HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-09-22, Page 10PAGE 10--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 the BAYFIELMi��ena ugle ' New seniors building unveile,„d Last Friday at 11 'am in into this* province over he dependence." ,' Bayfield the Official opening years...not to Mention 11 Mrs. McHale then, on of the new senior citizens those taxes , you've paid, behalf of `1.Housing Minister apartments, on Jane Street . These' are contributions . John Rhodes, the people and was held. which have helped to shape Government of Ontario qf- A,H. Le Masurier of the our way of life;" she con- fered her best wishes for ministry of Housing tinned, ' "an exceptionally continued good health and assembled the officials and good one that includes the happiness and . presented a guest and acted as chairman. opportunity to build ' at- lovely coffee urn to Mrs. He introduced Bayfield's tractive apartments for our Beulah Smith who accepted Reeve Ed Oddleifson who Seniors. And this is not done the urn on behalf of the brought civic greetings to the to Mark our benevolence but residents and offered her gathering. Warden of Huron to demonstrate our ap- thanks. County Doug McNeil offered preciation for your past Mrs. Rita Upshall then greetings on behalf of the contributions and your accepted a flag from Mr. County and remarks were continued participation in the Swales who presented it on heard from (Bob) McKinley, community. behalf ' of the Federal Federal MP and Jack Riddell "But" she said, " I am noy Government. MPP. All speakers had praise going to give` you all the A prayer of dedication was for the architects, Coles and credit, some of it belongs to offered by Rev. William M. Skinner and for the con- OHC which in less than 13 Bennett. Following was the tractors Back and years produced more than ribbon cutting ceremony McDougall. Huron County 29,000 apartments for senior which included dignitaries, Housing Aurhority Chair- citizens. Today the housing and Ray Schell, a resident of man, W.H. Kniseley in- ministry is active in 300 the senior citizens Apart- troduced his committee and municipalities, planning, ment, who was th first the area manager John building or managing housing resident to occupy an Lyndon. for senior citizens. apartment following the Mr. Cook of the Ministry in completion of the units. London the introduced the Despite this impressive Reeve Ed Oddleifson and principal speaker, Mrs. record, however, there is a Mrs. Florence Dunn then Frances McHale, member of continuing need so we must unveiled a plaque in the Main the Ontario Housing Cor- epcourage municipalities to lobby of the building. The poration Board' of Directors, get buildings like this under official name of the building who said she was pleased to way. She said that currently will be Clan Gregor Apart- be in Bayfield, not only to there are 4,000 senior citizen ments, the name chosen by participate at the official units under construction. the residents of the building. Last Monday evening, England. On October 1 and 2 opening but to visit the at-. Mrs. McHale said that a 'Dignitaries mingled and Bayfield Historical Society the Reed Group will be tractive community as well. good site must be chosen and chatted with the residents met and learned that. Mrs. presenting a Medieval Fair She said, as you know, this is that the apartments must be and townspeople over a lovely Muriel Althoff, who had given around Kings College Circle the - only senior citizen designed for independent, luncheon prepared and a tremendous . paper at the in Toronto where they will building of its kind in active living. Probably one of served by the residents of previous meeting on Admiral feature jugglers, potters, Bayfield, the happy result of the first considerations to Clan Gregor Apartments, Bayfield, had received more stained glass works, min - the cooperative efforts of accepting an apartment was In the evening the residents information from her sister, strels etc. and where they will various groups. that you are able to remain honoured Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mrs. Marjorie A. Hume who stage 147 dramas, not on The Federal and Provincial part of your own community. Dunn on their 47th wedding resides in. England and •who stages 'but on pageant Governments provided the „ "It is true that you have left anniversary and Mr. Ray had visited with the , late wagons. These will be from 5 funds,. close to half`a million old homes, but not old Schell on his 85th birthday. Admiral's great gran- to 20 minutes in duration and dollars. OntarioHousing friends" said Mrs. McHale, Guests also included Mr. and daughter. will be biblical plays to en Corporation took part in its "and you remain part of the Mrs. Lloyd Makins, Mrs.,� Mrs. Althoff says she is now compass the time from design and arranged for its community and this is as _ Jessie Blair, Mr. and Mrs, swamped with additional creation to the crucifixion. construction, and the towns important for the community Clair Merner and Mrs. Vina information which also There is no charge for the 2 share;.in its operating costs. as it is for you. Freedom from Parker .who . were 'the' contains a tremendous days, and Mrs. Hunter said "In a very real sense, cutting grass, shoveling snoworiginators of the 'petition amount of reference to be that historians will be most however," said Mrs. McHale and other house maintenance asking for a study 'to deter- researched. The members interested. Mrs. Hunter and "you the people. who live gives you more independence mine the need for a seniors Were delighted with the ad- Dr. Hunter have a special here, built this building. I rather' than less, and the rent . housing project and who ditional information and the interest in the 'Festival as don't mean with lumber and. scale protects you against circulated the questionaire assistance on the part of Mrs. their youngest daughter Sall nails, bricks and mortar, but high rents, providing you withthat ultimately determined Hume in obtaining it for the , Beth, is ,employed with the with the hard work you've put a greater degree of economic the need. --society. .Reed Group and will be Miss'Kay Reid, secretary of directing one of the plays. the Society, was called upon The Chairman, Mrs. to report on the annual Pemberton anrtounced that Councilwarns dog .owners meeting of the Ontario Don Cook of Edmonton Historical Society which she Alberta had won the framed and the chairman, Mrs. Gwen picture of the Library in its Bayfield Council met for minister D'Arcy McKeough is as a member dropping the Pemberton had attended in former place that the Society their regular meeting to address the gathering of Village of Bayfield costs from June. had sold tickets on. She also Monday evening and learned , lo c a 1 go v ern m e n t six per cent to.5 percent. Miss Reid told of their tour wrote that Rev. Orlo Miller, a that the water agreements to representation. It was reported that there of Black Creek Pioneer once Bayfield resident would the .new library from A subdivision plan will get may be some,trailer Village and termed it the be speaking at the London - Department of Public Works approval from the Ministry of violations in the Vilage and "greatest". Middlesex Historical Society has been approved at a cost of housing when certain con- decided to wait until early In other business, Mrs. Rob meeting at 8 pm on January $72.00 a year, and the water ditions are met on Phase one - Spring to seed Clan Gregor Hunter told of. the Reed Group 17 in the Main Library. test on the Arena water is 13 lots in the woods survey - Square. of Toronto, who have com- Herb Kalbfleisch, chair- O.K. according to the ministry. The Clerk reported building piled a catalogue of all man of the plaques com- The ministry of transport It was learned that the permits had been issued to dramas of medieval times in mittee . reported that the and communications will be decals to complete the metric Dalton Smith, carport $1,000; erecting two signs indicating changeover have arrived in Doug Sinnamon, addition Scout leader'the businesses in the village; the Clerks office and that the $3,000; John Siertsema help passed a bylaw changing Library Fund is shy $1,500 to driveway paving; Wayne and Several of the leaders for three lots from develop- $2,000 to complete the lan- Harold Smith, Liquor Store the coming Scouting season 'mental to residential and dscaping, ' and at a Contractors, $128,257; Bill athered at Kathleen and appointed Don Warner as Holmesville Land Fill site Gam mage family room g Fire Chief. meeting recently,it was rJohn Siertsemas Saturday to $6,000; ia evens Store plan events for the coming The clerk reported he had agreed to allow ucknow in $10,000. sent out letters to ratepayers year. , whose dosgs were . barking It is noted that Carol and disturbing their neigh - you Fisher, the Cub leader is still bours and he had also talkedJJ'egoofed . looking for some assistants. If to them personally.you can help her please give A letter from the ministry her a call at.565-2590. of culture about the Wintario Somehow, the gremlins got article, there appeared part The meeting also set into our column last week, of another news item. The grants stated a change in plan and in the article "Arena article dealt with a meeting for capital projects. Firstly Gets Reprieve", the name of entirely different than that of there should be thorough the Community Centre Board the Arena. It was a meeting of research before any new Chairman, John Siertsema the members of the Town project is given con- was inadvertently omitted. Hall Committee and the New sideration; the community John is a capable and horizons committee which needs and visual and en- dedicated chairman and was met the preceding Thursday vironmental affect on the one of a group who was in evening to discuss the community. Approval in Toronto for an audience with rehabilitation of the Old Town principle must be . obtained Labour Minister Dr. Bette Hall. from the ministry before Stephenson.' Knowing John That meeting appointed commencing any projects. and having worked with him, Harry Baker as chairman, • An invitation to attend a we know that his voice would Ed Oddleifson as vice - meeting on provincial have been a strong one in chairman; Dorothy Cox as governments grants for 1978 Toronto. Sincerely sorry secretary; Dalton Smith, was received , to be held John, it certainly was not New Horizons treasurer; and Monday September 26 at 3:30 pm at F.E. Madill Secondary intentional. Gordon Graham, Health and Also at the end of the same Welfare treasurer... •-• - School, Wingham. Treasury Trinity Anglican Guild to quilt • The Trinity Anglican chaired by the vice-pres. Mrs. Dibbs was rector of the church Ladies Guild met Lorna Merner. The meeting Queen's Parish in York, Tuesday *afternoon Sep- ' opened with a'Bible reading England, before moving to tember 13 in the Parish Hall by Mrs. Beulah Smith, and Canada in 1966. for their first meeting of the Mrs. Pat Von Patter then -Tha Albanaires were fall season, with 14 members gave two readings. warmly welcomed at Trinity and one guest, Mrs. Audrey The secretary, Mrs. Ber- and very much enjoyed. The Varty present. thena Hammond read her gathering participated and In the absence of the report, the card and flower were enthralled with the president Mrs. Vera secretary Mrs. Ruby Fitz- selections chosen by the Turner, the meeting. was simons gave her report and- Albanaires; the Gospel «, Mrs. Merner gave the selections, Nashville Style, treasurers repd'rt., Mrs. Vina and the awe inspiring foldk Parer is writing to the music. Guild,'s Foster child in Following , the service the Pakistan for the month of members of the. Albanaiires r September. came into the congregation During dig business session and shook hands with .those it was decided to quilt a quilt • present. All retired to the rater on in the winter and Parish Hall where the ladies Birthday money was paid by of the Trinity Guild and the Maude Westonlovelylunch andwas Pat Van ACW served a delicious Patter. by the ho' less, Mrs. Vina lunch. Everyone mingle served joy and friendship. Parker. A folk service and concert Unit II meets were presented in Trinity Unit 2 UCW of St. Andrew's Anglican Church Sunday United r�hurch met Wed - evening by the Albanaires of nesday evening at the home London. Since receiving their of Mrs, Clara Johnston. Mrs. first public acclaim more Jean Dunn is in charge of than six years ago, the devotions. Mrs. Margaret Albanaires have travelled Scotchmer, treasurer, thousands of miles and reported on the proceeds of produced four L.P. albums to the summer activities. tell• the world,a simple An invitation was received message: that Gd is here, from the Zurich UCW to at - that life is love, that tend their Thankoffering Christianity is a joyful meeting, thursday, October 6 religion. at 8 pm. ' All the Albanaires are President Mrs. Phyllis members of the congregation Campbell thanked Mrs. of St. Albans Anglican Church, Johnston - for having the a small suburban parish .in meeting in the home London, Ont. Their Director, lunch was served and a sole • the Rev. Canon Geoffrey time enioved together. CLAN OR EGOS t°r tst4 ,•4 •t 1 e r[ a r$ a !p•,-;.., a • Bayfield Reeve Ed Oddleifson, left, and Mrs. Florence Dunn pulled the cord that unveiled the plaque at official opening of the new senior citizens apartments in the Village last Friday. (photo by Milvena Erickson) Society learns about Admiral Bayfield Round about the village Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin and attended the wedding of their Robbie of London, visited his grandaughter, Pamela family, Mr. and Mrs, E.W. Parker of Dorchester to Erickson, Andrew, Luanne Kevin Hodgins of Dorchester and Lydia on Friday. in St. Peter's Anglican Mr. and Mrs. Reg York Church, Dorchester , on spent a' few days during the Saturday, September 17; and week with their daughter Pat, also the reception which Mr. and Mrs. Homenuck and followed in the Community Carrie in Orillia. Also with Centre in Dorchester. Other the York's for the weekend guests attending from the was their daughter Lorrie. Village included, Mrs, Louise Reid, Mrs. Beulah Smith, Mr. Mrs. Jerry Ball's mother, Les Elliott and Mrs. Belle Mrs. Demeray has arrived Reid of Varna. for a visit from Dublin, Mrs. Dorothy Weston has Ireland. -"returned to her apartment in So many are so historically Clan Gregor Apartments minded these days and after spending a week in queries are heard on the `Detroit, Mich. Village streets such as 'Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone would give us the old Fowlie House? How could we best use it? How can we preserve it? Wouldn't it be lovely to have a bowling green at the Ritz and tennis in the Town? Seniors to meet The Ever Young Senior Citizens Club will hold their first meeting of the season on Thursday, September 29 with a Pot Luck Supper in the Town Hall. All seniors are welcome. Saturday September 4 from 10 am until 12 noon as Browhie; Cub and Scout registration day at the municipal building. 'Mothers will also be asked to register at the same time, as a membership in the L.A. which is the organization which supports the young people in -the Scouting movements. plaques should arrive in due course for mounting on Thanksgiving Day and will be for Lance's Antique Store `(F.A. Edwards Cash Store.) and the Dick Moore residence, Fairlawn'.. Mrs, Mary Shepherd reported that the Society 'now has 72 members. Following the adjournment, Kay Reid and Mary 'Shepherd with lunch convenor Margaret Clift served a lovely lunch. UCW meets Unit 1 of the ` UCW of St, Andrews United Church met; at the home of Mrs. Grace Duggan for the September meeting with 15 .i-,membersP present: Mrs. Margaret Scotchmer and Mrs. Jean Green were 'in charge of the program. Dorothy Cox read the scripture. The theme for the afternoon was "Who Ismy Neigh- bour?", taken from the book, 'They walk in Dignity'. Jean Greer conducted the business and mentioned,,that both untis are invited to Zurich or. October 6, at 8pm. " Dorothy Merner, Jean Bell and Kathleen Hill were on the lunch committee. Thanks was extended to Mrs. Duggan for her kind hospitality^. 1tO 462 a 0 1o we'renotthere we'rehere.: anymore 128 ALBERT STREET 1 CLINTON It's a pleasure to move when you're growing. And that's just what we're doing. Because the need for our personalized services is greater than ever in this fast-growing community. The door to our bigger and better premises is now open, and we'd be glad to show you around. Or give us a call anytime. We're always waiting. Ti1 1D,t1I\TQEP '128 ALBERT ST., CLINTON (Highway No. 4•, 3 blocks north of No. 8) 482-3871 SQUAREN? P1ONEEIT SA -550011 Weatherstripping doors conserves energy. How are yours COUNTER CAS & CARR' Buil ing;i,;, a�pl. s PRINCESS ST. WEST, CLINTON The SA -5500 11 is a popularly -priced stereo In- .tegrated amplifier which employs many of the same. futuristic advances as found in our more ex- pensive models. It delivers CONTINUOUS 15 WATTS PER CHANNEL, MIN. RMS AT 8 OHMS, FROM 20 T0'20,000 HERTZ, WITH NO MORE THAN 0.5% TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION. Its main volume control has 41 con- tact points with click -stops so that you can control the power output with precision. The tone control section employs CR elements to avoid noise and equalization error in BASS and TREBLE ranges. Other features like the tape monitor, two -system speaker selection and more make it truly useful for the stereo music fan. Come in and learn more about its Popular Power Output with Low Distor- tion Circuitry. Beautiful Stereo Integrated Amplifier Popularly Priced. Mfg. Suggested List $ 15 9.95 Come in - leisurely listen to the superior quality of Pioneer - Compare' Prices - See for yourself why Pioneer makes Sense as a sound buy in Component Stereo. HISHOLM � V. z� Ktlagoon St. • Gi d•rtch A