HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-3-2, Page 8IN.PAIBANOD;,
WI-WEakt10t. A ,_INTLF.O.A,
Mete: woof
talatIPANON CC/ARANY, ot Tdondon. eltind.
the 110Yara (2DXAst a 9
BRITTaft aniSPIND Lan, A88111tANON COM-
q iou in13 tabnehed 1847.
4,350,4 ovor $0,000,00 ; °Seams clod honnabe
peicleever te19,004,91N,
'Another OW On Slay in a
lieu' daye by a muoli lower tepperature.
'me vonnoil win Inset on Friday evening
at the market house. ,
Mr, Jaime Beer, theltesaiesor for the
lege, eonnueneed.avork, On Monday.
llesars Bolve.& Audrews have purchased
the furniture and iindertaking •business of
Mr W Drew.
The Yourig Lie a AT4rnee•nt, Meth,
°dist obureh purpose giving a, aecial
coacert,Qn the, eveuiag of Good Friday,
April Stli, Proceeds hi aid of the church,
Ou Saturday the sidewalks Were ioY 411d
YOry Alipff. A young lady while wallOag
aloug Maim street, made a graceful full, she
threw up her arms like born' aetress, her
little feet iudolged ui tenuftle And clown
she settled with. a swandike inovemeoc,
Mr. A- Holleaad, whet hes been M ter which was superb. Along. carne a reporter
1i* $1 ftiii08, some time, is able to -he around again, and a this paper, Who; after pteking up a No.
was on our sereeti Tuesday. 8 rubber proceeded to assist the u1forten-
TEITJR6DAYi MAR, 1013, 18137.
14.00414 RVS.—TV e shall be happy to re-
4,:ive at all times, from any part of the
County, ttems focal news, such e ac-
cidentsor any interesting incident what
ever, front any of our subscribers or read-
ers generally for the purpose of public -
TEN GENTS perline for firstinsertion, and
POUR GENTS per hue for Gaels subsequent in
sertiouwULbe charged to notices appearing
in this oolumn •
Miss Wood has returned from the city
and is in charge of Dress and Mantle making
at Rauton Bros., and the rush has commen-
'Adieu,' she said sweetly, as he kissed
her good night. "He's adieu'd, Mot he,"
sung out her little brother as he vanished
up stairs. You may well say this poor fel-
'ow's corns were sadly trampled upon.
However, he should have used Scarlett's
Sure Cure for corps, sold only at Scarlett's
Drug Store, Exeter.
Without exception,the best and cheapest
Lines in Boots and Shoes WE have as yet
seen, can now be had at C. Eaorett's. Child-
ren's, Carriages, Express -wagons, Men and
WOMEN's Felt Boots, Men's Hand -made
Boots, also A GOOD assortment of men and
women's Overshoes and rubbers of every
desoription, also Harness, Trunks, Valises
and whips constantly on hand. Call and
be convinced. Butter and eggs taken in
exchange for goods. Also a first class
Brick House for sale or to rent.
JUST Received a complete stock of Truses,
Shoulder -braces, Simporters. &c., at the
Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ, PPOrRIETolt.
Stop it at ouce. What ? That cough which
is troubling you. Call at the old stand, Dr.
Lutz's Drug Store. and procure a 25 cent
bottle of Hallamore's Expectorant. ' This
preparation has been the popular cough mix.
ture of Toronto for over 25 years. It invari-
ably gives speedy aud permanent relief from
all colds, coughs and chest troubles. It is
safe and pleasant, always sure the worst of
coughs to quickly cure.
A monster Load.
On Friday last, one of the parties engaged
in hauling brick for the new I. 0. (:). F.
hall, brought a load containing 2,100 brick,
from Crediton to Exeter—a distance of 7
miles—with a team of small horses. The
slighing, for the greater part of the distauce,
was fair, but not sufficient to warrrnt any
one who might choose, in performing a sim-
ilar act.
Sermons will be preached in the Meth°.
dist churches, Exeter, on behalf of the
Methodist Missionary Society, on Sunday,
13th inst., by Revs. A. G. Harris, of Park-
hill and W. McDonagh, of Strathroy. The
annual missionary meetings will he held in
the Main-st. church on Monday, March Ilth
and James-st. church on Tuesday, 15th., to
be addressed by above reverend gentlemen.
A collection will be taken up. See posters.
•Opened the Wrong Door.
Accidents resulting front falling into cel-
lars appear to he numerous in Exeter, of •
late. Not long since, ,while Mrs. (Rev.)
Pascoe was going about the house, she
opened the door leading to the cellar, in-
stead of the one leading to the stairway, and
as a consequence walked into the basement,
taking only one step to the hard floor. She
sprained an ankle and sustained several
minor injuries, from which she has not thor-
oughly recovered.
An Aged Cat.
That now famous cat, of which mention
was made in these columns a fews weeks
ago, as being probably the oldest in the vi-
cinity, and notice of which has gone the
rounds of the press, ceases to be, having
died on Tuesday last, of an advanced age. It
had attainedits 23rd year, and was the
property af Mr. John Anderson, who at-
tests that it was, almost, up to the time of
death, an exceptional mouser. It is rare,
indeed, that one will hear of one of the
useful domestics living to such an old age,
and retaining, through to the end, the vigor
of younger days.
Another Severe Snow Storm.
M.auf-S.r. Mrrn: Catuiton.--Next Sunday
Sermons : Morning, "Tile divine eta"
Evening, "God's oath."
Spots of groat:a may be most effeetually
retnoyed from the most delicate fabrie by
the application of dry buckwheat flour.
The St. Marys Journal, came to hand last
week printed with white ink on white
paper, .
Mr. T. Bissett has purchased a hand-
eoure bleck driving horse from Mr, 13. Mac-
kenzie, paying therefor no small sum.
Mr. C. Southeott sold his household fur-
niture on Tuesday, and will leave for Te-
ma() in a, few clays,
The sciathbound traiu was blocked with
snow a few miles north of -Exeter on Satur-
day morning.
Now is the time when the oldest inhabit-
ants get together and compare notes on how
deep;hey have found the grouud. frozen. will call at my store bringingwi!h him plenty
It as with a feeling akin to bitterness that of -witnesses so that I may not be misquoted
we refer to the fact that our umbrella is or misrepresented, as in times past, not by
like this seasou of the year -Lent ! him, but others, his mind shall be set at
The union ievival meetings of the two ease on the question now agitating it.
Methodist churches still go on. During JOHN P. CLARKE.
this week they are being held in the Main -
street church, The month of January closed with a re-
cord of fully three times the number of
horses exported dating the same period of
1886. Notable amougst the shipments of
last week were two horses purchased by )dr.
Joseph White, St. Marys, Ont., from Mr.
Macdonald, Porterfield, Renfrew. These
were 'Lord Clinton' (4515), winner of the
Clydesdale Horse Society's medal at the
Strathearn Central Society's Show, open to
Perthshire, last Autumn ; and a very se-
pericir yearling colt, named 'Lord Russell,t.
got by `Jordanshaw' (3343) out of a mare by
the famous 'Druid' (lpo).
We are requested by Mr. II. Fred. Sharp,
of St. Marys, the Conservative candidate in
the recent election, to state that he is truly
grateful to the Conservatives of Exeter,
Usborne and Blanshard, for the way in
which they worked in his behalf. Mr.
Sharp although defeated by a small vote,
has the pleasure of knowing that his oppo-
nent's majority was greatly reduced ; and
can Wand before the people with the full
assurance that they appreciate his conduct,
which, during the contest was upright,
honorable and true, using no nolawful or
unfair means of securing votes.
ate lady to her feet.
If you wish to thaw mat your, , pump with
little difficulty run ft small - lead. tub down.
,far enottlig to rest on the ice':ahd ponr hot
water throegli it by aid Of a funnel at the
top. The hot water mune at once on the
ice, melts it rapidly, the tube, by its
weight, settling as fast as the ice melte and
poormg the bot stream right on it. If the
hot water is poured into the pumpwithout
tithe it will not reech the ice but remain at
the top, being lighter than the cold water
below:nearest the ice.
Mia EDITOR,.—In reply to "IL" Ecu) never
ashamed to sign my name in full to all cot,
respondence, whether poblic 01 private; aud
if your correspondent, who calls himself a
citizen—whether of Exeter or Usborne
cannot say, but who can find time to pen
his wishes to you and through your paper—
Rev. Jas. Graham, who has been endur-
ing a severe cold for some weeks, occupied
his pulpit in theJames-st church on Sunday
The Exeter Glee Club intend giving a
concert in Drew's Hall on Friday evening,
the 11 th inst. The celebrated Buthorn
Quartette will take part. Full particulars
oext week. See posters and programmes.
The following excerpt from the North
British Agriculturist, of Edinburgh, Scot-
land, refers to a purchase made -by Mr.
joseph White, of St. darys, formerly of
Mr. John Keddy of Brandon, Man., is at
present visiting friends in town. John
looks as healthy and hearty as ever, and
attests that') Manitoba is the healthiest
clime in the world.
At the present time there is not a building
in Exeter vacant, which might be suitable
for a store. As there are several fine stores
about to be erected, this ;drawback will be
remedied in due time. ,
There were more umbrellas turned inside -
out ou Saturday evening in a space of fifteen
minutes than have ever succumbed in like
manner to a wind, during a ranch longer
period. Also hats fared badly.
On Monday last, Mrs. James Murray,
(better known as grandma Murray), of the
London road north, was afflicted with a
severe paralytic stroke, and is low at pre-
sent. The lady is 95 years of age, is feeble,
anti fears are entertained of her recovery.
A number of our hotel -keepers appeared
before the tribunal on Tuesday, to answer to
charges preferred by the Inspector of vio-
lations of the Scott Act. The large hall in
which the cases were heard was packed from
beginning to close of trial.
The farmers of the 2nd concession of
Hay, who have to drive through the fields,
owing to the bridge having been carried
away some time ago by high water, find the
sleighing none too good at times—often too
much snow, and more frequently bare.
Mr. Prendergast, agent for B. J. Wade &
Co., of Stratford, has placed organs as fol-
lows, during the past week I. Hand-
ford, Mr. H. Lambrook and Miss E. R.
'Weir. Scarcely a week passes but Mr. P.
sells one br more instruments in Exeter.
Some may wonder why it is that the
auditors' report for Exeter has not been is-
sued 'ere this date. The delay could uot
have been avoided. It will, however, be
printed and distributed in a few days, the
council having received and passed it at last
We cannot say Exeter at the present
time does not show signs of prosperity. It
has steadily improved since its mcorpora
tion, but during no single year has there
been such progress in the building line, as
indications at the present time foreshadow
for the ensuing year.
The majority of ow Reform exchanges,
iustead of accepting the recent defeat with
good grace, cause their wings to flutter,
which shows clearly that they fully expect.
ed the people would declare themselves in
favor of Blake ; but no, if a semblance
there be, the people have chosen the least
incapable of the two political parties.
A large number of counterfeit quarters
are in circulation at present. They are all
of the coinage of 1886 and are very skillful-
ly executed. The coins contain a consider-
able proportion of silver, which prevents
them from losing their color and they are
therefore quite as genuine looking as the
real article.
Saturday afternoon the temperature rose, On Wednesday iast we had a variety of
weather. During the space of twelve hours,
thunder and lightning rumbled aud flashed,
snow, rain and hail descended, and old Sol.
beamed forth in the splendour characteristic
of a June clay. 'Who could wish for a more
variable climate?
What about the "new railroad" ? 'Has
that scheme flattened out after such a pro-
mising beginning or have the Exeter people
concluded that they don't want another
road ? Our railroad will neyer be unless
our work and money, at least, start it.
Useless talk will not build it—if it would,
Exeter Should soon become a railroad centre
and the rival of Chicago.
The number of buildings to be erected in
Exeter, during the coming season, will far
exceed that of last year. On almost every
street eau be seen piles of brick, intended
either for residencesa offices, stores or pul.
buildings. The I. 0. 0. F. Society and
nell Bros., intend having erected • a large
lock'which will compare favorably with
any building in town.
The council, at a meeting on Friday ev'g
last, passed an order in favor of the con-
tractors, for the sum of $700, being 75 per
cent. of cost of material upon the ground
for the erection of town hall. This is in-
cluded in the agreement, and from time to
time, at the work goes on, the contractors
will be paid 75 per cent, of real value of
work performed, as determined by an
agent of the council.
A second race,on rollers for the champion,
ship medal of Ontario, took place at London,
on VVednesday. Crispira Mailmen and Vail'
dell was almost eqind to that of an
of Exeter, started. Vail led int two miles,
skh-quake. He was not serienutly ihjitred, ne whei Crispin uarters opassed f him leend ahead. crossed the
lithree qa p The
tiatit contest will be held m a few days,
A fattier, while driving awn the 'Sauble I when it is confidently expected that Vail
hill With 0104 of brick, the other deaf; one ' will do his utmost to defeat the other com.
The:Vote polled for Mr. Coughlin in Ext.
ter, wits intteh larger than thaeotatervatiVe
coMmittee anticipated. It was allowed he
woeld'geta. Maaotity of tbout 90 but to the
the atmosphere became heavy and ram began
to descend. It continued until 6 o'clock,
when a repulse setin, the wind changing to
the North, and the temperature falling con-
siderably. It began to snow, and ere 10
.o'elock, the change had developed into one
.of the fiercest storms endured this winter,
-which continued until Monday evening. As
a consequence the railroad and all high-
ways were blockaded. Notwithstandng
that the winter has been very unsettled, we
have had, for the greater part, good sleigh-
A Sudden Precipitation.
On Wednesday, Mr. Chas. Hurst, better
known as Shortie, who heti been engaged,
on and off, in Exeter, renovating furniture,
went into 'Bissett Bros.' hardware store
bearing several small vessels,and asked f
various kinds of oil. .Mr. I. Bissett pr
,ceeded to fill the order, and asked Mr.
Hums to accompany him to the cellar to see
what changes had taken place by way of
improvement. He consented and grappling
two .of the cans followed closely Mr. B.
They reached the cellar -way, Mr. B. pre-
ceding hastily in the descent, leaving
Shortie, who is uncommonly short geared,
to follow at his leisure. •Mr. B., upon
reaching :he baseawas somewhat surprised
to notice his custotter following in an excits
able and hurried manner, head and hands
foremost, and displaying his utter. disre-
gard for that vehich at his destination would
. prove much harder than his eranium Mr.
Biseett attests that the noise created by the
mee ing o he ming Men's Liberal
Conservative Association, was held in their
rooms the other evening, to take into con-
sideration the :proposal of some, to hold a
demonstration in honor of the election of
Messrs. Coughlin and Porter and the return
of Sir John .A. Macdonald's government.
There was a good attendance, the younger,
presumably, being agitated with the antici-
pation of having a "high time." At first it
was decided to carry out previous arrange-
ments, but upon word being received that
Mr. Robt. Porter could not be present, the
celebration was deferred for two or three
weeks, when it is expected Mr. Porter and
other "lights" will be on hand. Due notice
of the latter arraogement will be given.
of the togs; became onfastened, allowing the
toegtie to fall to the ground. The hones
Made a Sudden jump and turned the sleigh
into the fence, which broke, allowing sleigh,
brick and driver to descend a distance of
' fifteen feet. A few minutes elapsed befera utter surprise of his friends, and to the
help vinig to hand, anti when discovered, l chagrin of his opponents, the majority in.
the driver was ceatVlilig from ender the crewed to 133, just 56 more votea than were
heap of brick, ne was not imurecls btlt, given him in 1882. The people of Exeter
mtist have got a good shaking tip, The are cativinsed that the present Government
sleigh Was considerably damaged, . Manages the affairs econofflieally.
The gieott Lot Trial.
The firat trial of l'riolatora, of the Scott
Act, tit. this vivipity ohm the 'inception of
the law in Huron County, was called for
Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, 4. at, The offendem,,
Messrs. Roney, Brinuieceube, Portico, of
Exeter, end Willed, of Dashwood, were
sumwood, earl wituesses 1$11hpOnlaN1 ; all
a whom Wore on hand, Magistrates Wall -
lase arid Gowaulock heard the eases, and
Mr. Scott, Of Clinton, appeared the Crown,
while Mr. Ed. Meredith, or 14011494i War'
ceded for the the clefendamts. At the limn,.
of .opening. Mr. .Scott 'Was .net present, and
the trial wee peetpened stills 2 O'cloch. • At
2i$0,proceedinp .Conainenced. The :counsel
for the; defendenta alaimed that the cdjonmn-
inent in the •foeeeoon was informal and that
• toproceed With the eases without :again
artimeenttiug' the witneasess, wee entirely
out Of order, It was also claimed that the
informations bore no specific date, which
wee quite important. The first of the
Weide* called was Mr- Brimacsoinbe, who
refused to testify. Witheseese ft the pro-
secutiOn were then called, Silas Stenlehe
being the first sworn, To questions put by
eoniteel for proseentitna he answered :-
1 live in Stephen; was at Mr. Brimacombe's
during the time froin 22 Dec., 1886 and 28
Feb'y, 1887 ; had drunk . of various kinds of
fluids there, but cannot say positively what
drank. ;. itmight or might not have beeu
intoxicating, but it did not affect me ; can-
not recollect any date, but have been in the
hotel ; have drunk milk, tea, and 'beef -tea, ;
havedrenk ginger beer ; it was ginger beer
—if I am a judge ; it did not intoxicate me;
could distinguish the taste of milk, provid
ing I did not ()rink it in the clerk ; my
memory is shallow, cannot say what I did
drink besides ginger beer s think I have
drunk a new drink called "straight:" it was
4 first-rate drink and tasted something like
aloes ; can procure any color you wish ac-
cording to fancy of customer ; am uot ac-
customed to mixing driuks, and cannot tell
you the ingredients of this delicious drink,
"straight ;" have taken no whiskey of late;
I presume I paid for what I got. Cross
exam. by counsel for defendants—caunot
distinctly remember upon what date I
drank in his house, neither do I remember
what ray drinks were at the various
times ; .the liquors were not intoxicating as
far as my case was concerned. This wit-
ness dismissed for time being.
Mr. Wm. Baker, next witness sworn,
testified that lie lived in Stephen ; am
slightly acqueauted with Mr. Brimacombe ;
cannot say whether or not I was in his
house between the dates of 22nd of Dec.,
1886, and 28th Feb'y, 1887 ; at the time I
made the visitation I SSW Mr. Staulake
there ; cannot swear as to date ; did not
get anything to clink, simply enquired for a
man I was looking for, awl departed. Wit-
ness dismissed.
Next witness sworn was Mr. 13. Hand-
ford. Live in Stephen ; know Mr. Brim-
combe ; was at his house during the lapse
of time front Dec. 22nd, '86 and Feb'y 28th,
; got something to drink ; ginger beer,
pop and cider—same kind as Mr. Sprague
drinks ; cider was not fermented very hard;
got ginger -wine ; had some "atraight" can-
not say what "stmight" is made of ; it
might be both intoxicating and sickening if
one took sufficient of it ; Silas Stanlake has
been in the house when I have been there ;
could not get anything stronger than
"straight" at Brima,combe's ; have treated
in the house and have always paid for what.
I got—what do you suppose I would do,
steal it ? ; procured drink from both pro-
prietor and bar -tender. Cross exam. by
counsel for defendants : Don't think cider
was fermented ; don't know what 'straight'
was composed of ; it might make a man
sick if he were to drink sufficient of it ; it
always made me sick. Witness dismissed.
Owing to there being considerabla delay
in the forepart of the proceedings, leav-
ing only time for the hearing of one com-
plaint, and as Mr. Meredith had to leave by
the evening train, the trial was postponed
until Monday next, when it will be resumed
in Fanson's Hall.
Every town owes it to itself to support
well its home institutions. If the hardware
dealer sends out of town for his groceries,
the grocer cannot be blamed if he in turn,
sends elsewhere for his hardware. If both
these dealers send away for their dry goods
the dry goods merchant will begin to
quire whether he cannot get his hardware
or his groceries a littie cheaper by buying
elsewhere. Now, if these dealers begin to
boycott each other in this sort of way, the
town will suffer from it. Common sense
teaches the best interests of the town re-
quire that every person living in the town
should get his goods of the local dealers.
These men are fixtures. They own property
pay taxes, and are interested in whatever
pertains to the well-being of the community.
Every dollar sent away takes so much
money out of ,circulation aud causes more or
less stringency in the market. Aside from
this it gives the profit to the outside houses.
The council met at the Market house,
Exeter, 25th Feb. 1887. All the members
present, except Mr. Johns. The minutes of
the previous meeting read and confirmed.
Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec by J. Pick-
ard, that ordets lse granted for the follow-
ing sums, viz :—J. Creech $81,59 balance of
salary 1886-7 ; do. $6.75, wood for lockup ;
do. 75c., lump chimneys ; do. $2, rent of
ground. for burial of carcasses ; do. $]. 95,
charities ; Ross & Taylor $30, for plan and
specification ot Town Hall and the Clerk
$4 postage.—Carried. Ivloved by W. G.
T3issett, sec. by J. Pickard, that Ross &
Taylor be paid $700 estimate on material for
Town Hall delivered on the grounds—Car-
ried. The Auditors' report was examined
and on motion of W. 0. :Hissed, sec. by J.
Pickard, was received and orders given to
have the abstract published. and 100 copies of
report -printed.—Carried. Moved by J.
Pickard, sec. by W. 0. Bissett, that the
clerk ask for tenders for printing. Tenders
to be received up to Friday the 4th March,
at 7:30 p rn. Carried. Moved by W. G.
Bissett, sec. by T. B. Carling, that this
council adjourn until Friday, the 4th March
at 7:30 p. in.—Carried.
DIED.—Abraham Sanders died February
11, A. D.) 1887, of asthma and heart disease,
aged over 56 yectial. Mr. Sanders was a
native of Devonshire, England :—at • ten
years of age he came to Canada, but has
lived most of his life in the United. States.
He became a resident of Salina in the sum-
mer of 1877 --his residence being on Seventh
Fitteet, near Dr. Groger's, He had been a
great aufferer for many years, with asthma
and heart disease, He ha a for the laet three
yettra lived oh bit farm, which embraces the
North Pole Mound (so plainly Seen from Sa-
lina), where he enjoyed better health than
in the city. His late severe filmes was of
two Weeke duration, when his life closed at
10 O'clock Sattirdity last, without any
appateet pain. He ettlinly and peacefully
passed away. He was' an honorable and
worthy eitizen, rather reserved in his gener-
al numbers, but posseseed of noble :and,
ehristion prineiplee, devoted to 'Ida Wilily
and ft:leads— lie leavers an only: datighteis
and etinalta'Vehieft doinposed his family, is
he lost his Wife teeny 'years ago.:—Saline,
,Thurnat •
,the detest:esti was a former resident of
Eider, and will be remembered b many]
ANTED Parties to etigage in
the nianufacture of my Patent Snow,
Shop, Stable and Malt Sb ovals. Large and
Increasing Trade in the United States. Lib-
eral inducements offered to right parties.
Wallingford, Vermont, U.S. A,
A DVERTISERS by sddressing GEO. P.
21. ROWELL &CO. 10 Spruce St., New
York, in good faith, can obtain all needed in-
formation about any p,oposed line of ADVER-
TISING iu American /1 ewspapers.
176 -page Pamphlet, 30c.
The public are hereby rotified that the part-
nership hereoofore existing between WKSEL0.11
& avunaz, as boot and shoe Merchants, at
Dashwood, has this day been dissolved by
=Anal consent; and that all outstanding
accounts muet be paid on or before the FIRST
DAT or si awn, 18s7. The business in future,
will be continued by Mr.Fred Wurtz, who will
be pleased to see all his old customers and as
many new ones as may see fit to give him a
Dashwood.Feb .12th, 1887. D3 --in s.3
undersignod offers for said, his property
on Sinicoe-St, being Lots 43 and 44, containing
two-thirds of an acre. There are erected upon
the premises, afr&vme house with kitchen, and
it frame stable 18x20. Also a good well. This
property is suitable for a retired farmer, and
will be sofa cheap. For 'further particulars
apPly to
(t—f) E xeter, P. 0,
011.R.ISTEAN LAWYER, rnannfac-
turor of all kinds of Trusses; Residence:
Rennie's Mills, Hay, wliere hewill attend tothe
wants of any who may require his services,
Wny pay from $15,00 to $25 00 for the same ar-
ticle which he can furnish you for $5,00, and
which is as good if not better and warranted
to fit with comfort ? Remember, Double
Trusses, $5.00; Single Trusses, $2.50. All com-
munications addressed to
Zurich P.O., Ont,
Buggies, Buggies
liGnE3E6TVIR, - - WORTH,
Offers Cheat Reductions in all kinds of
Vehicles, for the Next Two Mouths.
The lines of vehicles are Buggies, in all the
latest improveinetits, with or wtthont tops.
Jurupseat Buggies, for Small family, with
tops. One man Boggle:a Patent Trotting
Sulkys, for cattle buyers deem, &c. Also
a large number of durable Secondhand Bog-
gles. Light Wagons, new and 88dondhartd.
Heavy Wagone, new and secondhand.
Truelcia new. Wheelbarrows., Double Open
Oarriagee, Ph cetons, and evetything per.
taining to our live of bueiness. They are
all ttiremed and painted in the best pessible
manner. We warrant thena to give good
All Orders Prenitly Attended To.
These &siring anything in our hue should
come and see for thesnaelveli before porches:-
ing elsewhere,
ARM POA.41:4.—'1110 under.
signed egeta Oa sale UM team, Let 7,
Oonoession 0, Minoru() Township, containing
OQ mores 01 enellent land, an it whieh is siainst.
ad 5i utilee from linteter. There are upon the
oremiees 11 imintorteble house and good banig
barn---$000—encl dret alese stabling. Aloe We
geod s ()twitter. The preperty is well uns.
dertirehied, There will 11180 be aold two acres
of the atertlialalf. Good °retards, ou both
Plaaes. Terme, Betty,
CAl/(41.-1-.0i1).—Wo hereby elation the pablie
not to °entreat for a purchase any of
our °mane or manta from J. A. Wateon,
MStehell Ont,, as we will pot be responsible
for any such instruments bought or con
treated for, he is not one agent and could not
purclutso organs or pienos if he ISO desired
The demand for our gouda has So ieereased
that we frequently have trouble with parties
representing themselves as our agents and
quoting prices less than our wholesale rates.
13. J. WADE, Smaroity,
Is our agent for Western Ontario.
Bowmanville, February 7th, 1887.
Dominion Organ and Piano Do.
or THE' '
MO RE COMMENCED whenever a sufficient
In Nine Volumes, Royal 8vo.
number of subscribers is obtained to cover
oost of publioetion Subset -lotion to the Nine
Volumes an 00, to tbe Province ol Ontario or
to Quebec $111,50, to Now Sranswielc oe to Neve
Scotia $11.50,10 Manitoba or British Columbia
83.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North-
west Territories $9.50. Elton Province to have
a Map.
Incluse Send for Prospectus.
JOAN 1,ov8JL1,
1M88rager and Publisher
montreal, 4th August, augSd&WS
500 TIO13S
Butter Wanted
J. Etlatheson,
Our Stock is Well Assorted
B oCullititohAr00001, 00004inrAtarl:01 1;00 uost,oatu vrlowuee well 141
u588 Wilton Will WISE yOU mere Money 3.1gbt
iMertylke,0 to Yeno tbet Sart you in bag,
away tban anything else in thia world, AnY
One Can do tile wor4 and bye at home. Father
evaa4g9:ac"h: e:titbjlt%ins
naportAnt 0144009ti or a lifetitne. Those who
are ambitious and enterprising will not delay.
Gurstalco0;,i:tlintefroo. Address Tato-
We are now prepared to furnish all alASSOS
with inpooyment at herele the whole of the
wine, or,for their spare moments, )3usiness
newilight and profitable. Persons or either
sex easily earn trot l 50 cents to 80,00 per eveu-
ing, and a proportional sum by devoting all
their time to tile business. Boys and girlsiearn
nearly as much as mon. Tho4 all who See this
may send their address, and test the business,
we inake this offer. To Buell as aro net well
satisfied we win send one donar to pay for the
trouble of Writing. Pull nartiOnlars and out -
ht free. Address Ononon STINsoN Ne. eq., Port-
land, Maine.
Groceries, Fruits, &c.
I have a full line of Family GroperieaS
Oranges, Figs Basket Raisins, Nuts, Cand-
ies of all kinds assorted, Peanuts roasted,
Tobaccoes, Cigars, Belfast Aromatic Ginger
Try a cake of Compressed Yeast, and you
will use no other.
tarGreat Reduction in Prepaid Tickets to
parties sending for their friends from Eng-
land, Ireland, Scotland or Germany.
Drew's Block, South Store
16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1
We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c.
to 75e. per lb.
Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.
A nicely assorted stock of
FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes,
(Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60a per Gal.
A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75.
A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6.
Ordered snits got up in Good Style.
Our Dress Goods are matked down to
the Lowest Notch.
A House and Lot, also a mem for Sale.
Apply to
HAY P. 0.
Clearing Sale
Better Bargains
than yon ever got Kirkton or
any place else.
A Programme of Sale,
Doupe's Store, Kirkton
The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs.
X-mas Presents, Toys, Etc.,
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Don't Fail to Call at
The Dominion Laboratory,
if you want anything in the above lines.
—THE --
iscoc)iic1 maractam 1
end SAN FRANCISCO, for $90.00, tick-
ets good for Seven Months.
a/Before purchasing your tickets else
where, call on
(0)( ss a** *
One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest
Stocks in Exetcr.
Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool ,Thersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in all
the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices.
OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS,—All the Very Latest Novelties in Fail Black Dress
Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods.
Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress and Mantle Silks.
osxm -42.
Mantle Cloths, grand range. Flannels, Blankets, Factory end White Cottons, Shirtings,
cac., all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at
If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to
Our Crown,. Dspartiment is Contyletel.
TRY bun 5(ha. TEA.
It is atiknowladged by everyone that has used it to he the best in the Village for the money.
Sample Pareels, Vivo.
1 CARLING, Main -St, Exeter