HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-11-10, Page 16PAGE 16--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 197
4-Hawards banquet held
By Wilma Oke
Sharon Cptclough, an 80 -
year -old Clinton secretary,
was named the outstanding 4-
H member at the 30th annual
Huron County 4-H
achievement night Friday.
She received the Robert
McKinley citizenship trophy
for 4-H home and community
activities and the Pineridge
Chalet trophy for the highest
score in the snowmobile club.
She is an active member of
the Huron 4-H youth council
and has completed 11
Len MacGregor, extension
assistant for Huron County
with the ministry of
agriculture and food, said
$1,275 ir, prize money, cer-
tificates, pins and plaques
were awarded to 30 clubs. He
said 430 members par-
ticipated in 525 projects with
90 per cent completion.
Paul Pavkeje, RR 2,
Centralia, received a trophy
for highest 4-H score in the
.county -955 points out of 1,000.
He received the Vincent
Farm Equipment trophy for
highest score in the tractor
club and Hully Gully trophy
for the top 4-H snowmobile
club membber. He has
completed 18 projects.
The Huron County war-
den's novice award ,went to
Nancy Dietz, RR 3, Kippen,
for the highest score in her
first year.
Brian Pym, RRI, Cen-
tralia, received 'the J. A.
Anstett award for the highest
score in the beef clubs;
Dianne Oldfield, RR 4,
Seaforth, the Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce
(Blyth -Auburn branches) for
,the highest score in the dairy
clubs; Bob Wilson, RR 1,
Brucefield, Huron County
Pork. Producers Association
trophy for the highest score in
the swine clubs; Lorraine
Dinsmore, RR 1, Fordwich,
the John Franken Memorial
trophy for the highest score in
the horse club; Robert Snell,
RR 1, Clinton, the Old Mill
award for the highest score in
sheep club, and the Canadian
Co-operative Wool growers
award for exhibiting the
champion 4-H fleece.
Vanda Storey, RR 1,
Dublin, was awarded the Cliff
McNeil trophy . for her
champion Holstein calf, and
the A.Y. McLean trophy for
champion 4-H dairy
showman: Earl Flynn, RR 4,
Clinton, was awarded the
Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce award (Seaforth
branch) for champion 4-H
gilt; and the Victoria and"
Grey Trust Company award
for champion 4-H swine
Caroline Rasenberg, RR 3,
Zurich, received the Glen
Green Forage Mixtures
award for the highest score,
4-H dairy clubs, first year
member; and from the same
company, Karen Metzger,
RR 3, Lucknow, received an
award for the highest score 4-
H beef clubs, first year
member: Ron Godkin, RR 1,
Walton, received the Bank of
Montreal award (Clinton) for
the highest score, 4-H swine
clubs, first year member.
Les Consitt, RR 3, Kippen,
was awarded the Toronto
Dominion Bank award
(Seaforth branch as cham-
pion all-round showman, and
the Murray Gaunt award as
champion 4-H beef showman.
Lynn Miller, RR 1,
Lucknow, wasawarded the
Jack Riddell trophy as
champion 4-H sheep
showman; Dwight Kinsman,
RR 2, Kippen, for his
champion 4-H Hereford calf,
received the Huron Hereford
Association trophy: Cathy
Peel, RR 1, Auburn, received
the Huron i Hereford
Association award for the
highest 4-H score excluding
score on Hereford calf.
Steven Shelley, RR 2, Gorrie,
received the Stewart Procter
award for his champion 4-H
shorthorn heifer.
Brian McGavin, RR 4,
Walton, with the highest,
score, 4-H •plowmens club,
was presented with the Jim
Armstrong award: Carol
Dougall, RR 3, Exeter, for the
highest score, 4-H farm
safety club, received the
Farm Safety Association
trophy: Murray Stewart, RR
1, Kirkton, for the highest
score in Exeter Sweet corn
club, received the Canadian
Canners trophy. Dorothy Van
Esbroeck, RR 1, Hensall, for
outstanding achievement, 4-H
field crop clubs, was given
the Huron County Soil and
Les Consitt of RR 3, Kippen, won two awards at the 4-H
achievement night last week. Here Stu Copeland of T -D
bank presents him with top all-around livestock
showman award, and Les also received- the Murray
Gaunt award for being the top beef showman. (photo by
Crop Improvement
Association award: Ron
Taylor, RR 1, Brucefield, for
his championship corn
exhibit, received the Russell
Bolton trophy : John
Coleman, Kippen, for his
championship white bean
exhibit, received the Cook
Division of Gerbro Cor-
poration trophy.
Brian Falconer, RR 4,
Seaforth, was awarded the
Hallrice Farms trophy for the
championship 4-H gate sign
The North Huron Trazers
trophies went to Janet
Lockhart, RR 3, Blyth as top
horse showman in that club;
and Jennifer Johns, RR
Auburn, as top pony
showman in the club; Ed
Franken, RR 2, Auburn, as
top colt showman in the club;
Trudy Johns, RR 1,
Woodham, the Exeter 4-H
Horse and Pony club trophy
for the highest score in
Exeter 4-H Horse and Pony
In the judging competition
awards: Canadian National
Exhibition shield for high
novice judge went to Bruce
Bennett of RR 4, Seaforth:
the Blatchford Feeds
Limited trophy for the
highest score went to John
VanVliet, RR 2, Brussels; the
C.I.L. trophy for high swine
judge went to Jim Nivins, RR
3, Auburn; the Huron Milk
Committee award for high
dairy judge went to Jean
Siertsema of RR 3, Blyth. The
Cyanamid of Canada award
for high sheep judge went to
Margaret Pym, RR 1;
Centralia; the Huron Cat-
tlemen's Association award
for high beef judge went to
Murray Stewart, RR 1,
Kirkton the. Winston Powell
award for high horse judge
went to Carolyn Dinsmore,
RR 1, Fordwich.
4-1-1 award certificates for
completion of projects were
presented as follows: 24
projects --Alan Powe, RR 2,
Centralia; Murray Stewart,
RR 1, Kirkton; and Rob
Stewart, Goderich. 18 project
certificates --Paul Pavkeje,
RR 2, Centralia; John Van
Vliet, RR 2, Brussels; and Bib
Wilson, Brucefield. 12 project
certificates Shirley
Dougherty, RR 6, Goderich;
Robert Eedy, RR 4, Walton;
Les Falconer, RR 5. Clinton;
Trudy Johns, RR ' 1,
Woodham; Ralph Nivins,,-RR
3, Auburn; and Brian Pym,
4-1-1 club leaders' . cer-
tificates as follows: for 15
years voluntary service --
Murray Scott, RR 1,
Belgrave: for 10 years
voluntary service --Don
Kernick, Goderich and
Graeme Craig, RR 1, Walton;
for - five years voluntary
service--Marinus Rasenbert,
R.R. 3 Zurich and Don
Watson, R.R. 4, Clinton.
Club awards by the North
Huron Trailblazers, were
presented by Philip Malcolm
of Seaforth to three Auburn
members: Jennifer Johns,
top pony showman; Ed
Franken, top colt showman;
and Janet Lockhart, top horse
Two humorous skits were
presented -- the first, a 4-H
demonstration on growing
corn, was given by the South
Huron multi -project club. The
second by the Huron County
4-H Youth Council, Miss 4-H
Beauty Competition. The
winner was- Miss Bunny,
better known as Len
MacGregor. , 4
Not always baiter,
but baiter overall.
Dwight Kinsmen of Kippen, right, received the Huron •
Hereford Association trophy from president Jim Taylor
at the achievement night for showing the champion
helfr or steer. (photo by Oke)
news farm news
Huron well represented at Royal'
Huron County will be well
represented at this year's
Royal Winter Farr, which
opens this Friday, November
11 at Toronto, and continues
until Saturday, November 19.
From Auburn, Jack
Armstrong and son will be
showing Jerseys, while
Robinson Maple Products
will show maple products.
Brucefield will be
represented by Robert P.
Allan showing field crops.
Brussels will be well -
represented by John Van
Vliet and Bill Turnbull
showing swine, and Smith
Brothers and Bodmin Ltd.,
showing beef.
Don Lobb and Jack
McGregor from the Clinton
area will be in the field crops
judging,'while Thornton Eedy
from Dungannon will show
beef, and Murray Cardiff
from Ethel will show field
Exeter residents Whitney
Coates arid Stan Faber will
show beef and field crops,
respectively, while the
Goderich rru'a will he
McKillop decries pornography
By Wilma Oke
McKillop Council Monday
endorsed three resolutions
from other municipalities.
The first from the Borough
of Etobicoke asked that the
Attorney General of Canada
be petitioned to request
provincial attorneys general
and . -provincial solicitor
general to have placed on the
next meeting's agenda the
problem of pornography and
exposure to c,hildren.
The second from the Town
of Dundas calls for a
recommendation to the
Postmaster General that
immediate steps be taken to
remedy • the .present inef-
ficient postal service and also
that all future collective
bargaining ,negotiations .in-
clude at least one member of
the public to safeguard the
interests of that party.
The third resolution en-
dorsed was from the Town-
ship of Charlotten,burgh
requesting that the issue of
capital punishment be placed
on the next ballot as a'
national referendum to allow"
people of Canada to decide
the issue ccording to their
own collective conscience.
' In other business, council
approved a number of
requests for building per-
mits: Larry Bolger, Blyth
and Brian Sanderson,
Brussels, construction of a
three -unit apartment building
and garage in Walton is
subject to approval by- the
Huron County road depart-
nient; John Willems, RR 5,
Seaforth, holding bin; George
McClure, RR Seaforth, sow
Karn; Kenneth Campbell, RR
1, Dublin, hopper bin; Ivan
Clinton firmer fined
for tax evasion
Stewart Dale, 66, RR 4
Clinton, was convicted of
income tax evasion in
provincial court, Goderich,
Thursday, November 3.
Judge W.A. Ehgoetz of
Stratford handed down a fine
of $4,460.64, representing 100
percent of the federal tax
evaded for 1972, 1973 and 1974.
Dale has six months to pay
the fine. If in default after six
months', he could serve a jail
sentence of six months. .
The amount of income on
which income tax was evaded
was `x23,190, consisting of
farming income and in-
vestment income.
Dale will also pay the total
tax liability for three years
amounting. to $12,458 in-
cluding interest and civil
Lincamix InjeCt3ble
This Fall, more Canadian farmers will
see the figures that show Trojan does
a better job for them With corn that
yields, stands dries down -is in some
way -better.
Trojan won't come out on top every
time, of course But Trojan will win
overall Simply because Trojan has a
better chance of developing the best
R.R. No.1
One reason all those Pfizer
research farms in Ontario In the US
corn belt In Florida They even have
some in Hawaii where they get
generations of corn a year
Ask us if Trojan has a hybrid that
will do better on your farm We'll tell
you if we don't We're that kind of
Wayne Kennedy LoNOEs.,w,
Long needed in the Swine Industry...
Now SHUR-GAIN LINCOMIX* INJECTABLE is for the treatment'
of infectious forms of swine arthritis. The product comes in a
50 ml vial and is highly effective against all five common
causes of infectious swine arthritis (staphylocci, streptococci,
Corynebacterium, Erysipelothrix and Mycoplasma spp.) •
Now there is treatment for Swine Arthritis
• Nearly 15% of swine carcass condemnations are from swine
• Treatment works for any age pig baby pig, feeder pigs and
breeding stock.
• Unique ability to penetrate difficult areas such as joints,
bones and lungs.
• Highly effective - easy to use.
• Non -irritating
animal health service
Hummel's Feed Mill
35 Mary Street, Clinton 482-9792
OPEN: MON. - FRIDAY 8:00 - 6:00 P.M.;
SATURDAY 8:00 - 12 NOON.
Rapien, RR 4, Walton, im-
plement shed and workshop;
Mervyn Agar, RR Seaforth,
implement shed; Lavern
Hoegy, RR 1, Dublin,`lean-to-
barn: Mrs, - Margaret •
Beuerman, RR I , Walton,
house addition; Frank Nolan,
RR 1, Dublin, implement
shed& Leslie Glanville, RR 4,
Walton, mobile home: and
Brian Pryce, RR 1, Seaforth,
The by-law for the
'McDonald municipal B drain
(a Township of Grey drain
affecting Walton ratepayers)
was provisionally adopted.
Court of Revision will he held
by the Grey Council at a date
to be set.
Passed for payment were
road accounts of $3,960.9 and
general accounts of $18,MI.
represented by Eugene
Frayne, Kenneth J. Hazlitt,
and Cameron Bogie, all
showing field crops.
Ronald Shelly and family of
Gorrie will show their
Shorthorn cattle, while
Hensall will be sending
Robert Forrest, Larry
Ducharme, and Kenneth and
Larry Elder, all in the field
The small hamlet of Kippen.
is very well represented this
year, with John Peck, Vern
Alderdice, RobertMcBride,
Alex McBeath, Alex
McMurtrie, William Coleman
and Sons and Ernest Talbot
all showing field crops.
World hay king Russell
Bolton will again represent
Seaforth in the field crops, as
will Eric McIntosh and John
Oldfield, who will show his
Bev and Gordon Hill from
Varna will be at the Royal
showing field crops, while
Robert Robinson from Walton
will show swine.
Wayne Horner and Maxine
Overholt from Zurich will
show field crops.
In the horse show classes,
Robyn Theedom from Clinton
is showing her Arabians as
are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Isaac from Dashwood. Eric
Hackett from Lucknow has
entered his Percherons 'and
coaching horses.
Independent Shipper
United Co-operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept.
Ship Your Livestock
Roy Scotchmer
Monday Is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
By 7:3C a.m. Monday
For Prompt Service
No Charges on Pick-up
We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to
arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed
Investment Certificates.
Insurance Agency Inc.
14 Isaac St.,Clinton, Ont. ,
Phone 482-9747
#1 early variety in Ontario
... Strong root system ""
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Grain or silage.
Top yielder .. .
Exceptional standability
... Good ear retention
... Consistent producer.
Consistent top grain
producer with vigorous
growth, and even sized
High yields ... Loose
husk ... Strong stalk .. .
Good standability .. .
High' test weight.
Proven performer with
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Excellent for Ontario,