The Exeter Times, 1887-3-10, Page 8seneseese see
INSURANCE. It is predieted thet the Star of Betide- atelealeen. Oouno
4Ier41011. FOR eince the, butlt of jeeee $ttu^ Tb
te sent eppear directly north of the lieeo (Welded to celebrete next 1.414
, „ hent will appear thie year for the sixth time
Te minty ()melee Lodge of North Porta The council met paretemt to Adjellen t
..N melt Ster, awl to be vieible, in its dazzling Jely in Lietowel.
light, et neeleslaY. It ie a solar orh, lietelY It is bald, that Mr. Trowes eleotioe in Soltth
times the uneguitude of our sun, whose orbit perth eost him 012,000. Weeder now 1114011
i8 yet nuettleulated by any aetrotiontete of it SUMO Rom Pittsburg end Chicago,
4e1r, Cook, hotelkeeper, Yerliee 1111$ ;IP Mr, Wm. Watson, of ilibbert, suld hie
before Police aleitetaate Waulase, and olr,- fill eolt Ft Ito +..lel • NY C li 1 Vul
,SeAN , of wreath ;also for the'PlIDVIX
SLTIa c.40.11.P4NY,Ot lanalon, Exigland,
the ROYAL CANADIAN, of Montreal, tv,..0 the
I1sALP111151 LIP 0 A.8S C COM.
PANT, of London, England, established ,2647.
ASsets over $5,000,000 5 claime and boUusee
P4'ic.1, ever $.10,0Q(;000,
Liooal Brovitfes.
efeter qintes,
(lowanloset, J, I ., ou etblesdel el IOAt larten, tor the sitin of 6150. 'The colt le net
week, °bagged or the boott „eat, yet ten mouths old,
stso eee MJ. Scutt, Clinton, apneered f°r tb° ;Reeve liatz f St hen does not emirate
-a-. • a plosecution, and M. Powell for the defence.
bitnself entirely to business. Word comes
T UflebD , MAR. 1 0 t ii, 1887. charge being Proven,. the atetnt°17 limn' lehive, that he mei Mr. Holt, while out
- seseas ; of $50 and eosts \Nees imposed.
eliveting the ether day, eaptured a flue lerge
-&oa:Lr, N WS, -Wo shall be happy to re -1 The poor devised. tretie dollar of the fox,
ie at aU thae$, from any part of the! Vulted SW:4 whieh heretoforis has been The bole called the Soriptural Readiuga,
County, lipne of 4401 nem, SEE4 at; ac,, evorth from 8t) to JO restate late by Act of lute Wee removed:from the Andeasee
cidents,or any intercertny Incident what 'Congress been ealled encl is therefore now share) school, elmor says it was
ever , from. any ef, our sabecrieers er reed. m'orth as meal ea aelY other dolles, There stolou ; but then, who will believe the Argee,
ers gelieraay for the PUrPost of POW. I will not be eny snore trade donate coined There are 21 pereons in the Perth county
ation, witi as fast a the oi.d OneS ttre received bite jail at present, 16 mea and 5 women Six
' the treasury they will be curvetted into of them are wellhead as lenatios, 3 MU aUd
her eilver moue 3 wouren. Sevee are peepers. Only eight
volne 0 wise pee, nue or smolt sabsequeut The opening of the new Presbyterian are therefore oriminals,
TB:N.700ii 1,1'PS perlthe for ars insertion, alai' a
fair7ion will be oharged to notices a-ppearne church, Hensall, took lace on Sunday At a special meeting of the Mitchell °atm-
Miss Wood has returned from the eity
and is in charge of Dress and Mantle making,
at Renton Bros., and the rush has comnien-
"Adieu,' she said sweetly, as he kissed
her good night. "He's adieted, mint he,"
sang out her little brother as be vanished
up stairs. You may well say this poor tel.
ctw's corns were sadly trampled upop.
aceteever, he should have used Scarlett's
Sure Cure for corns, sold only at Soarlett's
Tleug Store, Exeter.
_Without exception,the best and cheapest
Lines in Boots and Shoes 'WE have as yet
tten, can now be bad at C. Eacrett's. Child-
ren's. Carriages, Express-waeons, Men and
WomeN's Felt Boots, Men s Hand -made
Boots, also .A. Goole assurtment of men and
women's Overshoes and rubbers of every
description, also Harness, Trunks, Valises
end Whips constantly on hand. Call and
be convinced. Butter and eggs taken in
eXchange for goods. Also a first class
• Brick House for sale or to rent.
TUST Renoir& a complete stock of Truses,
Shoulder -braces, Supporter& &c., at the
Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ, PPOPRIETOR
- Stop it at once. What That cough whi
is traubling you. Call at the old stand, D .
Lutz's Drug Store. and procure a 25 cent
bottle of Hallannwe's Expectorant. This
preparation has been the popular cough mix-
ture of Toronto for over 25 years. It invari-
ably gives speedy and permanent relief from
all cold& coughs and chest troubles. It is
safe and pleasant, always sure the worst of
coughs to quickly cure.
Fonsn.---In Exeter, on the 7th inst., near
Mr. Hawksbaw's, a silver watch and chain.
The owner can hare the same by calling at
Foundry, proving property and paying for
this adv.
Weezarsn--A boy, aged about fifteen or
sixteen, to learn the marble ceittiug. Apply
toeGeorge Bowden, marble cutter, Main-st.,
The thought that gentle spring is near
Seta all our hearts a throbbing.
IsTew see which liar evill soonest hear
The first note of the robin.
"eVe wait for thy corning,
Sweet wind of the South,
1 r the touch of thy light wings,
'le kiss of thy mouth ;
For t. pearly evangel
Thou leearest from God,
• Resurrecteen and life
To the gieeyes of the sod l
Brevities. ....
This is the Lenten season.
Good Friday comes on the 8th of April.
Inside workmen can now get in a fall daft
7 till 6 o'clock, without the aid of lamps.
The ladies are now talking spring fash-
The total number of voters in the South
Riding of Huron is 5,023.
The daily Globe reaches Exeter at 9.30
a. in., instead of at 5 o'clock p. m. as
Mr. Seldon's horse ran away from the
station on Saturday morning last, where it
had been tied in waiting for a train.
The ladies of the Main-st. Methodist
-church will hold a corn festival in the course
Easter week.
. Mr. A. Holland offers his farm fcr sale
in another column. He intends retiring
irom farming, owing to ill health.
Mr. Robt. Eacrett, of Hay, who, some
time ago, had his leg broken, is in town.
The limb is nearly allright although he uses
the crutches -
Another storm on Saturday, which caused
a slight bloeleacle on the railroads. The
estorms coming from the east prove more
hurtful to traffic.
We are requesteclby the Inspector to state
for the in -formation of teachers and candi-
dates that either No. 4 or No. 5 dra.seing
'book will suffice for the next entrance
, The. suit brought by License inspector
'McIntyre against Rev. Mr. Gundy, Metho-
dist minister, Aylmer, (formerly of Exeter,
Deltic:111am of- which appeared in these
.coltunns some time ago,) for $2,000 damages
or slander, has been withdrawn.
Mr. J. T. Halls, a native of Elitnville,
one of the rising contractors and builders of
Chicago, was married a short time .ago to
Miss Pearl R. Judd, of Chicago, the cere-
mony taking place in the Western Avenue
Congregational church, evhichwas filled with
friends mud relatives of the contracting
patties. •
A meeting of the conuail was enummeed
for Friday evening, but up to eight o'clock
none of the members excepting elr. Picketed,
everepessent. Thereisno reason assignedfor
thene being no meeting other than that two
of the members, Messrs. Bissett and Johns,
were indisposed.
The fall wheat is said to have withstood
the winter in good, shape and promisee' welL
It has, however, a precarioffe seeson to pass
before the spring fairly opens, and the fact
that so little snow remaies upon the fields
at preserit makes it very likely that the
grain will be subject to much freezing and
thawing which is very injutiotie.
The first parliamentary election for the
unite 1 counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce,
was in 1885, but the people took very little
interest in the contest, as there -Were not
,tuany s -otos in the whole county, thoge few
being eeattered at very wide intervals along
the Huron Road. Capt, Dunlop, Conserve-
fivo was the sueoessfel candidate, his oppo-
nent being Col, Anthony VanEgrnond,
(father of the VanEgmonche still li.ying)
who was a redical supporter of the doe -
trines ef the agitators in Upper Canada. In
l 854 Perth beceme ,an independent county,
When the late T. M. Daly was returned. as
sepporter of the nitick's Administration.
et. Sermons were preached moreong .and
Ventug to geed eonetTegattoue, especially in
he evening, when the edifiee wee over.
-crowded. On Monday evening is tea wee
geven, at which. there were a great many
people. On a whole the affair was brilliant,
considering the inclemency of the weather.
The Loodous Huron & Bruce is teu unfor-
tunate road, indeed. A. blovkade is the re-
sult of any slight enowstorm which might
omens. The treek north of Exeter was filled
on Saturday, teed the evening tram going
north remained here uatil Sunday miming
when it proceeded. According to *et old
seying : "If March collies in like a lamb it
shall go out like a lion," WO aro going to
hive some stormy weather yet, as the tirst
three days of March were fine,
The new baseball rules for 1887 are thus
given in a nutshell : A base is given on five
called balls instead of six. The batsmen is
allowed four fair balls to strike at insteed
of three. The pitcher cannot take more
than one step delivering the ball to the bat.
The pitcher is charged with base hit every
time the batsman is given his base on balls.
The batsman can now take his base on balk.
The pitcher is now punished for lutting the
batsman with 4 pitched ball, by sending the of employment, as well is afford another
batsman to his base. industry to land -owners in the viomity.
A Myth correspondent writes as follows : House Noees.- -Mr. John McGregor, of
-"Mr. W. Southcott has removed to Exe- Tackersmith, has sold his imported Olydes-
ter, where has purchased the tailoring busi- dale stallion and two 8 -year -01d geldings.
less of his uncle, having sold his place here au. Donaki-m LA Di kers ith, sold
eil held on lerleay last, hotel and shop
licentses were raised from $200 to 0;225 eaoh.
We understend that the increase met with
no oppoeitiou.
Mr. Stumm' Murray has sold hie fifty aoree
on the 4to oon., Hay, to Isis neighbor,
John Corbett, for a good tiger° ; he Intends
to move his eamily to his farm that he has
tempt on the flurop Road, between Clinton
and Seatorth, in April.
It is understood that there le an outbreak
of tbat troublegome affection-tbe itch, in
seine parts of the western portion of Middle-
sex, and several schools have been closed in
oonsequence. It has proved very intractable
to treettuent.
The nineteenth annuel report of the In-
spector of Prieons and Public) Oherities on
the ()oilmen jails, prisons, and reformatories
of Ontario strews that for the year ending
tSheeptl.):3,110.:110108.86, there were 8,655 commit-
ments for drunkenness, a decrease of 14L for ,
Mr. Norman Buchanan, of Shipka, has '
sold his saw mill to Messrs. Sweitzer &
Zwiker, of Crediton, who purpose having a
flax mill in connection. with it. The new
enterprise must add greatly to the prusperity
of Shipka, as it will furnish a large amount
to Mr. S. H. Willey, who has taken posses- a very fine horse to r. White, of Exeter,
for 0225, Mr. George T. McKay of Tacker -
smith, sold an entire colt rising three years
old for $450 to Mr. D, Denovau,
A:Rochester, N. Y., despatch says :-Mrs,
John S. White and Albert Lacombe, from
London, Ont., have been arrested here, The
Iwo eloped from that city about a week ago
and were finally traced here. The woman
deserted her husband end six children. Tne
husband of Mrs. White reached this city yes-
itleal3dmiteeenatud the matter was settled by a money
The Chicago Grocer insists upon the im-
poitance of emptying the contents of a tin
of canned fruit or vegetables after the can
has beou out. "The action of the air to-
gether with the acid of the fruit or vegetable
on the tin is a chemical oue and impart e a
taste which is, to say the least, unpleasant.
Tell your customeis to keep the contents
from contact with the tin."
And now a "pig party" is the very latest
novelty. The guests are blindfolded, and in
that condition are obliged to draw a picture
ot a pig, which they do with more or less suo-
cess, genet•ally less. There is a prizefor the
best'pietizre:- and also one for the psorest.
The latter is called a booby prize. The ef.
forts will cause more fun than any one will
be able to imagine until he has seen it tried.
It is said that the young men of Lucknow
let youug ladies go to an entertainment alone
and pay their own way, and then slide up to
them after it is out and there is no further
expense to be met, with a bow and a "May I
accompany you home 1" The Sentinel mild-
ly expressos the belief that this is "unfair."
We should say so. bnt if the Luoknow girls
are meek enough to stand it they probably
deserve no better treatment.
Mr. W. L. Forbes, for some time a resi-
dent of Goderich, and latteily of the 3rd con-
cession, Goderich township, committed sui-
cide on Tuesday "light last. The family re-
tired early, deceased occupying a room by
himself, and about midnight Mrs. Forbes
was awakened by the report of a. gun. On
entering her husband's room he was foand
lying on the floor dead, having shot himself
through the chest with a double barreled
gun. He had evidently leaned his body over
the muzzle ancl pushed the triggine with
stick, and the ball went completely through
his body and entered the ceiling above.
The Globe's endeavors to figure a majority
for Blake out of the election returns have
made that paper the laughing stock of the
country ; and eyen the straightest of old-line
Grits are wondering what is the use of it,
and what the Globe is doing it for. One au-
tholity suggests that the Globe got so used
to lying during the elections that it cannot
break off the practice now that the elections
are over ; while another joker suggests that
the Globe, which began before the electiong
by promising the Grits a majority of 40, and
had got down at last accounts to a majority
of one, is letting its party down easy by giv-
ing them their defeat in instalnients, on the
same principle adopted by the Irishman who
cut his dog's tail off an inch at a time "to
make it sisy on the baste." The explana-
tions appears to us siniple enough.
The East Middlesex Farmers' Institute
concluded its two days' session ae London;
Friday. In , a paper on the "Rotation of
Crops," Mr. Chas. B. Stewart claimed that
,ar, the soil was more than self-sustaining with-
a.cceptecl-Carried. Moved by 2. B.
sion. Billy was a good citizen, frieudly to
all and had made many warm friends, and
his loss to Blyth is Exeter's gain." The
subject of the above extract, is aformer resi-
dent of Exeter, and is too well known to
require iecommendation by us.
phet has issued the following for March. :-
"If wet weather can be called lamb like,
March will come in sheepishly, for the first
three days will bring a heavy downpour.
No snow fall from this until the 19th,
when we may look for an "awful spell 'o
stormy weather." The second week of
March will be fine and mild, but cold winds
will visit us almost continuoasly from the
19th to the end of the month. March's most
frigid day will be the 15th." He missed it
the first three days.
The Clinton Yaw Ere says :-Mr. Robert
Rowe, who has been working at the Organ
factory for about a year, 'has left to enter
business for himself at Exeter, he having
bought out the furniture business of Mr.
Drew. The people of Exeter will find him
it steady industrious young man. It is iu-
mored that he will come e0/1-aoray back to
get a partner." Mr. Rowe is, strictly speak-
ing, a resident of Exeter, having lived here
with his parents previous to going to Clin-
ton. He has entered into partnership with
Mr. W. Andrews, of Exeter, and they have
purchased the furniture and undertaking
business of Mr. Wm. Drew. Both are
energetic young men, and we bespeak for
them a fair share of the public patrouage of
Exeter and surroundiug country. While
we welcome them to our business circles, we
are sorry to note Mr. Drew's retirement,
although he will remain in town.
Some years ago Mr. Geo. Bissett, while
wrestling, injured or bruised one of his
knees. At the time the pain was slight,
and no notice was taken of it, until it be-
gan to prove worse, when the aid. of crutches
was sought. Very often he could navigate
without them, but more frequently required
their use. .After a time the injured joiut
became inflamed and produced a running
sore which eventually developed into a de-
cay of the lower part of the limb. Time
wore on, as also did the infectioe, until it
was fotmel necessary to amputate the leg
several inches above the knee. The opera-
tion was performed on Thursday last, by
Drs. Ilyndman and Rollins, of Exeter, and
a physician from London. Although the
operation was a trying one, and one which
tends to considerably weaken a body, we
must say that Mr. Bissett has borne it well
and retained his natural good health all
throat, and is at time of writing feeling
comparatively well.
Conned met at the Market House, by
order of the Reeve, on 8th inst. All pre•
sent, excepting reeve. Minutes of previous
meetin read and confirmed. The clerk
was instructed to correspond er informa-
tion respecting iron door. Moved by T. 13.
Carling, seconded by D. Johns, that order
be gettnted for the following sums :-James
Creech, $1.20 for 'charities ; Eamon,
$3.25 cutting wood for Mts. Corbett, an
indigent. The road Inspector was instruct.
ed to clear sidewalks of snow. Moved by
James Pickard, seconded by T. 13. Carling,
that White and Son's: tender for nriettin be
hug, seconded by D. Johns, that the au -lout manure when properly worked. Thomas
(liter's report be not printed in detail --
Carried. Moved by T. B. Carling, sec.
by Jas. Pickard, that S. C. Hersey, acct. of
$2.;50 for clamage to pails and missmg shovel
et the recent fire be paid -Carried. Moved
be D. Johns, seconded by Jas. Pickard, that
this council adjourn until call of reeve -
The Glee Club concert, to be given in
Drew's Hall on Friday evening promises to
eclipse the general run of entertainments
of the sort. Amongst those to take part
we notice the names of Messrs. Chas. Kelly
and Sims Richard, and the Misses Byck-
man and Weods. These persons, whom.
we learn frotn the press, are singers of the
first rank, will take a very prorninent part
in the.programme. Indeed, it is well worth
the price of admission to hear Mr. Chas,
Kelly ; he is e singer superb, and many of
our reades will remember him, as he appear-
ed before an Exeter eudience some years
ago. While the programme is very invit-
ing and will draw large, house, we also
imagine that the name of the Club, under
which anspiees the concerti is to take place,
ought to be sufficient to ensure full hall.
Aside from this the members of the Glee
Club have turned out and aeisted altnoet
every entertainment that has taken pla.ce±51
and around Exeter, and it is but fair that
the citizens of the village and surromeling
country ehould reciprocate by turning out
A. Scott, us an interesting paper 011 "Horse -
breeding in Ontario." said that the raising of
horses was fast becoming one of the best pay-
ing things farmer could invest in. Several
inerithers disapproved of the alleged general
purpose horse. Mr. Deadmau, of Delaware,
read a paper ou ' apples. Ile claimed that
this was the raost valuable fruitOeve had,
Apples were selling now in Savannah Ga, at
$16 a barrel. He found tile Golden 'Ruesett
the most profitable. He was opposed to
winter pruning ; after sugar making was the
best time. Farmers should Ship their own
fruit and save the middleman's profits,
Important SCOtt AOt DeciaiOn.
Toronto, March 6. -,-An itnportant judg-
ment in regard to the Scott Act was given by
the Chancery Divisionat Ceurt yesterday, in
The Queen vs. Fee. In Jane last Judge
Galt, in the Queen vs Halpin, held that under
eection 123 ef the act, by which the accused
is made a competent Med compelable witness,
he is not boued to incriminate himself, and
in The Queen vsaree, Judge Prondfooe took
the same grorted.
Appeal was tnade to the Chancery Divis-
ional Court, told they hold that the defend-
ant is n, compellable witneee in behalf of the
Chown, evan to the extent of criminating bina.
self, thereby overruling the decision in The
en luso. The admission will be 25cts.; The Court also he'd thet the Divisional
reserved seats, 35cte. For further pe.rticu- ' Coert has jurisdietion to review the decielon
Irtre, tiee postere, of a jedge in single court hi crindeel matters,
Aii311 Falt,`,1:1101 nyder.
J.' 8135150 °Vero for Bale tarm, Lot 7,
belou 0, Usbotne 'Reymann, oceiteieine
Ito 0,,,,m(gt cganibers, orediton, '141,.?„71 till', 00 a -aro of teseelleat lona, tend selnell is etelet
AU members peeeent. Minutes of beet meet.
1559 i'ead and eigned, Moved by leilber,
eee. by le. Coughlin, that the priuting be
awardoct to the Goderieh Star, as beiug the
lowest, lleeolved thet H. 13, Preeefoot be
requeeted to attend the Lint eoetioil meeting,
Resolved that this eouned niece the
vray conned Luneriek, next INiouslay, 14111
hist, At 1 p. m. Moved by ef, Balser, see.
by C, Lilber, that thus council grant Igo for
Orodtton Spring Poir---Catried by oastiog
vokellooffiorryTng Pallawasters were appoint-
ed;-13'.eliandfore, T. lesemy, J.
Beaman, W. Rowtoliff, G. Floyd, Elliott,
W. Hogarth, T. W. Bagehaw, T.
Shapten, W. Deariug, J. White, 0. 'Hoffman,
Heddeu, O. Deariug, S. StanleAse, J,
Lampert, J. T. Bedford, C. Zwilser, te.
Solewitzer, IV, Lightfoot, a. Winer, Ge lefur-
stook, J. G. Winer, S. jones, J. Brown,
leinkbiner, J. Wind, J. Martina, W. Itowe,
T. leillgallon, J. Lawson, '0, Diuney, L. Croff,
H. Kerslake, 3. G. Quarry, N. Cotter, P. Std -
liven, A, 'McCormick, W, Thompson, T.
Deitrich, C. Stodcte, 0, F. leinkbinee, 3
Roberts, H. Wilbert, T, 13estard, P. eleKen-
zie, 3, Schroder, W. Brown, 'C'. Harhon, 17.
Harriman. Fiukbinor, C. Rook, W.
Rohde, J. Gilbert, P. MoGregor, Mr, efoLa
toga, R. Ireland, J. Wade, J. Oorruthere, J.
J. Sberritt, J. W. Wateau, J. Tetrean, L.
Walper, J. itiollarcl, Tapson, It. 11.
etrong, 0. Brineer, M. leadiug, Ft. Hamilton,
Spackman, Wm, Riely, P. (eleven. J. Mc-
Keever, 3. MoCarthur, J. Boland, J, Haya,
A, McKenner, G. Towle, J. Wioket, 0,
Wilson, F. Green, S. Stonlake, 3. Penhale,
E, Edworthy, A. Berk, C. Schroder, F, Kehl,
(). Walper. Pound-koeper :-W. Hill, T,
Shantou, J. Lampert, C. &direr, W. Holts,
0. Mitchell, 3. Briuner, W. Hickey, F. Baker,
P. Farrell. Felice Viewers 'Willis, W.
Waleer, 0, Christie, E. Deitreich, E. Doyle,
W. flolts, J. Mollatel, J. W. Wetson, P. Far-
The following orders, wore granted :-J.
Clarice, livery, 61 •,3. „Lewis discoant, 78c. ;
J. Da,zel, gravel, $15.05 ; M. Woods, gravel,
$3.20 ; T, Boyle, keep of 0. L., el.75 ; 17,
McGregor, rep. celvert, 3 ; Expositor, ads„
; D. O'Connell, error S. L., 62 ; G. Mor -
look, spring fair, §10 ; W. Yearly, wood,
Council adjourned to meet again 1st Mon-
day in April.
C. PROUTY, Clerk,
miles m fro34oter. There aro Lyon, t e'
erenneee 5± ofeeeorteble house ;laid eoed beede
letkeo-ale00--eled arst elese etabileve Akio two
110011 web it ee water. Tlie prop Orq Is Weil UR,
40rdrAiRed. ditOre Will I1130 Do Sad two aeres
of the liorth.lialf. Good orchards on both
phoses. Terms, Easy.
(L -ins) ItODT.000 PER.
Smith, the youug Malabide 'farmer, who has
twice been tried for the murder of Marshall
Piggott in November, 1884, will probably be
released upon his own recoguizances, to ap-
pear when called upon. The facts of the
eelebrated case are well known. In .Novene-
ber, 1884, Piggott mysteriously disappeared
and ahebody was washed ashore at Long
Point in the December following, which his
mother and brothers positively identified as
Shat of the missing man. An inyestigation
resulted iu the arrest of Smith, who, as stated
has twice been tried, the first time f before
Judge Arraour, when the jury disagreed,seven
being for acquittal and five against, and the
second time before Judge O'Connor, when
She jury again disagreed, seven being for con-
viction. The Spring Assizes open at St.
Thomas on Monday, and Crown Attorney
Donahue received a letter from the Attorney -
General's department to the effot that the
Crown will not be ready to go on with the
SOCIERY,-The annual meeting of the above
Society, for the election of officers, receiv-
ing reports, etc., will be held in the
Council chamber Clinton, on Friday, March
Ilth, beginning at 10:30 o'clock a. in. This
tneeting will be one of considerable import-
ance, dealing with matters relating to the
further growth of the Society, encl. all in-
terested in the objects and success of the
new Stud:Book, are cordially invited to be
ANTED Parties to enr.taoe in
the manufacture of my Patent *Snow,
Shop, Stable and Malt Shovels. Large and
Increasing Trade iu tho United States. Lib.
oral inducements offered to right parties.
Wallingford, Vermont, V'. S. A,
PARM FOR SALE. -The sub -
..12 scriber offers for sale his farm,being Lot
3, Concession 1, Ray, (half mile north of
EmIter,) containing 160 acres, about 64 acres
cleared and in good state of cultivation. There
are upon the premises a, first.class new dwel-
ling erith two cellars and stone foundation, a
good bank barn, a frame barn. an open shed,
and other necessary outbuildings. Also a first-
class orchard. Terms Easy. For further is ar-
ticalexs apply on the premises to
A. HOLLAND ,litty P. 0.
1. undersigned offers for sale, his property
on Simooe-st.',' boing Lots 43 and 44, containing
two-thirds of an acre, There are erected upon
the premises, a frame house with kitchen, an
a frame stable 18x26. Also it good well. This
property is suitahlo for a retiredfanner, and
will be sold cheap. For further particulars I
apply to
(t -f) Exeter, P. 0.
c HEIMAN LAWYER, matinfac•
'hirer of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence:
Rannie's Hay, w note hewill attend to the
wants of any who mrty require his services.
Why pay from $15.00 to 305 00 for the same ar-
tiele which he can furnish you for 35.00, and
which is as good if not better and warranted
to fit with comfort? Remember, 'Double
Trusses, 35.00 5, Single Trusses, 3E50. All com-
munications addressed to
Zurich P.O.. Ont.
auggies fluggcs
Offen Gieat Reduetions in all kinda of
Vehicles, for the Next Two Months.
The lines of vehicles are Buggia, in all the
latest ireprovelnents, with or without tops,
Jumpseat Buggiete for small family, with
tops. One man 13uggiett, Patent Trotiing
Sulkys, fon cattle buyers, doctors, &c. Also
a largo number of durable Secondhana Bug-
gies, Light Wagons, new mid secteidhand.
Heavy Wagons, netv and Seeolidhancl,
Trucks, tow. eVlieelbarrows. Double Open
Carriage& ?ecotone, and eve's/thing per
teining to our line of business. They eve
all trimmed and painted in the best pneiblo
manner. We warrant theta to give good
staid action.
All Orders Pretntly Attended To.
Those desiring anything in our lino should
come and see for themselves before purehas.
Mg elsewhere.
riAUTION,-We hereby caution the publie
elot to eeteldelett tor it pureettee any of
qur oegene or pionee from .1. A, Watson,
btXilcliell Ont., as We will not be responsible
for any such instruments lenighe or con
teactee for, lee is not oar agent and could eot
Purelletle ()epee or pewee if )16 80 (1051114
The dernaad for our gotals bas SO iLiCrOSSed
t1143 we frequently have Walsh) with parties
representing themselves es our agents and
(140thig prices iess than our wholesale. rales,
B. J. WADie, Seneercem,
Is our agent for Weetern Ontario.
Bowmativille, February 7th, 1887,
Dominion Oegan and Piano Co,
CO tete out and return to ue, and, we will
eetta you five, soMetbitte Of veal) vela 411d
leiVerteeee 10 you, thee etert yon in DEW,
DOSS svhiols 1±111 LW/of,' yee 01 more ittoncyrigbt
.away than anything else ±0 this world, A471
ono can do the work tonSlivo et Immo, either
sex ; ell ego. Somethieg new, that ilia pans
money to all workers. We start you 1
capital uot needed, This 58 0110 of the genuine,
important chances or a lifetime. '1.'llese WOSO
aro innbitietg, and en terprisme wet nee snow.
Grand crettit loc. Address Tann 4.t. Co,, Att.-
gusto, 111./1110.
We aro now prepared to furnish all elaS505
with implaymeue at nom° the N,V1161.0 at the
time, or for tWAr spare tnomente. 13u einese
new,Iight end proateble, Portent* or either
BOX catty oaru from 50 cents to $5,00 per °you.
lug,awl it proporlioncd sum by devotiug all
their time to tile business. Boys 104 eirieleaert
nearly as much as mom That alt wtio thle
may eerie their edarees, and test the bailees&
we wake this offer, To eitch as ere uot tyefl
ea:blotted wo will seed ono dollar to pay for the
trouble of Writing. Full particulars and oat.
tit free. Address (*Bonen StriNsoti cm., Port -
0611/111410,N OF CANADA,
-In Nene rote:mos, Royal sop:
fro an COMMENCED whenever a eeftloiont
.31 number of subscribers is obtained to COM:
cost of publicateou Subeoriptiou to the Nine
Volumes 375 00,to tale Province of Ontario or
to Quebec) 312,50, to Now Ernatiwick or to Nova
Scotia 51U50, io Mauitoba, or 13riti eh Columbia
39.50, to seduce Edward Island or to North.
westTerritories $9.80; Each Province to have
a Map,
Please Send for Prospectus.
J0.4N 1,0VE01,
Manager ana Publisher
moutreal, 4th August, ISM. augeclikw3
500 ITT 23
Butter Wanted
J. athes n,
Our tock is Well Assorted,
Groceries, Fruits, dec.
I have a full line of Feanily Groceries,
Oranges, Figs, Basket Raisins,- Nuts, Cand-
ies of' all kinds Assorted, Pettnets roasted,
Tobaccoes, Cigars, Barest Aromatic Ginger
Try a cake of Compressed Yeest, and you
will use no other.
AVGreat Reductien in Prepaid Tickets to
parties sending for their friends from Eng-
land, Ireland, Scotland or Germany.
FOR THE SEASON'S TUADE. Drew's Block: South Store
16 lbs. sugar $L00 ; 1S lbs. white sugar, $1 lid
We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c.
to 75e. per lb.
Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.
A nicely assorted stock of
1E-1 ARDW A_ R
FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes,
(Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal.
rEe A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75.
A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6.
Ordered suits got up in Good Style.
Our Dress Goods are !narked down to
the Lowest Notch.
A House and Lot, also a Marro for Sale.
Apply to
HAY P. 0.
Our last monties sale was the
largest we ever had.
We sell goods at less than
A lot of Spring Goods just
opened, cheaper than the cheap-
Balance of Winter Goods will
be sold regardless of cost.
The Highest Price for Butter an Eggs.
DOUPE cigt C
X-mas Presents, Toys, Etc.,
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Don't Fail to Call at
The Dominion Laboratory,
if you want anything in the above lines.
J. W. BROWNfNG, Proll
x,00 1 mooetc x e
and SAN FRANCISCO, for $90.00, tick
ets good for Seven Months.
aerBefore purchasing your tickets else
where, call on
One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest
Stooks in Exeter.
Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in all
the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices.
OUR, BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Novelties in Fan Black Dresa
Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in 131115 Goods.
Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dross and Mantle Silks.
Mantle Clotho, grand range, 'Flannels, Blanket, Factory and White C Atone, Shirting&
&c,, all bought before the advance in prices and -will be sold at
If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to
Our Critzeory nevartment i Cora,pletto.
TRY OUR 50c3. TEA.
It is acknowledged by evetyone that has used it to be the best in the village tor the money.
Sample Nadel& Free.
I. CARLING, Main -St, Exetet:1