HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-08-18, Page 14PAGE 14--CLIN'FON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18;1977
Married in Bayfield
St. Andrews United Church, a wreath of tresh miniature
Bayfield, tastefully decorated sweetheart rases in her hair
with peach coloured gladioli and carried a single white
and shasta daisies, was the rose.
setting for the wedding on Attending the groom was,
July 23, of 'Dawn Emma his uncle, Mr. Auke de Jong of
McLeod of Bayfield and RR 2 Bayfield and ushers
Leroy Folkert de Jong of RR 2 were Mr. Donald Vanderhaar.
Bayfield. and Mr. Eric Schilbe both of
The bride is the daughter of RR 2 Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. For greeting at the
McLeod of Bayfield and the reception which followed at
groom's parents are Mr, and the Albion Hotel in Bayfield,
Mrs. Frank de Jong of RR Z the bride's mother wore a
Bayfield. floor -length gown of 'sea foam.
Rev. James Reddock of green and white printed
$t,..Andrews United Churcholyester interlock' knit,
,j officiated for the -double ripg featuring V-peckline, ruffled
ceOmony and Mrs.;i Molly angel • sleeves and. empire.
Cox" was organist. waist. She wore white ac-
The bride, 'given in cessories and a 'corisage of marriage by her parents yellow sweetheart roses, The'
looked lov lv in a' wedding groom's mother assisted,
gown designed and hand
wearing, a floor=lengthfitted
multi -coloured polyester
made by her. Tir gown, was 'i dress ,with white accessories
and a corsage of red
sweetheart roses.
The bride's table was
centred with a four- tiered
round wedding cake, ar-
tistically ornamented with a
spiral spray of pastel yellow
roses and green leaves. The
cake was decorated by a
family friend Mrs. Donna
Boyes of Port Colborne.
Shasta daisies floating in
crystal goblets and can-
delabra, accented the side
After the buffet dinner, the
guests retired to the home of
the bride's parents where a
lawn party was given in their
honour. Piper Peter
McDonald of Seaforth piped •
the couple and their guests to
their tables and favoured Worship Service was held
with several enjoyable in Holmesville United.Church
Scottish bagpipe selectionst 9:45 a.m. with Sunday
Following a honeymoon School in the church rooms.
trip to London, Niagara Falls Rev. John Oestreicher was in
and Holland, Mich., the charge.
couple is residing at RR 2 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter
Bayfield. and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Potter
Guests attended from and Heather spent the week
London, Detroit, Mich., Port in Pennsylvania and
Huron, Mich., Clinton, Lexington, Kentucky before
Watford, Seaforth, Port returning home.
Colborne, Bayfield and the Mr. and Mrs. Don Duff and
area. family travelled to Chesley
Prior to her marriage, the and Tara to visit relatives.
bride was feted at showers A Rev. and Mrs.. A.T. Addison
given by the ladies of St. of Midland spent the weekend
Andrews United Church, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bayfield; Mrs. Pat Tonks, Norman. Other visitors were
kyoderfch; Miss Kathy de Valerie and Sheryl Norman of
Jong and Mrs. Jo-ann de Jong, Parkhill.
at Jo-ann's home; and Miss Jackie and Tracy Norman
spent a few days in Kitchener
with their Aunt Shirley.
\of polyester crepe fashioned
with butterfly sleeves and
square neckline. The skirt
was overlayed with four tiers
of gathered imported silk
chantilly lace with scalloped
edges. The sleeves and yoke
were also overlayed with
imported chantilly lace. Her
floor -length veil of silk
illusion was edged in mat-
ching lace and held in place
by a crown of white silk roses.
She carried three long
stemmed red roses tied with
red silk ribbon.
Maid of honour, Miss
Dianne Schilbe, RR 2
Bayfield, friend of the bride,
wore a coral coloured nylon
crepe A line gown, patterned
overall with dainty rose buds.
The U -neckline and attached
cape were edged with dainty
lace. She wore a white lace
picture hat trimmed with
Matching silk ribbon and
carried a single long-
stemmed white rose.
Bridesmaids Mrs. Penny
Uverboe of Watford, sister of
the bride and Miss Kathy de
Jing of RR 2, Bayfield, sister
of the groom, were gowned
identical to the maid of
honour, with Penny in pastel
. yellow and Kathy, in pale
Miss Chantal Lecornpte of
Bayfield as flower girl wore a
floor -length dress of soft pink
nylon crepe patterned with
dainty rose buds as the other
attendants but fashioned with
square neckline, gathered Dianne Schilbe at the home of
cap sleeves and high
gathered waistline. She wore Dianne's parents. '
McLeod - de Jong
Clinton arid district obituaries
R.J. "Dick" Dixon
Clayton Dixon of Clinton and
his mother, Della Dixon of
For the second Friday in Huronview also survive him.
succession,' members of this For the funeral service and
community have attended interment the pallbearers
funeral services for yet were: Willard Aiken, Charles
another of its leading citizens. Brandon, John Brownridge,
Last Friday, August 12, Ken Dobney, Walter Palmer,
many friends and business all of Clinton, and Bruce
associates joined with Shillinglaw of Londeshorn
relatives to mourn the
passing of Clintorr's post-
master R.J. "Dick" Dixon.
As many of the postal staff as
possible attended in a body.
The service at the Ball
Funeral Home was conducted
by Rev. John Oestreicher
with interment following in
the Clinton Cemetery.
Mr. Dixon died on August9
in Clinton. He was. 55 years
He was born in Clinton drt''
September 26, 1921 to Frank
and Della (Finch) Dixon. He
attended school in Clinton and
also lived in Guelph. He was
later married to Marie
Savage in Clinton.
Along with being a post-
master, Mr. Dixon also
worked as a baker in Clinton
and Guelph and served with
the RCAF in North Africa and
England. Mr. Dixon was a
member of St. Paul's
Anglican Church and served
on the board. He was also a
member of the Lions Club and
the Legion.
Along with his, wife Marie,
Mr. Dixon is survived by two
sons, Jeffrey of RR 5, Clinton
and Richard of Halifax. Four
grandchildren, a • sister, Mrs.
J.D. (Helen). Finck of Port
Alberni, B.C. ; a brother
Luella Cook
Luella Cook, wife of
Charles Cook died in Clinton
on Friday, August 12
following a lengthy illness.
She was in her 73rd year. ,
A lifetime resident of
Clinton, she was born to
William and Martha
McClinchey on February 25,
1904. She was married to
Charles Cook in Seaforth on
March 25, 1922 and the couple
took up residence in Clinton
where Mrs. Cook became a
member of St. Paul's
Anglican Church.
Along with her husband,
Mrs. Cook is survived her son
John R. Cook of Ingersoll, a
sister, Mrs. Richard
(Beatrice) Allan of Kingston
and two grandchildren.
Funeral services were held
on Monday, August 15 at Ball
Funeral Home with Rev. Wm.
Bennett in charge. Interment
followed in the ''Clinton
Pallbearers were , Lorne
Brown, Robert Campbell,
Lawrie Slade, Jack Roorda,
Bruce Bartliff of Clintons and
RobertMacVean of Bayfield.
Mrs. Lantleer A.
tBaukje) Haasles
Mrs. Lamleer A. (Baukje,)
Haasjes died in :Clinton
Public Hospital on August 10.
She was in her 69th year.
Mrs. Haasjes was, born on
September 12, 1907 to Jacob
and Saakje Greydanus in
Holland. She later married
Larnleer Haasjes' bn March
14, 1940 and the couple settled
in the Clinton area in 1952 and
moved into town in 1968. Mrs.
Haasjes was -a member of the
Christian Reformed Church
in Clinton.
Along with .her husband,
Mrs. Hassjes is survived by
two daughters, Mrs, H'+
(Gerritje) Haveman of
Holland. and Mrs. G.J.
(Sandra) Raidt of RR 1,
Londesboro. She is also
survived by four sons, Gosse
Hiemsta of Kamloops, B.C.,
Gert 'Hienistra of
Bowmanville; Martin bf
Victoria, B.C. and Clarence of
Surrey, B.C.
Mrs. Haajes is also sur-
vived by her sisters, , Mrs.
Siem Monsma of Holland,
Mrs. Hielkje Dykstra of
Holland, Mrs. Peter (Neeltje)
Damsa of Kitchener, Mrs.
Cornelius (Betty) Buruma of
RR 2, Clinton and Mrs.
Tjebbe (Klashe) Tibma of
Holland... •.
She , was predeceased by
one daughter, Mrs. J. Mar-
chje) Veld and three
brothers. •
Mrs. Haasjes rested at the
Beattie Funeral Home and
services " were. held . on
Saturday August 13 at the
' Christian Reformed Church
with Rev. A. Spraensma in
Whats new at Huronview
Congratulations do Mr. and
,Mrs. • ,Albert Regier who
celebrated their fifty-eighth
wedding anniversary at a
family reunion in the
Auditorium at Hurbnview on
Saturday afternoon. Eighty-
five members of the family
were able to attend the event
and the afternoon luncheon.
Ma'. and Mrs. Eric Luther
led the Sunday evening song
service at Huronview
sponsored by, the Christian
W or en's Clpb.
Three residents verse
welcomed 1- to the orhe at
Monday's old tyrne music
'program; Miss Jackson and
. Mrs. Qlousher of Blyth•wand
Mr. Harold Tieert of Port
Aux. plans sale
Bridal Shower
A delightful shower was
held at the home of Mrs. Ray
Cox for Wilma Wubs, a bride-
to-be in September.
Thirty-two guests enjoyed
playing a game led by Mrs.
Pat Hemingway which was in
the form of amusing ad-
dresses..The groom's mother,
Mrs. Riehl and Mrs. Wubs
were in attendance.
Wilma was assisted by her
two sisters Cathy and Irene
and the groom's sister
Brenda to open her gifts. The
bride thanked everyone for
corning and for the lovely
gifts she received. Lunch was
then ser'yed by the hostess
and assisted by Anne Brand,
Barb Betties and Isobel
Harris. A social tine was had
by all present.
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Pallbearers were Dick
Kaptein, Leo Dykstra, John
Buruma, Doug Thompson,
Gerald and Harry 3reydanus.
The Fall Bazaar, tea and
bake sale were the main topic
of discussion at the August
meeting of the Huronview
Auxiliary, held in the Craft
Room on August 15.
The suggested date for the
bazaar is October 19 and it is
hoped that many more
members and visitors will be
present at the next meeting
on September 19 when plans
will be finalized.
During the business
session, "members answered
the roll call by giving "their
date of birth. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read
by Mrs. James Griffith in the
absence of Mrs. A. McNichol.
To conclude the meeting,
jelly roll and tea was served.
Albert. The Huronview
Orchestra provided the ,music
with vocal solos by Morgan
The residents were en-
tertained on Family Night by
a musical -group "Country".
Dwayne Tinney is the leader
of the band and plays drums;
Cliff McDonald plays the
electric organ; Jim and
Glenn Nott play electric
guitars. Jim Medd is the
soloist of the group, singing
familiar.country western and
sacred numbers. Mrs. Bessie
Elliott thanked the en-
tertainers on behalf of the
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