The Exeter Times, 1887-3-2, Page 1r , .„,,,,,,,j.,,,,, i.,....,,. :,,i, t 4t.....i,ii.,..1, nntti ni : i .,,, eie,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,—...,., : ..,•••,1,4 n;,,, i.,11 ...,,,,........• ,,,,,,.s. • e.,.....11 rt. oii..; o p i,rr r,,i,....., • 40g4t4., 1 , , , DArOiotet, ottoi of Simeon() Court,Notery Public rOrtqfatl,007, Cleilegnieeioner. ans. Atoeey Otteet eer itett Bloeklibieter• M wtaAppE,N, Barrister, oIicitor, 0.11Vay$11QU, ()wk. otneesarawswaStock Ran sow otureo j f,MNTAT.4. C OARTWRIDET Sc SOL Dentists, • HaVing furnialied fine Lento, Booms on JAMES -ST,, 2 Door East of Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont., we take pleaSure in informing the public that we are prepared to exeeuto all branches of the eental profession with Ease and Skill. Charges Moderate and Terms CI obi) • H 'KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Extreets Teeth Witlyint pain, by giving Vitalized -Air, or by using the N ew imeal Anmstne- tic on the gums; nuthes Gold Ellinga and all other dental work tho best possible. Booms Upstairs in SABIWELL'S BLO011, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Out, 2.1•1•••••••••1•0••••••— :MEDICAL LTJTZ , M. D., 4.-.1 • Oftleeat hisveaidence Exeter JW. BliOWNING M. D, C • P. 8 ,GraduateViotoriallnivereity.Offlee andlresidence,Don:.•nionLaborator It, Exeter TAR. HYNDMAN, eoroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store, Exeter. TAR. J. A.ROLLINS, M.O. P. S A-, 0. Office, Main St,Exeter,Ont.Besiden oe houserecontly oecupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Qeeeres Avenue, London, a iew doors oast of Post Office. Special attention given to diseasee of the Eye, bad sight, an el the pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the oar; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation beiug a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, eatarrh being a common cense of nipainsd hearing. AUCTIONEERS. WENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli. rraY:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate :ates. dice -At Post-offiee,Crediton. Out. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and "Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promntly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this °Mee. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TEN.NENT, Veteri. nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinar3 College, Toren. to, have op oiled an office forthe trea tment of all Domestic ' Animals, on Meinstreet Exeter. Calls from a dis -,.....- --e--. tanee prompt'y attended. to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,drc alway on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. AITONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES lu... tate for th e Huron dr. ErieLoat k Sav- ingsiociety. Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to John Speakman ,Exeter . -VIONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61. V...i_ percont.according toterrns. Private Funds. Applyto B. V.ELLIOT , August15, '85,14 ..._ , Solicitor . Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64 - per cent, $95,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, -VIONEY TO LOAN. --Persons wishing to borrow money will take no- tice that I am now lcaning County Funds at 6 per cent. WM. HOLMES, (o. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Goclericb,) September 27th, l885.) INSURANCE. TJ. SUTHERLAND, FIensall, I • Out., Conveyaucer, C ommissioner, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, ad Issuer of Mar- riage Licensee. All business transacted strict- ly conficlentiaL A call solicited. Oce; at the Post Office. T HE WATERLOOU FIRE INSURANCE Established HEADOFFICE - This comy.any has Tears in Successful operation mrio,auddontinues to lamage by Fire ,Buildings,kEerchaudise ifactories ,and all other ible property. Intending iption of insuring on )ash System. During the past ten las issued 57,096 Policies. o the anaount of $.10,872,088 is alone $709,752,00 AssetS, S176,100.00, n dank, Governinent disocl Premium Notes V WAtamx ill D. Presiclei lecrotary. J. B . Huorres, iNELL Agentfor Exeter MT UAL CO. in 1863. - WATERLOO, ONT. been over Eighteen in Western On- insure againstloss or ,Man- descriptions °Maim.- insurers have the the Premium Note or years 'Lk is Company ' covering property ; and paid in loss- , consisting of Cash D eposit, au d the UllaSS- on hancl and in force. J, t. 0. M. Tavhou, Inspector. CPCAS. and yieinite, THE ,.. OP CANADA. ,..,- The Royal Mail, Passenger ,oute between Canada. ireet route between the n the Lower St. Lawrence im., also 'ow Brunswick, Nova P. B. rewfoundIaud, Bermuda, --- New and elegant Pullman id Lay Cars run on through Passengers for Greet int by leaving Toronto by will NA outwarct x a, m. Saturday, Superior Elevatot Warehotise i inn -iodation at Halifax id general merchandise, Veers of experience have ThONTAL in connection lee to and from Leedom ctsgow to Halifax, to it between Oadeda Information as to Passenger tee cam be had oft applisaelon ape Myr 31,1\tOOME, Wee ter ti Preight Hostin FORS° islock, D‘iMiteINGEtt, Chief I 1 1 i f . J A and lereight am d Great Britain and West and all points and liaie des Cha- . Scotia Island dape Breton, ( • I and Jamaica. Buffet Sleeping EXpress trate 0. Britain or the Cohid- „ at 8,80 a. in. Myers. N) mail steamer at Heli- and Dock itc- for Shipment of grain ht s proved the INT1111- with steamship Liyeepool and be the quiekest feeight and Great Britaiu. and Freight A. to &Paseenger Agent Ctr: York Si. Toronto, 8uperiutendent• al cc ea (31 lit GI ro rtt 6 13,1886 ,•••,,r1,7 „ • • 4'1:JEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS ALL waRBE THE,ry MAY." VOL. XIV. NO 81. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY moaNipTG, MARCH, 2, 1887. ruar4,33:4\l'Aptrecta 1WPOIti'A.NT-NoTICES DREW'S HALL TO EENT. Seating Capacity, 700, CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP, THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, ONT. zSTABLISTIED 1884. Is an AssocuatMn of business and pretension. a Men, having forits object the COLLEC- TION OF DEBTS; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furniebiug tneru with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become mem ,ors, by remitting $7,00 to our managers,Hamiltomont., will tee ,ive by re- tro mail full pertioulars, certificate and mem- bership, tec, Send for testimonials, J. BIDWELL MILLS & CO., managers, Hamilton. WARNING.-Alljoarties are warned against having anything to do with lt,Faulkner,hailing from St. Marys, he having been discharged. E. LATTZLANCE'S Spectacles & Eye -glasses Dr. Drowning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above louses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the lea.diug oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for „iving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations. a8 they are in the market. B. Lauranoe's Spec- taeles and Eye -glasses are marked I3.L., with- out which none are genuine,-andpebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any gonos stamped Pebble -glass -or by any simil- iarity in nanae.-DR. BROWNING, Sons AGENT POR EzETER. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM -FOR OUR - Spring ,:-Importations, We are offering the Balance of Our Fall and -- -.Winter Goods, --AT-- A Great Reduction. TRICK & CURRELLEY, MARKET SQUARE, EXETER. january 10th, 1886, 1114'11,11111 SALE —FOR THE -- Err 30 BATS SamwellgPickiri aye decided o reduce the following lines or the next 30 days, in order that every ersou may have extra value for the °brist- les and New Years' holidays : )ress Goods, Millinery Mantle's, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Small -wares Sof every description. ---ALSO A -- MICE LOT Or --IN- adies' Jackets, Fur Setts, Fur Caps, Collarettes, Fur Triromings, e have constantly oil hand a Aret.elass assortment of &etch, English, .Pronch, and Canaditte eastoth do Tweeds, In which we are prom -teed to give ()etre value- UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALTY, NO. 1 Suit for 70 cents, Overcoate and tidy -Made Clothiug rockbottom prices. OCEIIIES ! Our stook of groceries are Fresh and Now for Christmas, / ROUND THE COUNTRY. stepb.eii. By our own correspondents, The following is a correct report of th,e --- pupils of S. S. No. 3, for the inonth of Feb - Lake View. uary, The report is biteed on good conduct — and general profieiency :-Saerion FOURTH A great religious revival is now in pr gross at this place, conducted hy Rev Torrence and Barnby. „ Creiss-Charlie Sanders, 744; Frank Shap- "" ten, 593; Wm. Bagshew, 572 Nora Bag- . Shaw 538; Thos. Sweet, 429; Wm. Ford, ' 1 Mor- rison, 643; Ara,belle Alorish, 599; John San - 173. Jumolt Fouittit Craess-Win, dere, 596; Lucretia Jory, 562; Henry Pen- liale 550; John Morish 363: Albert Ford 328; Mary Sanders 259; Hiram Shapton, 204. Timm Caass-Ednaund Sheldon, 773; Ella Shapton, 770; Emily Jory, 757; Clara San tiers, 755; Minnie Morrison, 717; Minnie Sweet, 711; Lucy Jory, 664; Ellen Dearing, 549; James Sanders, 420; Jane Mori* :328. SECOND CLASS --James Betgshaw, 920; Ida Sweet, 792; Frank Sanders, 728; jarries Dearing, 675; Robt. Sanders, 577; Elizabeth Deering, 527; Thos. Hedden, 510; Walter Dearing, 469; George Harness, 410; Wesley Dearing, 445; •Wm. Hedden, 190; Einem Sanders, 90. PART II -Alex, Box, 735; Martha Ford, 703; Edgar Harness, 683; Vic- toria Bagshaw, 653; James Sanders, 641 ; Thos, Willis, 599; Emma Penhale, 541 ; Thos. Sanders, 433. FIRST CLASS --Eddie Sanders, 450; W111. Sweet, 538; Henry Dearing, 532; Samuel Sanders, 534; Char- lotte Dearing, 431; Ellen Stanlake, 402; Maud Harness, 390; Wesley Kestle, 316. The average attendance for this month was, 524. A public examination will be held in the above mentioned 'school, on Friday, March 18th. All who have an interest in the pupils of the school are cordially invited to attend. t Chiselhurst While George Mitchell and a companion wove splitting wood, George felt something tickle his nose, and rubbing the back of his hand across his fab, found his nose bleeding, Thoughtlessly, he stretched his heed for- ward ovei the block, saying "see, my nose is bleeding." The axe of his companion was at that instant descending and struck Geo. en the back of the hand, inflicting a fearful gash. Dr. McDarrnid, of Hensall, patched it up. Usborne. The names of the two pupils in each of the advanced classes of S. S. No. 5, Usborne who attained the largest number of perfect lessons for the month of February, are as followe :-Faveue CLASS -1st, Wesley Har- vey; 2nd, Ida Kydd. FORTH CLASS-lst, Albert Hodgson; 2ncl, Anna McCord. SR. THIRD CLASS—lst, Thos. Russell ; 2nd, Chas. Harris. JR. THIRD CLASS—Chas. Shute ; 2nd, Robt. McCord. &cozen CLASS -1st, Violet Russell ; 2nd, Lily Whitlock. •—•11)•••—.11 Staffs,. A very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mr. Joseph Roney, 2nd concession of Hibbert, on Wednesday, the 16th inst., it being the occasion of the marriage of their daughter Lizzie, to Mr. Hugh Hamilton, of Motherwell. About 80 sat down to supper, and I think every one did ample justice to the most excellent spread. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Gilpin, of Stage. The pre- sents were both numerous and costly. May long life and happiness attend them. l•—•••••—.11 Usborne. --- Composed by Maggie A. Stinson of Carberry, Manitoba, in memory of Chas. Washburn, who was killed Dec. 10th, 1886 :- Do not mourn, Charles is in heaven, Waiting for you till the call may be given ; He was always good, and kind, and true, So don't he down -hearted, he's waiting for you. God guarded and watched o'er him here, And he had nothing to dread or to fear, Always willing and ready to obey, So God suddenly called him aWay. Charles is radient in whiteness, All glowing in heavenly brightness, Standing at the Master's right hand, Singing praises and. glory to the Lamb. Hay. -- The following is the standing of pupils in S. S. No. 2, Hay, as determined by written examination :- FOURTH CLASS. -Ida McColl, 148 Aggie Murray, 446 ; Bella Campbell 420 ; Ellen Henderson, 409 ; John Chap- man, 404 ; Maggie Murray, 402 ; N. Shiaray, 398 ; Thos. Murray, 367 ; John Campbell, 393 ; Jessie Northcott, 390 ; John Whiteford, 376 ; J. Case, 375 ; A. Eacrett, 366 ; Hattie Dunsford, 358 ; A. Patterson, 342 ; D. McColl, 320 ; E. Willis, 308 ; N. Northeott, 298 ; Albert Eacrett, 283. THIRD CLASS —W. Murray, 320 ; H. Russell, 299 ; E. Dunsford, 293 ; J. Loadman, 262 ; A. McTaggart, 292 ; W. Northcott, 258 ; Jas. Campbell, 249 ; C. Aldsworth, 245 ; C. W. Chapman, 240 ; D. Shirray, 213 ; C. Ross, 204 ; J. Hen- derson, 203 ; J. Golding, 199 ; B. Eacrett, 184. JAMES RICE, Teacher. Brinsley. On Tuesday, the 15th ult., Mrs. Tindall departed this life at the ripe old age of 86 years, and also a sister of the departed, Mrs. Holt, died on Wednesday, the 16th ult., at the great age of 82 years. The remains of the first mentioned were interred in the Ebenezer 'Methodist Church cemetery, and those of the other in the English Church cemetery, at Clandeboye. The relatives have the sympathy of the entire neighbor- hood in their bereavement. Mr. James Watson, one ' of the oldest pioneers of McGillivray township, and for upwards of 40 years a resident of the 12th con., died at his residence on Mondity even- ing of last week. He has been confined to the braise for a number of years, and death was a happy release from his sufferings. He was respected by all who knew hint and died at the ripe old age of about 70 years. The lemains wereinterred in Alarr's Hill ceinetery yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, Lucan. -• BRIEPS. -Mr. J. Neil, who has been sick for the past two weeks is able to be around again.., --Miss I. McFalls, eldest daughter of Mr. A. Mclralls, prop. of the Queen's hotel, who has been ill for some tine past, is improving slowly, Mr. Jno. Dagg is in a critical condition, having had an attack of inflaniniation. and Mrs. P. Lewis, of London, are the guests M of Mrs, J. IlaVim; -On Tuesday last, the 'b annual wiring Match took place on the b fair ground. Under the management of tl Mr. 3. 3. McColl, the prizes were award- edas follows ;-,-First competition alma- ag tuns let, Lillie Bros., East Williame, time 54!:1 see. ; and, Brown Bros, West tit Williams, dine 64 sec. ; 3rd, Stewart and ha McIntosh. Open. competition, 1st. Currie 01 at hit am SAM. J. LATTA, Teacher. Tuckersmith. Recently there has been a great deal said about the effects of drinking and the depth of misery the unfortunate victims of the habit bring upon themselves through its indulgence, but the worst case we have heard of for some time comes from Tuck- ersmibh in this county. The Scott Act is supposed to be in force in that township as well as in other parts of tne fair county, still it is evident drinking to excess is still going on. The story as we get it is aa follows : A Tuckersmith housewife fed her fowls the other morning with a liberal supply of oats from a bin. Later in the day she noticed they acted strangely, and later on found a rooster stretched out ap- parently dead. She concluded that they must have been pdisoned in some way, and went right to work and plucked the feathers from the dead rooster except the coarser ones in the tail and on the wings, and threw the body on the manure heap. Toward noon, to the surprise of the family, he wag etireimelaont as ,as ever, 'Witholit gortie plumaie. As the rooster is of much prized species, the lady dressed him up in blouse and overalls and he now struts about doing as well as ma be expected. Inquiry into the cause o the transe into which the rooster had fal- len revealed the fact that one of the work hands had stowed away among the oats a jar of old rye whiskey, which:had toppled over, „aild...s,ati:•_ate_d_lhe oats thoroughly. And it was the moist oats the lady was most particular in feeding to the fowls., • Rambler. -- Mr. Thomas Holloway, of Centralia, is at present painfully suffering from an at- tack, of inflammatory rheumatism. Mr. Austin Essery, of Centralia, who is O clerk in Dr. Lang's drugstore, Granton, has come home for a little recuperation and rest. The proprietor of the Queen's hotel, Clinton, was tried one day last week, for selling liquor and thereby arousing the suspicion of newly fledged (doubtless) sneaks. A few evenings ago an oyster supper was served at the home of Mr. Robert Essery, of Stephen. An enjoyable time was spent, by the pleasure party. After a late hour all returned to their homes, feeling much 1.)etter by their evening's fun. It iseevident that Mr. M. C. Cameron's life is particularly uncertain during this stormy season. We understand that he 1ms kept clergymen of a certain denom- ination in his presence even while on the streets of one of the most important towns of Huron. As they were not buying sheep sOinething serious must be expected. Political life is no doubt-, referred to. Hotel -keepers and others are of opinion that one man in each hundred who were honest at the time at which the Scott Act came into force has pulled down his caT, put his hands into his pockets, and transformed into a sneak. If the • fore- oing be correct, bow many lionest men taking 5 % for shrinkage) will remain in ach .11 undred, 15 years lience ? Including aye of Grace. • About two weeks ago, Mrs. Sturgeon, relict of the late Robert Sturgeon, who THE CANADIAN ELECTIONS. The opinion of the Detroit earree rrese' on, the leesult, " . , IngrAto. Of the toweabili o 114y; litte @Iva wo1 aoIy ftave hirth ;to' thX04 ' le.rnba', two. ef whiek,eye, doing Afr, E IL)ierir, St; ,14,4r70„ tfaVelleaa for ,,70114 ,qroett.4 00A, .1.19Clant ,. 1,44. r C. !Tr., of (.iit'se,AW4T, sold' ,' 9 year old Mare 10,et 'Week te.'“Igr,.' Btseett, nf . „Jo14 14.4af8on .r,f3etirttly Sgeeici are form, MA the 1Qt11 On. of McGillivray, tc)• Ulir8. 11Trallmeraa' Mr. Wp, Wisor, saQ4 ll'aft°tvre"or DUrys, inn now it resident of Toronto, is the chnamrpiejtiohtgasteor4ogifntah,eofpuomeciintyl-r,• v town. BLIP, he sold hie farm to Mr. Ileury WAS- nidgo, for the iithai Of 10.0001 , The Blansherd Agricultural Society came within a few votes of eleeting two ledies on their Board of Dieeetors at their lobe annual merBinit.nahard farmer took a load of wheat to 5t. Marys the other day, but drove it home agein becauee he was offered only 45c, per bushel. Mrs: Edward Hobbs, of Cherry Grave, Missouri, had thio e ribs broken receetly by a uuaway boree. The animal was fortunate- ly stopped before further damage moulted. Alta Lemuel Beares has bought frem 10. Kelly the 100 aore feral in West Missouri, lately occupied by M. James Phair, for 45,500. Nearly all main railways aud branches were blocked with snow on Saturday and Alouday, the results of a severe storm -re- cently a Dakota, snorter, Miss Maggie Duke, of tha township of Grey, has accomplished the udparalleled fate of writing 3,249 words ma a postal card every word of which can be easily read with the naked eye. 4'Who oan beat it ? Mr, George Challenger, an old and re- spected farmer in Logan, while walking to the hush a couple of weeks ago fell and iburionk,eleas.rib, and otherwise received personal The Woman's Miesionary Society of the Metnodiat church have seeured Mrs. Ben- schuteu, of Newark, N. Y„ the eminent Mis- sionary worker, to give a lecture in the Method.% church, St, Marys, on Wednesday evening, March 9th. Mr. flopkirk, lately private secretary to Sir Alex. Campbell, has been appointed In- spector in the P. 0. Department for a newly organized division in Western Ontario, with headquarters at Stratford. He has been in public service for 19 years. Mr. Joseph White, of St. Marys, returned from a trip to the old country a few evenings ago, bringing with him four of the best en- tire horses he eould iind in Sootland. Twe of them were purchased by a gentleman of Hiubbnertitotnodwanyship. evening Frederick Dulmage, of St. Marys, while tobogganing down a hill near the bank, was thrown from his sled b accident. breaking the bone near the ankle. The fractuied limb was set and the young fellow is progressing nicely. James Fergueon, of Missouri, was chop- ping in the woods the other day in company vith Benjamin and Johu Gourley, when he shad a narrow escape froura tree felled by one of his compauions, which crashed down • witoin a few inches of his head. Mr. le. McLaren, jr., of the township of two year old entire Tuckersmitt, has eolhdoartsea„gc7oclionper,i.9ebrheids from Lis Ryedie Hamiltonian mare "Black Nancy," to Mr. A. Sherrill, of Hansen, who, we believe, intends taking him, along with other stock, to the Northwest. An eitehange says :-"How many votes die. Mr. Trow get from temperance Conserva- tives because of his eupport of their princi- plee. Not one." It must be gratifying to the Refermers to learn tHhiast Mcorc.tdJuaemt aetsiviTarrol‘cv. hisaamt,eninoPtell.o.annrsimucaela;cannot surely leave that imprc ssion. Sir John A. Macdonald has tri hed itt tt p tbe hardest political battle fought in Canada iu men.), years. his majority in the House of Commons ellosen on Tuesday of Met week, will be be barely haltawhat it was in the last House, Lut will be a substantial working me. jority. The Province of Ontai•io has failed to come up to Liberal expectations, for while the Conservatives have not swept it as they did five years ago, they have demonstrated that the Dominion -National Palley is as sat- isfactory to the neajority of the people as the local policy of the Reform Government to a eimilar majority. There is doubt in men and leaders, bat 11 00 evident that there ie a considerable body of voters in alt the Pro, vinces of the Dominion who favor Meal Lib- eral Government and Conservative Govern - men* for the federated Provinees as a whole. • Zurich. Mr. P. Bender, has purchased the busi- ness of the Messrs. Reeding, and has also purchased a large stock of new boots and shoes, which, together with his good reputa- tion, ought to ensure for him ft good trade. Any one in want of first-class goods ready made or to order, will find it to their advan- tage to give him a call. Roeding's old stand. • Elimville. BRIEFS. --Preparations for a grand cone cert are being made at Horn's school. - Mr. Ira Andrew had his leg broken on Friday morning last. He and others were drawing out rail timber, when a stick swung around and struck his leg. - Charlie, son of Mr. John Johns, had his shoulder -blade fractured, on the evening of the 22nd ult.-Very few went to Church or S. S. on Sunday last, owing to the storm. -Mr. John Halls and wife, of Chicago, are spending their honeymoon visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. -On Monday afternoon Feb. ' 27th, as Mr. Michtel Elford, Jr, was engaged in feeding the chaff -cutter, his hand caught, and, before the driver, who is but a boy, could get the horses stopped, his hand was cut to pieces back to the wrist. In this terrible misfortune he has the sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood. Stephen. On Friday last Mr. J. J. Carruthers of the 12th cOncession of Stephen, left his home a little before noon, leaving his wife apparently in good health. He re- turned about 1 o'clock and found her lying on the bed helpless and not able to speak above a whisper. The only words she was heard to say Ives, "Joe, 1 am f ' dying, kiss me." Medical aid was sum- moned in a very short space of time, but could give no hope, heart disease being the trouble. She breathed. her last about 4 o'clock in the 22nd year of her age. She leaves two children. The funeral took place • on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Carriere conducted the religious ser- vices at Salem church where she was buried. On Saturday while Mr. John Penhale, jr. was felling trees he met with an acci- dent by falling upon on of the logs, in- juring himself internally. It may prove serious. died some months ago, who lived about three miles west of Hensel], was afflicted with a paralytic stroke, and after a severe illness, during which time she was unconscious, passed to her reward on Friday last, et the tige of 58 years. De - was respected by all, and her dernise is nine I 1.(.gl Wed. On Monday, Feb. 28th., while a son of r, Miami 8Iford, of the 6th con. Of -Cs- orne, was at work with a straw cutter e met with a severe accident. Ib appears int the rollers had becoine choked, and, Small boy who was helping took hold of bar of iron to pry the rollers up while RIford cleared them. In a few min. es, the boy thinking that Mr. Mord d finished, withdrew the iron, allowing e rollers to upon Mr. B'e hand ; id the maehme being in operation, his nd Was dietern in contract with the knife d sliced in small pieces to above the rist. Medioal aid was summoned, and ter an examination it Was found neces- Bros., tnne 47.1e see; ; 2nd, 1-Iopper and McNeil, time 5-0/ sec, ; 3M, 1140Coll and Gray, 54 see. -On Monday last, while Mr, 0, Stanley `Wag out elriVing, his horse ook fright at some object on the road all and Get Qtotations. ; laid ran away, No damage done except, a 58 moken shaft. ry to amptitate the arm further up, Mrlillford is progressing nicely, St. Marys. — — BRIEFS. -St. Marys was visited with the tail end of a North-west blizzard on Sunday, in consequence of which the trains were somewhat slow on Monday. -Mr. William Oliver, of Downie, who was injured last summer by falling from a hammock, passed through life's last door on Friday last. His remains -were interred on Monday, being followed to thegrave by a large concourse of mourners. He was a young man just in the prime of his usefulnees and was univer- sally respected. -The official returns for South Perth were annouced on Monday, giv ing Mr. Trow a majority of 93. -On Tues- day evening, after the electiou of Mn 'Prow was settled beyond the shadow of a doubt, the Reformers procured a cutter to which was hitched about two hundred feet of rope. Mr. Trow and J. D. Moore were placed in the cutter and were draW11 ill triumph around the streets by a procession headed by,the band. Some miscreants, endeavored and succeeded in cutting the rope and one of them now lacks hair on the occipital par- next day, none the wor e for theiri 1 ton got two voters piled them into the cut- tary d a" "" hied, at the advanced Age of nearly 83 tion of his pericranium -Cause torch.— Mr. William Box made the best drive on - record on election day. He went to Gran- s reward, few days ago Donald Siuclair passed to ter and his pony pulled three of them to St. years. The old gentleman has been poorly Marys in 40 minutes. How's that ? But far SOW 0 time, but, for his years, was a re. sad to say, Billy got to St. Marys, only to markably smsrt person. He came to Brits - sets free) Blenshard township, Perth Co get left -We think there were only three The "seed sharks" are working the "mul- tiplex wheat" racket, and are putting it on the market at 3100 a bushel, only 310 of ehich is required to be paid when the seed is delivered. The oat swindle pales into in- significance in comperison with this fraud. This wheat is said to need only fifteen pounds per acre. HousPi NorEs.-Mr. J. McGregor, of Tuck- ersruith;gold an imported Clydesdale stallion and two three year old geldings and Mr, Don- ald McKinnon sold a fine horse for 4255 to Mr. White, of Fraucis Coleman, of Hillsgreen, is the happy posses orof an impel ted mare, rising 7 years old, which had her fifth colt the other night, and all the colts are living and doing well. Mr. John McDonell, of Hensel', made a brilliant record for electien day. He drove from Hensall to Brumfield, with a voter and then straight through to London with two more which he got in in good time for Car- ling. He went a distance of over 37 miles. Mr. Allen :v101)313611, a brother of the gentle- men referred to, drove a carriage load of voters in froin Exeter for Carling,, and Mr. Archie McDonell. of London, was on hand in first division of No. 1, where he did goad work. The McDoeells appear to be a Tory family, and a power at election times, lIt Jas Alexander and.wife and two other ladies of Ailsa Craig had a rather dangerous experience the other day. While crossing what is lemown as MeFarlane's bridge while the water was very high, the horse became fractious and shied, aud in it moment the enare party, rig and all, were submerged. To a short tinae the ladies were rescueil mad sent to a neighboring house, but it was only with the greatest difficulty that the horse was saved from drownieg. All were around the unpolled votes in St. Marys this yea. -Tho R. C. church intend giving a grand concert hi the Opere House on St. Patrick's day. - Mr. R. L. Meadows has disposed of his jewellery business to. Mr. 3. 13. Robinson of Tot:onto and again picks up his drummer's grip. -Mr. W. L. May, for many years be- hind the ecrunter at White & Co's left on Moirda,y morning, for Toronto, whence he goes on the road for G. B. Smith and TT,,. some 10 or 12 years ago, when he gave up farming and lived a retired its shim that time. (he deceiteed wag it very consieteet member of the Presbyterian church and. {0119 highly respected by all who knew him. The funeral, on Thursday afternoom wan largely attended. Mrs, Sinclair and the other mein - bees of the family have the sympathy of a arge °trete of friends in their bereavement. , A very sect aceideat occurred at Thedford derson. His many friends wish him success. a few days ago, A young gentleman, by the tune of Mariot Stephene, shot hizneelf no- -.Muses. 3. Whelihom and C. H-trstone of 11 the Ontario Veterinary College C. P. eidentally in the forehead with a revolvee, Clerk ancl Jua. Donald, of Toronto' Univer- calibre 42. Itis supposed he was looking into the barrels of the weapon to me if they eity, were in tow e on Ttiesday.-Wheat, on ware all loaded and in some teienear it went Saturday, commanded 80 cents, ancl oate 34 cents on our merket-aMr. Jas. Relit= for off. Hie parents were awey all tile day, and when on returning home about 6 ) m the mother took the lamp to go upeteirs to make his bed, she opened the drme end was startled eee her only son lying dead on the Rome It is supposed the mad occurrence of death Melt ;dam In OM afternoon, ne the body wee some years principal of the Welleceburg schools, ha e resigned on accoent of ill - health, and is at present reerniting tinder the paternal roof. -The Tunas can be pre- cured at P. 3. Chapple & Co.'s bookstore.- . Mttry& elm Give me nee potato, mother ; jnst one before / Ias, I cold Ole wtoi 20 years and 10 td I 8inithi with Mabley & Co,. of Detroit, was days old visiting in town last week. --Mr. Richard Nickels, Jr., of Detroit, Was shaking hands with dfriends and acquaintances on our streets, last week, -Great curiosity is evinced here to find out who the Reform bolters Welt. 8orne of them have beim offsets of Asthma until using Southeen A PERSON 'Onside 10 sleep m bed, enable to work, Milo to take ordinary exotelse from the tt • t t' tx11 A etbilia C ire A lin aek ,po o conrse, ben lo is a le t si p itit one, IlacItagt)A 1)ertrittlielltly ettred '