HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-09-29, Page 23m1f A GARAGE SALE at 191 QUEEN STREET on OCTOBER 1st 9-12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. 39x DANCE Pineridge Chalet RR no. 2-Hensall SATURDAY,"OCT. 1 9'P.M.-1:00 A.M. once to. Re, "Joe Overholt and the Standbys" Try our spareribs, chicken, fish, shrimp, and burgers. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 262-2277 236-4610 236-4213 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; T�URSD 1Y,'SEPTEMI ER 29,1977—•PAGE 23 Blyth Festival plans busy fall and winter program The Blyth Centre for the Arts is happy to present a winter program of theatre, music, and film. 'The theatre season opens with Theatre Passe Muraille's Shakespeare for Fun and Profit on Tuesday, Come see Come hear Come meet Home Jack Horner Stratford Coliseum Thursday, Sept. 29 6 p.m. Get tickets (•7) from your Federal Liberal Assn. 1�} • PROCLAMATION Town of Clinton Officially designates Sept. 26th to Oct. 2nd CONESTOGA COLLEGE WEEK Harold Lobb, Mayor issamsw Shakespeare was never like this Theatre Passe Muralile presents Shakepeare fo Fun and wPt�f1t • A sponsored by Blyth Centre for the Arts Blyth Memorial Hall 8:30 p.m. "Tues. Oct: 11, Wed. Oct. 12 Tickets: Adults, $3.75 Senior Citizens, $3.00 Children 82.50 Available at: *Campbells of Goderich •Mary's Sewing Centre, Clinton •H & h Discount, Lucknow •Waxworks B2utique, Wingham •Huron Expositor, Seaforth •The Standard, Blyth. t7 rpt • u�cic�v1),SOM4140�v��ucMPAv�v1 lAMu.,un / OAP P XI)cic�PALV vuuuuM. SPECIAL NKSGIVI NG DINNER eFttlt BAYFIELD • 565-2611 SUNDAY, . = N1,,s,..-'94:") �4.aiOCTOBER 9th ''"Iii. ',WV 5:00 p.m. OR 7:15 p.rn. ir MONDAY 1 1 1 OCTOBER 1 oth, _ .- ,-- 1:00 P.M. ._ ,.... • ; i- �a , ,a A +� , 4 ; 2 + , '%* s ' :4 "...)THA e1 4, is g� _ , z; r' + + Y, i. .:Turnip ', .: ii,: '. ? +• -MENU- Grapefruit mulled elder or cranberry cocktail Hors d'ouevres , Carrot salad or poached salmon salad, herb dressing or Tossed salad with choice of dressing Roll and Relishes . Roast turkey with savory dressing, or roast beef with Yorkshire pudding whipped potatoes or Cauliflower with cheese sauce and minted teas. Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream or Hot brandied mincemeat sundae or Fresh Fruit Cup , „Chess* Troy - fruit Bowl - Mints,`r Coif*. tea and milk °ICI•1/2 Pr Children � •504)erAdult �t, Under 12 Rsservations requlrod---863.2611 e foo • ilei 'r%, 1rii`\:411 Ai YAif.twYs11znoirreiti Yiv;n ailr ;moltao,, no ti ie,viii\11(4. October 11 and Wednesday, winter. Octobver 12 at 8:30 p.m. This An adult's, film series will play presents an updated begin Wednesday, November version of Shakespeare's 9, at '8:00 p.m. Movie titles Midsummer Night's Dream% will be announced at a later Tickets will be available at date, local ticket outlets and the There will he three musical Blyth Centre for the Arts office. Phone 523-9300 for. information. The first film presentation is Lassie Come Home. Saturday afternoon, October 8. The children's film series P1ayhouse h Preparations* continue for will continue throughout the the Provincial Draw at the 1.I-Iuron Country, Playhouse set 4"'4'-8 , for Friday, September 30 at 7:30 p.m'. A temporary 80 foot tower has been constructed near the theatre by the Global Television people. Additional telephone equipment has been installed by Hay Municiple Telephones. "A large number of people are involved in working out all the details," said James Murphy, Playhouse Maner. Four volunteer students from South Huron District High School will assist in loading and unloading the three tractor Sunda y Special .00TOBER 2 DEEP-FRIED CHICKEN with Mushroom sauce. [I Creamy mashed potatoes or french fries, buttered green peas. The above includes soup or juicer salad, tea or coffee. flDessert: Banana Split ALL $3 9S (I FOR • Debbie's Cust,ard 'Cup 2 MILES SOUTH ,OF CLINTON ON HWY. 4 �AT VANASTRA ROAD n 482-9896 fi __Ak • x __ "Cavaliers" Sat. , OCt. 1St at White Carnation Holmesville Dancing 9:30 - 1 a.m. with Late Night Smorgasbord •8.00 Per Couple Phone 482-9228 or 524-6368 Reservations held until 9:30 p.m. VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE FML '77 PROGRAM Registration at the Centre the week of October 3, 1977 MONDAY -SATURDAY 1:00-5:00 p.m. MON. & WED. EVENINGS 6:00-9:00 p.m. Program 5tarts.the week of October 11/77 Watch for our Fall Brochure mailed to your household VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE 482-3544 TH 3RD ANLAL VAN EC.MONDIMINDATION iderrest Cider . Making . Steam Engine & Shingle Mill Spinning Quilting Entertainment Crafts Sausage Stuffing Displays Refreshments Flea Market & Much, Much More SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 11:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. In the grounds of the historic Van Egmond House, Egmond- ville, Ontario. (1 mile south of Seaforth) THE HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH We are pleased to announce the first ANNUAL MEETING of the Board of Directors for the Huron Centre at Clinton Public" School on Wednesday, October 5 ' 7:30 P,M. - The Board of Directors will be elected from those nominated, at this meeting. Dr. Paul Patterson, Psychiatric Consultant to the Centre will speak on "Tbe• Role of the Family In The Treatment of Troubled Children." All residents of Huron County are invited to attend and vote. variety frights, a Christmas concert, a Robbie Burns night, and a Fiddle and Step Dance competition. . The winter program at Blyth is a reflection of the Blyth Centre for the Arts'• desire to provide good en- tertainment' for area residents. It is hoped that the Blyth , Sun4mer Festival will grow into a year round festival of the arts. as Provincial Draw trailertrucks of special equipment; The Playhouse is presen- ting a brief show, "Playhouse Personalities", before the telecast. Alicia Jeffery, Peter Purvis, James Saar, Teresa Castonguay, Joan Hanna and the Dance Plus Four Com- pany are among the per- formers. • Fred Davis is host of the Provincial Draw, which will be telecast live at 8:30.. Spectators' will have to be in their seats by 7:30. Admission tickets are now on sale at $3 for adults.and $2 for students (high school age and under). There are no reserved seats and latecomers will not be admitted. Tickets are available at the Playhouse and also at the Bank of Montreal branches in Grand Bend, Zurich and Hensall, and in Exeter at the Times -Advocate.' For ad- ditional information, phone 238-838. Brownies get Jubilee badges The second Brownie Pack met on Wednesday, Sep- tember 14 after school at the Clinton Public School. They played a game of catch and Mrs. Coventry. put the Tweenies into their Sixes. They had our circle, sang songs and worked on their badges. At the pow -wow, Mrs. Coventry gave Jubilee badges out. and made some announcements. The meeting then closed with the taps and the Brownie squeeze. All had a good time. - by Suzanne Walker, Gnome Six. Weekly Entertainment fri.'& Sat., Sept. 30 & Oct. 1st THE WILDWOODS * Dinner Reservations accepted'ti! 8:30 p.m. * No Cover Charge for this Great Entertainment, come in and dine in our relaxing atmosphere. * Sorry we cannot accept reservations for enter- tainment,,first come, first served basis. TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR - FRIENDS... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. OUR HOT BUFFET IS SERVED' • THURS. & FRI. 12 NOON - 2 P.M. Come as you are We are open 11:30 a.m. til 1 a.m. Mon. thru Sat. and Sunday 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Candlelight Restaurant & Tavern Licensed under L.C.B.o BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524.7711 *********** * NOW PLAYING * * * UNTIL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 "Exotica" COMING MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 TO SATURDAY, OCT. 8 "Blue Maxx" ELM ElM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON STEP DANCING 47 LESSONS 4-0/Q Starting Soon Ages 5-12 FOR INFORMATION 482-3716 Attention!ndors Flea Market is being ,. established at 1Ganastra Park Hwy. 4, Clinton which will operate Saturdays and Sundays. inquiries are welcome regarding rental of indoor space. Contact Mrs. P. Bridges 482-7910. Thanksgiving Dance at the VANASTRA PARK RECREATION CENTRE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 9 P.M. - 1 A.M. MUSIC BY:. "Chris Black and his Swinging Brass" ADMISSION: SMORGASBORD 810. PER COUPLE ' LUNCH INCLUDED SPONSORED BY VANASTRA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: MRS. BRIDGES 482-7910 DEBBIE'S CUSTARD CUP RECREATION CENTRE, VANASTRA 11 utumn 'Dance Sponsored by Seaforth - entenaires Saturday Oct 1 '9 pm to 1 am Music by Star Trex Seaforth Community Centre Advance Tickets $5.00 per couple At the Door $6.00" per couple' Tickets available from members of the Centenaire executive, Bob & Betty's, and.. the Queen's Hotel. Operating under L.C.B.O. special occasion permit. MYBOYS AND GIRLS HAVE W[ON ES" FINN SP[(I FOR YOU. Knights of Columbus 01008ERFOST '77 Saturday, Oct. 8 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Entertainment - Refreshments - Food Served 7-8 p.m. Dancing, Music and Sing -a -Long, featuring Seamus Doherty, M.C. & the Paul Bros. Dancing 9 p.m. - ? to "Star Trex" ALL AT THE SALTFORD VALLEY HALL TICKETS: 820.00 PER COUPLE PHONE S. DOH E RTY 482.7848 3 Pieces of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken' Golden Brown French Fries Creamy cote slaw Grecian Briad OFFER GOOD ONLY WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5th, 1977 Colonel Sanders' bogs and girls make It flinger Itckin'tood. colon}I O.nd•►r R•eip•Melt. I, 9 , I,.. tn 94 Elgin Ave. A CANAh1AN COMPANY Goderich, Ont. NOTE: Spetkd Coupons or Lebeis NOT VALID this day.