HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-3-10, Page 5NOW's N°terat General }3oatli, cf t#le Saleatien Araaa, Louden,Eng,, ltaa just been left q, legacy et . T 8000, Last year lkfr, 0. W. Bailey, pf Tfiglt duff;' Matta farmed 370 agree, anti throated 10,- 000 busbe!s of grain, 8,500 bushels of txltash was wheat, on which he oleered $2,400, Bowmarevilte merchant recently received an envelope containing $150 anti the follow .,.13Z 41arr Q ? 'New Mal oAli'11161 UI3 meteor 4tr11 etn efnal tnotartly afacpc tM t itItbArl oeriell6WKION rat" at7eettee- 'uma =MAIM. Dr. I3orgeon,'aleading trench doctor,fins new treatment for consumption t Irit4restilin g Iterllts, The ftl'st Cariacliall 'Raffle. bteauner fa oas. peered to lemic Hong Kong, for Yanc9111vep: 0arl.' In AV:, TktE BEST TELIM "1 Ilea daePaPsla fps' a .icing One. Wee') entirely cured by two battles 13urtloyk Blood! Bitters, !Ilia best mealtime fur ul re atipg and invigorstiugtliesystozn I badeaertaken,' He gives au enema of earbolxic acid and `1,;: J . Tanner`, Neebing P. O. Ont, ing letter ;--."I owe this much to yon. sulplturltted liydl'ogep gases, the latter gas. " Bussif} flue Ordered ,, Reseetaalan tolvua to Better for Ine to say it iia this world than in carr -iu the former into evory, Burt Of the be ready to supply large quantities of;hr'ead the' next," 1 throat Aild lungs,. ' The Government wilt ask Parliament at 'Tis treatment, too, is direoteri at effects—. the coming eeseiptl to vote $75,000 to estab- the cause remains undiatarbed, fish a permanent Infantry Company at Lon. What this cause is bras been stated by per - don and a Battery of Artillery at 'Victoria, baps the highest pulmonary aathorlty in B, C, the world, i. e;, the Biompten Hospital for There era over 400.dogs in Urcbriclge town. Consumptives, hl London, Eng. ship. Dog tags are sold at fifty edits latch This 'malady every year carries off from and the annual receipts from t111a source are one.seventh to oneef fth of the entire papu- $21.5. The amount expended last year for latiou of England, ! sheep killed by doge was $118. It pays to tan Dr, Payne, M. D., M. R. C. P., Loudon, is dogs. authority for titin statement. A woman. about 30 years of age, jumped The same or a greater proportion of through .a elude v in the TJnion depot To- deaths obtains in America. ronto, a e riday morning, and threw her- Dr, Pttyne also says that one-half the total self uncle be wheels of a passing railway number of deaths from all other causes nave train. I3 tilegs were cut off above the knees seeds of thie disease in the system which and her body mangled,. She died -instantly, only require some irritant to develop. and was carried to the morgue. Dr. Hermann Brehmer, au eminent Ger. The inventor of the chestnut bell has had man authority, says that consumption is felt House of Commons over the vote for the patented a new device, consisting of an caused by deficient nutrition of the lungs, Trish police,. elastic band connected with a bell fastened to by the blood, .. la D. the other side of the waist -coat. When the These authorities cannot be disputed. A. C ) a bell is struck a miniature rat rune across the The medical world recognizes them. ':.Che To all who era sufforiu from the o re and inch cretions of youth, nervous weakness, breast of the wearer and stops in full view �+ of the victim. To make it more effective the word "rats," in white letters on a bleak bank ground is inscribed on the rat. Probably the largest apple tree in the world stande in the garden of Mrs. Trickey, at the front of Lansdowne, in the county of Leeds and Grenville The tree is about one hon- dred years old, and was planted by John Trickey, a U. E, Loyalist. It now measures nine feet two inches in cirentuferonoe ; it is ten fent from the ground to the first limb , and is as straight as en arrow. The Board of Railroad Commissioners, in their report upon dile recent terrible railway disaster at White River Junction, Vermont. state that there were seventy-seven passeu- gers on the ill fated train. and exonerate the tram hands from blame. They attribute the accident to the breaking of a defective rail, and condemn the use of stoves and coal oil lamps in railway cars, Lumbermen report that there are from twelve to twenty feet of snow in the woods, and that it is impossible to do anything in Betting out logs. , The lumber trade will sus- tain great loss, and there is certain to be a great ectu'city of logs iu the spring. It is also feared that owing to the enormous depth of snow in the woods there will be tremendous floods and freshets when spring opens. The decision of the Imperial Government to grant clasps to all Canadian Volunteers actually under fire during the late rebellion will also apply to members of the North-west mounted Police similarly engaged. General Sir Fred Middleton has not yet been inform- ed ander what circumstances the trophies will ba awarded. He is ' also unaware whether his recommendation that extra clasps be granted certain officers for bravery under fire, has been acted upon or not. Aran - vete l upe'intendent of the Wiontt and St. Peter 'ailroad states that between Man- kato and ".'racy Minnesota, the snowdrifts are in many cases six feet above the tele- graph poles, and that linemen have to splice scantling to the tops of the poles to got the wires up where they could he used. Many of the drifts are 25 feet deep and packed so 1 of disease iu the lungs by tile irritant acids m bard that the company dare not attept passing through them. Then there is a lit - to send a snow -plow through them. One Ile cough in the morning ; soon thick, yel- thousand men are now at work shoveling low matter is spit up, followed by loss of snow between Mankato and Tracy. flesh end etrength, with dreadful eight CANADIAN Hessen FOR ran] Berrien sweats , and when the r atient goes to his CAVALRY. —A British officer—Col. Goldin— school physician for help, he is put on Gratt- an expertit#such treaters, sailed from England liver oil which his stomach, weakened idea lust Frida'for Cauadat commissioned, it is by uric acid in the blood, cannot digest. said, to aur naso five hundred horsos in this Becase there is no pain present in the kid- conntry fo the use of the English cavalry, nays, the patient does not thick they are andto make arrengenrents for a future annual affected, but the kidney acid is doing its supply. Canadian farmers will find it to their work every minute, every hour, day and interest to pay more attention to raising a night, and by-and-by the disease of the a good class of horses than they have done lungs has advanced. until pus is developed, in the past, A market once established with England would likely be permanent. An exchange says : —The Afail can be now put down as a square opposition paper. During the late election it did all that was possible to injure the Goneervatives. It is even said that bundles of the Mcril were re- gularly dispatched from the Globe office to be distributed in counties where the Catholic vote could be influenced. Since the electioa the Mail has been engaged iu'puffing up the abilities of Sir Richard Cartwright and other politiciaus,who a few months ago were made, by the same Mail, a target for all that was bad. It is now current rumor that Sir Richard has invested some of his capital in the paper, and that it will become straight Grit, using it influence in forwarding the claim of Sir Richard to the leadership, and then what will become of the Globe and Mr. Blake ? The uineteenth annual report of the In- spector of Prisons and Public Charities was submitted at the Legislative Assembly. It shows that as regards the position of matters on Sent, 30, 1885, as compared with Sept. 30 1385, the number el insane persons in the four Provincial Asylums was 2,899, an in- crease of 194 ; that the number of idiots was 218, a decrease of 11 ; that the total popul . 183 of theasylumspopulation, an increase of Homewood 183 ;tthat the population of Retreat remained unchanged. at 16 ; teat: the insane convicts iu the Kingston Penitentiary numbered 26, a decrease of 7 ; and that the total number of insane and idiotic persons in public institutions vas 3,254, au increase of 155. The insane iu private families number- ed 44, a deerease of 3, and the idiots num- bered 245, an increase of 51 ; and that the total number of persons known to the de- partment was 3,543, and an increase of 203. Setember 30; 1886, there were 704 inmates in th Toronto Asylum, 355 male, anil 349 • fenlalt,. .`Dotal expenditure in connection with tIio Toronto Asylum for the year, 487,- 053.50, The Asylum derives a revenue from 250 paying patients of $31,584.96, aG short no leo. E. July stook of all kinds o tie on Your (,4uarc1. Don't allow a cold in the tread to slowly Dye -stuffs and package and Milady deyelope Into Oatalrh when yoti eau bo cured for 25 pante. A. few applies Dyes, oonstantly will euro incipient Catarrh, One to on two home will curd ordinary uatarrb. One to tiye boxes will caro chronic) Catarrh, Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box.Try hazed, Winan's Dr. Cbaees Catarrh Cure—take no other --it Con(iition will cure you. 0, Lutz. sole agent for Exeter Powd- Te General of the Jesuits is dead. QUICK RELIEF. er S "One bottle of vlagyard's Pectoral Bassam eared me of a sore throat and loss of voice, the best One trial relieved me when all other med- icines failed," Says Mies J. McLeod of in the mark- :Belfountain, Ont. There was an excitiug debate in the Brit- et and always uric acid is the irritent in the blood that causes the development of the seeds which Or Brehmel says lie dormant iu the blood, early decay, loss of manhood, ext, I will solid a receipe that will cure you, PRIMOV CHARGE. Every particle of blood which passes hatgreatremedysouth was disc v ere t by a Sena self -ad - through the lungs and heart, also goes j y through the kidneys and if they aro iu the I dressed ouvolope to Itay, TOSEPLI T. INntnN • t l the blood of least derau ad they cannot r'u Station D, New YorkGtt its killing poison. Tho thousand little hair- I Rent.payers around Limerick were exteu- like sewer pubes of the kidneys very eaaiiy \ sively viotimizecl by ftre bugs on Thursday get blocked up and diseased ; and when night. they do, they corrupt instead of purifying A FAIR PROPOSITION. the blood. Kidney disease may exist, and There could be no offer more fair than yet no pain occur iu;that organ, because it is that of the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow, deficient in nerves of sensation. Oil, who kayo long offered to refund over$' Dip your finger in acid every day and it cent expended for that remedy if it fails to soon festers and is destroyed. Send acrid poi- Bice satisfaction on fair trial for rheturiatiem, nomad blood through the muga every second, plaints; sore throat and all painful com- plaints; and they soon give way. The Brompton Hospital investigation The adjournment of Congress Friday left a showed that 52 per cent. of the victims of number of importuut bills to perish. consumption wore afflicted with deranged The extraordinary popularity of Ayet's kidney, which permitted the uric acid poison Cherry Pectoral is the natural result of its to remain in the blood and irritate the lunge. use by intelligent people for over forty years. Tbie uric acid is always fightiug every vital It bas proven itself the very best specific for organ, and if Were be any inherent weakness colds, coughs, pulmonary complaints, iu the lungs it inevitably causes pneumonia, FIE SHOOK I1' oaugh and consumption. "I was subject to ague for two or three The real cause of pulmonary troubles be- seasons, which nothing would medicate until iug so authoritatively shown to be the faulty 1 tried Burdock Blood Bitters, einoe which oven though uususpeced action of the kid- time, four years, I have had no return of the nays, esl,htius why, in order to master the disease." W. J. Jordan, Strange, Ont. dreaded consumption, ono must rid. the blood The Winnipeg t ecount leaves Scarth Con - of the uric acid is rntant which inflames and eervative with a majority of eight. burns up the lung subatauce. For this par- Good Value. pose there is nothing to equal that groat Many sufferers buying medicine have been specific, Warner's safe cure. This remedy disappointed, don't give up, buy a reliable has now the favor of medicol men all over article like Dr. Chase's Laver Cure, and with the world pu"ely ou its own merits. We it you get a recipe beek alone worth the have no doubt that if the kidneys are kept money. in natural action, consumption and a great At the annual meeting of the Ontario many other diseases, paused by uric acid, Creamery Association in 'Toronto, last week, will not only be oared but will be prevented. ilir. John .flennah, of Seaforth, was elected When the kidney is healthy, no albumen President. appears in the water, but albumen is found AN OBSTINATE CASE. in the water of more than half of those who ••Ili the spriug of '53 I was nearly dead, as die of consumption ! everybody around my neighborhood knows. This, then, is the condition of thiugs that My trouble was caused by obstinate consti- always precedes consumption : First, weak- potion. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters ened kidneys ; second, retained uric acid, cured me entirely." This statement is made poisoning the blood ; third, the development by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie. Ont. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the spring of the year to purify the blood, invigorate the system. excite the liver to action. and restore the healthy tone and visor of the whole phy- sioat mechanism. Autrian military preparations are actively prosecuted on the Galician frontier. Children Starving to Death. On account of their inability to digest food, will find a most marvelous food and remedy an Scott's Emulsion. Very palatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Texas, says : "I have used your Emulsion in Idfa,ntile wasting.. It not only restores wast- ed tissues, but gives strength and increases fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug StoreExeter O. L V TZ. TO ADVERTISERS For a check for :520 we will print a ten -lino advertisement in, One Million issues of leading American Newspapers,'Me is at the rate of only ono-efth of a centa line, for 1,000 Circu- lation 1 Tho advertisement will be placed before One itlillion different newspaper pui- cbasers :—or 1!ivp MILYIION I1.EADEns. 'fen lines will accomodate about 70 words. Ad- dress with copy of Adv. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. GFO.P.ROWELL & 00, 10 SPnucis ST.,Ni:w Yonr.. TADtAItAC, For Hoarseness and all Broncll;al Trou- bles that usually effect public speflters, Tam' arc,e Elixir will give speedy relief, Try it. It The Sufferers leon1 ConSUIL1l)° tion, Serofola, and General Debility, wilt try ' Ddu't spare print. "v lr , Cod Oil, wise 6. Liver '• 11 'e is a i Rlt 1 Pure1 ho t ..I 1 �-YC (. , Scott's Emulsion of God L• Hypopllosphites, they will find irumeditt i era, Me," nor vest He atilel of the preeisee relief and a permanent benefit. Dr.. 11, mew, aolteu among c}.ile 1 utail taw Bonn, Brebtwo0d, Cal., writes . I have laugua g s 1 need Scott's Emulsion with great advantage and whether yen go into grinee li llglum • " ,rolula and \Vesting Holland, l Itis.sia, Do , f Ill ih tsts Sc. in cases o •tl , It, is very palatable," spin, Portugal, Swftzerlitutl na,y, we may Dasratos Reuert 1 } say all the kingdoms of the world ---and in a en- — " ihnnsau tl to.ugues they talk of '°I$olloway'e , ,r .. ref. AT . they utter 'VAT CAN LIV.B Al vi01IL A'N:l) \IAI�E , 1']lls t --n1 aL thousand l,Lirgnit,os y i'0 r Mimi art 1" We aeell, MONEY, "Holloway'e Ointment ro fltnnr t,ith botindiess wonder and a1tbn!s}Irtlont rout Make nto y h Crim a aLhead, Lt .it iOnl o6 n.lty❑• L- tYr oue Ductru d tine 11 one p 1 , t tl • man, i1 c rrt. cls L o , that n t lai r G a L of 6 • 1 thee. y L s t t tit work far 1 , 011 aro statteti d cleVise nil this , and rte 'say that, if world rimmed. lledcd; An. ono Can da plan an Both a ge ti egos. front u0 marl hes realty clang se, tlteru rnitst bo free the work: ' and ttimesure auric ttofust seam. o t1 outfit and terms free, Bettor net delay:; soma, wondet'ful curtttivs propartiets abOtIt for icKl CosyPrue ttfid Oltrtmcnt. _poet Closes 11 ts Closes you nothing to ad rLnd find out IL 112,t,tr.Ximole it wise yen bland, tta ne. so at INotiees. then come hemorrhages, and at last the the appetite:' glassy stare which denotes that the end is Several people have been rescued alive near 1 A poet-mortum examination of such cases from the ruins in the Riviera. JOYFUL NEWS. It is certainly glad tidings to the poor in- valid to he informed of a remedy that will give prompt and sure relief 10 case of pain- ful suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard's Yellow 0i1, adapted for external and internalr use In all aches, pains, lameness anti sore - nose. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, croup and all inflammatory pains. One hundred men were killed or wounded in the Bulgarian fights. ADVICE TO MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with Hain of Cutting 't'eeth? If so sond at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children FIn r rneS OF PURPOSE. Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will ,,,14 ve the pour little sufferer immediately. shows that the terrible uric aatd has com- pletely destroyed the substance of the lung. It is impossible to cure lung disease when the blood is poisoned with uric acid. Mr. C. P. Smith, of St. Marys, has sold hie pacing mare, "Lady Defoe," to a Detroiter, or $1,000. She is a fine piece of horseflesh. St. Marys papers are already grumbling about cotes Tuning at large. It would be too bad should a cow now enter a man's garden and destroy his yegetables. MEN OF EXTRAORDINARY NERVE AND A.t Toronto, Il'ivery Barrel C'tlal',tklteed. Tiles Qi1 vas used on all roaehiner , aurin Exblliftioli. It lies titan avv.arded 3:. GOLD 0LD.11IEDAL .4nrin.g the a±tst tbree years, r ' $ee that you get Peerless. It la only n4tob F.UiI aA';L i3X! L S. 'L tai 4RD, ,; The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Sperratorrhhea, NervousE Weakness, missions, Impotency,„ i Ft!t. and all diseases caused by abuse [BEFORE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. airmen] Six packages Guaranteedto Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for Tho GeeatEnfin„h b.'eeertptlon, take no substitute.e Ono package St. Six 35, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Luta. Just Arrived Amongst men who have forced their way to fame and fortune, we may natne, asj au example to all, worthy of imitation, the Weems and justly celebrated Thomas Hollo- way, ;batter known throughout the "wide, wide world" for his Pills and Ointment. Of these medicines it is not our purpose to speak—we are not writing puff, but solid plain facts, to show what can be done by great strewth of mind ; and that what one man has done another may do, provided that he has the ability and determination to use it watt all his soul 1 We read of the Great Napoleon, whose am- bition it was to conquer the world, but Hol- loway bas done something else, tor, instead of shecling oceans of human blond, lie has eared his thousands, and spread great joy among the poor sons and daughters of affliction by his wonderful Meclioines ; cud, although he does not pretend to "rise the dead," yet he has given strength to the halt and soundness'to the latae ; and if he has not "opened the eyes of the blind," lie has soothed the pain -worn, and comforted thole on the brink of the grave ; and in tint four quarters of the globe hie preparations have found their way—tot by the force of the sword, not with the aid of Ie'ions, but L+aee been silently borne on the bosom of olii ocean in our huge merchant ships to every corner of the citi izocl world where suiferit:g diem ie to be found, But to do all this gigttutie work, to eccoie- plislr so woucleroun a deed, required much thought and much energy, for without there combined, tithe lnithty work could not ante i•,een aecotnpliseed. Anel thus lie did tt '_.eyelid upon it, mothers : there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrb.ma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, sultans toe Gum s,reducesInflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ",Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste cud is the proscription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses iu the United States, an is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Ptice twenty-five coats a bot- tle, Be sure and ask for "Mise. WINSLOw's So°THING SYROP "and take no other kind, Charleston was slightly shaken again Friday morning. Tho Lynchburg Virginian, established in 1808, suspended publication Saturday. CONSUitiPTION CULLED. An old physician, retired from practice, hal, iug had placed 111 his hands 0y an R ant Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speech and permanent euro of Consumption, I3ronellitie, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, else a poei- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows, Actuatedby tL s ir.ctive and a desire to relieve human sufferi b -..i send free of charge, to all who desire lt, this recipe, in Crerrnan,rrenelr 01 Enelisb, 'With full directions fn preparinganrl using. Scut by hail by address ngwithstamp, naming this 1a ar,W, 1 .Noy':.s,140P,otwer'slilock,hcehester, Parliament meats A.+'ril 111, Canvassers Wanted ! IMMEDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY TO SELL .L lnfi1nrY OANADLIN. nook„ A FINE LOT OF ENGLISH BLACK Breakfast Tess. FINEST l€8 THE MARKET. —AT— HERSEY'S .i11 "SE_ Dexter': Condition Powder:, SOLD ONLY AT Scarlett's Drug Store, DiSSUUTltN OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the business heretofore conducted under the name of Spackman Bros. has been desolved this day by mutual consent. Tbe business will be carried on by Mr. H. Spackman, and all accounts due the late 4rm must be palct to him at once. H. Sr•ACIr11AN. E. SPAC151IAN. Exeter, Jan. 71h, 1887 [3 —in.] THE LOOK Published by the A. B. S. New York. OF WONDERS• CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. " STARTLING REVELATIONS, Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States. Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should have a copy of this work. IT's JEST TETE THING ; IT TELLS ALL, AND IS '1C0 GOOD TO BE WITHOUT. Sent by mail, postage maid, on receipt of prit e, 50e., or three books for 81. M. 3. OOLLINS, Welland, Ont. YOUNG MEN Suffering from the effects of early evilhab'ts, tbo result of ignorance or folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted,; also 341Dn11) AGED and OLD MEN, who ere I/1'01(011 do wit from the effects of abase oroVer-work, ai10 in arivanced lite feel the cpneequen chs of youthful excess, sond' for and num) i1. V. Lnbon's '.treatise on Diseares of Men. The hook will be sent sanded to any al - dress on receipt of two 30. stamps, Address l4f. V.LIMON, 47 Wellingk.m St. E. Toronto. Sam 1387. 1—y do1cribing tho -wonders of our 0ws country ttrtll tttrtllrrt' Inriclenta of travel and adven- ture, 'Ellis is by far the most salatibl0 sal ncriptl00 book over pullllsltad.in Canaria. Not eo1 yrivlo3lascraps r n ork, richnd ly a0 profubse1yy1.illnst taafr- ed, 1a energetic Ino u tvko wilt1 promise to can. vacs at least one townsltilr, we trill offer the 111081 liberal [Aide Cana ants. As wo ni an IIfaetill'e tiro book ourselves noon our own promises, we U , a heart of mules.. t ntha s rltff Siubr,l i it eye 1 •, •ices retail ar • while 61st, i i t t r � low figure, 1 e• rave 'yore fi eye it g ln.cos the cvot•lt cite in'tlte roach of all classes. i 1 «r d ni,a. •!t i. •eco tee tl n toil tl t p ) lett O a for #v At1 t 'r1 war county l L ]O man in 0 �' ��O want at 162 S6 Ol � Also ,6110 "Neap Done Parallel i31bles," and Pitotobrapty .Llbettis in oyer 300 0211' es. I r. ir6t G.13LAt,XwT i+..11ROxi%XSC)N'y 6 animate Sae TOrtotati POW/of WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING ,. JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIRELIS, ACitHTY:OF STOMACH THE RHEUM Y SALT 1 DRYNESS HEARTBURN, HENDHEADACHE',SKIN OF THE , Aditi sv0ry' speoids of diseisa iat'4tsiii , a Zd'T'ER, _ XZDAEP'S, I"i'tlut dlsbiltfoz".aT I STtCMiAtTC�t BOWELS' OR?BLObD, Tu lYll lSU',i1 LV & COU,, 15lo1rdOROt>iTOr aea201 e °� °``1(- O e, Vii G. 4• fid �c35. fi5, o S �'1�¢0 • oS \-o�b 2S { b 2a� •d w1° °0D� `D X25 O' w+ �• D1 2 rt• ° w2 w t 2 `�G ?rG GS2�b - rf' ,y y' 2�.1p.'S °° psi " �o ti 4 ,at. 9� S10 2 5' C •\e 2y�° �O 1 C 21fi� `Jeb 44' \" -s- °a' 60 sc,2 t°' rr~~ 41: $ � .yw 9r�, 1' o0 20, 9, o O aha% S o1'' c ,toe' r� hyo 0,d b w'c` Oo` 6vo 4� test to w, `a• csae twat Ora+ testi to° foo -e cc, GS' eaetC •�,~�, • ,9, 9cy. 15 tr i 4 4ape N� tt•P lea �� w,4r9 >`e+,ea t��4 • Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 7S, New Oxford Street, late 538, Oxford Street, London. Purchasers should leek to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. JAMES PICKARI? WILL OFFER, AS LONG AS THEY LAST Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth $1.00j 28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 25c. 28 Inch. Union Flannel — for 15c. Line of Cloth Dress Goods for 10c., 12c., 15c., [worth a great deal more.] Cood Ove •ooat for $5.0O. ALSO A LARGE ''STOCK OF Better Goods at Hard Time Prices, Every Goocl All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Department Cohn -fete and Goods Away Down to slut the times. TaL"7 MOUND. NO DAMAGED- OR (SHELF - WORN GOODS IN THJ] ABOVE OFFERING. E rsf.. o �e t.., 1 1J/.l� C(% ( AD Y N A 11 � 1t tido ta.lois w {n".r .K v a ,�. roe✓ lw A.,4.�� u �✓ ] 1'Y /t iWEEK. i!p