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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-10-27, Page 19r— CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1977—PAGE 19 ••• ••411411111141004100 0000 10 O.% .41011041100111000.00. • It's our first time!409410 • We're having a Birthday Party ; •• and You're Celebrating! ; THIS SATURDAY & SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 & 30 - THE EVENT WE NEVER THOUGHT WOULD HAPPEN- BUFFY'S BURGERS FIRST ANNIVERSARY! •• • •.•••i•••••• ••••••• •• • ••. • • 4 Mrs. Elsie Henderson, a resident of Huronview, enjoys a cup of tea with her daughter Mrs. W. Holland of RR 4, Clinton and her granddaughter McMahon, Clinton. (photo by Oke) This week at the Legion By Rene Brochu The Legion Auditorium was filled to capacity,on Saturday night on the._ occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Clinton. Community Credit Union. Refreshments were served By Mary Merrier Mrs. W.L. Whyte ac- :.ompanied by Mrs. Sebben of Stratford and Miss Margie Whyte of Guelph visited on Sunday with Mrs, Finlay Perrin of Weston on the oc- msion of her 85th birthday. •aer nephew and wife. Mr. and 'Mrs. Douglas Patterson were also present. Miss Debbie Woods of Western University spent the weekend with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Merner of Waterloo were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. The children in the com- munity are, invited to a Hallowe'en Party on Saturday evening October 29th at the Forester's Hall, starting at 7:30. Mrs. J. Merner of Kit- chener visited on Sunday afternoon with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. prior to the delicious roast beef dinner served by our dedicated Ladies Auxiliary. Following the dinner, the guest speaker, Dr. George Goth was introduced by the Legion's Assistant Padre, John Oestreicher. The ad- dress given by Dr. Goth was indeed interesting and enlighting and I'm sure helped to to to restore our faith and trust in Canada. A pleasant time was en- joyed by all who remained for the dance. Our thanks to Bessie and Harold Black and Marie and Len Arnston, who volunteered their services as bartenders. Thanks also to Milt Schreiber and Bill Ch' mhers who performed the task of wine hosts. On Monday evening, a Zone meeting of the service bureau department was held in Blyth.. Those attending from our branch were service bureau officer Hal Hartley, second . vice-president Slim Lacroix, and Zone Cl poppy chairman Harold Black. Zone Commander George' Cam- pbell was also in attendance. A reminder to all members and guests: please pick' up your tickets for the November 5th Fall Dance at the bar or from an en- tertainment 'committee member. Another Mreminder: the Poppy Drive is November 2nd, and all members, in- cluding associate and af- filiate members are asked to participate. Meet at the Mrs. Marilyn (Holland) Legion at 7 p.m. It's still not to late register for men's euchre, so come out and join the rest of them for a winter's activity which I'm sure you'll enjoy. *********** * NOW PLAYING..* * UNTIL * SATURDAY, * OCTOBER 29 * "Court to * * Jester" * * * SATURDAY * NIGHT * d OCTOBER 29 * 2ND * ANNUAL * * * * * * * * • "MacKenzie" 0-4; COSTUME CONTEST Cash -Prizes COMING' MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 TO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 RETURN ENGAGEMENT ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON THESE TWO TROPHIES WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE WINNERS COME ,ONE: COME ALL! For all elementary school students ... bring a couple of Chestnuts to Buffy's on Saturday and play the Centuries -Old Game of "Chestnuts': Rules 8, Regulations will be explained before the Tournament. It all starts with Registration at' :00 p.m. Saturday, at Buffy's, with official scoreboards too! Tournament judged by the Biggest Nut of all, Mr. Bryan Williams. Crazy, you say? No crozier than pushing beds down main streets...or bathtub races...or trying to swim Lake Erie. And you won't say it's crazy when the movie comes out. So, for an afternoon of entertainment (better than wat- ching t.v.) come to our "Chestnut Wars" .— Championship Chestnuts of Clinton. • • L°ARGE • • • •• GRAPE • • • JUICE • • . • Buy One - Get One Free . • • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 ONLY , • • • ••••••••••••••i••••••• Just Because We're Having a Birthday Party! • BONUS BUCKET .Iluntsl!,eon•la,r' Iln.KtrituckylIlln Thed tiektnu. ^ -A CANADIAN COMPANY Regular Price SAVE Pay Only $6.85 1,00 $585 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st. ONLY Colonel Sanders' boys and gills make it finger lickin' good. 94 Elgin Ave.. Goderich, Ont. 74er WIIiVS Got S6ndeVl; Reell;e entiic HURON ST. CLINTON Even after a year - still opposite Corrie's Red & White! Builder of the Biggest; Bestest, Beefiest Burgers in the [tillage! A message from Mr. Bryan Williams, esq.-. . Burgers,, (1916) Ltd. 'President of Buffy's Burg le of days early, but 'Pr 1 know we're a coup frien- ds take this opportunity to thank our many At this mom®ntous occasion, ( Past year. Thanks also to my who's counting) 1 d like over the for your patronage read the bottom ds & customers mom, and especially all the people/who • loyoll.emplOYeA' � our hamburger over of the page. 's IGA in Exeter, tor supplying Thanks to Jim Darling bell's Men's Wears for the rental of the past year. to Bob Camp Sincerely, And heartfelt thanks the no. OPEN: MONDAY—THURSDAY 11 A.M. - 12 MID NITE FRIDAY 8, SATURDAY 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. NOW OPEN 11 A.M. - 11 P.M.,SUNDAYS