficult to control. Last week, Mr. Newcombe of W.C. Newcomble Drugs, said he displayed a new line of men's cologne, priced at about $1. Someone stole the displayed bottle.leaving the box behind. Santa Clause needed all his famous charm last Saturday when he arrived at Clinton Town Hall without the promised candy for 1,200 children. While Chief Russell Thompson tried to solve the case of the missing candy, Santa Claus beguiled the children with tales of Toyland. For 45 minutes, Chief Thom- pson doggedly tracked the 1,200 bags of candy, finally cornering them at the Huron Conservation Club house on Alma Street where they had been packed by a group of volunteers. Someone had forgotten to deliver them to Santa. 25 YEAR AGO December 18, 1952 For garden produce picked late in the season, we believe that Miss F. Cunninghame, Huron Street has all gardeners beat. Last week on December 11 she was able to pick two large bun- ches of blue grapes from her vine, lovely texture they were too and as sweet as summertime ones. And that same day she picked Christmas roses. Usually, Miss Cunninghame says, they have to be picked, but this year they were able to bloom iri the open air. President by acclamation of the Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch No, 140, Frank M. McEwan steps up from the office of vice president to lead the local Legion for 1953. The first meeting between the Bell Telephone Company Officials, the Telephone Com- missioners and the Township Council which came as a result of the vote on November 4, took place in the Township office on Thursday evening when Messrs. Patton, Cowley and Symonds were present to open,. negotiations. Robert Dalrymple, road superintendent of the Township of Tuckersmith for the past 28 years, tendered his resignation at the regular meeting of township council on Monday, December 15. Council accepted the resignation with regret as Mr. Dalrymple served most efficiently during his tenure. He is forced to give up his position because of health reasons... 50 YEARS AGO December 15 1927 Messrs. W.H. Robertson of the Goderich Signal and W.F. Naftel of the Star were in town yesterday morning, having ridden down in one of the new Ford cars which the dealers were demonstrating. It was a nice looking car, low bodied and graceful, this one being of very warm, soft grey, desert sand, it is called, The model is about as much''unlike the old Ford car as anything wJl could be, which was of course Ford's idea. Whether it will fill as large a place in the lives of common people as the old one has done remains to be seen. It is expected that hydro will be turned on at Londesboro and Auburn next week. In each place most of, the businessmen and many of the householders are installing light and several of the farmers are also installing light and power. The handsome blue stage curtains have been put up in the Collegiate assembly hall and add greatly to the appearance of the stage. This week we present . our Special Christmas number. We have endeavored to assemble in it much of interest in both picture and story and we commend it to our readers. The advertising is especially commended, do not miss reading, every advertisment; they are inserted by merchants who are desirous of serving you; who have gone to much trouble and great expense in gathering together the goods which they believe will serve your needs and who now ask you to look over their stocks and choose what best suitsyour requirements. You will be serving your own interests as well as theirs by calling on our advertisers for your Christmas needs. The junior room of the Bayfield school was dissmissed on Tuesday, owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Anna Woods. Miss Catherine Park of Bayfield had the misfortune to have her ankle badly sprained on Thursday last. She was closing a door which opened outwards when the strong wind caught it and blew it open at the same time, throwing her out on the lawn. News -Record readers are en- couraged to express their opinions in letters to the editor, however, such opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of the News - Record. Pseudonyms may be used by letter writers, but no (tatter will be published unless it can be verified by phone. What you think lIliIII111IIIl1llllinlllitiliiitlilllltllhIIlI1111i11iII11I1111111 Girls Dear Editor: The following statement was released by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association on the 8th of December, 1977. The statements in the press and by other sources, which charge that in the Wiarton pee wee situation, the O.M,H.A. is in violation of the order handed down in the case of the Human Rights issue in Huntsville, are irresponsible and totally incorrect. (A girl has been banned from playing with Wiarton.) The Huntsville order does not become final and binding on the O.M.H.A., or make its rules invalid, as long as an appeal of the decision is before the courts. An appeal is presently before the courts. If the people making these statements, whatever their involvement will take time to seek legal advice, as did the O.M.H.A., they will find that the O.M.H.A. is conducting its business \well within the existing laws as it is legally, and rightfully entitled to do. The O.M.H.A. will continue to enforce the rules, and discipline all transgressors as dictated by the more than 2,000 teams, which form the association. Hugh Hodges, Chairman W.O.A.A., minor hockey, Clinton Driving tips Dear Editor: When road conditions are slippery and your engine is running at a fast idle because it is cold, it is difficult to stop quickly. If you have an automatic transmission in your car, select the neutral position as you approach the* stop ahead and pump your , brake pedal. You will find stopping will be much faster with more control, due to your engine no longer driving your wheels at its fast idle speed....It Works. Please DON'T call the Ontario Provincial Police for road and weather conditions. CLIP THIS OUT AND PUT NEAR YOUR TELEPHONE: For weather forecast's and conditions call the weather station Goderich 524-9331 ; For Provincial highway condition's call MTC Stratford 271-3550. The Ministry of Tran- sportation and Com- munications (MTC) in Stratford receives reports from all of its agencies in this area every few hours when road conditions are, bad and are prepared to give ,you up- to-date road conditions. The OPP cannot give' you these reports as it is not their function. Don't waste a call - 'call the above numbers. An informed public is a safer one. R. W. Wilson, ,. Provincial Constable, Community Services Officer,, Goderich, OPP. Smile One good thing about higher Christmas tree prices - it's a lot easier to reach the top now than it used to be. ' Member, Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association The Clinton Nows-Record Is published each Thursday at P.O. Box 39, Clinton, Ontario, Canada, NG'M 1LO. 1t is registered as second class mall by the post office under the permit number 0817. The News -Record Incorporated In 1924 the Huron.News-Record, founded in 10111, and The Clinton New Era, founded in 11163. Total press run 3,300. Clinton News -Record •CNA Member Canadian Comni'untty Newspaper Association Display advertising rates available on request. Ask for Rate Card No. • effective Ott. 1, 1177. General Manager - J. Howard Aitken Editor • James E. Fitzgerald Advertising Director • Gary L. Heist Nowa editor - Shelley McPhee Office Manager - Margaret Olbb Circulation • Freda Mcleod Accounting - Marian Willson Subscription Rate: Canada •'19 per year U.S.A. •'17.00 Other • '20.00 0,110 M • 0