Clinton News-Record, 1977-10-13, Page 15• Autumn wedding in
Autumn -coloured flowers
adorned ,,the candelabra for
the evening ceremony on
September 23 at Londesboro
4- 'United Church when JoAnn
Scott of Goderich and Larry
Joe Flynn of Kitchener ex-
changed vows and rings
before Reverend Stan
JoAnn is daughter of Jim
and Donna Scott of 214
Britannia Roadt Goderich,
and Joe is the eldest' son of
Hugh and Donna Flynn of
R.R .\.Londesboro,
Soloists )3arbara and Judy
Carter sang ^VVe'veOnly Juyi
BoAun^and "The Two|�hoY
Never"uccompunid by
organist Louise McGre
6 Given in marriage by her
mother and yothor. JoAnn
wore a hahorlety|ed full-
length gown of white velvet
flowers on a polyester crepe
background. She wore a
hooded full-length cape of
wedding lace. Her dress and
cape were designed and made
by her eimt,r. Judy Dixon of
Clinton. The bouquet was a
• bridal cascade of orange
sweetheart roaro, yellow
do|y|»s, rust mums and
greens. She wore opal
earrings, ring and necklace, a
gift from the groom.
Jill Jervis of GeuYn'th,
sister of the bride was matron
of honor. She wore J.1 full-
length gown of printed
polyester on an off-white
.0 background, and an off-white
4 cape. Rust, brown and orange
-flowers were worn in her hair
and rust beads and earrings,
gifts from the bride com-
pleted her outfit. She carried
a European wicker basket of
dried statice and fall porn-
. pons.
The bridesmaids were Jay
Carter and Judy Dixon of
Clinton, sisters of the bride
• and Gloria Adams of R.R. l'
Londesboro, a friend of the
bride. Junior bridesmaids
were Down Flynn of R.R. 1,
Lundesbvro, sister of the
and Julie Scott of
Guuerich, sister of the bride.
Cherie Carter of Clinton,
.�niece of the bride, was
The bridesmaids wore
ensembles identical to that of
the .matron of honor and
carried identical baskets. Th
junior • brides',naidm and
mmwer8jr|wo rust -coloured
dresses and off-white capes
identical to the other at-
tendants. They carried
miniature baskets of flowers,
and wore gold ohains, a gift of
the bride.
Bob Beacom of R.R. 1,
Q|ydz, a friend of the groom
was the best man. Randy
MU|o,, Londesboro, friend of
the `xroom. Steve Clark,
8/,ut8,,J, brother-in-law of
the groom, Jamie Scott,
God,,i,h. brother of the
bride, Derwin Carter, B|ytbx.
friend of the grooro, and Jim
Flynn, R.R. 1, l^mdooburo,
brother of the groom, were
ushers. Norris Flynn, B.B. 1,
Lundeabun,, brother of the
groom, was rinbearer,
The A,00n, Liand his at-
tendants wore=durk brown
tnxedoxtrimmed with brown
velvet. Bow'ties and vests of.
brown Velvet and ,beige •
ruffled ahi,mcomp|otd their
The groom's boutonniere
was an orange sweetheart
rose and the bextmun.'Ushers
and ring bearer wore yellow
carnations. The ring bearer
carried. a white satin heart -
shaped pillow.
Following the wedding a
reception was held at the
Clinton Legion Hall. Ken
Scott, uncle of the bride acted
as master of ccrcmon|eo.
• The bride's mothor'Arueted
guests in b peach and pink
full-length gown of polyester
with an enipire waistline and
short bat -winged sleeves. Her
corsage was pink carnations.
The groom's mother wore a
hrown full-length gown with a
brown p,intod jacket. Her
corsage was yellow roses.
The bride's father and the
groom's father wore 'brown
tuxedos identical to the
groom und his attendants. -
Their boutonnieres were
identical to their wives'
Bonpred guests present at
the wedding were the bride's
paternal grundpare/no. Mr.
and Knrs..J|m Scott of R.R. 1
Blyth, and the groom's
puuono\ granfather,Mr. Joe
Flynn, ofBuronvipvv.
For travelling to l\liagara
FoUo. the bride wore a blue
jumpsuit with brown ac-
cessoreis. Her corsage was of
white carnations.
Prior ther marriage, the
bride was honved at many
showers. Rosallie Langford
and Petny Crawford both of
Oodor|ch, held a surprise
shower at Rosallie's for Jo
Ann's baseball team. Judy
Dixon held a tupperware
shower at berhome in Clinton
for relatives and friends.
Dorothy Dupee and Rita
Powell both of CUnton'beldu
shower for relatives at
Dorothy's. Jill Jervis and Jay
Crter held a surprise Hag at
Jill's in Seaforth.
The newlyweds will reside
in Kitchener.
Rabbit club holds banquet
0nFriday, September 30ut
the .QruceOe|d United
,L Church, a banquet was held
for the leaders and members
of the Central Huron 4'1-I
Rabbit Club. - --
The clubwas new at the
first of the 4-H season but it
came along well. A great
concern was taken by --all the
leaders and members to do a
great job.
The club's exhibit was one
of the best rabbit displays at a
fair, one ‚judge said.
A shorspeech by pid t
Bill Gibson congratulated the
leaders on a job well done.
A gift of coffee mugs were
presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Tom- Jorgenson by vice-
president Brian
ico'prcsidcnt8rion Falconer and
a similar gift to Mr. and Mrs.
George Townsend by.,
president Bill Gibson. David
Townsend also gave a speech
about the leaders.
A special thanks was made
.to Mr. and Mrs. Dickey who
donated facilities to make the
Dinner included Canada's club successful
and to Milton
favourite meat, rabbit. Pies Dietz w10 helped sponsor the
topped off a great meal. club. ,r1
MR. AND MRS. L.J.FLYNN(Photo' iHarvey McDowell)
by Bertha MaoGregmr
Installatjon of officers
Nohle Grand Mrs. Dorothy
|`u,kor, presided at the in-
stallation meeting of Amber
.Rebekah Lodge on Wed-
nesday evening assisted by
Vice Grund, Mrs. Maggie
Mrs. Ruby Bell, R.S.N.G.
.reported for the finance
committee; Mrs. Dorothy
Corbett, trooauror, gave the
semi-annual report and Mrs.
Maggie Campbell, Vice
Grand, reported for the
The Conorniaaioo of the
district deputy president was
read by Mrs. Ruby Bell
P.D.D.P. and the soloist Mrs.
Belva Fuss sang "I'll Climb
Every Mountain" ac-
companied by the pianist,
Mrs. Evelyn McBeath'.
The diStrict deputy
president,Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor and _tbe in-
'sta}\ation officers installed
the officers of the Lodge. Mrs.
Dorothy Parker Noble Grand
presented the D.D.P. with a
corsage and gift. Mrs.
Parker, retiring Noble
Grand, was presented with a
gift by her sister, Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor D.D.P.
Following, is a list of of -i,
ficers ininstalled�: Mrs'.
Margaret Consitt, Deputy
Marshall; Jr. P.N.G., Mrs.
Dorothy Parker; ViceGrand,
Mrs. Wreatha Gregg;
recording secretary, Mrs.
Leona Parke; financial
secretary, Mrs. Irene Black-
well; treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy
Corbett; warden, Mrs. Hazel
Corbett; conductor, Mrs.
Elizabeth Riley; chaplain,
Mrs. Grace Thompson;
R.S.N.G., Mrs. Ruby Bell;
L.S.N.G., Mrs. Margaret
Consitt; R.S.V.G.,
Volland; `S'V�3
Mrs. Olga Cb ' '`
musician, Mrs. Evelyn
McBeath; color bearer, Mrs.
Vera Lemmon; inside
guardian, Mrs. Gladys
Coleman; outside. guardian,
Mrs. Belva Fuss sang
"How Great Thou Art"Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor
the Lodge, Bro. Ernie
Chipchase spoke expressing
congratulations to the in-
stalling officers. '
Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. Dorothy
Parker thanked the members
for their support during the
past d following the
installation a delicious lunch
was served and a social hour
spent. Mrs. Ruby Bell was in
charge of the social hour.
Former area Man passes
Russell Blackwell, a for-
mer Hensall area resident,
diedat his home in London on
October 2ud, 1977 in his 67th
Be was a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dlockvyn|\'
of this area. '
Surviving are his wife,
uoyrde, two sisters, Bona
(Mrs. Lewis Clark), Hensall,
Gretta (Mrs. Dan
MacKellar), Buffalo and
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral service was held'
from the, Evans Funeral
with Rev. Fred Darrell of-
ficiating. Interment was in
Forest Lawn
^ x
� $3,800�_� ����������~��� ���� � ����������w���^���� ������ � �n��������� � ��n���^����� -w��
for X-Raymachine portable
The regular meetingof the
minutesWomen's Hospital Auxiliary
was held in the Board Room
Mondai, October 3 with Mrs.
Coventry presiding.. The
of ".=- September
meeting were read by Mrs, F.
Fingland in the a,bsenc of the
secretary Mrs. B. Olde.
Mrs. Coventry read the
correspondence 'relating to
the notice of the Autumn
Conference Hospital
AuxUtpripm of Ontario from
Novo/fiber 6-9.tb in the Royal
York Hotel, Toronto also a
letter from Mrs. J.R.
Cumnuzzi, provincial
president regarding the work
of the Extended Care Com-
mittee of O.B.A. Board of
Miss Kathleen Elliott gave
the treasurer's roport, bills
were ordere paid and a
balance 287.33 'was
ohown. M o. Coventry
referred tu^ the Autunin
Conference held recently in
Kitchener and Mrs. Ted
Davies spoke of the splendid
discussion and film shown by
the Hospital Chaplain
"regarding the elderly.
Mrs. John Cochra'he an-
nounced' that the proceeds
from the Penny Sale was
$2.028.54 net profit. Mrs.
Davidson, convener of the
sale, enlarged upon its
various aspects and ex-
pressed the gratitude of all
for work done and a special
thanks to all who contributed
money and prizes-. Without
this generosity, the project
could not be carried'out at all.
With the hospital facing
many expenses in the months
IODE plans raffle
The October meeting of the
1L0.D.lI.was held atthe home
of MaryMurpbyonTueadny
. night, October 4.
The ways and means
committee was given
unanimous support to go
ahead with the annual
Christmas tree raffle project
Members donated $2 each
to be used in the I.O.D.E.
national fund for the pur-
chase of paintings for a
gallery in the Northwest
Also it was decided to hold a
birthday dinner for �nornboro.
on Tuesday, Nov. 1. The
telephone committee will
notify ,members of all details
as soon as they are com-
Following the nseting,
lunch was served and then
Dr. Graham Bowker showed
his beautiful piotuneo, taken
on his recent trip to Greece
with his wife Carol.
Marjan Willson thanked Dr.
Bowker for a very interesting
and informative hour.
Regent Margie &)|an,
thanked the hostess for in-
. ,itinQ us to hold our October
meeting in her lovely home.
uhpmd, the Auxiliary voted to
present a cheque to Mr.
Coventry, Administrator, for
$3,783 to pay for a new por-
table X-ray machine.
Mrs. Hicks, convenor for
the candy stripers, reported
36 girls still working. Four
are now ready to receive their
caps and in the near future,
. some 22more will beready. lt
was decided to purchase 40
caps and tentative plans laid
for fitting ceremony for this
Mrs. Westlake reported for
the bursary fund and cart
staffing for November which
will be taken care of by the
Kinettes. Decorating the
hospital was discussed,'also a
welcome was extended to.
Mrs. Frank Burch of
Bayfield, who was present at
the meeting. There were 17
members present.
The November meeting will
be held the second Monday of
the month due to the absenc(
of the president.
"Established 1876"
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph. 527-0400.
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Various Floater Coverages
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Directors and Adjusters
R.R.4, Seaforth
Ken Carnochan, nn
Lavern Godkin, R.R.#1, Walton
Ross Leonhardt, R.R.1, Bornholm
John McEwing, R.R.1, Myth
Stanley MFIlwain, R.R.2, Goderich
Donald McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin
Wm. Pepper, Brucefield
J.N.Trewartha,Box 661, Clinton
James Keys, o.m.1.xeaf"mx
Wm. Leiper, Londesboro
Steve x.Murray,°"m,m
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