HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-3-2, Page 4seeeseassaiissessemv'venisea'neoie..issie's'oseseRS 'he glir'•TUX To rrerui system NO/0 of letid te'ansfer ap- pears to be Illootipg with, considerable fa- vor in the Norbh-west 'Territories where Maa.• '2114,, 1887., it cause into operetion the t of ooe e y. It meeres t atm anitoba, where A, GOOD WORTNG -MA.TORTIT. The Doiniiikta 4oetious whieh took . place on the 2.2sul ill,t., were, without doubt, in mauy Asses the hardest fought t contests that baVe b401 place in this Dominion for anany years. The Oppe- sition fought iwith'vigor and deaperation, even the ltleasera of the Legislative As- sembly joinisig in the fray, and rendering assistance to Mr, Rlake. Every effort was made, and All things conceivable were brought fenth to snatch a verdict from the country in their favor. In this pro. vine, Mr. Blake and the Reform press, finding other attempts futile, turned their attention, with no small degree of ear• nestness, to the National Policy, with 'a view of 'courting favor ; but their pro- mises and resolutes were in vain, the peo- ple could not be deluded. Even the sanctity of the family homes was invaded, when. it was thought that ib would work to the disadvantage of the Conservative party. In North Middlesex a circular addressed to the Roman Catholics of On- tario, was sent into the house of every Catholic in the Riding, counselling them to vote against Sir. John Macdonald and to vote for Mr. Blake, the upholder of equal rights"to:all, the contents of which circular were published last week. The design iin thus distrillitting these missives was to create strife and bad feeling amongst the Roman Catholics and Pro- testants, but we are pleased to be able to say that the Catholic electors of North Middlesex are possessed of more intelli gene than these political knaves gave them credit of possessing, and instead of being hoodwinked, they turned out like men and voted for the retention of our fair Dominion. In the Province of Que- bec the Government was strenuously and bitterly opposed, owing to its not!conced- ing with the French in the matter of the Riel execution, and this,- and this only, was the main issue of the contest there. But notwithstanding these cries and their animation toward Conservatives the Gov- ernment gets a good representation from Quebec, while the maritime provinces—save Prince Edward Island—where secession and annexation were preached, elects many sup- porters of the Government. We admit that Mr. Blain with the aid of the Rielites of the Province has secured a small majority in Quebec—if they only stay with him. The Anglo Canadian Province of the Confeder- acy has given Mr. Blake and his followers a fitting rebuke which will be a lesson for them to profit by—that the Anglo Saxon race in the Dominion, while according equal liberty to all, will not tolerate any na- tionality taking the law in their own hands, or proclaiming when it shall or shall not be meted out to offender* more especially in the case of murder. Sir John can claim his a moral victory. IT 0 R A5T1,.• S tbe system has already had a brief trial, there is promise of its lillttlEfaetOry opera. tion, while in Ontario it has also been re- ceived with much favor, In the North- west, of course, it will be tested ander somewhat peculiar circumstances, seeing' that the original transfer from the Crown will be made under it in most cases, and there will be no necessity for the extensive searches, etc-, which have somewhat in- terfered with the popularity of the measure elsewhere. The system. is suoh an eminently practical improvement that it will soon be adopted as the general law of all the Provinces, Election NOtes. By fhe reeount in the Kingston election case Sir john Mirdonald's majority is in- creased by 6, making a majority of 17. Whop Parliatnent meets, 7th of April next, it is expected that Sir John A. Macdonald will have a majority of 40. Reports from the territories indicate that c when the polling takes place on the 15th of March the 'Territories will return a solid Conservative contingent. It is believed Sir John Macdonald will sit for Kingston, and that Mr. C. H. Mackin- tosh will get the vacant seat in Carleton. If any man deserves a position it is he, be- cause of his voluntary retirement from a sure thing in Ottawa to run in a difficult constituency like Russell. It was currently reported on the streets of Quebec Tuesday that intelligence was re- ceived from Chicago that upwards of $70,- 000 American funds were sent there to car- cupt the electors of the Province in the Grit interest. J. W. Manning, temperance lecturer, and officer appointed to enforce the Scott Act in the Province of Ontario, travelled from Toronto to Almoute to vote against Mr. Jamieson, leader of the Scott Act party in the House of Corrunons, and in favar of Mr. Macdounel, who is against prohibition. Ilicic114144, We are sorry to mummies the death of M. delve Dagg, of Biddulph, County Mea. ter of South Huron love' Orepge Iso4ge, width oeourred yesterday (Weduesdity) moreing, Deceae,ed had attained the age of 5) yaare, and was highly esteemed- by Death revolted front inflammation which was caused by the contraction of a severe cold. Mr. H. G. Hopkirk, late private secretary of Sir Alexander Campbell, has been pro- moted to the position of Inspector in the Post office Department, a new postal divis- ion 'having been organized in Western On- tario. It will include the electoral dis- tricts of North and South Perth, Huron, Bruce, North and South Grey, the Wel- lingtons and Waterloos. Inspector Hop- , 'kirk will take up his residence at Stratford, which will be the headquarters of the division. INFORMATION has been received that the Lieutenant Governor -ship of Ontario, whiCh has been held by Hon. John Beverley Robinson longer than the usual term, has been offered to Sir Alex- ander Campbell, and has been accepted. It is rumored that Mr. Robinson, whom he succeeds, will either he appointed to .the Senate or re-elected High Commis- sioner to London in succession to Sir Charles Tupper. ' THE STANDARD, which has done such excellent service for the Conservative cause since the campaign began, announe- ed a few days ago, that it would suspend its issues for about three weeks, when it would again appear "in a new dress with an. establishment perfect 'in every L- pa.rtment, and a daily and weekly journal of eight pages that we shall not be ashamed to place beside the best paper ever issued in Canada arid challenge com- parison:" .A building will have to be fit- ted up, and new type and fast presses put in, so that the delay will be fully justi- fiable. THE first of the series of Experimental Farms to bo established by the General Government in different provinces of the Dominion, has got into order. The loca- tion selected is within three miles of Ottawa, where a tract of 460 acres has been selected, The land is undergoing the necessary preparation for the ap- proaehing spring, arid material has been purchased for the purpose, Prom a bul- letin just published we learn that the de- partment is ready for seecbtesting, and samples forwarded for the Neese will receive prompt attention. The scheme has received hearty encouragement from farmers.' Those interested may have a copy of the bulletin oh application to Mr. Wi Sanders, the Experimental Farm, Ottawa. ELECTION RETURNS. The following are the majorities of the various candidates in constituencies be- low as officially announced :— N'ORTH PERTA. Maj. Hesson. Johnson Stratford 124 Ellice 37 Elma 26 Logan 66 Milverton 18 Listowel • . 9 Morniugton .. 36 Total maj. for Hesson 226. WEST HERON. Cameron. Porter. Ashfield 97 East Wawanosh 75 West Wawanosh 42 Goderich town 23 Colborne 2 Goderich township 216 Clinton Majority for Porter (Tory) F.AST HERON. Macdonald. Farrow. Grey 219 Tarnberry . Wtioxeter Howick Blyth Wingham Morris Brussels . 52 28 51 32 -- 137 32 34 12 8 Majority for Macdonald (Lib. )76 SOUTH HURON. McMillan. Campbell Hay 265 Tuckersmith Hullett Stanley McKillop 15 Seaforth 71 Bayfield 25 215 193 28 Majority for McMillan (Lib.)621 SOUTH PERTH. Sharp, St. Marys 44 Blanshard Downie Fullerton Hibbert Mitchell 52 Usborue 47 Majority for Trow, NORTH MIDDLESEX. Coughlin. 88 • Ailsa Craig Biddulph 275 East Williams Exeter 133 Lucan 10 McGillivray 17 Parkhill Stephen West Williams Mejority for Coughlin, (Con) .. Trow. 179 11 134 93 Shipley. 47 ..• 2' 35 64 269 West Iuron Qelobra,tes the Vic- tory. The election in West llama was probably one of the roost exciting emtests in the Pro- vince. The reputation Mr. M. C. Caln01.00 has obtained as a garbler, corruptioniet and falsifier, made the people of every part of the Dominion interested itt the resalt. .1a Clinton both parties fought their level best, and when, ou the ballots being &muted, a majority of fifty-two was announced for Mr. Porter, the exeitenteut was intense, as this was the first occasion Clinton ever gave a Conservative majority. About 9 o'clook it was pretty well understood that Mr. Porter was elected, as there were only two polis to bear from, and when the complete returns were in, giving Mr. Porter a majority, the cheering and enthusiasm of the Conserva- tives knew no bounds. A huge bonfire was erected on the market square, and while this was burning, Mr. Cemoron's effigy wus hung and burnt, amid the cheers of the thousands of people assembled on the streets. The peer le rejoiced that the country was relieved of such a political nuisance as Mr. Cameron. Accordingly, the Conservaties, on Wednes- day decided to celebrate the glorious victory by a grand torchlight procession in the even- ing, in honor of Mr. Porter. It was :maimed that Mr. Porter should drive delve from God- erich to take part. About two o'clock a de- putation of some thirty or forty iu cutters and sleighs left Goderich to accompany Mr. Porter to Clinton. They were met a Hol- niesville by a Clinton deputation composed of Messrs. Raney, Doherty, Itausford, Drs. Dowsley and Beacom. The party arrived in Clintou at five, and when they drove up to the Commercial Hotel, where large crowds were assembled, the cheers wore deafening. Mr. Porter received congratulations from many friends and supporters. At seven o'clock a monster procession was formed op- posite the Commercial Hotel, headed by the Doherty Organ Co.'s baud, madly of those taking part carrying brooms, torches and Chinese lanterns. The streets were throng- ed with thousands of spectators,and as the rig containing Mr. Porter and other prominent Conservatives passed through the cheers were loud and eontinuous. Hankerchiefs were waved from many of the windows and fireworks were displayed at different points of the route. The town was actually jam- med with people from the surrounding coun- try—Bayfield, Seaforth, Blyth, Exeter and Goderich. After parading the principal streets, Mr. Porter addressed the immense assemblage from the balcony of the Commer- circial in a short speech, thanking them for the noble work ,they had done in wresting the Riding from bribery and corruption from which it has suffered severely since 1872, and electing a supporter of a good and honest Government. He particularly congratulated the people of Clinton ou rolling up such a handsome majority in face of the fact that on the day previous to the election the no- torious boodlers of West Huron had spent the afternoon iu the town. Messrs. F. W Johnston and Ed. Compion, of Goderich, also addressed the crowd. After a serenade from the Doherty Organ Cu.'s band the crowd dispersed. Congratulatory telegrams are pouring in from all parts of the Domin- ion on the magnificent vic.ory over Mr. M. C. Cameron. JOHN'S MAJORITY. Hon. Thos. White Says it Will be in the Neighborhood of 40. Speaking on the subject of Sir John's majority in the House, Hon. Mr. White said, "Our majority will be in the neigh- borhood of 40, and the new lease of power given Sir John is an endorsation of his policy on the part of the people of the Dominion. The Government will carry the seats in the North-west, and British Columbia, and we will also get a majority of the Nationalipts. Apart from a single issue, most of the latter will support the Government on all questions of policy. As a matter of fact, no difficulty could possibly be experienced in carrying on the Government, The formal abnormal ma- jorities of Sir John were at one time never dreamed of, His majority to -day is i relatively larger, except n one instanee, than that of any previous Government be- fore or after Confederation, Still, rela- tively speaking, the present majority of the Premier would be regarded as high in other countries, Then, again, the asser- tions of the Liberals that a Government comprising so Many differenb elements cannot hold together, are equally applica- ble to the Opposition led by Mr, tlake. The patriotic poi* of the Conservatives I feel confident, have the effect of bringing about a reunion of all elements of the party,' DEXPSEY,—In Usborne, 2ncl. con., ou the 2ht h tilt, the wife of John Dempsey, of a daugh- ter. CANN —In Usborne, on Monday, 28 ult., the wife of Mr. Chas. Cams, of a daughter. MARRIED. BIsSET—NIITT.—On Tuesday, Feb'y 22nd, by Rev. X. G. Harris, .at the residence of Mrs. James Arnold, Parkhill, Mr, Edwin Bisset to Miss Elizabeth Nutt, both of West Williams. McDonosam—Roenn.—In Fullerton, on the 23rd, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. R. Hamilton, Mr. Allan Mc- Dougald, to Miss Annie Roger, both of Fullerton. DIED. Suontax--Ou Feb. 22nd, 1887, aged 1 year and 6 months, Josephine, daughter of Patrick Buckley, Offa. CARRUTHERS—On Feb. 1Sth, 1887, aged 21 years and 10 months, Susannah, wife of Joseph Carruthers, Greenway. Ginner.—In Exeter, on the 27th ult.. Eliza- beth, relict of the late Thomas Gidley, aged 88 years and 10 months. ANDERSON—In Usborne, on the 2nd inst., Ellen, relict of the late Robt. Anderson, aged 63 years. ASTONISHING STJ04,$S. It is the duty Of every person, who has used she's Germez Syrup to let ite Wonderful qualities be known to their friends M (tering Consuniptien. sores Coughs, QresP. Asthme, Pnoueonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person °An use it withent immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any ease, and we consider it the duty of all druggists to reeommend it to the poor, dying oeusumptive, at least to try ono bottle, as 80,000 demi bottlee wore soltb last yeer, and no one ease where it failed was reported. Such a mediate() as the German Syrup can- uot be too widely known. Ask your drug- gists about it. Sample bottles te try, sold at 10 oeute. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold hy all Druggists and Dealers in the United States and Canada. SALE REGISTER. TussesT, MAUCH, fien.--Farm-stoce and Implements, Household furniture, the property of Hy. Rundle, lot 3, con. 3, Usborne. Sale at one o'clock sharp. JAS. Oxx, AEC, WEDNESDAY, Msncn 9rsr.—Village property, in Crediton, township of Stephen, the property of Simon Hill. H. Eilber, •••••••••••*. •••••kl•••••=•1•1•001.1•• Sufferprs from Consump- tion, Scrofula, and General Debility, will try Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. they will find immediate relief and a permanent benefit. Dr. H. V. :Mom Brentwood, Cal., writes : "I have used Scott's Emulsion with great advantage in cases of Phthists, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases generally. It is very palatable." FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a Blood Mare, in foal by Vole. SAMUEL FOSTER, (0—'w.] Lot 0, Con. 0, FfAx. 1--41XECUTORS' SALE.—There will I 'A be sold by Public Auction on Lot 33 South Boundary, on THURSDAV, MARCH 10, 1887, at ten o'clock, a .1.111„ the estate of the late srAs1ts, consisting of a Stearn Saw 51111 and 25 acres Of land. This property con- sists of the West Ralf of the West Half of Lot 33, SoUth Boundary of the Township Of My, and is Situated on a good gravel road 8 miles west of Dashwood, There is on the premises two h011808, a 000d barn and all necessavy out- buildings. There will also NI sold about 800,- 000 toot of good Sawlogs in the mill -vent and. about 100,CO3 feet of Hemlock, consisting of inch lumber, scantling, joists, plault„ Bee. There wilt also be sold the leasehold of Seventy' Ave acres of Timber Lands. being the Souther- ly 711 adkos of tot 22, on.10, -the Township of Stephen. Also the following articles : 1 span heavy 'gorses, 7 and 0 years •, 1 erivieg,mare. years old 1 001V, in calf ; 1 year.ing Bull; 1 Taixtber Wagon, nearly new ; I Log Truek ; 1 Log Care; i Top BUggy ; 1 Cutter, neW ; quantity of Is lacks ni ith's Tools • ro Sleigh 1 sett Double, qarness 1sett Single narnes'e ; 1 Platform Scale ; 1 Straw Clutter; a quantity of Anus enold.Eurnituro and Other artieles too numerous to reentithl, All ' parties, bolding claims against the Jae John Yager shoutd fiend them to the undersigned EXectiters at dilde, Any any further pert-Awn:us see posters or ent)ly tit tad Unclerdigneth 301ot HAIL, n aPftWoOd P. Cio ItOt T . TVENB DLL, nil:motor, V-0., Feb, earil 1881. tkoctuoro. A POSITIVE CURE FOR CATARRH. GIVES Immediate Relief son Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. EASY TO ESE. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price so :As. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address FULFORD (St, CO., Brockville, Ont. Ceo atiSton Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and v ioinity, that he has opened out Boot ad Shoo Shop in the uorner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repgiring promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager 0. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. Hay 14th 84. We have been charged with selling goods very much cheaper than others and withdrawing a larger trade to our- selves than ever before. We Plead Guilty and throw our- selves at the mercy of the people, who will be glad 'to hear that we intend to play the same game over again, so just listen to this GRAND OPENING or NE GOGUS, THIS WEEK 1599 Yards Dress Goods, In Grey, Fawn, Beige, Navy, Brown, Chocolate, from 1Q up 17471 Yards New Prints, from kets. up. 1405 Yards Shirting, from 8 ots. up. New G-inghams, you should see them ! Embroideries, 'Laces, Corsets, &e,, &c. Thousands of yards of Cotton from 3 cts. up. White and Colored Moleskin for painting on, at city prices. Tinsel Frilling, four shades, 5c. per frill. Guilty! Guilty! are Ranton Bros, Of selling goods so as to draw the trade. The ladies are coming and the goods are going. Small Profits and Quick Returs at B.,.A.1\T'alo 1\T 13 1R -07s_ erybody Come and See. NOTE IT I DON'T FORGET IT 1 Lots, Lots, Lots. In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARMLAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. 1. C A.RLING, EXETER. JOIN311.6."77N", UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSo COFFINS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Nies & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. 1:"GIVE ME A CALL HURRAH 140R. THE C. P. R. T. DEARING begs to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has again OPENED 0 TJT IN HIS OLD STAND, Fanson's Block, Where can be found ALL KINDS OF GOODS, At the Lowest Possible Living Prices. Ready-made Clothing, Dress Goods, Shirt- ings, Tweeds, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Boots and Shoee of all kinds, Rubbeas and Over- shoes in endless variety. Also Choice Family Groceries. We still keep a Wagon -load of Tea on hand, and intend selling it a very small margin on cost, for cash. Teas a Specialty. Come and try there. Coal Oil always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs. Five Organs Vor Sale, of the Karn and Dominion thanufacture. Don't forget the place to findT. T. D nrerguson's Old stand. have had to Enlarge Our. Premises, and now have room to show the BEST 4SS011.TED STOCIK OF Hardware, Tinware, StoverEtc —:IN TOWN ((oo)) If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Get Onr Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., IT WILL Pay You. If you want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right Spot when yon call at BISSETT BIOS. If yell want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS YORKS, MACHINE, AMERICAN on CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (mos), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at ISSMalrl" 3E3 1R,08_ SOMETHING VALUABLE. C4-_ 1-1IDMA.1\T Would inform the public that lie has just received a large stock of Fresh G-roceries, Fruits, Cenfectionery, Biscuits, Oysters, Siscoes & Had.dies. —Also Full Lines of— Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigars & Cigarettes. GIVE HIM A. CALL. !ALL AND WINTER GOODS IlEtrITED. C. SOUTHCOTT & SON Have just opened their Fall and Winter Purchases of 31451 $ Consisting of some of the Finest Pattern Goods to be had anywhere, \11 —lb YOU WISH— A Suit made from these goods in the Latest Styles AND AT EXCEEDING LOW RATES, GIVE - tYS •:' A 0 A Li' /Jr 0. sourifflorr and SON, the Exeter Clothiers.