HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-12-01, Page 14PAGE 14—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1977
Christmas bureau
kicks off '77
The Family and Children's
Services Christmas Bureau is
stressing teenagers this year
in its drive to make Christ-
mas a little happier for
families in need of assistance.
The bureau is organizing a
drop off depot from
December 5 to the ninth at the
Salvation Army Citadel in
Goderich and is hoping the
same results are achieved
this year as in the past few
Marian Hindmarsh, co-
ordinator of the Christmas
project, said recently that the
bureau is designed to meet
the needs of families on very
low budgets at Christmas
time and to avoid the
duplication of assistance
amongst other community
and church groups in the
county. She said the family
services co-ordinates the
efforts of all the community
groups and administers there
from five centres throughout
the county.
The drop off will be held in
Goderich in the first week in
December to allow time for
volunteers to sort and
organize the donated items.
The week after the drop off
the volunteers will be
preparing them for the
families which will be given
the opportunity to come in
to pick up items the week
before Christmas.
Hin'dmarsh said the bureau
attempts to get at least one
new toy or gift per child. She
said' social workers deter-
mine who receives the gifts
adding that last year 160
families needed assistance at
Christmas. She said 130
received help in 1975 and that
this year the figure is ex-
pected to rise over last yeart.
She added that this year
items for teenage children
are being especially
Hindmarsh said the method
of operating the bureau was
started in 1972 and was
designed to allow one
member of the needy family
to come to a central location
and pick up a gift for
children. She said by doing it
that way the hit and miss
method of arbitrarily giving
toys and gifts away was
.eliminated. She explained
that if one mother needed a
pair of skates for a child and
there was a pair in the depot
she could get them. Under the
old system she may have
never known any skates were
Cash donations are also
received by the bureau and
are used in instances where a
mother or father can't find
anything his children could
use. The money allows the
parent to go out and purchase
an item of similar value.
The money, is also used too,
for the parents to purchase
food for a Christmas dier.
Many of the families needing
assistance can't afford a
special dinner during the
holiday and the bureau gives
them money to buy the food.
Church News
Morning Prayer was held in
St. James Church, Middleton
with Ken 'Wise and Edward
Deeves receiving the of-
fering. Estelle Wise read the
lesson and Rev. Wm. Bennett
in charge of the service.
Immediately following the
service, the congregation
went to the church hall to
view a film on the 800 -year-
old Cathedral of Canterbury
in full color with Prince
Charles being the narrator, a
very colorful and impressive
film. We thank the Rector for
bringing it to show.
Next Sunday, Holy Com-
munion will be observed, and
it will also be White Gift
Sunday, so please bring
canned goods to he taken to
the Children's Aid Society in
The ACW will meet for their
penny savers club pot -luck
dinner next Thursday
December 8 at 7 p.m. at
Blanche Deeves' with the
December meeting to follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mid-
dleton attended a three-day
International Apple con-
vention at Hilton Heads,
South Carolina. They visited
the Middleton Gardens and
plantation having their lunch
there at Charleston, South
Carolina. They stayed at
Myrtle Beach for a weekend
and spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Congratulations to Chris
and Barb Cowan (nee Wise)
on the safe arrival of their
son, Timothy:ScottAt pin ton,
Public Hospita+ on' Tuesday
November 22,. Proud
grandparents are Lois and
Edward Wise and great
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Rouden of Clinton.
We all hope by now Lisa
Storey is feeling much better.
Get well wishes to Lisa.
Get well wishes also go to
Joanne Glen, who is
recuperating at home from a
car accident, and we give the
same greeting to Joanne
Collins, who is also
recuperating from a car
Learn to Play the Pulsifer Way!
Try it first....Here's How...
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tice sessions included.
2. Have a modern organ in 'your home for four weeks,
with five free lessons included, for only '25.00 total
*No obligation to buy - money refunded If purchased.
Plan No. 1 or No. 2 includes a free chance at a '200.00
credit toward any organ purc"liased.
50 Free Lessons are given with each organ purchased.
All Free Lessons to be given at Pulsifer Music, Seaforth,
and at a Goderich location.
Come in and ,see our large selection of quality
keyboards by Wurlitzer, Galbransen, Galante; Qualify
for the '200. Credit Draw. Ybbr name must bo in by
December 23.
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No they don't really have a terrible smell, but Jenny
Valkenburg is deciding which hot sausage looks the most
tempting for one of her customers. Sausages were one of
the dinner attractions at the Clinton Christian Reformed
Church's bazaar held last Friday. (News -Record photo)
Hullett Happenings
The grade 7 andn8 classes
are receiving the London
Free Press for two weeks.
The pupils are using the
newspapers in English
The purpose for having
newspapers available is for
the students to develop a
greater interest in reading
them and to become more
familiar with the paper.
Home Economics and
Industrial Arts
On Tuesdays the grades 7
and 8 classes travel to
Seaforth Public School for
Home Economics and
Industrial Art classes.
The grade 7 class travels in
the morning and grade 8
class in the afternoon.
Report cards
On November 23, the
students received their report
cards for the first term. This
year Hullett Central has got a
new type of report card out.
The pupils were asked to
bring the envelopes back with
their parents' signature on
the back of it. The first term
is over and teachers and
students are beginning :on the
second term.
by Milena Lobb
President Milena Lobb
opened tile,. ftvember
meeting of the S S No. 4
Community Club with two
readings and following a
Prayer 17 members and two
visitors answered roll call.
The minutes of the October
meeting were read by
secretary Dianne Lobb and
treasurer Norene Tebbutt
gave the financial report.
The members voted to
donate $10 to the Children's
Aid Society to help buy gifts
for Christmas.
Card party held inilolmesville
The usual exchange of
Christmas gifts will take..,,
place at the December'.
meeting at the home of Grace
Forbes. The "Country
Ladies" will be in chargee of
the program and the "Town
Ladies" will provide lunch.
The meeting was . closed
with a poem. Lunch was then
served with Edith Tebbutt
and Phyllis Thompson
assisting the hostess Marilyn
Phyllis Thompson very
capably turned auctioneer for
the bake sale which followed.
you simply can't look
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Pure virgin wool remcins the
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Wool Tweed Jackets $95. to $110.
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by Blanche Deeves
Worship service
In song
The worship service in
Holmesville United Church
was held last Sunday with the
Junior Choir of Wesley Willis
Church, Clinton, presenting
the story of Joseph and his
coat in music and with
puppets, under the direction
of Mrs. Mary Hearn and
Cathy Potter at the piano.," Walter Bell, Bill Whitely, Ron
This service was very much Young, Art Bell, Jim Bell,
Laurie Ginn, Joyce Oke,
Hugh Lobb, Barb Norman,
The group wat given a
round of applause for their
work with the young people,
The next card party of
Goderich Women's Institute
will be held December 8 at
8:15 at Holmesville School. At
this party, the Senior Girls'
Baseball champs will make
their draw for the winner
ticket on the afghan and a few
tickets are still available.
Mrs. Leone Blake opened
her home to a Bestline
demonstration, with Leona
Bissonnette . of Mitchell
demonstrating her products.
A humorous game was played
and the winner was Irene
Cudmore. Lunch was served
by the hostess and social time
was enjoyed by all.
hands, Gerald Orr; mystery
gift, Ann Brand. Lunch was
served and a social time was
enjoyed by all.
Prior to this ear44 "party,
Grant Stirling presented the
Township crest to the coaches
of the various baseball teams
of Goderich Township. Those
deserving peopl were
Charlie and Bev 'Ville co-
ordinators and the, ri llOwing:
Ed Johnston, Ray Fisher, Del
Schloendorf, Arnold Bell,
enjoyed by all.
Please note the change of
time of the service at
Holmesville United Church
next Sunday; it will be at 1
p.m. and will be White Gift
Social notes
Next meeting of the
Goderich Township Women's
Institute will be December 12
at 8:15 sharp at Holmesville
On Thursday evening,
November 24, the Goderich
Township held their second
card party with 11 tables in
play. Winners were: ladies'
high, Mrs. Cummings; men's
high, Phyllis Harrison;
ladies' low, Isobel Harris;
men's low, Doug Bland; lone
When you're
for that
Lynda Blake, who attends
the University of Western
Ontario, was home for the
weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blake,
I'm sure everyone will
agree the weather man
played havoc on the weekend
with so many things on that
had to be cancelled.
be wrong
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... for. that.
Let 94 years of professional experience
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Helen MacLean
Helen has been with us for
23 years. She has taken ex-
tensive sales and display
training courses, and is
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gemological courses.
John Anstett
32 years of professional
jewellery experience...the
last 27 of them In Clinton.
Certified Watchmaker.
Ball Bakelaar
In-store certified Watch-
maker. Bill has 26 years of
service at Anstett's.
David Anstett
On -staff Graduate
Gemologist (GIA) 12 years
experience with extensive
gemological training In
Switzerland, New York,
and Los Angeles.
Patricia Anstett
Currently enrolled in
gemological course, Pat has
taken sales management
and display courses in Swit-
zerland. Pat has been on
staff for 2 years.
Paul Anstett
Paul recently joined our
staff as an apprentice
Goldsmith and engraver.
gifts with love come from
•tliamond Experts since 1950
11 Albert Street, ,Clinton
Michael Anstett
3 years experience. Mike
recently was awarded his
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staff Graduate Gemologist,
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management training cour-
ses in New York and Los