The Exeter Times, 1887-3-10, Page 1rH. DICiliSON, Barrister, Soil., • caw suvromo Court, No Lary Penile OoltveYtlosSZ ;:lotrintissioner, 4;c. Money te 0 thee; S"st A.; s Illeolt,Exeter, IV1 • AloVADl)EN , Barrister, 1iojtr, Cenveyancer, -;-.7-7-fflfp!Rolirfs&z.!!!", say who paid for it or, Whether it Was paid or or not ; tho partio;.i. with ivliolo I drank . wp:fsle'esre liigt:axaslslit'''''I tlf 0(111' dwlili(t)-1,tt lc ttl:(e)lca;nysollioncy f not', say vriest the otheis took ; anteanswer. questions of svIiich I know nothing • eau rieipetvileictalicitLdelif(r, ti.wkeepe a public: bottses deft. si., Quemet vs, IfeasEv-i)effsrefused to .. •IIMIYAil oscarActurammkuiramanuar-plead. Sameel Fausou, eworn :,--Live in --4s9Ssa"""s"s"ssmss••"""'""sr°"`"maliu''''''''""""'""rwm°7-"°""mr!"' Exeter am acqecsinted 'with Ms.".1-Isreey I , ISSIESS 'WE, e . ONT.. '' HEW TO THE LINE LET THE ()HIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. . got Lit t t, , 2, dvi 1 a bieplace between8,tls Dete.: asid. Office SarnwelPsI3lock. flall s old oillee.) ., h , . 1th Feh'y • "had bottled alt.. , ,, NO iekey, nothing else excepting water ; 1,t Ives not EXETER, ONTARIO, THURS1OAY MORNINer, MARCH, 10, 1887. pa',W,Illi:c1,1Zni?,'L',i.f.71,ZA, tkiaidi-19r. byine no ')°11Y e1 4e' exeePtiClir seersey, when he bought ; I work -or DENTAL . VOL. XIV. NO 32. him ; deft, eupplied the liquor. C• CARTWRIGHT & SON, Dentists, P` , emt,i0 Somali 'Having furnished fine Dents, RoOnla On JAMS -T, 2 Doors East of Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont., we take pie tteure in informing the public that we are Prepared to exeente all branches O f the dental pxofessien with L'aso and Skin. Charges Moderate ana in Cak.b. 11 TUNSMAN',DENTIST.L.D,S E.xtra ets Teeth without pain, by giving Vitalized Air, or by using the N ew Leval Autest lie - tic on the vine ; makes Gold Filings and all other dental work the beet possible. Rooms trPstaire in SAMWIMI,'ES Bnoca, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL LuTz, Ai. D., \J • Ofticeitt hisreaidence Exeter, , T W. BROWNING M. D., M. U • p,S ,G raduate VictoriaIIniversity.Office andiresidence,Dom-nionLaboratoz v, Exe ter I)RYNDlVIAN, coroner for the -1--• County of Huron, Office, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M.0.. 2.8 0. Office, Main St.Rxeter,Ont.Residen ce heuserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. nR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, and the pres- ervation of vision ; diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and distharges from the oar; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a fvequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a. common cause of mpai"ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. TjENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioueer for Hay, Stephen, and MoGilli- rray:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate :axes. Unice -At P oat -office, Crediton, Ont. TON GILL, A.uotioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborue Village and the of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. ....•••••••••••ne, VETERINARY. rrENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- 1 nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario VeterinaryCollege, Toren- to,have op ened an office forth*. treat tment of all DOrneetit0 Animals, on Msinstre Exeter. Calls from a at prompt'y IMP0BTAITNOTICE. 7 DREW'S HALL TO nnNT. Seating Capacity, 700.' -APPLY TO - CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1584. Is an Assmation of business and professsion. a men, haying forits object the COLLEC- TION 0L? inraws ; and to prevent its members from making ,bad. debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become mem ',era, by remitting $7.00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will roc Ave by re- turn mail full narticulars, certificate and mem- bership, &e, Send for testimonials., .J. BIDWELL MILLS & CO., Managers, Hamilton. WARNING,---AllInarties are warned against ROUND THE COUNTRY. 13y Our 011771 Correspondents, Granton. Ata meeting of the Biddulph Ag'i Socay held in this village on Blotch 1st, it was deeided to hold the spring show at Granton on Tuesday, 19th day of .April. Dashwood, T3f$12orri.,e. Bantii.--Business is reported dull the past week. -The mail was . delayed Friday eveiling, owing to the breakdown. ---The tettendance at the debate Fridey evening was very s mall. -H. W lert, gave .the boys Council met 'March. 5th. All the mem- Cross examinaeciou :-I did not pay fov ; he gave it to me in 4 friendly way and free, some as is done at other private rishleueee in town ; got it in the kitchen and dining it given bers preeent, iNlinutes of the previous Meet -1 room ; dal not pay for it, nOr WaS ing read.and signed. IVIoved by J: Halls, ' to me in return for worl; Performea, hut, as seconded by Ws' Kydd, that the offer of . 3:. lia`'e. said lief°r° it' li4endsiliP ° be. asked gave a fine exhibition on the Roller Skating seconded by W. Kydd, that the seleetors of deliver cedar if I was dry, and took me , into 'the 'house Jas. Howard to furnish mid an oyster supper, Wednesdisy eveineg.--- lumber kr ,the use of the municipality he and gave Me drink, , • , • . Crown :—Do not wish to work for Mr. - E Xamina,tion resumed by Com -Seel . for Saturday afternoon, . Mr, NorthsWorthy accepted. -Carried. Moved by T. Cameron 1 Rink. After the exhibition he had a go es jurors receive the sum Of $5,00 each for the I iferseY 15eeause be supplies me with dank ; This year the Socsety is in better shape you please race. 1, he enteries were not very year 1886. -s -Carried. Moved by. j. ,Halls he pays me in full for Work done • I charge than ever, and the spring show . gives many„, bet the race caused considerable ex- seConded by J. Shier, that the Treasarer'L hun 'Sallie Price as 'tuy °lie els° in't°`Arit promise of being an ireportant one. .citemerit.. One Of , our retired merchants bends be acceptech-Carried, 'The Clerk was Emanuel Bissett. next Witness sworn :-- -.......,- being an excellent skater on ice, thought ne authorized to order cedar Manlier for the S. Live in Exeter ; 'am eonstable of the county - could' win the prize on the rollers. He W. N. NV. and N.' E. Wards. Moved by of , Huron ; received a warrant to search Mr- ..--- ' started 'off like a 'runway horse, but ap- J. "falls, seconded by W. Kydd, and. re- nerseY's Premises and searche&Ms 110110 ' t . I roVemen ass 0 • . under that warran:t ; 1 found thiiiks .just as parently did not get tlie right combination, solved that the following accounts he paid, Baikva..-L-The Ito s t Cl f ' coming in on the first. lap on the back of hie viz :-S, Skinner, polline booth, No. 3,, local he admitted to Inc they -were-4 clez. bottles this pities, gave their Britt entertainment m the Methodist church, and was well at- tended' by piing. and .old. "Beware of , the little elay man was well rendered, hessqlse speed Qf a C. 1'. 3, express tram, but did not.take, but the piece that took .' fii,otting to stop at the. winning peat, he the Cakei was entitled "The last hyinti."- 1 Wont hang against the boarif partition of the Mrs. H. Eesery has resigned her post at dre!Sing room and for a time it was difficult the organ, and the vacancy has not been filled as; yet. Some . people wish to be Coaxed: -Great excitement over the Scott Act trials, ' sesea-s-s Ailsa Craig. Centralia. neck and left ear. Starting off on the, eouond, lap on allfoars, he did very well, endsbefore penning, hi on- the last round he -- March 5. -At 4:30 this morning fire was discovered in Nicol's blacksmith shop, and by prompt action on the part of the to discern whether the °hempen skater was in the ring or dressing room. He was so badly mixed up with the partition that the -mantoger of the rink was obliged to send for OM! city carpenter, who came with a saw and hammer and released the poor victim. He won the race, but will not be in eondi- tion to enter another race for several weeks., 1.--.1101 1 I • Hay. election; $1.00 R Gadiner, pollingbooth, , • of ale M the cellar of his grocery store No. 4, local election $1,00 • jos. ph,ons thera. were no barrels or kegs that oontained p 011th g booth, No. 2', boom, e'leetaane elm° liquor ; am positiv,e the bottles etst6ined iNf. Semwell, ca,re of J. Hewitt SS wife $13.- ale ; cannot say whose make ; r. ,He'sycY 00 ; T. M. Kay, selecting jurors 1886, se._ formerly kept a liquor store on this same Ws Holman, selecting .joirersests$6, premises ; there are counters in the gvdcery -$3,00 • ThOs, Haywood, seleethig jarorse Store ; the cellar in which the liquor was '1886, 0 ; W. Dishman, keeping w, kept is in the rear of the buildieg, stark 824.70 ; Hbegeee, repairing cid. Cross Examination :-?dr. Hersey told non vert deepening flitch, $2.00 ; A. Stewart, he had the liquor in the celler, and that it repairing culvert, $1.00 ; E. Stone, keePing was for his piivate use ; Mr. S. keeps a lP. 13ennett, $9.00 J. Hunter wood for grocer3r store; the groceries are sold over hall, $2.00, On motion the douncil ad- an ordinary counter ; theie were barrels in journed, to meet 7th May, at 11 o'clock a. the cellar, but they positively contained !having anything to do with R. Faulkner,hailing • building ; searched three apartments; think . vinegar • I tested the vinegar, and it was from St; Marys, he having been discharged, G. W. Hossuast, Clerk. good • t 10. he entrance to cellar is in rear of preserves were on same shelf on which I found the bottled ale ; counted the bottles ; there were 47 -all sealed. This concluded the evidence and the court adjourned until after dinner, when a decision would be rendered. At 3 o'clock court resumed. Addresses were asked. from, the connsels, but as one 4 o'clock, when .the hour of giving decision wsaaiciite:_cl for the other to open until nearly had arrived, Mr. Gowanlock, arose and "As neither gentlemen have anything to say, 'we shall have to proceed. and render our decisions. In the case of the latter, Sprague against Hersey, I might say that the evidence here adduced being prima lade anti convicting, we can do nothing else but fine him for keeping liquor in his cellar, which was formerly used as 0 liquor store." Judgment was passed. He further said : "In the other three cases (at this juncture in the proceedings, the counsel forthe Crown aroseand said that he wanted the information re -Hersey amended, andwhere it read 'keep- ingliquor" he wanted it changed to "keep- ing for sale." To this counsel for deft. oh- jected, stating that the information could not be amended after judgment had been passed, and that it was something unheard of in a British court of justice.) The amend-. 'inent was allowed on the plea that judg- lment had not been passed upon Hersey. l,These are the facts .connection with the 'eLev.,;.bble as er repooter's notes. 550 a,nd $3.82-6blitresongtWill'QTSVae cOm- witted and fined 550 with 55.17 costs ; as also were Portiee and Brimacombe, with e $1.32 and 55.45 costs respectively: In each of the above cases an appeal has been en- tered, and the evidence will again be taken at'Goderich in Jtme next. 13 LAURANCE'S Specta,cles & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only ones recommended b the President and Vice -President's of the edical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they are ixt the market. B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked 13.L., with- out which none are genuine,-andpebbles are stamped Pebbles, Do not be deceived by. any genes stamped Pebble -glass -or by any Blinn, iarity in name.—DR. BBC WNINts, SOLE A othar ran ExIITER. attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&11 IN ORDER TO MAKE ROONI alway on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. ATONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES t ate fortlaeHUrell& Erieaoan say- .aeheaSe c let v. Lew rptes,of interest. Apply to ;Tenn ipacatman,Exebest ,t • NIONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i percent.according totem; s . Private Funds. Apply to B. V.ELLIUT , August15, 5' Solicitor, Exetef. , iviON TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6.1 -LLB- percent, S425,000 Private Funds. Beal Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN. --Persons wishing to borrow money will take no- tice that I am. now loaning County Ponds at 0 per cent. WM. HOLMES, Co. Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, Godericsis September 27th,1886.) INSUBANCE. Sprin --40R OUR- • fire brigade it was confined to the black smith shop and Allen's oil house. Loss to buildings, totally consumed, $200 ; geon, of which notice appeared in these The adjourned cases of violation of the eDIUMTIS last week a correspondent says Scott Mt came no for hearMg on Mouclay been n c ec in lig or a ' , (') c ectators f ein a er end had Referring to the death' of Mrs. Stur- The Scott Act Trial. Nichol's tools and stock $300 ; Allen oil She had b i ' 1 1 i healthf last before Alessrs Gowanlock paid. Wan - powder, etc., about $200. Had the fire number of years, but it was not thou ht lass, J. P s. All c one ted were on land was so i ar, as she the village and surrounding C'ountry. I3et- have lost the best part of the business been able all winterto take an occasional portion of the village, as the buildings drive, out, and on Christmas day especiallyter order was preserved than on the pre - burned were within twenty feet east and vious occasion. After Mr. Scott, counsel she spent a very pleasant time with her for Crown had muted to some length, the west of the Main street stores. friend, Mrs. Wilson, they little thinking Court opened not been promptly checked we should te h g at 10 o'clock,with about 800 s 1.-4-0•11 it was the last Christmas they were to Quener vs. Wiramer.--The defendant St. Marys. spend together on earth. On Sunday, declined to plead. Mr. Brenner, let witness LENTEN SEASON.- -Lent began on Wed- February 16th, she was noticed to sucl- called, testified : Ilive li miles south of nesda,y of last week, an le o - d tl X man Oath iit denlv grow worse than usual. A doctor Dashwood, township of Stephen; am ac- t" quainted with Mr. Willert ; was at his wao once sent for, but all to al - mg regulations during the period of ing of the 25th ult., when she peacefully Poie, as she rapidly sank till the oPmo-rn- something to drink. I asked for Scott Act ?lies of the diocese will follow the follow's house between Dec. Sth and Fela'y 21, got aud got Scott Act; am at a loss to tell you penance and mortification. Every departed this life, aged. 59. She, with what it was; it didn't make me climuk ; it Catholic is obliged to abstain from the use her, husband, who died 14 years ago, might intoxicate if I took sufficient of it-; of flesh on Ash Wednesday and the three following days; everyWednesclay, Friday moved from near Montreal in the year dare say there was intoxicating liquor in it; '56, and then bought the farm which they I could not swear it was whiskey; you can - MIA Saturday of the first five weeks of and their family have occupied since then not swearwhat you drink ; sometimes I Lent ; also on Palm Sunday and the six till the present. So she had been, the paid for liquor drank ; the liquor was sup - (Abel: days of Holy week. The use of resident of the one place for over 30 plied by Landlord. Gross examby connsel meats is' allowed on every other Sunday years. The friends and neighbors of the for defendant. I did not get anything of Lent as also on Mondays, Tuesdays deceased showed sympathy aud kindness intoxicating . I called for Scott Act and. and Thtireclays of the first five weeks. in anunmi t rebl b their untiring got -what fsupposed was Scott Act. I can- itivel that there was intoxicat- 0-0-0.MS Sodom.. family by day or night to attend and k;etrorts to assist the other members of the innogt liajuopositively it; dare say there was intoxi- eating liquor M it it is 'wait, up111.efonj9.yyto on her through her illness, and do ; difficult to what liquor is composed of ; I felt no effects say 1pito ects t! , 410,J4.1.3 pass,1uwap4.,1: to s,twoelsthr,s„ss. Arank . ;,_...e, e_ e - s mpurLaclurio—rafiiila re' linlIS. Tait Wetinegil. bereiremng., do to oomsdrs; aria relieve her iii Ter Nd VInticr . S a ' a I - I , 1 Iva the b et Sentested and best argued, dying hours. She leaves a grown up I --Lirein thee"to.wiiirshipttfl STep6lInrNt3;A:, 1 ef the seasA. There were eightepeakersi family of 3 daughter and 2 Sons, besides Mr. IN. illert ; was at his place between the four on aeitele. Strong argulesents on a large circle of obheg relatives to moure Sth Dec., and 24th Feb'y last ; lied some - both sides were used, each apparently de - We are offering the Balance of Our Fall and- -Winter Goods ---AT-- Great Reduction. J. SUTHEBLAND, Hensall, , TRIC/C & and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- . Ont„ Conveyaucer, Commissioner, Fire liege Licenses. All business transacted strict- ly confidential. A call solicited. Office; at the Post Office. TB.E WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE IN SIIRAN C E C 0 . Established in 1863. ILEAC OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This coms,anv has been over Eighteen years in suocessfol operation in Western On- tario,andsontinues to insure againatloss or damage by Eire ,Bnildings,Merenati Luse ,Man- uthetories,a,nd all othertleseriptiouti oflinsur- able. property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium. Note or Cs.sh System. During the past ten years this Company hag issued. 57,090 Policies. covering property to the amount 01 $40,872,088 ; and paid in loss- es alone 2700,752,00 AssetS, tio.76,100.00, consisting of Cash n t3 thnk, GovernmentDeposit, and the unass- eased Premiutn Notes on hand and in force. 3, W Wseunner WI D. Presidet t. . TAYLOR., Secretary. B. Huenns,Inspector. CHAS. SEE'LL Agouti or Exeter aud THE orcoinialllailway F CANADA, The Royal Mail, Passenger and rreig,ht Route between Canada end Great Biitain and direct route between the West and all points on the LoWer St. Lawrence and Bale des Chtt- letir, &lad New Brunswick Nova, Scotia, $ P. E. 'glad Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New add elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Exprese trains, Palusengersfot Great Britain or the Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.50 a. in. Thurs- day will join outward mail 'steamer at Hali- fax a, in. Saturday. Snperior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ae, commode tion at Halifax for shipment of grain ancl general merchandi he. Years of experience hays proved the terrEtt- COLONIAL in commotion with steamship lines to tied from tendon. Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Cadada and Great Britain, Information CS to Pasgenger and Freight rates tan be had on applisation to R093 PIRT 11, ltIJODIFI, Western Freight &Passenger Agent Poasin House Block, York St. Tenant°. D. POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent, Hallway 0 to N.B:, Nov 13,1825 CURRELLEY their irreparable loss, but what is our thing to drink ; to the best of my know- , termined to win. The discussion con- loss. is we hope her infinite gain. The ledge itwas whiskey ; Mr. Brenner might tinuecl to a late hour. The debision was funeral services, which were conducted have been in the 'house at the same time as I was and/night have drank with me; I drank out of a glass not a bottle ; don't know whether Mr. Brenner drank out of same bottle as Inc ; Mr. Willett gave the liquor ; i Mn. Emeon-In answer to Mr. J. P. I Filcl for what I got ; no trust there. Clarke, I must say that he has not in the remote,st degree answered my question ; but beats aroomd.the bush M a cowardly way, seeking refuge. He 4 ays : If 1 with a num- ber of witnesses will call at his store he will set the matter at rest. Why he wants the witnesses present I cannot imagine. If it, were a private matter between Mr. Clarke `Stoci. myself 1 would call on him and get his answer, even withoat the witnesses, for I etgink I could get the particulars truly from him, althou,errh Jae has alredy manifested a dispositiotrai Yetl, around. the question. BotS'slSir, I claim tiis more than a private iinttter. Ave not n rly all the temperance people of this vill. e interested in this ques- secure \ir Bishop's attendance- After con- 1 tion? We haerebeen appealed to for not siderable` ess-firing, the coart,sover ruled t only Our supPort to the Scott Act with our s, ebjeetions. ,ess sympathies, but for our contributions ; il. Other Nti triNises averessilien called, but and is it not a fact that it is the opMion of a fallow to ap eaNthis eteae was closed with great many that, there has been some con- tld'eirsion res rveciVitil 4 o'clock. ,,, unction between the Scott Act Astocitstion it' QuEN vs. 'To* as. --Defendant ,dodfined of this village m and a Grit caucus eet- 7 to plead. IV,i4iities bs were then Called. W. ing, and mm is there not, at 'et, soe reason Down sworat-eLIS. re in Exeter r know Mr, for slipli an opinion when we learn that the Porticethe deft. ;„ was ai hie house between book which contains the workings of that ,8th Deile. and 21th Feby. ,Sitsb ; had some- Asso.elation was taken to said caucus ansi thing to drinks'pop, rootsebeer, gieger ale there opened and examined in the presence Ind browa pop; nothineelse that I can e•d:- 'of the president of the S. A. A. In view of member of ; cannot say what brown pop is this then, I say thatthere is every reason to made of --I did not inalke it ; brown pop is believe that there was something wrong, MARKET SQUARE, EXETER.. January 10th, 1886. IBINO SALE —FOR THE -- NEXT 30 Dial' I arsmoll hari gave decided to reduce the following l'nes for the next 30 days, in order that every person may have extra value for the Christ- mas and New Years' holidays ; Dress Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Small -wares [of every descripticn. ---ALSO CHOICE LOT OF FURS ! --IN- Ladies' ,Tackets, Fur Setts, Fur Caps, Collarettes, Fur Trimmings, d6c. We have constantly on hand a first.elass assortment of Scotch, English, French, end Canadian Ileveteds do Tweeds, in whieli we are prepared, to give extra value. • UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALTY, A No, 1 Suit for 70 cents. Overcoats and Ready.made Clothing at roclibottom prices. GROCERIES I Our Stook of groceries are Fresh and New for Chrietnias. Call and Get Quotations. giyen. "that capital punishment should be abolished." The judges Were R. Box, W. Ford, and James Sweet. The enter- tainment was greatly enhanced by the singing of Miss Berber, Laura Harris, and others. The people in the locality seem to enjoy these meetings immensely, the building being crowded every evening. All agree in saying that kis a good thing, and that it is doing; good. • Zurich. _- Barairs --It is -with °Teat pleasure that we learn that Mr. R. Buswell,. under the medical treatment Of Dr. Buchanan, is again recovering from hi recent severe illness: We hope . to see "-Bob". out around again in a few days. -Miss Susie Sipple, who has been spending a few weeks with her sister, in Detreit, as home again. Susie is looking none i the :worse for her sojourn =Meg the Detroders.- It is with great pleasure we learn of the welfare. of Out old friendS, the Henclerton "Bros., Who passed their exam. at the betroth Medical College, and received. tiler M. D. Diplomas some ten months ego Both of the "boys" started for themselves a few weeks ago. Tom has Put] Up his "shingle' in Detroit, while Will has gene mit west tO -make 11 Start in St. Cloud, Minn. We wish them eoritineed success. -It is our painful duty this week to record the death of Mr. and Mrs. R. Befigotigh's two little children. The. li e,. boy, who died, Saturday . Id ti. buried Onday, was two years old, and io little air passed away to -day, (Tuesday Sth) tins being her fifthbirthdity. Mr. ancl Mrs. B. have our deepest spmpathy in their sad beteaVernent. Bums, -Mr. William Andrew has gone to learn the harness making at P. Erayne's, Exeter. -Mr. Anthony Taylor, for several years our village blacksmith, passed through the neighborhood, last week, selling; books. All his old friends were glad to see him, but sorry to learn that his health has not improved but rather gets worse. -Your correspondent, "Rambler," in writing of the accident of which Mr. M. Elford, was the sub- ject, conveys to some Jr.,ie idea, that a young boy was the cauee while in reality, Mr. Elford. says he' has eo thaal the boy for the portion of arm he has left. Mo. El- ford bore the suffering conSequent of the accident with heroic fortitude, and seem- ed to be progresshig favorably until Sat- urday about 11 a. when bleeding sot in afresh, as a result of bruises made by the rollers, and which were invisible at first, owing to the great flow of blood ; Ithis neceesitated the opening of the wound ttfreeh, At last acemints, Mareh 81h, he was doing well. We understand that owing to the fact that the public have not sufficiently en- couraged the enterptise, it has been deem- ed advisable to close the ElirriVille print- ing office. by Rev. Mr. Torrance, the following Atonally, were very aolenin and impres- sive, it being the third death ha the, fam- ily in less than two years. Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrow and darkness encompass the tomb, The Saviour has Passed through its portals before thee, And the lamp of his love is thy gnide through the gloom. Lucan./- __ THE WEALTH 010 THE 1.SOBTHWEST"J311.0- 'DUCTS AND MINKRALStrche Canaan Pacific Railway ear containing exhibiti of tloe mineral and vegetable lweeilths-Wthe Northwest Territories arrived here on Thursday, in. charge of Oapt.'0. W..Allan, emigration conmussiond. The Car was visited by a great many pePple, ,ealleof whom went away expresaing -; orp9se,sets the great resources of the, vas tei iittn7 zo to the north west of us. Mr. A san-Who by the way, is an old newspaper wom- an(' his assistants were moSts courteous, and afford every informetion to enquirers, ancl they had a great many questions to answer. It is impossible to .describe the' exhibit at length but it few ofthoseeihich seemed to claim special attention might be mentioned. A section of Douglas fir from the townsite of Vancouver, the western terminus of the C. P. R., plann- ed special attention. In no mistake it is a giant log, aud is bound with iron,. brac- ing,s to the car. It is 24 feet in c mum- \ ference and 561 years old, the calcu ation of the growth of the tebes. An, ther thing which considerable interest AiraS \ manifested in was a maple leaf from the same locality, rimming 21 inches across., i, The display of natural grasses from the prairie regions were 10i feet -high . T °A with wild pea vines; wild vetches, ild` hop and wild hemp claimed a great , eal of attention as did also the mineral from the north shore of Lake Stiperior tcqn- tributed by the Port Arthur BO fd of Trade. This exhibit was made tip of rich specimens of gold, silver, le d and I t copper ores, baryta freestone i etc. / Another interesting feature of the , 5thibit was picturesque views of Rock IVIdii t in scenery, which gave one some idea of the romantic scenery of the country ; also fine displays of grains of all kinds from the provinces and territories traversed by the C. P. R. from Fort William to the Pacific coast, together with squashes, water melons, pompkins, vegitable mar- rows, potatoes, ebc., from equally wide spread localities. The sample of linseed oil cake, which took firet prize at the In- dustrial Exhibition last year, Was also on exhibition ; oatmeal inanufectured in Winnipeg, ami a hundred other thing's, As mention before, the exhibit claimed a great deal of interest from citizens and farmers in the iminediate vicinity, John W. Stephens, of Adelaide, had the mist ntitne to lose his valuable horse "Can - 5155 FeVorite," which died some days ago after a few hours' sickness. A Reply to Mr. J. P. Clarke. Cross exam. by counsel. for defendant. It was whiskey that I took to the best of my knowledge. .Examined by court :-I did. not drink enough of it to tell whether it - was intoxicating or not. At, this juncture, the couusel for deft. re- fused to go on with the case becalm Mr. A. Bishop, one of the witnesses Was not prer sent ; and that it was importrait that he should be. -Counsel for prosecution clahnItle that deft5 had had stiffieirt thrift° get I. Bishop since last court. ,0n. the cothethand. it wa said that.a,pplicatioli„thad litonAnade and t fe tendered by ,;(1qt. sto Messrs.: Wald ss a d Gowaulock, riubpteneeliSo brown pop : -.- io v2t,Ternember taking liquor and to whom slibidcl we look foo• an explana,- out of an oil ce'11"; do not lenow whether or tion ? Surely- not to those s.not, connect- notthere was intoxicating liquor in what I oci withithe Sc et Act.Assei4aVon ; and if t milr. ; never heard of malt beer ; ham heard. TIntql-Rit are we t gettlientattst explained? of lager beer ; have dras le beer esklisl poi; -I tisiti,,,,l'apc1 blegetreialr readers will agree have straight beer at i ortice'e' ,le,tween -wig-1'14 8101 if the president is ill posses - chaos mentioned ; gingeticae I believp iI 4ifion of the facts required, Ile shoulc1,, cer- ginger ale --can't say whilAdt ieiniklAajf.' i' Itibily impart them. He has not, ,cltilne‘l'ete, taken ale, butrtAssgor e's ; cannot say Clarke not answer such a plain, fair' qudge, 11 to the best of my knowlec ,_ tises,eAvtild 110 1,11d. while he leaves one question unanswere' , what pop is co npiSsed of ; there was no in- don ? Is it possible that ' there iinseine- I intoxicating liquor ties,sh -I drank ; have ed a,nother arises, i. e.: .,i013r.‘, cloessMrs' ' Inxicathig 'Kiser in the pop or ot4aiedrinks., thing so dark abotet the matter that he it to iliti,bseStlof my knowledge '• n?-s,k,er 'helped afraidsto it/Se public know Of it, or is he niiscslt and have not taken liOnsol'elteln a afraidethaelet Will SelvieVae SOnle of the politi. tin can, that I can remember of.‘se. ,t' cal wire-ptilling indulged in during the CM - John Gillespie, sworn ; Liva' in -Exeterr, paign inelibbeinber last? Or it may he that and know Mr. Portice ; can't :Sweat 'ae to 11,1r. Clarke did not fully consider the mat., , ee. tgr.of which 1 asked, before replying in your last issue. In order tokhtaiviee thenatteractitaeerstpiount right I might again as and perhaps he will give the information d,raired., "Why eels the minute book of the Exeter Scott Act Association taken into campaigntheGrite aiiitle sii)eeicneencitbienig last?" tHlo eo reline egtiotior tesumed examination :--I-Iacl. something to. receive au answer through your next, issue, drink at deft's house between those dates 0 from Mr. J. l''. Clerks, President of the have drank browli Pop and water ; water ' S. A. A. I remain yours II. and brown pop are about the only drinks he Blectie-+•-•0-41ion Notes. keeps; have taken IM ()thee d inks ; Intve drank lager beer ; nothing else ; the stuff was paid for ; deft, supplied what I took, The elections yet to bo held will some off Gross Examination :-Cannot say that I as follows have taken any liquor in his house between Northwest Territovies (4) .Mtsech 151.,h, Sth Dec. mid 28th Feb'y last. Cariboo, March 17th. Examination resumed by counsel for pltT ; GasPo, March lfith. -11-60.11$00o1NivoitiesnayrtdIti,trnki11;re. tIS:kViniolltis8a;vaatt)abwitIlalet 1.1))iosltntritecttoofhZonienoiti(vceci;;IsISeliav7thiv2e2)tiNdv.as on upon what date I thank lag,er beev. Friday eleeted member of the House of Mr. Geo. Willis, sworn -'Live in Exeter; Commons fi•om New Westminister District, know the deft.. may have draiik one or two g C., by 250 majority over Trapp (Ind,) glasses of leger'beer in his house betwemi word ha8 bivn received at Moutreal that 8th 'Dee and 24th Feb'y ; when I take any- oe Tuesday last two merinos and a Snow - thing, it's usually a ciger ; did not pay fel' plow, with a large gang of men, were eauctlit ligtl." ; eann°t saY who Paid for it ; I clrank in 5 saow-slido in the Solkirks and six of tut! N(17,atinlicaict°alitPla6tic'oftbgeerlilstir6ellrletrielsftr,61blintljaenadnonnot; got dub. 41°t'lle"(1 bdal'e theY eeulti be being in Portico's House between Sth and 21111 Feb'y lest ; was, not 'cst Por upon 28th Dec., 22nd Feb'y nor 208hsrels'y ; can't say that I was there on 19th Febly, Examination by cortet :--Hanl no conversa- tion with deft.; believe I did talk about trial ; have been in his house since eub- pcei led for last trial. Counsel for plff.