The Exeter Times, 1887-3-10, Page 6• , s.,.. • . ..• . '• • , • , • A :Common Cold Is ,gt.i• the hegiuniag. of. .serioite atfec, tions of the Throat, Bronchial guises, and Lungs. Therefore, the importance of ' PAO!and effeetive treatnieut eannot beg. overestimated, Ayer's Cherry rectqrsi. may always be reliedupon for the speedy • cure et a. Cold or Cough, Lest January I was attacked with a severe Cold, whieb„ by uogleet anti fre- quent eXposures, beeame worse, finally settling- on giny ;logs.. A tereihie Cough: soon folloWed, 'acconipunied. pains In the chest, from which I antleredUnwisely, After trying various remedies, without obteffling relief, I commenced taking Ayer's Clierry Pectora, and was speedily Qqred. aux satisfied that this remedy saved my life. —Jim. Webster, Pawtucket, 11. L. contracted a severe cold, which sud- denly developed into Pneumonia, preseut, ink dangerous and obstinute symptoms. tMy PhYsician at once ordered the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, His iustructions were followed, and tbe result was a raphl and permanent cure. —11. E. Simpseu, Begets Prairie, Totes, Two Years ago I suffered from a severe Cold whieh settled on my Lungs. I con- sulted various physicians, and took the medicines they prescribed, but reeelved only temporary relief. A 'friend indueed me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, After taking two bottles of this Medicine I was eured. Sinee then There given the Pec- toral to my, children, and consider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, ever used in my fuiully. — Robert Vanderpool, :Meadville; Pa. Some time ago I took a Slight Cold, which, being neglected, 1„srew worse, and Settled on my lungshad a hacking tient, and was very weak. Those who knew no best considered my lite to be in ggeat danger. I continued to suffer unfit I commenced using .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this VaI- uable medicine cured me, and I feel that I owe the preservation of my life to its curative powers.—Mrs. Ann:Lockwood, Akron, New York. A.yer's Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, the one great remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs, and is more iiademand than any other medicine of its class.— J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared bv•Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. THE EXETER TIMES. • Is published every Thursday morning,itt the TIMES STEAM PRINTING NONE Main-street,nearly opposite Fitton's Jeweleiry 'Store, Exeter, On t., by John White it Son, Pro- prietors. Barns or ADVEnTISING : Pint insertion, per line.. .10 cents. En eh subseque.et in sertien , per line Scents. To insure insertion, advertisements should be sent in not later than ‘Vednesday morning OurJOS PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one I the largest and best equipped in the County f Huron, All work entrusted to us will receiv ur prompt attention. Decisions Regarding News- papers. Any person who takes a pa.perregularly from he post-oftlee, whether directed in his name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or nOD IS responsible for payment. 2 If a, person orders his paper aiscontinued tie must pay all atrears or the publisher may continue to send it until tbenayment is made, • and then eolleet the whole areount, whether - he paper is taken from the office or not. - ----'2 -Hi Fine`Toi Subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub • lished, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. ' 4 The courts have decided that refusing to rake newspapers or petiodicals from the post - office, or rem ot iug and leaving them unealled .for ie prima feele evidence of lute, :,, old. ASend10 cents GI F'F s.istnd we will send you free a royal, valuable 1 sample box of goods that will put you in the way of making more 1 money at once, than anything else in America. Bothsexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital aotrequirud. We will start you. Immense pay sui e for those who start at once. STINSON de Co .Portlanr Maine 'Exeter Butcher Shop. R.DAVIS Butcher & General Dealer —IN AL KINDS OE— MEAT Customers supplied TITESDA.YS, THURS. DAYSssain SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE OEI V la PROMPT ATTENTION. How Lost, How Restor e We have recently nablishod a 110NY edition of DR.0711.1VERW.Illt..L'S GELEBRAT kJ) E 2 - SAY o n the radical an d perm aa exit cure ( with - o u t medicine)of Nervous Debillty,Mentrul and physical capacity impediments to Marx 1,sge, etc., remitting fr am excesses. Price,in sealed envelope,ouIy 6 eents,or two Postape stamps. The celebrated anthorof this admirable es sayelearly demonstrates, from thirty years suocessfulpractice, that alarming oonsequon. ces may be radically cured without the do,ng- eroue use ef internalmedicines or thous° of the knife ; Point out a mode of oure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter whathis con.. ditiontnay be,may cure bimself chaaply, pri vatelv and radically. -Tlti lecture shouldbe lathe hands of ev- ery youth and every maifl th elan d. Address THE CRUMBLE MEDICAL COMPANY, 11 ANN Sr., N15trY0111t Post Office Box 450 sgsteseeeneseggssesmaiegestsseneasegraso ADVERTISERS can learn the exaot cost of any proposed line Of advertising in American paper ; by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 13.rtettlk 10 SprtIce St,, Now York. Send ?Oats. for 100 -Page Purrsphleto HOUSEHOLD. • AeaPanAbilitY- There gore tWO WS Of training ehildren 14 Wane, 4i•n4 third way of letting them grow up Without anygtreining whatever. The two, Wats are training by preeept, and training by example ; the former is good in it§ kind, the latter better, but the best is by hetla coinhined, Training by nreeept 18, of enurse, far better than no training at all, hut the reason it usually fails is thet ohild-, ren .generally do just as mother does, 01' father, too, for that matter. Therefore, a eareless, slovenly housekeeper, ind one who gives no evidenee of a sense of responsibility to God or her neighbor, can hardly expect to see her sons or her daughters grow up late careful, wise and noble manhood and womanhood. If a newly married woman knows her education in these matters has been neg- lected, it is her solemn duty to make up at once for that lack of training, so that when she becomes the mother ,of children, and because she is a wife and rutieh of her hus- band's prosperity will depend on her co- operation she shall not make others ettifer for her shortcomings, but will be able both by precept and example to train up her children in the way they should go. On reflection a sensible, newly -married woman will realize the importance of the position she has assumed, and of its probl able,or at least possible., future solemn re- sponsibilities, the rearing of young children and the moulding of their lives temporal etid spiritual. There is hardly a sadder sight than that of a family of little children growing up without moral or mental trebl- ing, and consequently devoid of any special sense of duty toward God or mau. The woman who is satisfied with simply giving her children good'food, good clothing, and sleeping accommodations, and has no other anxiety for her offspring, is scarcely a good and wise mother ; indeed, to use plain language, she is on but a little higher plane than the brute mother, who bestows as much care on her young as this implies, and who even goes further, for that matter, for she will most certainly instruct them in the best methods of food getting and shelter and de- fense of their lives, taking visible pains to do her best in thus equipping them for their future battle of life. No the good and the wise mother is she who:beside caring for their physical needs, insures their mental and moral well-being by proper training. It a woman finds her- self lacking, and hence personally unfitted for such training, she can most assuredly teach herself, and certainly any woman should be an apt 'pupil' to so interested a teacher as herself. If her shortcomings on sell -examination prove to be carelessness, extravagance, idlenees, lack of system, un- tidiness, love of gossip; proneness' to speak thoughtlessly and unkindly of her friends and neighbors, and to listen to scandal; un- raindfuluese of the comforts an interests of others, and a general lack of responsibili- ty, self study and self discipline will be the remedy. The greatest aid to bringing about a per- sonal reform will first be to establish a me- thodical'system of. housekeeping; this will give leisure for thought and. seli study, and self study will lead to self training, which will.gradually overcome all these failin,gs, or any of them by which she is afflicted. When this is accomplished, and it may be a work of time, and not till then, will the woman be in every sense of the word, a good wife, and fit to assume the solemn responsibilities , of motherhood. From a home blessed with such a mother will go forth wise and good men and women to plant other blessed homes and families. Kitchen Hints. CUSTARD AND CAKE.—One egg beated separately, two tablespoonfuls powdere, sugar, one pound of almonds chopped fine, one cup sweet cream whipped. ALMOND CAKE.—One and one-half cups sugar, 4 eggs, one-half cup sweet milk, two tablespoons of butter, one teaspoon cream tartar, one.half teaspoon soda, two cups of flour. PUFF PUDDING.—Batter of One pint flour two teaspoons of baking powder, salt, and milk to make a soft batter; grease cups and put in them a spoonful of batter, then one of berries. Steam twenty minutes. CLOVE CAKE.—One coffee cup of sugar, 1 teacup of butter, 2 teacups of flour, teacup of milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of soda, tea- spoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of cloves, 1 cup of chopped raisins, nutmeg. YEATHEN. CAKE.—Take two cups of sugar, half a. cup of butter, two-thirds of a cup of milk, three ups .1 flour, three eggsand three tablespoonfuls of baking powder. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. This is a very nice plain cake. DROP GINGER COOKIES.—One cup each of molasses and sour cream, one-half cup of sugar, one egg, one teaspoonful each of soda, ginger and cinnamon, and three heaping cups of flour. Drop in spoonfuls on a drip- ping pan. Bake quick. TORONTO MIIPPINS.—Two cups flour, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, 2 tablespoons lard or less if not desired so short, 1 egg, a little salt. Beat the egg and shortening together, then add the flour and lastly the wetting of milk or water. STEADIED BNOWN BREAD.—TWO cups of corn meal, 3 Mips Graham meal, one cup of molasses, 2 tablespoonfuls of yeast. Mix soft with warm water over night. In the morning add 1 teaspoonful of soda and steam for 3 or 4 hours, then put in the oven for 15 or 20 minutes. APPLE PIIDDING.—Make a crust as for biseuit, about half an inch thick. First fill a tin basin with apples sliced fine. Then cook slightly on the stove. Put the crust on and bake. Cut slits in the crust to let out the air. This is best eaten with sugar and milk. I FISH GERIS.—Take any remnant of boiled ' fish, chop it finc and add the same amount of bread crinnbs soaked in milk; also two eggs beaten and a spoonful of butter ; season with salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Bake in a buttered pan 20 minutes. PLuai PUDDING.—One cup of molasses 1 cup of suet &lopped, 2 cups of raisins chop- ped, 4 cups of • flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 tea- spoonful ot salt, one teaspoon of soda, one small ;teaspoonful of cloves, 1 small teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 1 egg. Boil or steam 3 hours. Cocoa:Tor CAKE.—Three cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 4i enps of flour, 1 cup of sweet nfflk, the whites of 7 eggs, 2 teaspoons of cream tartar, 1 teaspoonful of soda. One grated coceantit is suffleient for both cake and frosting. The frosting first and eocoog nut after, CII/LI SAtios.—Thirty large tomatoes, 6 large or 10 small onions, kgreen peppers, 12 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 10 tablespoonfuls of Bait, 8 cups of vinegar. Chop the onions and pepper very the; boil allthree together for 3 hours; when nearly boiling pat in the vinegar. BAT= Puntsinas.—Two quarts of milk, on pint of Indian meal, half a teaspoonful ef salt, two-thirds of a °up of molastes ; season with cinnamon ; 1 Or 2 eggs, Scald the intik ; then stir in the meal, Heat to the boiliug point; then add the, othei• ingredients and bake. Nice with nusple.syrup, Nisittst, Possott.—An order has been is- sued i lower Anistria *bidding mantle°. turere and tradesmen to sell luckel-plated eookiag vessels. It is stated that vinegar and other acid substances dissolve nickel, and that this, in portions of one-seventh of a grain, causes vomiting, And is even more poisonous than copper. (.) ,4410IPT Bis]iop, Nen ;Leek Once Mere OA 4:0115Yed de SlerPo berg, Miro Died 1111 CM, An interesting account is given in some German papers of the discovery a little time age, hi the Cathedral of Worme, of the body el a mediteval Bishop who has beat identilied as Conrad de Sternberg, who died in 1154, being a cotemporary ot our. Ilenry 11., aud of the great German Emperor, Frederick Barbaroesa. Dining the progress of some restorations which are being carried out,in the Cathedral, a stone coffin was fotind deep under the floor of the choir, It was closely cemented, and on its being opened in presence of a special eounnission, the body was found in perfect preservation, and ar- rayed in vestments denoting Episcopal rank. On the head is a low miter, the lower border of which is formed by a baud of thick gold embroidery, of a lozenge -shaped pattern; the fillets of the miter are composed of the same sort of work, with deep, heavy gold fringes. The peaks of the miter have their edges adorned by similar embroidery. The alb and amice are made of thin linen, very openly woven. The chasuble, of the old bell shape, is made of a very thick twill- ed silk, and falls in long folds around the body, forming sort of pad round the neck. In the usual way, a richly embroidered baud runs perpendicularly down the front; it bus no special design. The edges of the ;chasuble are simply hemmed. The tunics under the cha,sub,e are also of silk. The upper one is of lighter texture; it shows a pattern con sisting of lozenges connected by rays. The under tunic shows a very fine interlacing pattern of geometrical design. The stole is worn crossed on the breast, the lower por- tions being broader than the upper. Itsorna- mentation is a pattern of scale -like design, ! which shows alternately figures of lions and ! birds set in a pattern of fine traced leaves. The girdle is of silk, but only long and un- twisted strands remain. The feet and legs up to the knees are covered with silk stock- ings which seem to be of a fine network tex- ture. Three broad parallel bands and as' many smeller ones are wound round in spir- al fashion and fasten them. The shoes, which come up above the I ankle, and have two deep slits, are made of gold brocade; they are ornamented by cir- cular embroideries sewed on. The soles of : the shoes are of leather. The pastoral staff lies in the arms from the right shoulder to left foot. It is of soft wood, ending with u ferule and spike; at tbe top there is a spher- ical ball of hammered bronze, out of which , issues a crook of soft wood, which ends mit bronze lily set in a square Booker. At the feet stands the chalice, also of soft wood, ' very finely turned; the cup is a hemisphere, ' and on it rests the patina. Trees and Blizzards. Prof. Chas. E. Bessey Writes as Follows: 7 -The blizzard in its purity and perfection is a native of the plains of the North-West. The name is now applied to severe storms in the East, but the genuine blizzard never leaves the treeless region of the Far West. When a snow -storm sets in, with the wind from the northwest blowing at the rate of twenty, thirty, forty and evenfifty miles an hour, with a lowering temperature which rapidly approaches zero, with the snowflakes FOR FARMERS' BENEFIT. filling and driving horizontally through the LOST IN A 13LIZZARA Wertibila nnfTetilan• 04"011Y0149r0. 0. St004) Coach, The Benton stage the other uight brought in the three peeSengere who werueotettlii.e belated stage that was etorui-bondig teen; miles south of Benton from Thursday until Eriday evening, They were J. W. Montgomery, from the Judith, and I. Edenholin and Wm. Morgan, two discharg- ed soldiers from Fort ASsinithoine. From a member of the patty your correspendent gathers the following story of their terrible eEpelen i;id ee Thft: Benton at 7 o'clock Thursday morning in a blinding snowstorm. It was not then, however, very cold, but rapidly grew older. They lost the road several times, and made slow progress until nearly nig.littall, when the horses became too much exhuasted to proceed further with the eon- veyanoe. The driver, Charles 8. Fox, thought they were within five miles of Twenty-eight 4uIe Spring, one of the stage stations. it was here deoided te send the two soldiers to the station with tne horses for relief. They accordingly started, but after making abont five miles one of the horses gave out entirely and the other was too badly used up to be of service. They then tied the animals to a telegraph pole and started off on foot. They had not gone far when one of them sank powerless to the ground. His companion, however, recogniz- ing that certain death would be , his fate if lett behind, literally dragged him the re- mainingsdistance to the station. which proved to be eve miles. Upon arrival at the Spring they endeavored to organize a party to return to the abandoned stage, but the storm was raging with such fury that no one could be found who would volunteer to make the attempt until the afternoon of the next day. In the meantime the driver and Moutgomery, becoming alarmed at the non - •arrival of assistance, determined to set out to the Spring on foot. They wereth orough- ly benumbed, and it was only with the greatest exertion that they travelled a dis- tance of about five miles, when they became bewildered and nearly exhausted. Realizing that they had lost their reckon- ing, they Concluded to return to the stage. When within a mile of their starting point, Fax declared he would go no furtlier and his companion left him staggering around a telegraph pole and feebly beating it with his hands to keep up circulation. Montgom- ery struggled on and finally reached the stage and fell over it utterly helpless. The sun came out brightly soon afterwards and he revived sufficiently to pull the robes about him. When a rescuing party found Fox he was still at the telegraph pole and eat- ing snow. Montgomery was found at the stage eating oats. They had no food nor drink for thirty. six hours, and the horrors of hunger and thirst added to the terrors of the situation. The benighted wanderers were taken to the station, where they found that beyond the serious frosting of there extremities they were apparently in a condition to pro- ceed on their journey, except Fox, the driver, who was taken back to Benton for medical assistance on account of the critical condi- tion of his arms and limbs, which were badly frozen. A.s soon as the storm had abated the others resumed their journey, all suf- fering severely from the terrible adventure, and at noon Montgomery's mind began to waver under the strain cf his terrible experience and suffering. By night he was totally insane and had to be tied to his seat. He was taken to the hospital and medical assistance summoned. His condi- tion is very serious, but nothing definite can yet be said of his ultimate recovery. The other two men are not suffering great- ly and are out on the streets. nipping air—that is a blizzard. On the plains the blizzard demon finds every crack in the weather-noarding and every loose joint in window and door, and through these the snowflakes drive with a persistence which 130011 piles up great masses of snow within the house or barn. The cold blast drives along the surface of the earth and actually scours it as with a monstrous sand- blast. I have seen plowed fields from which the snow and fine earth had beenblown, un- til they were left as clean as if they had been swept by some giant's hesom. The horizontal blast of freezing air filled with frosty flakes, sweeping the face of the earth, is characteristic of the. genuine blizzard. I have been much Interested in watching the effect of tree -planting upon the blizzards. The blizzard drives along the surface of the ground, and it has for ages upon ages found no tree to halt or veer it. The settlers on the plains planted trees, however, and these trees now stand as obstacles to the full sweep of the ice-lnden wind. A few days ago, as a blizzard swept over the country, I passed through a loosely -planted grove of trees, cotton -woods, silver maples, green ashes, etc., and noted with pleasure that among the trees the violence of the wind was greatly reduced, and the flakes of snow dropped lazily to the ground, where they rested as contentedly as if they had fallen upon the tree -covered hills of Ontario. As soon as I passed out of the grove I had to face again the furious flakes, driving hori- zontally in their mad career over the earth. As often as I passed through a little grove of trees, I found that I left the blizzard; but as soon as I emerged from the sheltering trees, the blast struck me again in all its fury. This bit of experience is duplicated thousands of times every day upon the plains. The tree -planter has routed the blizzard wherever he has set his little army trees. Wherever a grove has come into ex- istence there the blizzard's scepter has been broken. True, he rules as fiercely as ever outside of the groves, but as these enlarge his dominion contracts. When once the groves are approximately continuous, and when once they have grown to greater heights, the blizzard will be a thing of the est. The settlers upon the plains need not ear the bhzzard for more than a half dozen years, if he calls to his aid the friendly cot- ton -wood, maple, ash, and elm. They alone can • h thie terror of the t ' . Let every prairie settler's motto be "Trees rather than blizzards." Experimental Farm Ready For Operation. A special Mail despatch from Ottawa says :—The seed -testing department of the Government Experimental Farm near this city is now ready for work. Bulletin No. I 1, just issued by Prof. Saunders, says of t this department :—" It has been undertaken for the purpose of determining the value of the agricultural seeds which are sold to 1 farmers from year to Year, and to save them from some of the losses to which they are annually subject by using, old and inferior seeds. Every farmer in Canada will have the privilege and right to send to the Ex. perimental Farm samples of any seeds of which he may desire to know the germinat- : ating power, and it is hoped that all will avail themselves freely of the advantage , offered. A suitable glass structure has been erected for this work of a sufficient size to . admit of the testing of a very large number of samples at one time. The returns of the germinating power of seeds will not be based upon a single test, but every sample will be tested in duplicate, once in the soil and again out of the soil, in the most approved form of apparatus devised for this purpose. Small seeds will also be examined for im- purities, such as sand, dust, foreign seeds, . chaff, etc., and the proportion of these • give"Tilhe samples sent should be a fair aver- age of the whole of the seed from which it is taken. The quantities which should be ; forwarded will vary in proportion to the • size of the seed. Of large seeds such as corn, peas, wheat, barley, oats, etc., about four ounces will be required, while of the smaller seeds, such as grass, clover, turnip, carrot, etc., from half an ounce to an ounce • will be sufficient. The larger seeds may be put into small cotton bags each marked ; with the name of the seed, and these smaller bags enclosed in a larger canvas bag provid- • ed with a tag on which the address may be written. The smaller seeds may be folded , in stout paper, each parcel marked and the whole enolosed in a strong envelope. Pack- ages and communications should be address- ed: 'Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada.' All mail matter will be carried free to and from the Experimental Farm within the limits of the general postal regulations as to the size and weight of packages." ste The Truth About Money. A large income will purchase for a man . the comfort, the tangible and intangible good which a small income will not. Noth- ingwill controvert this bald fact. Not all • the preaching and philosophy in the world can persuade a rational man that money is , not a good thing, which will enable him to ' educate his children, to give them their choice of work In life, to procene skilled physicians, luxuries'and change of air for his wife when 'detbth threatens her, to holp the poor, to forward the COA1SO of Christian- ity, and, for himself, to rest for a brief space ' before he leaves thie beautifal world, to find out what is in it beyond drudgery. There . are high spiritual bleesings, no doubt, which come to its through poverty; but the ex- tremely stnall number of persons who volun- tarily become hermits or paupers in these later days in order to obtain them show how tncertain the: popular faith in theta has grown. Money is of value to a man just in roportion as it bttys for him these assured Hadn't Read Them. Jones—" I see Robinson is becoming quite a poet," Brown (icily)—" Indeed 't" Jonpa-a" Yes, he's doing some very cred- itable -work. I've always thought highly of Robbie's abilities, and have more than once made the prediction that he would make his mark in litetatare some Brown—" It'm 1" jenies—" Haven't you seen any of his P°Belns1" rotvrt—" 0, yes ; I've seen his namoin the papers oceasionally," Jones---" Well, what do you think of his • poems 1,*' Brown -a" I haven't read any of them." Jones—" Vou haven't 1" Brown—' Certainly not. Cthed grassious, p man, don't you know that write poetry benefits or anything else which he esteems myself ?" benefii Oft.n Eat Quail and Never Ttro. The proprietor ..of a chop beim on 26th street, New' Yes*, named gilliie Paul, reeently eompleted eating 82 qua. in 4i days. Ile also ate five birde additieuel en a side bet. Teti thensamd dollars were wagered on the vista. . Paul now offers te cat one hundred quail l»42 days, This match was suggested by a paragraph in a French paper, which announced that M, Lutist, Purisian, had died of tlyepepsia after five days of heavy quail eating, Mr, Paul Baia that he would cat one quail a day for forty clays. A member of the Union League Club who was present declared that Mr. Waloott had eaten two quail a day for thirty days ti,t Gabe Case's. Mr, Paul at once offered to eat two quail a day forfoety- (Me days. Inside of two hours he had a wager of $20,5 to $500 against a well-lsnown physician, another bet of .0150 °Vett, another of l$125 to $200 and still another of $100 to IPSO. In addition to tbese he wagered about PO worth of new hats, neckties and gloves. Many members of the Union. League Clnb and the Lturtbe' Club have put Up money on the event. A few minutes after midnight Mr, Paul sat clown at a table hi his oaf° with two nicely roasted birds before him ancl. a crowd of Club men at his elbow. He picked the hones clean, and then sealed them up in an envelope. Two witnesses then signed their names and the date, I got along -with the quails finely," said Mr. Paul last night, "until last Sunday. Then my stomach began to go back on me and I felt rather rocky. For the last four days my skin has begun to smell of quail. The legs are the gamiest part, and when a man has oaten ell the quail that he really cares for and must eat more, he revolts at the legs. Another great difficulty is eating at the same time every night. It worries me a little. But take it all in all I find very little trouble, and thy appetite is simply bully. I have gained ten pounds in weight. I drink lots of Worcestershire, Tobasco and pepper sauces. In fact, I drank a whole bottle of Tobasco sauce on a wager of $25 the other night, and for $50 I added another bottle. What do I attribute my digestive _powers to? Well, simply to the fact that I do not use tobacco or intoxi- cating liquors. There is one very curious effect that quail -eating bas had upon me. I'm ohook full of phosphorus. When I go in a dark room and blow my breath out hard I can see a sort of luminous mist, just as if I was the d—, that is, some sort of a ghost.lfr.P "aul has taken a Turkish bath three times a week since he began his quail match. Notwithstanding this his weight has steadily increased. He claims that the only serious effect of the quail -eating is in his eyesight, which is affected Earthquakes. It is manifest that the initial impulse of an earthquake must be due to some sudden , and violent origin. Various causes may be conceived as possibly producing the shock. For example when the roof of a subterranean cavity collapses a concussion must be pro- duced which may have the effect of an earth- quake at the surface. In limestone coun- tries, such as Carniola, the ground is honey- combed with grottoes and passages, and slight shocks of earthquake are of frequent occurrence, due, no doubt, to the falling in of some of these underground caverns. More violent effects might arise from the collapse of large emptied volcanic reservoirs, as perhaps has occurred at the extinct volcano of Ischia. Again rocks of the crust are in a state of oontinuous strain due to various causes, and especially to the gradual con- traction that arises from the slow eooling of the planet. From time to time there prob- ably come moments when consequently they snap asunder and read just themselves in a new position of equilibrium. A slight dis. location of this kind would undoubtedly set in motion a series of earthquake waves that might devastate the country far and wide, while a more extensive fracture might pro- duce such a catastrophe as man has never yet witnessed. Such suddenruptures of rocks are not impossibly the sources of the earthquake shocks so frequently experienced in mountain ous countries. Along the range of Alps, for instance, subterranean disturbances are of common occurrence, varying in force from hardly perceptible tremors up toZsmart and more or less destructive shocks. That mountain chain has a long and most inter- esting history, which takes us back to the European continent. Instead of having been produced by one primeval uplift, the Alps have been upheaved again and again, and during intervals of repose their crests and declivities have been slowly warn down as they still are to -day by Isom-, and ram, springs and brooks, rivers and glaciers. Yet the repose has only been comparative. That intense crumpling and contortion, the proofs ol which the tourist gazes at with wonder along the mountain sides that plunge down into the Lake of the Four Cantons has left the rocks below in a state of etrain from which relief is at intervals obtained by a sudden snip or crack. Whether or not any logical change of level May be apse- ciable, either in the way of elevation or sub- sidence, these subterranean tremors, "grow- ing paths" we might call them, must be re- garded as evidence that the building of the Alps is not yet a complete process. Attain, alone the oceanic borders of the continent, ear quakes are of frequent occurrence. Continents are areas that have been uprais- ed ; oceans lie in basins that have sub- sided. The tracts between these two re- gions of opposite movement may not im- probably be specially liable to be affected by stresses, the sudden relief from which will generate earthquakes. Mixed Up Baby and Turkey "Oh, you good-ior-nothing, drunken wretch," exclaimed a youthful matron as she reached her hand out from under the bed clothes to feel iu the cradle if the baby wa,s, wcovasehreocrl. masher ?" murmured her hug - band, rousing from a drunken dose. "Matter enough," she indignantly shrieked, 'Wake up and go down stairs and bring baby up here this minute," " Did bring him up ; he'sh in er cradle." " You did 110 such thing, you drunken brute. You wrapped the turkey I dreesed for Sunday's dinner in baby's blankets and rocked it in the cradle for an hour, you wretch, while baby is freezing to death down staira on the sofa." Epithet and Applioation. 1 A certain Dublin jarvey was d t•ivin g a very stout citizen whose trade was that of a fur- rier ; and, when he set him down, his fare offered him only sixpence. "Is that all ye're giving mCi" said the jarvey: " said the farrier • " that's your legal fare, my man, and it's all you'll get from rue ; so take it and go." The joyey, seeing it was hopeless to eXpect anything more, wise de- ter/rand to have it out of him somehow I so, concentrating all the scorn and contempt he could into his voice and facial expression. boageonetructor 1" he said, "Ah, go Ing out o' that, ye ould Fold at C. LUTZ'S, Agent, histeter, Sore Eyes The are always in, syinpathy with the body, mid afford en excellent index of ite cenditIon. 'When the eyes become weak, and the lids iaffinucti and sore, 11 18 au evidence that the system bus become disordered by Sere -tole, tor which Ayer's Sersaparilla is the best known, renuuly, scrofula, which produccd a painful in- flammation in my eyes, caused nie much sutrorlug tor a number of years, By the advice ot pilysittiail ceinnieueed taking .A,yees Sarsaparilla, After using title inedieine ifilin't time I was eonipletely Oured 1,711Yaeleteur ri iilortevi un Aids is) ltel.1(1)4.111 nese 1(1,t‘l. el K r.S. William Ono, Coneord, N. II, For a number of years was troubled with e humor My' eyes. mut wits unable to obtain any relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, This modielne has dint:tett a complete cure, and 1 believe it to be the best of blood.. purifiers, — C. E. Upton, Naslitai, 14. From childhood, nod malt .1In a few months, I have been afflicted tith Weak and Sem Eyes. I have usct .tor these complaints, with benctieial results, A yeras Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blood purifier. — Mrs. C, Phillips, Gle ter, Vt. I suffered for a rear with inflamma- tion in my left eye. 'Three ulcers formed on the hall, depriving ine of sight. end causing great pain. After trying mauy other remedies, to no purpose, I was finally induced to use .1yee's Sarsaparilla, and, By Taking three bottles of this medicine, have been entirely cured. My sight has been re- stored, mid there is no sign of hilliumna- dell, SUM, Or Weer in my eye. —.Kendal T. Bowen, Sugin• Tree Ridge,- Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflicted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During the last two years she never saw light of any kind. Physicians ot the higbest stuiding exerted their skill, but with no permanent success. On the recommendation of a friend I purchased it bottle of Ayer's Sar- Snparilia, which my daughter commenved taking. Before she had used the third bottle -her sight was restored, and she van now look steadily at a brilliant light with- out pain. Her cure is complete.— W. E. Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Masa. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. The Great English Prescription. 4. successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. (runroxiskl indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arrea) 81x packages Guaranteed to Cure when allothers g gs 111 bt sftoi teu Tt eh. e One SpEacnkagglishe Phlareisierrilkony,otUrakeDrUno 61. Six BS, by mail. Write forPainphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Pilch. For sale by J. W. Browning, C. Lutz, Exeter, andall druggists. C. 8c S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAIRS t _1 44..117 Furniture M a 17 ufacurers —A FULL STOCK OF— pt. Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above lino, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the ery best Hearses in the County, And Fuller:11a furnished and conducted a extremely low p11005. EMBLEM'S Or ALL TOE DIFFEBENT SOCIET:ES PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, - effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or itiblose poet - age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. Address THIC SURMA. ClIRAMA.14 ca. Dantorr, NEAP tar Sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning, C. Lutz, and all druggists. , ..„..s....„- , .-...i...4., fil r ‘,.4)/1-; .... 0...,14 Unapproached for 6,,,,,,ay&i,4_,g?-.:-47613 Tone and Quality CATia LOG if ES FR E Es 111 S Lrg kl BEL 11 01, Guciph, orit. THE C'ELEBRATED m's"; 110 CHASE'S ' VIM E.' Lig% FR LV LIVER ARID KIDNEY DISEASES " When an intelligent man wants to pur- stee, he bulls from parties whose standing in edr wvaral callings a guarantee fOr ilia rattlitp of their wares.' This ate:slims motto is Itanbly true in regard to patent medicines, bnY outs. those made by practical professional men, Dr. ChitAat lo too Web and favorably kriown by de receipt books to require any recominenda- . . donne Liver Citre has •n, receipt book wrapped around every bottle which Is worth its waialit in gold. 1)ft. 011.tem'S Liver Cure is guaranteed tO rano all diseases arising from a torpid or inaetlre 11'ver shell as 'Liver Complaint, Dyspepati, Ihnititgestion, •litnndiee. head* achz, itiVer SPots, !inflow Q'oniplexien, etc.. THE KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS • Ort.tan's Liver Cure is a certain cure for all derangements or. the kidneysAtch b8 Pahl in the liack pain lotver portion of the abdomeri, constant desire to pate) trine, rod and trbite saad.baterits, sheeting pains in passage, Bright's Menem and all urinary troubles, etc. , Tiy it, take to other. it will cure:gyn. Sold faa dealirs at $1.00 per bottle, • It% 11:410111tA, 6k co., vou, AOCNTe roe CAN DA. ' ensoreno