Clinton News-Record, 1977-09-15, Page 17w
By Mary Merrier
Court Constantine L1842
held their meeting on
Thursday evening September
Business discussed and
plans were as follows; the
picnic and park barbecue will
be held on Sunday Sept. 11th
at the home of Sam andary
McClure; the Hallow en
Party w ill be held on Oct. 29th
for the area children with the
youth committee in charge.
A dance will be held on
October 28th in Blyth Arena
with Country providing the
music and tickets will be
vailable from members next
week. A bus trip is being
planned for this fall around
the local area.
A donation of $250 is to be
sent to the Provincial
Assembly Project, which is a
whirlpool bath and lift for
Huronview, and $500 is to be
sent to the cancer fund.
Everyone enjoyed a collec-
tion of crafts showen by Anna
Dolmage and lunch and social
hour was spent.
Courts Constance and
Constantine members and
their families attended a
picnic and park barbecue on
Sunday afternoon Sept. llth
held at the home of Sam and
Mary McClure.
A. Races and games were
enjoyed during the afternoon.
Muriel McClure and Lenore
and Tom Whyte conducted
the games. Winners were: 5-7
yrs. Mary Hunt, Stephen
Dolmage; 8-10 yrs. Beverly
L Campbell, Anne McClure, I1
and over, Brian Nesbitt, Jeff
Leeming; duck race, Sandra
Hunt; three -legged -race ;
w Mary Lou Anderson and
Sandra Hunt; Marion Hunt
and Susan Jamieson; sack
race; 11 yrs. and over, Susan
Jamieson, Jeff Leeming;
sack race, 9 and under,
Christopher Preszcator, tie -
Jane Anderson and Christine
N Preszcator; wheelbarrow
race, Sharon Thompson and
Brian ' Nesbitt; Susan
Jamieson and Jane Ander-
nder-son; treasure hunt, Susan
Jamieson and Marion Hunt.
Doris McClure and Sharon
Thompson conducted a few
games and candy scramble
for the pre-schoolers. Adult
winners were: , clothes pin
game for ladies. exception
with 17; men's perception -
game, Ian Hulley; Guessing
weight of melon, Marjorie
Anderson - 4r/2 lbs.
About 110 people enjoyed
barbecued pork chops, baked
potatoes, salads, refresh-
ments andice-cream.
Clinton spent Saturday at the
fall fair in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Merner
of Waterloo spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Merner, Sandy,. Julie,
Michael and Michelle.
Mr. and Mrs. Terence
Hunter of Colborne Township
spent the weekend with Mr,
and Mrs. John Thompson,
Sharon and Bob.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nolan
and boys of Toronto spent the
past week at their summer
home in the village. Mr.
Wan remained for this
Mr. and Mrs: Bun
McConnell of Ottawa spent
the weekend with their
daughter, son-in-law and
family, George and Jane
Counter, Richard, Kassandra
and Vicky.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Murray of Galt -Cambridge
and their family spent the
holiday weekend at their
summer. home east of the
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keller
and Stephen of New Ham-
burg, and Betty Ann Herman
and Paul Baiers of
Shakespeare were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Stevenson David,
Darren and Luanne.
John Lawson spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs.
George Turner and Barry of
Tuckersmith. Bonnie Turner
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg .Lawson and
The Ontario Humane
Society warns that rabies and
distemper are highly
dangerous, infectious
diseases. There is .no known
cure for rabies, and
distemper is fatal in
numerous cases. But owners
can protect their pets against
the spread of these and other
diseases with a simple, an-
nual program of vac-
cinations., The Ontario
Humane Society urges you to
have your pet vaccinated and
to keep ,the program up to
date. For more information,
contact your "veterinarian or
call the nearest branch of the
Grandmother's and ,'X o,ung
Mother's Day will be ob-
served at the . September
meeting of the Auby,rn
WQmen's Institute to be held
on September, 20 in the
Community Memorial Hall. It
will begin with a ,dessert
luncheon at 1 p.m. The '
program will be under the
direction 'of 'Mrs. Donald
Haines and Mrs. Thomas
Jardin. Everybody is
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Gross, Anita, Bryan and April
spent the week -end in • Sud-
bury visiting with her
brother, Mr. Allan
McDougall, Mrs. McDougall,
Angie and Miss Debbie Wills.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Russel of
Brantford spent the week -end
with Mrs. Myrtle Munrn.
The Auburn Horticultural
Society executive met last
week in the T own Hall with
the president, Mrs. Dorothy
Grange in charge. .The
minutes were accepted as
read by the secretary Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt. An in-
vitation to attend the special
meeting of the Goderich
Garden Club on September 21
at Victoria School in Goderich •
at 8 p.m. was accepted. The
financial statement was
accepted as presented by the
treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor
Plans were .made to have
an open meeting on October 3
when the District Director,
Mrs. Russel Bray of Lion's
Head will be the guest
speaker.. There will be a 25
cent sale of slips and -plants
and also for potted plants..
•Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs.
Beth Lansing will be in
charge of this. The hostesses
will be Mrs. Robert Arthur,
Mrs. Elmer Trommer, Mrs.
Catherine Jackson and Mrs.
Brian Hallam.
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock
visited last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Dave •Anderson of
Recent visitors with Nlr.
and Mrs. Roy Daer and Mr.
Gordon Daer were Mr. and
Mrs. Brian 'Wallace,' Owen
and Stacey of Dorchester,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Youngblut,
Christine and \ Gordon of
Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Roulston, Mark and
Trevor of Komoka. Mark
returned home with his
parents after holidaying with
his grandparents and uncle.
Mrs. Wilbert Thom
returned last week after
visiting in Winnipeg for .10
days with her daughter Mrs.
Helen Anderson and family.
Allison who is patient to St.
Joseph's. Hospital in Londono,
last Saturday.
Mr. Reg Hamilton was able
to :return home last Sunday
after being a patient for a
• week -in St. Joseph's Hospital,
in,London. ,,
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Williams
of Toronto, Mr. ' and Mrs.
George Rueger, Danny,
Terry and Wendy of London
and Mr. William Rueger of
R.R. 2 Clinton visited last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Cartwright, David,'
Derrick and Lorie.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley
She also attended the wed- French of St. Clair Shores,
ding of her grandson, Larry Michigan and Mr. and Mrs.
Anderson while there. George Disney of Detroit
Mr. Keith Dewar of Atwood visited last weekend with Mr.
returned home last week and Mrs. Thomas-Haggitt and
after spending the summer attended the Haggitt-Willis
with his grr•andparents Mr. wedding at Benmiller last
and Mrs. Roy Daer and uncle Saturday.
Mr. Gordon Daer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur
4-H , attended a wedding in London
last Friday evening.
All girls 12 to 26 years of
age wishing to take the fall 4- The community is sorry to
H project, Featuring Fruit, report that Mrs. Kenneth
please contact the leader, Scott is a patient in
Mrs. John Hildebrand or the Alexandra Marine and
assistant leader, Mrs. Donald General Hospital, Goderich.
Cartwright by September 17. She is wished a speedy
The first meeting will be held recovery.
September 19 at 7 p.m. at the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirk
home of Mrs. Cartwright. Connell of Gadshill visited
There will only be one Auburn last Sunday with his parents
Club this year and all girls in Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk -
the community are welcome. Connell.
Mrs. Keith Rodger is a The regular monthly
patient in,Victoria Hospital in meeting of the Auburn
London. She is wished a Village Trustees was held last
speedy recovery. Saturday evening in the Town
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton Hall with the chairman
returned last week from a Warner Andrews ih the chair.
visit in Toronto with their son The minutes of the previous
Mr. John Hamilton and other meeting read by the clerk,
friends in that city. Frank Raithby were adopted
Mr. and Mrs. John Snelling, on motion of Sandy Andrews
Mr. Donald Snelling and Miss and Kenneth Scott.
Thelma Snelling of Port Sandy Andrews reported
Colborne 'spent the weekend that he had contacted the
with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wintario office at Hanover
Kirkconnell and attended the and there was no source of
Threshersmen's Reunion at grant for the proposed new
Blyth. street lights for the village.
Mr. Steve Popko of London The report was received that
visited on the week -end with W.est Wawanosh was
Mr. arid' Mrs. Thom a'§' 'agreeable to issue debentures
Johnston and Miss Laura for the financing of the street
Phillips. lights as—soon as the hydro
Mr. Charles Beadle visited office authorizes the amount
with his siter Mrs. Earl of money required for this
One resident questioned the
raising of his business and
residential tax from $80 too
.$365 in very recent years
^ feeling it was too excessive. A
combination of cir-
cumstance's was
the reason.
Continued problems were
reported by the clerk in
securing a suitable audit
accurate repoAt of the Village
of Auburn's finances. Further
efforts in this regard will be
Records showed that
money allocated for street
purposes was nowspent with
ftsrther necessary work to do.
It was understood that a
delegation would be required
to survey the streets with
regards to the location of the
new street lights. This will be
done in company with the
hydro officials who have
various regulations which
they have to meet.
The meeting was adjourned
until October 8 at 7:30 p.m.
the new
Set your sights on .
these NewImart
„ Styles for flute now...
See the newest in Suits,
Sports Ensembles and all
Accessories at:
Sharon Thompson attended
the 4-H homemakers day on
Friday at the Western Fair in
London. Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson and Bob attended
the evening performance.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim .-Presz-.-
cator and Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Scott of Parkhill spent the
weekend at Niagara Falls.
Debbie Woods and Robin
Orkel of Western University
of London spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Carolyn Thompson and
Darlene Eckel attended the 4-
H training school. "Featuring
iftruit" which was held on
aturday at the Wesley -Willis
Church in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wam-
mes Sr. had their family visit
with them on Saturday
evening. They were Leo and
Carry Sanders, of RR 4,
Brussels; Marris and Tina
Bos, John and Kathy
Wammes, Cliff and Mary
Brindley of Holyrood. They
visited with their cousins Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Neilen of
Holland, who were visiting
here for a few days.
Seaforth Silverspurs en-
joyed a trail ride through the
Sam . McClure farm and
surrounding area on Satur-
Bill Milison held a trap
oot at his`farm on Sunday
afternoon, with Doug Riley of
Winthrop being the winner for
the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Stevenson , David, Darren
and Luanne attended a family
gathering of the first cousins
and their families of the
Keller -relations held at the
Foresters Hall on Sunday.
M,r. and Mrs. Archer
Baldwin of Coboconk are
visiting this week with Mrs.
W.L. Whyte, Bill and Mr.
Harold Whyte.
John Thompson attended
the Threshermen's Reunion
on Sunday in Blyth
(intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. frank Riley
and Mrs. SeaRiley of
Next time you're in town, call on
the Commerce manager.
Ask him about the Commerce
Farm Services he has for cattlemen, to
cover short and intermediate term
And while you're at it, ask him
about the other Commerce Farm
Services he has.
After all, that's why the Commerce
has Commerce Farm Services—to help
you with the business of farming.
Conestoga College is celebrating the tenth year of service to it's
cor nuriity, and you are invited to join the festivities:`Bring the faMity
' Explore your community college.
Tencennial Events
September 16 .
Kick -Off of Fund Raising for Athletic, Recreation and Education Facility
September 19-24
Conestoga Displays at Waterloo Square and Willow West Mall (Guelph)
September 24
"Exploring Your Community" Workshop -- Kitchener Public
Library.9:30 — 12:30 pm.
September 25
Official. Opening of new Cambridge Campus -- 3:15 p.m.
Ten Year Club Dinner, recognizing all ten year employees of the College.
September 26 -- October 2
Conestoga College Week proclaimed in Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford
and Guelph
September 26 — October 1
Conestoga Display at Market Square, Kitchener, including models of the
Athletic, Recreation and Education Facility
September 27 — October 1
Conestoga Display at John Galt Mall, Cambridge
September 28
Poor Person Breakfast -- Market Square, Kitchener 7:00 — 10:00 a.m.
Give yourself an Athletic Complex! •
September 28-29
Conestoga hosts OCAA Golf To'urnament
September .30
Tencennial Tree Planting at all Campuses
Birthday Parties at all Campuses
Homecoming Pubs for all former students, faculty, staff at Doon, Guelph,
Waterloo, Stratford at 7:30 p.m. .
Octobe 1
"Exploring Your 'Self"' Workshop,— St. Andrew's Presbytefian Church,
Kitchener, 9:30 --- 3:30 p.m.
Convocation — Kitchener Memorial Auditorium, 1:00 p.m. ,
Tencennial Homecoming Ball — Waterloo Motor Inn, 7:00 p.m.
October 2
Open House at .Doon, Guelph, Stratford and Waterloo Campuses,
1:00 -- 5:00 p.m.
Opening of Art Exhibit: Ten Years of Ontario Art — 1967-77 at
Doon Campus
For more information call College and Community Relations at
(519) 653-2511, or write us at 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener N2G 4M4
�Conestoga College
of Applied Arts
and Technology
We've' got a lot to share