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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-10-27, Page 16► PAGE 16--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1977 .r TV S „CURIT 114 RP RI Y AIRI INDI lEkN W FURNI ,Ow Tr• DAIL FREE H Y CU Orth Ito Av, Rig 'ediale Oce 961;1200 •Uon 1 Inlo,m ' 'MIT i'ler. .•n.$243 II,01.AINATh0 Pnn.+ LOi,kPOts • _ IMM NG OL S Ads... Big Results! KRAI,AN 4 '004 FOREST HILLS 4RMS $2" , OSt t N • IARO r . 5215 I win, 41). ' S 60 s Av. Noris 4 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted , 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders A. B. C. 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagemeritg 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks - ATTENTION FARMERS - For sale Custom work Wanted D. Livestock E. Farm services F. For rent DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 Noon - Tuesday Week of Paper: 1. Articles for sale VENDORS - - Huronastra Flea Market now expanding has ad- ditional 40 spaces. Reserve yours now for grand opening at new premises, November 5 and 6. Saturdays and Sundays. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. located Hwy 4 south,_ of Clinton. Phone 482-7910. -43 MATERNITY WEAR - 25 percent OFF at the Separate Shoppe Main Corner, Clinton. Open 1 - 6. -43ar PUMPKJNS for sale, 50 c to $1.00. 184 Huron St. Phone 482-7915. -43 WHITE toilet with tank, ex- cellent condition; chrome table and four chairs; drapes (lined) ' 42" x 54"; storm windows' assorted sizes. phone 482-7309. -43 , CONSOLE stereo, 60" 6 speakers, $235.00, Panasonic cassette - player AM -FM component with 2 speakers, as new $200.00. Small girl's bike, two wheeler `6-I0 years. $25.00; single bed com- plete, new mattress, $35.00; air conditioner 5,000 BTU, $95.00; CB 'radio, 23 channel with antenna, new $90.00; Phone 482-3819. -43 FROM cookies to commodes, we have everything, don't miss Huronastra Flea Market grand opening November 5 and 6th. 10 a.m. - 5 p,m. Located Hwy 4, south of Clinton. Vendor enquiries welcome. Phone 482- 7910. --43 COMPLETE household fur- niture, all 2 years old - harvest gold refrigerator, range, washer and dryer; dishwasher and freezer; Sklar living room suite; Roxton coffee table, and end table; lamps; Boston Rocker etc; Electrohome solid state 26" colonial colour TV; chrome kitchen set; bedroom suite. Phone 482-7967. -43x • PICK YOUR OWN,- Spys, $4 per bushel also Spys to pick up $2 per bushel, bring your own con- tainers; also an electric bean cooker, 40 gal. in good conditon. Stewart Middleton. Phone 482- 7525.1-43x BOY'S Bauer skates, size 4 in excellent condition. Phone 482- 9206. -43 LADIES - A new Craft 'N Art Cabin is opening on Saturday, October 29th at Huronastra Flea Market. Reserve your space - display and sell your homemade crafts. Saturdays and Sundays 10 a.m, - 5 p.m. Year round. Located Hwy No. 4 south of Clinton. Phone 482-7910 today.. -43 FOUR -CUSHION Sklar chesterfield and matching chair, good contruction, needs recovering. Phone 482-3891 after 6 p.m. and weekends,-42tf-nc TULIPS -DAFFODILS, bulbs, house plant helpers - special soils, pots, fertilizers, etc. Bakers • Farm and Garden' Centre, 22 Isaac St„Clinton.-4ltfar GIRLS Bauer figure skates, size 4, like new; -carrying case; also 1968 Chev Bel Air, 4 door $15Q.00 as is. Phone 482-9317.-43 HOOVER wash spin-dryer; Westinghouse dryer, in good condition. Phone 482 -3304. - Clinton Electric White -Westinghouse Appliances SALES& SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAIN- TENANCE 90 ALBERT ST4 482.3646 1. Articles for sale ORCANA Chord organ - 40 chord, 22 key with bench. Excellent condition. Phone 523-4348.-43 NEARLY NEW lady's coat size 18-20 pure , wool with grey mink collar. Also a lady's coat size 18, tweed with fur collar and one man's cardigan, size 40-42 brown with suede front panels. Phone 482-7604,--43 25 PER CENT off Versetone dinnerware by Noritake until November 6.. Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Brucefield; Open daily 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Come browse through the largest selection of• fine china and dinnerware in Huron County. -43,44 'GIRL'S knee. length winter coat, size 14 - beige with hood and plaid scarf. Excellent condition. Phone 482-9000.-43x WINDOW - double hung, twin -W1riio4tr unit, " complete With aluminum combination storms and screens. 76" wide by 45" high. Jute carpet runner 27" wide x 261/2 ft. long. Bathroom sink. Wall hung model. Phone 482- 7107.-43 APPLES Spys, Kings, Snows, Delicious, Tatman .Sweets, Russets, Greenings. Seconds and windfalls in most varieties in- cluding McIntosh. Fresh cider and cider apples. Bring con- tainers, McClymont Orchards 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482- 3214. -43ar H and N "Nick Chick" Leghorns, 20 weeks old available for fall delivery. Phone 262-2837,, McKinley Farms and Hatchery Ltd. -37-45 eowar SPLIT,,dry hardwood: Phone 482- 9816 or 482-7180.-42,43 GET your fresh crisp apples from our new refrigerated room. MacIntosh, Snows, Spies and Wolfe River. Don Middleton Orchards. Phone 482- 9838.-42,43nc ONE new '78 Zenith T.V. B&W transistor 12", one Westinghouse cabinet T.V. B&W 'floor 'model; one Singer treadle sawing machine drophead; one 3" single bed, springs and mattress;` one barbecue like new. Phone 482-3608.-43nc • NORTHERN Spy, Red Delicious, Maclntosh and Courtland Apples at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Fresh cider, red or white potatoes, cooking or Spanish onions, tur- nips, cabbages and honey. Phone 524-8037.-40tfar ' YORK barbell -dumbell tet, vinyl covered, complete with weights; two matching 9' x 12' Wilton carpets, maroon background '- medallion patterned. Will sell separately. All in excellent condition, Phone 482-3891 after 6, p.m. and weekends.-4ltfnc ONE National cash register and' one piano. Phone 482-3489.-42,43 PULSIFER Music, Seaforth is having its final clearance of electric and acoustic guitars, amplifiers, ukes, music stands and other small items. Terrific savings for Christmas shoppers. Closed Wednesday.-42,43AR DRY HARDWOOD - stove and fireplace lengths delivered. Phone 482-9250. -40-43 ADMIRAL fridge, apartment size, brand new also four burner electric stove in good condition. Phone 482-3619.-42.43 . w••.�ten APB, OUNTT N.Y'n• "•ll '1 utt0 4,T;710; s ,3 V 8110 MAN ASSIPIEDADS! WARRINGTON I(04 s •, •, Jo a $ c.,,,,,I < ' - -I ` _• GI N• , a , AOMI'N SLCY flf I 2. Mobile Homes 12' x 60' NORTHLANDER design, excellent condition, 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths, cathedral ceiling in livingroom, carpeted throughout, porch with extra bedroom and entrance. Will deliver. Phone 523-4358.-42-44 MOBILE HOME (Marlette with extension unit) three bedrooms, 20 x 14 living roam, cedar por- ches, paved drive, shed, full cement foundation, carpentry, refrigerator and stove. Draperies, washer and dryer may be included. Price negotiable. Phone 524-2472 business hours or 524-6576 home. -41,42,43 1976 MIDDLEBURY mobile home, excellent condition throughout, Deluxe model 12' x 65', will sell with or without furniture, will move anywhere. Best offer. Phone 482- 7246.-38tfar 3. Articles for rent GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) RENT OUR RINSENVAC-the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently .. . • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN 13 and FRESH! IMSE?IAC CLEANS CARPETS��� Rent for only CLEANER , ..$12 a•day KEEPS THEM CLEANER LONGER WISEWAY Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON 482-3441 3. Articles for rent VeIRMAL RENTALS - Dress upr Go formal! We have the complete; Wedding Service at Campbell's) Men's Wear:, Main St., Clinton) (Formerly Pickett and Camp-. bell's Ltd,)--14tfn 1 PLYWOOD forms,. wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For information call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar l; ORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herm'an's Men's Wear, 482-9351.-22tfn 4. Articles wanted CEDAR rails (8' - 10'). Apply to Drawer 2, c -o Clinton News - Record, Box- 39, Clinton, Ontario -43x WE BUY -arty ' antique or , household items, singly, or in complete household lots; or sell by public auction in our new modern auction rooms. We specialize in estates. NORM WHITING AUCTIONEERING AND APPRAISAL SERVICE 63 Main St. Exeter. Phone 235- 1964.-29tfn WANTED: Old . brick buildings for demolition and 'salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sar- nia.-23tf ar KURIOUSITY KORNER will buy outright, complete househpld, estates or single pieces of fur- niture. Best price paid or will sell by auc ion. Do not hesitate to call us, 6 ain Street, Seaforth, phone -1336. -tfn ' WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell,'s AuctiAn Service. Phone ;482-3120 or 527-' 1336.-32tfn -FURNITURE, glass; .•china, clocks, bells, brass, copper. Will' buy for cash or sell by' auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer.- ' Phone 524-9064.-30tfn A. For sale PARTNER AND PIONEER Chain saws, Oregon saw chain, bars, sprockets,. Phone Robert Glen, Clinton 482-9292. 21/2 miles west of Clinton 1/2 mile south off Bayfield Road. -43-46x 25 BLUE spotted pigs for sale. Phone 524-9595. -43 SPOTTON CATTLE IN- SECTICIDES, fencing supplies, farm hardware, health aids ane. complete line of Purina livestock feeds. BAKER'S FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE, 22-Iaac St., Clinton, open daily 8 57.m. to 6 p.m.-19tfar • • Hose and Fittings Suction, drain, spray, hydraulic Quick Couplers Pumps for every need Transfer pumps, sewage pum- ps, water pumps, specialty pumps. EPPS Sales & Service HWY. 8 EAST CLINTON 482-3418 Hensall Livesiock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. ' All classes of Livestock ,WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS victor tterOnere• 4$2.7$i 1 *n Sorry MITI& 236,2117 IRieta and, 2314201 Attrition -.t B.., Custom work CUSTOM SILO FILLING. Will supply tractor on blower, Phone Henry Reinink 523-9202 or 482- 9948.-36tfar CUSTOM COMBINING FOR CORN LeBEAU BROS. 482.3284 or 482.7294 41,42 C. Wanted ABOUT 1/2 ton, cow manure to be •delivered. Phone 482-9789. -43 LOGS WANTED Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local $awmlll CRAIG'S SAWMILL Auburn • . Bill Craig Al Craig 526-7220 526-7512 D. Livestock BOARD for the winter for 8 beef cows. Phone 524-8636. -43 TAKE NOTICE CLINTON LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE SALES EVERY Friday, Evening 7:30 p.m. With the usual consignments of hogs, calves, stockers and dairy cattle. tf c •.t BOOKKEEPyt BLDG •:,•6 ... I Oo• ..U,a,..., .. f �+ M,114Iroe 6701H02FEF 4. Articles wanted WANTED - old batteries, $2.00 each. Phone 565-2152,-42,43 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1972 FORD one ton truck, stock rack and loading shoot, safety checked. Phone 482- 9260.-tfar. 1976 F 100 FORD, power steering automatic, 44,000 miles, driven as a car. $3,500. Not certified. J. Harrison, Stonehouse Antiques. 482-9138.-42,43 1970 CHEV IMPALA 2 door hardtop, 350, V8, automatic, power steering, oritinal miles, AM radio 8 track tapedeck, good tires including new snows, sound body and paint, metallic bronze certified. $950. Phone 482-7650. -43 '67 VOLVO Sedan, as is $300. Phone 482-7428. -43x '73 RED VEGA G.T. hatchback, radials, radio, black vinyl in- terior, good condition, as is, best offer. Phone 482-7334. -43 '69 FORD FAIRLANE, 2 door, hardtop Best offer, without license $125, Phone 482-9216. -43 '73 PLYMOUTH Satellite Sebring, V8. Phone 482-3608,-43 1967 'GMC 3/ ton pickup truck, runs good as is $250. Phone 482- 7658 ask for Harold. -43x 74 VEGA HATCHBACK 9,000 original miles Ziebarted, Phone - 482 -9521,- 1975 OLDS CUTLASS..Supreme, 350, swivel bucket seats, sun roof, factory mags, new radial tires, 23,000 miles,, finished in dark green with„ white and black in- terior, Ziebarted. Phone 482-9923 - Doug Vanderhaar.-42,43 '76 'BOBCAT 3 door runabout, automatic, radio, 6,000 miles. JYY 680 '3295 , '70 PONTIAC WAGON V8 automatic, power steering, radio, CWU 520 '995.- '74 DODGE 1/2 TON 6 cyl. • stick, heavy duty suspension. D 18922 '2495 '74 BLAZER 4 wheel drive - V8 auto, power steering, power brakes, radio, air conditioning. D 17584 53995. '72 FORD 1 TON V8, 4 speed power steering and racks. D20040 '2695 All above vehicles are safety checked. DAVE'S Collision & Repair VARNA 482-3125 6. Pets REASONABLE - Cock -a -too pups, $1.00 each to good homes. Phone 482-7198. -43 VANASTRA 2 storey 4 bedroom home with new kitchen cupboards, completely renovated throughout, full basement, 2 pce. and+ 4 pce. baths, good carpeting, attached garage. New aluminum -sided , two storey has 3 or 4 bedrooms, in very good condition. Extras include all drapes and rugs, paved drive. Priced fpr im- mediate sale. CARL 5. WALKER REAL ESTATE LTD. 489 MAIN ST. EXETER. OFFICE: 235-2533 RES: 565-5393 374 -far r-. B'Aa .6 no, 4esirealve I RR 7.16 TV Own, ,73 • 7. Real estate for sale 19 JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. 19 Albert St.- CLINTON DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY: Opportunity for investors. Three and one third acres within Town limits. Presently zoned Z1 or Holding Zone. $22,500. CUTE 'N' COSY: Ex- ceptionally low heating bills in this 2 bedroom Huron Street bungalow. Nicely carpeted and well cared for. 531,500. PRICE REDUCTION: 53,000 slashed off the price of this very comfortable home on ,King Street. Vendors require quick sale at $29,500. Property enclosed by privacy hedge; attractive' yard and land- scaping. ESTATE SALE: House and Lot at 153 Rattenbury St. E., Stately looking older home in choice residential area; needs some repairs. Good in- vestment for handyman. House listed at $29,500. Lot separately listed at 517,500, ideally located, 77.2' x 132'. ONTARIO STREET: Very comfortable and attractive 3 bedroom home close to amenities. Spacious kitchen, sunporch could be adapted to office. $42,900. INCOME PROPERTY: Excellent 2 storey 4 bedroom brick home with 2 bathrooms; coach house rented to.provide extra income. $43,900 includes both houses. NEW HOMES: Watch for the 'Parade of Homes' s next month upon completion of the Harold White homes on Gordon Street. We'll be showing off new split level and split entry semis; front to back split level and other exciting floor plans. VANASTRA LISTINGS QUEBEC STREET: 2 storey 4 bedroom home carpeted on 3 levels; lavish rec. room with bar, double garage with automatic door opener, new modern kitchen, central air and much more. NEW BUNGALOW:,, Quebec Street 3 bedroom bungalow in immaculate condition. $34,000. Assume existing ,mortgage. $19,000: 11/2 storey . 3 bedroom on good lot, priced to sell. $21,900: 2 bedroom bungalow near Conestoga College. Finished rec. room with built- in bar. Call John or Moranne Duddy OFFICE 482-3766 HOME 482-3652 • 0t ►Nit la kit, 21 I M{FP SIS must sett f,. #d Ws*6 1 1 l%R-i t4t-..• • x al t 304r• NAM &"• 049 I. AWS fs - ♦.• W LAUCKNER ROBBINS REALTY, INC. Members of the London; St. Thomas MLS Relocan with 400 offices in Canada Handyman special, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 pc. bath, closed in verandah, large lot. New 2 bedroom living room, kitchen 4 pc. bath, ideal for someone going south for six months, or retirement home. Older type house in Bayfield with double lot. Lots in Bayfield close to Fake, with water rights, 510,000. Please call ADAM FLOWERS 565*2813 ROSS COUTTS 565-2671. 1 KIRK ST. - New 1900 sq. ft. 2 floor brick and aluminum home has 4 bedrooms, garage, many other extras. MATILDA ST. - One floor 3 bedroom aluminum sided home. Large sun room, utility room, gas furance. Large corner lot, $21,900. NEW HOMES - Semis, ranches, split levels, from $34,000. DUPLEX - Close to downtown, just $31,900 for this 2 family home. Live in one half and let the tenant help with the financing. JAMES ST. - 2 bedroom bungalow,,, carpeted living room, electric heat. $23,000. OUT OF TOWN: -KINBURN - Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with new family room and sun deck. Drilled well, small barn. 529,000. VANASTRA - Aluminum sided 2 bedroom bungalow. Full basement with finished rec. room $21,900. HULLETT - 2' floor 3 bedroom home on 11/2 acre lot on good county road. Drilled well. $31,900. SCHOOLHOUSE - One floor 2 'bedrooms. Large corner lot. Located in the country one corner east of No. 4 Highway, south of Exeter. VANASTRA - Full 2 storey 3 bedroom home. Garden shed. $23,000. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Full 2 storey 3 bedroom home." Garden shed. $23,000.• BUSINES-S OPPORTUNITY - Renovated restaurant and living quarters, with gas pumps. Over 200 ft. frontage on busy highway making it suitable for expansion or added enterprises. Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thompson 527-0238 DON HOLST Real Estate Ltd. Realtor' MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 86 King Street, CLINTON 482-7306 Beautiful setting on 11/2 acres, 3 bedroom Executive Home, many features including a dream kitchen and fireplace. Almost Completely Renovated - Add your own personal decor and own a lovely 3'bedroom bungalow in a very central location, at a price you can afford. Just listed - 2 bedroom home on extra large lot,electric fireplace and 'priced to sell. 3 bedroom 11/2 storey - beautiful lot with this attractive home. Retirement home in the country - 2 bedroom immaculate home. Country living - 3 bedroom frame completely renovated home, Franklin Fireplace, carpet throughout, attached garage, well treed, 7 acres. 3 bedroom brick home on 5 acres near Londesboro. - 10 room home -10 acres close to Holmesville 4 bedroom brick home completely redecorated. 3bedroom 11/2 storey homeon Mary Street in good condition, small barn situated on property. Priced to sell. TO RENT :large 4 bedroom home $275.00' per month. Call 482-7304s, FARMS: Dairy firm near Kincardine, 100 acres, tie up for 28 cows. Pool one and M.S.Q. quota, 3 bedroom bungalow. Dairy farm near Benmiller, 115 acres, 2 storey brick home, silos, excellent barn. • Hog and\ cash crop farril near Londesboro. • 100 acres, modernized 3 bedroom brick home, excellent buildings, another 105 acres workable; land with no buildings can be included in this sale. Excellent"cash crop farm near Dashwood, 200 acres of well drained land, located on paved road, 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home, barns suitable for cattle or hogs. Outstanding Dairy farm - Hwy. location 160 acre well drained land, excellent buildings including 5 bedroom compietely modernized home, large modern, free stall, 3 silos, large pool one and MSO quotas. SHERYL WESTERHOUT PETER DAMSMA LEAH KUEHL 524-2691 482-9849 482-7304 0 J. REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTQR MULTIPLE LISTING ASSOCIATE. BAYFiELD, • 3 Bedroom custom cottage on a 60 x 280 secluded lot with view over lake. Panelled throughout with fireplace and is fully furnished.. Winterized home with huge living room, two bedrooms, divided kitchen and dining room, laundry room and screened porch. Completely carpeted throughout and a perfect setting for modern furnishings. Business space to lease on Main St et in- Ba field,.sui ble or cluel'o'r cia s p 1 frit ar14e n11rac : 'O nay -00'8rate ith'alteralio to reliable tenant. Several good building lots in village and also at Homestead Heights ,- all with water and mature trees. Unique round cottage - 1 mil north of village - 3 bedroom bathroom, crescent shaped living room with one whole - wall of windows overlooking the lake. Concrete slab patio, utility shed and mature trees - a pleasure to show. • 3 bedroom cottage on a secluded 83' x 132' lot close to lake, panelled and furnished - enclosed screened porch. Cash buyers are looking for year round homes in Bayfield - your listings are needed now for early • possession 0 LET KERN ' SELL YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL ANYTIME • Home and .Office ' Milt Van Patter Bayfield 565-2117 J G. K. REALTY Inc. farm Property for Sale 160 acre dairy farm on Highway 13 West of. Clinton. 5 bedroom home, new 2 car garage, large modern free stall, milking parlour with pipe line milker, 3 silos with unloaders and automatic feeders, new drive shed, large pool one' milk quota, 65 milk cows and bred' heifers, 32 heifers, good line of equipment, this year's crops. * * * * * * Large dairy farm in Colborne Township. 2 homes, new farm buildings, pipe line milker, 3 silos with unloaders, large pool one quota, 90 milk cows, all the equipment, this year's crop. ****** • 100 acre dairy farm in Hull Township. 9 room house. pipe line milker, 2 silos with unloaders, 30 milk cows, good line of equipment. This year's crop. • ****** 3 miles from Clinton on paved road, 160 acre beef and cash crop farm, 9 room brick house, large barn, silo. *4,**** 2 miles from Clinton on Highway 8, house and barn on 3 acres. ****** House and barn, drive shed on 4 awes in Hullett Township. ****** Goderich Township, 4 bedroo - house, large barn, drive shed"on acres. • ****** 93 acres cash crap land on Highway 8 west' of Clinton (no buildings). ****** Subject to severance. 20 acres highway property (no buildings) 3 miles from Clinton. ****** Lucknow area. 185 acre dairy farm, 11 room house, large dairy barn', silo with unloader, new drive shed, 40 milk cows, all the equipment, this year's crop. ****** C. BURMA "R. R. 2, Clinton 482-3287 Salesman for G.K. Realty Inc. Clinton 4824747 0 4 0 0