HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-10-27, Page 13A Londesboro United holds anniversary services United Church Anniversary A large congregation at- tended the 77 Anniversary service at the United Church on Sunday, when . Rev. Dr. M Anne Graham -Langford was the guest minister. Morning greeters were Harry Snell and Jack Tamblyn; ushers were Glen Johnston, Dennis Fothergill, Ken Pollard and Wayne Hulley. The rilinistry of mp ,ic were: organ, Mrs. ' Glenn McGregor; piano, Mrs. Harry Leai. Rev. McDonald welcomed the guest minister and all the isitors. A full choir under the direction of Mrs. Allen Shaddick sang "He will forgive,µ with Anne Snell taking the solo part. They also sang "The Great Physician" and "Glory to the King of Kings." Rev. --,.„Anne D Graham- Langford's inspiring message was "what do you mean by these services1': Flowers on the memorial stand 'were placed in loving memory of Bill Hamilton by his wife Pearl and family. Flowers on the flower stand were in loving memory. of Mrs. Gladys Gourley and Miss Dorothy Little, flowers on the Communion Table in Narthex by a member of the lorgregation in loving mory, and flowers on the platform of the sanctuary were in honour of the marriage of , Diane McDougall td-` Kenneth Anderson. • The 8 p.m. ev ing service was held with Rev. John Oestreicher of Wesley -Willis Si Church, Clinton as guest minister, and the guest choir was Huronia Children's choir of Exeter under the direction and leadership of Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey.,and Dr. Ralph Topp. The greeters were Edythe acom and Jim Jamieson, aTid the ushers were Steven Bromley, Wayne Julley, David • Lear and Bryan McClure. The' choir opened the service with "Anybody listening ". Rev. McDonald led in the opening scripture and prayer. Rev. Oestreichers message was "Standing at the Crossroads" and "We do not lose heart." ;. All were invited to the church hall for coffee and fellowship. Cherrio Club meets d The Cherrio Club held its ' meeting October 19 at the home of Nona Pipe. Acting president Dora Shobbrook welcomed all and opened with "Let us not be weary in well doing," and "a woman counts her blessings." The minutes and financial reports were read iky secretary treasurer Gladys Armstrong. Roll call • was answered with a current event by 11 members and two visitors, Hattie Wood and Addie Hunking. . The next meeting will be November 16 at the home of Margaret Good. Readings were given by Laura Lyon, Dora Shobbrook, and Nona Pipe. A record bringing in the 40 sheaves was played and oral contests were conducted by Laura Lyon. A Tupperware demonstration was conducted by Linda' Dixon, with the oceeds to the Cherrio Club. ch was served by Nona pe, Laura Lyon and Dora Shobbrook. Shower for Heather Bowie A large number of village ladies attended a shower on October 19 at in the Sunday School rooms for Heather Bowie, bride elect for November 4. Corsages were pinned on "Heather, her mother, Margo Bowie, and the grooms mother Peggy Forrest. A dessert luncheon of cake and ice cream was served by the village com- mittee. ' - Contests were conducted by Judy Mason and Linda Johnston: The winners were: wedding dial was won by Dorothy Scottiauz; birthday nearest November 4, Isabel Airdaire; advertisement contest, Sheila Kennedy; most clothes pins, Penny Overboe. - An address was read by Linda Johnston, and gifts were presented by, the younger girls, Darlene Julley, Jennifer Sottiaux, Theresa Overboe, Deana Lyon and Jacqueline John- ston, Heather thanked all for the gifts and . those who planned the shower. Apple Dumpling Gang The Apple Dumpling Gang 4-H meeting was held at the home of Marjorie Duizer and opened with the pledge. Roll call was "name a new fruit you learned about in this unit," or "a new way of serving a familiar one. We made grated raw., carrot, slivered fresh apples and chopped peanuts. Jacqueline Johnston and Joan Mason made oriental chicken. The meeting then ended. Personals Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Millar on the death of her father, Clfford. Stewart of Clinton last Thursday. Friends will be sorry to hear Mrs. Agnes Skimmins is a patient in Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington, Room 369, . after undergoing hip surgery. Mrs. Skimmins will celebrate her 89th birthday on November 4th. Mrs. Laura Saundercock accompanied her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Perc McBride of Carlow, to Galt on Sunday,, when Mr. and Mrs. McBride celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shgb- brook. Congratulations. Cpl. Richard Shaddick of Burnaby B.C. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr: ,and Mrs. Allen Shaddick. He was enroute to his home from, attending a conference i*n''Cicago. Also at the same home with their parents were Jeff of Waterloo, Lloy of Kitchener and sister Ruth of Clinton. All attended the Anniversary church service. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Adams of Toronto spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Stella Adams. Mrs. Ina Bamsey of London spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs. Beth Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Waymouth of Sebringville visited on Sunday with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longman, and Donna . of Blyth, and , Sandra and Kathy Poppe of London. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe, Brussels spent .the weekend with brother Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford of Blyth were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.,, Bert Shobbrook on Sunday, as were Valerie and Marsha Miller, Frank and Dorie Ellerby of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- derson, Brucefield were dinner guests Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee, attending the anniversary church service. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duizer were Mr. and Mrs. -Lorne Hunking, Clinton t 4-H meet he Coconut . Cuties held eir fifth meeting on October 17, at the home of Julie Taylor. Mrs. Boughen made an apple pie from a recipe and Mrs. Brandon made an apple pie from packaged pastry mix and canned apple pie filling. These were then put in to cook. We went back to the living room where the following fruit reports were given: Jo -Anne- apricots; Barb - plums; Sharon -pears; Helena.- pears. Baking with fruits (pies) and pastry making was then discussed. AL Meeting six was held on Monday October 24, at the hoinp Of Missy Andersen. Our special guest was Miss Bea McClenaghan, Home economist. The roll call was then an- swered and Jo -Anne Collins read the minutes of the last meeting. Everyone then went to the kitchen where Missy Andersen demonstrated the making of banana bread. This was left to bake for one hour. Everyone then introduced themselves to Miss McClenaghan and we had to say a fruit that started with our initials. Una then • reported on apples, and Susanne on cherries. We then discussed Achievement Day. The Banana Bread was then enjoyed. Next meeting is • to be November 7, at Mrs. Bran-. don's. - by Tulie.Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunking, Todd and Tara, RR 1, Cen- tralia, Kathy Colclough and Murray Hunking, Stratford, when Lorne and Todd celebrated birthdays. Rev. Dr. Anne Graham Langford' and husband, London were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson following the anniversary services. Aimwell UCW The Octbber meeting of the Aimwell Unit was held on Monday, October 17th in the church. President Audrey Thompson gave a reading on "renew your mind" and' poem "happiness." September minutes were read by secretary June Fothergill and the treasurers report by Vi Burns. Roll call was answered by 17 members and one visiter. A thank -you was read from Shirley Norman for the recipe file. The UCW general meeting will be held on November 14 at 8 p.m. at the church. Pat Hunking spoke on making Christmas symbols from bead board -which has a Christmas meaning. It was decided to make Christmas favours for the Clinton Hospital at the November meeting and the Christmas family party will be . on Sunday evening December 11; Elma and Ella Jewitt and Helen Lee are to: look after Christmas favours. On the* November lunch committee will be June Fthergill, Mary Peel and Vi Hulley. Pat Hunking and Florence Cartwright took. charge of the program with Florence' reading .scripture and a reading on American Thanksgiving and its meaning. Hymn and prayer were given by Velma Preszcator, Pat told about the Carib- bean and West Indies which is our new study book. Mizpah benediction was repeated and lunch was served. SPECIALPRICES IN EFFECT FROM 9 A.M. WED. TILL CLOSING TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1977,4%0E13 Midget Champs The Holmesville Midget girls softball team defeated Benmiller two games to • one last week to win the league championship. Pictured with the trophy are team members Janice Orr, Tei'esa Duff, Pat Harris, Karen Jantzi, Catherine Orr and Debbie Harrison. The back row includes coach Arnold Bell, Lee Ann Bell, Freda Uyl, Gail Vand Der Wal, Lori Harris, Sherry Duff and coach Walter Bell. Laurie Nurse and Arlene Van Der Wal were absent. (staff photo) "SCHNEIDERS WEEK" ^N° FRESH LOW QUARTER PRICES CHICKEN IebU QC zehis ZEHRS REG. 51.56 SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY STYLE SAUSA • E 1 Ib. PKG. SCHNEIDERS $ VARIETIES - VAC. PACK CHUNK COLD MEATS ZEHRS REG. UP TO S1.199 Ib. .1 ib.. SCHNEIDERS 6 VARIETIES SANDWICH STYLE MEAT ROLLS ZEHRS • REG, 62' SCHNEIDERS LARGE SIZE 8 oz. SIZE RING.. BOLOGN ZEHRS REG• S1.43 Ib. 1 " :Ib. SCHNEIDERS SLICED REG. OR COUNTRY MAPLE SIDE BACON ZEHRS RE1 $2.0 • SCHNEIDERS FROZEN FAMILY PACK 1 Ib. PKG. BEEF .PATTIES ZEREGHRS 2 Ib . S2.59 EI;OX ZEHRS REG. 49' EA. ZEHRS NEW TASTY SLICED BOLOGNA 6 oz. PKGS FO.R SCHNEIDERS ALL BEEF WIENERS OR RED HOTS ZEHRS REG. $1.05 6 c 1 Ib. PKG. HALF OR WHOLE LEG OF PORK ' BURNS HOT OR SWEET MAR NAM lb. 1:19 ITALIAN SAUSAGE..89c BURNS ENGLISH STYLE CENTRE SLICE_II,9.29 BACK BACON _ 6 °Z. _ 1.29 BURNS FULLY COOKED SMOKED MAPLE LEAF MINI FULLY COOKED COTTAGE ROLL_ �b1.69 DINNER HAM__ gib__ 2.19. FOR YOUR PASTRY HOSTESS REGULAR OR DIP VEL.11,EFLAIRFSSLPOO,GEUR7b.1 �.29 POTATO .CHIPS MONAF ROSE BRAND • 3 VARIETIES PUDDINGS 9 °z• -2 ),99c DILL PICKLES ' 48 oz. _89C CLOVER LEAF BUDGET CAT OR PINK SALMON: 7.75 oz_ 89C DOC FOOD • 15 .1;0:$1 250 g 89` KRAFT 49 MACARONI AND CHEESE 4 DINNERS ZEHRS REG. 34' EA. S FOR 7.25 oz. MONARCH. POUCH PACK ICING OR GAKE mins FOR 7 VARIETIES ZEHRS REG. S2.95 KING SIZE LAUNDRY DETERGENTTIDE 5 Ib. SIZE ROYALE WHITE -YELLOW -PINK -AQUA -PUMPKIN ZEHRS REG. S 1.22 TOWELS c 2 ROLL PKG. SCHNEIDERS SOFT MARGARINE ZEHRS 1 Ib. REG. TUB$ 77' EA, FOR 9` NEILSONS4 FROZEN NOVEL,'IES FROSTSICLES ZEHRS REG, S1,29 9 c CTN. OF 12 SCHNEIDERS COOKED BREADED FROZEN Y CHICKEN ZEHRS REG, 53,99 2 Ib, BUCKET 8 SCHNEIDERS PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING CRispyFuKE 59C ZEHRS REG. 75' 1 Ib. PKG. SCHNEIDERS MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE 12 oz. 9.39 €NRICHED SLICED VALUPLUS WHITE BREAD 24.z. 33c HARVESTIECRUNCH_ 900 g' 9.79 TETLEY TEA BAGS 72's 9.89 COOKED GOBLDEN FILLETS$1.39 16 oZ, FINE QUALITY CORN, PEAS OR'MIXEO VEG. • BOIL IN BAG GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES _1 O Oz• 59c BLACK MIRING 8.25 oz. 9.99 DISHWASHER DETERGENT CALGONITE . 65 Oz '2.59 30 DAYTIME, 0R 24 EXTRA ABSORBENT PAMPERS DIAPERS $2.59 SOFT 'V PRETTY ASSORTED BATHROOM TISSUE_ s ROLL 9OC KLEENEX CANADIANA FACIAL TISSUES SHAMPOO OR CREME RINSE LADY. PATRICIA DEODORAN'TSPRAY RIGHT GUARD 7 02 $1.39 3FO $1 100s R 99c 550 ml. WE WILL DE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: GODERICHAMURON.RD. FRESH • CRISP ,& FIRM PRODUCE OF CALIFORNIA CANADA' N0. 1 NERD LETTUCE S LARGE HEADS FOR CALIFORNIA NO. 1 SWEET HED EMPEROR GRAPES Ib. ONTARIO NO. 1 TENDER SWEET CARROTS PLANT SALE FALL COLOURED CROTON 2 Ib. BAG 3 BAGS ' FOR c c 6" POT $4.9 NORDICA FRESH COTTAGE CHEESE _ 16 oz. 83c BADEN DELICIOUS 89c CAMEMBERT CHEESE 6 Oz CITNNAMON BUTTERHORHS. OF 59c WESTONS FRESH PKGS. BROWN.111' SERVE ROLLS_ Of 12 2t,:s1 SCNHEIDERSa CHEESE$1.49 2 0:. 1p EASY OVEN LASAGNA 00 IMPERIAL MEASURE • METRIC MEASURE , grown! 1 Ib ground beef 600 g beef 1 pkg Lasagna Hamburger Helper 1 pkg Lasagna Hamburger Helper Illik 2 cups water 600 mt water 1 1/2 cups creamed cottage cheese 375 ml creamed cottage cheese • Milli 1/3 cup grated parmesan choose 75 ml grated parmesan cheese • MS 1 egg beaten 1 egg beaten 2 tbls snipped parsley 30 ml snipped parsley 111111 m 1/4 tsp salt 1 ml salt - NI dash pepper dash pepper 60 ml grated parmesan cheese 111111 111 Cook and stir boof in frying pan until light brown. drain Stir in sauce mix and • 111 water Heat to boiling stirring constantly, reduce heat. simmer uncovered us iiii until thickened Heat Oven to 376"(190^C) Cook macaroni in 6 cups (1 611 of boiling salted OA water until tender, 10 12 minutes, drain thoroughly Mix macaroni, pottage Ocheese, 1/3 cup (75 ml) parmesan cheese, egg, parsle,• salt and pepper, Spread in ungreasod square baking dish 9x9x2 inOhes (23 cm x 23 cm) , OPP Spoon beef mixture onto macaroni mixture, sprinkle with 1/4 cup (50 m1) 1114 iiill parmesan cheese Bake uncovered until hot and bubbly, 30 to 35 minutes 11,7,__Let stand 16 minutes before cutting, 1 a iiinctxxxsixsh, 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese HWY. NO.8' OUR MANAGER IS: DALE McDONALD OPEN WED..THUR.-FRI. EVENINGS